wear等可穿戴设备 英文的英文各用在什么时候

put on , wear, dress,in的用法
歌 诀   “穿戴”动作put on, 状态wear 已穿上。   穿鞋袜,着服装,眼镜、手套、帽戴上。   wear 用法还要广, 戴表、首饰、花、徽章。   dress接人做宾语, in 后颜色或衣裳。      1. put on (穿上;戴上)表示动作,是终止性动词,后面接穿戴的东西,不能与一段时间连用。例如:   Grandma put on her glasses to read the newspaper.   奶奶戴上眼镜看报纸。   He put on his coat and went to work.   他穿上外套去上班。   2. wear (穿着;戴着)表示状态,用于一般现在时,表示经常的状态;用于进行时表示暂时的情况。例如:   He always wears glasses.   他总是戴着眼镜。   She is wearing a new skirt now.   她现在穿着一条新裙子。   Lingling always wears a red flower in her hair.   玲玲总是在头上带朵红花。   3. dress的用法。   ① dress sb. (给……穿衣服)例如:   She is dressing the baby.   她正在给婴儿穿衣服。   ② dress oneself (给自己穿衣服)宾语是人而不是物。例如:   The child is old enough to dress himself.   这孩子已经长大,会自己穿衣服了。   ③ get dressed (穿衣服)后面不加衣服等词,相当于 put on one’s clothes。例如:   In Los Angeles it’s nine o’clock. People aren’t getting up, washing or getting dressed.   在洛杉矶的9点钟,人们还没有起床、洗漱和穿衣服。   4. in(穿戴)后接颜色(或衣裳),表示状态。例如:   The girl in red is my sister.   那个穿红衣服的女孩是我的妹妹。   Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow. We are going to plant some trees by the river.   明天穿着旧衣服来上学,我们准备在河边植树。      练兵场:   根据句意,用put on , wear, dress,in的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。   1. He often_______a pair of sunglasses.   2. Who is the boy_______a blue shirt?   3. It is so cold outside._______your warm coat when you go out.   4. He could_______himself when he was five years old.   5.Look! Lucy is_______a red skirt and a pair of pink shoes.      Keys:   1. wears 2. in 3. Put on 4. dress 5. wearing   
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音标:[ wxy ]&&发音:&&过去式: wore&&&过去分词: worn&&&现在分词: wearing&&&
中文翻译vt.(wore ; worn )1.穿着,戴着,挂着,佩着,带着。2.留着(胡须等);有着(记忆等)。3.带着(某种表情,气味等);表现出,呈现着。4.磨损,用旧。5.使疲乏,使软弱无力。6.磨成,消蚀成(洞、沟等)。7.消磨(时间)。8.(船)升(旗)。 短语和例子wear eyeglasses 戴着眼镜。 wear one's hair long 留长头发。 wear a smile 带着微笑。 He wears her in his heart [memory]. 他心里记着她。 She is worn to a shadow with care. 她忧愁得像瘦鬼一样了。 much worn clothes 非常流行的衣服;穿得很旧的衣服。 wear a hole in 在…上磨成一个洞。 vi.1. 经用,耐用。 2. 损耗,磨破,变旧 (away out off)。 3. 疲乏,衰弱。 4. (时间,季节等)慢慢过去,消逝。 短语和例子It won't wear. 这个东西不经久。 The metal is wearing. 金属慢慢在磨损。 wearaway 1.vi. 渐渐度过;渐渐消耗,磨损。 2.vt. 消磨(时间);慢慢地磨灭。 wear down 1. 使衰弱;挫败;慢慢破坏;消蚀。 2. 坚韧不拔地克服(困难等)。 wearoff 1.vi. 磨损,磨灭,消灭,渐渐消逝。 2.vt. 磨损,磨灭,消耗。 wear on 1. (时间)消逝,过去。 2. 使恼火;骚扰。 wear one's years well 不显老,显得年轻。 wear out 1.vt. 穿坏,穿旧;耗尽,用尽;使疲乏不堪〔也用作比喻〕;消磨(时间、一生等) (wear out sb.'s welcome (因为访问次数太多等)使人觉得讨厌。 His patience was worn out at last. 他终于忍耐不下去了)。 2.vi. 疲乏不堪;耗尽。 wear through the day 好容易挨过一天。 wear well 经用;经老,显得年轻 ( He is wear-ing best. 他比任何人都不显老)。n.1.穿着,佩戴。2.穿戴的东西;佩带物,服装。3.(时装等的)流行款式。4.磨损,磨坏,穿旧,穿坏。5.经用,耐用。 everyday wear 便服。 There is still much wear in these shoes. 这双鞋子还能穿不少时候。 There is no wear in it. 这个不经久了。 It is the only wear. 这就是现在非常流行的东西。 be in wear 被人穿着;流行着。 be the worse for wear 被穿破,被用坏。 have in wear (经常)穿着。 wear and tear 消磨,消耗,磨损;衰竭;伐采。 wear iron [plate] 耐磨铁板。 wearproof, wear resistantadj.不磨损的。vt.,vi.【航海】(把)(船头)转向下风。n.= weir.&&&&无损... &&&&&&磨合... &&&&&&(时间)消逝... &&&&&&磨成... &&&&&&磨合... &&&&&&异常磨损... &&&&&&磨损,磨蚀... &&&&&&磨料磨损... &&&&&&磨耗量; 磨粒磨损; 磨料磨损; 磨蚀,磨损; 磨损,磨蚀... &&&&&&无消耗... &&&&&&运动服。 ... &&&&&&粘附性磨耗; 黏着磨损... &&&&&&胶粘磨损; 粘附腐蚀; 粘着磨损... &&&&&&补偿磨损调整... &&&&&&容许磨损... &&&&&&容许磨损; 许用磨损... &&&&&&靡损率; 磨损程度... &&&&&&电弧损耗... &&&&&&不对称磨损... &&&&&&英国求购运动服装... &&&&&&婴儿服... &&&&&&缸套磨损... &&&&&&服装流行一时... &&&&&&被用坏, 被穿破... &&&&&&疲乏,耗尽... &&&&&&商人索尔佛基... &&
例句与用法Mrs merrick wore a dark brown dress .梅立可太太穿一件深褐色的衣服。At that time i wore my hair in two braids .那时我的头发梳两条辫子。He wore his glad rags for the party .他穿上他最好的衣服去参加宴会。He wears several worthless orders .他戴着几个没什么了不起的纪念章。The carpet has got worn with use .这块地毯由于经常使用已经磨坏了。Try to wear a color that is less obtrusive .尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。The world now began to wear a different aspect .由此世情就大变了。He wore an air of neutral calm .他表现出一副无动于衷的冷静的神情。It was like a talisman worn in bosom .它就象佩在胸前的护身符一样。Round his neck he wore a green shawl .一条绿色的大披巾围在他颈子里。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the act of having on your person as a c "she bought it for everyday wear"同义词:, a covering designed to be worn on a person''s body同义词:, , , , , impairment res "the tires showed uneven wear"have or s "wear one''s hair in a certain way"have on one'' "He wore a red ribbon"; "bear a scar"同义词:, put clothing on one'' "What should I wear today?"; "He put on his best suit for the wedding"; "The princess donned a long blue dress"; "The queen assumed the stately robes"; "He got into his jeans"同义词:, , , ,
"She was wearing yellow that day"同义词:, exhaust or get tired through overuse or gr "We wore ourselves out on this hike"同义词:, , , , , , , , , , , deteriorate t "The constant friction wore out the cloth"同义词:, , , ,
"The lawn mower finally broke"; "The gears wore out"; "The old chair finally fell apart completely"同义词:, , , ,
"This dress wore well for almost ten years"同义词:, , have in one'' wear an expression of one''s att "He always wears a smile"
百科解释In materials science, wear is erosion or sideways displacement of material from its &derivative& and original position on a solid surface performed by the action of another surface.详细百科解释
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