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中文翻译外置存储卡支持存储卡&&&&中世纪罗马数字的160。 ... &&&&&&vt. 1.使闪光,使闪烁;反照,反射 (back)。 ...... &&&&&&vt. 1.使闪光,使闪烁;反照,反射 (back)。 2.晃;迅速传达出去,拍出,发出(电报等)。 3.使闪现;把(发亮的东西)晃一下,亮出一下;使掠过( ...... &&&&&&闪现... &&&&&&突然亮起来... &&&&&&立刻; 刹那间,一瞬间; 一刹那间, 瞬间, 即刻; 一瞬间... &&&&&&禁止闪光灯... &&&&&&闪电奇侠; 闪电侠... &&&&&&跳色... &&&&&&一瞬即逝... &&&&&&时钟... &&&&&&闪存... &&&&&&播放文件; 放映档案... &&&&&&轰燃 在一限定空间内... &&&&&&快讯... &&&&&&好景不长; 昙花一现... &&&&&&强光一闪; 一道光线... &&&&&&一道闪电... &&&&&&气槽... &&&&&&飞机光点... &&&&&&阳极瞬时处理... &&&&&&电弧闪光... &&&&&&氩气闪光灯... &&&&&&快如闪电般地... &&&&&&公用投票系统... &&
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All rights reserved请问电脑术语里的Flash ROM是什么意思?
FLASH ROM:闪速存储器,本质上属于EEPROM—电可擦除只读存储器 平常情况下FLASH ROM与EPROM一样是禁止写入的,在需要时,加入一个较高的电压就可以写入或擦除。因此,其维护与升级都很方便。是刷BIOS的小程序。
蓝芽简报遥控器、秘密档案夹、智慧声控、QR Code
Flash是由macromedia公司推出的交互式矢量图和 Web 动画的标准,由Adobe公司收购。做Flash动画的人被称之为闪客。网页设计者使用 Flash 创作出既漂亮又可改变尺寸的导航界面以及其他奇特的效果。Flash的前身是Future Wave公司的Future Splash,是世界上第一个商用的二维矢量动画软件,用于设计和编辑Flash文档。1996年11月,美国Macromedia公司收购了Future Wave,并将其改名为Flash。后又于日被Adobe公司收购。Flash通常也指Macromedia Flash Player(现Adobe Flash Player)。日,Flash退出Android平台,正式告别移动端。Flash是一种动画创作与应用程序开发于一身的创作软件,到日为止,最新的零售版本为AdobeFlashProfessionalCC(2013年发布)。Adobe Flash Professional CC为创建数字动画、交互式Web站点、桌面应用程序以及手机应用程序开发提供了功能全面的创作和编辑环境。Flash广泛用于创建吸引人的应用程序,它们包含丰富的视频、声音、图形和动画。可以在Flash中创建原始内容或者从其它Adobe应用程序(如Photoshop或illustrator)导入它们,快速设计简单的动画,以及使用Adobe ActionScript 3.0开发高级的交互式项目。设计人员和开发人员可使用它来创建演示文稿、应用程序和其它允许用户交互的内容。Flash可以包含简单的动画、视频内容、复杂演示文稿和应用程序以及介于它们之间的任何内容。通常,使用Flash创作的各个内容单元称为应用程序,即使它们可能只是很简单的动画。您也可以通过添加图片、声音、视频和特殊效果,构建包含丰富媒体的Flash应用程序。
flash的英文解释为:n.闪光,闪现,一瞬间,闪现,反射,使迅速传便,vt.使闪光,反射 adj.闪光的,火速的。Flash也是由macromedia公司推出的交互式矢量图和 Web 动画的标准,由Adobe公司收购。网页设计者使用 Flash 创作出既漂亮又可改变尺寸的导航界面以及其他奇特的效果。Flash也是存储芯片的一种,通过特定的程序可以修改里面的数据。另有星际争霸选手李永浩以Flash为名。引自
[计]Macromedia 公司开发的动画编辑工具n. 闪光, 闪现, 一瞬间 vi. 闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速传便 vt. 使闪光, 反射 adj. 闪光的, 火速的1、flash是一种网络上新兴的流行动画格式它,是矢量的,所以即使放大也不会出现变形和模糊。并且,由于它丰富的效果和强大的功能,更多的被应用在网站设计,动画制作,和媒体广告; 2、但它不是那么简单就能学会的,当你看到网上那些漂亮的炫目的动画效果的时候,它通常不是用画就能出来的,它还具有强大的动作教本和动态连接数据库的功能; 3、可以这样讲,flash脱离的web常用的语音和教本依然可以制作界面漂亮功能强大的网站。但由于带宽的限制,国内网站的flash全站目前还很少; 4、动画可不仅仅是flash这一个软件可以实现的。它可以是3dmax,可以是maya,可以是。。。其实很多软件都可以构建漂亮的动画效果,但他们对web支持都不是很好,而且由于他们的体积相当的庞大,所以不适用于网络传播。相反,flash的作品可以很小很小。如果结合一些绘图软件和3d效果软件,那它的效果将更完美绚丽。 除此之外,flash还支持视频和音频的播放功能。用它制作的作品可以声情并茂加上基于javascript脚本而设计的flash action脚本,flash将颠覆现在的网页设计方法。
vt. 使闪光;反射n. 闪光,闪现;一瞬间vi. 闪光,闪现;反射adj. 闪光的,火速的短语in a flash 瞬间;立刻 flash memory 闪速存储器 flash point 闪点;燃点 flash player 动画编辑播放器 flash drive 闪存盘;随身碟;闪盘驱动器;快闪记忆体
学习啦【英语知识大全】 焯杰
  英 [fl&ʃ] 美 [fl&ʃ]
  现在分词: flashing
  过去式: flashed
  过去分词: flashed
  1. Here's an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall.
  2. She poked and shifted things with the tip of her walking stick.
  3. It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.
  4. We grabbed it just as it was about to tip over.
  5. Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen (see fig. 4).
  6. He tip-toed to the door in his stockinged feet.
  7. The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida.
  8. Hurricane Andrew has passed over the southern tip of Florida.
  9. The orange tip shows up well against most backgrounds.
  10. Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip.
  11. The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.
  12. Her hair was thick, glossy and in tip-top condition.
  13. A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue.
  14. She bit the tip of her left thumb, not looking at me.
  15. I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.
flash是什么意思 flash在线翻译 flash什么意思 flash的意思 flash的翻译 flash的解释 flash的发音 flash的同义词 flash的反义词 flash的例句
flash英 [flae?] 美 [flae?] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:flash 基本解释及物/不及物动词使闪光,使闪烁; 拍出,发出(电报等); 〈口〉炫耀名词闪光; 闪光灯下摄成的照片; 一瞬间; 浮华形容词闪光的,闪耀的,一闪而过的; 浮华的; 庞大的flash 相关词组1.
: 瞬间;手机查看flash的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 flash 即可flash 相关例句及物动词1. flash1. Why is that driver flashing his lights at me?&&&&那个司机为何用灯照我?2. The cars flashed past.&&&&汽车飞驰而过。不及物动词1. A car flashed by.&&&&一辆汽车疾驰而过。名词1. A flash of grief came upon her when she heard the news.&&&&她听到这消息时内心感到一阵悲伤。2. 2. There was a flash of lightning a moment ago.&&&&刚才有一道闪电。flash 网络解释1. 闪客:凡有人群处,就有其尊崇的文化方式,近年来更由于 网络 的盛行, 形成更加多样的的 新文化 :黑客(Hacker)文化、 博客(Blog)文化 、闪客(Flash)文化、以及奇客(Greek)文化 等等,这些文化之间又互有交集.flash 双语例句1. China's most authoritative dictionary the most professional mass, sea word dictionary for English learners excellent service: how to say in English flash floods, flash floods of synonyms, antonyms, flash floods in the English translation, fla.., Most flash floods...&&&&中国最权威最专业的海量词典,海词为英语学习者提供精品词典服务:暴洪的英语怎么说,暴洪的同义词、反义词,暴洪的英文翻译,a sudden; violent flood; fla。。,暴洪最。。。2. The free-support shuttle design keeps the work area free of cumbersome flash stands, leaving more room to work.&&&&它的免支架前后移动设计,可以免却在工作范围里面有太多支架的问题,多留工作的空时。3. flash的翻译3. After the baby is born, parents prefer to weak light newborns in the maternity ward to take pictures with the flash, not knowing to do so much harm to the newborn.&&&&婴儿出世后,父母喜欢在光线较弱的产房用闪光灯给新生儿拍照留念,殊不知这样做对新生儿危害很大。4. 4. An experimental flash demo of the source code, well used, can be used in teaching.&&&&详细说明:一个实验flash演示的源代码,很好用的,可用于教学课件之中。5. Good flash original code, the basis of its own processing, into something of my own!&&&&很好的flash原码,可以在此基础上自己加工,融入自己的东西!6. I saw, which was a silver flash, it's my numerous brothers!&&&&我一看,里面是一片银光闪烁,那是我的无数兄弟!7. That star is only a flash in the pan, have several record and then fly low.&&&&那个歌星也只是昙花一现,出了几张唱片就销声匿迹了。8. flash是什么意思8. I've heard that some of the teens flash you their bras.&&&&我听说有些年轻人向你秀胸罩?9. 9. Qixian Jinhong Crafts Exclusive sales department perennial supply of a large number of colorful flash LED light-emitting glass red wine goblet!&&&&祁县晋宏工艺品经销部常年大量独家供应发光七彩闪光 LED 玻璃红酒杯高脚杯!10. But to do it, the normal, downloadable flash file is not suitable.&&&&但这样做,正常的,可下载的flash文件,是不适合。11. I've pressed the Playback button a second time, and then a third, only to have the image finally flash to the screen after three seconds, then disappear for another two seconds, then reappear.&&&&&&我已经按下播放按钮,1秒的时间,然后第三个,只有有闪光的形象,最后到屏幕上后,三秒,然后消失,另一两秒钟,然后重新出现。12. Do not look directly at the flash tube when this thing is on!&&&&&&不要小看直接在闪光管这事的时候啊!13. By making my light source larger than just the area of the small flash tube, I am immediately making my light softer.&&&&&&使我的光源大于只是面积小的Flash管,我立即使我的轻软。14. When the flash tube is triggered, light from it penetrates the ruby.&&&&&&当打开闪光灯时,它所发出的亮光穿透红宝石。15. Times via Xe flash tube with discharge resistance of 0.7 to 1Ω.&&&&&&在5 ~35℃条件下,施加额定工作电压进行5000 次充放电,每次30 秒。通过放电电阻为0.7-1Ω的氙管放电,。16. Searching engine spider is to cannot be read take Flash content.&&&&&&搜索引擎蜘蛛是不能读取Flash内容。17. Website of a lot of enterprises can make a begin Flash now, actually this is most abstain from, because the spider is read, do not know Flash.&&&&&&现在很多企业网站会作个开场flash,其实这是最忌讳的,因为蜘蛛读不懂flash 。18. I'm not t for me FLASH could serve as a carrier of art, he said.&&&&&&我和他们并不一样。对我来说FLASH可以成为艺术的载体。吴俊勇说。19. 19. All does very well till one flash of defiance.&&&&&&一切都做得很好,直到人们挑衅的闪光出现。20. You don't even know how a camera's burst-mode flash works, but you persuade yourself to pay for the extra feature just in case.&&&&&&比如说,你甚至不知道一个照相机的闪存Burst模式是怎么工作的,但是你说服自己,为这个额外的功能买单。flash 词典解释1. 闪耀;闪光&&&&A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright.&&&&e.g. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second...&&&&&&&&&&&突然一个闪电瞬间照亮了一切。&&&&e.g. The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused...&&&&&&&&&&&墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。2. (使)闪光,(使)闪耀;(尤指)频闪&&&&If a light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular flashes of light.&&&&e.g. Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds...&&&&&&&&&&&一道道电光在远处的乌云中闪现。&&&&e.g. He lost his temper after a driver flashed her headlights as he overtook...&&&&&&&&&&&一个女司机在他超车时不停地闪着车前灯,这让他火冒三丈。3. 突发;忽然的一阵&&&&You talk about a flash of something when you are saying that it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly.&&&&e.g. 'What did Moira tell you?' Liz demanded with a flash of anger...&&&&&&&&&&&“莫伊拉跟你说什么啦?”利兹突然生气地质问道。&&&&e.g. When pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed...&&&&&&&&&&&遭到追赶时,他突然飞速地逃脱了。4. 飞快移动;飞驰;掠过&&&&If something flashes past or by, it moves past you so fast that you cannot see it properly.&&&&e.g. It was a busy road, cars flashed by every few minutes.&&&&&&&&&&&这是一条繁忙的道路,每隔几分钟就有汽车飞驰而过。&&&&e.g. ...the ball flashed across the face of the goal.&&&&&&&&&&&球从球门前飞过。5. 突然闪过(脑海)&&&&If something flashes through or into your mind, you suddenly think about it.&&&&e.g. A ludicrous thought flashed through Harry's mind...&&&&&&&&&&&一个荒谬的念头突然在哈里脑中闪现。&&&&e.g. Those lines of Milton flashed into my mind.&&&&&&&&&&&弥尔顿的那几行诗忽然在我脑中闪过。6. 一晃亮出;快速出示&&&&If you flash something such as an identity card, you show it to people quickly and then put it away again.&&&&e.g. Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover.&&&&&&&&&&&哈利姆亮了一下他的军官证,设法找来了一名士兵看着路虎车。7. (使)闪现;(使)出现;(使)显示&&&&If a picture or message flashes up on a screen, or if you flash it onto a screen, it is displayed there briefly or suddenly, and often repeatedly.&&&&e.g. The figures flash up on the scoreboard...&&&&&&&&&&&数字显示在记分牌上。&&&&e.g. The words 'Good Luck' were flashing on the screen...&&&&&&&&&&&“祝您好运”几个字出现在屏幕上。8. (通过计算机、卫星或其他系统)快速发送,迅速播出,传送&&&&If you flash news or information to a place, you send it there quickly by computer, satellite, or other system.&&&&e.g. They had told their offices to flash the news as soon as it broke...&&&&&&&&&&&他们已经告诉各办公室,一有消息立即发布。&&&&e.g. This is, of course, international news and soon it was being flashed around the world.&&&&&&&&&&&当然,这是国际性新闻,很快就会传到世界各地。9. 瞥(一眼);投之(一笑)&&&&If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them.&&&&e.g. I flashed a look at Sue...&&&&&&&&&&&我向休瞥了一眼。&&&&e.g. Meg flashed Cissie a grateful smile.&&&&&&&&&&&梅格冲茜茜感激地笑了一笑。10. (眼睛尤因气愤)发光,发亮&&&&If someone's eyes flash, they suddenly show a strong emotion, especially anger.&&&&e.g. Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly.&&&&&&&&&&&她飞快地说着,黑色的双眼放着光。11. (摄影时的)闪光灯&&&&&&Flash is the use of special bulbs to give more light when taking a photograph.&&&&&&e.g. He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他是最先使用高速闪光灯拍摄鸟类的人之一。12. 同 flashlight&&&&&&A flash is the same as a flashlight .&&&&&&e.g. Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash.&&&&&&&&&&&&&皮特关掉手电筒,停下来休息。13. 奢华的;时髦的;新潮的&&&&&&If you describe something as flash, you mean that it looks expensive, fashionable, and new.&&&&&&e.g. ...a flash uptown restaurant...&&&&&&&&&&&&&城郊富人区的豪华饭店&&&&&&e.g. You can go for a 'rostrum' system, which sounds flash, but can be assembled quite cheaply.&&&&&&&&&&&&&可以去弄一个“指挥台”系统,它听起来很昂贵,但其实花不了多少钱就可以组装起来。14. 昙花一现&&&&&&If you describe an achievement or success as a flash in the pan, you mean that it is unlikely to be repeated and is not an indication of future achievements or success.&&&&&&e.g. People will be looking in to see how good we are now and whether our success has just been a flash in the pan.&&&&&&&&&&&&&人们会来看看我们现在有多成功,看看我们的成功是否只是昙花一现。15. 转瞬;一瞬间&&&&&&If you say that something happens in a flash, you mean that it happens suddenly and lasts only a very short time.&&&&&&e.g. The answer had come to him in a flash...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他一下子就有了答案。&&&&&&e.g. It was done in a flash.&&&&&&&&&&&&&一眨眼的工夫就完成了。16. (反应)飞快,迅速&&&&&&If you say that someone reacts to something quick as a flash, you mean that they react to it extremely quickly.&&&&&&e.g. Quick as a flash, the man said, 'I have to, don't I?'&&&&&&&&&&&&&那人立即说道:“我必须如此,是不是?”17. 突然记起;猛然想起;忽地记起&&&&&&If your mind flashes back to something in the past, you remember it or think of it briefly or suddenly.&&&&&&e.g. His mind kept flashing back to the previous night...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他脑中不断回想起头天晚上发生的事。&&&&&&e.g. Thoughts inevitably flash back to 1914, when trouble in this part of the Balkans led all the way to world war.&&&&&&&&&&&&&这难免会令人想起1914年,那年巴尔干半岛上这一地区的动荡最终引发了世界大战。相关词组:flash 单语例句1. His sweet potatoes vanished in a flash while almost no one bought his cabbage or white radish.2. Approximately two hours after entering the canyon, a flash flood swept many of the hikers into a waterway.3. What can you do with a flash memory card other than saving files, music and pictures?4. To thwart piracy, the machine uses a flash memory card to which games can be downloaded in stores.5. Not all consumers are quite so flash with their cash, but many still want the quality and superior design that Western brands offer.6. When Castle and Kable finally meet up there is a flash of the ironic wit that makes Hall so effective on Dexter.7. When a man with a mobile phone is spotted lurking in the shadows, things go from tense to chaotic in a flash.8. We started our meal with flash smoked salmon and nuta sauce, one of chef Hiro's signature dishes that are available around the year.9. It is already the trend that flash disks are replacing the clumsy floppy disks.10. When Carter is dumped by Sophia in a North Hollywood coffee shop, he sees his entire life flash before his eyes.flash 英英释义noun1. a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph&&&&Synonym: 2. a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification&&&&e.g. red flashes adorned the airplane&&&&&&&&&&&a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to3. a momentary brightness4. a sudden brilliant understanding&&&&e.g. he had a flash of intuition5. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story&&&&Synonym: 6. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate&&&&Synonym: 7. a gaudy outward display&&&&Synonym: 8. a short vivid experience&&&&e.g. a flash of emotion swept over him&&&&&&&&&&&the flashings of pain were a warning&&&&Synonym: 9. a sudden intense burst of radiant energy10. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)&&&&e.g. if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash&&&&Synonym: danci.911cha.comverb1. appear briefly&&&&e.g. The headlines flashed on the screen2. emit a brief burst of light&&&&e.g. A shooting star flashed and was gone3. make known or cause to appear with great speed&&&&e.g. The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts4. protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal&&&&e.g. flash the roof5. run or move very quickly or hastily&&&&e.g. She dashed into the yard&&&&Synonym: 6. expose or show briefly&&&&e.g. he flashed a $100 bill7. display proudly&&&&act ostentatiously or pretentiously&&&&e.g. he showed off his new sports car&&&&Synonym: 8. gleam or glow intermittently&&&&e.g. The lights were flashing&&&&Synonym: flash的近义词adj1. tastelessly showy&&&&e.g. a flash car&&&&&&&&&&&a flashy ring&&&&&&&&&&&garish colors&&&&&&&&&&&a gaudy costume&&&&&&&&&&&loud sport shirts&&&&&&&&&&&a meretricious yet stylish book&&&&&&&&&&&tawdry ornaments&&&&Synonym: flash是什么意思,flash在线翻译,flash什么意思,flash的意思,flash的翻译,flash的解释,flash的发音,flash的同义词,flash的反义词,flash的例句,flash的相关词组,flash意思是什么,flash怎么翻译,单词flash是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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