中职英语看图说话样题题 看图

英语题 看图_百度知道
英语题 看图
rest &arewasright leg hurtshurt his legto hurt望采纳^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^
初中英语看图作文文章总数:880268篇 关于看图写话的参考文献: 9745次 优秀文章:59178篇 经典论文46198篇
摘要随着教育的快速发展,传统的英语教学已经无法满足社会对人才的需要,新课程标准的制定导致教育领域发生了重大变化,其中,初中英语作为英语学习的重要阶段,其难点写作部分更是受到高度重视 思维导图作为一种常。
作者:znwvh浏览: 41945 评论: 223 赞同: 3891
附件1    荆州市2017年中小学信息技术创新与实践活动    学生作品获奖名单    小学组(一等奖10名,二等奖10名,三等奖18名)    项目名称 作品名称 制作单位 作者 指导    老师。
作者:ciwks浏览: 30852 评论: 540 赞同: 2530
初中英语写作训练方法与技巧    针对初中学生英语学习刚起步的特点,本着由浅入深,由易到难的,循序渐进的原则以及自己多年来教学实践的尝试和体会,本人觉得应从以下几个方面进行训练    1
作者:lbabd浏览: 36734 评论: 159 赞同: 6321
   冀电教201713号    河北省电化教育馆    方圆电子音像出版社    关于公布 "第一届河。
作者:igiqy浏览: 20065 评论: 938 赞同: 4677
英语看图作文五步曲    英语是一种语言,从语言学角度来看,学生在掌握一定数量的词汇与语法知识后,就要用来表达自己的思想,见解,这些落实到纸面上就是书面表达 结合自己教学与写作的经验,对看图作文谈几点。
作者:bvpgf浏览: 15270 评论: 450 赞同: 4923
初中英语看图作文教学之我见    广东省佛山市南海实验中学 钟朝晖    摘要书面表达旨在考察学生语言综合运用能力 很多学生在学习过程中碰到的难题是手里拿着写作材料,或是头脑一片茫茫然,或是心中有千言。
作者:rjyop浏览: 54755 评论: 433 赞同: 5570
作者:gjuxa浏览: 61948 评论: 231 赞同: 5036
摘要随着教育的快速发展,传统的英语教学已经无法满足社会对人才的需要,新课程标准的制定导致教育领域发生了重大变化,其中,初中英语作为英语学习的重要阶段,其难点写作部分更是受到高度重视 思维导图作为一种常。
作者:xdxba浏览: 30085 评论: 801 赞同: 3236
教学是充满情感的教学活动 因此,教师还要创造良好的师生关系,经常找学生谈心,初中生正处于身心发展向
的过渡时期,对许多事比较敏感,更需要教师的关心和照顾 如果教师能够多与学生交流,学生就会亲近教师,。
作者:euacl浏览: 69525 评论: 300 赞同: 3601
课堂导入作为英语课堂教学的首要环节,起着温故知新和承上启下的作用 有效的导入可以营造浓厚的英语学习气氛,充分发挥学生学习的自主性,引导学生运用所学英语进行交流,激发学习兴趣,化解学生的焦虑,强化他们。
作者:lvcxz浏览: 11229 评论: 511 赞同: 2429
中学英语教学大纲指出要把学生培养成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义公民,以提高整个中华民族的思想道德素质 可见,良好的思想品质是中学生必须具备的基本素质,我们教师在教书的过程中,必须注重教。
作者:fqyac浏览: 36476 评论: 635 赞同: 2636
英语写作能够客观地反映学生的英语能力,同时也是初中英语教学的难点所在 可见,怎样才能有效的提高初中英语作文写作的教学质量是每一个英语老师值得思考的问题 英语
作者:iluok浏览: 63270 评论: 401 赞同: 3406
导入是诸多教学环节中的首要一环,也是重要一环,起着激发学生学习兴趣、调动学生学习热情和积极性的重要作用 正所谓良好的开端是成功的一半,教师采用符合学生年龄阶段的教学方法并精心设计教学导入方案,将使得课。
作者:xpcan浏览: 58516 评论: 721 赞同: 2809
学习兴趣是学习积极性中很现实、很活跃的心理成分,它在学习活动中起着十分重要的作用 在以往的英语教学过程中,不少教师习惯于传统的教学方法和教学态度,采用满堂灌、填鸭式教学方法,让学生学习兴趣索然,被动接。
作者:kkuyt浏览: 54876 评论: 455 赞同: 6192
常言道兴趣是最好的老师 良好的开端就是成功的一半 在一节新课的教学过程中,导入应该是最基本的也是较为重要的一步 旨在引趣,生疑,导题,引发求知欲,提高课堂教学效益
作者:qckpy浏览: 14335 评论: 888 赞同: 6597
随着初中新课程改革的推进,导学案教学模式的实施和研究受到越来越多的业界人士的关注 导学案教学是一种以学案为依托,极力倡导主体(学生)先行,并体现教师的主导性,运用各种教学手段开发学生智能,培养学生自。
作者:xuorm浏览: 64864 评论: 305 赞同: 6730
在语言的学习过程中,听力是重要的输入手段 是交际活动的核心,是学好英语语言的前提和基础,他既是语言学习的手段,也是语言学习的目的 20世纪末国家中、高考考试制度开始改革,英语考试开始加试听力 这样就把。
作者:ryvcj浏览: 63900 评论: 163 赞同: 1526
【摘 要】初中英语课堂教学主要包括导入、讲授、课堂练习、总结、作业布置……环节,其中,导入是英语教学中的重要组成部分,具有十分重要的作用和意义 本文详细阐述了英语课堂高效导入的要求,并针对初中学生英语。
作者:bdwia浏览: 63558 评论: 735 赞同: 2621
王莲花 河北省广平县北吴村中学背诵是英语学习的常用手段之一 它不但可以帮助学生们掌握大量的英语基础知识,而且可以培养学生丰富的语感,提高学生的听、说、读、写能力 英语课文 背诵能力背诵是英语学习的常用。
作者:jccfq浏览: 72063 评论: 537 赞同: 6107
潘鑫 河北枣强中学语文对大多数人而言并不陌生,但很多地区的教学倾向于形式化、低效化,学生掌握的知识能有多少,能从根本上达到我们语文教学的最终目的吗?面对高中语文教学的现状,构建高效课堂已成为一种必然的。
作者:abpdb浏览: 57238 评论: 804 赞同: 2549
张敬华 河北省广平县北温中学素质教育时代呼唤作文教学改革;作文教学的开放性是素质教育的必然选择 如何在新课标背景下体现作文教学的开放意识,构建作文教学的开放模式,是笔者写作此文所探讨的中心论题 语文 。
作者:dzdei浏览: 54435 评论: 537 赞同: 1458
彭翠丽 河北省石家庄市藁城区南营学区中学导入是课堂教学中的重要环节,是承上启下和温故知新的必然途径 不同的教学内容,不同的教学对象,不同的教学情况需要教师采用不同的导入方法组织课堂教学 作为老师,我们。
作者:mxuws浏览: 66549 评论: 475 赞同: 3996
摘要:兴趣是学生学习英语的最好动力和最有效的激励因素 本文阐述了通过营造和谐愉快的学习氛围、采取活泼多样的教学方法、注重英语实践活动等三个方面激发学生学习英语的兴趣
关键词:初中英语 课堂教学 兴趣。
作者:bkadp浏览: 37866 评论: 620 赞同: 2305
作者:ijfwx浏览: 8840 评论: 668 赞同: 4139
作者:kjtoq浏览: 34507 评论: 574 赞同: 1883
学英语一次为一个初中小孩做家教,在其英语课本上发现如下恐怖字眼:爸死( bus)爷死( yes)哥死(girls)妹死( Miss)死光( school)我的家小军写作文《我的家》,这样写道:“我的家。
作者:wgmrt浏览: 43556 评论: 711 赞同: 2647
生本教育的理念就是在教育中一切以学生为主,要充分尊重学生的主观能动性,使得学生参与到教学过程中来 将生本教育的理念应用于英语作业过程中,就是作业的选定、完成都是由学生来完成的,学生在完成的过程中教师要。
作者:azdtz浏览: 59550 评论: 632 赞同: 3115
我们这里探究的初中生在英语课堂敢说、会说、说得好,其实就是让初中生具备一定的英语口语表达能力 英语学习的目的就是应用,其中较为重要的就是学生通过一定的英语基础知识的学习,可以经过慢慢锻炼,能做到用英语。
作者:vhmwx浏览: 52630 评论: 415 赞同: 2247
[摘要]在“二次作文”训练中,教师从夯实学生写作基础、明确“二次作文”写作要求、修改表达方式和教师进行科学指导方面入手,有利于提高学生的综合写作能力 [关键词]初中英语 二次作文 写作教学[中图分类号。
作者:wbusp浏览: 52875 评论: 896 赞同: 6285
在长期的教学实践中,教师往往更注重教的过程,却忽视了对学生的学习进行有效的评价 德国教育家第斯多惠曾说过:“教学艺术不在于传授本领,而在于激励、唤醒和鼓舞 ”不容否认学习评价在教学中占据着非常重要的地。
作者:zzocf浏览: 73269 评论: 456 赞同: 1196
[摘要]通过长期对九年义务教育中初中阶段学生英语词汇教学的实践和总结,重点阐述思维导图教学模式的概念及其在词汇教学中的应用 意图对中学生的英语词汇学习进行更多的探索和交流,将理论总结以及实践操作推到更。
作者:tphjd浏览: 54061 评论: 883 赞同: 6289
(攀枝花市大河中学,四川 攀枝花 617000)【摘
要】在实际的初中英语课堂教学中,英语阅读的教学水平影响着初中英语整体教学质量和教学水平,产生着重要的影响作用 在实际的初中英语教学中,英语阅。
作者:xhdzw浏览: 75415 评论: 171 赞同: 1227
(四川省芦山中学,四川 雅安 625600)【摘
要】随着时代和社会的进步,全球一体化的速度越来越快,这就要求学生们能够基本掌握英语这门语言 英语是世界上使用范围较广的语言之一,要想提高学生们的。
作者:qwtjb浏览: 71605 评论: 971 赞同: 5389
(攀枝花市米易第一初级中学,四川 攀枝花 817200)【摘
要】俗话说:“良好的开始是成功的一半” 好的导入可以引起学生的注意,引起学生对所学知识的关注,激发学生的学习兴趣,充分调动学生的积极。
作者:ojkiu浏览: 62500 评论: 864 赞同: 1493
(棠湖中学外语实验学校,四川 成都 610200)【摘
要】单词与短语是学好英语的基础部分,好比建设高楼大厦的基石一样 但是当前的初中英语词汇教学,教师过度强调学生的死记硬背,忽略了方法技巧的教。
作者:boqwl浏览: 65717 评论: 366 赞同: 6039
多媒体是初中英语教学中不可或缺的重要内容 近年来,随着新课程理念的改革,微视频在初中英语教学中的应用极为普遍 在初中英语教学中,对微视频资源进行合理应用,能够保障英语教学内容的丰富性和课堂形式的多样化。
作者:bzgzl浏览: 76089 评论: 231 赞同: 2084
热门初三英语看图作文相关开题报告当前位置: >>
看图填词练习三十八篇看图填词练习(一)This (1) h_ ___ on a bus. An uncle got on as soon as the bus (2) s_ ___. I saw him tired __voice.with a bag on his back. “ Will you please (2) t_ _ So the man sat down. He told me to sit (6) o_ _ f_ _ __of us (8) t_ _ give one’s (9) s_ _ __ to the old.” He (10) s_ ___ my seat, Uncle? ” I said. The uncle replied, “ No, __ older, ” I said in a (5) l _ __ his knees. At that moment, an old grandfather in ( 7) __ at these words.thanks. ” “ Please sit here, I’m very young, and you are (4) m_ ___ around, and said to the man, “He’s a good boy. It’s good manners (行为) to一、1.happened 2.stopped 3.take 4.much 5.low 6.on 7.front 8.turned 9.seat 10.smiled 看图填词练习(二)Mr. White was (1) r_ ____ when the doorbell (2) r____ loudly. He rushed to the door and was veryangry when he (3) o_ __ the door. It was (4) T_ ___,a boy living next to him. He came to make fun of him. Little Tom often did this and then ran (5) a_ ____. A moment (6) l_ ___, the doorbell rang (7) a_ ____, and Mr. White was sure the naughty ( 讨 厌 ) boy had come to make (8) t_ __. With a feather stick in (9) h_ ___, he went to open the door, but this time he (10) f_ ___ it was a postman. 二、1.reading 2.rang 3.opened 4.Tom 5.away 6.later 7.again 8.trouble 9.hand 10.found 看图填词练习(4)1 On a fine Friday afternoon, the children were playing (1) h_ ___ in the kindergarten (幼儿园). Some were dancing, some were singing and others were playing with a (2) b_ ___. It was about half past three when a strong man in (3) b_ ___ walked onto the kindergarten. He looked around and then came over to a little boy named Xiao Ming. He (4) c_ ____ the boy’s arm. He wanted to take the boy away for a lot of money because the boy’s father was a (5) r (6) c loudly. Miss Lin was the teacher on duty that day. When she saw that, she (7) r (8) o I will kill you!” Miss Lin wasn’t (9) a Another teacher (10) h to the man and man in the town. The boycalled out, “Stop! Stop! Don’t hurt the boy!” The strong man brought out a knife and shouted back, “Go away! . She stood in front of the boy to stop the man, “Let the boy go!” The bad man was so angry that he waved (挥舞) his knife and hurt Miss Lin’s hand with it. the noise. She called the policeman quickly. The boy was saved. How brave (勇敢的) Miss Lin was! 四、1.happily 2.ball 3.black 4.caught 5.rich 6.cried 7.ran/rushed 8.or 9.afraid 10. heard看图填词练习(5) Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang are students of No.l Middle School. Last Friday, a 1 home t 2 happily. Suddenly, they saw a wallet l 3 6 thought they should give it b 4 The owner didn’t come, s to the owner of the wallet. And they w 5 school, they went there till it was dark. 7 8 morning, the they hadon the road. Xiao Fang picked it up. Theythey had to hand it in to a policeman. The nheadmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming’s classroom. The owner said lots of thanks to them and offered (送) a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised (表扬) done and called on (号召) the o 9 students to l 10 from them..五、1.after 2.together 3.lying 4.back 5.waited 6.so 7.next 8.what 9.other 10.learn2 看图填词练习(6) Alan worked in an office in the city. He usually went to the seaside for his holidays. But one day he s 1 an advertisement in a n 2 “Enjoy c 3 l 4 .S 5 a few weeks on willow f 6 . Fresh air! Good food! Great Prices (价格)!” “This sounds l 7 there and enjoy horse r 8 and swimming.” 六、1.saw 2.newspaper 3.country 4.life 5.Stay 6.farm 7.like 8.riding 9.fishing 10.change 看图填词练习(7) , walking and f 9 a good idea,” He said to himself, “I’ll go from sitting by the seaside. They’ll make a c 10Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted to go skating in the Green Park w 1 of her friends. She was very h 2 of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she h 4 As a result (结果), she f 7 hurt, b 8 a car hit her bike. After the car stopped, two men got out and started running. Just then a p 9 policemen got out and started running a 10 thieves (贼)!” about it. 3 As soon as she was ready, she got on her bike and lsomefor the park ―---- it was on the other side 5the sirens (警笛).The sound of the sirens was g .closer and closer. So Debbie looked behind to see what was h 6off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t car stopped and threethe two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop theAt the same time a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a way, she had helped them catch the thieves. 七、1. with 2. happy 3. left 4. heard 5. getting 6. happening 7. fell 8.but 9. police 10. after3 看图填词练习(8) Long, long ago, there was a foolish man. One night he went out for a well (井). He looked into it. The water in the well was clear. The man moon has fallen down the well.” He said, “I must get it 4 it into the water. He wanted to catch the moon and pull it 6 5 . 2 1 . Suddenly he saw a the moon in the water. “The3 .” He ran home to get a rope (绳子) and“Catch the end of the rope and hold it,” he said, “I’ll pull you out.” But the rope fell round the rock (岩石) in the well. He pulled and pulled, but the rope into the air. While he was he said, “ I’ve pulled the moon 8 move. He pulled harder and moved a little. Then he 7 on to his back and the rope went 9 . “Good!” pulled very hard, and the rope came off (脱离) the rock. The man 10 into the sky!”on his back, he saw the moon in the sky, he was very八、1.walk 2.saw / found 3.out 4.threw 5.up 6.didn’t 7.fell 8. lying 9. happy 10.back看图填词练习(9) This is a picture of a 1 . There are a trees in it. There are 4 2 teaching buildings in it. There are some 5 7 , and two girls are 10 . 5.jumping 10.talking/cleaning 8 3 and is on thestudents in the picture. Five of them are 9on a line. A boy in the 6looking at them. There are two boys and they are playing play-ground. In the classroom you can see one boy is 九、1.school 2.few 3.students 8.skating 6.classroom 7.basketball, the other two girls are4.thirteen/many/some 9.studying/reading看图填词练习4 (10 One morning Li Lei went to school very early. After he put his He came to the flower bed. There were lots of 3 1 into his desk, he went out to 4 2 and several bees were . He thoughtthere was nobody nearby, so he picked a big flower and put it into his cap. Of course he didn’t know there was a bee in the flower. He thought the flower was hidden in a good place and neither his classmates nor his teachers would be able to 5 it . He was happy and began to sing . Meimei, a classmate of his, came to 6 the flowers. She didn’t know 7 10 7. why . 3.flowers 8.cried 4.flying 9.fell/dropped 5.find 10. surprised Li Lei was so happy. Just then the bee stung him. He felt 9 to the ground and the bee flew such a sharp pain that he away. Meimei felt very 十、1.schoolbag 6.water 看图填词练习(11) 8 out and took off his cap. The flower2. playOne Sunday morning, Liu Ming was d 2 . Suddenly (突然地) she f 9 , d 10 7.without 3 to the g1 4his home work. His granny was going to do some s when she p 7 5 him. Liu Ming looked w 8 6 a word. He telephoned the h 5.passed 10.doctors at once.when he saw his granny lying (躺) on the ground w Ten minutes l 十一、1.doing 6.worried 2.shopping 3.fell 8.hospitalcame. They sent the old woman to the hospital. 4.ground 9.later看图填词练习(145 Mr. Black didn’t like obeying any street signs and notices. One day, he was walking on the 3 .Then he saw a notice saying “No smoking.” But he didn’t obey it. He 4 51side 2 it.of a street when he saw a sign which said “Keep Left”. He would not obey it. He just kept and a lighter, and 6 to smoke. He walked on and saw another notice with the word “Silence” 7a cigaretteHe didn’t obey it , either. He began to sing very 8 notice “Mind Your Head”. At once he bent his 9 a notice..Soon he came to a door way, above which there was a and went in. For the first time Mr. Black had to 10十四、1. right 2. walking 3. on 4.took 5.out 6. began 7. on 8. loudly 9. head 10. obey 看图填词练习(15) Here’s the weather report for the next 21 hours. Taiyuan will be 1 at times and the temperature will be eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong 2 3 and the lowest temperature with the temperature from 5 wind will reach Datong. It will bring much will fall to sixteen again. Yangquan will be nineteen to thirty. Lin-fen will be twenty-six. 十五、1.cloudy 2.rain 3.fine/sunny 4.windy 5.over/above 看图填词练习(16)4 and its temperature will be twenty-three tothirty-two. Yuncheng will have a hot day. The temperature will stayOne day Lin Tao and his classmates were waiting Suddenly they They 8 4 3 a bag of rice fall off the truck.. 5 to the driver, but he didn’t 61a bus at the bus stop near their2,them. the truck drove away. 7 the corner. He was traveling too fast toAt this time a young manhis bike rode quickly 9his bike and it hit the bag. He was badly hurt and lying on the road. The students rushed to the young man. They away the bag and the bike first. Then they called 10 4.shouted 9.moved / carried . 5.hear 10.hospitalin an ambulance (救护车) and took the young man to the 十六、1.for 6.on 2.school 7. round / around 3.saw/found 8.stop6 看图填词练习(17) It was a man 3 1 afternoon. Xiao Ming was on his way home from 2 . Suddenly he saw an old 4 him and he was wet all over. 6 the umbrella for the old man but he failed .He was tooin the rain .The old man hadn’t got an umbrella (伞)Xiao Ming went up to him and tried to 5 and it was difficult for him to hold it 7 stopped the old man 十七、 1.rainy 8enough. Then he saw the old man’s stick (手杖 )and he tried 9 the boy againhard to tie it to the handle (柄) of the umbrella. This time the umbrella was made to be long enough and it getting wet. The old man was very pleased and 10 . and again, Then they went on their way2.school 3.walking 4.with 5.hold 6.short 7.high 8.from 9.thanked 10.together 看图填词练习(18)Praise for the Future It’s just the new century. To welcome the new age and the new world, a child (1) predict and give good (2) As it is said, the (4) are waiting anxiously and smilingly (3) hearing the content. a poem to to every family member. The father, mother, grandfather and grandmother is “Praise for the Future”. The little child’s wishes are: “The dad’s singing these words,will the grandpa’s head will be as
the mum’s hair will be
the grandma’s eyes will be as dim as the moon and the sun.” After (5)7 everyone is surprised and stops the smile. What really caused the child to think so? The (6) are that there are so many terrible things and turned into is not unusual. the earth will be happened in this world. The forest has been cut down. The rivers have been (7) have blocked the sun and the moon. The most awful thing is that the child thinks (8) measures to (9) destroyed by our hands. 十八、1. wrote 2. wishes 3. for 4. title 5. hearing 6. reasons 7. polluted 8. it 9. stop 10. Or 看图填词练习(19) the pollution and purify our living surroundings. (10)black water. The houses have been surrounded by the noises and there are clouds or smog in the sky which These phenomena have been received and rooted in the child’s brain. So it is time for us to take someThis is (1) there are a lot of (3)interesting picture. In the (2) .of it is a big jar (缸). In the side of the jarFour men are busy (4) immediately the water comes out (5) ground. (6) happening.water with their buckets (桶) and pouring (倒) water into it. But the holes while they are pouring it. There is water all over the isthese men feel nothing at all. They go on with their work no matter (7)I don’t think it is a true story. But it (8) they work hard (9) 十九、1. an 6. But 2. middle 7. what 3. holes 8. tellsus that some people often do such foolish things ---from their work. 4. carrying 9. without 5. through 10. nothingthinking of its results. In the end they get (10)看图填词练习(20)8 Xiao Hong is a primary school student. On her (1) Saturday (2) (4) On Sunday morning, she is to be (3) . Does this girl really have so (5), she has to do all kinds of extra work. On, she has to practise the piano. In the afternoon, her parents want her to practise writing. English lessons. On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn hobbies ? their children. They hope that their , InNowadays, parents in china place too great hope (6) children are (7) my opinion, few of the children are really (9) have some free time to enjoy (10) makes Jack dull boy.” 二十、1.weekend / weekends 5. many 看图填词练习(21) 6. on 2. morning 7. able 3. given 8. futureto learn some special skills so that they can make a better life in the (8)in these lessons. Children will be children. They mustchildhood. As an English proverb goes, “All work and no play 4. painting / drawing 9. interested 10. theirLi Hua is a good boy at school. Last Monday his master teacher told each of the students to write a (1) about housework so as to make them (2) he (3) some housework at home, When Li Hua got home that day, away, when he was to do some housework. He found some rubbish and tried to get (4)working on the rubbish, his grandma came up and asked him not to do it. Then he began to clean the window. His grandpa saw him and told him to stop (5) still too young to do anything. Therefore, Li Hua (6) it. Both grandma and grandpa were afraid that he was write any diary about housework. “king” orIn China, more and more families have only one child. They look on the child (7) well so as to find a good job in the future. In fact, (8)“queen” and won’t let them do anything at home. They only hope that their children can learn their lessons the child has few chances to practise in their daily life, they will not be able to prepare themselves for the future. They will not be able to do anything (9) the help of others. So it is not good for the children to learn only the knowledge from books. They have to learn about life. (10) keep themselves in books only! 5. doing 6. couldn’t 7. as 8. if 9. without 10. Don’t 二十一、1. diary 2. do 3. began 4. it9 看图填词练习(22)There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all 1 to People's Park. They had a good time, 2 I didn't go. After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she 3 worried. She said to me,“Grandma is ill. I must take her to 4 . But my baby,…” “Don't 5 ,”I said.“I can look after her.” “Thank you, Xiao Fang.”Then she left. The baby was about ten months 6 .At first she was asleep. Half an hour 7 she woke up and began to 8 “Don't cry,”I said. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I 9 on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few 10 she started to cry 11 . Then I started to sing. The baby watched and listened, and she didn't cry any more. Then I made 12 and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed 13 laughed. I jumped and sang and did all 14 of things all that afternoon till Aunt Huang came back. I was so 15 . In the evening Liu Ming came to 16 me. After I told him the whole 17 he said,“You are 18 ! I'm going to tell everyone: 19 your babies to Ling Feng. He can take good care 20 your babies.”二十二 1.went 2.but 3.looked 4.hospital 5.worry 6.old 7.later 8.cry 9.turned 10. minutes 11.again 12.faces 13.and 14.kinds 15.tired 16.see 17.story 18.grea t 19.bring 20.of看图填词练习(23) This is a street in a town. There are some buildings 1 each side of the street. It is early 2 the morning. It's a rush hour. People are going to work 3 the children are going to school. There is much 4 .How 5 the street is! Look! A 6 children 7 8 from one side of the street to the 9 . They are going to 10 . The policeman 11 12 in the middle of the street. He 13 14 the traffic. He wants the children 15 get across the street safely.10 二十三 1.on 2.in 3.and 4.traffic 5.busy 6.few 7.are 8.crossing 9.other 10.school 11.is 12.standing 13.is 14.stopping 15.to 看图填词练习(24)1. was Sunday morning. The 1 It was fine. David and his friends didn't go to school. They went fishing in a river. His friends caught one fish after another, but David caught none. 2. Half 2 hour later, David had an idea. He went to a fish shop and 3 a big fish in it. 3.Then he went back to the river. He 4 the hook(鱼钩)into the fish's 5 , and then threw the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all this, because 6 of them had his own work to do. 4. 7 a few minutes, David shouted, “What a big fish I've caught 8 last!”His friends were all surprised when they saw David pulling a big fish up 9 the water. They asked him how he was able to catch 10 a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead. 二十四1.weather 2.an 3.bought/got 4.put 5.mouth 6.each 7.After 8 .one 9.from 10.such看图填词练习(25)11 A strange old man liked eating poisonous snakes(蛇) every much. It didn't 1. _______if a poisonous snake bit(咬) him. One day, the old man was walking in the street when a 2.________ ran out and bit him. Nothing 3.______to him, but the dog died right away. The man took the dead dog home and 4._______it. When the meal was ready, one of his friends came to see him. The old man asked him to have some meal with him. While the old man was5._________his delicious meal, suddenly his friend got ill and 6._______to the ground, crying loudly. The old man was sent to hospital at once. When the doctors 7._______ about the story and the strange old man, they treated him with some medicine for snake poison. Soon the man felt 8. __________. The old man was so 9. _________to the doctors that he let the doctors look over his body. It was very 10.________that too much poison had been in the man’s blood. 看图填词练习(26)(15) When we think of money, we think of coins and paper bills. That is what money is today. But in the 1._________, people used many things in place of money. Some countries used cows. 2._________countries used salt, tea or stones. Today there are 3. ______some places in the world that do not use paper money. One of them is the island of Yap 4.___________the Pacific Ocean. On the island of Yap, people use the heaviest money in the world―Yap 5._________. These are round, white stones with a hole in the 6.________. The Yap stones are not from the island. The Yap men have to go to island four hundred miles away to get them. Big stones can twelve feet high―as big 7.___________two tall men. Small stones are as big as a dinner plate. Rich people do not carry the Yap stones. Servants follow 8.________ rich. Each servant carries a stone with a pole 9._________his shoulder. Today the people on the island use paper money for everyday shopping. But for other things, they still 10.___________stones. 看图填词练习(27)(17)12 Most people have 1_________kites, but few know that 2.________were first made in China thousands of years ago. The ancient (古代的)Chinese were 3.________and flying kites even before they were writing. A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to use in war. They would fly these war kites in the dark. The kites were fixed so 4. _________they made strange sounds. Men who were at war with 5._________would hear these sounds and run away. They thought those sounds were made by gods in the sky. The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops 6._________rich and tall. Sometimes they tied long strings and hooks 7. __________their kites. Then they would fly kites over 8._________, letting the hooks hang down to catch fish. The Chinese use sticks, strings and paper for 9.________kites. Some of these kites 10.________like animals, or trees. Others look like birds or houses. 看图填词练习(28)Lin Tao's parents live in the country. They have a ______(1). Its name is Cabby. On a______(2) day his parents went to work in the fields ______(3) his little sister and Cabby. While they were ______(4), his sister walked to a river. Cabby followed her there. She was trying to pick a ______(5). Suddenly she ______(6) into the river. Cabby barked and jumped into the water at ______(7). When his parents______(8) Cabby barking, they ran to the river. They saw Cabby carrying his sister with its ______(9) towards the side of the river. His sister was saved at last! Both his parents were very______(10). His father touched the dog on the head and said. &Thank you, dear Cabby.& Keys:1.dog 2.sunny 3.with 4.working 5.flower 6.fell 7.once 8.heard 9.mouth 10.thankful/grateful 看图填词练习(29I never get up early _______ Sundays. Sometimes I stay in ______ until lunch time. Last Sunday, I _______ up very late. I _______ out of the window. It was dark(黑暗) outside. “_________ a pity!” I thought. “ It was _________ again.” Just then the telephone rang. It’s my aunt Lucy. “I have arrived ________ train.” she said, “I’m _________ to see you.” “But I am still _________ breakfast.”I said. “What are you doing?” She asked. I ___________ again. “Oh,dear! Do you get up so late? It’s one o’clock!”She said.13 看图填词练习(30)It's already five o'clock in the afternoon. Three 128 are still in the classroom. It's 129 hard outside. Liu Ying hasno umbrella (雨伞), but Li Mei has130 . So Li Mei says to Liu Ying, &I'll go with you to your home 131 Go down this street and then turn 93 at the firstfirst.& Then happily the two girls walk homecrossing. It's between the bank and the 94. You can't 95 it. 看图填词练习(32)Yesterday afternoon when Li Ying and I went shopping, we saw an old 1 6 7 outside the shop putting what she had 2 into a big box. Li Ying and I went up to 5 to the ground and my help her. We lifted the heavy box and 3 it to her car. Suddenly the box 4was badly 8 . I was taken to the hospital and had to 9 in hospital for a few days. Iwas very 10 about my lessons. Li Ying said she would come to help me after school every afternoon. It was very kind of her! 看图填词练习(33)14 Maomao was a middle school student. He usually got up late on Saturdays and Sundays. It was already 86 in the morning, but he was 87 in bed. His mother came into his room and 88 . He jumped out of bed, washed his face and of milk and some bread for him, but he to his mother and him to get up. He woke up and found it was very 89 came to the sitting room. His mother had prepared a 90 thought he had no time to have 91 hurried to school by 93 and there was nobody them. He 95. He took his schoolbag, said 92quickly. When he got to school, he found the school gate was 94 it was Sunday. There was no school on Sundays! 看图填词练习(34)Last Sunday afternoon I went to West Lake. At that time, some people were the lake. Among those was perhaps a happy family. Mother was taking daughter when suddenly the girl out,& Help! to the lake at once. taking Help!& It was obvious (显然) that they couldn't swim at all. From nearby(附近)a off his15on of her maninto the water. She was struggling(挣扎) and her parents cried , he jumped into the water and quickly towards the girl. At last he carried the girl to the lake 看图填词练习(35). She was! The parentswere very happy. But before they thought of thanking the man, he had left.It was Christmas Day. My friends came to my house. 37 How time flied! It was time for us to exchange(交换) our Christmas presents. I went to my bedroom to get the presents. When I went into the room, to my surprise, I found my friend Ben 38 to do that! But Ben was laughing! I was 39 found me standing 40 my diary. It was impolite that I was about to cry. Ben felt a bit sorry when hehim. I hated him and shouted at him. He went out of my room at once andwent home without saying goodbye to any of us. One of my best friends Amy asked me why Ben 41 so early. I told her what had just happened. She seemed to know what I should do. She said to me, & Don't shout at him. You'd better 42 .& 看图填词练习(36)16 It was a 86day. In the morning, Lulu's mother was busy doing some 87. Whenshe had everything done, she said to her son, &It's time to get up, my son. & But there was 88 answer. She came into the bedroom and said again, & Come 89 time to get up now. & It 9 but you still 93 0 , my baby. Did you hear it? It's 2 now, that Lulu was still having a dream. He didn't hear 91 , &That's unfair (不公平) ! 10 o'clock. &his mother said. His mother came to his bed, & Lazybones (懒虫). You see, the sun is 9 in bed. Get up, my dear! &Suddenly, Lulu 94 看图填词练习(37) The sun went to bed at six o'clock last night, but I reviewed ( 复习) my lessons 95Dear Miss Wise,, I'm sorry that I can't go to school today. I had an accident and my .116 hurt. This morning I got up at 117 While I was putting on my . 118 turned 121 , I looked 122 , I found it was 119 had breakfast, I rode to school. At the crossing near t h e 1 2 0 traffic behind me. But just then a 124 .arm is past six. outside. After I before Iand found there was 123 . was running very fast towards me. I on the road and hurttried to stop but there was water on the street. So I 125 rest for a month. So I have to ask for a month's leave. Thanks.my arm. The man on the other bike sent me to the hospital nearby. The doctor told me to Yours sincerely, Mike 看图填词练习(38)17 Many years ago, there was a man called John. He lived in a small house near a river. There were some trees 1 his house. One day he thought, &If I cut all these trees 2 , I can 3 a new house. & And the next day, he did so. A few days later, he built a nicer and 4 there came a 5 means 7 house, but one evening after he built his new house, wind and it blew his new house over (吹到). Mr John didn't know 6 house to me. &He said to himself, &If I didn't cut down the trees, I could have a small house to live in. But now, a new house It my mother an hour to the cleaning every day.18


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