
  英语阅读理解小窍门都有哪些?总的思路来讲,先整体过一遍,有个印象,然后看问题,带着问题找原文,一般问题都是按顺序出的,定位关键词,就找到相应的位置,然后准确理解题目的问题,参照选项找到相应答案。  1、答案原句重复出现,200%错。正确的都是有改动的,即同意替换。  2、题目是按文章段落顺序出题的。你要觉得不是,就是你做错了。  3、选项中意思完全相反的2个选项,其中之一是对的,这符合逻辑学规律。  4、一般而言,some people,表作者不认同的观点。few people,表作者的观点。  5、错误选项特征:用文章里举例的句子来作为选项,直接排除。200%错。  6、引用某某人说的话,或者是带引号的,一定要高度重视。尤其是在段落的后半部分。很有可能就是某个问题的同意替换。即题眼。  7、文章基本以5段为主(也有6段、7段的),要把握每段之间的关系。一般来说,一段一个题,只是一般来说喔。  8、一篇文章总会有5、6+个长难句,且总会在这里设问题。所以,长难句必须要拿下(关键在语法哦^^)!  9、首句原则:每段的第一句很重要。尤其总分结构的段。有的时候第一句话就是题眼。依此理,首段首句更是不可放过。  10、若文章首段以why为开头的,这里若设题的话,选项里有because的,往往就是正确选项。  11、转折原则:有时候每段的第一句话,仅仅是一个表述。而在第2或3句以后,会出现对比或者转折。一般来说,转折后面的是作者的态度。你要注意的是,作者对什么进行了转折。那个关键词你要找出来。  12、在应该出现答案的地方,没有答案。接着往下读。答案可能会在下一段的开头部分。因为文章都是接着说的。要有连贯性。这和7选5的技巧有些相似。  13、有些句子仅仅是解释补充,或者是起过渡作用的。这样句子的特点是,句子比较短。注意,答案一般不会在这儿出现。选项中出现,肯定是干扰项。你要知道的是,同意替换的句子,大都是长难句。一些作为过渡的句子,不可能是答案。在你读不懂的情况下,要有这个判断力。  14、正确选项都是原文中的个别几个词的同义替换。阅读理解历年的所有真题,都是同意替换!就看你能不能找得到。考研英语,考的就是这个!那个关键词,就看你找没找得到,不管是什么类型的题。  15、定位原则:每一个问题,在原文中,都要有一个定位。然后精读,找出那个中心句或者关键词。要抓文章的中心主旨和各段落的大意,阅读理解考的就是这个“中心句”。  16、选项中的几个单词,是该段中不同句子里的单词拼凑的,有时看上去很舒服,注意,干扰项。还有从不同的段落里的词拼凑到一起的,直接排除。总之,选项的单词是拼凑的,肯定错。  17、一定要注意文章中句子的宾语部分,尤其是长难句中主干的宾语。主干的主语、宾语是什么,一定要知道。正确选项的题眼往往就在这儿。当然,还有一些起修饰、限定作用的词,一定要看仔细。小心陷阱。  18、若某个问题,是特别长的一个句子,一定要看清问的是什么,别打马虎眼。这是做题时需要留意的地方。  19、注意问题的主语是谁,它和原文题眼的主语原则上是一致的。主语不一致,一般来说,都是错的。  20、错误选项特征:往往是就文章某一方面而说的,其特点是:所涉及的,仅仅是某一个小问题,或者很具体,非常具体的一件实事。200%错误选项。这是考研英语最经常遇到的干扰项。一定要会识别。  21、文章的结构,要么总-分或总-分-总,要么转折、对比,要么举例说明。就这么几个套路。  22、某人说过的话,有时并不是题眼,但可以从侧面或某个角度来反映作者的观点,也就是作者想表达的。正确答案都是和这样的观点相一致的。要把握关键词,有感情色彩的词。做题时,要有这个意识。  23、文章主旨题:就某个词或者某个句子设问题,不用猜词。就一条,文章主旨!不用去研究这个词什么意思,把握主旨即可。全文主旨和段落主旨(前者更重要)。  24、很绝对的说,反映主旨的选项肯定对,前提是你能确定它就是主旨。所以,文章读不太懂,但能把握作者想表达的意思即可。如2011年争议题37题。  25、注意中心句(即题眼)和前后句子之间的关系,是接着说的,还是转折关系。这里出题的话,要把握和前后句子之间的关系。是并列关系的,可以从这些句子里找同义词。是转折关系的,就通过转折关系句子里的关键词的相反意思来判断。前提是在你读不懂的情况下。  26、凡是举例的,都是为了说明观点的。那么,这个观点(中心句),一般来说,会在举例之前(90%)就表达了。但有时候也在举例之后。总之,作者举例想说明的这个观点,你一定要找出来。  27、排除2个选项以后,选出和文章主旨相关的选项即可。不知道主旨就把握关键词。  28、词汇题的正确答案,往往隐藏在原文的该处附近(就是那个同义替换词),原文这附近的句子,是并列关系或者解释说明句的,就从这些句子的关键词的相近意思去把握。是转折关系的,就从关键词的相反意思去把握。总之,你要找出那个关键词。  29、考一个词是什么意思的,和这个词意思一致的绝对不选;考一个句子什么意思的,和这个句子意思一致的绝对要选。  30、如果原文中出现“A is B and C”。若某一问题,选项中出现了B没C,或者只出现C没B。肯定错,直接排除。  30、如果原文中出现“A is B and C”。若某一问题,选项中出现了B没C,或者只出现C没B。肯定错,直接排除。  31、若B和C是2个长句子,中间用分号隔开的。且这两个句子都是作者想表达的,选项中都出现了。一般来说,选项中会对其中之一做错误的修改来作为干扰项。而另一个是对的。(如05年TEXT1,第一题)  32、注意几个词,however,yet表转折,hardly表否定。while有时是比较,有时也表转折。比较的时候,注意比较的对象,要弄清楚。转折的时候,你要知道作者对什么进行了转折。  33、如果你对“关键词”比较蒙,关键词就是句子中主干的宾语。这样的句子多数是长难句。至于修饰的部分,干扰项常常在这里做手脚,比如会有一些特殊的限定,千万要留意,别疏忽了。  34、什么是中心句?即反映文章的主旨和每一段的中心意思的一句话。这句话是客观存在的。也就是作者的观点。中心句即题眼,选出正确答案,看的就是中心句。只有中心句才能选出正确答案。所以,中心句不知道在哪,或者读不懂,很难选出正确答案。中心句的具体位置,见下条。  35、很关键的一条,抓住每段的中心意思,也就是中心句。每段至少一句,最多2句。一般来说,总分结构的段落,中心句一般在段首。举例段一般在举例前后。转折段,中心句在出现转折的地方,或者后一句(一般来说在该段的第三行上下浮动)。再就是某某人说的话。要注意这句话和前后句的关系,是并列还是转折。然后来把握这句话的意思,把握不了就通过前后句是并列还是转折关系的关键词来把握。  36、每段的第三行,一般来说,也是该段的第3句话(也可能是第2、4句话)。其特点是:句子很长,由两句或者两句以上组成,是个长难句。尤其是that mean,the notion is that之类的,一定要重视。每段最重要的三个地方:段首,段尾,和这儿。再就是带引号的。中心句一般就在这几个地方。其实也就这么几个地方。别的地方一般都是过渡句。  37、若是转折段的话,要注意转折的那个句子,一般都是在第三行上下浮动。转折前后都要看,看对比的是什么。在看不懂的情况下,通过前面的,来翻译后面的(反向翻译),来找关键词。反之亦然。  38、最后一段,主要看段首和段尾。最后一段是转折段的情况很少。若是叙事段的话,非叙事部分非常重要。  39、选项中出现ONLY的,目前还没有对的。  40、说明原因的,且仅仅是说明原因而已,目前没有对的。  41、正确选项反映的,往往是实质的,根本的内容。选项反应的若是很具体的某一表现,一般都是干扰项。  42、通过首段或者前两段,来把握信息点。也就是作者想说的,是谁和谁的关系?  43、接着上面说,一篇文章谈的是什么,或者说“谁与谁的关系”,一定要弄懂。这个具体的什么“关系”弄不懂的话,“谁与谁”一定要弄明白。比如,一篇文章说的是A与B之间如何如何。若问题问你A,选项有B的,往往就是正确答案。若问你B,你就可以先把没有A的选项排除。  44、最新趋势,最后一段,段尾很明显不是总结,而是以补充为主的句子。注意,这里可能会以干扰项的形式出现。  45、however后面的句子一定要重视。比如有一年的其中一篇的3个题,题眼都是however后面的句子。所以,这个词一定要敏感!  怎样提高英语阅读理解的正确率  首先,我们要知道英语的阅读理解大都又臭又长,难度越大的题一搬内容越多,如果拿到题就直接读,等你读完后也许很多细节已经忘了,或者根本没有注意到,更有甚者读完后连中心大意都没有理解,一头雾水,更别说做后面的题目了。  所以我们要做的第一步是快速了解文章的中心大意,即阅读文章的第一句和最后一句,大部分的文章在第一句和最后一句都点名了大意,所以通过这两个句子,我们就可以大致猜到这篇文章在讲什么了。有必要的话可以适当增加阅读的句数,但不宜超过3句,否则短一点的文章大半篇都被你读完了,时间也浪费了,快速猜测大意的目的也失去了。  接下来,我们不要急着去阅读全文,而是转向阅读后面的题目,先读第一题的题目及选项,遇到关键词要做标记,然后开始从文章的开头开始阅读,直至找到与第一题有关的内容处,开始仔细阅读,勾画关键词以及与题目相关的内容并标上第一题的题号,以便后续的检查,,然后对第一题进行解答。  然后我们再阅读第二题的题目及内容,步骤和刚才一样,依次先阅读题目,再去文中找答案,基本上题目做完了,文章也读完了,而且不容易把细节漏掉,因为大部分的文章题目都是文章内容的顺序来编号的,所以这个方法适用于大多数的文章。  所有题目做完以后,再回过头来检查一遍,重点看勾画的关键词和句子与对应的题目是否符合,是否有细节上的差异,而这种差异是否意味着你选择了一个错误的答案,这些工作做完以后,一篇阅读理解就算做完了。  考试的时间很紧,没有大把的时间让你仔细阅读一遍文章,弄清楚每个地方的意思以后,再一题一题慢慢的做,遗忘的地方又到文章中从头去找,然后细细研读,最后在细细的重读全文及题目检查答案,所以在上述这种快速定位正确答案的方法才能在考试中节约时间。  当然,光有方法还是不够的,我们更需要的是多加练习和仔细体会其中的规律与技巧,没有什么是可以一蹴而就的,一步一步脚踏实地,认真努力的做好每一次练习,日积月累才能由量变引起质变,勤奋才是成功的秘诀!
  本页面通过查看其背景,设备和人员来了解篮球的词汇和语言。用词汇测验和理解测验检查你的理解。  This page covers the vocabulary and language of basketball by looking at its background,equipment and people.Check your understanding with the vocabulary quiz and comprehension quiz.  世界各地的数百万男性和女性都在玩篮球。职业篮球在电视上被数百万人观看。这场比赛是在两支球队之间进行的,任何时候都允许每支球队五名球员进入球场。得分是通过一个叫做'球门'或'篮筐'的篮球得分,而得分最高的球队获胜。  Basketball is played by millions of people,both men and women,in all parts of the world.Professional basketball is watched by millions more on TV.The game is played between two teams,with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time.Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called'the goal'or'the basket',and the team scoring the most points wins.  历史  History  1891年,美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德基督教青年会训练学校的加拿大体育教师詹姆斯奈史密斯博士决定创建一个新的室内游戏,以保证他的学生在寒冷的冬季期间健康。他尝试了一场球员比赛,在比赛中球员们互相扔了一个足球,并将球投入墙上高高挂起的桃花篮中。那年晚些时候,他写了他现在称之为“篮球”的第一版规则。1906年,篮筐被篮板前的金属箍所取代。但是,球仍然必须从上方穿过篮筐才能进球,就像使用篮子时一样。  In 1891,Dr.James Naismith,a Canadian physical education instructor at YMCA Training School in Springfield,Massachusetts,USA,decided to create a new indoor game to keep his students fit during the cold winter months.He experimented with a team game in which players threw a soccer ball to each other and scored by throwing it into a peach basket nailed high on a wall.Later that year he wrote the first version of the rules of what he now called'Basket Ball'.In 1906,the baskets were replaced by metal hoops in front of backboards.The ball still had to pass through the hoop from above to score a goal,however,as it did when baskets were used.  比赛很快传播到其他美国学校和大学。在二十世纪初,篮球比赛和联赛在北美遍布,但大多数并没有持续太久。然后,在1946年,美国篮球协会(BAA)成立,将美国和加拿大的顶级职业球队组织成一个职业联赛。BAA于1949年成为美国国家篮球协会(NBA),今天NBA成为世界顶级职业篮球联盟。大多数世界上最好的球员都是NBA球队,受到比赛的流行,高水准的比赛和高薪的吸引。  The game soon spread to other U.S.schools and universities.In the early twentieth century,basketball competitions and leagues were set up all over North America,but most didn't last long.Then,in 1946,the Basketball Association of America(BAA)was formed to organize the top professional teams in the U.S.A.and Canada into one professional league.The BAA became the National Basketball Association(NBA)in 1949,and today the NBA is the world's top professional basketball league.Most of the world's best players are with NBA teams,attracted by the competition's popularity,its high standard of play,and the high salaries.  游戏如何工作  How the Game Works  在长28米,宽15米(大约92英尺49英尺)的长方形球场上,篮球在每端3.05米(10英尺)处放置。大多数室内场地都有木地板。通过将球投入对手的篮筐来得分。从三分线内得分可以获得两分(见右图),三分线外得分可以获得三分,罚球可以获得一分。  Basketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres wide(approx.92 ft by 49 ft)with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres(10 ft)at each end.Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood.Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents'basket.A goal scored from inside the three-point line earns two points(see diagram at right),and a goal scored from outside the three-point line earns three points,and goals from free throws earn one point.  NBA比赛是在四分之二十二分钟内完成的。球队包括十二名球员,但一次只能有五名球员出场。球员可以像教练喜欢的那样经常替换。每位教练在比赛过程中都会有数量有限的超时时间,每当比赛停止时,比赛时钟就会停止。几名官员负责监督每场比赛,其中包括三名场内裁判员进行犯规,桌上裁判员保持比分,运行比赛并开出时钟,并跟踪犯规和换人。  NBA games are played over four quarters of twelve minutes.Teams include twelve players,but only five can be on court at one time.Players can be substituted as often as the coach likes.Each coach has a limited number of time-outs they can call during a game,and the game clock is stopped whenever play stops.Several officials oversee each game,including three on-court referees who call fouls,and table officials who keep score,run the game and shot clocks,and keep track of fouls and substitutions.  违规和犯规  Violations and Fouls  球可以通过投掷到另一名球员(称为传球)或通过在跑步或步行时用一只手弹跳(称为运球)来移动。如果一名球员在没有反弹的情况下双脚移动,他就会犯下一个叫做旅行的违规行为。如果他在运球时使用双手,他犯下了一次双运球的违规行为。如果一名运动员的手在运球时在球下移动,他犯下了一个违规行为,称为带球。违规行为也会在超过时间限制的情况下进行,通常会为反对派队带来免费入场传球。  The ball can be moved by throwing it to another player(called passing)or by bouncing it with one hand while running or walking(called dribbling).If a player moves both feet without bouncing the ball,he commits a violation called travelling.If he uses two hands while dribbling,he commits a violation called double-dribbling.If a player's hand moves under the ball while dribbling,he commits a violation called carrying the ball.Violations are also committed when time-limits are exceeded,and usually result in a free inbound pass for the opposition team.  一个个人犯规,当一个球员不公平挑战其他玩家,如通过阻止其运行或打他们的手臂被提交。与裁判争吵的球员或教练犯技术犯规。犯规可以免费进球,罚球或罚球。一个在联盟中犯规五次或六次的球员不能再参加比赛,据说这已经被“玷污”了。  A personal foul is committed when a player challenges another player unfairly,such as by blocking their run or hitting their arms.A player or coach who argues with a referee commits a technical foul.Fouls can be punished with a free inbound pass,free throws at goal,or with sending off.A player who commits five fouls,or six in the NBA,can no longer take part in the game and is said to have been'fouled out'.  射门和传球  Shots and Passing  玩家拍摄的目标与拍摄组,如果双脚都在地面上,或者用一个跳投,如果玩家在半空中。其他镜头都在糊(拍摄时,经常摘下篮板,同时向篮下移动)和扣篮(投篮命中篮筐上方垂直向下)。传球可以通过胸前传球,跳投传球或头顶传球完成。更难的传球是不看传球和后传球,尽管有些教练不喜欢这些技术,因为他们很容易出错。  Players shoot for goal with a set shot if both feet are on the ground,or with a jump shot if the player is in mid-air.Other shots are the lay up(shooting,often off the backboard,while moving towards the basket)and the slam dunk(shooting straight down from above the basket).Passing can be done with a chest pass,a bounce pass or an overhead pass.More difficult passes are the no-look pass and the behind-the-back pass,though some coaches don't like these techniques because they can easily go wrong.  著名球员  Famous Players  迈克尔·乔丹  Michael Jordan  迈克尔乔丹是前美国球员,被NBA命名为“历史上最伟大的球员”。他在1984年加入NBA的芝加哥公牛队后,在北卡罗来纳大学获得了杰出的职业生涯。他在1991年,1992年,1993年,1996年,1997年和1998年与公牛队夺得了总冠军。他还在1984年和1992年与美国篮球队一起赢得两枚奥运金牌。  Michael Jordan is a former US player named&the greatest player of all time&by the NBA.He joined the NBA's Chicago Bulls in 1984 after an outstanding career at the University of North Carolina.He won the NBA championship with the Bulls in 93, and 1998.He also won two Olympic gold medals with U.S.basketball teams in 1984 and 1992.  姚明  Yao Ming  姚明是一名中国球员,他曾去过美国并加入了NBA的休斯敦火箭队。身高7米6(2.29米)的他是NBA历史上最高的球员之一,2002年加入NBA选秀后,他被休斯敦火箭队选中,成为第一位没有任何美国篮球经验的球员在选秀中首先被选中,姚明在中国有着很大的追随者,他对中国乃至整个亚洲的篮球兴趣越来越大。  Yao Ming is a Chinese player who went to the U.S.A.and joined the NBA's Houston Rockets.Standing 7'6&tall(2.29 m),he is one of the tallest players in the history of the NBA.After joining the NBA draft in 2002,he was picked by the Houston Rockets and became the first player without any American basketball experience to be selected first overall in the draft.Yao Ming has a huge following in China,and he has increased interest in basketball in China and throughout Asia.  篮球英文词汇  更多精彩内容,点击足球英文词汇大全了解更多。
  本页面通过观察足球的背景,设备和人物来了解足球的词汇和语言。用词汇测验和理解测验检查你的理解。  This page covers the vocabulary and language of football by looking at its background,equipment and people.Check your understanding with the vocabulary quiz and comprehension quiz.  足球是世界上最流行的游戏之一。它几乎在每个国家播放,每个人都从空地和后街的小孩到巨型体育场的职业选手。职业橄榄球受到全球数十亿人的关注,可能是世界上最受欢迎的观众体育项目。  Football is one of the world's most popular games.It is played in nearly every country,by everyone from kids in vacant lots and back streets to professional players in giant stadiums.Professional football is watched by billions of people all over the world,and is probably the world's most popular spectator sport.  历史  History  最早已知的游戏形式是在公元前500年左右在中国发展起来的,它被称为蹴鞠('kick-ball'),并且是用皮球玩的。目标是将球踢进两个球门柱之间的网。到公元800年,中国有一个组织良好的职业联盟,在韩国和日本也有类似的比赛。  The earliest known form of the game was developed in China around 500 B.C.It was known as cuju('kick-ball')and was played with a leather ball.The object was to kick the ball into a net stretched between two goal-posts.By 800 A.D.there was a well-organized professional league in China,and similar games were also being played in Korea and Japan.  我们在欧洲所了解到的最早的比赛形式是在公元1100年左右在英格兰踢球的。它在大球场,有时是整个村庄之间,在一个大场上进行,球可以被投掷,踢或者向对手的球门移动。有很少的规则,比赛常常狂野而粗暴。当局一再禁止游戏,因为它造成的暴力和伤害。  The earliest form of the game that we know of in Europe was played in England around 1100 A.D.It was played between big teams,sometimes whole villages,on a large field,and the ball could be thrown,kicked,or carried towards the opponent's goal.There were very few rules and games were often wild and rough.The game was repeatedly banned by the authorities because of the violence and injuries it caused.  现代游戏在19世纪首次在英格兰发展起来。足球协会成立于1863年,“游戏规则”是在同一年制定的。1882年,国际足球协会理事会(IFAB)成立,该组织仍监督比赛规则。然后国际足联(国际足球联合会)成立于1904年,以举办国际比赛。国际足联仍然运行世界杯,以及欧洲和亚洲杯等区域性比赛。  The modern game first developed in England in the 19th century.The Football Association was set up in 1863 and the'Laws of the Game'were drawn up in the same year.In 1882 the International Football Association Board(IFAB)was formed,and this organization still oversees the rules of the game.Then FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association)was founded in 1904 to run international competitions.FIFA still runs the World Cup,as well as regional competitions such as the European and Asian Cups.  游戏如何工作  How the Game Works  现代比赛由两队11名球员在矩形场上进行,每端都有一球。运动员通过踢球或前进将球传递给对方,其目的是通过让球进入对手的进球来进球。比赛持续两分钟45分钟,进球最多的球队获胜。抽签是常见的,但如果必须找到胜利者,游戏可以进入额外的时间。如果在三十分钟的额外时间内得分依然并列,“点球大战”可以决定胜者。  The modern game is played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with a goal at each end.Players pass the ball to each other by kicking or heading it,with the aim being to score goals by getting the ball into the opponent's goal.The game lasts for two 45-minute halves,and the team scoring the most goals wins.Draws are common,but if a winner has to be found,a game can go into extra time.If the score is still tied after thirty minutes of extra time,a'penalty shootout'can decide the winner.  在一般的比赛中,守门员是唯一能用手或手臂触球的球员。所有其他球员只能踢球或带球。玩家可以解决对手的问题,以便从他们身上得到球,但必须这样做才能避免推动或绊倒球员。推及绊倒以及其他非法行为,如“手球”和“越位”,都是可以用任意球罚分的犯规。如果在任一球门附近的罚球区犯规,裁判员可以判罚点球,这意味着球员可以在球门上任意射门,只有守门员被允许试图阻挡球门。如果球员犯了更严重的进攻行为,例如危险比赛,裁判可以发出黄牌作为警告,或者发出红牌,在这种情况下球员被送走并且不能被替补队员替换。  In general play,the goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with the hands or arms.All the other players can kick or head the ball only.Players can tackle an opponent in order to get the ball from them,but must do so without pushing or tripping the player.Pushing and tripping,along with other illegal actions such as'handball'and'offside',are fouls that can be penalized with a free kick.If a foul is committed in the penalty area near either goal,the referee can award a penalty kick,meaning a player can have a free shot at goal,with only the goalkeeper being allowed to try to block it.If a player commits a more serious offence,such as dangerous play,the referee can issue a yellow card as a warning,or issue a red card,in which case the player is sent off and cannot be replaced by a substitute.Teams are normally allowed three substitutes,which can be used to replace players because of injury,or for tactical reasons.  著名球员  Famous Players  贝利  Pele  Edison Arantes do Nascimento或者Pele被许多人评为有史以来最伟大的球员。巴西冠军被国际奥委会授予世纪运动员称号,并与迭戈马拉多纳共同获得世纪足球先生。他曾经是三届世界杯冠军队的一员,他以出色的传球速度,强劲的头球表现,以及在射门和得分目标方面的出色表现而闻名。  Edison Arantes do Nascimento,or Pele,is rated by many as the greatest footballer of all time.The Brazilian champion was given the title of Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee and jointly named FIFA Player of the Century with Diego Maradona.He was part of three World Cup winning teams,and was known for his brilliant passing,his speed,his strong heading of the ball,as well as for his brilliance at shooting for and scoring goals.  迭戈马拉多纳  Diego Maradona  迭戈马拉多纳是有史以来最知名的足球运动员之一。他为阿根廷队参加了四次世界杯,并在1986年率队夺得了西德队的冠军。他还在阿根廷的博卡青年队,西班牙的巴塞罗那队和意大利的那不勒斯队获得过许多奖杯。与贝利一起,他在2000年被任命为世纪足球先生。马拉多纳身材矮壮,他的实力和速度使他成为防守者的难对手。他拥有出色的控球能力和传球能力,并且经常能够为队友创造进球机会。他本人也打入了很多进球,其中包括在国际比赛中为阿根廷制定的34个进球。  Diego Maradona is one of the most well-known footballers of all time.He played in four World Cups for his country Argentina,and led them to their victory over West Germany in 1986.He also won many trophies with Boca Juniors in Argentina,FC Barcelona in Spain and SSC Napoli in Italy.Together with Pele,he was named FIFA Player of the Century in 2000.Maradona had a stocky build and his strength and speed made him a difficult opponent for defenders.He had great ball-control and passing abilities,and was often able to create goal scoring opportunities for his teammates.He also scored many goals himself,including 34 goals for Argentina in international competitions.  足球英文词汇  更多精彩内容,点击体育英语词汇和术语了解更多。
  本页列出了一般用于讨论体育和运动的词汇,例如句子和含义。在其他页面上,您可以找到特定运动的词汇。  对于每个术语,我们给出一个斜体的例子,接着是定义。在查看定义之前,尝试从上下文中推导出含义。  竞技场  竞技场里充满了兴奋的观众在他们的队伍中欢呼。  一个举行体育赛事的平面区域,被观众席包围  业余  奥运会本来只适合业余运动员。  从事某些事情,如玩运动,不付款;非专业  运动员  大多数专业运动员每天都要花几个小时来训练。  一个为某项运动而训练和竞争的人  田径  队我们的田径队有一些非常优秀的选手。  跑步,跳跃,投掷等的“田径赛”事件  奖  所有获奖团队的成员被授予了金牌。  给某人奖励高成就  击败  意大利击败法国赢得2006年国际足联世界杯。  在比赛或比赛中击败某人  队长  队长通常带领他的队伍到场上。  一个团队的领导者  抓  蟋蟀的板球员必须非常擅长抓球。  抓住并抓住已抛出的东西  冠军  拳击手穆罕默德阿里三次获得世界重量级冠军。  一个评分最高,成功率最高的球员  欢呼起来  球迷们在他们的球队中引起了很多噪音。  鼓励团队或球员的鼓励  教练  球员应该在比赛期间执行教练的指示。  培训和指导运动员或运动队的人  竞争  超过10,000名运动员将参加奥运比赛。  参加比赛或比赛  竞赛  英超联赛是世界顶级的足球比赛之一。  一场有组织的活动,人们竞相争夺胜利  竞争对手  高尔夫比赛的每个参赛者都必须记录自己的分数。  参加比赛或体育比赛的人  比赛  你知道谁赢了今年的花样滑冰比赛吗?  人们争夺胜利的游戏或事件  法院  伦敦温布尔登网球场的草地表面。  网球或篮球等球类运动的四边形区域  球场  一个高尔夫球场通常有十八个洞。  为赛车,高尔夫球或其他运动准备的土地  杯  ,他们赢得了最后的比赛结束后,获奖者颁发了冠军杯。  一个杯形奖杯,在比赛中获奖  失败  我们的球员在决赛中击败对手后非常高兴。  在比赛或比赛中赢得对手的胜利;击败  防守  球队进攻并攻入两球,然后在比赛的其他部分保卫领先优势。  保护自己的目标,而不是试图对抗对手  平局  得分是1-0,但输球队的进球很晚,比赛以1-1平局结束。  以平分来完成比赛或比赛;领带  事件  100米跑是田径比赛中最令人兴奋的事件之一。  体育节目中的特定比赛  球迷  有时网球比赛的裁判必须告诉吵闹的球迷安静。  支持特定运动,团队或运动员的人  场地  在棒球比赛中场上有多少球员?  一块土地被标记为体育比赛例如曲棍球场  最终得分  今天的篮球比赛非常接近。最后比分是84比82。  比赛结束时的比分  健身  我每天在健身房锻炼身体,保持身体健康。  身体健康和健康的状况  目标  吉米拿到球,跑下来的间距,然后拿下比赛的最佳进球。  在球类比赛中进球得分的一个例子,通过将球投入目标球门,通过篮筐或网球进入球门。  健身房/健身房  我们的健身房有很多新的健身器材,包括跑步机和自行车机器。  配备体育锻炼的房间或建筑物  半场时间  球员半场进入房间并听取他们的教练。  游戏的第一半和第二半之间的间隔  法官  在比赛中,比如跳水和体操等比赛中,评委会对每场比赛进行评分。  一个通过奖励积分来评价体育表演质量的人  联盟  美国几乎每个城镇都有本地棒球联盟的球队。  一组体育俱乐部在一段时间内为对手而打对方冠军  休闲  对于孩子们来说,花一些休闲时间来玩运动是很好的。  空闲时间,或使用空闲时间享受  吊球  她的吊球高高地飞入空中,落在了场地的后面,就在基线之内。  一个击中高弧的射门,通常在对手的头上  经理  利物浦在他们以前的十场比赛中输掉了八场后解雇了他们的经理。  一个运动队的负责人  奖牌  每位运动员的梦想是在奥运会上夺取金牌。  一块雕刻的金属,表示成就或荣誉  对象  足球比赛的对象是比对手得分更多的进球。  你想得到或实现的东西;你的目标是做什么  越位  前锋必须学会如何避免被越位的情况。  在球前的非法位置(足球,橄榄球,曲棍球等)  对手  罗杰·费德勒在温网决赛中的对手是拉菲尔·纳达尔。  一个人在比赛或比赛中竞争;对手  传球  一名防守球员尝试将球传到一个有利位置的前锋得分。  在自己的球队中向另一名球员投掷或踢球  罚款  滥用裁判员的处罚通常是一次停赛。  对一名球员或球队违反体育规则施加的惩罚  表演  所有的运动员都会尽力在奥运会上表现出色。  开展一项练习活动,这样的一项运动  表现  维纳斯威廉姆斯把她生命中最好的表现赢得了比赛。  公开竞技体育赛事的一个例子  体格  橄榄球运动员在健身房努力工作以增强体质。  人体的形状或形状  (1)  球员们跑进球场时球迷们欢呼起来。  比赛场地(英国)  投球(2)  我们的投手投掷了他一生中最好的球员之一来赢得比赛。  抛球,尤指在棒球和垒球  球员  在网球双打比赛期间球场上有多少球员?  一个玩运动的人  练习  (美式拼写;练习)  职业高尔夫球手每天都要花几个小时练习自己的投篮。  为了发展自己的技能而反复做些事情  专业的  老虎伍兹自20岁以来一直是职业高尔夫球手。  一名从事有偿职业的人正在参加一项运动  记录  你知道谁拥有男子100米的世界纪录吗?  经过正式测量和记录的最佳性能  裁判  裁判出现犯规,吹响了哨子并获得任意球。  一名有权在比赛中裁决的体育官员  规则  在一些体育运动中存在越位规则,而且往往难以解释。  管理游戏或体育运动的法律或规定  分数  你知道如何保持得分羽毛球?  竞赛者或队伍在比赛中获得的积分数量  发球  服球是网球运动中最重要的技能之一。  打球开始比赛(在网球,乒乓球,壁球,排球等)  射击  在篮球比赛中,玩家尝试拍摄从3分线外的得分加分。  踢球,击球或掷球以尝试进球(足球,曲棍球,篮球等)  技巧  肯已去拳击营,以提高他的拳击技巧。  做好事情的能力  观众  观众可以通过营造令人兴奋的氛围,为体育赛事增添无穷乐趣。  一个观看事件的人  体育精神  好的经理知道如何教他们的球员体育精神。  公平的态度,对对手的尊重,以及输赢中的恩惠  体育场  复数:体育场或体育场  体育场是为运动而建造的,但它有时也用于音乐会。  为观众提供分层座位的体育竞技场  策略  经理或教练的工作之一是制定赢得每场比赛的战略。  实现目标的计划  解决  橄榄球球员必须学会如何强有力地但公平地对付对手。  挑战拥有球的对手  战术  玩家使用战术来攻击对手的弱点以赢得胜利。  计划实现目标的行动或策略  talent  我们女儿的篮球教练说她有很多天赋。  天生的才能或技能  队友  球队赢球是因为球员一直在寻找他们的队友。  一个运动队的同伴  团队合作  最好的团队花费大量的时间在团队合作的训练场上工作。  一群人的联合行动  比赛  在整场比赛中得分非常接近,并以89分结束。  结果是一支球队拥有相同的最终得分;平局  锦标赛  四大网球锦标赛形成了所谓的“大满贯”。  一系列竞争对手之间的一系列竞赛,他们竞争总奖  教练员  有些球员有点懒惰,需要严格的训练师来让他们努力工作。  一个帮助运动员发展技能和健身的人  火车  曲棍球队每周二和周四放学后放学。  通过教学逐步教授技能;练习一项技能  奖杯  的球员携带的奖杯在他们的头上,因为他们跑到球场周围。  在竞赛或锦标赛中被授予奖品的装饰物  裁判  在一场板球比赛中,场上有两名裁判。  一名有权在比赛中裁决的体育官员  胜利  球员们非常努力地工作,他们应得的胜利。  赢得比赛或比赛的行为  哨子  裁判吹了两次哨子,表示比赛结束。  一种小型乐器,吹奏时会产生高音  This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general,with example sentences and meanings.On other pages you can find vocabulary for specific sports.  For each term we give an example sentence in italics followed by the definition.Try to deduce the meaning from the context before looking at the definition.  arena  The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.  a level area for holding sports events,surrounded by seats for spectators  amateur  The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.  engaged in something,like playing sports,non-professional  athlete  Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.  a person who trains for and competes in a sport  athletics  There are some very good runners on our athletics team.  'track and field'events of running,jumping,throwing,etc.  award  All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.  to give someone something as a reward for high achievement  beat  Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.  to defeat someone in a game or a competition  captain  The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.  the leader of a team  catch  A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.  to grab and hold something that has been thrown  champion  The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.  a top-rated,highly successful player  cheer on  The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.  to shout encouragement to a team or a player  coach  Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.  a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team  compete  Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.  to take part in a contest or a competition  competition  The English Premiership League is one of the world's top football competitions.  an organized event in which people compete to win  competitor  Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.  a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest  contest  Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?  a game or event in which people compete to win  court  The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.  a quadrangular area on which ball games are played,such as tennis or basketball  course  A golf course usually has eighteen holes.  an area of land prepared for racing,golf,or other sports  cup  After they won the final game,the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.  a cup-shaped trophy,awarded as a prize in a contest  defeat  Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.  to win a victory over opponents to beat  defend  The team attacked and scored two goals,then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.  to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's opponents  draw  The score was 1-0,but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.  to finish a contest or gamtie  event  The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.  a particular contest in a sporting programme  fan  Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.  a person who supports a particular sport,team or player  field  How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?  a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g.hockey field  final score  Today's basketball game was very close.The final score was 84 to 82.  the score at the end of a game  fitness  I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.  the condition of being physically fit and healthy  goal  Jimmy got the ball,ran down the pitch,and then scored the best goal of the game.  an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts,through a hoop,or into a net.  gym/gymnasium  Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment,including running machines and cycling machines.  a room or building equipped for physical exercise  half-time  The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.  the interval between the first and second halves of a game  judge  In sports like diving and gymnastics,judges score each performance in a contest.  a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance,usually by awarding points  league  Nearly every town in the U.S.has teams in a local baseball league.  a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship  leisure  It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.  free time,or the use of free time for enjoyment  lob  Her lob flew high into the air and dropped into the back of the court,just inside the baseline.  a shot that is hit in a high arc,usually over the opponent's head  manager  Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.  the person in charge of a sports team  medal  Every athlete's dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.  a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor  object  The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.  the thing you wawhat you aim to do  offside  Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.  In an illegal position ahead of the ball(in football,rugby,hockey,etc.)  opponent  Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.  the person one competes against inrival  pass  A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.  to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team  penalty  The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.  a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport  perform  All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.  to carry out a practised activity,such a play a sport  performance  Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.  an instance of competing in a sports event in public  physique  Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.  the form or shape of a person's body  pitch(1)  The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.  a playing field(British)  pitch(2)  Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.  a throw of the ball,esp.in baseball and softball  player  How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?  a person who plays a sport  practise  (U.S.practice)  Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.  to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill  professional  Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.  a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport  record  Do you know who holds the world record for the men's 100 metres?  the best performance that has been officially measured and noted  referee  The referee saw a foul,blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.  a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest  rules  In several sports there is an offside rule,and it's often difficult to explain.  the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played  score  Do you know how to keep score in badminton?  the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game  serve  Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.  to hit the ball to begin play(in tennis,table tennis,squash,volleyball,etc.)  shoot  In basketball,players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.  to kick,hit,or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal(in soccer,hockey,basketball,etc.)  skill  Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.  the ability to do something well  spectator  Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.  a person who watches an event  sportsmanship  Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.  an attitude of fairness,respect for opponents,and graciousness in winning or losing  stadium  plural:stadiums or stadia  The stadium was built for sports,but it's sometimes used for concerts as well.  a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators  strategy  One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.  a plan to achieve an objective  tackle  Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.  to challenge an opponent who has the ball  tactics  Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent's weaknesses in order to win.  an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective  talent  Our daughter's basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.  a natural aptitude or skill  teammate  The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.  a fellow member of a sports team  teamwork  The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.  the combined action of a group of people  tie  The score was very close throughout the game,and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.  a result in a game in which teams have a draw  tournament  The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the'Grand Slam'.  a series of contests between a number of competitors,who compete for an overall prize  trainer  Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.  a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness  train  The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.  to teach a skill over timeto practise a skill  trophy  The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.  a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament  umpire  In a game of cricket,there are two umpires on the field during play.  a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest  victory  The players had worked very hard,and they deserved their victory.  the act of winning a game or contest  whistle  The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.  a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown
  这个日历显示了全球许多更受欢迎的节日和活动的词汇。请注意,有些事件并不总是每年都完全相同,所以您可能需要进一步检查相关年份。  This calendar shows vocabulary for many of the more popular holidays and events worldwide.Note that some events do not always fall on exactly the same date each year so you may need to check further for the year in question.
  你觉得英语单词重要吗?你的词汇量掌握了多少呢?下面我们来学习一下100个最常用的英语单词,如果你的发音比较标准的话,你也可以跟着音标一起读,看你需要花多久学会它。  更多精彩内容,点击英语中最常见的10个感叹词,了解更多。
  英语中有哪些重要的连接词?快来一起看看英语中常见25个连词,表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor,or,as well as…,and,both…and…。  而表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore,so,as a result,as the result of…,because of,due to…,owing to,thanks to等。  表时间顺序的连接词:the moment,as soon as,at first,then,later,meanwhyle,at the beginning,in the end,before long,for the first(second…)time,the minute等。  表转折关系的连接词:yet,and yet,but,while,on the contrary,on the other hand,however,at the same time(然而)等。  表解释说明的连接词:that is,that is to say,in other words,such as,for instance,and so on,etc.and the like等。  表递进关系的连接词:not only…but(also),what,s more,what's worse,besides,in addition,worse still,moreover,above all等。  表示总结的连接词:in a word,on the whole,in short,briefly,in brief,to sum up,in all等。  英语中常见25个连词  1、表示时间的  af first起初  next接下来  then然后  after that那以后  later后来  soon不久  soon/shortly after……之后不久  finally最后  in the end最后  eventually最终  at last终于  lately近来  recently最近  since then自从那时起  after that那以后  in no time不一会儿  after a while一会儿  afterward后来  to begin/start with=in the first place首先、第一点  immediately立即、马上  meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time在此期间、同时  earlier,until now直到现在  suddenly=all of a sudden突然  as a young man当……是个年轻人的时候  at the age of…在……岁的时候  as early as早……的时候  as soon as一……就……  before,the other day几天前  early in the morning大清早  after/before dark天黑后/前  one day有一天  one afternoon一天下午  one morning一天早晨  2、表示空间的  to the right/left朝右/左  on the rinht/left在右/左边  in the middle of在中间  in front of在前面  in the front of在前面  at the back of在后面  at the bottom of在底部  on the edge of在……的边上  on top of在……的顶部  opposite to与……相对  close to靠近  near to在……附近  next to与……相邻  under垂直在下  over垂直在上  below在下方  above在上方  across在……的另一边  around在周围  behind在后  before在前  against靠着、抵着  further on再往前  3、表示列举和时序  first,second,third…finally  firstly,secondly,thirdly…finally  first of all,next then,lastly  for one thing…for another…  at the same time  at first  at last  4、表示列举  for example例如:……  namely即……  for instance例如:……  that is(to say)也就是说  such as如……  take…for example拿……来说  like像……  5、表示比较或对比  like像  unlike不像  similarly同样地  in the same way以相同的方式  compared to与……相比  while而  still=nevertheless然而  on the contrary正相反  different from与……不同  on(the)one hand…on the other hand一方面……另一方面  in contrast with与……成对比  6、表示增补  and而且  both…and不但……而且  not only…but also不但……而且  as well as不但……而且  also=besides=furthermore=more over此外、而且  in addition并且  apart from除了……之外  what's more而且、更重要的  for another另一方面  worse still=what's worse=to make matter worse更糟糕的是  including包括  7、表示因果  because因为  since既然  as由于  now that既然  therefore因此  thus这样  so所以  as a result(of)结果  because of=on account of因为  thanks to多亏、由于  for this reason由于这个原因  if so如果这样  if not如果不是这样  8、表示目的  for this purpose  in order to do  so as to do  so that…  in order that…  9、表示让步  though/although  no matter+疑问句  in spite of  whatever/however/whoever  even if/even though  10、表示递进或强调  besides况且  what's more更重要地是  thus这样  above all首先  indeed的确  in fact/as a matter of fact事实上  in other words换句话说  in that case那样的话  or rather更确切地说  particularly特别地  11、表示转折  but但是  still然而  however然而  while而  12、表示总结  in a/one word简言之、一句话、总之  generally speaking一般说来  in short=in a few words简言之  in conclusion=lastly最后地  on the whole=taking everything into consideration从总体来看、大体上  so所以  therefore因此  thus这样  as has been mentioned正如所提到的  it is quite clear that很显然  there is no doubt that毫无疑问  it is well-known that大家都知道  as we all know=as is known  to us all大家都知道  as/so far as I know据我所知  to sum up=to summarize=in summary总之  13、表示转折话题  by the way顺便说  I am afraid我恐怕  in my opinion依我看来  to tell the truth说实话  to be honest诚实地说  in face事实上  更多精彩内容,点击英语中常见25个副词了解更多。
  英语中有哪些常见代词,快来一起看看吧。  These lists of high-frequency words are drawn from various sources,and mainly based up a national corpus(British or American).A corpus is a collection of texts and recorded speech consisting of tens of millions of words.From such a large volume of data,it is possible to calculate the frequency with which words occur in a language.Inevitably,not all corpuses are identical or agree with one another,and you may notice minor differences in frequency or rank within these lists.Such differences are insignificant.
  英语有哪些常见重要介词,都在这里了,快来一起看看英语中常见25个介词吧。  These lists of high-frequency words are drawn from various sources,and mainly based up a national corpus(British or American).A corpus is a collection of texts and recorded speech consisting of tens of millions of words.From such a large volume of data,it is possible to calculate the frequency with which words occur in a language.Inevitably,not all corpuses are identical or agree with one another,and you may notice minor differences in frequency or rank within these lists.Such differences are insignificant.  更多精彩内容,点击英语中常见25个副词了解更多。
  形容词(adjective),简称adj.或a.,主要用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征。形容词在句中可用作定语、表语和宾语补足语。本专题汇集了大量形容词相关的学习文章,帮助大家学好这一词性。快来一起看看英语中常见25个形容词吧。  更多精彩内容,点击英语中常见25个名词了解更多。
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