句子分析: Whereas he ihe s still alivecrying,we won't give

完形填空 Everyone will laugh at you if you don't know about Pele, the most famous football player in Brazil. Because of his great devotion to the 1 of football, he is always 2 as the “King by football fa 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
  Everyone will laugh at you if you don't know about Pele, the most famous football player in Brazil. Because of his great devotion to the
of football, he is always
as the “King” by football fans worldwide.
his genius for football in his
4 . When he was thirteen,
perfect skills he
Santos, a very important football
in Brazil.
  In 1958, Pele was
to play for Brazil in the Sixth World Cup Competition.
he was sixteen, he was the best player
the field.
to Pele, Brazil
the world championship for the first
  Pele played for Brazil in the World Cup Competitions from 1958 to 1970.
  In one famous match, the fans were
the exciting
when Pele would score his thousandth goal when the refree(裁判) gave Santons a penalty(点球)
16 . Pele walked up to
it. The opposing goalkeeper had no
with the hard and accurate
19 . Pele had scored his thousandth goal! The crowds cheered, “Pele, Pele…” That is a record which is as valuable in sports as a thousand goals.
  Pele was always
to the spirit of the sport as a professional player. He always played a fair game and behaved modestly with a cheerful smile.
  He is held in high respect, and now he is the Minister of Physical Education in Brazil.
  Zigfried, a little mouse, blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it to see the outside.Still nobody came.Maybe today, he thought   1  .It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle(奇迹).
  This farmhouse had been   2   too long.It needed a family.Zigfried's   3   made a noise.He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday.He jumped from the windowsill(窗沿), grabbed a   4   from his home, and went next door to Farmer Mike's.
  Farmer Mike's house had been a great place for the little mouse   5   the farmer married a wife who had a cat.Zigfried   6   when he thought of it.He looked around cautiously as he   7   into the room where grain was stored and was quite   8   as he filled his bag with wheat.He was turning to leave when suddenly he   9   a hot breath about his ear.His heart beat   10   , and without thinking he started to run and luckily   11   the cat's paws(爪子).
  The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news:a   12   family would be moving into the farmhouse soon.Zigfried's granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to   13   with him.He hoped that the family would come before his granny came.Before long, a car came   14   the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and chocolate.
  Zigfried's Christmas miracle did arrive!
  The house came   15   the next few days.Zigfried   16   every single hour of them.  17  , the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a   18   smile at the door of his home, he heard the   19   of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas.What? A cat? The   20   his mouth fell wide open.After a long while, he at last found his voice:“Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?”
  Carmen's mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack.But without a heart transplant her life was in constant   1  
  Both the mother and the daughter knew that the chances were   2   finding a donor heart that   3   Maria's blood type takes years.  4  , Carmen was determined to save her mother.She kept   5   hospitals all over the country.
  Days stretched out.By Christmas, Maria had trouble   6   from one end of the room to the other.Carmen lost all hope.She fell into a   7   of the hospital, crying.
  "Are you okay?"a man asked.
  Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her   8  .This middle aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn't   9   it through the night.Suddenly, an idea came to Frank's mind.He knew Cheryl had always wanted to   10   something from herself.Could her   11   go to Carmen's mother?
  After reviewing the data, doctors   12   Fank that his wife's heart was by some miracle a perfect   13   for Carmen's mother.They were able to   14   the transplant.
  That cold night,when Cheryl was   15   dead,Frank came to knock at Maria's door.She was   16   for Frank's family as she had been doing every day recently.Though Maria had never met Frank before,they both felt a strange   17   as they hugged and cried, On New Year's Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl's   18   with Frank's family, who were singing their favorite song" My heart will go on”.
  One day late, on New Year's Day, Maria   19   with Cheryl's heart.
  Yes , Cheryl's loving heart would go on for it was   20   in another loving mother's chest.
search after
passed away
left behind
dressed up
来源:黄冈题库练考新课堂 高一英语
  One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’ old house to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding. We had to
1 a great climbing plant that had grown
2 a roof beam (房梁), so that we could repair the roof and
3 the walls.
  When my husband was taking the plant away, he found the
4 of a blackbird that had made its home in the leaves. He then
5 something
6 among that mass of earth and straw of the nest. He broke the earth around it into pieces with his finger tips and, to his
7 , saw glittering gold. It was a child’s bracelet(手镯). He ran into the house to
  “You won’t believe that the
9 blackbirds not only steal the best fruit we
10 to feed on,” he said,“but they also want their children to
11 in a cradle of gold!”
  When my daughter came over on the eve of the
12 , we told her about this
13 occurrence(发生的事).
  “Don’t you remember ,mother?”she said with a loud
14 .“When I was eight, you gave me a bracelet that I
15 a few days later while out playing in the yard? It was this one!”
  As the bracelet no longer
16 its owner and was dirty, I decided to take it into my safekeeping.
  In December of the following year, the young couple’s baby son was baptized(受洗礼). Among the
17 the newborn baby received, I placed his mother’s bracelet, now shining like
18 . I hope that if my grandson
19 loses it, one of the
20 that live in my backyard is somewhere nearby.
  Night after night, my mother came to my bed, even long after my childhood years.She would   1   down and push my long hair out of the way, and then kiss my forehead.
  I don't remember when it first started   2   me-her hands pushing my hair that way, for they felt work-worn and rough   3   my young skin.Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, “Don't do that any more-your hands are too rough!” she made no   4   and left quietly.
  But never again did my mother do it with that familiar expression of her   5  .
  With the passing years, my   6   returned to that night time after time.By then I   7   my mother's hands and her goodnight kiss.Sometimes the incident seemed very   8  , sometimes far away, but always it was   9   in the back of my mind.
  The years have passed, and I'm not a little girl any more.Mom is in her seventies, and those hands I once   10   to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.
  Now, Mom no longer has Dad and lives   11  .One night on Thanksgiving Eve, I found myself   12   to her house to spend the night with her.As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly ran across my face to   13   the hair from my forehead.Then a   14  , ever so gently, touched my forehead.I burst into tears.
  In my memory, thousands of times, I   15   the night my young voice complained.Catching Mom's hand in hand, I told her how   16   I was for that night.I thought she'd remember   17   I did.But Mom didn't know what I was talking about.She had already forgotten and   18   long ago.
  That night, I fell asleep with a new   19   for my gentle mother and her caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was   20   to be found.
来源:黄冈题库练考新课堂 高一英语
  As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are filled with
1 jobs of hiding presents from
2 young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real
3 . On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable (不可忍受的). They are
4 between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will
5 their presents quickly, and the wish to stay up late so that they will not miss the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves
6 . But though children go to bed early, they often lie awake in bed for a long time, hoping to
7 Father Christmas.
  Last Christmas, my wife and I
8 managed to hide a few large presents in the storeroom. I
9 the moment when our son, Jimmy, would ask me where the new bike had come from, but
10 he did not see it.
  On Christmas Eve, it took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly
11 when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began
12 stockings. Then I
13 in the bike for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much
14 that night, for the children were sure to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were
15 by loud sounds coming from the children’s room-they shouted excitedly!
16 I had time to get out of bed, Jimmy came
17 into our bedroom on his new bike, and his sister, Mary,
18 close behind, pushing her new baby carriage. Even the baby arrived, he moved on the
19 and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it
20 . That woke us up completely. The day had really begun with a bang.
A.get a look atB.get in touch with
C.get along withD.get together with
请输入手机号12 Things Your Crying Baby Wants you to Know第一部分 2011 年 GCT 英语词汇讲解第一节 词汇选择题的命题特点工程硕士研究生入学考试规定, 词汇及用法的专项考题为 10 个, 前五个词汇, 后五个语法每个 2 分,共 20 分。命题形式为单项选择,题干下有 A, B, C, D 四 个备选项,要求考生根据题干选出一个最正确的答案。(一)检测形近词的辨析及运用能力 (1). In the theatre that actors are very ___________ to the reaction of the audience. A. sensible B. sensitive C. emotional D. positive (2). The boy has been warned time and again that reading in the strong sunlight will _________ his eyesight, but he just won ’ t listen. A. effect B. attract C. effort D. affect (3). The ship set sail after all the crew came on __________. A. aboard B. abroad C. board D. broad (4). The driver ___________ abruptly as he saw an old man crossing the road. A. broke B. brooked C. braked D. bred (5). On hearing the news that our volleyball team won the championship, he ______ from the chair and cheered in joy. A. stood B. lifted C. raised D. rose(二)检测对同义词或近义词的辩义及运用能力 (1). Mary was so weakened by the disease that she could __________ stand up. A. almost B. barely C. nearly D. scantily (2). All understood what the teacher meant ________ Mr. Lee. A. besides B. except C. beside D. except that (3). Poor as she is, it is beneath her to _______. A. steal B. rob C. perform D. execute (4). The teacher said that the pupils must be _______ during the study-hour. A. calm B. still C. quiet D. soundless (5). There are some _________ flowers on the meeting room. A. unnatural B. unreal C. false D. artificial(三)检测考生对由各种词类构成的词组及短语的认知与运用的能力 (1). The _________ with the project in spite of the difficult lies in the course. A. carried off B. carried out C. carried on D. carried forward (2). Of course, the children look unhealthy. Their mother can't afford to _________ them ________ decent meals, not to speak meat and fish regularly. A. fed ... on B. feed ... on C. grew ... on D. grow ... on (3). During the past few years the prices have __________ by nearly 10%. A. gone up B. grew up C. got up D. put up (4). Yesterday night we had several guests visit us, we had to __________ until 3. A. put up B. set up C. sat up D. stayed up (5). Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in two months ___________ her weight to 100 pounds. A. brought out B. brought off C. brought down D. brought up (四)检测介词与其它词语搭配的运用能力 (1). He has accumulated much experience __________ practical engineer ing. A. of B. in C. on D. at (2). The cause ________ he has been fighting all his life now seems meaningless at all. A. at which B. after which C. for which D. with which (3). It is said that he is at home _______ several languages, and can communicate fluently without difficulty. A. with B. to C. at D. in (4). The company held a magnificent party in honor ___________ the respectable guests. A. of B. with C. for D. about (5). It is the driver, not the pedestrian, who should be responsible ___________ the traffic accident. A. for B. by C. to D. on第二节 突破词汇关一. 1. 2. 3.突破词汇关的三大要素方法二、记忆单词的几种方法 单词记忆练习:请在最短时间内记忆下列几个单词 multinational adj. defrost disorganize womanish sting v. v. v. v. 多国的 除霜 瓦解 女子气的,柔弱的 (蚊虫) 叮咬 curse ambition headline instant noodlev. n. n.诅咒 雄心、抱负,野心 大标题,头版头条 方便面1. 词根记忆法 例: act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做” activity 活动(act+ivity 状态→活动状态) activate 使…活动,起动(act+ivate 使…→使…活动) enact 实施,颁布(en+act→使〔法律〕动→实施法律) interact 相互作用(inter 相互+act→相互动→相互作用) react 反应;反抗(re 反+act→反动;反应) transact 做交易;办理(trans 横+act→横向动→互相贸易或交易) counteract 抵抗;抵消(counter 反+act→反着动→力量对抗→抵消)2. 同根词记忆法 consider respect considerate consideration respectable respective considerable respectful considerate respectedcontinual continuous contempt contemptible contemptuous1. The crowd waited in _______ silence for the President to speak. A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respected2. That was a _______ trick to play on a friend! A. contempt B. contemptible C. contemptuous D. contemptibility 3. We are not happy with those _______ interruptions. A. continual B. continuous C. continue D. constant4. Indeed, there is _______ demand for that most ancient of financial products, gold. A. consider B. consideration C. considerable D. considerate3. 词缀记忆法—前缀 1) 否定逆反前缀im-,in-表示“不,无,非”impossible 不可能的(im+plssible 可能的) immoral 不道德的(im+moral 道德的) impolite 无礼的(im+polite 礼貌的) impartial 公平的(im+partial 有偏见的) immortal 不朽的(im+mortal 死的) incapable 无能力的(in+capable 有能力的) inhuman 不人道的(in+human 人道的) indifferent 冷漠的(in+different 不同的→同与不同的“事不关已” →冷漠的)il-,ir-放在同辅音词根前表示“不,无”illegal 非法的(il+legal 合法的) illiterate 不识字的(il+literate 认字的) illogical 不合逻辑的(il+logical 逻辑的) irregular 不规则的(ir+regular 规则的) irrational 不合理的(ir+rational 合理的) irresistible 不可抗拒的(ir+resistible 可抗拒的) dis- 表示&不,消失掉& dislike 不喜欢(dis+like 喜爱→不喜爱) disorder 无秩序(dis+order 顺序→没有顺序) dishonest 不诚实的(dis+honest 诚实的) disappear 消失(dis+appear 出现→不出现→消失) discourage 使失去勇气(dis+courage 勇气) dispassionate 平心静气的(dis+passionate 有激情的) discover 发现(dis+cover 盖→把盖揭开→发现)un-表示“打开,解开,弄出” unlock 开锁(un+lock 锁) unbind 解开(un+bind 捆住) uncover 揭露发现(un+cover 盖) unveil 揭幕,使公布于众(un+veil 面纱)de-表示&去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下&等 destruction 破坏(de+struct 结构;建造+ion→弄坏结构→破坏) deforest 砍伐森林(de+forest 森林→去掉森林) devalue 降低价值(de+value 价值→去掉价值) depress 压制,压抑(de+press 压→向下压→压制)2)贬义前缀 mal-表示“坏,恶”(亦作 male) malcontent 不满的(mal+content 满意的) malpractice 不法行为(mal+practice 做事,实践→做坏事) malnutrition 营养不良(mal+nutrition 营养) maltreat 虐待(mal+treat 对待)mis-表示“错误,坏” mistake 错误(mis+take 拿→拿错→错误) misunderstand 误解(mis+understand 理解) mistrust 不信任(mis+trust 相信)pseudo-表示“伪” pseudoscience 伪科学 (pseudo+science 科学) pseudo-classic 伪古典 (pseudo+classic 古典)3)表示程度、方位、顺序和规模的前缀hyper-表示“超过,太多” hyperactive 活动过度的(hyper+active 活动的) hypersensitive 过敏的(hyper+sensitive 敏感的) hypercritical 吹毛求疵的(hyper+critical 批评的)sur-表示“超过,在上面” surface 表面(sur+face 脸面) surpass 超过(sur+pass 通过→在上面通过→超越) surmount 登上,超越(sur+mount 山→在山上→登上) surplus 多余的(sur+plus 多余;加→多出很多) surcharge 附加费(sur+charge 收费→额外的收费→附加费) survival 幸存,生存(sur+viv 活+al→经过事故活着→幸存)fore-表示&前面,预先& forefather 前人,祖先(fore+father 父亲;祖先) forecast 预料(fore+cast 扔→预先扔下→预料) foreshadow 预示,暗示(fore+shadow 影子→影子预先来)inter-表示“在…之间,相互” international 国际的(inter+national 国家的) interpersonal 人与人之间的(inter+personal 个人的) intersect 横断(inter+sect 切割 →在中间切→横断) intervene 干涉(inter+vene 走→走在二者之间→干涉) interaction 相互影响(inter+action 行动→相互行动→影响) interchangeable 可互换的(inter+changeable 可改变的)Multi-表示”很多,很多” multilingual a. 多种语言的(multi+lingual 方向的) multiple a.多样的;多功能的(multi+pile→多的→多功能的) multiply a.乘;繁殖(multi+ply 表动词→变多→乘) multiform a.多种多样的(multi+form 形式) multicultural a.多种文化的(multi+cultural 文化的) multimedia a.多媒体的(multi+media 媒介) multitude a.多数;群众(multi+tude 状态→多的状态→多数) out① 表示”超过.过度” outdo v.胜过,战胜(out+do 做→做得超出别人) outnumber v.在数量上超过(out+number 数量) outsize a.过大的(out+size 范围→范围超出) ② 表示”出去.过时” outside ad.在外面(out+side 旁边→在外边) outrage n.粗暴,暴行(out+rage 怒气→怒气外露→粗暴) outskirts n.郊区(out+skirts 裙子;城市周边→郊区) outflow v.流出(out+flow 流→流出) outbreak n.爆发(out+break 断裂→事情断裂→爆发) outline n.大纲;轮廓(out+line 线条→划出线条→大纲)over① 表示”过度,过分” overstudy n.用功过度(over+study 学习) overwork n.过度劳累(over+work 工作) overdose n.药物过量(over+dose 剂量) ② 表示”在……之上” overlap n\v.重叠(over+lap 交叉→[大腿]交叉→重叠) overwhelm v.压倒;泛滥(over+whelm 推翻→翻过来→压倒) overlook v.俯视;疏忽(over+look 看→在上面看→俯视,z 上申为疏忽) overcome v.战胜,克服(over+come 来→来到上面→战胜) ③表示“翻转” overturn 颠覆(over+rurn 转→翻转) overthrow 推翻(over+throw 扔→扔翻了→推翻)pre-表示“….前的,预先” precaution 预防措施(pre+caution 小心→预先小心→预防) precede (在时间上)先于,早于(pre+cede 走→走在前面→[时间上]先于) precedent 先例(pre+ced 走+ent→走在前面的东西→先例) precise 精确的,精细的(pre+cise 切→预先切好的→精确的) preclude 妨碍;阻止(pre+clude 关闭→提前关闭→阻止) predict 预言,预报(pre+dict 说→预先说→预言)re①表示“向后,相反,不” reflect 回想;反射(re+flect 弯曲→反弯曲→反射) retreat 后退,撤退(re+treat 拉→拉回来→撤退) retract 缩回;收回(re+tract 拉→拉回,缩回) resist 反抗,抵抗(re+sist 站→反着站→反抗) reverse 反转的,颠倒的(re+verse 转→反转的) resent 忿恨,不满(re+sent 感觉→反感→不满) repel 驱除,击退(re+pel 推→击退) ②表示“一再,重新” reclaim 取回,回收(re+claim 喊→喊回来→取回,引申为开垦荒地) recommend 赞扬;推荐(re+commend 赞扬→一再赞扬) recompense 报酬;赔偿(re+compense 补偿) refurbish 刷新;擦亮(re+furbish 装饰→再装饰→刷新)trans① 表示“横过,越过” transcend 超越,胜过(trans+scend 爬→爬过→超越) transgress 冒犯;违背(trans+gress 走→横着走→冒犯) transmit 传送,传播(trans+mit 送→横着送消息→传播) transparent 透明的(trans+par 平等+ent→横穿过去看得一样清楚→透明的 transect 横切,横断(trans+sect 切→横切) ② 表示“变换,改变,转移” tranplant 移植(trans+plant 种→转移过去→移植) transaction 交易;办理(trans+action 行动→交换行动→交易) transcribe 抄写,转录(trans+scribe 写→把写的东西移到〔另一张纸上〕→抄写)under① 表示“在…下” underground 地下的(under+ground 地) underline 划线于…下(under+line 线,在字底下划线,引申为强调) undermine 破坏,损坏(under+mine 挖→挖墙角) underwear 内衣(under+wear 穿衣服) ② 表示“不足,不够” underestimate 估计不足(under+estimate 估计) underplay 对…轻描淡写(under+play 玩→没玩够→说得不够的) underpopulated 人口稀少的(under+populated 有人住的) underdeveloped 不发达的(under+developed 发展→发展不够) undersized 不够大的(under+sized 大的→不够大的)sub-表示“在下面,次一等,副手” subordinate 附属的(sub+ordin 顺序+ate→顺序在下→附属的) subscribe 捐献,订购(sub+scribe 写→在下面写上名字→订购) subtitle 副标题(sub+tropics 热带)4)表示态度的词缀co-表示&共同&,通常放在元音词根前 Cooperation 合作(co+operation 操作→共同操作→合作) Cohere 附着;粘着(co+here 粘→粘在一起) Coincide 一致,符合,巧合(co+in 进+cide 掉下→共同掉进来→巧合) Coordinate 协调:同等的(co+ordin 顺序+ate→顺序一样→同等的引申为平等;协 调)contra, counter-表示&反对,相反& contrary 相反的(contra+ary→相反的) contradict 反驳;矛盾(contra+dict 说→反着说→反驳) contravene 违反,违背(contra+vene 走→反着走→违反)= counteract 对抗;抵消(counter+act 行为→反着行动→对抗) counterbalance 平衡(counter+balance 平衡→两边一样→达到平衡) counterpart encounter pro- 表示“亲……的,支持的” progovernment proAmerica prodemocracy 亲政府的( Pro+government 政府) 亲美 (pro+America 美国)支持民主的 (pro+democracy 民主)5)转换前缀em-,en-表示&使…进入状态& embrace 拥抱(em+brace 胳膊→进入怀抱) embarrass 使难堪(em+barrass 套子→进入套子→难堪) empower 授权(em+power 权力) enact 制定;颁布(en+act 行动→进入行动→颁布〔法令〕 ) endanger 使危险(en+danger 危险) encourage 鼓励(en+courage 勇气→使人进入勇气→鼓励) enlighten 启发,开导(en+ligh 光+en→给人光明→启发)a- 表示“……的” asleep 睡着的 (a+sleep 睡觉) awake 醒着的 ablaze 发光的 (a+wake 唤醒) (a+blaze 火焰)3. 词缀记忆法—后缀 练习:请用所学的词缀知识选择正确答案 deflate reflate conflate inflate1. The government is taking various measures to _______ the economy. 2. The balloon __________ and went flat. 3. _________ was so great that bred cost twice as much in June as it did in May. 4. The economic recession _________ prices. 5. The idea ______ two issues. codeencodedecode1. The spy _______ the secret message and read it. 2. She ______ the material so the computer could read it.4. 谐音联想法 Pension n. 津贴,退休金,抚恤金 包裹 活动Parcel n. Activity n.6. 音节记忆法comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] conviction [k?n'vik??n]n. 包含;理解n. 定罪;确信;[法]证明有罪destiny ['destini] n. 命运,定数,天命7. 组合记忆法 headline instant noodle/coffee poppycock总结:必须使用的记单词的三种方法: 第三节 历年真题中的词汇考试部分精讲 一 名词: 1. (2010 年第 5 题) Since any answer may bring ________ to his government. The spokesman tried to avoid the question. A. commitment B. embarrassment C. failure D. benefit2. (2009 年第 4 题) When I worked as a bank clerk, I had the opportunity to meet a rich ______ of people: students, soldiers and factory workers. A. diversity B. kind C. variety D. range3. (2007 年第 3 题) In space, _______ and equipment need many forms of protection. A. pilots B. engineers. C. astronauts D. scientists4. (2006 年第 10 题) Chocolate manufacturers blend many types of beans to yield ______ and color desired in the final product. A. the shape B. the flavor C. the function D. the brand5. (2004 年第 5 题) Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modern physics at the ______ of his health. A. mercy B. disposal C. cost D. expenditure6. (2003 年第 1 题) The new currency will get into _______ soon. A. circuit B. circulation C. circular D. circle7. (2003 年第 4 题) Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to rapid _______ of city life. A. rate B. speed C. step D. pace二、动词: 1. (2010 年第 10 题) The thief was so ________ by the bright lights and barking dogs that he left hastily. A. annoyedB. frightenedC. puzzledD. disappointed2. (2009 年第 1 题) Saffron returned to London to ______ her acting career after four years of modeling. A. follow B. chase C. pursue D. seek nothing every quite ____3. (2009 年第 2 题) He has fancy dreams about his life, and his expectations. A. makes B. matches C. reachesD. realizes4. (2008 年第 2 题) The researchers have come up with numerous explanations to _____ their failures. A. excuse B. justify C. admit D. avoid5. (2007 年第 2 题) Some persons ________ fishing simply for fun. A. make B. enjoy C. seek D. feel6. (2006 年第 1 题) Every plant, animal, and human being needs water to ______ alive. A. stay B. make C. run D. glow7. (2004 年第 1 题) The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to _____ it open. A. break B. press C. cut D. shake三、形容词 1. (2009 年第 6 题) He added that the state government has made _______ arrangements for the conference. A. accurate 2. B. absolute C. active D. adequate(2008 年第 1 题) E-commerce has witnessed a _______ growth these years. A. fixed B. stable C. steady D. regular3. (2008 年第 7 题) Rock singers, hip-hop dancers, and hippies all have distinct hair style, _______ to their group. A. peculiar B. especial C. special D. particular4. (2007 年第 5 题) Minimum wage is the ______ amount of money per hour that an employer may legally pay a worker. A. smallest B. few C. least D. little5. (2006 年第 5 题) personal letter. A. formalYou should use ______ and natural language when you write aB. politicalC. magicD. plain6. (2005 年第 3 题) Experts say the space rock is probably ______ more than U.S. $ 30000. A. weighty B. costly C. valuable D. worth7. (2005 年第 10 题) There is going to be ________ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency. A. sufficient B. additional C. efficient D. consequent8. (2004 年第 2 题) People who walk on the grass are ______ to a fine of $5. A. possible B. liable C. likely D. reliable四、副词 1. (2009 年第 10 题) By 2050 the world will have about 2 billion people aged over 60, there times _______ today. A. as that of B. as much as C. as those of D. as many as2. (2007 年第 4 题) Sometimes, artists paint _______ for their own enjoyment or self-expression, choosing their own subjects. A. primarily B. occasionally C. reluctantly D. generously3. (2006 年第 8 题) Magicians ________ use techniques from science and the arts to deceive the mind and eye. A. generously B. genetically C. cleverly D. subsequently4. (2005 年第 5 题) Children don’t ______ understand what they are reciting, but gradually it will have an impact on their thinking. A. necessarily B. profitably C. unnecessarily D. unprofitably5. (2003 年第 5 题) The first Olympiad is said to have consisted ______ of a 200-yard foot race near the small city of Olympia. A. nearly B. completely C. merely D. identically五、词组与固定搭配 1. (2010 年第 6 题) It is possible for a person to _______ negative attitudes and gain healthy confidence needed to realize his or her dreams. A. get rid of B. get away with C. get out of D. get along with2. (2010 年第 9 题) I cannot ______ your plan, for I see no money return for the pursuit. A. approve of B. argue with C. turn down D. give up3. (2009 年第 7 题) This video may be freely reproduced ________ commercial promotion or sale. A. except for B. as for C. thanks to D. up to4. (2009 年第 8 题) You ______ engage in serious debate or discussion unless you are willing to endure attacks. A. had better not B. have better not C. had better not to D. have better not to5. (2009 年第 9 题) Coffee has been a favorite drink for centuries, ______ the time when we were drinking it strong and black, without sugar. A. during B. for C. since D. before6. (2008 年第 3 题) It was ______ me to interpret the thoughts swimming behind his eyes. A. belowB. beyondC. pastD. above7. (2008 年第 5 题) I wouldn’t recommend you go mountain-climbing at this time of year because it is ________. A. much too hot B. too much not C. too much heat D. very much heat8. (2008 年第 6 题) He has no alternative but _______ to ask his sister for help. A. to go B. go C. going D. goes9. (2008 年第 8 题) He was ______ knowing everything about the courses he was to take at the university. A. lost in B. attentive to C. clear of D. keen on10. (2008 年第 9 题) I’d rather _____ a room that is smaller but more comfortable. A. have B. had C. having D. to have11. (2007 年第 1 题) Living things can sense and _______ changes in their surroundings. A. decide on B. make up C. lead to D. respond to12. (2007 年第 6 题) _______ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time. A. In case of B. But for C. As of D. In spite of13. (2006 年第 3 题) Changes in climate _______ slowly through the years. A. make progress B. take place C. keep pace D. set sail14. (2005 年第 1 题) To speed ______ you entry, please b ring your Admission Card with you. A. up B. on C. out D. down15. (2005 年第 6 题) Every years, thousands of college students apply for the CCTV Cup English Speech _______. A. Argument B. Quarrel C. Debate D. Contest16. (2005 年第 8 题) The newly released movie was ______ as to arouse so much sensation among the young people. A. so B. such C. much D. very17. (2005 年第 9 题) Today’s popular clothing chains ______ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days. A. resort to B.attend to C. appeal to D. apply to18. (2004 年第 6 题) John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to ______ more responsibilities that are assigned to him. A. take on B. take in C. take off D. take up19. (2004 年第 7 题) Effective prevention against physical harms has never been _____ urgently needed especially in schools. A. such B. as C. more D. quite20. (2004 年第 10 题) Becoming aware of our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but ______ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better. A. in spite of B. in terms of C. on account of D. by means of21. (2003 年第 2 题) Shortage of capital is the main factor that ______ economic development. A. holds out B. holds on to C. holds back D. holds on22. (2003 年第 3 题) The captain of the ship _______ the passengers that there was no danger. A. assured B. ensured C. secured D. insured 第二部分GCT 基础语法一、语法的意义 练习一: 注意以下词与句的不同意义: 1. 感性—性感 2. 桃花开---开桃花 红石榴---石榴红 高山---山高3. 过去我喜欢他---我喜欢过去的他 练习二:将以下句子翻译成中文 As Oona herself was the child of a large family with its own problems, she was well prepared for the battle that Chaplin’s life became as many unfounded rumors surrounded them both---and, later on, she was the center of calm in the quarrels that Chaplin sometimes sparked in his own large family of talented children. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________二、常考语法点: 1.三态:时态、语态、情态 2.从句:名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句 3.非谓语:不定式、现在分词、过去分词 4.句型:强调句,倒装句 5. 虚拟语气 6. 其它:主谓一致、介词等 三、五大基本句型和附加修饰语 第一种:__________________________________________________________ 第二种:__________________________________________________________ 第三种:____________________________________________________________ 第四种:____________________________________________________________ 第五种:____________________________________________________________ 可有可无的修饰语: 定语: He told me a very interesting story.状语: 时间、地点、方式、程度、目的、原因、结果、伴随等等 同位语:He’s my friend Henry. Mike, a promising young man, was sent abroad to further his study. I want very much to see the films, especially the one you mentioned.练习题: 分辨下面句子是哪种基本句型并翻译 1. In 1997, we who were still in junior high elected Yi Yang who was the most beautiful in our class our monitor. 2. Will you dance with me? 3. She saw the thief stealing in the shop. 4. Her mother bought her a gift to reward her. 5. He mixed up the people in the story.四、基本句型的延伸 1. Her idea is foolish. _____________________________ is foolish. (相信她的想法是很傻的。) 2. The cruel man has been arrested. has been arrested. (那个谋杀了他女朋友的人已经 被逮捕了。五、谓语的特殊性和重要性 句子分析:The only effective means to reduce the migration pressure over the long term are to slow population growth and promote the development of the individual who has the tendency of going abroad. 谓语的重要性: 判断正误:1. He is a good student, I admire him very much. 2. There was a man smoke in the room. 谓语的特殊性: 如果想在一个句子中使用两套或两套以上的主谓宾结构的话, 可采取以下几种方式: A. ____________ B. ______________ C. ______________ D. ____________六、语法分块讲解 第一部分 一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去将来时 am/ is /are do/does 时态总复习am/is are + doing have/has+done have/has + been doing was/were didwas/were + doing had done would do was/were + going to do was/were about to dowas/were doing 一般将来时will/shall + doam/is/are + going to doam/is/are + about to doAm/is/are + doing 将来进行时 将来完成时 will/shall + be doing will/shall + have done练习一:翻译 1. 一般他晚上看两个小时的电视。 2. 我们正在讨论如何解决这个问题。 3. 他总是对他的老板满腹抱怨。 4. 直到现在我们已经种了成千上万棵树。 5. 这些年来我们一直设法和你练习。 6. 很多人在日本的地震中丧生。7. 上大学前他一点英语没学过。 8. 雨一停他们就又上路了。 9. 她告诉我,她第二天要去欧洲出差。 10. 到这学期期末,我们就学了二十课课文了。第二部分被动语态一、被动语态的结构:be + done + (by+动作执行者)二、被动语态的运用 什么情况下要用被动语态呢?一般地说,有下面几种情况: (1) 不知道谁是动作的执行者或没有必要。例如: Paper is made from wood. (纸是由木材生产出来的。 ) (这座房子太旧了。它是 1950 年建成的。 )(2) 需要强调动作的对象时。例如: Calculator can't be used in the maths exam. (计算器不能用于数学考试。 )(阅览室的书籍和报纸不准带走。 )三、被动语态三大考点之一:各种时态的被动语态一般地讲,被动语态可用于英语的各种时态。为了能准确地运用被动语态, 重点是要掌握 be 动词的各种时态变化。各种时态的被动语态举例如下: 1、 一般现在时的被动语态. am / is / are + done Our classroom is cleaned every day. 这车是中国制造的。 2、一般过去式的被动语态: was / were + done His desk was cleaned just now. 这个车站是 1928 年建的。 3、现在进行时的被动语态: am / is / are + being + done A new factory is being built in our city now. 花园里的一些树正在被砍倒。 4、过去进行时的被动语态: was / were + being + done A new factory was being built in our city at that time. 这些孩子去年还由陈小姐照顾呢。 5、一般将来时的被动语态: (A) will / shall + be + done (B) am / is / are + going to be +done. Some new factories will be built in our city this year. 一个小时之后就要修你的表了。 6、过去将来时的被动语态: (1).would / should + be + done (2).was / were +going to be + done She said that some new factories would be built soon in our city. .他认为他会因为努力工作而受到奖赏 的。 7、现在完成时的被动语态:have / has + been + done Some new factories have been built in the city since last year. 你的表已经修好了。 8、过去完成时的被动语态:had + been + done He said that some new factories had been built in the city. 当时我不知道我的表已经修好了。 9、含情态动词的被动式:can/may/must + be + done 例如:He can not be found. 我提出了这么好的建议应该付我钱。四、被动语态三大考点之二:主动表被动1、 Need, want, require 要求, ( 需要) deserve(应得, , 值得), be worth 值得) not bear(经 , 不住) 后面接 doing 主动表被动。 The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 这座古建筑需要修了。 你的头发该剪了。 2、不定式修饰作表语和宾语补足语的形容词时,结构:主语+系动词+形容词 + 不 定式;动词+宾语+形容词+不定式。 如果形容词是表示难易、 利弊等含义, difficult, 如 easy, comfortable(舒适的), convenient(便利的,方便的), hard, cheap, expensive, 等, 不定式用主动表被动。 The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。 这项工作很好做。 . 我觉得这种车很好坐。 3、系动词没有被动形式,但有些系动词常表示被动意义。常见的有 taste(吃起来), sound (听起来), prove(证明是), feel(摸上去感到), look(看起来),smell(闻起来)等,例 如: Your reason sounds reasonable. 你的理由听起来很合理。 良药苦口。 4、一些动词如 sell(销售) , wash(洗), clean(打扫), burn(燃烧), cook(煮)等与副词如 well(好), easily(容易地), perfectly(十分地)等连用 ,描会事物的特性,用主动表被动, 结构是主语+动词+加副词。例如: The book sells well. 这种书很畅销。 这些衣服很易洗。 这笔很好写。五、被动语态三大考点之三:不能用于被动语态的动词和词组 come true, consist of, take place, happen, become, rise, occur, belong ,break out, appear, arrive, die, fall, last, exist, fail, succeed 例 It took place before liberation.历届时态语态真题回顾: 1. (2010 年第 7 题)By the end of this term, the girls ______ the basic rules of dinner party conversation. A. will learn B. will have learned C. have learned D. are learning2. (2008 年第 19 题) A virus, often too small to be seen except with a powerful microscope, ______ diseases. A. cause B. is caused C. causes D. is causing3. (2007 年第 7 题) Without sun’s light ______ the earth’s surface, no life could exist on the earth. A. warms B. warmed C. to warm D. warming4. (2007 年第 8 题) When we arrived at the airport, we were told our flight _____. A. had been cancelled C. has been cancelled B. had cancelled D. cancelled5. (2006 年第 2 题) It _______ commonplace to think of sport as a “leisure industry” now. A. became B. will become C. is becoming D. had become6. (2005 年第 2 题) More thunderstorms _______ in summer than any other time of the year. A. happened B. have happened C. happen D. will happen7. (2004 年第 4 题) The Mona Lisa, _______ in Italy, is now in the Louvre, a museum in Paris. A. who painted B. which was painted C. which painted D. who was painted8. (2003 年第 6 题) The issue _______ at the conference is very important and it will create a sensation nationwide. A. discussed C. is being discussed B. being discussed D. has been discussed. 时态与语态精练: 1. I hope that everything I have told you ___ by the next lesson. A will not have been forgotten B will not be forgotten C not have been forgotten D is not to be forgotten 2. The idea that learning is a lifelong process___ by philosophers and educationalists throughout the centuries. A have been expressed C has been expressed B was expressed D has expressed3. Would you please inform me as soon as he___ the final decision? A will make B make C makes D has made4. He___ a few friends ever since he ___ to this new compound. A made…moved C has made… has moved B made… has moved D has made…moved5. He is the most difficult person I ___ in my life. A I have been dealing C I dealt with B I have dealt with D I deal with6. By the time the semester___ to an end, we____ a lot about computer science. A will come…will learn C comes… will learn B will come … have learned D comes…will have learned7. No sooner___ his mouth than she ___ to yell at him. A did he open…has started C had he opened… had started B had he opened… started D he opened… had started 8.If traffic problems___ soon, driving in cities___ impossible. A won’t be solved…becomes C won’t be solved… will become B aren’t solved… will become D aren’t solved….. becomes9. Isn’t it lovely to think that I ____ myself on the sunny beach at this time tomorrow. A will enjoy B am enjoying C will be enjoying D shall enjoy10. Ever since he ___ his hometown, he___ from one place to another. A has left… has wandered C left … has been wandering 附:时态与语态答案 1A 2C 3C 4D 5B 6D 7B 8B 9C 10C B left… has wandered D has left…. has been wandering第三部分 情态动词考点一:情态动词的完成式—对过去事件的猜测评论⑴ 情态动词的完成式 即 “ 情态动词 + have + done” ,表示对过去行为或动作 进行推测、评论或判断。 如: Since the ditch is full of water, it must have rained last night. 沟渠里的水都满了,想必昨晚一定下雨了。 You couldn’t have met my grandmother, for she had died before you came to this city. 你不可能遇到我奶奶,因为她早在你来这个城市之前就死了。 我找不到钥匙了,也许昨天丢到学校 了吧。 ⑵ 当情态动词完成式是由 ought to / should 加完成式或否定式 ought not to / shouldn’t 加完成式时,是表示 对已发生的情况表示 “ 责备 ” 、 “ 不满 ” , 分别表示 “ 本应该 … ” 和 “ 本不应该 … ” 。例如: You ought not to have made fun of him. He is not the one you laugh at but learn from. 你本不应该取笑他的。他不是你嘲笑是热恰恰是你应该学习的一个人。 你本应该昨天前就把作文写完的。 ⑶ needn’t have done 表示过去做了某事,但没有做的必要, 意为 “ 本没必 要 … ” 。例如: You needn’t have wakened me up. I don’t have to go to work today. 你本没必要把我叫醒,因为我今天不上班。你本没必要把书还了,你可以再保留两周的。考点二:情态动词的进行式---对现在事件的猜测评论情态动词 + be doing,表示推测或评论某动作现在是否正在进行。例如: The light in h he must be working now. 他书房的灯还亮着,想必他现在还在工作。 She shouldn’t be working like that. She is still very weak. 她不应该这样干 , 她身体还这样弱 . 他说的不可能是真话 .考点三:情态动词的完成进行式---对过去一直进行的事件猜测评论情态动词 + have been doing,表示推测或评论过去一直进行,到现在还未停或刚刚 停的事件。例如: They are sweating all over. They must have been working in the fields. 他们浑身是汗,准是在地里一直干活来着。今天上午他们可能一直在讨论这个建议来着。考点四、特殊情态动词除了上述的基本情态动词之外,还有一些如 would rather, had better, can not but, might as well 等可用作情态动词。 The soldier would rather die than surrender. 这个战士宁死不降。 If you don’t like to swim, you might as well stay at home. 如果你不喜欢游泳 , 你 也可以待在家里啊 这些短语后一般直接跟动词原形 。但是当 would rather 后跟 that 引导的从句 时 ,从句就要用虚拟语气。对现在和将来的假设用过去时,对过去的假设用过去 完成时。例如: I would rather you went home right now. 我倒宁愿你现在立刻回家去。 I would rather you hadn’t asked me to speak yesterday. 我倒宁愿你昨天没邀请我讲 话。情态动词精炼: 1. “The light is on. He ___ be home.” “ No, he ___ not be. He told me definitely that he would go to the airport to meet a friend.” A. can… should B might… might C must… can D would… can 2. “ What do you think he is doing now?” “Well, I don’t know exactly. He ____ be watching TV.” A must B should C might D would3. “What do you think Mary is doing now?” “she____ dinner since the guests will soon arrive.” A must prepare C shall be preparing B should prepare D must be preparing4.Mary got a parking ticket. She ____ in a reserved spot since she had no permit. A can’t park C shouldn’t have parked B couldn’t have parked D shouldn’t park5.You ___ all these parcels yourself .The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant. A didn’t need to carry C needn’t have carried B shouldn’t carry D couldn’t have carried6.Henry’s car stopped on the highway. It ___ out of gas. A may run B may have run C must run D ought to run7.Since we don’t have anything special to do tonight, we ____ as well go to see a movie. A shall B might C should D would8.May___ now. I saw her in the Disco club a few minutes ago. A can’t work B shouldn’t work C can’t be working D shouldn’t be working9. Jean must be annoyed with me. She didn’t even nod to me when I met her on the street. She ____ you. A mustn’t have seen C may not have seen B couldn’t have seen D can’t have seen 10. You ____ the work. Now you won’t meet the schedule. A should finish C must finish B should have finished D must have finished11. He ____ writing the paper now. He hadn’t written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago. A shouldn’t be B can’t have finished C can’t be D mustn’t have finished12. The farmer realized that he’d better, if he didn’t want to have a total loss, ____ his crop earlier than usual. A harvesting B to harvest C harvested D harvest13. My pain ___ apparent the moment I walked into the room. For the first man I met asked me sympathetically, “Are you all right?” A must be B had been C must have been D should be14. They were chatting when I walked into the office. They ____ then. It’s office hour. A can’t chat C mustn’t be chatting 附:情态动词答案: 1C 2C 3D 4C 5C 6B 7B 8C 9C 10B 11B 12D 13C 14D B shouldn’t chat D shouldn’t have been chatting第四部分 从句一、名词性从句 (主语从句、表语从句、 同位语从句和宾语从句) 。 1.主语从句 地球围绕着太阳转是众所周知的事实。That the earth goes around the sun is well-known to everybody. (= It is well-known to everybody that the earth goes around the sun.) 他来不来参加会议取决于他的老板。Whether he will come to the meeting is up to his boss. (= It is up to his boss whether he will come to the meeting.) 谁这样说谁就在撒谎。Whoever says so is a liar. 学习外语你需要的是大量的练习。 What you need in learning a foreign language well is repeated practice. 你所说的令人信服。What you have said is convincing. 我们在哪儿过夜是个问题。 2008 年奥运会举行的时间和地点已经确定下来了。古埃及人是如何建造金字塔迷惑了多少代的人。2. 表语从句 that 引出的表语从句里, that 可以省略 ; whether 有时也可用来引出表语 从句,而一般不用 if ,但 as if 却 可以。 如: My idea is (that) we need more hands. 我的看法是我们需要更多的人手。 The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们是否能帮我们。 All this was over twenty years ago, but it seems as if it was only yesterday. 所有这一切过去 20 多年了,但似乎刚刚是昨天发生的一样。3. 宾语从句 ? I think he is right---否定主句还是否定从句主句谓语动词是 think, believe, suppose, consider, expect, guess, imagine, fancy, reckon,其后的宾语 从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。 I don’t think he can do it better than me. 我想他不会比我干得更好。 I don’t believe he treated the child like that. 我相信他不会那样对待孩子的。 ? 反义疑问句宾语从句的否定转移 当主句: 1) 主语是第一人称 I, we 2) 谓语是 think, believe, suppose, expect, feel 3) 句型 It seems that / It doesn’t seem that… 反意部分的主语和谓语要和从句一致 I don’t think he can finish the work, can he? I don’t believe she knows it, does she? I think you’ll come to the meeting, won’t you? It doesn’t seem that he can get it, can he? 但是当主语不是第一人称,或者不是上述动词时,反义部分还要与主句一致。 Mary thinks you’ll come to the meeting, doesn’t she? (主语不是第一人称) We suggest that the work should be done in three days, don’t we? (动词)4、同位语从句?能接同位语从句的名词有:Belief, fact, hope, idea, doubt, news, rumor, conclusion, evidence, suggestion, problem, order, answer, decision, discovery, explanation, information, knowledge, law, opinion, possibility, principle, truth, promise, report, thought, statement ? 一般由 that 引导, ,但根据上下文也可以用 what, which, who, when, where,why, how, whether, if 引导,例如: The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging. There arose the question where we could get the loan. 总结: 1.引导名词性从句的关联词: 1) .连接词 that, whether, if 这三个词只起连接作用,不担任句子成分。That 本身 无意义,有时可以省略;whether 和 if 本身有意义,均不能省略。 2). 关系代词 Who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whichever, whoever 关系 代词在句中既起连接作用,同时又担当从句的主语,宾语,定语,表语。 3) 关系副词 when, where, how, why 这些关系副词起双重作用,在句中既是连接 词,又作从句的状语。 2. 名词性从句一律用陈述语序。名词性从句精练: 1. ___ is for him to decide. A. when leaving C. when we leave B. when shall we leave D. when we have left2. It ___ that space is limitless. A. believes B. was generally believed C. believed D. is generally believed3. The reason Einstein left Germany to America is ___. A. because Hitler persecuted the Jews B. since Hitler persecuted the Jews C. on account of the fact that Hitler persecuted the Jews D. that Hitler persecuted the Jews 4. After a whole day of hard work, all ___ was a nice meal and a good rest. A. what he wanted B. which he wanted C. the thing he wanted D. that he wanted 5. A modern city has sprung up in ___ was a wasteland ten years ago. A. which B. what C. that D. where6. The new literature course differs from the old course ___ the students aren’t required to attend lectures. A. in which B. which C. in that D. whereas7. I wonder he knows ___ to write a book. A. how great pains it will cost C. what great pains it will cost B. what great pains will it take D. what great pains it will take8. The king promised to marry his daughter to ___ defeated the enemy. A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever9. He is satisfied with ___ his son has achieved. A. all what B. that C. all that D. which10. The new secretary is responsible and hard-working, ___ her predecessor was not. A. what B. which C. who D. whom11. ___ college students should learn more about Chinese history. A. I consider important that C. I consider what is important B. I consider it important D. I consider it important that12. To a highly imaginative writer, ___ is a pad of paper and a pen. A. all are required B. all required is C. all is required D. all that is required13. How annoying ___ ! A. that they are making so much noise B. is they are making so much noise C. is it that they are making so much noise D. it is that they are making so much noise 14. The young man turned a deaf ear to ___ Father said, ___ annoyed Mother very much. A. which… what B. what… which C. that… which D. how… what15. ___ is none of your business. A. I shall take what measures C. It is what measures I shall take B. what measures shall I take D. What measures I shall take16. ___ was of no much help to him at that time. A. Little could I do C. The little of which I could do B. What could I do little D. The little that I could do17. Do ___ right and respect the opinions of others. A. what you believe is you believe 18. The young couple was worried because neither of them was aware ___ they had lost the necklace. A. the place B. where which C. where D. of where DDDBD 16-18 DAD B. that you believe is C. which you believe is D. which参考答案:1-5 CDDDB 6-10 CDDCB 11-15二、定语从句结构:先行词(人、物、时间、地点) + 关系代词、关系副词 + 从句 关键:关键词的选择——主要根据先行词放到从句中的位置(一) 、先行词在从句中作宾语,能省略 1、先行词是“人” :The gentleman (whom / that ) she met addressed her with courtesy. 2、先行词是“物” :He is the material (which/ that) you need. (二) 、先行词在从句中作主语,不能省略 1、先行词是“人” :He is a man who/that means what he says. 2、先行词是“物” :The watch which / that was lost has been found.(三) 、先行词在从句中作定语 Is there anyone in your department whose father is a painter?(四) 、先行词在从句中作状语 1、时间——when Oct. 1, 1949 is the day when PRC was founded. 2、地点——where He informed me of the place where the meeting would be held. 3、原因——why Please tell me the reason why you are always making troubles in class.(五) 、关系代词 that 唯一性 1、先行词是不定代词 all, sth., nothing, much, little, none 等 2、序数词 first, second, last + 先行词 3、限定词 any, only, few + 先行词 4、最高级 the most + 先行词 例句: Please just tell me anything (that) you know about the author of the book. That’s all (that) I could do at that time. That is all that upset her a lot. No sample (that) we have received is satisfactory. } } } + that + 从句 } He is the only person that was present at the time. Any boy that wants to succeed must work hard.(六)、which 唯一性 1、非限定性定从 His speech, which bored everyone, went on and on. The general daughter, whose name is Ann, gave me a sweet smile. 2、介词 + which/ whom= 关系副词 This is the girl (who/ whom) he worked with. This is the girl with whom he worked. This is the room where= in which Churchill was born. Oct. 1, 1949 is the day when= on which PRC was founded. 3、which 可以带一句话 He was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honor.(七)、定语从句和同位语从句区别 1、定语从句的 that 既代替先行词,又在从句中做某个成分(主语或宾语) ,做宾语 时还可以省略;同位语从句中的 that 只起到连接主句和从句的作用,不担当句 子成分,不能省略。 2、定语从句是形容词性质的,其功能是修饰先行词;同位语从句等同于先行词, 是名词性的。 3、定语从句中的先行词可以是抽象概念,也可以是具体概念;同位语从句中的先 行词是抽象概念。 例句:It is a fact that he has done his best. It is a fact that you can’t deny. (fact = He has done his best.)(fact 在从句中作 deny 的宾语,由 that 引导, that 可以省) The problem that he put forward is to be discussed at the meeting. The proposal that we should import more equipment from abroad is to be discussed at the meeting.定语从句历届真题回顾: 1. (2010 年第四题) Is there anything else _____ you want to get ready for the party this evening? A. which B. who C. that D. what2. (2008 年第 4 题) All _____ was needed was one final push to close the deal/ A. that B. what C. there D. which3. (2006 年第 4 题) Scientists can predict regions _______ new species are most likely to be found. A. where B. when C. why D. how4. (2004 年第 3 题) People do not always recall events as they ______ actually. A. are happening B. will happen C. would happen D. happened三、状语从句(一) 、时间状从 1.连词: When, as, while, until, till, since, before, once(一旦),every time 一…就… as soon as, the moment, the minute, the instant, “刚。。就。。(涉及倒装) no sooner(从)…than(主), 。 。” hardly(从)…when(主), scarcely(从)…when(主) 2. when/ as / while When/as+ 延续&不延续 v. V.S. While+延续 v.While/as 强调主从句动作同时进行, “一边。。一边” “正当。。的时候” 。 , 。 When 有时表示“这时”突然发生的动作,从句经常是进行时 As 可以表示“随着” e.g. He entered the room when/while/as the meeting was going on. When he comes, I shall tell her to wait for you.(点时间,不能用 没强调正 当。。用 as 不太合适) 。 As/ when he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause. (点时间,不能 用 while) While /as Jim was reading, Jack was writing, I was admiring her long glossy hair when she turned around and stared at me angrily. (这时) As she got older, she got wiser.(随着) 3. until V.S. till Till 不能在句首,只能句中;until 句首、句中都行 肯定句中:主句必须延续性 v. 否定句中:not…until/till 主句可以非延续 v. “直到。。才。。 。 。” She stood there until/till he had passed out of sight. 比较 He entered the room until I returned. ╳ He didn’t enter the room until I returned. √ He ate until it was dark. √延续性 He did not eat until it was dark. √ 非延续性 Until they had finished the work, they didn’t go home. Not until had they finished the work, they went home.(倒装) 4. 一。。就。。 。 。 The moment he saw her, he fell in love with her. My sister came immediately she got my message. She came to the scene the minute she heard of the accident. I will write to you as soon as I get Hong Kong. (主将从现) He had hardly gone to bed when the door bell rang.他刚睡下门铃就响了。 He had no sooner got off the train than his daughter ran to him.他刚刚下火车女儿就 跑过来了。 = His daughter… as soon as he had got off the train.. No sooner had he got off the train than his …(否定词句首,从句倒装) (二) 、地点状从 连词 where/everywhere/wherever You should put the book where it was. Wherever you go, you should do your work well. Everywhere I went, people were angry or suspicious. (三) 、条件状从 (主将从现) 1. 连词 “如果”if, provided (that), “除非。。否则” unless 。 “只要”only if, as/so long as 2. unless= if… not(从句), unless 在从句中不和否定连用 If he doesn’t come before 12 o’clock, we won’t wait for him. = Unless he came …, we won’t … I will go tomorrow unless it rains. = I will… if it doesn’t rain. 3.例句 As/ so long as you keep on trying, you will surely succeed. The picnic will be cancelled only if it rains. You may keep the book a further week provided (that) no one else requires it. (四) 、目的状从 So that, in order that, 可以换成 to do 形式 in order (not) to do, so as (not) to do Lest, in case, for fear that 以防, “ 以免” lest 引导的从句用虚拟, case / for fear that 。 in 真实虚拟均可。( )表示可以省略 They climbed to the top of the building in order that they could get a bird’s eye view of the city. Ask her to hurry up with these letters so that I can sign them. He emphasized it again and again, lest she (should) forget it. Take an umbrella with you in case it (should) rain/ rains. They hit themselves behind some bushes for fear that/ in case the enemy (should) find them. (五) 、结果状从 So that, so…that (so… as to do), such…that He made a wrong decision, so that half his lifetime was wasted. They got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. He is so stubborn that nobody is willing to give him any advice. 注意:so that 既可以引导目的状从,也可以引导结果状从。引导结果时,之前有逗 号。 比较:He left early so that he could catch the train.(目的) He left early, so that he caught the train.(结果) (六) 、原因状从 Because, since=now that, as, in that Since the speaker can’t come, we’ll have to cancel the meeting. We didn’t know what to do as we were just visiting there. Theory is valuable in that it can provide a direction for practice. Now that the weather has improved, let’s go out for a picnic. (七) 、让步状从 Although, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, while, no matter+疑问词 Tom always enjoys swimming, even though the weather is rough. Despite the fact that there exists national differences, certain funny situations have a universal appeal. Tired though he was, he sat up late. I like the color of the hat, while I don’t like its shape. No matter how they slander us, we will never give in. 注意:while 引导的主从句形式对仗,意思相反。 No matter+疑问词,只能位于句首,whatever, however, whenever 等句首、句 中都行。 (八) 、方式状从 连词 as, as if, as though, the way, how We have to make it work (in) the way (that) we want it to.(一般不用 in, that 省略) I was never allowed to do things (in) the way (that) I wanted to do them. You should behave how your father does. (how=in the manner that/ as) He made some changes as you had suggested. She was behaving as if /as though she hadn’t grown up.(虚拟)(九) 定语从句和状语从句的区别 请分辨下列句子到底带的什么从句: 1) This is the place where we had our picnic last week. 2) This is the place (that)we visited last week. 3) I will never forget the day when I first met him. 4) This is the day (that) I will never forget. 状语从句历届真题回顾: 1. (2007 年第 9 题) Kathy hopes to become a friend of _______ shares her bitterness and happiness. A. whomever B. whatever C. whoever D. whichever2. (2004 年第 9 题) The ATMs enable bank customers to access to their money 24 hours a day and seven days a week _____ ATMs are located. A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever从句与连词精练:1.____ is still a controversial issue. A If he is the right person for the job B That he is the right person for the job C Whether he is the right person for the job D He is the right person for the job 2.This is the only university I know ____ doesn’t have international students office. A which B that C/ D in which3.He has won the first place, ____ is clear from the expressions on his face. A that B as C what D when4.She was opening the door _____ she noticed a key on the floor. A thenB whileC whenD that5.There is no need concealing the truth any more_____ it has already been in the open. A so that B now that C which D that6.____, he had no intention of waiting for three hours. A As he was patient B Patient that he was C Patient as he was D patient he was7.It’s funny that ___ he is, ____ he eats. A the more angry and depressed… the more B the angrier and depressed… more C angrier and more depressed…. more D the angrier and more depressed…. the more8.These are our new employees,____ have passed the competence test. A all of whom B all of them C all of who 9.They live in a big room, ____ to the south. A the windows of which open C its windows open B the windows of it open D the windows of which opening D all of which10._____ difficult it is to surmount the obstacles, we’re bound to achieve our goal. A As B How C So D However附:从句与连词答案: 1C 2B 3B 4C 5B 6C 7D 8A 9A 10D第五部分 一、非谓语动词的形式:to do 二、非谓语动词作主语 To accept his offer would be foolish. doing非谓语动词 done接受他的帮助是愚蠢的。(不定式作主语)Smoking in public may be considered immoral nowadays. 现在在公共场所吸烟被认为是不道德的。 (动名词作主语) 注意:①不定式的逻辑主语 1. It is kind of you to help me with my English. 2. It is difficult for you to finish the task on time. 不定式作主语时常把 it 放在句首作形式主语,而将不定式移到后面。这两个介词使 用的区别是:当表语是表示主语的性质或特征时(如: good, nice, wise, generous, foolish, clever, silly, wrong, stupid, careless, considerate, impolite, naughty 等等) ,我们 使用 其它的使用 for 。 ② 动名词的逻辑主语 动名词的逻辑主语是在动名词前用名词或代词来表现的。 His going with them made everyone happy. Mary ’ s complaining frequently annoyed her husband, and her mother ’ s staying with them was another big headache. 二、非谓语动词作宾语 I don’t mind telling you the truth. (动名词作宾语) He agreed to lend me some money. (不定式作宾语) 接 doing 的动词、词组和句型: 词:enjoy, consider, avoid, stop, quit, risk, admit, understand, fancy, imagine, delay, postpone, require, finish, suggest, practice, excuse, mind 词组:can ’ t help, be worth, feel like, can’t stand, think of, dream of, be fond of, prevent … (from), keep … from, stop … (from), protect … from, set about, be engaged in, spend … (in), succeed in, be used to, look forward to, object to, pay attention to, insist on, feel like 等。 句型:It is no use (no good, no point, no sense, a waste of time 等名词)+(in)doing sth It is good (nice, interesting, useless 等形容词) + (in) doing sth There is no point (use, sense, good 等名词) + (in) doing sth Have difficulty (trouble, problem,pleasure, a difficult time) + (in) doing sth 接 to do 的动词和词组: afford, agree, ask attempt, beg, bother, care, choose, claim, consent, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail, fear, hesitate, intend, plan, manage, learn, pretend, offer, vow, prepare, refuse, resolve, determine, threaten, undertake, volunteer, wish, hope 可接 doing 也可接}


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