
管理知识领城的名字。 项目综合管理、项月范围管理、项日时间管理、项目成本管理、项目质量管理、项日人力资源管理、项目沟通管理、项目风险管理和项日采购管理。 2.能够区分促使项目出现的6种需要和要求。 市场要求(Marketing demand)、业务需要(business
requests)、技术进步(Technological adv...
1.能够指出9种管理知识领城的名字。 项目综合管理、项月范围管理、项日时间管理、项目成本管理、项目质量管理、项日人力资源管理、项目沟通管理、项目风险管理和项日采购管理。 2.能够区分促使项目出现的6种需要和要求。 市场要求(Marketing demand)、业务需要(business
requests)、技术进步(Technological advances)、法律要求(Legal requirements)和社会需要(Social needs )。 3.能移指出项目的启动输入。 项目说明、战略计划、项目选择条件和历史信息。
Near-Critical Activity|次关键活动
Near-Term Activities|近期活动
Needs Study|需求研究...
緣起由於先前從事應用系統顧問工作,擔任過 ERP, SCM 等不同專案之 PM 工作,累積一些專案管理的經驗,也使用過應用系統原產品廠商提供之 Methodol...
答: 上海人从众企业管理咨询有限公司专业从事IRIS咨询和培训,所培训的IRIS内审员遍及轨道交通各大企业。
答: (1)三级安全教育。
(2) 转场安全教育。
(3) 变换工种安全教育。
(4) 特种作业安全教育。
(5) 班前安全活动交底。
(6) 季节性施工安全教育。
答: ●创建了一套卓有成效的人才培养、培训、上岗的措施、方法和经验
答: 当考学成为学校的最高目标时,学校的教育形式必将变得单一,课堂教学成为主流,各种活动成为掩人耳目的摆设,只在应付检查时临时上场便马上收兵
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第 1 题(单选/1 分) :项目整体管理知识领域中,最后一个过程是______?The last process in integration management is____? 制定项目章程 Develop project charter制定项目初步范围说明书 Develop preliminary project scope statement制定项目管理计划 Develop project management pla项目收尾 Close project第 2 题(单选/1 分) :甲乙双方的项目经理之间的关系更类似于 ( ) The relationship between project managers of Party A and Party B is similar to that between ( )丈夫和妻子 (Husband and wife)买方和卖方 (Buyer and seller)竞争对手 (Competitors (rivals))主动和被动 (Active and passive)第 3 题(单选/1 分) :作为项目经理,为使下属做好他们的工作,需要( ) To make his/her subordinates to do their job well, the project manager should( )激励 (Encourage)安排他愿意做的工作 (Assign the work they are willing to do)安排他能够胜任的工作 (Assign the work for which they are competent)发展私人友谊 (Develop the private friendship)第 4 题(单选/1 分) :质量基准(更新)是____的输出之一?Quality Baseline(updated)is the output of_____. 质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management 第 5 题(单选/1 分) :控制发生在( ) Control happens.( )整个项目周期 (In the whole project period)项目周期每一阶段结束时,以评估是否符合项目目标 (At the end of each stage of the project period to evaluate the compliance with the project objective) 每一计划过程的结束阶段 (At the end of each plan process)在执行过程及其他过程需要时 (In the execution process or when it is necessary in other processes)第 6 题(单选/1 分) :调整任务的时间安排以使得资源不被过分使用,这被称之为:( ) Adjust the schedule of tasks so as to avoid overuse of resources, which is referred to as:( )资源平衡(Balanced use of resources)配对选择 (Partnership selection)多属性效用理论 (Multi-property utility theory)资源浪费 (Waste of resources)第 7 题(单选/1 分) :在某些情况下,合同结束是指:( ) In some circumstances, the contract ending refers to ( )在双方的协议下合同结束 (Under the agreement by both parties)在发送货物或服务后合同结束 (After sending goods or services)在成功的执行后合同结束 (After successfully executing the contract)在保证获得最后的支付时 (Upon receiving the final payment)第 8 题(单选/1 分) :在谈判中通常出现的沟通问题是:( ) The communication problems that usually appear in the negotiation are ( )谈判的一方错误的理解另一方的表述 (One party misunderstands the other party’s statement) 谈判的一方放弃谈判 (One party quits the negotiation)谈判的一方企图使另一方迷惑 (One party tries to confuse the other party)谈判的一方在听到另一方的陈述后忙于思考接着该说什么 (One party is busy thinking what to say next after hearing the other party’s statement)第 9 题(单选/1 分) :工作结果是( ) The work result is .( )为了实现项目目标实行的所有活动的输出 (Output of all activities that are exercised to realize the project objective) 成功完成项目指标 (Project indexes that are successfully achieved)客户正式验收项目 (Formal acceptance items of the customer)完成合同的正式验收 (Formal acceptance of contract completion)第 10 题(单选/1 分) :质量管理计划说明以下各项,除了( ) The quality management plan does not cover( )执行质量策略的方法 (Method of executing quality policies)项目的质量体系 (Quality system of the project)组织机构, 职责, 程序, 流程, 和进行项目质量管理所必需的资源 (Organization structure, responsibilities, program, flow, and resources necessary for project quality management) 进行成本,进度和质量平衡分析的程序 (Program analyzing cost, schedule, and quality balance)第 11 题(单选/1 分) :规划会议和分析是_____的工具之一。Planning Meeting and Analysis is a tool of ____. 风险管理规划 Risk Management Pla风险识别 Risk Identificatio定性风险分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis定量风险分析 Quantative Risk Analysis 第 12 题(单选/1 分) :作为一个项目经理,在审核一个新项目能否上马时,你首先会问 ( ) As a project manager, you will first put forward the question ( ) when reviewing whether a new project can be started.我们有能力完成这个项目吗 (Do we have the capability to accomplish the project?)这个项目能够盈利吗 (Is the project is profitable?)为谁为什么要做这个项目 (Why should we do this project?)做这个项目有没有风险 (Is there any risk for this project?)第 13 题(单选/1 分) :完成一项多任务项目的成功机会将会大大加强,如果项目小组成员:( ) The chance for accomplishing a multi-task project will be greatly enhanced if the members to the project team( )以问题为关注焦点 (Concern about the problem)对最高管理层的需要敏感 (Be sensitive to the requirements of the highest management level)集中关注单个任务 (Pay much attention to a single task)关注客户需求 (Concern about customers' requirements)第 14 题(单选/1 分) :项目沟通管理有____个过程?____ processes are involved in Project Communication Management. 1234第 15 题(单选/1 分) :项目计划的制定应______ The preparation of a project plan should be __________在项目开始的前期阶段就全部完成 (Completely finished in the early stage of the project)在整个项目实施过程中不断反复进行 (Repeated in the implementation of the whole project)在项目开始前就全部完成 (Completely finished before the start of the project) 当前任务需要一个计划时完成 (Finished when the current task requires a plan)第 16 题 (单选/1 分) 项目管理计划 : (更新) 是____的输出之一。 Project Management Plan(updated) is the output of_____. 人力资源规划 HR planning项目团队组建 Acquire project team项目团队建设 Develop project team项目团队管理 Manage project team第 17 题(单选/1 分) :在一个经营方案中,企业获得 2 百万元收益的可能性是 60%,遭受 1.5 百万损失的 可能性是 20%,那该方案的预期价值是多少?( ) In an operation scheme, the possibility for the enterprise to gain proceeds of 2 million $ is 60%, and the possibility for suffering losses of 1.5 million $ is 20%. What is the expected value of this scheme?( )$50,000$300,000$500,000$900,000第 18 题(单选/1 分) :在下列哪种情况下,需要附加的风险应对措施开发( ) Under which of the following cases is the additional risk handling measure development required?( )工作分解结构(WBS)发生变动 (The WBS changes.)成本基准发生变动 (The cost reference changes.)风险事件未被预计到或者其影响此预计的要大 (The risk event is not predicted or its influence is more serious that the prediction.) 项目计划过时 (The project plan is out of date.)第 19 题(单选/1 分) :假设包括风险因素是因为:( ) Assumptions include risk factors because ( ) 假设是建立在以前获得的经验基础之上的 (Assumptions are based on experience.)可能没有过去的相关资料 (No history data is available.)假设是建立在限制因素上的 (Assumptions are based on constraints.)假设包括那些被认为是正确、真实和肯定的因素 (Assumptions include those factors that are considered correct, true, and affirmative.)第 20 题 (单选/1 分) 对于事业部级别项目, : 指委会主任应由哪个岗位担任? For the project of division Level, should be the right one to take the position of Director of Project Committee? 国代 Country Representative营销事业部/售后 SVP SVP of Sales/After-sales System营销事业部总经理助理 Assistant of Sales System manager产品经营部(SVP) SVP of Marketing department区总 Region Representative第 21 题(单选/1 分) :检验项目工作是否完成,需要使用:( ) To inspect whether the project work has been finished, we need to use:( )项目要求 (Project requirements)项目计划 (Project plan)项目管理计划 (Project management plan)WBS(工作任务分解表)(WBS (work breakdown structure)第 22 题(单选/1 分) :年折旧率=(2/预计折旧年限)*100%,这个公式是哪种折旧方法的公式? Annual depreciation rate=(2/Predicted Depreciation Duration)*100%. Which kind of depreciation calculation method is employed by using this formulate ? 直线折旧 Linear Depreciatio双倍余额折旧法 Dual-Balance Depreciatio年数总和折旧法 Depreciation by sum of the year 以上都不是(None of the Above第 23 题(单选/1 分) :____不是制定项目章程的输入。____is not an input of Develop Project Charter 合同 Contract项目工作说明书 Project Statement of Work事业环境因素 Enterprise evnironmental factors工作分解结构 WBS第 24 题(单选/1 分) :下列哪一项是成本控制的输出?( ) Which one of the following items is the output of cost control?( )成本基线 (Cost baseline)变更请求 (Changing requirement)完工估算- EAC (Estimate of completion - EAC)额外计划 (Extra plan)第 25 题(单选/1 分) :当一个流程被认为在控制之中时,( ) When a flow is considered under control, ( )不应实行调整 (It should not be adjusted.)不应进行变更以改进 (It should not be changed for improvement.)该流程显示了由可预见或通常的原因引起的偏差 (The flow displays the variances caused by predictable or common causes.) 不应由于任何原因实施检查或返工 (The flow should not be checked or reworked for any reason.)第 26 题 (单选/1 分) 项目管理计划 : (更新) 是____的输出之一。 Project Management Plan(updated) is the output of_____. 活动定义 Activity definitio活动排序 Activity sequencing 活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio制定进度表 Develop schedule第 27 题(单选/1 分) :在项目沟通中起主要作用的角色是:_______ The main role in project communication is _______项目发起人;(Project sponsor)项目经理;(Project manager)部门经理;(Department manager)团队成员 (Team members)第 28 题(单选/1 分) :质量核对表是____的输出之一?Quality Check List the output of_____. 质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 29 题(单选/1 分) :类比估算是____的工具之一。Analogy Estimation is the tool of____. 费用估算 Cost estimatio费用预算 Cost budgeting费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio第 30 题(单选/1 分) :进度控制与下列哪种因素无关? ( ) Which of the following factors are independent of the schedule control?( )对促进项目进度产生变化的影响因素进行管理,保证进度的变化是有益的。 (Manage the influential factors that promote the change of the project schedule to ensure that the schedule change is beneficial.) 确定项目进度发生了变化 (Determine that the project schedule is changed.)当变化出现时,对实际发生的变化进行管理 (When a change happens, manage it.)根据客户要求改变项目进度 (Change the project schedule as required by the customer.)第 31 题(单选/1 分) :质量管理有____个过程?____ processes are involved in Project Quality Management. 1234第 32 题(单选/1 分) :用 Crashing(赶工法)来压缩项目周期________应用于关键路径上 Crashing which is used to shorten the project period ________be applied to critical paths.不一定 (Will not always)肯定应该 (Will surely)无法判定 (Will not surely)不能 (Cannot)第 33 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪项是沟通计划编制所用的技术或工具: ( ) Which of the following is the technology or tool used for compiling communication plan?( )项目干系人分析 (Project stakeholder analysis)沟通技术 (Communication technology)信息查询系统 (Information referral system)信息发送系统 (Information delivery system)第 34 题(单选/1 分) :进度网络分析是____的工具之一。Schedule Network Analysis is a tool for____. 活动定义 Activity definitio 活动排序 Activity sequencing活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio制定进度表 Develop schedule第 35 题(单选/1 分) :团队绩效评估是____的输出之一。Team Performance Evaluation is the output of_____. 人力资源规划 HR planning项目团队组建 Acquire project team项目团队建设 Develop project team项目团队管理 Manage project team第 36 题(单选/1 分) :通常在什么时候进行预算需要更新?( ) When the budget usually needs to be refreshed?( )当项目经理知道如果不进行更新就会超支的时候 (When the project manager knows that overdrawing would arise if updating is not done) 项目范同变更得到认可时 (When the change of the project contract is recognized)项目的任何一方重新制定基线时 (When any party to the project works out the baseline again)在应急或管理储备金已使用时 (When the emergency or management reserve is used)第 37 题(单选/1 分) :自下而上的估算是____的工具之一。Upward Estimation is the tool of____. 费用估算 Cost estimatio费用预算 Cost budgeting费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio第 38 题(单选/1 分) :项目章程授予项目经理职权去运用组织资源,这个文件是由谁发出:( ) The project regulations grants the project manager with the power to apply the organization resources, who issues this document?( ) 系统经理 (System manager)职能经理 (Functional manager)发起人 (Initiator)客户 (Customer)第 39 题(单选/1 分) :目标管理不涉及下列哪项内容( ) Management by objectives (MBO) does not cover.( )确定明确和现实的目标 (Establish a definite, practical objective)定期评估项目目标是否完成 (Regularly evaluate whether the project objective is achieved)促进项目的参与,团队建立和实现承诺 (Promote the participation in project, team establishment, and commitment achievement) 为项目小组成员建立特殊的职业轨迹 (Establish a special occupation for project team members)第 40 题(单选/1 分) :对项目工程质量直接负责的是? Who is directly responsible for Project Quality ? 项目经理 project manager工程经理 engineering manager外包经理 outsourcing manager技术经理 technical manager质量经理 QA manager土建经理 civil work manager第 41 题(单选/1 分) :项目质量管理曾被认为只包括检查或质量控制。近年来项目质量管理的概念在扩大。 以下哪一项不代表对质量管理的新定义:( ) It is once considered that the project quality management only includes inspection or quality control. In recent years, the meaning of the concept of project quality management has been extended. Which of the following is not a new definition of “quality management”? ( ) 质最是在产品或服务的设计中实现的,而不是由质检实现的 (Quality is ensured in the product or service design, instead of quality control.) 质量仅是质量保证人员的事务 (Quality is only the affair of quality assurance personnel.)客户要求一种书面方式的,有时是登记方式的质量保证体系 (The customer requires a quality assurance system in writing, and sometimes a registered quality assurance system.) 可以建立国家的和国际的质量保证体系标准和指导原则 (Standards and guidelines can be established for national and international quality assurance systems.)第 42 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪项是项目经理最重要的素质? ( ) Which is the most important quality that a project manager should have? ( )监管经验 (Supervising experience)谈判技巧 (Negotiation skills)技术背景 (Technical background)与人协作的能力 (Ability to communicate)第 43 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪一项不是风险管理计划的输入:( ) Which is not input of the risk management plan?____WBS (WBS)项目干系人对风险的承受限度 (Risk bearing limit of the project responsible person)风险类别 (Risk category)所在机构的风险管理规定 (Risk management regulation of the relevant organization)第 44 题(单选/1 分) :预测技术是____的工具之一。Prediction is the tool of____. 费用估算 Cost estimatio费用预算 Cost budgeting费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio 第 45 题(单选/1 分) :项目范围说明书是____的输入之一.Project Scope Statement is the input of______. 沟通规划 Communication planning信息发布 Information distributio绩效报告 Performance reporting利害关系者管理 Stakeholder management第 46 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪一项不属于项目团队建设的工具和方法: _______ Which one of the following items is not within the range of tools and methods for constructing a project team? _______集中工作 (Centralized working)奖励 (Encouragement)培训 (Training)人员获取 (Personnel attainment)第 47 题(单选/1 分) :在进行项目工期估算时,下列那些将不应考虑 ( ) When you estimate the project period, which of the following factors should you neglect?( )资源的能力 (Resource capability)分配到一项任务的资源总数 (Total resources assigned to a task)历史资料(如有的话) (History data (if any))管理费用 (Administration costs)第 48 题(单选/1 分) :范围规划的输出是_____ The output of scope planning is ____. 项目范围管理计划 Project scope managemnt plan项目范围说明书 Project scope statement请求的变更 Requested change工作分解结构 WBS 第 49 题(单选/1 分) :所有被认可的变更应在______中体现 All recognizable changes should be represented in ( )绩效测定基线 (Performance measurement baseline (PMB))变更管理计划 (Change management plan)质量保证计划 (Quality assurance plan)更新的项目计划 ( New Project plan)第 50 题(单选/1 分) :WBS 最底层的活动称为________ Lowest-level activities of WBS are called ( )工作包 (Work package)子任务 (Subtask)底层任务 (Lower-level tasks)二级任务 (Level-2 tasks)第 51 题(单选/1 分) :在项目的收尾阶段,最多的矛盾来自于以下哪方面:( ) At the closure of a project, which aspect will bring about the most conflicts? ( )进度问题 (Progress)费用超支 (Overspending)技术问题 (Technology)工作界而 (Work interface)第 52 题(单选/1 分) :质量检查也被称为 ( ) Quality inspection is also called ( )控制测试 (Control test) 巡查 (Patrol inspection)统计取样 (Statistics sampling)审核列表 (Checklist)第 53 题(单选/1 分) :采购文件是____的输出之一。Procurement document is the output of____. 采购规划 Plan purchase and acquisitions发包规划 Plan contractor询价 Inquiry卖方选择 Select seller第 54 题(单选/1 分) :如果资源部门经理告诉你,你需要在 3 月份获得的人员,一直到 5 月份才能到,你 会:_______ If the manager of a resource department tells you that the personnel you need in March can be obtained till May, you will_______接受并重新安排项目;(Accept and re-)让你的直接领导帮忙;(Resort to your i)要求上级提高你的项目优先级;(Ask your superior to raise the priority of your project)和资源部门经理一起工作,制定应急计划 (Work together with the manager of the resource department to work out an emergency plan)第 55 题(单选/1 分) :下面哪一项不是四大风险应对策略之一:( ) Which of the following options does not belong to the four major risk handling strategies? _____规避 (Evasion)减轻 (Alleviation)接受 (Accept)控制 (Control) 第 56 题(单选/1 分) :与其他人商谈,达到一致的过程称为: ( ) The process to reach agreement by consulting with others is called ( )双赢 (Win-win)谈判 (Negotiation)获得赞同 (Obtain approval)对抗 (Confrontation)第 57 题(单选/1 分) :质量成本是____的工具之一。Quality Cost is the tool of____. 费用估算 Cost estimation费用预算 Cost budgeting费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio第 58 题(单选/1 分) :项目经理使成员工作地点不一致的小组发挥最佳工作效率的重要方式是:( ) The most important approach a project manager uses to maximize the working efficiency of the teams who members work in different places is( )建立信任 (To build trust)建立奖励业绩认可制度 (To establish an encouragement and performance recognition system)争取获得其他工作地点的职能经理的支持 (To strive for obtaining the support from the functional managers in other working places) 项目经理运用权力控制项目所有方面 (That the project manager controls every aspect of a project using its power)第 59 题(单选/1 分) :在下列哪个项目阶段会发生最严重的不确定性?( ) Which of the following project stage is vulnerable to the most severe uncertainty?( )计划阶段 (Plan stage)设计阶段 (Design stage) 执行阶段 (Implementation stage)结束阶段 (Completion stage)第 60 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪项不是非正式的书面沟通方式: ( ) Which of the following is not the informal written communication mode: ( )工程师的便条 (Engineer's note)电子邮件 (Email)管理计划 (Management plan)备忘录 (Memo)第 61 题(单选/1 分) :测量和报告项目进度表现的基础是:( ) The basis of measuring and reporting the project schedule performance is .( )项目进度的基线 (Baseline of the schedule)项目进度修改建议的数量 (Number of change suggestions on the project schedule)事件和工作计划与事实的区别 (Difference between events/work plan and facts)技术基线 (Technical baseline)第 62 题(单选/1 分) :进行风险分析时对风险进行排序,考虑什么因素?( ) What factor should be considered for sorting risks at risk analysis?( )风险发生的概率 (Risk occurrence probability)风险的后果 (Risk result)风险应对措施的成本 (Cost or risk handling measure)风险概率与风险后果的共同作用 (Joint effect of risk probability and risk result)第 63 题(单选/1 分) :项目时间管理包括____个过程 Time Management includes ___ proecess. 3 456第 64 题(单选/1 分) :项目容易受到风险的影响,这是因为:( ) The project is easily affected by risk, because:( )墨非规则阐述到:如果一件事情可能会出问题,它就会出问题(Murphy’s law sets forth: If a problem may occur to a matter, it will occur surely.) 每一个项目在某些方面都是特殊的 (Each project is special in some aspect.)在项目队伍层面上,项目管理工作通常是无法获得的 (The project management work cannot be obtained usually in terms of the project team layer.) 总是没有充足的资源来完成工作 (There are always no sufficient resources for completing work.)第 65 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪项是质量控制的输出 ( ) Which of the following is the output of quality control?( )统计取样 (Statistics sampling)质量管理计划 (Quality management plan)工作结果 (Work result)计划调整 (Plan adjustment)第 66 题(单选/1 分) :采购管理计划是____的输出之一。Procurement Management Plan is the output of____. 采购规划 Plan purchase and acquisitons发包规划 Plan contraction询价 Inquiry卖方选择 Select seller 第 67 题(单选/1 分) :质量控制图表主要用来帮助 ( ) The quality control chart is used to.( )监控随时间推移发生的流程变化 (Monitor the flow that varies with time)衡量一致程度 (Measure the consistency)确定是否结果一致 (Determine the consistency of results)确定是否结果与要求一致 (Determine whether the results are consistent with the requirements)第 68 题(单选/1 分) :客户要求进行范围变更。为了分析变更对项目的影响,项目经理应该回顾工作分解 结构、变更请求、范围管理计划和_______? In order to analyze the influence on the project caused by the change, the PM should review the work breakdown structure, change request, scope management plan and_______绩效报告 (Performance report )职责分配矩阵 (Responsibility allocation matrix)帕累托图 (Pareto chart)蒙特卡洛模拟 (Monte Carlo simulation) 项目经理应该:第 69 题(单选/1 分) :关于项目沟通环境的陈述,哪一项是正确的? ( ) Which of the following is correct about the statement of communication environment?( )项目经理对信息的发送和接收承担主要责任 (The project manager takes primary responsibility for sending and receiving information) 有效率的会议,项目作战室和强矩阵能促进有效的沟通 (The effective communication can be enhanced by efficient meeting, project war room and strong matrix.) 如果一个项目中有 12 个人,则有 48 条潜在的沟通渠道存在 (If there are 12 persons in a project, then there are potentially 48 communication channels) 大多的项目经理将他们工作时间的 30%用于沟通 (Most project managers spend 30% of their working time in communicating)第 70 题(单选/1 分) :资源计划的目的是( ) The resource plan is aimed at ( ) 决定进行项目工作的物质资源 (Determining the material resources for the project)估计完成项目所需的资源成本 (Estimating the cost of the resources needed to complete the project)决定有可能得到的资源 (Deciding the resources that may be obtained)估计有关项目所用的资源的组织方式 (Estimating the organizing mode for the resources used by the related project)第 71 题(单选/1 分) :下面中的哪一项不是项目历时估算的方法?_______ Which of the following items is not the method of project duration estimation? _______类比法 ( Analogy)Delphi 法 (Delphi technique专家判定 (Expert judgment帕累托法 ( Pareto technique)第 72 题 (单选/1 分) 项目人力资源管理有____个过程?____ process are involved in Project HR Management : 1234第 73 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪一项是项目队伍建设的基本原则( ) Which one of the following items is the basic principle for building a project team?( )进行经常性的执行情况评估 (Conduct the frequent assessments on the implementation)确保项目队伍每位成员除了向项目经理汇报之外同时向职能经理汇报 (Make sure that each member to a project team reports to the functional manager in addition to reporting to the project manager) 尽早组建项目团队 (Build a project team as soon as possible)解决成员间的政治分歧 (Solve the political divergence among the members) 第 74 题(单选/1 分) :下列文档都对项目范围和任务进行了描述,其描述详细程度从粗略到细致的顺序是: ________ The sequence from roughness to detail of the following documents in describing the project scope and tasks is ( )工作范围说明书, 立项报告, 活动清单, WBS (Work scope specification, project initiation report, activity list, WBS) 立项报告, 工作范围说明书, 活动清单, WBS (Project initiation report, work scope specification, activity list, WBS) 立项报告, 工作范围说明书, WBS, 活动清单 (Project initiation report, work scope specification, WBS, activity list) 立项报告, , WBS, 工作范围说明书, 活动清单 (Project initiation report, WBS, work scope specification, activity list)第 75 题(单选/1 分) :项目文档是: ( ) Project document refers to ( )项目产品的文档化 (Document of project product)关于项目的教训 (Experience on the project)一整套有索引的项目记录 (A whole set of indexed records)只对组织中最重要,最复杂的项目进行 (Made for the most important and complicated projects for the organization)第 76 题(单选/1 分) :质量控制应 ( ) The quality control should :( )在项目的产品是完整的并无缺陷时进行 (Performed when the products of the project are intact, without any defect.) 在项目整个过程中进行 (Performed in the whole project process)在客户接受前的最后阶段进行 (Performed in the last stage before the customer’s acceptance)在质量保证部门的要求下进行 (Performed as required by the quality department) 第 77 题(单选/1 分) :在工作范围未改变前提下,实际成本超出了合同中所预计的成本,这称为:( ) Under the precondition that the work scope is unvaried, the actual cost exceeds the one estimated in the contract, which is called: ( )成本逐步增加 (Gradual increase of cost)成本增长率 (Cost growth rate)成本超支 (Cost overspending)成本风险 (Cost risk)第 78 题(单选/1 分) :五大管理过程组是启动、计划、执行、________、收尾 The five major management processes include startup, plan, execution, ________, and closing.实施 (Implementation)测试 ( Test)控制 (Control)评审 (Review)第 79 题(单选/1 分) :项目费用管理有____个过程?____ processes are involved in Project Cost Management. 1234第 80 题 (单选/1 分) 规划设计经理应属于哪个子团队? Which sub-team should Plan&Design Manager belong : to ? 合同交付子团队 Sub-team of contract consignment技术方案子团队 Sub-team of technical solutio市场商务团队 Sub-team of business affairs 项目管理核心团队 core team of project management成本控制团队 team of cost contro外包子团队 sub-team of outsourcing management第 81 题(单选/1 分) :成本预算的目的是( ) The purpose of the cost budget is ( )决定完成项目工作所需资源的成本,并把它们分配到适当的组织图表中 (To decide the cost of the resources needed by the project work, and allocate them to an appropriate organization chart) 监控成本状况以发现与计划的偏离 (To monitor the cost status to discover its deviation from the plan)将总成本分配到每个工作项目上来确立成本基线,并以此为依据测算项目绩效 (To allocate the total cost to each work project to determine the cost baseline, on the basis of which the project performance can be measured) 将资金成本限制在最小 (To limit the capital cost to the minimum)第 82 题(单选/1 分) :项目干系人管理的主要目标是:( ) The project stakeholder management is to ( )找出所有的潜在客户,确保进行完整的项目需求分析 (Find all potential customers and ensure that the project requirement analysis is 就干系人关心的问题提出一系列答案,以应对他们对项目的批评 (Give answers to the questions put forward by stakeholders to cope with their criticism on the project.) 积极控制干系人可能对项目影响 (Proactively control the effect work of stakeholders to the project)如果项目进度延期或项目投资超出预算,保持与干系人的良好关系 (If the project is delayed or the project investment exceeds the budget, keep a good relationship with stakeholders.)第 83 题(单选/1 分) :下列活动中,那些不便用项目管理的方式做?( ) Which of the following activities is the project management not applicable to? ( )在有生之年环游全球 (World travel in the rest life time) 在毕业前寻找一份工作 (Seeking a job before graduation)二个月内完成家庭装修 (Completion of house decoration within two months)三个月内开发一项新的技术应用 (Developing a new technical application within three months)第 84 题(单选/1 分) :在下列哪一个阶段项目发起人对项目的范围、质量、时间和成本有最大的影响力:( ) In which stage the project sponsor has the greatest influence on the project scope, quality, time, and cost? ( )启动阶段 (Startup stage)计划阶段 (Planning stage)实施阶段 (Implementation stage)收尾阶段 (Closing stage)第 85 题(单选/1 分) :在以下哪种项目组织中,项目经理将可能对项目资源进行最严格的控制( ) In which one of the following project organizations, the project manager will be able to impose the strictest control over the project resources?( )强矩阵组织 (Strong matrix organization)项目型组织 (Project-type organization)项目协调组织 (Project coordination organization)弱矩阵组织 (Weak matrix organization)第 86 题(单选/1 分) :你认识到了质量控制对于你的项目的重要性。然而,你同时也知道质量控制有相关 的成本而项目的预算是有限的。一个降低质量控制成本的方法是( ) You have realized the importance of quality control to your project. Meanwhile, you know that quality control brings about a related cost, and that the project budget is limited. One method of reducing quality control cost is to ()使用统计样本 (Apply statistics sampling)对全程进行监督 (Monitoring the whole process)使用趋势分析 (Apply the trend analysis) 第 87 题(单选/1 分) :项目经理要尽量参加项目谈判的目的主要是 The project manager should try to participate in the negotiation as much as possible with a primary purpose as to了解价格和付款方式 (Know about the price and mode of payment)了解谈判各方的承诺 (Know the commitments made by parties to the negotiation)了解谈判过程中发生的变化 (Know the changes occurred during the negotiation)B 和 C (B and C)第 88 题(单选/1 分) :下列哪个因素不是进度控制的输入 ( ) Which of the following factors is not the input of schedule control? ( )进度计划改变控制系统 (Schedule change control system)变更的要求 (Change requirement)进度管理计划 (Schedule management plan)执行结果报告 (Execution result report)第 89 题(单选/1 分) :为了提高效率,风险管理过程应该:( ) To improve efficiency, the risk management process should:( )主要应用于概率阶段和收尾阶段,在实施阶段和计划阶段酌量实施 (Be applied to the probability phase and wind-up phase, and it should be implemented in light of the requirement in the implementation phase and plan phase.) 贯彻于项目的整个过程、系统分解的所有层次和项目组织的所有层次 (Be carried out through the whole project process, all the layers of system breakdown and all the layers of project organization.) 包括聚集一部分项目干系人来识别风险并开发风险略化策略 (Gather some project responsible persons to identify risk and develop risk strategies.) 侧重于高级经理认为最为关键的风险 (Put an emphasis on the risk that is deemed as key by the senior manager.)第 90 题(单选/1 分) :项目小组的人员建设应考虑:( ) The personnel construction for a project team should involve:( ) 全面管理的技巧 (The skills for comprehensive management)项目计划 (Project plan)确定进度表,使小组成员明确特定的工作任务及职责 (Fix a schedule to define the specific jobs and responsibilities for the team members) 鼓励机制和工作业绩认可制度 (Set up an encouragement mechanism and a performance recognition system)第 91 题(单选/1 分) :可交付成果是____的输入之一 Deliverable is the input of____. 沟通规划 Communication planning信息发布 Information distributio绩效报告 Performance reporting利害关系者管理 Stakeholder management第 92 题 (单选/1 分)沟通管理计划是____的输入之一 Communication Management Plan is the input of______. : 沟通规划 Communication planning信息发布 Information distributio绩效报告 Performance reporting利害关系者管理 Stakeholder management第 93 题(单选/1 分) :要创造易于接受的沟通环境,项目经理应该:( ) To create an acceptable communication environment, the project manager should ( )确保所有的沟通都是清晰并易于理解的 (Make sure all the communications are clear and easy to understand) 以他(她)喜欢的表达方式表达 ( To express in his or her way)让整个项目以往准备项目沟通计划 (Let the whole project prepare the communication plan)确保队伍成员获得他们工作所需要的信息 (Make sure the team members obtain the information they need for their work)第 94 题(单选/1 分) :以下哪一条术语用来描述买方或卖方没有执行部分或全部的合同?( ) Which of the following terms is used to describe the contract that the buyer or seller does not execute partially or fully? ( )合同的结束 (Contract ending)部分执行 (Partial execution)违约 (Breach of contract)弃权(Waiver)第 95 题(单选/1 分) :假设条件、限制条件、例外情况、依赖条件应在_______中清楚描述 Assumptions, constraints, exceptions, and dependencies should clearly be stated in _______立项报告 (Project initiation report)项目范围说明书 (Scope statement)WBS(工作任务分解表)(WBS)活动定义 (Activity definition)第 96 题(单选/1 分) :关健任务的时差是 ( ) The slack for a critical task is( )小于 1 小时 (Less than one hour)小于 1 天 (Less than one day)0 (0)大于 1 天 (Greater than one day)第 97 题(单选/1 分) :项目管理软件是____的工具之一。Project Management Software is the tool of____. 费用估算 Cost estimatio费用预算 Cost budgeting 费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio第 98 题(单选/1 分) :项目采购管理有____个过程?____ processes are included in Project Procurement Management. 3456第 99 题(单选/1 分) :质量管理计划是____的输出之一?Quality Plan is the output of_____. 质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 100 题 (单选/1 分)项目管理知识体系指南每______年更新一次版本?PMBOK is updated every____years. : 1234第 1 题(单选/1 分):质量控制应 ( ) The quality control should :( )在项目的产品是完整的并无缺陷时进行 (Performed when the products of the project are intact, without any defect.)在项目整个过程中进行 (Performed in the whole project process) 在客户接受前的最后阶段进行 (Performed in the last stage before the customer’s acceptance)在质量保证部门的要求下进行 (Performed as required by the quality department)第 2 题(单选/1 分):规划会议和分析是_____的工具之一。Planning Meeting and Analysis is a tool of ____.风险管理规划 Risk Management Pla风险识别 Risk Identificatio定性风险分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis定量风险分析 Quantative Risk Analysis第 3 题(单选/1 分):以下选项中哪项不是开工会议的目标:( ) Which of the following is not the objective of kickoff meeting? ( )建立工作关系和交流渠道 (Establish working relations and exchange channels)回顾审查项目计划 (Review scrutiny plan)确立个人和团队的责任 (Determine responsibilities of individuals and team)讨论有关合同的具体法律问题 (Discuss the legal issues concerning the contract)第 4 题(单选/1 分):合同是____的输出之一。Contract is the output of____.采购规划 Plan purchase and acquisitons发包规划 Plan contractior询价 Inquiry卖方选择 Select seller第 5 题(单选/1 分):项目管理计划(更新)是____的输出之一。Project Management Plan(updated) is the output of_____.活动定义 Activity definitio活动排序 Activity sequencing 活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio制定进度表 Develop schedule第 6 题(单选/1 分):项目计划执行结果包括:( ) The execution results of a project plan include ( )工作结果和变更请求 (Work result and change request)更新了的项目计划和纠正措施 (Updated project plan and correction measures)基线变更和工作授权 (Baseline change and work authorization)额外的计划和结果 (Additional plan and results)第 7 题(单选/1 分):质量核对表是____的输出之一?Quality Check List the output of_____.质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 8 题(单选/1 分):ADM 是____的工具之一。ADM is a tool for____.活动定义 Activity definitio活动排序 Activity sequencing活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimatio第 9 题(单选/1 分):要创造易于接受的沟通环境,项目经理应该:( ) To create an acceptable communication environment, the project manager should ( )确保所有的沟通都是清晰并易于理解的 (Make sure all the communications are clear and easy to understand)以他(她)喜欢的表达方式表达 ( To express in his or her way) 让整个项目以往准备项目沟通计划 (Let the whole project prepare the communication plan)确保队伍成员获得他们工作所需要的信息 (Make sure the team members obtain the information they need for their work)第 10 题(单选/1 分):合同的正式验收和收尾通常在以下哪个文件中被限定:( ) In which file the formal acceptance and closure of a contract are specified?( )建议书 (Proposal)工作说明 (Work description)合同 (Contract)采购审计报告 (Purchase audit report)第 11 题 (单选/1 分) ____将工作包与组织单位联系起来。 : ____relates work package with organization.材料清单 BOM组织分解结构 OBS风险分解结构 RBS资源分解结构 RBS第 12 题(单选/1 分):____按照种类和形式而对将用于项目的资源进行划分。_____classify resources according to the sort and form of the resource.材料清单 BOM组织分解结构 OBS风险分解结构 RBS资源分解结构 RBS第 13 题(单选/1 分):项目文档是: ( ) Project document refers to ( )项目产品的文档化 (Document of project product) 关于项目的教训 (Experience on the project)一整套有索引的项目记录 (A whole set of indexed records)只对组织中最重要,最复杂的项目进行 (Made for the most important and complicated projects for the organization)第 14 题(单选/1 分):作为项目经理,为使下属做好他们的工作,需要( ) To make his/her subordinates to do their job well, the project manager should( )激励 (Encourage)安排他愿意做的工作 (Assign the work they are willing to do)安排他能够胜任的工作 (Assign the work for which they are competent)发展私人友谊 (Develop the private friendship)第 15 题(单选/1 分):项目进度计划作为项目进度控制的输入性因素是因为:( ) A project schedule is an input of project schedule control because .( )展示对项目进度变化是如何管理的 (It shows how the project schedule change is managed.)提供有关项目进度执行的信息 (It provides information on the execution of the project schedule.)作为项目进度的基线 (It is the baseline of the project schedule.)确定是否需要修改项目进度 (It determines whether to change the project schedule.)第 16 题(单选/1 分):在某些情况下,合同结束是指:( ) In some circumstances, the contract ending refers to ( )在双方的协议下合同结束 (Under the agreement by both parties)在发送货物或服务后合同结束 (After sending goods or services)在成功的执行后合同结束 (After successfully executing the contract)在保证获得最后的支付时 (Upon receiving the final payment) 第 17 题(单选/1 分):质量成本是____的工具之一。Quality Cost is the tool of____.费用估算 Cost estimation费用预算 Cost budgeting费用控制 Cost control自下而上的估算 Upward estimatio第 18 题(单选/1 分):在项目的收尾阶段,最多的矛盾来自于以下哪方面:( ) At the closure of a project, which aspect will bring about the most conflicts? ( )进度问题 (Progress)费用超支 (Overspending)技术问题 (Technology)工作界而 (Work interface)第 19 题(单选/1 分):假定你的项目网络中,关键路线上的某活动可能被加快两周完成。如果实际上该 活动确实提前两周完成了,则:( ) Suppose that an activity on a critical path in your project network is finished in ahead of two weeks. If the activity is actually finished in ahead of two weeks, then ( )项目进度将被缩短 2 周 (The project schedule will be shortened by two weeks.)非关键路线上的可用的时差将增加 (The available slack on non-critical paths will be increased.)加快该项活动可能改变关键路线 (The critical paths may be changed.)项目进度将增加 2 周 (The project schedule will be prolonged by two weeks.)第 20 题(单选/1 分):以下哪项不是项目风险管理的目的:( ) Which is not the objective of project risk management?( )识别可能会影响项目范围、质量、时间和费用的因素 (To identify the possibly affected project scope, quality, time and expense factors)对于所有被识别的风险,开发应对措施策略 (To develop handling measures and strategies for all the identified risks)对于不可控的项目因素提供一个基准 (To provide a reference for the uncontrollable project factor)通过影响可控的项目因素,减轻风险的影响 (To reduce the risk influence by affecting the controllable project factor)第 21 题(单选/1 分):工作包是( ) A work package is( )WBS 中最低层次的一项交付成果 (A lowest-level deliverable result in the WBS)一项具有特殊标准的任务 (A task under special standard)一项必要的汇报工作 (A necessary report work)一项可分包给若干单位的任务 (A task that can be subcontracted to several departments)第 22 题(单选/1 分):在谈判中通常出现的沟通问题是:( ) The communication problems that usually appear in the negotiation are ( )谈判的一方错误的理解另一方的表述 (One party misunderstands the other party’s statement)谈判的一方放弃谈判 (One party quits the negotiation)谈判的一方企图使另一方迷惑 (One party tries to confuse the other party)谈判的一方在听到另一方的陈述后忙于思考接着该说什么 (One party is busy thinking what to say next after hearing the other party’s statement)第 23 题(单选/1 分):项目沟通管理有____个过程?____ processes are involved in Project Communication Management.123 4第 24 题(单选/1 分):柏拉图可以帮助项目经理:( ) A Pareto diagram can help the project manager to.( )关注最关键的问题改进质量。 (Focus on critical problems and improve the quality)关注激发思考 (Focus on incentive thinking)了解想要达到的未来产出 (Learn the desired output)确定一个过程是否失去控制 (Determine whether a process is out of control)第 25 题(单选/1 分):项目小组的人员建设应考虑:( ) The personnel construction for a project team should involve:( )全面管理的技巧 (The skills for comprehensive management)项目计划 (Project plan)确定进度表,使小组成员明确特定的工作任务及职责 (Fix a schedule to define the specific jobs and responsibilities for the team members)鼓励机制和工作业绩认可制度 (Set up an encouragement mechanism and a performance recognition system)第 26 题(单选/1 分):质量控制图表主要用来帮助 ( ) The quality control chart is used to.( )监控随时间推移发生的流程变化 (Monitor the flow that varies with time)衡量一致程度 (Measure the consistency)确定是否结果一致 (Determine the consistency of results)确定是否结果与要求一致 (Determine whether the results are consistent with the requirements)第 27 题(单选/1 分):下列哪个名词描述了造成后续任务推迟开始的逻辑关系?( ) Which of the following terms describes the logical relationship that causes a deferred start of the successor task?( ) 滞后 (Lag)领先 (Lead)浮动 (Float)缓慢 (Slowness)第 28 题(单选/1 分):项目计划的制定应______ The preparation of a project plan should be __________在项目开始的前期阶段就全部完成 (Completely finished in the early stage of the project)在整个项目实施过程中不断反复进行 (Repeated in the implementation of the whole project)在项目开始前就全部完成 (Completely finished before the start of the project)当前任务需要一个计划时完成 (Finished when the current task requires a plan)第 29 题(单选/1 分):返工是:( ) Rework means that( )质量控制流程的输入 (Input of the quality control flow)建立在质量控制测定上的调整措施 (Adjustment measures based on quality control measurement)使不合质量标准的错误向符合质量标准改善的措施 (Measures taken to improve the substandard quality)如果错误发现得早,是不必要的 (When an error is found early enough, rework is unnecessary)第 30 题(单选/1 分):你已经被任命为一个新项目的经理,必须编制一份项目计划。为了给项目提供整 体框架,你决定准备一个工作分解结构(WBS)来说明工作的复杂程度和工作量的大小。但是现在没有现成 的 WBS 摸版可供利用。为准备 WBS,你做的第一步是:( ) You have been appointed as a PM for a new project, and need to develop a project plan. In order to provide an overall framework for the project, you decide to prepare a work breakdown structure (WBS) to describe the complexity and workload. But now no existing WBS template is available. To prepare a WBS, the first step for you is to:( ) 为每个项目的交付成果确定成本和持续时间 (Determine the cost and duration for delivery result of each project )确定项目的主要交付成果 (Determine the main delivery result of the project)明确每个项目交付成果的构成 (Clarify the composition of the delivery results of each project)确定要执行的主要任务 (Determine the main tasks to be performed)第 31 题(单选/1 分):项目核心管理团队处于铁三角那个层面? Which level of the triangle is the Project Core Management Team located?管理层 management level决策层 decision-making level执行层 implementation level以上皆不是 none of above第 32 题(单选/1 分):责任分配矩阵被用来说明下列各项,除了:( ) The responsibility division matrix is used to describe the following items, except:( )有关各方应负责哪方面工作 (The jobs that should be undertaken by the relevant parties)哪些工作单元 (环节) 的衔接需要特别的管理上的协调 (The work units (links) whose linkup requires a special coordination in management terms)需要哪些工作来实现项目的目标 (The jobs that are needed for achieving the project target)有关各方应向谁汇报工作事项 (The person to whom the relevant parties should report the work matters)第 33 题 (单选/1 分) 以下哪个选项, : 不属于团队的组成要素? Which one doesn't belong to the elements that compose a team?目标 objective人 people权限 power 团队定位 place设备和资源 equipments and resources计划 plan第 34 题(单选/1 分):质量基准(更新)是____的输出之一?Quality Baseline(updated)is the output of_____.质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 35 题(单选/1 分):以下哪一项不属于项目团队建设的工具和方法: _______ Which one of the following items is not within the range of tools and methods for constructing a project team? _______集中工作 (Centralized working)奖励 (Encouragement)培训 (Training)人员获取 (Personnel attainment)第 36 题(单选/1 分):项目经理使成员工作地点不一致的小组发挥最佳工作效率的重要方式是:( ) The most important approach a project manager uses to maximize the working efficiency of the teams who members work in different places is( )建立信任 (To build trust)建立奖励业绩认可制度 (To establish an encouragement and performance recognition system)争取获得其他工作地点的职能经理的支持 (To strive for obtaining the support from the functional managers in other working places)项目经理运用权力控制项目所有方面 (That the project manager controls every aspect of a project using its power)第 37 题(单选/1 分):可交付成果是____的输入之一 Deliverable is the input of____.沟通规划 Communication planning信息发布 Information distributio绩效报告 Performance reporting利害关系者管理 Stakeholder management第 38 题(单选/1 分):制定项目计划的目的是:( ) The purpose of a project plan is to ( )制定项目计划文件用于指导项目执行和控制 (Prepare project plan documents to guide the execution and control of the project.)文件化项目的假设和限制因素 (Put project assumptions and constraints into documents)促进项目干系人之间的沟通 (Promote the communication between project stakeholders.)明确主要项目报告 (Define the major project report.)第 39 题(单选/1 分):好的项目目标必须是:_______ A good project objective must: _______是概括而非具体的;(Be generali)在建立时不考虑资源限制;(Ignore the resource restriction when deve)是现实的,可以达到的; (Realistic, realizable)过于复杂的 (Over-complex)第 40 题(单选/1 分):关键路径法是____的工具之一。 CPM is a tool for____.活动定义 Activity definitio活动排序 Activity sequencing活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio 制定进度表 Develop schedule第 41 题(单选/1 分):以下哪项是外部风险的例子?( ) Which is an example of external risk?( )差的人员分配 (Poor personnel allocation)错误的费用估计 (Wrong fee estimation)通货膨胀 (Inflation)合同种类 (Contract category)第 42 题(单选/1 分):以下哪一条术语用来描述买方或卖方没有执行部分或全部的合同?( ) Which of the following terms is used to describe the contract that the buyer or seller does not execute partially or fully? ( )合同的结束 (Contract ending)部分执行 (Partial execution)违约 (Breach of contract)弃权(Waiver)第 43 题(单选/1 分):在从下至上的成本估算中,在什么情况下准确度可以提高?( ) In what cases can the accuracy be improved in the bottom-up estimates of cost?( )如果以前的项目不仅在表面上,而且在实质上与这项项目相似 (If the previous project is similar to this project not only on the surface but in substance)如果应用准确的历史信息 (If the accurate history information is applied)将工作分解的更小 (If the work is broken down to smaller ones)如果准备估计工作的个人或集体有完备的素质的话 (If the individual or collective preparing for estimate has a perfect quality)第 44 题 (单选/1 分) 对于事业部级别项目, : 指委会主任应由哪个岗位担任? For the project of division Level, should be the right one to take the position of Director of Project Committee? 国代 Country Representative营销事业部/售后 SVP SVP of Sales/After-sales System营销事业部总经理助理 Assistant of Sales System manager产品经营部(SVP) SVP of Marketing department区总 Region Representative第 45 题(单选/1 分):以下哪个术语表示合同的成本可归因于某一特定的项目工作? ( ) Which of the following terms is used to indicate that the cost of a contract is attributed to a specific project operation? ( )可变的 (Varied)固定的 (Fixed)间接的 (Indirect)直接的 (Direct)第 46 题(单选/1 分):在冲突解决策略中能得到双赢结果的是_______ From which _______ the win-win result can be achieved from the conflict solution strategy?求同存异 (Seek common points while reserving differences)折衷 (Compromise)撤退 (Withdrawal)解决问题 (Solving problems)第 47 题(单选/1 分):项目干系人管理的主要目标是:( ) The project stakeholder management is to ( )找出所有的潜在客户,确保进行完整的项目需求分析 (Find all potential customers and ensure that the project requirement analysis is就干系人关心的问题提出一系列答案, 以应对他们对项目的批评 (Give answers to the questions put forward by stakeholders to cope with their criticism on the project.)积极控制干系人可能对项目影响 (Proactively control the effect work of stakeholders to the project)如果项目进度延期或项目投资超出预算,保持与干系人的良好关系 (If the project is delayed or the project investment exceeds the budget, keep a good relationship with stakeholders.)第 48 题(单选/1 分):范围规划的输出是_____ The output of scope planning is ____.项目范围管理计划 Project scope managemnt plan项目范围说明书 Project scope statement请求的变更 Requested change工作分解结构 WBS第 49 题(单选/1 分):在______型组织中,没有项目经理职位。Which type of organization does not have a PM title?项目 Project强矩阵 Strong matrix平衡矩阵 Balanced matrix功能型 Functional第 50 题(单选/1 分):把客户提出的所有特性都采纳将会导致错过提交日期,质量的下滑,开发人员的 疲劳不堪。尽管客户并不总对,但他们是上帝,所以你应该尽可能( ) If all features put forward by the customers are adopted, the submission date may be missed, the quality may be lower, and the developers may become weary. Although the customers are not always right, they are your God. Therefore, you should try to ( )在后面的版本中满足他们的需求 (Meet their requirements in later versions.)指出他们的错误,让他们意识到应该及时冻结需求 (Point out their errors and let them know that they should freeze their requirements in time.)要求延期交付产品来满足他们的需求 (Delay the delivery of products to meet their requirements.)减少文档工作量和测试时间来满足他们的需求 (Reduce the documentation workload and the test time to meet their requirements.)第 51 题 (单选/1 分) 对项目工程质量直接负责的是? Who is directly responsible for Project Quality ? :项目经理 project manager工程经理 engineering manager外包经理 outsourcing manager技术经理 technical manager质量经理 QA manager土建经理 civil work manager第 52 题(单选/1 分):项目实施人员出现流动,下列那些选择是适当的?( ) What are the appropriate options if the project implementation personnel flow out?( )要求领导阻止流动 (Asking the leadership to stop such an outflow)通知客户和合作伙伴 (Notifying customers and partners)修改项目实施计划 (Modifying the project implementation plan)提高关键人员的待遇和报酬 (Improving the treatment and remuneration of the key personnel)第 53 题(单选/1 分):以下哪项是质量控制的输出 ( ) Which of the following is the output of quality control?( )统计取样 (Statistics sampling)质量管理计划 (Quality management plan)工作结果 (Work result)计划调整 (Plan adjustment)第 54 题(单选/1 分):进行风险分析时对风险进行排序,考虑什么因素?( ) What factor should be considered for sorting risks at risk analysis?( ) 风险发生的概率 (Risk occurrence probability)风险的后果 (Risk result)风险应对措施的成本 (Cost or risk handling measure)风险概率与风险后果的共同作用 (Joint effect of risk probability and risk result)第 55 题(单选/1 分):在下列哪种情况下,需要附加的风险应对措施开发( ) Under which of the following cases is the additional risk handling measure development required?( )工作分解结构(WBS)发生变动 (The WBS changes.)成本基准发生变动 (The cost reference changes.)风险事件未被预计到或者其影响此预计的要大 (The risk event is not predicted or its influence is more serious that the prediction.)项目计划过时 (The project plan is out of date.)第 56 题(单选/1 分):工作分解结构 WBS 是风险识别过程中的一个主要的输入,这是因为它:( ) WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) is a main input in the risk identification process, because:( )确认所有要做的工作,从而帮助识别潜在风险来源 (It confirms all the work to be done to help identify the potential risk source)确认所有要做的工作,从而包括了项目的所有风险 (It confirms all the work to be done, thus including all the project risks.)帮助组织所有有关项目必须做的工作 (It helps to organize all the necessary work to be done for the relevant project.)识别工作包,便于分配责任 (It identifies the work package to facilitate responsibility allocation.)第 57 题(单选/1 分):已经发生,对项目选择的投资是否产生收益,不产生影响的成本称为: The cost which has already occurred and had no influence on future benefit or loss is called ______ .可变成本 \ nVariable Cost固定成本 Fixed Cost 间接成本 Indirect Cost沉没成本 Sunk Cost第 58 题(单选/1 分):持续改进的流程为组织提供了一种创造和保持不断完善的进程的文化,因此,这 样的一个流程必须由以下谁来主导进行:( ) The ever improvement of the project flow provides an organization with a way of creating and keeping a progressive culture. Therefore, such a flow should be led by( )项目经理 (Project manger)最高管理层 (Highest management layer)质量控制环节的人员 (Personnel related to quality control)干系人 (Stakeholder)第 59 题(单选/1 分):什么时候应提交项目状态报告? ( ) When should the project status report be submitted? ( )月末 (At the end of each month)里程碑处 (Milestone)项目结束时 (When the project is ended)以上全是 (All above)第 60 题 (单选/1 分)项目范围说明书是____的输入之一.Project Scope Statement is the input of______. :沟通规划 Communication planning信息发布 Information distributio绩效报告 Performance reporting利害关系者管理 Stakeholder management第 61 题(单选/1 分):帕累托图是____的工具之一?Pareto chart is the output of_____.质量规划 Quality Planning 实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 62 题(单选/1 分):PDM 是____的工具之一。PDM is a tool for____.活动定义 Activity definitio活动排序 Activity sequencing活动资源估算 Activity resource estimatio活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimatio第 63 题(单选/1 分):与其他人商谈,达到一致的过程称为: ( ) The process to reach agreement by consulting with others is called ( )双赢 (Win-win)谈判 (Negotiation)获得赞同 (Obtain approval)对抗 (Confrontation)第 64 题(单选/1 分):五大管理过程组是启动、计划、________、控制 、收尾 The five management processes are Initiate, Plan, ________,Control , and Closing.实施 Implementatio测试 Test执行 Executio评审 Review第 65 题(单选/1 分):概率和影响矩阵是_____的工具之一。Probability and Influence Matrix is a tool of ____.风险管理规划 Risk Management Pla 风险识别 Risk Identificatio定性风险分析 Qualitative Risk Analysis定量风险分析 Quantative Risk Analysis第 66 题(单选/1 分):____不是制定项目章程的输入。____is not an input of Develop Project Charter合同 Contract项目工作说明书 Project Statement of Work事业环境因素 Enterprise evnironmental factors工作分解结构 WBS第 67 题(单选/1 分):项目章程授予项目经理职权去运用组织资源,这个文件是由谁发出:( ) The project regulations grants the project manager with the power to apply the organization resources, who issues this document?( )系统经理 (System manager)职能经理 (Functional manager)发起人 (Initiator)客户 (Customer)第 68 题(单选/1 分):项目管理计划(更新)是____的输出之一。Project Management Plan(updated) is the output of_____.人力资源规划 HR planning项目团队组建 Acquire project team项目团队建设 Develop project team项目团队管理 Manage project team第 69 题(单选/1 分):对项目计划进行资源平衡是为了______ Making resource balance to the project plan is to _____为项目任务分配资源 (Allocate resources for the project tasks) 节省项目费用 (Save the project expenses)计算资源使用效率 (Calculate the utility of resource)最合理、最高效地使用项目资源 (Use the project resources in the most reasonable and efficient way)第 70 题(单选/1 分):采购管理计划是____的输出之一。Procurement Management Plan is the output of____.采购规划 Plan purchase and acquisitons发包规划 Plan contraction询价 Inquiry卖方选择 Select seller第 71 题(单选/1 分):对于风险管理,如下哪个说法是正确的:( ) Which of the following statements about risk management is correct? ( )风险管理的主要目的是变事后为事前,救火为防火 (Risk management aims to make previsions before troubles occur.)所有人面对风险的态度都基本相同 (Attitudes of all persons facing risk are basically the same.)通过风险识别可以将所有的风险一网打尽 (None of risks will be omitted via risk identification.)在风险应对时只需要确定对应对策略,不需要指定对应的责任人 (As handling risk, only the handling strategy should be specified, but not the corresponding person in charge.)第 72 题(单选/1 分):下列哪个因素不是进度控制的输入 ( ) Which of the following factors is not the input of schedule control? ( )进度计划改变控制系统 (Schedule change control system)变更的要求 (Change requirement)进度管理计划 (Schedule management plan)执行结果报告 (Execution result report) 第 73 题(单选/1 分):质量管理计划是____的输出之一?Quality Plan is the output of_____.质量规划 Quality Planning实施质量保证 Execute quality assurance实施质量控制 Execute quality control产品质量管理 Product Quality Management第 74 题(单选/1 分):所有被认可的变更应在______中体现 All recognizable changes should be represented in ( )绩效测定基线 (Performance measurement baseline (PMB))变更管理计划 (Change management plan)质量保证计划 (Quality assurance plan)更新的项目计划 ( New Project plan)第 75 题(单选/1 分):项目预算在下列哪个阶段投入最大? ( ) In which of the following stage the budgeted investment is the maximum? ( )项目计划规划阶段 (Project planning stage)项目计划执行阶段 (Project and execution stage)总体变更控制阶段 (Overall change control stage)项目启动阶段 (Project startup stage)第 76 题 (单选/1 分) 已经发生, : 对项目选择的投资是否产生收益, 不产生影响的成本称为: cost which The has already occurred and had no influence on future benefit or loss is called ______ .可变成本 \ nVariable Cost固定成本 Fixed Cost间接成本 Indirect Cost 沉没成本 Sunk Cost第 77 题(单选/1 分):项目经理要尽量参加项目谈判的目的主要是 The project manager should try to participate in the negotiation as much as possible with a primary purpose as to了解价格和付款方式 (Know about the price and mode of payment)了解谈判各方的承诺 (Know the commitments made by parties to the negotiation)了解谈判过程中发生的变化 (Know the changes occurred during the negotiation)B 和 C (B and C)第 78 题(单选/1 分):以下哪一因素,对项目的沟通产生最大影响? ( ) Which of the following factors that pose the biggest effect on the communication of the project? ( )项目干系人的责任关系 (Responsibility relation of project stakeholder)外部信息需求 (External information demand)技术的可获得性 (Technological availability)项目的组织结构 (Organizational structure of project)第 79 题(单选/1 分):在项目沟通管理的过程中,收尾阶段包括确认项目结果并作成文档,以便顾客接 受项目产品这一过程正规化,收尾阶段的输出包括:( ) During the communication management, the closure stage involves the confirmation of project result and making of documents for customers to receive the project products. The closure outputs ( )项目文档,正式验收和教训 (Project documents, formal acceptance and experience)变更要求,正式验收和教训 (Change requests, formal acceptance and experience)教训,执行情况报告和变更要求 (Experience, execution report and change requests)沟通管理计划,变更要求和项目文档 (Communication management plan, change requests and project documents) 第 80 题(单选/1 分):下列哪一项是建立质量保证流程的主要目的?( ) Which of the following is the major purpose of establishing a quality assurance flow? ( )完成检查清单 (Completion of the checklist)实现流程调整 (Accomplishment of flow adjustment)质量改进 (Quality improvement)进行质量管理计划 (Execution of quality management plan)第 81 题(单选/1 分):关键路径中任何一活动的延期将________导致全整个项目的延期(其他条件不变 的情况下) The delay of any activity on a critical path will ________ lead to the delay of the whole project in the case that other conditions remain unchanged.不一定 (Not always)肯定 (Surely)无法判定 (Not surely)不会 (Not)第 82 题(单选/1 分):资源限制项目是指( ) The resource restriction project refers to ( )职能经理不是在项目经理要求的时间内分配所需的资源数量 (The quantity of the needed resources not allocated by the functional manager within the time as required by the project manager)项目必须尽快完成,但不能超过一定资源使用的项目 (The project that must be completed as soon as possible, but cannot overuse the resources)在一定时间之内完成并尽量少使用资源的项目 (The project that is completed within a certain time but uses the resources as little as possible)分配的项目资源在使用能力上有限 (The allocated project resources limited on the using capability)第 83 题(单选/1 分):下列哪一项是成本控制的输出?( ) Which one of the following items is the output of cost control?( )成本基线 (Cost baseline)变更请求 (Changing requirement)完工估算- EAC (Estimate of completion - EAC)额外计划 (Extra plan)第 84 题(单选/1 分):风险分析最重要的两个对象是风险的___________ Two most important objects of risk analysis are risk __________.原因和对策 (Cause and countermeasure)影响和概率 (Influence and probability)原因和结果 (Cause and result)原因和概率 (Cause and probability)第 85 题(单选/1 分):变更的原因可能是 ( ) A possible reason for change is( )对项目章程的审查 (Review on the project charter)对实施公司战略计划情况的审查 (Review on the strategic plan of the implementation company)项目小组解决问题能力的提高 (Improvement of capability of the project team in solving problems)项目范围定义中的错误与遗漏 (Errors and omissions of project scope definition)第 86 题(单选/1 分):在下列哪一个阶段项目发起人对项目的范围、质量、时间和成本有最大的影响力: ( ) In which stage the project sponsor has the greatest influence on the project scope, quality, time, and cost? ( )启动阶段 (Startup stage)计划阶段 (Planning stage) 实施阶段 (Implementation stage)收尾阶段 (Closing stage)第 87 题(单选/1 分):在与顾客打交道时,项目经理应该: ( ) When dealing with customers, the project manager should ( )在确保项目组织免于法律纠纷的程度内保持诚实 (Keep honest while preventing the project team from any legal disputes)尽力发展友好的,诚实的. 开放的关系 (Develop friendly, honest and open relations)鼓励扩大项目范围, 以使利润最大化 (Encourage expanding project scope to maximize the profits)做任何能使顾客满意的事以争取更多的业务 (Do whatever to satisfy customers to win more services)第 88 题(单选/1 分):最常被项目经理用来解决冲突的方法是:( ) The way most frequently used by the project manager to address conflicts is:( )妥协的方式 (To compromise)解决问题 (To solve the problem)消除冲突 (To eliminate conflicts)谈判 (To negotiate)第 89 题(单选/1 分):资源计划的目的是( ) The resource plan is aimed at ( )决定进行项目工作的物质资源 (Determining the material resources for the project)估计完成项目所需的资源成本 (Estimating the cost of the resources needed to complete the project)决定有可能}


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