
由于天气不好,好多船都拖班了As the bad weather, many ships are dragging classes
Through the logistics personnel verification, and found that the name of the ship which on the the bill of lading were the second carrier's name, also it meaned the goods at the port of shipment did not arrive at port of destination directly, while in a port, goods loaded to another boat which to other port of destination.
Staff recruitment is an important link of the company,with the development of economy and continuous expansion of enterprises,the actual operation of thecompany
It was not until I went to school that I found I had lost my bagpack at home .Do not let your memory waste your today's time.I susgest that we should be allowed
ecruited personnelpersonnel to be recruited
I woke up and found himself lying in bed!are you clear?hello kity!
In the process of incoming inspection,the customer found there were 200 pcs short in the acceptance batch dated Jan.16,2012,and 600 pcs short in that dated Jan.
The steel wire is not found at the welding position .The leakage is caused by the poor welding .
One day,Mr Wang found his 5-year-old son XiaoMing a littel weird.When the night fell,the little boy was found to be at the window side,waving his hands while hi
Austrilia has a very large region area,I think I have many chances to explore it.I want to be a geologist,I think Melbourne University will give me more chance
My airline ticket booking code is ABCDEF,it is the ticket from WAKKNAI to Shanghai of July 19th.I only have 20 minutes to transfer in SAPPORO,another 1 hour tra
应该是:I am surprised to see that they are playing basketball.
We found occassionally from a webpage of some company rich information about the new product Version ab2006. We take great interest in theses products. At prese
这是英美国家的习惯~ 慢慢习惯就好、
I was very surprised to find that almost nobody was/were at home.
现场流行病学,实验病理学研究发现克山病主要分布在我国内陆从西南(四川)到东北(黑龙江)的狭长地带,迄今尚未发现国外报告.因此,研究克山病的病因对于我国克山病的防治具有重要意义.本综述旨在总结近年来有关硒与克山病病因关系的研究进展.Field epidemiology,the study found the Keshan
Thank you for revealing this issue in time.reveal是揭示,发现issue是问题,也可以换成problemThank you 可以换成 Appreciate you希望帮得到楼主
whether it was profitable or not,i learned by verification of accounting books.Ignorce and rude behavior always give people some bad impression.at present,the lSHIP DETENTION
4.5船舶滞留 船舶滞留(SHIP DETENTION)是指港口主管当局根据本地区港口国监督谅 解备忘录的规定,对检查中发现存在严重缺陷而达到低于标准的船舶所采取的强 制性措施。
Right of Retention
right of retention
Ship Detained
detention of ship
To Detain a Ship Temporarily
detention of ships
- 引用次数:2
参考来源 - 港口国检查发展趋势分析和应对措施研究
detain of ship
- 引用次数:2
参考来源 - 船舶港口国检查滞留风险的控制
Especially those relating to the circumstances warranting the detention of a ship.
Data of the recent years. The second is how to provide PSC officer decision-making reference when they are facing the difficulties.
The PSC inspections in common GMDSS equipment deficiencies, and make relevant recommendations of the self-inspection requirements and to reduce the risk of the ship detainable.
所谓船舶滞留(ship detention)是指港口当局根据本地区港口国监督谅解备忘录的规定,对于检查中发现的那些存在严重缺陷而达到低于标准的船舶所采取的在纠正某些缺陷项目之前禁止其离港的一些强制性措施
- 来自原声例句
轮船的拼音lún chuán
轮船lún chuán
★「轮船」在《汉语大词典》第13808页 第9卷 1291
1."本商品将于12月最后一班轮船付运, 货到时请惠于告知"2.(轮船或班机等的)军需官,出纳员在轮船或商业性班机上管钱的官员3.(轮值或值班的一班)值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班4.必须提出轮船公司出具的预定航程表。5.波浪使轮船簸动摇晃。6.伯努利是个瑞士科学家,曾于1752年为轮船的螺旋浆绘制图纸。7.出馆子门分手的时候,李先生问辛楣是否轮船公司有熟人,买票方便。8.船长失职而损失了一艘轮船.9.但是,尽管是狂风怒吼,海浪滔天,这艘轮船在强大的机器推动下,却仍然毫不含糊地向曼德海峡驶去。10.飞机,轮船或其他交通工具的工作模型或缩尺模型(包括配套元件)11.风和大浪可能会将轮船的重心移至三者直交的轴线;笛卡尔直角坐标系。12.货物已装上约翰霍普金斯船长的“扬子”号轮船,从利物浦启航,详见所附单据。13.江北的长途汽车被征发了,川江轮船却又失踪;听说还是去年新打的一条船,下水不满六个月,造价三十万两呢14.接着,他又伙同另一位朋友搭乘一艘小轮船前往上海。15.今番受了轮船火车上下劳顿,早害得他叫苦连天。(清 李宝嘉《官场现形记》第三十五回)16.救援队竞相前往抢救遇难轮船.17.老舍《女店员》第一幕:“不押着长长的一列火车的,或是一大轮船的货物,山南海北地各处去呢?”18.老通宝满脸恨意,看着这小轮船来,看着它过去,直到又转一个弯,呜呜呜地又叫了几声,就看不见。19.李先生道:“我有个朋友在轮船公司做事,要不要我直接托他买?20.两艘轮船停泊在水波不兴的海面上,我以为它们是海上的鬼怪。21.两艘汽艇围着搁浅的轮船来回绕圈子,艇上的人正起劲地议论着什么。22.路路通急死了,差四十五分钟没赶上开往利物浦的轮船,这简直要他没法活了。23.轮船被迷雾包围。24.轮船触礁沉没。25.轮船船期可能因风暴而推延,26.轮船掉头返航。27.轮船翻了,乘客只得泅水逃命。28.轮船离开了码头,昂然向前驶去,一切又恢复了刚才那种愉快的气氛。29.轮船满载着大米。30.轮船破浪而行。31.轮船上的床位可以提前多日预订。32.轮船远航过海。33.轮船在八时半启航开往纽约。34.轮船在乘风破浪,汽车在驶过原野。(茅盾《子夜》五)35.轮船在大西洋的波澜中航行。36.轮船在合恩角外沉没了.37.轮船在上海和天津之间航行。38.轮船在顺风行驶, 时速10海里。39.轮船在偷越封锁线时被截获。40.起重机把汽车吊到轮船上。41.汽车、公共汽车、火车和轮船是交通工具。42.前桅楼,前桅平台轮船前桅顶部的平台43.请由“伦敦”号轮船运交下列各物44.如果要选择更安静一点的方式, 则有古董蒸汽轮船恩斯罗号。45.设想上周的暴风雨之后轮船会安全归来是痴心妄想。它早就误期了。46.事实并没叫费克斯长期陷于沉思的苦境。一阵汽笛的尖叫声宣告轮船就要到了。47.首先我们得找条合适的轮船订舱位,并且投保。48.说起食物,除了天上的飞机,海上的轮船,地上的板凳,他们无所不吃。49.随着轮船上一阵惊呼,河上噗通一声,浪花迸溅,我不觉自己所坐的船陡的沉入了水中。50.随着轮船重量增加,它的排水量就越来越大。51.所以,君不见日日夜夜火车轮船不停地往天津运大米白面,城乡公路车拉肩担又不停地往天津送蔬菜瓜果。52.他到了赫德森河岸,他在那些停靠在码头上或停在河心的船群中,仔细地寻找即将离港的轮船。53.他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了).54.他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航.55.他们一早就登上了开往上海的轮船。56.他以十分低廉的价格购买了“加瓦尼”号大轮船的残57.拖轮船东或租船人应被视为充作所有上述人员、实体和船舶的代理人或委托人,并代表他们的利益58.为赚钱玩碰运结果取决于运气的游戏,如轮船赌59.喂,啊嗬用来招呼轮船或人,或以此引起注意60.我看见在天水交接处的轮船.61.我们把孩子领到船坞去看轮船。62.我们已被登记乘下一班轮船。63.我们中的一位看见了肯尼迪号轮船的直升飞机,然后又看见另一架。64.舷侧排水沟轮船甲板边上排水的沟65.现在多数的大轮船都烧油而不烧煤。66.向晚时分,人们听说轮船到了。67.一个小漏洞可能弄沉一艘大轮船。68.一艘轮船在码头泊位停泊69.一艘由船体板平铺成的轮船70.引领轮船通过海峡71.在芭堤雅码头我们乘五号码头的湄泰号轮船。72.在五大湖上,轮船把大草原生产的上等小麦运到圣劳伦斯河,然后这丰盛的产物又从那儿流向全世界的港口。73.早晨的美景,沉寂而旷远;轮船、高塔、圆顶、剧场和寺院,延绵至原野、到天边,在清彻的朝气中闪耀74.张先生站在轮船的甲板上向远处望去;茫茫大海无边无际。75.这两个城市间已有轮船通航。76.这些轮船是用来在江河上载客的。77.这些轮船是在江上用以载客的。78.这一整天,轮船都是沿着长岛和火岛上的警标保持着一定距离,迅速向东方奔驰。79.兹装运香港大化贸易公司完好状况之货物,由伊丽莎白号轮船承运,装运地点香港,货物交运目的地:日本大阪80.紫酱色脸的荪甫还没回答,轮船局的那个瘦长子早又陪笑说:81.遵照贵方要求,该货已装上轮船“伦敦号”付运,发票与B/L(提单同函奉上。82.昨晚该长达654英尺的轮船迅速驶向阿留申群岛南侧,迫使(岸巡逻队)取较大规模的直升机援救行动。>当前位置: >>
[801]. A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel's stability by ______. A. increasing the righting moment B. decreasing the vessel's displacement C. increasing the reserve buoyancy D.shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center KEY: D在船舶救生艇中盛满水会提高船舶重心。 [802]. A pilot vessel on pilotage duty shall show identity lights ______. A. at any time while underway B.while at anchor C. while alongside a vessel D.All of the above KEY: D引水船在执行引航任务时应显示识别号灯在在航的任何时候,在锚泊, 在并靠他船时。 [803].A qualified deck officer should be ______ the watch. A. in charge of B. arranged C. decided to D. the depth of KEY: A 一位合格的驾驶员应该很负责的在值班。 [804].A series of brief showers accompanied by strong,shifting winds may occur along or some distance ahead of a(n) ______. A. upper front aloft B. cyclone C. occluded front D. cold front KEY: D一连串短暂的阵雨,伴有不定向强风,此现象伴随冷锋或在冷锋前一定 距离。 [805]. A vessel may be unable to take proper and effective action due to the speed ______ too high or,in some circumstances,too low. A. is B. is to be C. will be D. being. KEY: D 当速度太快或者太慢时候,一个船不可能有适当和有效的行动 [806]. A vessel may exhibit lights other than those prescribed by the Rules as long as the additional lights ______. A. do not interfere with the keeping of a proper look-out B.are not the color of either sidelight C. have a lesser range than the prescribed lights D.All of the above KEY: A 船舶可以显示不同于规则规定号灯的额外号灯只要这些号灯不会干扰 合适了望的保持。 [807]. A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when she can see at night ______. A. only the sternlight of the vessel B.a sidelight and one masthead light of the vessel C. only a sidelight of the vessel D.any lights except the masthead lights of the vessel KEY: A在夜间,当她仅能够看到他船的艉灯时应被认为处在追越中(答案不恰 当) [808]. A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land. Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged? A. Glass---玻璃 B.Crockery---陶瓷 C. Metal---金属 D.Dunnage--垫舱材料 KEY: D MARPOL 73/78公约附录五的船舶在距离最近陆地24海里。哪一种类型的 垃圾被禁止排放入海?垫舱材料 [809]. A vessel to which Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 applies is located in a MARPOL designated special area,14 nautical miles from nearest land. What type of garbage is permitted to be discharged? A. Paper products B.Glass ground to less than 1 C. Metal ground to less than 1 D.Food waste KEY: D适用于MARPOL 73/78公约附录五的船舶位于MARPOL公约指定的特殊区域 内,距离最近陆地14海里。哪一种类型的垃圾被允许排放?食品废弃物 [810]. A vessel's quarter is that section which is ______. A. abeam B. dead astern C. just aft of the bow D. on either side of the stern KEY: D 船尾的区域段是船尾两边 [811].According to the Navigation Rules,you may depart from the Rules when ________. A.no vessels are in sight visually B.no vessels are visible on radar C.you are in immediate danger D.out C 你可以在紧急危险的情况下违背规则 [812]After a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually ______. A. fluctuates B. remains the same C. remains the same,with clouds forming rapidly D. rises,often quite rapidly,with clearing skies KEY: D 冷锋过后的气压 [813]. An occulting light is one in which ______. A. the period of darkness exceeds the period of light B. there is only a partial eclipse of the light C. the periods of light and darkness are equal D. the period of light exceeds the period of darkness KEY: D互光灯(明暗光)是灯亮的时间比灯暗的时间长的一种灯质。 [814]. An overtaken vessel means a vessel________. A.which has been overtaken by another vessel B.which is going to overtake another vessel C.which has overtaken another vessel D.which is going to be overtaken bA 已被追越船意思是被别船追越的船 Overtaking vessel ------ 追越船 Overtaken vessel ------ 已被追越的船 Vessel being overtaken ------ 正在被追越的船 [815]. At about 1330 hours today,my vessel's propeller was hit by a steel lighter lying astern, ______following damages. A.as a result B.B.resulting from C.as a result of C.D.resulting in KEY: D 大约在今天 1330 我船的螺旋桨碰撞到了钢制驳船的尾部,导致损坏。 [816]. At ______ an occasional survey has been carried out. A. the remind of the master B.the refer of the master C. the render of the master D.the request of the master KEY: D应船长的请求,已经完成了临时检验。 [817]. Before starting to hoist provisions,which should be checked? A. Hoist rope is not kinked B. Multiple part lines are not twisted around each other C. The hook is centrally located over the load D.All of the above KEY: D在起吊伙食前,应该检查什么?以上都对 [818]. Before welding can be done in a tank that has carried petroleum products,a certificate must be obtained from ______. A. the customs B.the Register Bureau of shipping C. the shipyard fire department D.a certified gas chemist KEY: D在能够给装载过石油产品的货舱电焊以前,必须自合格的气体化学师那 获得证书。 [819]. Deviation in a compass is caused by the ______. A. vessel's geographic position B. vessel's heading C. earth's magnetic field D.influence of the magnetic materials of the vessel KEY: D罗经的自差是由于船舶材料磁场的影响引起的 [820]. Heights are expressed_______meters above Mean High Water. A.in B.or C.by D.A expressed in….固定搭配, [821]. If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then______. A. the deviation has been offset by the variation B. there is something wrong with the compass C. the compass is being influenced by nearby metals D.there is no deviation on that heading KEY: D假如没有被接上管子,船上的每一个低速喷嘴均必须被存储被用于接上 灭火水龙带的消防栓旁边 [822]. . If you know that the vessel you are about to call on the VHF radio maintains a radio watch on both the working and the calling frequencies, which frequency should you call on ?______. A. Calling frequency B.Distress frequency C. Urgency frequency D.Working frequency KEY;D 如果你知道你船在甚高频上呼叫保持工作和职守频率,你将呼叫哪个频 率?工作频率。 [823]. If you see anybody fall overboard, as follows except __________. act A. tell an officer/crew the person's position in the water,or telephone the bridge immediately B. throw lifebuoys overboard C. call out &Man overboard& and keep your eyes on the person in the water D. try to find medicine for the person to use when he is rescued KEY: D 如果你发现有人落水,下列哪个做法是不对的?找到医疗救助用于他被 救助时。 [824]. If,during helicopter refueling operations,fuel is spilled on clothing,the person should first ______. A. see the medic immediately B. spray himself with foam or CO2 C. complete his task and then see the medic D.remove the clothing and wash KEY: D 在直升机加油操作中,如果有燃油溢出在衣服上,则应首先把衣服脱掉 并清洗 [825]. In order to insure that the racon signal is visible on your 3 cm radar, the ______. A. 10 cm radar should be placed on stangby or turned off B. gain control should be turned to maximum C. radar should be stabilized, head up D. rain clutter control should be off but, if necessary, may be on low KEY;D为了雷康信号在3公分雷达可见,雨雪控制开关应关闭,如需要可以调至低 档。 [826]. In the Northern Hemisphere,gusty winds shifting clockwise,a rapid drop in temperature,thunderstorms or rain squalls in summer (frequent rain/snow squalls in winter) then a rise in pressure followed by clearing skies,indicate the passage of a(n) ______ A. warm front B. tropical cyclone C. anticyclone D.cold front KEY: D 在北半球,阵风顺时针移动,快速降温,雷暴或者大雨在夏天,然后气 压上升,伴随晴朗好天气。意味着是冷锋 [827]. Kapok life jackets should NOT be ______. A. stowed near open flame or where smoking is permitted B. used as seats,pillows,or foot rests C. left on open decks D.All of the above KEY: D木棉救生衣不应存放在明火附近或允许抽烟的地方,不能当做坐垫,枕 头或脚凳,不能遗留在露天甲板。 [828]. Lifesaving regulations require that a fire drill include ______. A. starting the fire pumps B. checking the operation of watertight doors C. checking arrangements for abandon ship D.All of the above KEY: D救生规则要求一个消防演习包括开启消防双,检查水密操作、检查弃船 安排 [829]. Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______. A. magnetic latitudes B. magnetic declinations C. dip D.isogonic lines KEY: D在海图上的相等磁差点连接起来的线叫做等磁差曲线。 [830]. MAYDAY is to be used to announce_______. A. a distress message B.an urgency message C. dip D.A MAYDAY是用来宣布遇难信息 [831]. Mean high water is the average height of ______ A. the higher high waters B.the lower high waters C. the lower of the two daily tides D.all high waters KEY;D平均高潮是所有高潮潮高的平均值 [832]. One of the ship’s papers________. A. has expired B.has been expired C. has expiring D.be expired A. 船的一份证书已经到期 [833]. Of the following, the most important consideration for a tank vessel is ______. A. GM B.the vertical center of gravity C. the longitudinal center of gravity D.the stress on the hull KEY;D 下列情况中,液货船最主要的是考虑船壳受力 [834]. Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as______adjoining chart 3833. A.to agree upon B.in accordance with C.to be same as D.to agree with KEY: D 这张海图上读出的位置应该向南移 0.08 并向东 0.13,以与相邻的海图 3833 相符。 [835]. . . Positions read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 344, . A. to agree upon B. in accordance with C. to be same as D.to agree with KEY: D这张海图上读出的位置应该向南移0.08并向东0.13, 以与相邻的海图344 相符。 [836]Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can ______ it. A. cross B.approach C. proceed near D.run into KEY: D虽然有时热带风暴移动得比船缓慢,但如果它在船之后,则可能陷入其 中。 [837]. Strong smelling cargo should be stowed ______ the cargo absorbing foreign smell. A. together with B. on top of C. underneath D.away from KEY: D 味重的货物应该远离吸味的货物 [838]. Sudden unloading of a diesel engine can cause ______. A. decreased fuel efficiency B. increased exhaust temperature C. black smoke D.overspeed trip KEY: D突然卸下负荷,主机将会超速。 [839]. The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates ______. A. you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B. you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C. the buoy is a major lighted buoy D.nothing special for navigational purposes KEY: D印刷在海图上的浮标符号倾斜向东北方向, 这表明对航行没有任何影响。 [840]. The changes in the channel's sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel. A. frequent B. B.so frequent C. C. frequent that D. D.so frequent that KEY: D 在这个海岸的航道沙底和浮筒变化的如此频繁以至于海图不能被认为 是航道的安全指南。 [841]. The IALA has decided that a single worldwide system of buoyage cannot be achieved at present,but considers that the use of two alternative systems is practicable.The system A is termed as______. A.Lateral System only B.Uniform lateral system C.Joint lateral system D.Combined Cardinal and Lateral system KEY: D 国际航标协会已经决定,一个世界性的航标系统目前无法实现,但认为 选择使用两个系统是可行的。系统 A 的属术语是组合红色侧面标系统。 [842]. The International Rules of the Road apply ______. A. to all waters which are not inland waters B. only to waters outside the territorial waters of the PR China C. only to waters where foreign vessels travel D. upon the high seas and connecting waters navigable by seagoing vessels KEY;D国际海上皮蓬规则适用于公海和链接于公海的并可供海船航行的一切水域 中的一切船舶。 [843].The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the______. A .local agent B.watchman C.docker D.foreman KEY;D. 指导和监督码头工人工作的人是工头 [844]. The most important principle in the cargo stowage is ______. A. to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo load on board B. to ensure the safety of the ship and cargo C.to reject the damaged cargo during loading operation D. to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain KEY;B 货物积载中的最重要的原则是确保船舶和货物的安全 [845]The most serious effect of air trapped in a diesel engine jacket water cooling system is that it ______. A. causes colloid suspension in the cooling water B. reduces the capability of the lubrication system C. can form pockets which block the flow of coolant through the system D. leads to the scuffing of cylinder walls KEY: D在柴油机的引擎外套上的一个严重的气阻导致气缸壁的刮伤。 [846]. The Navigation Rules define a vessel not under command as a vessel which______. A.from the nature of her work is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel B.does not have a proper lookout C.by taking action contrary to the Rules has created a special circumstance situation D.through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules KEY: D 航行规则规定的失控船是指完全是由于一些异常的情况之时船舶不能 按规则的要求进行操作的船舶。 [847]. The rules require that a stand-on vessel SHALL take action to avoid collision when she determines that ______. A. risk of collision exists B. the other vessel will cross ahead of her C. the other vessel is not taking appropriate action D. collision cannot be avoided by the give-way vessel's maneuver alone KEY: D规则要求直航船当她确定单凭让路船的操纵不能避免碰撞时应采取行动 一避免碰撞。 [848]. . The set of the ocean current is caused by ______. A.density differences of the water B.rotation of the earth C.direction of primary circulation of air D.all of the above KEY: D 洋流是由水密度,地球自转,大气环流引起的。 [849].The shippers hope each Mate’s Receipt is to be signed right after_______. A. the cargo is loading B.the cargo is discharged C. the cargo is on board D.the C 发货人希望大副能在货物装船后把收据给签署了 [850]. The ship's draught forward is slightly deeper than the draught aft.This condition is called ______ in shipping terms. A. trim by the head B. trim by the stern C. even keel D.drafts different KEY: A 前吃水比后吃水稍微深,这个情况叫做前倾 [851]. The space in No.1 lower hold is nearly full up but there is still some______inside. A. cabin B.cabins C. room D.C 一舱底即将满了,但是那里仍然有空间在里面 [852]. The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the ______. A. Proof bar B.Shifting bar C. Long bar D.Spreader KEY: D防止引航梯扭曲的梯踏板是横撑杆。 [853]. The Third Officer’s duty is to _____ when vessel is commanded under the pilot or Captain. A. operate the wheel and stand by B. keep a lookout and operate steering gear. C. enter telegraph orders in the bell book. D. operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book KEY;D 三副的职责是在船长或引水员指挥船舶操纵时操作车钟令记入车钟记录 薄 [854].The two ships will pass port____port. A. on B.to C. in D.B 左舷对左舷通过. [855]. Therefore you are requested to arrange {promptly} for the above mentioned amount of additional cargo to be loaded on board. A. in due course B. on time C. in time D.swiftly KEY: D promptly= swiftly adv. 快速 [856].Three vertical lights at the masthead of a tug indicate______. A. more than one tow B.A tow in excess of 200 meters in length C. A vessel aground D.SOS KEY;B 三个垂直灯在拖船桅,意味拖船超出200米长 [857]. To determine the number of able seamen required on an inspected vessel,you should check the ______. A. Load Line Certificate B.operations manual C. Safety of Life at Sea Certificate D.Certificate of Inspection KEY: D在确定一艘被检查船上要求的法定船员数量时,你应核对检验证书。 [858]. Tugs sometimes shackle a length of chain in the towline in order to______. A. take the wear should the towline drag bottom B. assure that if the towline is overstressed it will part close to the bridle C. prevent the towline from whipping should it part D. put spring in the towline KEY: D拖轮有时使用锚链当拖缆时为了保持拖索有弹性 [859]. The Owners warrant that at the date of delivery and throughout the period of service under this Charter, the vessel to be __________. A. right, correct and safe B.sufficient, efficient and coefficient C. nice, tidy and in good working condition D.tight, staunch and strong KEY: D 船东保证在交船的日期以及在本租约的租期里,船舶良好,整洁和工作 状况正常。 [860]. The bearing of a position shall, according to the SMCP, be in the 360 degrees notation from true north and shall be that of the position ______ the mark. A. TO B.AGAINST C.FROM D.ON KEY;C 根据标准航海通信句子, 位置的方位应自真北标志以 360 度量起到其位置。 [861]. Vessels should not anchor or trawl in the vicinity of pipelines and are _____ in the pipeline area shown on the chart. A. prohibit to anchor B.prohibited to anchor C. prohibited from anchor D.prohibited from anchoring KEY;D船舶不应再海底管道附近抛锚及拖网且禁止在海图所示的管道区域锚泊 [862]What describes a head-on situation?______. A. Seeing a vessel displaying both sidelights ONLY dead ahead. B. Seeing two forwar white towing identification lights in a vertical line on a towing vessel directly ahead C. Seeing both sidelights of a vessel directly off your starboard beam. D. Seeing both sidelights and masthead lights of a vessel dead ahead KEY;D. . 怎么描述对遇局面?在正前方看见他船的两个舷灯和桅灯 [863]. What is an advantage of a steam turbine over a diesel for the main propulsion? A. Faster response from ahead to astern B. Less fuel consumption C. Cheaper initial installation cost D.Less weight per unit of horsepower KEY: D蒸汽轮机比柴油机当主要推动力有什么优点?单位功率需要的重量小 [864]. What is meant by veering the anchor chain? A. Bringing the anchor to short stay B. Heaving in all the chain C. Locking the windlass to prevent more chain from running out D.Paying out more chain KEY: D顺转送出的锚链是什么意思?送出更多锚链。 [865]. What would be considered a vessel under the International Rules of the Road?______ A. A jack-up rig under tow B.A semisubmersible drilling rig under tow C. A semisubmersible drilling rig drifting after breaking a tow line D.All of the above KEY;D船舶按照国际海上避碰规则是怎样定义的? [866]. When in sight of another vessel,any action taken to avoid collision must ______. A. be accompanied by sound signals B.not result in another close quarters situation C. include a speed change D.All of the above KEY: B当看见另一种艘船时,为避免碰撞所采取的任何动作必须不致造成另一 个紧迫局面。 [867]. When must the Master of a vessel log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the Official Logbook? A. Once a day B.At the change of every watch C. Only when in fresh or brackish water D.Prior to getting underway KEY: D什么时候船长必须将载重线标志相对于水面的位置记录到正式航海日志 中去?开航前 [868]. When the changing of a VHF channel / frequency is accepted, say______. A. I am going to change to VHF channel. B. I am certainly going to change to VHF channel. C. Changing to VHF channel. D.VHF channel. has been changed KEY: C 当要改变频道对话时候,要说Changing to VHF channel 多少多少多 少 [869]. Where there are multiple accident victims, which injuries should be the FIRST to receive emergency treatment?______ A. Major multiple fractures B.Eye injuries C. Back injuries with spinal-cord damage D.Airway and breathing difficulties KEY;D 假如有多名事故患者, 哪种类型的伤者应首先接受紧急处理?背部脊椎损 伤 [870]Which condition would NOT indicate the approach of a tropical storm?______ A. long , high swells B.Cirrus clouds C. Halos about the Sun or Moon D.Decrease in wind velocity KEY;D. 哪种情况不能指示出热带风暴?风速降低 [871]. Which craft is a power-driven vessel under the Rules of the Road?______ A. An auxiliary sailing vessel, using her engine B.A canoe propelled by a small outboard motor C. A trawler on her way to the fishing grounds D.All of the abov KEY;D哪个船舶是(交通)规则中的机动船?一艘使用机器推进的帆船,一个由 小外挂马达推进的独木舟,一艘开往渔场的拖网渔船 [872]. Which information is NOT provided in broadcasts by the National Institute of Standards and Technology? ______ A. Storm warnings B.Time announcements C. Omega status information D.NAVAREA warnings KEY;D 哪种信息不是由国家标准协会提供的?航行区域警告。 [873]. . Which mooring line prevents sideways motion of a vessel moored to a pier?______ A. A line led forward from the bow B.A line led aft from the bow C. A line led in the same direction as the keel D.A line led at a right angle to the keel KEY;D在码头上哪种缆绳用来阻止船舶横移?缆绳的方向与龙骨成一定夹角 [874]. Which of the buoys listed below could be used to mark an anchorage?______ A. White buoy numbered 3 B.White buoy with a green top C. White buoy with orange bands D.Yellow buoy lettered N KEY;D下面所列出的浮标哪种被用于标志锚地?带字母N的浮标 [875]. Which of the following day signal should be displayed by a vessel aground in international waters? A. Anchor balls forward and three black balls aft. B. Anchor balls forward and two black balls aft. C. Two black balls where best seen. D.Three black balls where best seen. KEY;D 在公海中搁浅的船舶白天应该显示什么信号?最易见处显示三个球体 [876]Which space(s) is (are) deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage?______ A. Galley fitted with range or oven B.Open structures C. Passenger spaces D.Boatswain’s stores KEY;D从总吨中扣除什么将会得到净吨位?船员或者乘客居住的专用空间 [877]. Which statement about the Navigation Rules is TRUE? A. The rules require vessels to comply with Traffic Separation Scheme regulations. B. The rules use the term safe speed. C. The Rules permit a stand-on vessel to take action prior to being in extremis. D. All of the above are correct. KEY: D有关航行规则的陈述, 哪一个正确?规则要求船舶遵照分道通航制规则, 规则使用安全航速,规则允许直航船在形成极端危险状态之前采取动作 [878]. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another? A .The vessel which has the other on her own starboard side B.The vessel which has the other on her own port side C.The one which hears the other's fog signal first D.Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel KEY;D 当在雾中一船看不见另一船时两船交叉,哪一艘是直航船?没有直航船 (两者都不是) [879]. Which vessel may use the danger signal?______ A. The vessel to starboard when two power-driven vessels are crossing B. A vessel engaged in fishing, crossing the course of a sailing vessel C. Either of two power-driven vessels meeting head-on D.All of the above KEY;D哪一种船可以使用危险信号?两艘机动船交叉相遇位于(一船)右舷的船 (直航船) ,穿越帆船船头的从事捕鱼的船(直航船) ,处于对遇轻型的两艘机动 船的任一艘船(负有同等避让责任的船) 以上都对 [880].Which vessel sounds the same fog signal when underway or at anchor?___ A. A sailing vessel B.A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver C.A vessel constained by her draft D.A vessel not under command KEY:B 船舶操限,雾号在在航和锚泊是一样的 [881]Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning?______ A. A drifting buoy sighted in mid-ocean B. Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake Bay C. All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vessels D. Off-air times of radio beacons when sheduled for routine maintenance KEY;D 什么将在航行警告中给出?当按计划进行常规无线电信标维修时停止向 空中发射 [882]. While on watch, you notice that the air temperature is dropping and is approaching the dew point. Which type of weather should be forecasted?______ A. Hail B.Heavy rain C. Sleet D.Fog KEY;D. 当值班时,你发现空气温度降低并且接近露点,你将会遇见哪种天气类 型?雾 [883].While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited. A. assumed B.appreciated C. promised D.permitted KEY: D在港内缓速行驶时其间,任何船舶不可超速航行(没有船被允许超过限 速航行) 。 [884]. Why is a warning sign displayed at the gangway or access point of a barge during cargo transfer? A. To keep visitors away from the barge B.To prohibit smoking C. To prohibit open lights D.All of the above KEY;D在装卸货时为什么要在舷梯口或者进入点显示警告牌?以上都是。 [885]. You are approaching a bend in a channel. You cannot see around the bend because of the height of the bank. You should ______. A. stop engines and navigate with caution B. stay in the middle of the channel C. sound passing signals to any other vessel that may be on the other side of the bend D. sound a whistle blast of 4 to 6 seconds duration KEY;D你船接近航道的弯头时候由于岸高的作用使你不能看到弯头的另一侧你应 该怎么办?响一声4到6秒的声号。 [886]You are in sight of another vessel in a crossing situation, and the other vessel sounds one short blast. You are going to hold course and speed. You should ______. A. answer with one short blast B.answer with two short blasts C. sound the danger signal D.sound no whistle signal KEY;D. 互见中它船形成交叉态势,它船鸣放一短声,你继续保向保速,你应该 无需鸣放声号。 [887]. You are underway in heavy fog. You hear the fog signal of a vessel which is somewhere ahead of your vessel. You must ______. A. slow to moderate speed and navigate with caution B.maintain speed and sound the danger signal C. stop engines and navigate with caution D.slow to bare steerageway and navigate with caution KEY;D你船在雾中在航听到正前方某处有雾号声,你必须怎样?减速到维持舵效 的速度并谨慎驾驶。 [888]. You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It counld be any of the following EXCEPT a vessel______ A. minesweeping B.engaged in fishing C. constrained by her draft D.being towed KEY;D你在能见度受限的公海航行,你听到一长两短的雾号。那可能是除了一下 什么类型的船舶?拖带船。 [889]You have abandoned ship in tropical waters. Which procedure(s) should be used during a prolonged period in a raft?______ A. Wet clothes during the day to decrease perspiration. B.Get plenty of rest. C. Keep the entrance curtains open. D.All of the above. KEY;D. 你在热带水域弃船,如果在救生船里时间较长应使用哪个步骤?白天弄 湿衣服,减少出汗,充分休息,保持入口遮板打开 [890]. .You have anchored in a mud and clay bottom.The anchor appears to be dragging in a storm.What action should you take? A.Shorten the scope of the cable B.Veer cable to the anchor C.Drop the other anchor underfoot. D.Drop the second anchor,veer to a good scope,then weigh the first anchor. KEY;D 你在泥和烂泥低质抛锚,走锚了。你抛第二个锚,转到合适的位置,起 第一个锚 [891]You sight a vessel showing a white light under a green light. This would indicate which of the following?______. A. A vessel fishing with nets. B.A vessel engaged in underwater operations. C. A vessel surveying. D.A vessel trawling. KEY;D. 你看到一船显示上绿下白。这将显示一下哪一个?拖网渔船。 [892]. . A vessel is fishing at anchor on the high seas. Which of the following day signals should she display if she has gear extending out over 150 meters horizontally from the vessel? A. A black ball in the forepart of her vessel B.A black double frustum of a cone C. A basket where best seen D.A black cone point upwards KEY: D一艘在公海上锚泊的渔船。 假如其渔具自船向往延伸超过150米的水平距 离,以下哪一个为日间信号?一个尖端向上的黑色圆锥体 [893]. A stopper is ______. A. a short length of line used for temporarily holding another line B. a snatch block for handling a topping lift C. an engine order telegraph D. the brake on a cargo winch KEY: A制缆索是被用于临时固定其他缆绳的一根短绳。 [894]. A vessel on the high seas that is not under command shall display which of the following day signals? ______ A. Two black balls B.Three black balls C. Two red balls D.Three red balls KEY;A一船在公海上失控应显示以下哪个日间信号?两个黑球 [895]CAPE WEST WIND WEST TO SOUTHWEST 15 TO 20 KNOTS WEATHER SHOWERS.This description is likely to be under the heading of ______. A. FORECAST B.STORM WARING C. GENERAL SITUATION D.MAP ANALYSIS KEY: A 海角西面西到西南风 15 到 20 节,阵雨。这描述很可能在气象预报的标 题下。 [896].Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______. A. latitude scale near the middle of the track line B. longitude scale near the middle of the track line C. latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chart D. latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale KEY: A墨卡托海图上沿着航线的距离测量时使用航线中部的比例尺 [897]Forces within a vessel have caused a difference between the starboard and port drafts. This difference is called ______. A. list B. heel C. trim D.flotation KEY: A 船舶内部的力致使船舶左右舷的吃水不同。 这种不同叫做横倾。 List, 系指船内力所致的倾斜 [898]. . From ______ the mariner can understand the data of tide. A. cargo plan B.tide table C. port list D.sea pilot KEY: B从潮汐表中,航海者能够了解到潮水的资料。 [899]. Given the same water depth and line tension,the holding power of a 19 pound/foot wire rope mooring system in comparison to the holding power of a 90 pound/foot chain mooring system will be ______. A. weaker B. equal C. greater D.indeterminable KEY: A 一样的水深和线的张力,抓力每英尺19磅的钢索系泊系统,对照90磅 每英尺的锚链停泊系统将会很弱。 [900]. How can the SART's audible tone monitor be used? A. It informs survivors that assistance may be nearby. B. It informs survivors when the battery's charge condition has weakened. C. It informs survivors when the SART switches to the standby mode. D. It informs survivors that a nearby vessel is signaling on DSC. KEY: A SART 的音响监听器怎么备用?它告诉幸存者援助可能在附近。 [901]In Admiralty Sailing Directions, BANDS is the word used to indicate ______ marking. A. horizontal B.vertical C. diagonal D.vertA在英版航路指南中,条纹用于表示水平标志 [902] In telex abbreviations,CFM and INFM refer to ______ and ______ respectively. A. confirm,inform B.confide,inflow C. conform,infuse D.confessed,inflame KEY: A在电报缩写中,CFM和INFM分别指的是确认和告知。 [903]. Inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side defines______. A. Tip B. Capsize C. List D.Trim KEY: C 船舶左右倾斜 定义为 list左右倾 [904]. Is the pilot ladder all right at this ______? A. high B.highlyC. heigh D.height KEY: D引水梯放在这位置(高度上)可以吗? [905]. Let’s have a good rest before sailing,_______? A. don’t we B.shall we C. don’t you D.won’B 初中没学好,一直不知道什么情况下后面加don’t we 什么时候加shall we - -|| [906].The Captain ordered the dangerous cargo on deck ______ to lighten the ship and minimize the risk at sea. A. be jettisoned B. be dropped C. be dived D.be abandoned KEY: A船长命令丢弃甲板的危险货物以减轻船舶并使海上风险减少。 [907]. The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the ______. A. sensitivity time control (sea-clutter control) B. receiver gain control C. brilliance control D.fast time constant (differentiator) KEY: A雷达控制按钮在有限距离内减少不固定的回波是海浪抑制按钮。 [908]. The term of LANDFALL means ______ A. land first sighted when vessel approaching from seaward B. land last sighted when vessel leaving from a port C. in sight of one another when vessel underway D. in sight of an island during a ship on her voyage KEY;A术语初见陆地意思是船自海上接近陆地并第一次看到陆地时 [909]. We've changed our ______ not to start loading this evening. A. heart B. hearts C. mind D.minds KEY: C 我们改变我们的意愿,今晚不装货了 [910]. When navigating using DGPS ( Differential Global Positioning System ) you may expect your position to be accurate to within a radius of _____. A. 10 meters B.20 meters C. 50 meters D.100 meters KEY;A当航行中用DGPS(全球差分定位系统)测定船位时,定位精度可达10米半 径的圆 [911]. Which part provides for transverse control and positioning of a boom in a conventional yard and stay system?______ A. Guy B.Shroud C. Spider D.Topping lift KEY;.A 对于传统的吊杆系统哪种被用于提供吊杆的横向移动和定位?稳索 [912]. You are aboard the give-way vessel in a crossing situation. What should you NOT do in obeying the Rules?______ A. Cross ahead of the stand-on vessel B.Make a large course change to starboard C. Slow your vessel D.Back your vessel KEY;A 你在一艘交叉态势的让路船里, 按照规定拟不能做什么。 穿越直航船船首。 [913]. You are keeping the required garbage disposal records. The amount of garbage disposed must be stated in ______. A. cubic meters B.both cubic meters and cubic feet C. both kilos and pounds D.barrels of 55 gallon capacity KEY: A你保存着要求的垃圾处理记录。处理垃圾的数量必须以立方米说明。 [914]. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged ______. A. at least annually B. whenever it is below its required weight C. only if the extinguisher has been used D.before every safety inspection KEY: B二氧化碳灭火器一般重量减少百分之十必须从新填装 [915]. A chock is a ______. A. deck fitting used to secure mooring lines B. casting fitted at the side of a weather deck,used as a fairlead C. sharp block of wood used to support hygroscopic cargo D. smoke pipe for the galley stove KEY: B 一个垫子设置在露天甲板边上用来导览,叫做 导览孔 [916]. Aboard a vessel,multiplying a load's weight by the distance of the load's center of gravity from the centerline results in the load's ______. A. TCG B. transverse moment C. righting moment D.transverse free surface moment KEY: B 在船上,增加一个货物重量,伴随重心距离中心线,结果是货物的横移 [917]. All the holds and other parts of the ship in which cargo is to be stowed should be for the carriage. A. comfortable B.suitable C. stable D.favorable KEY;B. . 所有货舱以及其他的一些区域存放的货物必须适合运输。 [918]. . At the required fire drill conducted aboard a vessel,all persons must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them______. A. by the tool pusher B.in the station bill C. by the person conducting the drill D.at the previous safety meeting KEY: B 在船舶管理中被要求的消防演习中,所有人员必须报告它们的位置和模 拟在应急部署表中指派给他们的任务完成的能力。 [919]. Cyclones tend to move ______. A. perpendicular to the isobars in their warm sectors B. parallel to the isobars in their warm sectors C. parallel to the line of the cold front D.perpendicular to the line of the cold front KEY: B 气旋趋向平行于暖区的等压线移动 [920]Paints and solvents on a vessel should be ______. A. stored safely in a cool dark non-ventilated area until work is completed B. resealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each use C. covered at all times to protect from ignition sources D. stored in a suitable gear locker KEY: B船上的油漆和溶剂应在每次使用后应该重新放回好的通风区域。 附加:Paints and solvents on a vessel should be ______. A. stored safely at the work site until work is completed B. returned to the paint locker after each use C. covered at all times to protect from ignition sources D. stored in a suitable gear locker KEY: B 船上的油漆和溶剂应在每次使用后放回油漆间。 [921]. Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a ______ system. A. convey B.convoy C. escort D.conform KEY: B通过Suez运河采用编队护航制度。 (Suez运河将船舶组成编队通过运河― 书译) [922]. Pilot ladder is ______ on port side. A. equipped B.rigged C. put on D.put off KEY: B引水梯被安放在左舷。 [923]. Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a ______ on the screens of ship's radar sets. A. incorrect image B. distinctive image C. pictorial image D.pictographic image KEY: B 达标志是被设计船舶雷达设置上在雷达屏幕上显示与其他有区别的回 波发送器。 [924]. The “Port-Off-Stbd” selector switch on an autopilot steering stand is used to ______. A. change from hand electric steering to automatic gyro B. change over one steering system to the other C. change over hand electric steering to non-follow-up D. change over the port to the starboard bow thruster KEY;B Port-Off-Stbd选择器打开在自动舵状态代表被用来选择一操舵系统到 另一操舵系统。 [925]. The line which connects the points of zero magnetic dip is ______. A. an agonic line B.the magnetic equator C. a magnetic meridian D.All of the above KEY;B连接所有磁倾角的点为0的线是磁赤道 [926]. The scuppers had been plugged as required at the time an oil spill occurs on deck. After shutting down the transfer, the engineroom should first be informed and then ______. A. rig a fire hose and call for water on deck B.spread an absorbent material, such as sawdust C. remove the plugs from the scuppers D.sound the general alarm KEY;B当甲板漏油时必须塞上排泄孔,通知机舱,关闭阀门和撒一些吸收的物质, 例如锯末 [927]. The stevedores have already stowed the porcelain ware ______ up to the deckhead. A. loosely B. closely C. heavily D.strongly KEY: B工人早已将陶瓷制品装到了接近舱口的地方。 [928]. This certificate was issued {under} the provisions. A. according to B. with C. for D.below KEY: A 证书依照规定发行 [929]. Under what circumstances would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short blast______. A .When overtaking on open waters B.When overtaking in a narrow channel C.When no other vessels are in the immediate area D.When overtaking in restrB在下面情况下,追越船鸣放汽笛两长声继于一短声的声号?在狭水道追越 时 [930].What DOCS SALT WATER DRAFT means? ______. A. It means summer draft. B. It means Maximum draft. C. It means Fresh Water draft. D.It means Seawater Draft KEY: D 咸水吃水就是海水吃水 [931]. What is acceptable flame screening ? A. A fitted single brass screen of 10 x10 mesh B. A fitted stainless steel screen of 30 x 30 mesh C. A fitted single stainless steel screen of 15 x 15 mesh D. Two fitted brass screens of 10 x 15 mesh spaced 1/2 inch apart KEY;B哪一个是合理的防火网?单个不锈钢丝网网孔是30×30 [932]. What is the advantage of a single streamlined fluke anchor over a double fluked anchor of similar weight ?______. A. It has multiple fluke angle settings. B.It has increased holding power. C. It holds well with either side down. D.It is easier to handle on an anchor boat. KEY;B 哪一个是相同重量下单流线型锚爪的锚优于双锚爪锚的特点?增加抓力。 [933]What is the best guide for determining the proper scope of anchor chain to use for anchoring in normal conditions? A. One shot of chain for every ten feet of water B. One shot of chain for every fifteen feet of water C. One shot of chain for every thirty feet of water D. One shot of chain for every ninety feet of water KEY: B一般情况下锚泊的时候,哪一种是正确出链长度的最好方法?每15英尺 水深用一节锚链 [934]. What must be carried out in order to manually launch an inflatable liferaft not designed for float-free operation ?______ A. It will be easily launched by simply breaking the weak link. B. Depress the hydrostatic release button. C. It is easily launched by cutting the container securing straps. D. It is only necessary to attach the weak link to the vessel. KEY;B为释放下水气胀式救生筏,什么必须被进行?挤压静水压力释放器,拉紧 (出)筏首缆。 [935]. Which piece of required GMDSS equipment is the primary source of transmitting locating signals? A. Radio Direction Finder (RDF) B.An EPIRB transmitting on 406 MHz C. Survival Craft Transceiver D.A SART transmitting on 406 MHz KEY;B GMDSS设备中哪种设备是发射定位信号的主要来源?在406兆赫兹上发射 的应急无线电示位标 [936].Which vessel is underway within the meaning of the Rules?______ A. A vessel at anchor with the engine turning 锚泊中动车 B. A vessel tied to an offshore mooring buoy 系在浮筒上 C. A vessel aground with the engine turning 搁浅中动车 D. A vessel drifting with the engine stopped KEY;D 哪个是规则中的在航,主机停了的漂流船 [937]. Would you please ask the ________ Officer to issue 30 sheets of landing permits for our crew members to go ashore. A. Quarantine B.Immigration C. Customs D.Harbor KEY: B 请你要求移民官员为我们船员的上岸发放 30 张登陆许可证,行吗? [938].A double male coupling is one that ______. A. has left hand twist B. has inside threads on both ends C. has outside threads on both ends D.takes two men to operate KEY: C一个双凸链接件,两端有外螺旋结构 [939]. A master would be well advised to note a sea protest if ______. A. portions of his vessel's cargo were illegally impounded B. longshoreman went on strike against the overtime C. the vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused some damages to her D. a wreck of fishing boat was located on the voyage KEY: C船长被充分建议提出海事声明假如船舶遭遇恶劣天气可能导致船体部分 受损。 [940].. A revised print of a chart is made ______. A. after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart B. when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive C. when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made D. every two years to update the magnetic variation information KEY: C当出现库存量小的情况并用少量改正时将印制一张修正版海图 [941]. By observing her colored sidelights,the heading of a vessel may be determined within_______. A.6 points of the compass B.10 points of the compass C. 4 points of the compass D.8 points of the compass KEY;B 留意她的舷灯颜色,船首确定在十个罗经点内。 [942]. Gas masks ______. A. should be worn while fighting a fire B. can be used in atmospheres deficient in oxygen C. filter contaminants from air that is to be breathed D. may be substituted for a self-contained breathing apparatus KEY: C 气体面具过滤用于呼吸的空气中的污染物 [943]. If obliged to cross traffic lanes,a vessel shall do so on a heading as nearly as practicable ______ to the general direction of traffic flow. A. at small angle B. at large angle C. at right angle D.in same direction as. KEY: C 如果横穿航道,应该尽量随流动航道直角穿越 [944]. The radiotelegraph alarm signal is ______. A. SOS sent three times B. ten one-second dashes with a four-second interval between them C. twelve four-second dashes with a one-second interval between them D. twelve one-second dashes with a short interval between them KEY: C无线电警报时有12个4秒钟间隔一秒钟的信号 [945]. The Scharnow turn should be used in a man overboard situation only when ______. A. the man can be kept in sight from the bridge while maneuvering B. the turn is started immediately when the man goes over C. there has been sufficient time elapsed since the man went over to complete the maneuver D. the vessel has twin screws to assist in making the turn KEY;C史乔那旋回用于人员落水位置仅当人员进水以后很长一段时间已经过去了 [946].Visibility will not be reduced by_______. A.fog B.mist C. snow D.D. 能见度不会被云减少 [947]. What will cause the ARPA to emit a visual alarm,audible alarm, or both? A. An acquired target entering into a guard zone B. A tracked target lost for one radar scan C. A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limits D. A target being initially detected within a guard zone KEY: C什么将会引起ARPA发出视觉报警,呻吟报警,或者两者皆有?物标的航 迹进入到了你遇险设定的CPA-TCPA警戒圈 [948]. When using a radar in a unstabilized mode,fixes are determined most easily from ______. A. center bearings B. tangent bearings C. ranges D.objects that are close aboard KEY: C当在不稳定模式下使用雷达时,用什么方式更容易定位?距离 [949]. Where should the GMDSS radio log be kept on board ship?______ A. In the Captain’s office B.In the sea cabin C. At the GMDSS operating position D.Anywhere on board the vessel KEY;C在船舶上GMDSS记录薄存放在哪个地方?主要的无线电操作位置上。 [950]. Which statement is TRUE concerning a vessel constrained by her draft?______ A. She is hampered because of her work B. She is unable to maneuver due to some exceptional circumstance. C. She may be a vessel being towed. D. She must be a power-driven vessel. KEY:D 关于限于吃水船,哪一个陈述正确?她必须是一艘机动船 [951]. Which discharging a tanker, list can be controled by ______ A. shoreside personnel B. using a center tank near the bow, discharging as necessary C. using wing tanks near the longitudinal, discharging as necessary D. using the after peak tank, loading as necessary KEY;C当从油舱中卸货时应该用什么方式调整横倾?当卸载时使用纵向的翼舱 [952]. You are in charge of a power-driven vessel making way in dense fog. You observe what appears to be another vessel on radar half a mile distant on your port bow and closing. You must_ A. sound the danger signal B.exchange passing signals C. sound one prolonged blast D.sound one short, one prolonged, and one short blast KEY;C你负责驾驶机动船在大雾中航行,你观察到雷达上它船在你左船首航向半 海里并接近,你必须鸣放一长声 [953]. A bonding cable should be connected for cargo operations aboard a tank vessel as soon as the ________. A. cargo has been loaded or discharged B.cargo hose is connected C. cargo, pumps are started D.vessel is ready to handle cargo KEY;D结合电缆应该被连接为了液货船上货物的操作尽快船舶准备装卸货物 [954]. After abandoning ship,you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to ______. A. keep the life raft from capsizing B. navigate against the current C. keep personnel from getting seasick D.stay in the general location KEY: D弃船后,你应自救生筏张开海锚保持(艇筏)在常规的位置 [955]. How could lashing gear used aboard Ro-Ro vessels be stowed when not in use? A. Drape along brackets B.Hang vertically in a sheltered area C. Stow in bins at hatch coming side D.All of the above KEY: D 滚装船使用的绑扎工具在不使用时可以如何存放?沿着支架悬挂 [956]. How many GMDSS operators are needed/required on board according to the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,1974?______. A.4 operators B.3 operators C.2 operators D.1 operator KEY: D1974 SOLS 公约规定在船必须有多少个 GMDSS 操作员?一个操作员。 [957]. In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT ______. A. girders B. longitudinals C. side stringers D.web plates KEY: D 横剖面船舶,横框架支撑以下除了腹板 [958]. In order to retrieve an inflatable liferaft and place it on deck, you should heave on the ______. A. lifelines B.righting strapC. sea anchor D.towing bridle---拖缆勒头(船舶被拖时和拖缆连接的链条或大索) KEY: D为了收回气胀式救生筏并放于甲板,你应拉其拖索。 [959]. Instructions on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the ______ which is primarily designed for use by merchant ship. A. MARPOL---Marine Pollution B. IRPCS---International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea C. SOLAS---Safety Of Life At Sea D. MERSAR---Merchant Ships Search And Rescue KEY: D主要被设计用于商船的MERSAR上给出了如何指挥搜索和救助的指导。 [960]. My ship will leave here______Hongkong tomorrow. A. to B.in C. for D.C leave for [961]. PAN-PAN repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of message will follow? A. Distress B. Safety C. All clear D.Urgency KEY: D在无线电话上重复三次Pan-Pan显示接下来的信息将是紧急的 [962]. The key to rescuing a man overboard is ______. A. good communication B. a dedicated crew C. good equipment D.well-conducted drills KEY: D对抢救落水人,关键是良好的练习。 [963]. The type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the edge of the plate to which it is riveted is a ______. A. grip joint B. strap joint C. thread joint D.lap joint KEY: D这个类型的链接是用一个板材压在另一个板材上面用铆钉铆住,这被叫 做搭接 [964]. What draft has she_____full load? A. on B.of C. at D.C at full load [965]. What precaution should be taken when treating burns caused by contact with dry lime? A. Water should be applied in a fine spray. B. The burned area should be immersed in water. C. The entire burn area should be covered with ointment. D. Before washing, the lime should be brushed away gently. KEY;D对待由生石灰引起的烧伤,你应该注意什么?在冲洗之前应该把生石灰完 全擦掉。 [966]. What would be a “ special circumstance ” under the Rules?______ A. Vessel at anchor B.Two vessels meeting C. Speed in fog D.More than two vessels crossing KEY;D 对于避碰规则,哪一个将被作为特殊情况对待?多船会遇。 [967]. When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed in ______(and decimals of a minute if necessary ), north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich. A. fathoms and meters B.miles and kilometers C. arc and degrees D.degrees and minutes KEY;D当使用经纬度时,这些将被表达为度分,赤道的南北,格林经线的东西。 [968]. Which vessel is NOT regarded as being restricted in her ability to maneuver?______ A. A vessel servicing an aid to navigation B.A vessel engaged in dredging C. A towing vessel with tow unable to deviate from its course D.A vessel constrained by her draft KEY;D哪一种船不被认为是操限船?一艘限于吃水的船舶 [969]. A crew list is a piece of paper which shows ______. A. all names of crew members on board B.all crew member's lists on board C. all paper of crew members on board D.all names of lists for the crew on board KEY: A船员名单是一张说明船上所有船员名字的文件。 [970]. A green pillar lightbuoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the red conical lightbuoy Close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to______. A.a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoy B.a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoy C.either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replaced D.neither a red buy nor a green buoy is to be replaced KEY: A 绿色的浮标代替红色的浮标。 [971]. A ROUND THROUGH THE VESSEL CARRIED OUT BY A CREW MEMBER OF THE WATCH AT CERTAIN INTERVALS SO THAT AN OUTBREAK OF FIRE MAY BE PROMPTLY DETECTED defines ______. A. Fire patrol B.Fire control C. Smoke detection D.Fire drill KEY;A 值班船员固定时间间隔巡视船舶可以及早发现火灾,这种称为消防巡逻。 [972]A six-strand composite rope made up of alternate fiber and wire strands around a fiber core is called ______. A. Spring lay B. Lang lay C. Cable lay D.Alternate lay KEY: A一个6股组成的绳索由纤维和钢丝交替环绕在纤维芯上的叫锚索。 [973]. A vessel restricted by its ability to manoeuvre by the nature of its work or its deep draft is__ A. Hampered vessel B.Giving way vessel C. Vessel not under control D.Disabled vessel KEY;A一艘由于其工作性质或深吃水而使其操纵能力受到限制的船舶是操限船 [974]. A vessel ______ a crossing vessel,shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line. A. including B. inclusive of C. except that D.other than. KEY: D 除了横渡船,通常不应该进入航道或则穿越航道线 [975]. Aboard a survival craft,ether can be used to ______. A. start the engine in cold weather B. aid in helping personnel breathe C. prime the sprinkler system D.prime the air supply KEY: A在救生艇上,乙醚能够被用于在寒冷的天气中启动机器 [976]. Admiralty Notices to Mariners,containing important information for the mariners and enabling them to keep their charts and books corrected for the latest information,are issued daily and published in ______. A. Weekly Editions B. Quarterly Editions C. Annual Editions D.Monthly Editions KEY: A 航海通告, 包含重要信息为海员和能够让他们保持他们的海图和书的更 新,被发布每日和印刷在周刊上 [977]. An ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher would be LEAST effective against a fire in ______. A. a mattress B. spilled liquids such as oil or paint C. high voltage electrical gear D.a trash can KEY: A干粉灭火机对席子着火的扑救效果最差。 [978]. An oxygen indicator can be used to determine if there is ______. A. sufficient oxygen in a compartment to support life B.combustible gases present C. hyfrogen gases present D.All of the above KEY;A 氧气检测仪能够被用于确定舱室是否存在有足够维持生命的氧气。 [979].AREAS WHICH CANNOT BE SCANNED BY THE RADAR OF THE VESSEL BECAUSE THEY ARE SHIELDED BY PARTS OF ITS SUPERSTRUCTURE, MASTS, ETC means ______. A. Blind sectors B.Sheltered area C. Unseen area D.Unscanable area KEY;A 由于被船上建筑物,桅杆等遮蔽而不能被船上雷达扫描到的区域是扇型盲 区。 [980]. As to the torn bags,I’ll tell the shipper to _____them up. A.resew B.rejoin C.renail D.resolder KEY;A 对于这些袋子,我将告诉发货人重新缝一下 [981]. BASHI: TO SE 9-10. E 500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS. 8-9M. SEA SWELL SE 6-7M. From the above forecast, wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______. the A. STRONG GALE TO STORM B. GALE TO STRONG GALE C. NEAR GALE TO GALE D.STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE KEY: A巴士海峡通告: 东转东南方9-10级, 能见度500米的暴风和雷暴, 海浪8-9 米东南涌浪6-7米,从上述预报可知,蒲氏风级要从大风转为风暴。 [982]Before personnel are lifted from a vessel in a personnel basket, the vessel should be ______ A. directly under the boom B.moving away from the boom C. stopped dead in the water D.tied ti the boom KEY: A 在提起吊斗前里面有人,船舶应立即放下吊杆。 [983]. Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is ______. A. conspicuous B. inconspicuous C. a government facility or station D.a radio transmitter KEY: A海图标题被打印为大写字母表示相关的陆标是显著的 [984]. Clouds appearing in the following order: cirrus, cirrostratus, altostratus, stratus, and nimbostratus usually indicate the approach of a(n) ______. A. warm front B.occluded front C. medium front D.cold front KEY;A云按以下顺序排列:卷云,卷层云,高层云,层云和雨层云,通常显示暖 锋接近。 [985]. Concerning the identification signal for a pilot vessel,in fog, which statement is TRUE? A. When at anchor,the pilot vessel is only required to sound anchor signals. B. The identification signal must be sounded any time the pilot vessel is underway. C. The pilot vessel may only sound the identity signal when making way. D. All of the above KEY: A雾中有关引水船的识别信号,哪句是正确的?当锚泊时,引水船仅被要 求鸣放锚泊船信号 [986]. Cribbing is ______. A. wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck B. the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo C. a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged D. cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing KEY: A撑垫材是放置在甲板货和甲板之间的木制的墩木或铺垫板。 [987]. DO NOT RETURN TO YOUR CABIN TO COLLECT YOUR PROPERTY. This sentence is properly used when ______. A. allocating / directing crew to assembly stations to escape B. exercising evacuation and boat drill C. taking protective measures to control the oil pollutions D. holding course and sounding signals to avoid collision with other vessels KEY;A 不返回舱室内收集财产,这句话一说是当在装配站分配给逃生人员的。 [988].DO NOT,REPEAT,NOT OVER-TAKE means that you should ______. A. overtake B. not overtake C. overtake or not D.decide if you should overtake KEY: B 不要追越 [989]. Every vessel shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course when hearing apparently______the fog signal of another vessel. A. afterward of her beam B.foreward of her beam C. abeam on port D.abB 所有船舶应该减速到最小舵速,当听到正横前方的雾号的时候。 [990]. Every vessel which is directed by these Rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall,if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid ______. A. crossing ahead of the other B.crossing astern of the other C. passing port to port D.passing starboard to starboard KEY;A假如环境许可,被规则要求应给他船让路的每一艘船舶应避免穿越他船船 艏。 [991]. Flanking rudders effect a vessel's heading because of the ______. A. effect of the propeller flow on the rudders B. wa}


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