
→ 坑爹英文
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网络语言常用夸张的说法,现在流行“坑爹”一词。“坑爹”的意思,泛指“坑人” 或“骗人”,连父亲老子都敢骗,可见害人程度之深。如果说话人自己被骗,一气之下说出 “坑爹”,意思就是“坑我”。说句占便宜的话,以解心头之恨。英语可以译为 cheating, deceiving me, just like kidding your father,例如1. 这样做,不是明摆着坑爹吗?Doing so is obviously cheating, isn’t it? 2. 你卖给我的这件衣服质量这么差,不是明显坑爹吗? You sold me such an inferior coat. Obviously, you are deceiving me. 3. 你连我都敢蒙,简直就是坑爹。You even dared to deceive me. It is just like kidding your father. “坑”的原义是“地面凹下去的地方”,可能是自然形成的,也可能是人为造成的。英语可以译为 hole, pit, hollow, puddle,例如4. 炸弹在地面上炸了一个大坑。The bomb left a big hole/ blew a huge hole in the ground. 5. 这些废料被倾倒进这个深坑。The waste materials were dumped into the deep pit.
6. 这匹白马一跃跳过道路上的一个坑。The white horse took a great leap over a hollow in the road. 7. 猪喜欢在泥坑里溅水花。Pigs love splashing in the muddy puddles. “一个萝卜一个坑”,比喻每人都有一个位置,没有多余。我们有如下译法8. Each radish grows in its own hole. (直译) 9. Each has his own work to do. (意译) 10. There is nobody to spare. (意译) 比较上面三种译法,我们可以看出:如果直译,英美人可能不解其义;如果译出比喻 意义,原来的韵味就没有了。由于语言和文化差异,翻译俗语是件非常困难的事情。“坑坑洼洼”,形容“地面不平,高一块低一块”。英语可以译为 bumpy, full of bumps and hollows,例如11. 这条路坑坑洼洼,很难走。This road is very bumpy and difficult to walk on. 12. 小道坑坑洼洼,这辆大车走在上面颠簸得很厉害。The path was full of bumps and hollows, on which the cart bumped along violently. “坑坑洼洼”,也可以形容“器物表面不平”。英语可以译为 not smooth,例如13. 这个旧陶罐子表面坑坑洼洼的。The surface of the old pottery jar is not smooth. “坑坑洼洼”,也可以形容“人生道路坎坷”。英语可以译为 full of setbacks and frustrations,例如14. 这个老人说他的一生坑坑洼洼。This old man said his life was full of setbacks and frustrations. 人们在地面挖一个洞,也可以形成“坑”,它的第一个功能是“埋死人或死动物”。英语可以译为 pit, hole,例如15. 他们就地挖了一个深坑,将这个无名战士的尸体掩埋了。They dug a deep pit on the spot and buried the dead body of the unknown soldier. 16. 防疫人员在田野里挖了一个深坑,把病鸡和死鸡都埋了。The anti-epidemic workers dug a deep hole in the field, and buried the diseased and deceased chickens. 由于“坑”有“掩埋”的功能,汉语中很早就由名词变为一个动词,其意思是“坑 杀”或“活埋”。秦始皇焚书坑儒,就是最好的例证。英语可以译为 to bury sb alive, to have sb buried alive,例如17. 秦始皇统一中国后下令焚书坑儒, 以巩固中央集权统治。After the unification of China, Qinshihuang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, had classic books
burned and Confucian scholars buried alive so as to consolidate his centralized
domination. 18. 史书记载这个将军如何下令他的部下坑杀降兵。The history book recorded how the general ordered his subordinates to bury those surrendered soldiers alive. 19. 这位老农回忆了日本鬼子如何坑杀他村子里的无辜百姓。This old farmer recalled how the Japanese soldiers buried alive the innocent people of his village. “坑”的另一个功能是“充当陷阱”。挖个坑,可以使人落入其中。古战场上的“绊 马坑”就是一种使奔跑的战马掉入的陷阱。英语可以译为 horse trap,例如20.由于毫无戒备, 这个士兵和他的战马陷入绊马坑。Unsuspecting, the soldier and his battle steed fell into a horse trap. 注意 trap 还有 a light carriage with two wheels pulled by a horse 的意思, 即“两轮轻便马车”。因此,horse trap 另有“两轮轻便马车”的意思。我们要根据上下 文判断其准确意义,例如21. A man travelling in a horse trap was reported to have died after the animal bolted, throwing him into the road. 据报道,一个乘坐两轮轻便马车的男子因马匹脱缰 把他抛在道路上而使他摔死。pony 是“小马”。但是,pony trap 没有“绊马坑”的意思,只指“小马拉的两轮 轻便马车”,例如22. We took a 45-minute tour around the small town in a pony trap.我们乘坐 马拉两轮轻便马车围绕这个小镇游览了 45 分钟。23. The tourists all enjoyed a pony-and-trap ride in the countryside.这些 旅游者都很喜欢在乡下乘坐两轮轻便马车兜风。作为动词,“坑”现在更常见的意思是“设个骗局或利用狡诈手段使人上当受骗”。英语可以译为 to cheat, to swindle, to deceive, to hoodwink, to defraud, to trick, to entrap。“被坑”或“挨坑”的意思是“上当”或“受骗”,英语可以译为 to be cheated, to be deceived, to be tricked, to fall into a trap,例如24. 这个不法商人销售伪劣商品坑骗消费者。The unlawful trader cheated the consumers by selling them fake and inferior commodities. 25. 这个老太太发现这个骗子坑了她几百美元。The old woman found that the cheat had swindled her out of hundreds of dollars./The old woman found that the cheat had swindled hundreds of dollars out of her. 26. 这个游商以次充好,坑蒙顾客。The hawker deceived the customers by selling them substandard products as good-quality ones. 27. 有的小贩漫天要价,坑骗外地游客。Some vendors hoodwink outside tourists
by charging them exorbitant prices. 28. 他坑骗了这家公司一百万美元。He defrauded the company of one million dollars. 29. 这伙骗子提供假信息坑害顾客。The group of swindlers provided false information to entrap customers. 30. 当这个买主发现他以低价从小贩那里买的戒指实际上是个假货时, 意识到自己被 坑了。The buyer realized that he had been tricked when he found the ring he had bought at a low price from the pedlar was actually a fake.
各种职位怎么说 从前的升职记是这样的:申请打杂职位(就是在人称收发室 mailroom 的地方工作)→努 力工作→成为主管→经理→理事→成为 CEO~! 现在的升职记是这样的申请打杂职位→你有打杂科学学士学位么?→没有?shi 一边 去~! 童鞋们,这年头打杂都要学位了啊!坑不坑爹啊?! 不过,先来看看这几个职位的英文说法你都记住了么? supervisor:主管 manager:经理 junior/senior executive:理事 vice president:副总 CEO(Chief Executive Officer):总裁 如果对你来说这些都已经是小菜一碟儿了,那么,小编可要出招了~~ 你见过这些职位嘛:CAO CBO CCO CDO CWO CYO CZO...@#$%&*
善良的小编我可没骗大家,上面这些 CXO 这可都是活生生的职位哦!!不信??且看下 表~~ CAO Art 艺术总监 CBO Business 商务总监 CCO Content 内容总监 CDO Dvelopment 开发总监 CEO Executive 执行总监 CFO Finance 财务总监 CGO Gonverment 政府关系总监 CHO Human resource 人事总监 CIO Information 信息总监 CJO Jet 能让公司业绩像坐喷气式飞机那样高升的人 CKO
Knowledge 知识总监 CLO Labour 工会主席 CMO Marketing 市场总监 CNO Negotiation 首席谈判代表 COO Operation 首席运营官 CPO Public relation 公关总监 CQO Quality control 质控总监 CRO Research 研究总监 CSO Sales 销售总监 CTO Technology 技术总监 CUO User 客户总监 CVO
Valuation 评估总监 CWO Women 妇联主席 CYO Yes 老好人 CZO Zero 最后离开者
第一篇:坑爹英文A earthquake happened in japan.The enormous wave of ten meter height washed away all the coast area northwest of the country.
But what’s more is nuclear power station explosion.
Though a lot of countries including China have sent many rescues to help the Japanese,
but the Japanese are still in misery,for there’s many people killed in the earthquake.
A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?
I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away.
How awful it is when we talk about these figures.
Everyone should cherish what we have now.
I felt scary when I watched 2012.
But the disasters happened are more fearful.
Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.
I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.
It is enough~
strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?
I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away.
How awful it is when we talk about these figures.
Everyone should cherish what we have now.
I felt scary when I watched 2012.
But the disasters happened are more fearful.
Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.
I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.
Deep Wounds of the Sichuan Quake
Deep Wounds of the Sichuan Quake
One of the recurring themes from last year’s earthquake in Sichuan is official corruption and the extent it contributed to the collapse of substandard schools, killing a still unknown number of children. Another, less discussed issue, is the degree to which many local officials in the disaster zone were victims themselves.
In Beichuan, where as many as 15,000 residents were killed, a quarter of the local officials also perished in the quake. Many of the survivors lost family members. When my colleague Lin Yang and photographer Ian Teh went back to Sichuan last fall, we met with a Beichuan official whose wife and daughter were both killed on May 12. Zhang Kangqi keeps a drawing of them, sketched from old ID photos, by his bed. All other mementos of them were buried in Beichuan. (You can see Ian’s photos of the recovery efforts, including a portrait of Zhang, in this gallery.)
Zhang immersed himself in recovery efforts, but not all his co-workers had the same capacity to work through their suffering. A few weeks before we visited Dong Yufei, another local official who lost his son, killed himself. “He was a good man,” Zhang said of Yu, “but not everyone can handle the pressure. His child had died.”
Yesterday brought the grim news that another Beichuan official committed suicide. Feng Xiang, the vice director of the Beichuan publicity department, had lost his 7-year-old son in the quake. Shortly before his death Feng, 33, wrote a post on his blog titled “What If,” urging his family not to grieve. “Son, when you left, your father did not have a future, did not have hope, did not have any expectations,” Feng wrote. “To be with you is my biggest joy.”
Japan was struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, shaking buildings in Tokyo for several minutes and prompting a tsunami warning.
Japan’s meteorological agency warned that a tsunami as high as 20 feet (6 meters) could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture, closest to the epicenter. Smaller tsunamis of up to 50 centimetres reached some coastal communities, the agency said.
The quake struck at 2:46 p.m. local time at a depth of 10 kilometres, about 125 kilometres off the eastern coast, the meteorological agency said. The area is 380 kilometres northeast of Tokyo.
In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.
Police and coast guard officials said they were assessing possible damage from the quake.
Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
Japan was struck by a magnitude-8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, triggering a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter.
In various locations along Japan’s coast, TV footage showed severe flooding, with dozens of cars, boats and even buildings being carried along by waters. A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK.
Officials were trying to assess possible damage from the quake but had no immediate details.
The quake that struck 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.9.
The meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire Pacific coast of Japan. National broadcaster NHK was warning those near the coast to get to safer ground.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and the U.S. state of Hawaii.
The quake struck at a depth of six miles (10 kilometers), about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off the eastern coast, the agency said. The area is 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo.
In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.
In central Tokyo, trains were stopped and passengers walked along the tracks to platforms.
Footage on NHK from their Sendai office showed employees stumbling around and books and papers crashing from desks.
Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.
Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo and mobile phone networks were not working. Japan’s Coast Guard has set up task force and officials are standing by for emergency contingencies, Coast Guard official Yosuke Oi said.”I’m afraid we’ll soon find out about damages, since the quake was so strong,” he said秦始皇的故事--英文_百度百科
Emperor Qin Shihuang established the Qin Dynasty, the first centralized and unified regime in China's history, and history has judged Emperor Qin Shihuang with both praise and blame. Some of the stories in this book come from historical records about the life of the Emperor, and some are based on popular legends adding highly coloured details about him. These two sources complement each other and provide a comprehensive look at Qing Shinhuang and his reign.
Contents  Foreword  A Rare Commodity Worth Hoarding  Zi Chu Escapes from Zhao  Lu Buwei Poisons Himself  Mao Jiao Reproaches the King of Qin  Li Si Envies the Barn Mice  Gan Luo, Who Became Prime Minister at the  Age of 12  Zheng Guo Builds a Canal to Exhaust the  Strength of Qin  Wei Liao-Best-Loved by the King of Qin  Han Fei-Spiritual Guide to the King of Qin  The Qin State Sows Distrust in Zhao  Jing Ke Attempts to Assassinate the King  ofQin  Tang Ju Wins Dignity Before the King of Qin  Wang Jian Makes New Contributions in Bat-  tles Against Chu  The First Huang-Di (Emperor) of China  The Origin of the Wudafu Pine  A Visit to Pucheng City  Rebuilding the Langya Tower  Setting Fire to the Xiangshan Memorial Hall  in a Rage  Craving for Immortality  Qin Shihuang Attacked by an Assassin in Bo-  langsha  Building the Ten-Thousand-Z; Great Wall  Burning the Books and Burying the Scholars  Alive  You Zhan Humorously Pleads with Qin Shi-  huang  The Epang Palace and the Lishan Tomb  The Death of Emperor Qin Shihuang  Li Si Killed in Xianyang  The Destruction of the Qin Dynasty  Why Was Chinese Written from Right to Left  in Ancient Times?  Emperor Qin Shihuang and Goddess Nuwa's  Hot Spring  A Stone Whipped by Emperor Qin Shihuang  Lady Meng Jiangnu Crying at the Foot of the  Great Wall  Qin Shihuang Paints a Cat  The Legend of the Terra-Cotta Army  Qinhuangdao and Other Stories
清除历史记录关闭求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  友情提醒:   1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。   2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。   3.请遵守社区规则和版规,不进行刷屏、恶意顶贴、恶意灌水等影响他人阅读的行为。广告发布到分类信息。  4.所有帖子仅代表作者本人意见,不代表本社区立场。  5.转载文章请注明出自“天涯社区( www.tianya.cn)” 并署上作者姓名,商业用途须获得作者和本社区授权。  友情提醒:   1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。   2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。   3.请遵守社区规则和版规,不进行刷屏、恶意顶贴、恶意灌水等影响他人阅读的行为。广告发布到分类信息。  4.所有帖子仅代表作者本人意见,不代表本社区立场。  5.转载文章请注明出自“天涯社区( www.tianya.cn)” 并署上作者姓名,商业用途须获得作者和本社区授权。
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  为什么要笑  我也叫这个啊
  回复楼主,@苍小苔  求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  ...  -----------------------------  Sherry,Cher,Shine
  @cherrie2-03-17 08:16:58  为什么要笑  我也叫这个啊  -----------------------------  因为有处女膜的意思。。。
08:23:38  回复楼主,@苍小苔  求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  ...  -----------------------------......  -----------------------------  哈,因为她们学术了一把查了下字典  我也想了sherry,shirly之类的
08:38:09  先给拆成西安   -----------------------------  啊,我有个好朋友也叫肉丸子
08:40:34  shine如何  -----------------------------  蛮好的,就是我自己发这个音没有发Sherry这样的音容易,这个一不小心就不标准
估计老外不会发 qian 这个音  字幕上的音译是
08:51:27  我上次看刘谦在国外表演节目 估计老外不会发 qian 这个音  字幕上的音译是 can liu …………  -----------------------------  XIAN他们估计也只能发SAN吧
  我的名字更悲剧。。里面俩字儿是老外发不出来的。。-_- 你可以试试韦式拼音。。xian应该跟shean差不多。。。  
08:59:29  我的名字更悲剧。。里面俩字儿是老外发不出来的。。-_- 你可以试试韦式拼音。。xian应该跟shean差不多。。。  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  我觉得我的姓他们也发不出来,哈,我姓+名一共就两个字
09:07:32  shanie?是这么拼的么。。。   -----------------------------  这个是什么意思啊???
  说英语的会叫你 施一安  说法语的会叫你 一个西安  
  1. 如果你够优秀,他们会主动来跟你学你中文名字的发音;如果你够强势,每次他们不会读,你就教,一遍一遍,教到会为止。  2。 如果真想起个英文名字,那就好好起一个主流一点的,也别什么SHINE了,跟本就不是个名字。还有,CHERRY这种名字本来也只有红脖子,或者中国的英语学习者才会叫,也难怪别人会笑你。
09:23:04  说英语的会叫你 施一安  说法语的会叫你 一个西安  本帖发自天涯社区手机客户端  -----------------------------  其实施一安还蛮好听的呀
  sin end
09:31:21  LZ~不会读也要老外学着读呀~我的名字也有一个词他们读不出来,反正各种音都有~~~俺都习惯了……也不会去纠正他们了~反正每一次听点名就名字差不多听姓叫对就好啦~~~~~   -----------------------------  看来不能怕麻烦,哈
09:07:32  shanie?是这么拼的么。。。   -----------------------------  @苍小苔
09:20:13  这个是什么意思啊???  -----------------------------  顺手谷歌了一下,美丽的少女。。。  每个词都有歧义的吧,我英文名还有个医学疾病的别称呢。。。
09:29:09  1. 如果你够优秀,他们会主动来跟你学你中文名字的发音;如果你够强势,每次他们不会读,你就教,一遍一遍,教到会为止。  2。 如果真想起个英文名字,那就好好起一个主流一点的,也别什么SHINE了,跟本就不是个名字。还有,CHERRY这种名字本来也只有红脖子,或者中国的英语学习者才会叫,也难怪别人会笑你。  -----------------------------  顶!真理啊!。。。一听到shine或者cherry这种可笑的英语名字我就烦。  红脖子也叫这么小清新的名纸?
09:38:53  @风太大听不见啊
09:07:32  shanie?是这么拼的么。。。  -----------------------------  @苍小苔
09:20:13  这个是什么意思啊???......  -----------------------------  哦哦,谢谢你
09:29:09  1. 如果你够优秀,他们会主动来跟你学你中文名字的发音;如果你够强势,每次他们不会读,你就教,一遍一遍,教到会为止。  2。 如果真想起个英文名字,那就好好起一个主流一点的,也别什么SHINE了,跟本就不是个名字。还有,CHERRY这种名字本来也只有红脖子,或者中国的英语学习者才会叫,也难怪别人会笑你。  -----------------------------  嗯,小时候不懂呀,所以要换呀,我再好好想想
10:01:14  salty   -----------------------------  这个。。。不好吧。。。
10:04:56  @我咋就老了捏
10:01:14  salty  -----------------------------  这个。。。不好吧。。。  -----------------------------  开个玩笑,楼主表介意哈-v-
10:22:50  @苍小苔
10:04:56  @我咋就老了捏
10:01:14  salty  -----------------------------  这个。。。不好吧。。。......  -----------------------------  看到LZ的名字想起来一首诗:应怜屐齿映苍苔。  其实那个名字取得蛮好的呀,咸~  就教他们读中文音,我英语老师男的,名字叫坤,他的英文名叫Queen,哈哈
10:22:50  @苍小苔
10:04:56  @我咋就老了捏
10:01:14  salty  -----------------------------  这个。。。不好吧。。。......  -----------------------------  哈,没事没事
10:30:02  @我咋就老了捏
10:22:50  @苍小苔
10:04:56  @我咋就老了捏
10:01:14  salty  -----------------------------......  -----------------------------  我是喜欢这句才有的这个名字呀
10:46:52  楼主可以查查香港和台湾的关于xian这个音的音译,好像他们用的旧时的注音规则可以用英文读出xian的音   -----------------------------  谢谢^_^
  @cherrie2-03-17 08:16:58  为什么要笑  我也叫这个啊  -----------------------------  @苍小苔  08:24:38  因为有处女膜的意思。。。  -----------------------------  可是老外不会这么觉得的呀  我叫这么久了也没人认为有这意思  而且都是华人女孩在叫这个,还挺多人叫的
8:06:00  求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  友情提醒:  1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。  2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。......  -----------------------------  Xania.
  Yue这个发音近的英文都找不出来呀= =
8:06:00  求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  友情提醒:  1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。  2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。......  -----------------------------  Cherry改成Cheryl 就好了
  你太小瞧老外了 多教教他们就会了。。至少英国老师点名的时候 没见他们点不出的
09:29:09  1. 如果你够优秀,他们会主动来跟你学你中文名字的发音;如果你够强势,每次他们不会读,你就教,一遍一遍,教到会为止。  2。 如果真想起个英文名字,那就好好起一个主流一点的,也别什么SHINE了,跟本就不是个名字。还有,CHERRY这种名字本来也只有红脖子,或者中国的英语学习者才会叫,也难怪别人会笑你。  -----------------------  +1  愿意跟你做朋友的就拿出点诚意好好学你的名字,叫对名字是对人起码的尊重,没有必要换英文名迎合他们
  唉 每次遇到MM管自己叫什么 WATER或者CLOUD之流的 我都觉得很无语 外国人名字都好普通啦 他们创新的部分是姓
  真的不用改, 保留自己的不同反而有好处.
  @苹果战记  08:51:27  我上次看刘谦在国外表演节目
估计老外不会发 qian 这个音  字幕上的音译是
…………  -----------------------------  好像这是台式拼音吧,“谢”在台湾拼成 hsieh  台湾的拼音和内地不一样
09:29:09  1. 如果你够优秀,他们会主动来跟你学你中文名字的发音;如果你够强势,每次他们不会读,你就教,一遍一遍,教到会为止。  2。 如果真想起个英文名字,那就好好起一个主流一点的,也别什么SHINE了,跟本就不是个名字。还有,CHERRY这种名字本来也只有红脖子,或者中国的英语学习者才会叫,也难怪别人会笑你。  -----------------------------  @日日在喝牛肉汤  09:40:00  顶!真理啊!。。。一听到shine或者cherry这种可笑的英语名字我就烦。  红脖子也叫这么小清新的名纸?  -----------------------------  小清新?为毛cherry在俺感觉中很恶俗,很俗艳呢???  试想:一个人烟稀少的small town, 一个 blond white trash,当然有可能很hot,在一个破bbq, 或者 strip club里面工作~~~ 我真的认识这样的cherry....
  想知道YI这个外国人怎么念???  有次让老外念拼音(没学过拼音,就根据习惯念的)
02:06:38  小清新?为毛cherry在俺感觉中很恶俗,很俗艳呢???  试想:一个人烟稀少的small town, 一个 blond white trash,当然有可能很hot,在一个破bbq, 或者 strip club里面工作~~~ 我真的认识这样的cherry....  -----------------------------  哈,我说的小清新可能是说国内的小清新吧~  你生活在Bama? FL?GA? LA?TN?
8:06:00  求名字啊求名字,读音相近顺口就好了,xian这个音老外完全木办法,哇哇哇两百字两百字  P.S叫了好多年的Cherry啊,现在被室友各种嘲笑,嗯,你们懂的  友情提醒:  1.请遵守国家的法律法规,不发布违法违规信息,并对自己的行为承担全部民事和刑事责任。  2.请尊重网络道德,不污言秽语,不侵犯他人的权利和个人隐私。......  -----------------------------  Jane如何?我覺得發音相近。  雖然很俗吧。。。但洋人的名字都挺俗的。。。
05:26:04  叫Sian好了,是个女孩名字,而且跟你的中文名发音近似。   -----------------------------  這個是英文中的西安。。。地名啊。。。
  名和姓外国人都不会读的飘过  偶的英文名和自己名字完全不靠边的
  跟消恩 发音不是挺近的吗 之前的回复被吞了  
05:45:54  @逍遥一生
05:26:04  叫Sian好了,是个女孩名字,而且跟你的中文名发音近似。  -----------------------------  這個是英文中的西安。。。地名啊。。。  -----------------------------  英文西安是XI'AN,Sian的发音跟中文‘香’很近似,差不多很接近‘娴’的发音。
02:00:53  @漠漠青衫几重楼
05:45:54  @逍遥一生
05:26:04  叫Sian好了,是个女孩名字,而且跟你的中文名发音近似。  -----------------------------  這個是英文中的西安。。。地名啊。。。......  -----------------------------  World English Dictionary  Sian
  a variant transliteration of the Chinese name for Xi'an
  Xi'an , Hsian
  Changan , Former names: Siking
an industrial city in central China, capital of Shaanxi province: capital of China for 970 years at various times between the 3rd century bc
and the 10 seat of the Northwestern University (1937); famous for Qin dynasty emperor Qinshihuang's tomb (207 bc ) with 8000-strong terracotta army. Pop: 3 256 000 (2005 est)
  Hsian , Hsian
  Sian , Hsian
  來源:Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition  2009 ? William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
? HarperCollins  Publishers , , , 2009   我真的不是抬杠。。。
  回复第46楼(作者:@娴小姐 于
06:55)  呀。跟楼主一样的名字  [来自Android手机客户端]  ==========  
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