
香港大学SPACE中国商业学院客席副教授、香港电脑学会理事及商务智能部主席湛家扬腾讯科技讯 7月11日消息,在今天正式开幕的2013中国CIO高峰论坛上,香港大学SPACE中国商业学院客席副教授、香港电脑学会理事及商务智能部主席湛家扬表示,IT可以成为主角,企业以后把IT成为核心竞争力。湛家扬指出,中国和印度是过去全球化的大赢家,但是我们国家大部分是成本效益,印度的核心力是他们有IT的技术。“但是未来的发展,中国如果不找另外一个核心竞争力,除了成本效益以外,我们的挑战性很大。”湛家扬还如此表示。“2013中国CIO高峰论坛”于日-13日在海口观澜湖高尔夫度假酒店召开。自2005年开始,“中国CIO高峰论坛”已经历经8届,今年大会,有来自过去十一届的“中国优秀CIO”获奖者在此集合,两岸三地200位顶级CIO在此首聚。腾讯科技作为大会战略合作伙伴全程直播,独家微信上墙互动。以下为香港大学SPACE中国商业学院客席副教授、香港电脑学会理事及商务智能部主席湛家扬发言实录:湛家扬:大家早上好,首先谢谢《IT经理世界》和华为大力支持这次的活动,还有邀请我们过来跟你们分享商业世界和IT世界很重要的关系,我姓湛,代表香港大学过来跟你们沟通。今天的题目是从世界级CEO的眼中看IT的价值。我们有没有考虑到,当我们看GE每一个商务方面的战略,我们在IT方面怎么配合,这块我们也想过,但是不够细,今天不能从CEO角度看,CIO怎么和他们配合。今天发言只有20分钟,不可能把所有的东西跟你们分享,我相信过了20分钟以后不是拿到很多答案,是拿到很多问号。我从不同的角度看IT方案,我怎么说服一个客户买东西呢,两个方向的角度是不同的,所以,我希望大家带着问号回去,带我们解决一些不同的方案时,我们可以从一个商务战略的角度看是不是配合企业发展。今天我主要跟大家分享三个钟点,一是中国企业发展战略与挑战。现在你们的工资很高,但是我们有很多的挑战,没有挑战就没有价值,没有挑战就没有工作,如果我们把挑战处理好,从CIO的角度看怎么帮助CEO处理问题。二是IT能成为中国企业的主角,我们应该是支持的单位,是主动的单位。如果我们可以把IT变成我们的核心竞争力,IT一定成为我们公司主要的一些管理者。三是高级CEO必需问CIO的9个问题。我希望跟你们分享一些,如果CE0懂IT的价值一定问这个问题,如果不问你你应该问自己,这是我们IT的价值。这个是捷克韦尔奇,我们看的时候是从管理的角度看,一个国际化企业成功的因素是重要的因素,我考虑的不是从管理考虑,当我们在CIO的层面上看,每一个成功的因素可以奉献多少,比如说,客户方面的期望,这是CIO常常要想的东西,但是CIO可以贡献多少呢?我们花1一5分钟想一下,每一点IT可以贡献多少。另外一个角度看中国和印度是过去全球化的大赢家,但是我们大部分是成本效益,印度的核心力是他们有IT的技术、他们有人才,他们有语言、文化方面,以及未来年轻人比我们多,未来的印度可以保持优势,比中国企业更有优势。看过去的GDP,中国和印度的发展,两个都是大赢家,但是未来的发展,中国如果不找另外一个核心竞争力,除了成本效益以外,我们的挑战性很大。为什么我说IT可以成为主角,我们以后把IT成为核心竞争力了,我们的贡献很大。在市场里中国面对的问题,比如说客户的期望越来越高,产品的周期越来越快,公司的合并当然有不同的压力,我们IT怎么解决问题,我们有没有从这个角度考虑IT的贡献、IT的价值是多少。这是台湾的IT第一人施振荣,他说是要转型,从过去的代工转型到有自己的品牌服务,为什么成功,就是把所有的资源放在品牌和服务、技术方面,利润交给中国做,过去我们成功,但是未来别的国家做的成本会更低。所以我们一定要找另外一个核心竞争力,就是IT。你们一定会成为全球的500强,但是再分析一下,全球最有利润的企业,你看亚太区有两家,大部分都是在欧美,所以我们的利润率还是很低,我们赚的钱很辛苦,怎么把我们的利润再提高,IT是一个很重要的点。品牌的排名,这是全球的排名,没有中国的排名,希望未来CIO的研讨会里,我们有更多的人排名到这里。这是海外过去直接投资的ODI,我们的回报有多高呢,大家心中有数。这是打出去的原因,可能是因为有新的市场,我们中国内地创新能力不高,历史不长,如果我们可以加长这一块,配合外部的发展,使IT成为核心竞争力,我们就可以成功。这是打出去不同的困难,主要是人才的困难。所以,我们核心竞争力的另一个是IT,不是一个支持单位,是一个核心竞争力。如果我们过去只是一个支持,我们要改变。大家有没有看过这两本书,两个教授说,一个说IT只是商品,另一个说IT不是一个商品,要怎么用IT,怎么把IT变成你的核心竞争力。IT的发展还有一点,就是客户忠诚度的能力,如果要打败所有的行业都是IT给的东西。另外一个例子,为什么过去那么成功,不是单看中机会,不是仅仅是买到便宜的电脑,而是IT成为核心竞争力,核心竞争力一个很重要的定义,就是别人不可以那么容易模仿你,如果只是成本别人可以很容易模仿,如果下面有IT能力,别人就不容易模仿你。这是我希望你们把IT办成公司的核心竞争力。资源为本的理论,过去IT看起来是一个商品,你买了,你有这样的优势,以后我买了跟你打平,这是错误的观念。我们可以把这个企业的IT系统变得有价值,别人不可以模仿,不容易跟你打平,你还是有很大的优势。《IT经理世界》有成长自战略,从过去到现在到未来,每个好的企业应该有企业战略。但是IT怎么配合,过去其他的重要的部门说话很大声,如果我们IT可以成为一个企业的核心竞争,我们就可以说话大声一点。大家可能看过这本书《商业模式》,这是很奇怪的一个图,一个是美国的商业模型,外面是中国企业的商业模型,但是他们都是根据每一个美国的商业模型在中国发扬光大,但是这不够好。如果你看了这本书,它告诉你怎么把目前方法论、不同的商业模型受理好,怎么改动这个商业模型成为利润率更高的东西,这是我们IT要学的东西,因为IT在商业模式里,每一部分都可以贡献很多。第三部分,高级CEO必需问CIO的9个问题。如果你的老板是跨国企业的CE0有可能问你这个问题,IT怎么改变行业竞争的基本因素,未来的竞争者不是从同一个行业过来的,所以你一定要知道有什么新的挑战,不一定是从行业过来的,要改变这个游戏规则。另一个在数码世界中我们需要什么才能超越客户的期望。比如苹果,有很多终端客户,他们已经有期望,每个企业可以给我什么东西,他们的期望不是你做不做,客户是期望你做,我们要领先,超越客户的需求。我们商业计划是不是已经繁衍出来,每年都做IT的预算,但是这个远远不够,我们的预算是不是跟企业3一5年的战略有一致性。我们的可以投资组合是否与我们的商机及威胁配合和有高度的一致性。IT会什么样提升我们运营及战略层面的敏捷、机敏性。如果IT没有标准化,当我们收购一个公司,当我们有战略方面的转动时,IT是用很长的时间配合商业战略的改动。第六个问题,有没有使用IT的思维。第七个问题,谁会对IT问责及什么样让他们去负责。第八个问题,对我们IT风险的水平感到安心吗。第九个问题,他们会善用我们的科技故事吗。汇丰银行的人为什么谈IT,原来就是他们关心IT,如果我们有好的故事就要尽量的运用。虽然时间很短,但是希望大家回去以后从战略的角度看IT,还有一个是CEO问你什么问题,如果他不问你,你自己要问你自己,希望可以找到答案。今天准备的就这么多,谢谢大家!
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The University of Hong Kong (often abbreviated as HKU, sometimes known informally as Hong Kong University) is a
located in , . Founded in 1911, it is the oldest . It is often cited as one of the most prestigious universities in Asia.
Today, the University of Hong Kong is organised into 10 academic faculties with English as the . It exhibits strength in scholarly research and education of accounting & finance, biomedicine, , , , law, , , and . The University of Hong Kong was also the first team in the world which successfully isolated the , the
The Main Building in 1912.
, Governor of Hong Kong and first Vice-Chancellor (1910–12) of The University of Hong Kong
Bust of , located in the Main Building.
The University of Hong Kong was founded in 1911.
had proposed to establish a university in Hong Kong to compete with the other Great Powers opening universities in China, most notably , which had just opened the
in Shanghai. Indian businessman
learned of Lugard's plan and pledged to donate HK$150,000 towards the construction and HK$30,000 towards other costs. The
and the business sector in southern China, which were both equally eager to learn "secrets of the West's success" (referring to technological advances made since the ), also gave their support. The government contributed a site at West P
also contributed ?40,000 to endow a chair in Engineering, and thousands of dollars in equipment. The aim was partly to bolster its corporate image following the death of a passenger on board one of its ships, Fatshan, and the subsequent unrest stirred by the Self-Government Society. Along with other donors including the
and companies such as , Lugard finally had enough to fund the building of the university.
Charles Eliot was appointed its first Vice-Chancellor. As Governor of Hong Kong, Lugard laid the
of the Main Building on 16 March 1910 and hoped that the university would educate more Chinese people in British "imperial values", as opposed to those of other Western powers.[] The university was incorporated in Hong Kong as a self-governing body of scholars on 30 March 1911 and had its official opening ceremony on 11 March 1912. The university was founded as an all-male institution. Women students were admitted for the first time only ten years later.
As Lugard felt that the Chinese society at the time was not suited to ideals such as communism, the university originally emulated the
in emphasising the sciences over the .[] It opened with three founding faculties, Arts, Engineering and Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine was founded as the
in 1887. Of the College's early alumni, the most renowned was , who led the
which changed China from an empire to a republic. In December 1916, the university held its first convocation, with 23 graduates and five honorary graduates.
Main Building in 1946, with visible damage from the Second World War.
After the , the government moved towards greater integration of Eastern culture, increasing the number of Chinese courses. In 1927, a degree in Chinese was created. Donations from wealthy businessmen Tang Chi Ngong and Fung Ping Shan – after whom two campus buildings are named – triggered an emphasis on Chinese cultural education. In 1937, the
opened. It has served as the university's teaching hospital ever since. In 1941, the
caused damage to university buildings, and the university closed until 1945.
After the end of the Second World War, the university reopened and investment in law and the
increased as post-war reconstruction efforts began in earnest. The Faculty of Social Sciences was established in 1967 and the
in 1969. The student population in 1961 was 2,000, quadrupled from 1941.
In 1982, the Faculty of Dentistry, based at the , was established. To this day, it remains Hong Kong's only faculty training dental professionals. In 1984, both the School of Architecture and School of Education became fully-fledged faculties and in the same year the
was created. The Faculty of Business and Economics was established in 2001 as the university's tenth and youngest faculty.
After 1989, the Hong Kong government began to emphasise local tertiary education in order to retain local students who would otherwise have studied abroad in the United Kingdom. Student places and course variety were greatly increased in preparation for the . By 2001, the number of students had grown to 14,300 and the number of degree courses to over a hundred.
In 2002, Growing with Hong Kong: HKU and its Graduates – The First 90 Years was published by the
as a study of the impact of HKU's graduates on Hong Kong.
In January 2006, despite protest from a portion of students and alumni, the Faculty of Medicine was renamed as the
"as a recognition of the generosity" of
and his foundation, which pledged 1 billion in support of the university's "general development as well as research and academic activities in medicine".[]
On 16 August 2011, , , began a three-day visit to promote development between Hong Kong and . The university was locked down. The mishandling by the police force caused the . In a statement to the HKU community, the university vice-chancellor Professor
admitted that the security arrangements could have been better planned and organised, and apologised to students and alumni for not having been able to prevent the incident. He assured them that "the University campus belongs to students and teachers, and that it will always remain a place for ". On 30 August 2011, the university council resolved to set up a panel to review issues arising from the vice premier's visit, to improve arrangements and to set up policies for future university events that are consistent with its commitment to freedom of expression.
From 2010 to 2012, the university celebrated its 100th anniversary and the opening of the Centennial Campus at the western end of the university site in .
(also known as Binhai Hospital), which is operated by the university, also opened in 2011.
On 10 April 2015, HKU declared itself as the first university in the world to join , a UN initiative urging men to achieve more female rights. The university promised that it would triple the number of female dean-level members by 2020, so that more than 1 out of 5 deans would be women.
On 15 December 2017, the university's governing council appointed
nanoscience professor
to the posts of President and Vice-Chancellor with effect from January 2018. Zhang was the first vice-chancellor of the university born in mainland China and educated to undergraduate degree level there.
Johannes Chan
The HKU Council made headlines in 2015 for alleged political interference behind the selection process for a new pro-vice chancellor. A selection committee unanimously recommended the council appoint
to the post, which involved the responsibility for staffing and resources, and which had been left vacant for five years. Chan, the former dean of the Faculty of Law, was a distinguished scholar in constitutional law and human rights and "a vocal critic on Hong Kong’s political reform issues". Owing to his liberal political stance, Chan was roundly criticised by Communist Party-controlled media including , , and , which together published at least 350 articles attacking him.
Customarily the HKU Council accepts the recommendations of search committees for senior posts, with no prior recommendation having been rejected by the council. The council was criticised when it delayed the decision to appoint Chan, stating that it should wait until a new provost was in place. Finally, in September 2015, the council rejected Chan's appointment (12 votes to eight) through an anonymous vote in a closed meeting, providing no reason for the decision. Political interference was widely suspected and the opacity of the council criticised.
The decision is seen widely viewed as a pro-government act of retaliation against "pro-democracy leaders and participants" and a blow to academic freedom. Six members of the council are directly appointed by the , who acts as chancellor of all publicly funded tertiary institutions in the territory. Five members are delegates to the
in Beijing and, as such, are obliged to toe the Communist Party line or risk expulsion. In overall Council makeup, university students and staff are outnumbered by members from outside the university.
The decision was decried by student groups including the
and , faculty members, leading international law scholars, and legislators. They noted that the decision would serve as a warning to other academics not to engage in pro-democratic politics and would severely tarnish Hong Kong's reputation for academic freedom and education excellence. The law faculty also refuted the allegations against Chan. Billy Fung, student union president, revealed details of the discussion to the public and was subsequently expelled from the council.
Eliot Hall and Meng Wah Complex
T.T. Tsui Building
The Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building and the .
The university's main campus covers 160,000 square metres of land on
of . HKU buildings are some of the few remaining examples of British Colonial architecture in Hong Kong. The university lends its name to , the main public transport access to the campus opened in 2014.
is situated 4.5 km southwest of the main campus, in the
and . The medical campus includes , the William M.W. Mong Building and research facilities. The Faculty of Dentistry is situated in the , Sai Ying Pun.
The university also operates the Kadoorie Agricultural Research Centre, which occupies 95,000 square metres of land in the , and the
Institute of Marine Science at the southern tip of the
on Hong Kong Island.
Main Building
Main Building corridor
Constructed between 1910 and 1912, the Main Building is the university's oldest structure and was sponsored by Sir
and designed by Architect Messrs . It is built in the
style with red brick and granite and has two courtyards. The main elevation is articulated by four turrets with a central clock tower (a gift from Sir
in 1930). The two courtyards were added in the south in 1952 and one floor in the end block in 1958. The building was originally used as classrooms and laboratories for the Faculty of Medicine and Engineering and was later the home of departments within the Faculty of Arts. The central Great Hall (Loke Yew Hall) is named after , a Malayan benefactor of the university in its early years. It became a
In around 1980, the Swire Group sponsored the building of a new residential hall in the eastern end of the campus. Because of the sponsorship, the new student residence was named Swire Building. The building was officially opened by Mr. John Anthony Swire, C.B.E. on 11 November 1980. In 1983, the colour orange was chosen to be the hall colour in the second Annual General Meeting since the colour was used as the background colour during the first open day of Swire Hall and no other halls were using orange as their hall colour.
In 1983, Mrs. J. Lau (Director of Centre Media Resources) provided a design for the hall logo. The Swire Hall Students' Association, HKUSU, then made some amendments to that design. The logo shows the words 'S' and 'H'. The design of the word 'S' looks like two hands holding each other, signifying that all hall-mates should co-operate with each other, and promoting the hall motto 'Unity and Sincerity'.
Financed by , Professor G. P. Jordan and others, it was opened in 1919 by the Governor of Hong Kong
and housed the . After World War II, the building was used temporarily for administrative purposes. The East Wing was added in 1960. The building was converted into the
in 1974. It was named in honour of Mr Hung Hing Ying in 1986 for his family's donations to the university. The building was subsequently used again for administrative purposes, and housed Department of Music until early 2013. It is currently used by the Development & Alumni Affairs Office. The two-storey
structure is characterised by a central dome and the use of red brick to emulate the Main Building opposite. The building became a declared monument in 1995.
The idea to establish a school of Chinese was proposed in the inter-war period. Construction of the premises began in 1929 following a donation from Tang Chi-ngong, father of the philanthropist Sir Tang Shiu-kin, after whom the building was named. It was opened by , Governor of Hong Kong, in 1931 and since then further donations have been received for the endowment of teaching Chinese language and literature. The building has been used for other purposes since the 1970s but the name remained unchanged. At present, it houses the Centre of Asian Studies. This three-storey flat-roofed structure is surfaced with Shanghai plaster and became a declared monument in 1995.
To provide additional space for students under the new four-year undergraduate curriculum the Centennial Campus was built at the western end of the main campus, which was previously occupied by the Water Supplies Department. The construction of the campus started in late 2009, and was completed in 2012, the first year of the introduction of the new academic structure in Hong Kong. In 2012, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social Sciences moved to the Centennial Campus.
Admission to HKU is highly competitive. In 2012, the university received over 70,946 applications for undergraduate studies, 23,852 of which were from outside the Hong Kong schools' system. For international applicants, the enrolment rate was about 1 student for every 12 applications, compared with 1 out of every 10 applicants for local non-JUPAS admissions, while the enrolment rate for Mainland China applicants was 1 student for every 31 applications. According to a survey done by the (The Hong Kong Education Net), HKU enrolled students with the best performance in HKDSE examination in 2012. Internationally, applicants with more than 5 A*s in their , 75/75 in the Taiwan GSAT, 45/45 in , and 16
(狀元) (the top
scoring students in their province or city in ) are amongst those matriculated into the University. The latest Global Admissions Profile, with information and data about last year's admission and current international opportunities for those admitted, and the International Admissions Brochure, with information about applications for admission, are available on the HKU website.
Undergraduate candidates are selected according to their relative merit in the local public examination () and apply online via . Other applicants, including overseas students or ones taking other examinations, are classified as non-JUPAS applicants who are required to apply via the official website, where postgraduate applications may also be made.
Most undergraduate courses are 4-year degrees while the medical and nursing programmes require two and one more year(s) of studies respectively. English is the main medium of instruction, and the University's Senate has endorsed English as the campus . Starting from 2012, local students are required to take Academic English courses and Chinese language however, students who are native-speakers of languages other than Chinese, and students who have not studied Chinese language in their secondary curriculum can be exempted from the Chinese course requirement. Cantonese credit-courses for Mainland Chinese and Taiwan students, and ab initio Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese credit-courses for international and exchange students are offered by the Chinese Language Centre, School of Chinese.
The university is a founding member of , an international consortium of research-led universities, and a member of the Association for Pacific Rim Universities, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and many others. HKU benefits from a large operating budget supplied by high levels of government funding compared to many Western countries. In 2012/13, the
(RGC) granted The University of Hong Kong a total research funding of HK$1,088 million, which is the highest among all universities in Hong Kong. HKU professors were among the highest paid in the world as well, having salaries far exceeding those of their US counterparts in . However, with the reduction of salaries in recent years, this is no longer the case.[]
HKU research output, researchers, projects, patents and theses are profiled and made publicly available in the HKU Scholars Hub. 100 members of academic staff (&10% of professoriate staff) from HKU are ranked among the world's top 1% of scientists by the ' Essential Science Indicators, by means of the citations recorded on their publications. The university has the largest number of research postgraduate students in Hong Kong, making up approximately 10% of the total student population. All ten faculties and departments provide teaching and supervision for research (MPhil and PhD) students with administration undertaken by the Graduate School.
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The University Museum and Art Gallery from Bonham Road.
HKU Libraries (HKUL) was established in 1912, being the oldest academic library in Hong Kong with over 2.3 million current holdings. It comprises the Main Library and six specialist branch libraries: the Dental, Education, Fung Ping Shan (East Asian Language), Yu Chun Keung Medical, Lui Che Woo Law, and Music libraries. They are located in buildings around the campus with varying opening hours. A web-based library catalogue, DRAGON, allows one to search HKUL's books, journals and other resources.
The HKUL Digital Initiatives, through its digitisation projects, has opened up online access to local collections originally in print format. The first HKUL Digital Initiative, ExamBase, was launched in 1996 and other projects of scholarly interests were introduced. More digital projects are being developed to provide continuous access to digital content and services. It provides
to Chinese and English academic and medical periodicals published in Hong Kong.
The three-storey Fung Ping Shan Building was erected in 1932 originally as a library for Chinese books. Named after its donor, the building consists of masonry on the ground level surmounted by a two-storey red-brick structure with ornamental columns topped by a pediment over its entrance. Since 1962, the Chinese books collection, now known as the Fung Ping Shan Library, was transferred to the university's Main Library and the whole building was converted into a museum for Chinese art and archaeology. Among its collections are ceramics, pottery and bronze sculptures. In 1996, the lowest three floors of the new Tsui Building were added to the old building to form the University Museum and Art Gallery.
HKU admits the highest number of top scorers from the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examinations. In terms of internationalization, HKU is ranked as the 3rd most international university in the world by the Times Higher Education 2017, 3rd in the world for International Outlook and 7th in the world for International Collaboration. Three broad subject areas are currently ranked #1 in the world for International Outlook by the Times Higher Education, namely, Engineering & Technology, Arts & Humanities, and Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health.
China's Alumni Association placed it among the "6-Star 's Universities" (the highest level) and it also topped the Association's 2014 Ranking of Institutions with the Most Best Disciplines in HK, Macau and Taiwan.
HKU’s Dental Faculty is currently ranked #1 in the world.
program was considered the best in Asia by 's 2016 ranking where it was ranked 31st worldwide (1st in Asia) while the Global MBA Rankings (2016) ranked it 44th (10th in Asia). HKU's HKU-Fudan IMBA programme came 58th (16th in Asia) in the Financial Times EMBA Rankings (2015).
Student welfare is served by several units, including the Centre of Development and Resources for Students (CEDARS), which provides guidance for most areas of student life including career counselling, and the University Health Service, which provides health care, referrals and preventive services.
According to the latest profile indicators, the student population of the university was 21,652 in , comprising 11,962 undergraduates, 7,326 taught postgraduates and 2,364 research postgraduates. In recent years, it has become a popular choice for international students, with 6,814 non-local students on campus (including exchange students) from 83 countries in 2012.
The largest residential hall in HKU, Starr Hall.
There are 20
for undergraduates, postgraduates and visitors.
The residential halls include:
Main Campus –
and Simon K. Y. Lee Hall, mainly for undergraduates. Graduate House and Robert Black College, primarily for postgraduates and visitors respectively.
Sassoon Road Campus – Lee Hysan Hall, Richard Charles Lee Hall, Wei Lun Hall and Madam S. H. Ho Hall Residence for Medical Students.
Jockey Club Student Village I (founded in 2001) – Lady Ho Tung Hall,
and Ricci Hall.
Jockey Club Student Village II (founded in 2005) – Morrison Hall, Lee Shau Kee Hall and Suen Chi Sun Hall.
Jockey Club Student Village III (founded in 2012) – made up of four residential colleges, Shun Hing College, Chi Sun College, Lap-Chee College and New College. They provide a total of 1,800 beds for students of whom 67% are non-local students.
Other historical student residences include ,
Moreover, there are three non-residential halls:
Hornell Hall (male only)
Duchess of Kent Hall (female only)
Lee Chi Hung Hall (co-educational)
The Students' Union Building before its revamp in 2011
Two officially recognised student bodies, the
(HKUSU) and the Postgraduate Students Association (PGSA), give opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities.
HKUSU principally serves the undergraduate students. It offers more than a hundred clubs and associations for students. This organisation is renowned amongst student activists, having been the main driving force behind evicting a chancellor in recent years. There was controversy when the head of the union, Ayo Chan, said that some of the protesters involved in the
had acted irrationally. Many students thought his remarks were offensive and he was ousted by a vote in under one week. The Postgraduate Students Association represents the university's postgraduate students.
Through the Exchange Buddy Program, students from abroad can choose to be matched with local students whom they can correspond with before they arrive in Hong Kong. These local students greet the visiting students upon arrival at the airport, help them to settle into student residence and offer advice and support during their stay.
Every year, over 1,000 undergraduates participate in exchange programmes. As part of their HKU degree, they study at universities spanning 40 countries around the world with the support of the , University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research, , UBC Alumni Association (Hong Kong), Dr. Lee Shiu Scholarships for Hong Kong and South-East Asia Academic Exchange, Shell (Hong Kong) Limited, C. V. Starr Scholarship Fund, and others. The university welcomes a similar number of students from those 340 partner universities onto the HKU campus to study each year.
HKU SPACE Admiralty Learning Centre
Prior to Hong Kong's , the colony's Governor was the de jure
of the University. That role was assumed by the city's Chief Executive following the handover.
The Chief Executive's role as the university's Chancellor is enshrined in the University of Hong Kong Ordinance.
For a list of pre and post-handover university chancellors, refer to the articles for the
The Council is the body which governs the university. It is responsible for the management of financial and human resources of the university and for the university’s future developments. The council comprises university members (both staff and students) and lay members (i.e. neither staff nor students of the university), with a ratio of lay to university members of 2:1 members are serving on the council as trustees in their personal capacity.
has the power to appoint the chairman and six other members of the 24-person council. The vice-chancellor is in turn appointed by the council, although two seats are vacant.
The university has ten faculties, namely the Faculties of Architecture, , Business & Economics, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, , Science, and Social Sciences, and the , alongside a graduate school and a number of non-faculty academic units, which provide various study programmes and courses for students. The
in most classes is English.
There are two associate institutions. HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education () was established in 1956 as the Department of Extramural Studies and changed its name in 1992. There are three main streams of programmes provided, and they are Higher Diploma Programmes (2-year and 3-year full-time), Pre-Associate Degree (1-year full-time) and associate degree (2-year full-time). , a , was established in 2012. It has provided self-financed 4-year bachelor's degree programmes for ,
and other graduates from September 2012.
HKU's shield of arms, granted in 1913
The design of the university's
was proposed to the
by the university in October 1912. On 14 May 1913, the shield, along with two mottoes (one in Latin, one in Chinese) was granted by the College of Arms. The
resembles the lions on the , whereas the book on the shield is a common reference to university's role in learning and knowledge.
The Latin motto Sapientia et Virtus is translated into English as "Wisdom and Virtue". The Chinese motto on the pages of the opened book, written from top to bottom, right to left in accordance with , contains two phrases: 明德 (ming tak) and 格物 (kak mat), meaning "illustrious virtue" and "the investigation of things" respectively. The first phrase ming tak makes homage to the opening sentence of classic
literature the , in which the author discusses the three great duties of a ruler: illustrious virtue, the renewal of the people, and repose in the highest good. The second phrase kak mat is a reference to the writing of Confucian scholar
致知在格物 (lit. exhausting by examination the principles of things and affairs). The phrase occurs in discussion regarding how wise rulers set about cultivating wisdom and virtue. If one desires to rectify their heart, they must first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they must first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.
In 1981, the year of the university's 70th anniversary, an application was made to the College of Arms for a full achievement of arms, which was granted in 1984, comprising the original shield and mottoes with the addition of a , , a
and . The supporters of the coat of arms are a
and a lion representing Britain, indicating the university's aspiration to blend
cultures, from the foundation by British people in Hong Kong and the later development of the university's research and studies in both west and east culture and technology, whereas the compartment is an allusion to , where the university is located.
This article may contain an excessive amount of
that may only interest a specific audience. Please help by
any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against . (April 2015) ()
The recording of the reconstructed University Anthem was recorded by the , the Diocesan Choral Society and HKU Students' Union Choir, conducted by the Sinfonietta's musical director, , with new orchestration by Dr Chan Hing-yan, Chairperson of the Department of Music.
Words in Latin
English Translation
Finis hic operum! Domus
Stat potens Academia,
Unde ab occiduis recens
Ampliore flust plagis
Mox doctrina meatu.
Here end our labours!
Strong stand the buildings of the University,
whence modern learning soon will flow
from western land in more ample course.
Fons ubi est sapientia?
Et, Scientia, qua lates?
Pontus has negat in suis
Subditas latebris, negat
Has se Terra tenere.
Where is the fountain of wisdom?
And how, O science, art thou hidden?
The Sea denies that these are concealed
in his hiding-place
and the Earth denies that she contains them.
En! Dei reverentia
Hac scientia! Qui malis
Abstinet, sapit. Hoc diu
Munere assidue valentem
Exercete iuventam!
Lo! The fear of God–that is science!
Whoso abstains from evil, he is wise.
Long and earnestly may ye train
youth's vigour in this duty!
Pandite ostia! Iam Deo
Gratias agimus. Dei
Semper auxilio novum
Splendeat sapientia
Lumen ex Oriente! AMEN
Fling open the gates!
Now we give thanks to God.
By God's grace may the new light of wisdom
ever shine out from the East! AMEN
Shark fin protest at Maxim's restaurant at the University of Hong Kong 10 February 2018
Maxim's restaurant at HKU was the site for an anti
protest on 10 February 2018.
The University of Hong Kong has educated many notable alumni in many varied fields. Among them is , the founder of the Republic of China, who was a graduate of the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese, the predecessor of HKU. Over 40 principal officials, permanent secretaries, Executive Council and Legislative Council members of the Hong Kong SAR Government are HKU graduates. HKU graduates also form the senior management teams of many large organisations in the private sector.
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Sasin, Jasmin (28 July 2011). . Shenzhen Standard 2013.
Charlotte Alter (5 May 2015). . 2015.
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Cheung, Karen (16 December 2017). . Hong Kong Free Press 2017.
Cheng, Kris (30 September 2015). . Hong Kong Free Press.
Ng, Joyce (29 September 2015). . South China Morning Post.
Pomfret, James (29 September 2015). . Reuters.
Ng, Joyce (13 February 2015). "HKU law professors unite to denounce Wen Wei Po attack on Johannes Chan". South China Morning Post. p. A3.
Zeng, Vivienne (30 September 2015). . Hong Kong Free Press.
Cohen, Jerome A.; Cheung, Alvin (25 September 2015). "Delay in HKU appointment of Johannes Chan makes a mockery of Beijing's pledged support for rule of law". South China Morning Post.
Marquand, Robert (30 September 2015). . Christian Science Monitor.
Huang, Joyce (1 October 2015). . Voice of America.
Lo, Alex (13 July 2015). . South China Morning Post.
Zhao, S Ng, J Au Yeung, Alan (30 September 2015). . South China Morning Post.
Cheung, Tony (5 October 2015). . South China Morning Post.
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Kilpatrick, Ryan (27 October 2015). . Hong Kong Free Press.
(PDF). HKIA Journal (45: 50 years of Hong Kong Institute of Architects): 47. 30 May 2006.
University of Hong Kong:
(PDF). The University of Hong Kong 2014.
. The University of Hong Kong 2014.
(PDF). The University of Hong Kong 2016.
(PDF). 2014.
. The University of Hong Kong 2014.
. The University of Hong Kong 2016.
. The University of Hong Kong 2014.
. The University of Hong Kong 2013.
HKU Scholars Hub
HKU Scholars in the Top 1%
. Times Higher Education 2017.
. Times Higher Education 2016.
. U.S. News & World Report LP. .
. Times Higher Education 2016.
. Times Higher Education 2016.
. Times Higher Education 2016.
. China's Alumni Association 2014.
. China's Alumni Association 2014.
. The Economist. .
. Financial Times. .
Asia Learn University of Hong Kong
Office of International Student Exchange
. University of Hong Kong 2017.
. Times Higher Education.
. The University of Hong Kong 2014.
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