Shelly doesn't like people who help meare unreliable 。这里

La Romieu Gers FranceTHE.PAST: "Well you did not see that coming did ya man!"MUFF: "We planned enough of it mate!"This is the first of 3 posts, a look at THE.PAST, the year that was 2012. MUFF Tribe 2012 road to Financial Independence and this year's highlights. What happened in the financial world and the impact on the MUFF investment portfolio.What we learnt as a family over the year. What did you learn about yourself?THEPAST“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” George Santayana MUFF Tribe road to financial Freedom and France in 2012Mr MUFF takes over the parental duties while Mrs MUFF goes back to work Our eldest child left creche and started nursery school Spending was cut dramatically with no impact to our standard of living, as described inFather MUFF a Financial Frugality Case Study of Bringing up BabyStandard of living actually increased as we had one adult at home, which is positive for the children and less stressful for the parents (no more rushing around to pick up kids, having to book days off when they are sick and finding child care solutions)Both children have grown up immensely this year and are showing real progress - the eldest with reading and writing (just turned 4) and the youngest is a real little person now she is mobile. Saving exceeded expectations but investments were flat (see below)Investment knowledge has increased see MUFF Investment Challenges and Risk Versus Reward and Financial Independence Planner & Stock ScreenerThe Tribe has improved its knowledge and use of alternative health practices, see Keeping the MUFF healthy Wonderful holiday in the south of France researching where to live (photo above from the Gers region of France).Started this blog! see 10 blogging mistakes - MUFF styleee!Financial Impact of 2012First for all those Boggle heads out there our investments came out at a slightly positive 1.5% gain compared to an approximate 7% gain for the US market.We did exceed our savings plan but took a hit when Mr MUFF left work and hence lost his share options.Overall this is disappointing but there is always a silver lining! First let's have a look at what happened across the world and why the MUFF investment portfolio turned out flat. By World RegionUK: Austerity is doing its job, shame about the un-realistic growth figures (as usual) along came the double dip recession. Odd thing is that the "austerity" still means that the national debt is increasing year on year...... Nothing to see here, move on, all is well! (quick, appoint another ex Goldman Sachs employee as the Governor of the Bank of England as Merv has stopped printing to cover up the mess that the UK finances are in). Olympics - good job and pulled the UK out of recession due to the ticket sales alone..... Record haul of medals and Sir Bradley Wiggins won Gold following on from his Tour de France success.  And UK sports personality of the year to boot. GO WIGGO!Rain - funny that and in the UK of all places - IT HASN'T STOPPED!!! Why invest in wind power we need hydro dams!MUFF InvestmentsStocks generally positive for the year. Income stocks did OK (oil and gas, utilities, telecoms and pharmaceuticals)Funds generally negative due to exposure to precious metal miners which have had a second poor year of performance in a row compared to the underlying metals which were both positive for the year. Continental Europe: Successfully deployed smoke and mirrors. The PIIGS are all bankrupt and cannot print their way out of their problems. Michael Lewis's book BOOMERANG The Biggest Bust is a rollicking read on the different mentalities and games across Europe on this topic.Merkel holds all of the cards (but even the mighty Germany is potentially slipping into recession) and has been insisting on austerity for the PIIGS. The sad thing is Germany knows how to run a country and they are struggling!Sarko was unceremoniously dumped as French president (popularity stakes win out, sad really as at least he died by his own sword, true to his word and loves his country - being an ex lawyer speaking the truth did not pay). Replaced by the socialist Holland, promises, promises, promises as usual anything to get into power. After a bad start his opinion rating after gaining office the lowest ever - what a surprise. Time to fire some of the cabinet but not himself.I am saddened by this. France deserves better. Its people love to debate politics. They love their culture. They love their country. Why vote in someone who clearly campaigned on tax increases and giveaways. Holland is doing his best to decree that companies cannot make workers redundant. Zombies roam the land. France needs opportunities and jobs. The word entrepreneur is French is it not? So why are entrepreneurs campaigning (The PIGEON movement) against the president?Italy has been run by an UNELECTED Goldmanite. So much for democracy! Berlusconi wants back in to divert attention from his sexual encounters.Spain had the ULTIMATE housing bubble and bust. 50% youth unemployment! Tough but they know if they go down so does Europe (and the rest of the worlds economies). For the time being they are trying hardball with the EU for FREE money.At least they have the best football team on the planet and lifted the European Cup for the second time in a row following on from their World Cup success.MUFF Investments: Stocks - Europe by most measures looks cheap compared to US. As we know cheap can get very cheap. Exposure to German and French utilities has been negative for the year even though  they have relatively high dividends in the 8%+ region.Currency - Euro continued its decline against the pound. Even though the UK's finances are a mess and it is likely to carry out more quantitative easing, this trend of the Euro carrying lower may continue into 2013. The Swiss devalued the franc by 10% in 2011 and the CHF now pegged to the EUR has declined further against GBP. Can the Swiss maintain the peg? In MUFF's opinion this is likely for the foreseeable future but will they keep it if Europe gets into more trouble? Negative for the yearJapan: Nuclear melt down worries and  new high tech robots have been all across the web (but the mainstream news stations have gone quiet). If anyone has the technical know how to deal with this one it is the Japanese. We all hope for a quick positive outcome from this one for all our sakes.Japan has too much debt and a rapidly aging society which is not a nice combination for its finances. They have started to run a trade deficit from the historical trade surplus. The government is attempting all it can to prevent deflation (New PM Abe has stated such) and QE10+ is supposedly going to be a biggie to force inflation above 2%.MUFF Investments: NONE and no intention to buy Japanese equities even though the low PE's.China: Continues on it new 5 year plan. They have medium to long term goals to improve China full stop. China's ghost cities prove they have a bubble.... they will fill and thrive 1.3 billion people and a large majority are still living in the countryside.They want their children to be educated. They want the "Chinese dream" of their children having a better standard of living than themselves. To do this they need all of the new infrastructure they are building and some of these are being built in the Ghost cities. It is only a question of time before these are filled up and populated.False flag questions: How can you have a bubble society for 1.3 billion people who are moving from an agricultural society to a modern high tech society? How can there be a bubble when the populous has a hard work mindset and want to get ahead? They SAVE in the region of 50% of their income what happens if most of this is invested in their companies (and buying companies abroad) while the west does not save and invest? Why are they setting up trade agreements avoiding the dollar and accumulating so much PHYSICAL gold?MUFF Investments: Funds in China (and India) have been relatively flat to negative on the year another disappointment considering the high growth numbers coming out of their economies. India's stock market is one of the most expensive in the world based on the cyclically adjusted PE measure. Happy to continue to hold for some diversification.US / Canada: 2 parties same results, who has the most lobby money? Lots of drilling to produce fracked shale oil  Cheaper energy for US manufacturing which is having a bit of a revival. Jobs are being created at a slow rate. The US federal budget deficits persist at 1 Trillion + a year (sounds like a big number does it not?) . MUFF Investments.  Stocks: Solid dividend players have continued to deliver unfortunately the energy stocks have declined in price (yield went up so we bought some more - accumulating on weakness). Precious Metal Miners have disappointed despite the higher metals prices - these are a hold.Currency: Dollar has been the go to currency. The fiscal cliff has been averted (partially for the time being....) and QE to Infinity (and beyond) continues. As there is a global race to the bottom in the currency stakes the dollar may continue to perform on a par against main currencies such as the EUR, YEN, CHF, GBP as they are being debased as well. The Canadian Loonie on the other hand is considered to have some commodity backing in the form of the rich Canadian natural resources. Housing in Canada is widely reported as overvalued (a bubble?). We actually looked at a possible move to Canada and the prices of average homes were comparable to London....too high for a country with copious amounts of land to build on in our opinion. No direct holdings of the currencies.Protection portfolio: We hold ETF's in the precious metals and both had another up year around 7%Tribe Key Learning's 2012Keep an open mind - We always want to listen to other people and their ideas. They are fascinating and much more real to life than talking about the X-Factor or some other "entertainment program". We have learnt quite a few things about child upbringing, ideas on education and places to visit we would never have heard of otherwise.  Move on - THE.PAST is still pulling on us and THE.PRESENT is great but it is THE.FUTURE where we are going. We have had to persist with our plans - we have had the usu give up what we have for the unknown? We could do this instead of that. We could play everything "safe" with our investments. Be courageous - yes we have made some decisions and are proceeding with plan regardless of what is going on in the world. If we did not do this we will be in the same place next year and then have the same convesation with ourselves. NO! Not the MUFF tribe we are giving at a go and will rise or fall on the sword as the saying goes and so be it! Challenge ourselves - Mrs MUFF stepped up to the plate to help run the Sunday School Class at the local church We encourage the girls to try new things at every opportunity. We were amazed by our daughter's presentation to her class, she had to tell her classmates (all 4 year olds) about the day she spent with the class bear. She also impressed us when she stood up at the Christmas play and said a few words from memory infront of all of the parents. Our not so little 15 month year old is already pushing the eldest around in her wooden cart and telling mommy and daddy that she wants to read a book or to be taken for a walk.Enjoy the day - It is great to survive another day so why not enjoy it at the same time? Two young children is a challenge and a joy at the same time. Yes we are being frugal and can refrain from splashing out on treats. Yes we can be a little too serious and thoughtful. Keeping a positive outlook (it may be a buzz word that is banded about, but it is for good reason), considering our achievements, being encouraging and supportive to the kids are enjoyable. Going to the park and spending time as a family are enjoyable. Eating meals together is enjoyable. Playing dolls house together is enjoyable (except for MUFF - I'm a bloke :o) What did you learn last year perhaps a recap will surprise you?Every negative has a positive and positive actions make changes for the better. We cannot dwell on THE.PAST. 2012 is finished. We live in 2013 THE.PRESENT. This is our time to enjoy life and is the topic of the next post.  The MUFF Tribe wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR - If you have any comments or ideas for the site please leave a comment below.Welcome New MUFF Readers! Take a look around. Find out who MUFF is or Start at the first article, browse the all posts or just go for a Random Post. Please feel free to play with the FREE planning tools and checklists.Keep in Touch:  RSS Feed, follow MUFF on Twitter or subscribe to posts by email:
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remember me赖世雄初级英语文本76-85
Lesson 76 I Want to Be a Doctor [] Mother : What do you want to
be when you grow up? Child : I want to be a doctor. Mother : Why?
Child : I want to help sick people
★房间广播★我想当医生 母亲:你长大以后想要当什么? 孩子:我想当医生。 母亲:为什么? 孩子:我想要帮助生病的人。
★房间广播★句型: I Want to Be+ 职业 我想要当(做)... He grew up in the country.
My hometown is a small village. [grow grew grown] The rich(Rich
people) are not necessarily happy. protect vt.保护 I want to protect
our country.
★房间广播★Blank Filling: 1. Billy expects (to visit) his
grandparents soon. a) visit b) to visit c) visiting d) paying a
visit to I will visit(will be visiting/am going to visit) my
grandparents this weekend. visit vt.拜访 = call on= pay a visit to 2.
My boss (made) me work all weekend. ( make sb.+ V.) a) made b) make
c) wanted making d) wanted
★房间广播★ I don't like him because he is bossy. (bossy adj.老板作风的,专横的)
3. (Rather than) eat at home, we ate at restaurant. [eat ate eaten]
(eating eats) a) To b) Instead c) To not d) Rather than Rather than
study, he plays around all day. To pass the exam, you must study.
To master English, you must read English every day. Instead of
eating at home, we ate in the restaurant.
★房间广播★4. I think (that I'll go) camping this weekend.
(think后宾语可以是that引导的名词从句;不能是不定式或动名词). a) to go b) going c) I'll to
d) that I'll do 5. He rather than I (is) successful. (rather
than在句中做连词时,动词的时态按前面的主语变化) a) is b) are c) am d) have been
Lesson 77 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day [] Learning English is like
building a house. Laying a strong foundation is the first and most
important step. In other words, you should read and speak English
every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. Like
building a house, learning English takes some time. So don't be
impatient. Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day."
★房间广播★like的用法 : like在be动词后时,是做prep. 象,如同注意 :
动词不能做主语,只有变为V.ing动名词时才可以. Working with him is interesting. in other
words... 换句话说... versatile adj.万能的,多才多艺的 memory n. → memorize
v.[亦作memorise] 记住,记忆(记忆单词,注意与remember的区别) be popular with sb.
受某人的欢迎 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心
★房间广播★impatient adj. 不耐烦的 &&
patient adj.耐心的 You hit the nail on the head. 你真是一针见血.(固定用语) nail
[neil] n.指甲,钉 Nile [nail] n.尼罗河
★房间广播★Substitution: 1. Learning English is like building a
house. I love learning new things. That university has a foreign
language learning center. Henry is tired of learning how to play
the guitar. (tire of v.厌烦=sick of) 2. Memorzing new words and
phrases is also helpful. Reading these books is a good idea.
Watching TV is a waste of time.
Lesson 78 Don't Be Discouraged [] Teacher: Your written English
is fairly good, but your spoken English needs improvement. Student
: I know, but speaking English is difficult. Teacher: Don't be
discouraged. Practice makes perfect.
★房间广播★不要泄气 老师:你的英文文笔还不错,但你的英文口语就需要加强了。 学生:我知道,但讲英文很难啊。
★房间广播★You should remerber to write to me. (可作及物或不及物动词) novel
n.小说,长篇故事 fairly adv.还可以地,公正地,清楚地 fairly good&
pretty good& good& very good (好的程度渐强)
[speak spake spoken] prove v.→improve v.→improvement n.改善,改进 His
English has improved. (vi.)
★房间广播★His English has improved. (vi.) You can improve your
English, if you speak the language every day. (vt.) written adj.文笔的
written English 英文文笔 spoken English 英文口语 discourage vt.使气馁,阻碍
discouraged adj.泄气的,沮丧的
★房间广播★Blank Filling: 1. Frank really (enjoys writing) to his pen
pal. (pen pal n.笔友) a) enjoy writing b) enjoy to write c) enjoys
writing d) enjoys to write 2. I'm tired (of telling) you to clean
your room. tired of=sick of 厌倦 a) of telling b) to tell
c) of tell d) for telling
★房间广播★3. (Riding) a bicycle is a good exercise. a) Riding b)
Driving c) Sitting d) Going on 4. I'll be thinking (of buying) a
computer. a) to buy b) buying c) of buying d) in buying 5. Playing
basketball with my friends (is) a lot of fun. a) are b) is c) am d)
Lesson 79 Showing Off [] Many people are fond of showing off.
They always insist on footing the bill when they are out with
friends. They always think of impressing people with their wealth.
They seem to think that money can buy friends. In fact, it can't.
Instead of trying to show off, they should be themselves.
★房间广播★show off v.炫耀,卖弄 Nobody likes him because he likes to show
off. be fond of v.喜爱,爱好= enjoy fond adj.喜欢的 (注意和fun的发音区别) insit on+ 坚持做... foot vt.支付 It's your turn to pay(foot) the bill.
(该轮到你...) impress vt.留下印象 I was impressed with her elegance.
n.典雅.优雅 wealth n.财富 wealthy adj.有钱的n.有钱人 He grow up in a wealthy
family. 他是在富有的家庭长大的. think of 的用法: 1. I thought of you last
★房间广播★2. I have been thinking of studying aboard. seem to+动词原型
似乎... He seems to be friendly.= He seems friendly.(to
be后有形容词时,可以省略.) He seems to know John will be coming. instead of=
rather than (75课学习过,用法区别:instead of后跟动名词;rather than跟动词原型.) Money
isn't everthing. 金钱并非万能. Money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨.
★房间广播★Substitution: 1. Many people are fond of showing off. Some
people are good at singing and some are good at dancing. (擅长;
第80课学习) Some people are afraid of watching horror movies. (害怕,担忧)
horror movies 恐怖片 Turn off the lights before leaving the house.
★房间广播★2. Instead of trying to show off, they shold be
themselves. Instead of waitting for his friends, he left by
himself. Rather than wait for his friends, he left by himself
Lesson 80 I'm Good at Cooking [] Marty : Are you good at sewing?
Becky : No, but I'm good at cooking. What about you? Marty : I'm
not good at cooking, but I'm fond of eating
★房间广播★我擅长烹饪 马蒂:你对缝纫很在行吗? 贝基:不,但我对烹饪很在行。你呢?
★房间广播★sewing n.裁缝, 缝纫 sew v. 缝纫 a pair of pants(trousers) be
good at= be versed in= be skilled in (在...方面精通, 后面动词用 cooking
n.烹饪 与 book [buk] oo发音相同 water dumpling n.水饺(可数) noodle n.面条
★房间广播★常用句型 : What do you often have for breakfast? 早餐你经常吃什么?
Frank is good at playing the piano, but he's terrible at singing.
(be poor at 在...方面很差) Mother sewed the buttons onto one of my
★房间广播★Blank Filling: 1. Bob is bad (at) playing baseball. (be
bad at= be poor at= be terrible at) a) at play b) playing c) at
playing d) and plays flute n.长笛 guitar n.吉他 2. John is (tinking
of/about) changing his major. (major n.主修课) a) about b) in c) on d)
for Keep the change. 零钱免找. He majors in English. (v.主修)
★房间广播★3. Instead of studying with his friends, he studies (by
himself). a) by himself b) of his own c) by himself d) on himself
He has a bicycle of his own. 4. Rather than (walk) to work, Bill
took a bus. a) walking b) to walk c) of walking d) walk
★房间广播★5. Are you afraid (of telling) him the truth? a) to
telling (改为to tell也可) b) of telling c) of tell d) telling I'm
afraid to talk to him.= I'm afraid of talking to him. 6. Charlie is
(very good at) playing basketball, in fact he is the best player in
our school. a) really good for b) good really in c) very good about
d) very good at
Lesson 81 A Heavy Price to Pay [] Tom's father died of lung
cancer. He couldn't stop smoking. He tried quitting several times.
However, whenever he saw someone smoking, he couldn't resist
lighting up. In the end, he gave up trying, it was no use stopping
one day and starting again the next. He enjoyed smoking too much.
He certainly paid a heavy price, though.
★房间广播★die of... 因某病而死 If you keep on smoking, you'll pay a heavy
prize. liver n.肝脏 lung n.肺 pass away v.去世 He passed away two days
ago. 重点: stop doing : (立刻停止正在做的事情) I stopped talking to him. stop
to do : (停止现在的动作,而去做另外的事情.) When I saw him, I stopped to talk to
him. try to do : 设法要...(实现这个动作的意愿强) When I get there, I'll try to
call you back.
★房间广播★ try doing : 尝试去做...(能做到的意愿较弱) If this way doesn't work,
you may try calling her. light up v.点燃 Whenever I see him, I fell
happy. (get angry) 重点: can't resist+
忍不住,不能抗拒做...(resist后的动词要用现在分词)= can't help+ Whenever I hear
the music, I can't resist singing.
★房间广播★戒烟 的三种说法: stop smoking= quit smoking= give up smoking I
can't reason with him. 我无法和他讲理. 句型 : It is no use reasoning with
him. 跟他讲理是没用的. enjoy+ 喜欢做...(enjoy后面动词要用现在分词)
★房间广播★Substitution: 1. He couldn't stop smoking. Do you mind
smoking somewhere else? Will you finish writing your term paper
today? Did the man deny stealing the money? 2. It was no use
stopping one day and starting again the next. It is no use crying
over spilt milk. pr.覆水难收
Lesson 82 Smoking Isn't Allowed [] Betty is at the movies. Usher
: Would you mind putting out your cigarette? Betty : I'll just
finish smoking this one, OK? Usher : Smoking isn't allowed in movie
theaters. Betty : Oh, I'm sorry.
★房间广播★不准吸烟 贝蒂正在看电影。 引座员:请你把烟熄掉好吗? 贝 蒂 :我只要把这一根抽完,好吗? 引座员:戏院里是不准吸烟的。
贝 蒂 :哦,很抱歉。
★房间广播★Smoking isn't allowed here. 此处禁止吸烟. usher n.引座员vt.引导
usherette n.女引座员 She serves as an usherette at that movie house.
她在那家影院当引座员. serve as 担任 luckily adv.幸运地 He ushered me to my seat.
(vt.) Luckily, I have ten dollars. Let's go to the movies tonight.
(看电影)= take in a movie 句型: Would you mind+ put out v.熄灭 light
up v.点燃(第81课出现) a pack of cigarettes 一包烟
★房间广播★a pack of cigarettes 一包烟 重点 : finish doing sth.
做完某事(finish后用动名词或名词) I'll finish the work by five. (后跟名词) I'll
finish writing the letter by five. (后跟动名词. by five: 5点之前) finished
adj.完成的,完结的 I'm finished with my work.= I have finished my work.
★房间广播★department store 百货公司 super market 超级市场 movie theaters=
movie house 电影院重点 : allow to do 允许做...(allow的主动用法) He doesn't allow
me to somke.& 1. I finished (working) at about
7P.M. (finished此处是动词,work必须用动名词) a) to work b) working c) works d)
with working His works are on display at the museum. (work此处是名词
"作品" ) (gymnasium n.体育馆 stadium n.露天大型运动场)
★房间广播★2. She began (to study) English three years ago. a) to
study b) his study c) with studies d) study (began/started
后面可跟不定式或动名词) 3. Can I park here? No, we don't allow (parking) here.
(allow sb. to park) a) to park b) parking c) parks d) you park
★房间广播★4. I often practice (speaking) English with my teacher.
(practice后面用V.ing动名词做宾语) a) to speak b) speaking c) to say d)
saying 5. Father doesn't (allow us children to somke). a) allow our
children smoking b) allow us children to smoke c) allow for smoking
d) allow of smoking[
Lesson 83 A Nice Person [] Shelly doesn't like people who are
unreliable. She especially doesn't like people who tell lies. On
the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She
really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However,
regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to
★房间广播★I love music and I especially love jazz. This man is
humorous, he never tells lies. sincere adj.诚挚的,真实的,真诚的 easygoing
adj.随便的,悠闲的 regardless of adj.不管,不顾重点 : 关系代词前有名词;
★房间广播★Substitution: 1. Shelley doesn't like people who are
unreliable.(Shelley doesn't like unreliable people.) Shelley likes
people that are patient and kind. (patient with sb. 对某人有耐心) Shelley
has a brother whom I like very much.
(whom做like的宾语,因此要用宾格.who是主格的疑问代词. who或whom都可用that替换.)
★房间广播★(whom做like的宾语,因此要用宾格.who是主格的疑问代词. who或whom都可用that替换.)
Shelley, whose father is my boss, is very rich. Paul doesn't like
animals which are vicious. (vicious adj.凶猛的,可恶的) Tammy attends the
university which I graduated from. (事或物的关系代词,用which) 黛咪念的那所大学是我的母校.
graduate from... 从...毕业
★房间广播★语法重点 : 关系代词有主格,宾格和属格之分,并有指人与指物之分. who, whom, which, that,
whose       限定性   非限定性    限定性      指 人   指  物   指人或指物主 格   who   
which     that 宾 格   whom     that     that 属 格   whose  of
which/whose  of which/whose
★房间广播★1. who, whom John is my good friends, he never lies. X
John is my good friends, who never lies. John is my good friend, I
trust him. X John is my good friends, whom I trust. 2. He is John,
his father is my teacher. X He is John, whose father is my teacher.
He is John, I used to teach his son. X He is John, whose son I used
Lesson 84 What's She Like? [] Anna : Hi, Larry! Would you like
to meet my roommate, Sally? Larry: Sure. What's she like? Anna :
She's just your type. Larry: What do you mean? Anna : She's just
like you, a bookworm.
★房间广播★她是什么样的人呢? 安娜:嗨,拉里!你要不要见一见我的室友萨莉? 拉里:好啊。她是什么样的人呢?
安娜:她就是属于你这一型的。 拉里:你是什么意思啊? 安娜:她就像你一样,是个书呆子。
★房间广播★handsome adj.英俊的,潇洒的句型 : 1. What's... like? ...怎么样? What's
the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 2. Would you like to...? 你愿意...吗?
Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight? (go dancing) 3.
What do you mean by... ...是什么意思? bookworm n.书呆子
★房间广播★Blank Filling: 1. She is a women (whom/that) I love.
(关系代词做love的宾语用whom, who是主格) a) whom b) which c) who d) whose 2.
That is a zoo (which/that) I went to last weekend. a) which b) of
c) and d) when 3. I realy like this watch, (whose) price is very
reasonable. (price前要有所有格加以限定)
★房间广播★3. I realy like this watch, (whose) price is very
reasonable. (price前要有所有格加以限定) a) its b) whose c) that d) and
easonable adj.合理的 (区别 : expensive 指东西的贵; high 指价格高) 4. This is the
suit (that/which) I'm going to wear for the party. a) that b) where
c) and d) who This is the town where I met George. (where
★房间广播★5. She's a famous movie star, (whom) everyone loves.
她是个有名的电影明星, 人人都喜欢她. a) whom b) which c) who d) she
(有逗号时,是非限定修饰不能用that替代.翻译时顺序翻译.) (没有逗号时,先翻译从句再翻译被修饰的部分) 6. I (would
like to) go to the movies with them but I don't have the time. a)
wouldn't like to b) would like c) would like to d) like to would
Lesson 85 Blood Types [] Some people believe that one's
personality is related to one's blood type. There are three main
blood types: A, B and O. Type A people are introverts whereas type
0 people are extroverts. Type B people are a mixture of both A and
O. They are more relaxed and don't get bothered easily. When it
comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.
★房间广播★blood n.血 personality n.个性,性格 be related to 和...有关系= be
relative to 关系代词前有名词: He is the boy that I used to teach.
that引导的名词从句:Some people believe that one's personality is related
to one's blood type. What's John like? I like to be with John
because he has a pleasant personality. John is closely related to
me. In fact, he is my cousin. cousin n.堂兄弟姊妹
★房间广播★introvert n.格性内向的人 &&
extrovert n.性格外向者 in between adv.介于...之间 whereas conj.然而= while
mixture n.混合,混合物 relaxed adj.感到轻松的(现在分词:令人...的) Whenever I hear the
music, I'm relaxed. 每当我听到音乐是,我感觉很放松. annoyed adj.感到恼人的 Don't bother
me! 别烦我! bother with 为...而费心,以...而烦扰
★房间广播★句型 : When it comes to... 一提到... (后跟动词时,要用现在分词即动名词) When it
comes to music, John is in the know. (in the know 知内情的) When it
comes to singing, John is second to none. (second to none adv.首屈一指)
spouse n.配偶
★房间广播★Substitution: Some people believe that one's personality
is related to one's blood type. I don't know how he is going to
handle the problem. Whether one's personality is related to one's
blood type has not been proved.


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