
Studentsofboots.com|Boot Fetish| Essay on Boots fetish
&&Essay: Oktober 05
Essay to faithfulness of fetishists
The following Essay builds on the
thesis, that fetishists are
better and more
faithful lifepartner. Dared thesis? Read and create your own opinion.
There is no doubt, that faithfulness is most important for a healthy relationship. In this essay faithfulness describes the avoidance of sexual contacts outside a 2-person relationship. Excluded are sexual contacts, which were arranged unsecretly (open relationship) as well as masturbation. Controversial is, at which point someone can speak of being untrue: holding hands, kissing or intercourse?
The opinion of the author is, that already any kind of affectionate, physical contact (holding hands) commits betrayal
to the partner.
unfaithfulness is the rule in relationships. More than half of all Europeans have been untrue to their partner (of course no one admits). Men and women betray for different reasons. While women many times just look for a strong shoulder, men are mostly fixed to the sexuality.
The old drive of nature of theirs to
spread their own genes as far as possible, stands in contrast to monogamy. For a lot of men monogamy is a half abstinence.
Even today a lot of men feel, faithfulness is heavy burden. Parts of the ancient sexual drive remains. Women have bound men to them with a trick thousands of years ago: the permanent mating readiness. Men came from the class of mammals. Most mammals do not live in a life of long relationships nor relationships at all. Usually there is a fixed time for mating. During this time male mammals fight with other male mammals. The winner gets to impregnate the female.
The winner passes his genes. Male and female part without an oita of stress or arguements in their relationship. And the game starts again next year , but causes the most females to become single mothers. Very well known is the fact, that single moms have a tough life. That has not changed in ten thousand years. The human mothers were looking for a solution, to integrate the men in feeding and upbringing the children. They began using the sexual drive of the men. They offered them sex the whole year.
Through this men began bringing
the killed mammoths back
to the cave. They knew what they would get back in return.: Sex. Sex became more than reproduction. It became part of social life between men and women. The 刾ermanent mating readiness}


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