
Dr. Ke Wang - ESO Astronomer
Dr. Ke Wang
Welcome to my home page!
I am a research associate at the
(ESO) Garching Headquarters in Germany.
I study the formation of high-mass stars by observing their parent molecular clouds at high angular resolution, using submm/mm/cm interferometers including
plus space- and ground-based single dish telescopes including
How did I become an astronomer? Find my personal profile in this
for a glimpse.
As a continuation of my ESO fellowship (), I spend some of my working time at the
(EU ARC), where I enjoy serving as an astronomer on duty (AoD), contact scientist (CS), and data analyst (QA2) at the EU ARC, which means I visit the ALMA site in Chile, communicate with ALMA observers about updates of their observing projects, reduce fresh ALMA data right after observations, and make data products deliverable to PIs.
kwang at eso.org
Telephone+49 89
OfficeHQ 508
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
D-85748 Garching bei M&uumlnchen
(Note: this site is under active construction, stay tuned!)
3D structure of the
Use mouse to rotate and zoom. More information in this
2017-Dec-22: ESO-ARO public survey SAMPLING:
is available for download. See formal publication
2017-Dec-04: ESO-ARO public survey SAMPLING: Data Release 1 sent to team members for viewing.
2017-Nov-13: VLA semester 18A proposal approved for investigating outflow feedback in infrared dark clouds. Observations expected in June/July 2018.
2017-Oct-27: ESO-ARO public survey SAMPLING: submitted schedule for 2017/18 winter semester. Observations start in February 2018.
2017-Oct-19: ESO-ARO public survey SAMPLING: submitted proposal to compensate weather loss in previous semesters.
2017-July-27: ALMA cycle 5 results: 1/2 PI project highly ranked, 10/22 co-I projects approved.
2017-June-9~12: Astronomy Research Forum at Nanjing University, Talk: "The initial conditions of high-mass star formation revealed by ALMA".
2017-January-21~25: Observations at Nobeyama Radio Observatory, Japan
2017-January-18~19: Visiting NAOJ Mitaka, Seminar: "Building the Galactic Filaments Atlas"
2016-September-21: Proposal to Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope approved for mapping the gas kinematics in Galactic large-scale filaments, including "bones".
2016-September-08: Paper on 3D Galactic large-scale filaments census is
The paper is
and many other medias including
2016-August-08: ALMA Cycle 4 proposal approved for CMF (core mass function) evolution.
2016-June-26~July 1: EPoS - The Early Phase of Star Formation, Ringberg Castle, Kreuth, Germany.
2016-June-18~24: ALMA Cycle 4 proposal review, Vienna, Austria.
2016-June-1~3: Galactic cold cores workshop, Budapest, Hungary.
2016-Feb-22~24: ALMA 12m+7m+TP Combination Workshop, Garching.
2015-Oct-27~30: ALMA all-hands meeting, Smogen, Sweeden.
2015-Aug-11: ALMA cycle 3 proposal approved.
2015-Aug-08: Received ALMA cycle 2 data.
I am leading an
on Planck all-sky cold clumps. The survey is awarded 618 hours at the 10m SMT in Arizona in the coming three years. We are preparing the observations, which will start in October 2015.
Press release!
My study on Galactic large-scale filaments is highlighted by ESA Image Release
and ESA Feature Article
LOC in the ALMA/Herschel Archival Workshop, ESO Garching.
CASA and OT tutor on
Chair of the "ALMA day" in Workshop on AGN Fueling and Star Formation, Lijiang, China
ALMA long baseline commission took a
of a young solar system HL Tau.
My second book
is formally published by Springer:
2014-Nov-02: My IRAM 30m proposal is accepted (A rated)
2014-Sep-30~Oct-02: ARC all-hands meeting at Autrans, France
2014-Sep-15: My DFG priority program ISM-SPP proposal is fully approved
2014-Aug-10~20: Astronomer on Duty at ALMA OSF, Chile
My series of studies on IRDCs highlighted in SMA Newsletter (issue July 2014) in article
2014-July-7~11: Workshop "Mass assembly from clouds to clusters", Haus Sexten, Via Dolomiti, Italy
My research highlighted at the SMA 10 year anniversary
My poster at the EPoS 2014 conference downloadable from
2014-June-19: My
proposal is recommended for full funding by the reviewers.
2014-Apr-17: My
accepted to EWASS 2014 in Symposia 10: "mm/submm astronomy in the ALMA era".
ALMA cycle 2 results: 1 PI and 2 co-I projects approved.
2014-Apr-1~7: ALMA QA2 training in Garching
2014-Mar-30: My first internal beta release of pixSED v0
2014-Mar-20: ALMA featured in major medias:
2014-Mar-17: My
proposal submitted
2014-Mar-14: Back from ALMA cycle 2 proposal review, results should come out around "mid-April"
Press release!
My study on IRDC G11.11-0.12 highlighted by
, among many
2014-Feb-15: My
accepted to EPoS 2014
2013-Nov-21: Back from AoD trip to ALMA OSF. I resumed cycle 1 observations out of multiple delays :-)
2013-Dec-12: Received permissions to publish my thesis in Springer, start to prepare the manuscript.
2013-Dec-05: Submitted ALMA cycle 2 proposals: PI on 1, co-I on 6 proposals.
2013-Oct-25: My project "Galactic cold interstellar filaments" phase II approved by Hi-GAL consortium.
2012-Dec-20: Received Springer Theses Prize.
2012-Aug-01: My book, Chinese translation of "Super Stars" published (I didn't like the Chinese title they forced me!)
Research Interests
Initial conditions of high-mass star formation
Infrared dark clouds, molecular filaments
submm/mm/cm interferometric observations
European Southern Observatory, Garching Headquarters, Germany
(Funded by DFG Priority Program 1573
ESO Fellow
European Southern Observatory, Garching Headquarters, Germany
(Close collaboration with
Erasmus Mundus Lotus Post-doctoral Fellow
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
(Close collaboration with
Submillimeter Array (SMA) Pre-doctoral Fellow
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, USA
(Supervised by
Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing, China (highest distinction)
Thesis: "The Earliest Stages of Massive Clustered Star Formation: Fragmentation of Infrared Dark Clouds"
(Harvard CfA),
(Peking University)
Annual Research Review Committee:
(Harvard CfA)
B.S. in Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China (highest distinction)
Thesis: "Circumstellar Habitable Zones of Solar-like Stars"
(Peking University)
Tsinghua High School, Chongqing, China (highest distinction)
Journal Papers
See my papers in this
Reviews and Conference Proceedings
Schuller, F.; Urquhart, J.; Bronfman, L.; Csengeri, T.; Bontemps, S.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Giannetti, A.; Ginsburg, A.; Henning, T.; Immer, K.; Leurini, S.; Mattern, M.; Menten, K.; Molinari, S.; Muller, E.; Sánchez-Monge, A.; Schisano, E.; Suri, S.; Testi, L.; Wang, K.; Wyrowski, F.; Zavagno, A.
2016, The Messenger, vol. 165, p. 27-33
Wang, Ke; Zhang, Qizhou
SMA Newsletter, issue July 2014
Springer, 2014
2. Chinese translation of "Super Stars"
Anhui Children's Publishing House, 2012,
(a popular science book for kids, original author David A. Aguilar)
Observing Experience
Summary since Feb 2009:
As PI, awarded telescope time 1400+ hours, overall acceptance rate 77%. These include:
PI of 30 successful proposals to 12 telescopes: ALMA (4/6), SMA (8/8), JVLA (6/8), CARMA (3/4), PdBI (1/2),
IRAM 30m (1/2), GBT (1/2), APEX (2/3), CSO (1/1), KOSMA (1/1), SMT (1/1), and Nobeyama (1/1).
PI of ongoing ESO public survey on all-sky Planck cold clumps (618+100 hours with SMT).
co-I of ongoing Large Programmes:
"SEDIGISM: Structure, Excitation, and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic Interstellar Medium", PI: Frederic Schuller
"SuperMALT: determining the physical and chemical evolution of high-mass star-forming clumps", PI: Jill Rathborne
"SCOPE: SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution", PI: Tie Liu
co-I of 120+ other proposals.
I've visited all these telescopes and operated most of them:
SMT 10m telescope remote observations 12/6, 12/7
NRO 45m radio telescope on-site observations, Nobeyama, Japan, 01/2017
IRAM 30m millimeter radio telescope on-site observations, Pico Veleta near Granada, Spain, 03/5
Effelsberg 100m radio telescope on-site observations, Bad M&uumlnstereifel, Germany, 04/2015
ALMA astronomer on duty (on-site operation), Chajnantor, Chile,
10/3, 08/2014
SMA remote operation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
02/2009 - 03/2011
CARMA on-site observations, Big Pine, California, USA,
SMA on-site observations, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA,
04/9, 05/2010
GBT 100m radio telescope on-site and remote observations, Green Bank, West Virginia, USA,
02-03, 04/2010
CSO 10m sub-millimeter telescope on-site observations and collaboration, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, USA,
VLA on-site observations, Socorro, New Mexico, USA,
PMO 14m telescope on-site observations,
Delingha, Qinghai, China, 11/8
Functional and Science Duties
Referee of ApJ, AJ, A&A, MNRAS, and RAA
ALMA Astronomer on Duty (AoD), data quality assurance (QA2), and contact scientist (CS), European ALMA Regional Center, 2013-present
Technical Secretary, ALMA cycle 4 proposal review, Vienna, Austria, June 19-26, 2016
Technical Secretary, ALMA cycle 2 proposal review, London Ontario, Canada, March 9-14, 2014
Scientific Assistant, ESO Observing Programmes Committee P92, Ismaning, May 22-23, 2013
Joint organisation of the bi-weekly "Star and Planet Formation Seminar" at ESO, 2013-present
Joint organisation of the annual "Pan-Munich Star and Planet Formation Workshop", 2013-present
SMA remote operation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, weekly 02/2009 - 03/2011
Advisor of class 2007 undergrads, Department of Astronomy, Peking University,
(ESO student, 2016-present)
(MPE student, 2014-present, co-advisers:
, Jaime Pineda)
PhD thesis topic ''Structure and Chemistry of Infrared Dark Clouds''.
(ESO student, , co-advisers: Leonardo Testi and Izaskun Jimenez-Serra)
PhD thesis "Earliest phases of star formation: Multispectral view of the structures of the very cold interstellar medium and the associated star formation".
Current position: postdoc at NAOJ-ALMA, Japan
(ESO student, )
Current position: postdoc at NAOC Beijing, China
for "best of the best" PhD theses, December 2012
Young Scientist Participant at the
Lindau, Germany, July 2012
Outstanding PhD thesis, Peking University, July 2012
Student innovation award, Peking University, 2011
Excellent undergraduate advisor, Peking University, 2008
Valedictorian speech at Beijing Institute of Technology, 2006
National merit student, 2005
National scholarships, , 2005
Public Outreach
I am enthusiastic to tell the general public about the beauty of our Universe and to share fresh, exciting research results of my own. My wife, Dr. Xiaojin An is always my first listener and reader.
I am lucky to have my recent research highlighted to the general public, by
, among many other medias world wide including
I have translated a National Geographic Kids popular science book "Super Stars" into Chinese (original author: David A. Aguilar, Harvard CfA). The book is available on
and many other book stores online and offline.
On October 30, 2006, merely one year after my first taste of astronomy, I was invited to give a public talk to 3,000 freshmen at BIT, sharing my view on developing a career as a professional astronomer.
Spare Time
When I am not doing astronomy, I love cooking, skiing, running, and writting (basically food, sports, and sort of literature :-). From 2003 to 2008 I have run the
yearly, achieved my personal record 3h32m29s in 2006. Since 2013 I started to participate in the
, in the lovely town we live in.
In winter 2013/14, I learned skiing and immediately fell in love with the Alps.?在很多优秀的影片中都能够听到一个发音kimoji,尤其是是些比较敏感的女主角发此音的频率比较高。在很多片子的结尾部分,这个音节几乎是必不可少的。       主人公在发这个音的时候一般都是肌肉紧绷,大汗淋漓,并伴有其他液体外溢。面部表情通常比较激动,局部部位晃动激烈,甚者还会出现短暂颤抖和痉挛现象。       在下才疏学浅,一直不知道这个常用词的汉语意思,一方面不通此国语言,另一方面有汉语字幕的片子比较难找。但是,凭直觉判断,这个单词一定是一个比较重要的东西,对理解整个片子的意境有重要作用。对于了解主人公内心思想也有着不可替代的作用。但是还是要说一下,本人一直不知道它的确切含义,所以总觉得看了很多片子并没有领略其中的精髓和实质。       另外,有高人的懂的话,可以顺带解释一下“依个、依个”“亚买碟”等发音的汉语意思。       此咨询帖建议版主不要下手过重。跪求各位达人!      -------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------------------------------       在很多优秀的影片中都能够听到一个发音kimoji,尤其是是些比较敏感的女主角发此音的频率比较高。在很多片子的结尾部分,这个音节几乎是必不可少的。       主人公在发这个音的时候一般都是肌肉紧绷,大汗淋漓,并伴有其他液体外溢。面部表情通常比较激动,局部部位晃动激烈,甚者还会出现短暂颤抖和痉挛现象。       在下才疏学浅,一直不知道这个常用词的汉语意思,一方面不通此国语言,另一方面有汉语字幕的片子比较难找。但是,凭直觉判断,这个单词一定是一个比较重要的东西,对理解整个片子的意境有重要作用。对于了解主人公内心思想也有着不可替代的作用。但是还是要说一下,本人一直不知道它的确切含义,所以总觉得看了很多片子并没有领略其中的精髓和实质。       另外,有高人的懂的话,可以顺带解释一下“依个、依个”“亚买碟”等发音的汉语意思。  
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  気持ちいい(kimochiii)=爽死了    一般音译为“可莫其”,正确发音是:克一莫其一一    止めて(yamete)=不要    一般音译为“亚美爹”,正确发音是:亚灭贴    いたい(itai)=疼    一般音译为以太,    行く(iku)=要出来了    一般音译为一库,    そこ...駄目(soko dame)=那里……不可以    一般音译:锁扩,打灭    はつかし(hatsukashi)=羞死人了    音译:哈次卡西    あたしの奥に(atashinookuni)=到人家的身体里了    音译:啊她西诺喔库你    ha ya ku就是快一点    もっと、強く(再用力点) mooto, tsuyoku    默托,吃药苦  
  面部表情通常比较激动,局部部位晃动激烈,甚者还会出现短暂颤抖和痉挛现象。    相当生动哦。、。、
  楼主太有才了      很娇,很冠希      
  http://09city.com/index.php?a=luffy168  顶顶顶顶顶
  “亚买碟”其实这个是北京话的日本发音:丫慢点!!!    “依个、依个”这个像船夫拉船时喊的口号,日本词语里面就是保持这个节奏的意思
  “依个、依个”“是助动词,就是保持节奏的意思    ”“亚买碟”是北京话的日本发音,就是::丫慢点
  丫买碟  一股油  一打一  
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此网站 (www.24en.com) 的管理员禁止了您的访问。原因是您的访问包含了非浏览器特征(3fa61da-ua98).
汉字写成 “気持”一般表示高兴,和舒服的意思日文里面发现日本人对气是很重视的比如问寒暄的:你还好么就是 お精気ですが?
在很多优秀的影片中都能够听到一个发音kimoji,尤其是是些比较敏感的女主角发此音的频率比较高。在很多片子的结尾部分,这个音节几乎是必不可少的。 主人公在发这个音的时候一般都是肌肉紧绷,大汗淋漓,并伴有其他液体外溢。面部表情通常比较激动,局部部位晃动激烈,甚者还会出现短暂颤抖和痉挛现象。 在下才疏学浅,一直不知道这个常用词的汉语意思,一方面不通此国语言,另一方面有汉语字幕的片子比较难找。但是,凭直觉判断,这个单词一定是一个比较重要的东西,对理解整个片子的意境有重要作用。对于了解主人公内心思想也有着不可替代的作用。但是还是要说一下,本人一直不知道它的确切含义,所以总觉得看了很多片子并没有领略其中的精髓和实质。 另外,有高人的懂的话,可以顺带解释一下“依个、依个”“亚买碟”等发音的汉语意思。 此咨询帖建议版主不要下手过重,寻达人释意


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