Their friendship英语作文 had ——over many a year ,but they

From This Side of the Pond: January 2010
Remember when you had an infant and she would wake up every hour upon the hour screaming at the top of her lungs and you would bolt upright in your bed and fly to her crib and throw fifteen pacifiers in her direction until you could get your bearings and figure out if she needed food,
a diaper change, or maybe she just couldn't go one more minute without a glimpse of your face?
And then in the morning your husband would say, 'Oh was she up during the night?' Well that's how I am with the dog.
I don't know what was going on here last night.
I was sleeping (see paragraph above) but apparently the dog had some issues.
And these issues involved drinking gallons of water all night long followed by thousands of trips outside all night long.
And after maybe the third trip out I sorta opened one eye and noticed because husband was not happy.
Did I mention husband has been in Japan and it took approximately 743 hours to get home and he is feeling a little something known as the jet lag?
After one of the later episodes,
which occurred sometime after he tried confining her to the crate in the basement (think coyotes howling) but before he left her in the garage and said it would be best if I kept her away from him today,
I realized something was going on.
What can I say? I'm a deep sleeper.
Our house is alarmed and every time you open a door to the outside a voice tells you the door is open.
And evidently the door was 'talking' up a storm last night.
I was blissfully unaware.
So annoying to the one who is aware.
My pup is usually a champion sleeper so I have no idea why she was having such a hard time. She will be 8 years old in a couple of months which is supposedly 56 in people years. dogs suffer from interrupted sleep the way women do when they hit mid life?
I don't know about that but I do know this
...she and the husband are best buds and I'm pretty certain they will be again.
He just needs to sleep on it.
A few weeks ago I won a little something in the 'I Win You Win' giveaway.
You can read the background
but essentially
started something fun on her blog and today is your chance to be part of that fun.
We are 'sharing' a book called
by Robin Jones Gunn.
Robin (the blogger, not the author) chose this book because as she was reading she could see so many similarities between the main characters friendship (they were originally pen pals and in 40 years had never met face to face) and the friendships we make through blogging.
The book is being passed around from blogger to blogger and I am the most recent 'owner'.
Today it's time to pass the book on to another reader and that's where you come in.
If you have a blog and would like to be the next reader just leave a comment on this post and I'll drop your name into the proverbial hat.
I'll announce the winner on Monday and send the book on to its new 'owner'.
There are a few things you agree to in accepting the book- know when you have your giveaway up and running. She will keep a running list on her side bar of this books journey. This has been fun...don't forget to leave a comment today if you'd like a chance at the book.Finally, in one last little bit of 'book' news....several people asked to see a picture of my 'blook'.
That's what I'm calling the bound copy of my blog.
I wrote about it
and this is what mine looks like-
I did not include comments as it would have made the book too big.
You may have noticed I use far far too many a lot of words.
I also include lots of photos in my blog posts and I'm happy to have them saved in this format.
It's not an inexpensive thing to do but I love it so keep your eyes peeled for the sequel.
I love a clever title.
I can spend a lot of time thinking up blog post titles.
Can you get paid for that?
The weekly random dozen over at 2nd cup of coffee has waiting as its theme this week. Everyone's invited to join in the fun...just post your answers on your own blog and go
to link up with lots of awesome bloggers-
Once upon a time there lived a happy family.
They made their home in a place where rivers run into the bay...s
Have any of you published your blog into a hard cover book?
I did this just before Christmas and I love it.
And I'm especially glad I've inundated you with pictures in every post because who doesn't love a book with pictures?
and I'm happy with the finished product.
And this really has nothing to do with anything except my mom has been reading my 'book' which reminded me that I wanted to mention it here.
Just giving you the heads up....My husband is traveling so I may have more random words than usual this week. Saturday was a beautiful day...sunny and almost mild.
For January anyway.
My husband flew to Japan on business Saturday morning so the pup and I drove to my moms house to spend the night.
We went to church on Sunday morning then drove back to my house to spend a few days together.
That's something I love about my new home...I'm only a short two hour drive from my mom.Speaking of things I love/don't love about my new home...Friday was good.
Several people asked me what repatriation is all about.
I wrote about it in
but in a nutshell...when you move to a foreign country you experience culture shock.
Over time you adapt to your new country's customs, speech and way of life.
You live in the foreign country for several years.
It becomes home.
And then one day you return to live in your real home country.
You experience something known as reverse culture shock.
And every now and then you need to talk about it with someone who understands the feelings and the phenomenon.
And Friday was our day to do just that.
We talked all day.
I only cried once.
Besides all the talking we did a few exercises that went something like this-List three things you miss about life there-1.
the village life2.
British humor and language3.
my friendsonly 3?List three things you are happy not to have to deal with here:1.
ridiculously narrow parking lots and spaces2. a dorm sized refrigerator/freezer that is not frost free3. 17 varieties of lightbulbs in a single houseList three things you are happy to have here:1.
big wide roads and car parks3.
an ice makeretc. etc. etc.
It felt good to talk and laugh and set some goals.
Oh, and to be told we are normal...always nice to hear that.
Have a great Monday!
My Friday is going to be filled with talking.
And a little reflecting.
And some analyzing.
And a whole lot of remembering.
A woman is coming to our home today to meet with the hubs and I as part of our repatriation package.
Sorta like repatriation counseling?
Actually I’m not exactly sure what’s going to happen today but I know she is going to be here all day.
We had expatriation counseling prior to moving overseas and the wonderful woman who met with us way back then spent two full days at our home in Maryland.
When my husband told me she was coming and that we should plan on two full days I remember thinking WHAT?
To talk about life in England?
Where they speak English?
Ignorance is bliss y’all.
But I’m not ignorant on this whole ex-pat/re-pat thing anymore so when hubs said the person coming today asked for a full day I didn’t even blink.
I have snacks and lunch ready, I’m putting on the coffee and I’m steeling myself to spend an entire day discussing our experience as ex-pats and our gradual transition ‘home’.
And thankfully on Wednesday someone gave my husband this -I think it is quite likely I will be breaking into it before the day is over.
It was one year ago today that I entered the blogosphere. What kind of word is that anyway?
A totally made up word is what kind.
Anyway, it means that today is my blogaversary.
Again, the word? Also totally made up.
And aren't you glad to know that after one full year of blogging I can still use so many words to say so little?
I had absolutely no idea what I was doing back on January 21, 2009.
My husband had been encouraging me to start a blog because apparently I have a lot of words and also a lot of opinions and he needed them to go somewhere besides pinging around the inside of his head.
Technology is not my friend but I jumped in anyway, muddled through the set up, and relied a lot on the kindness of my children and strangers.
I remember being completely surprised at my first comment.
Someone who doesn't know me is reading this?
Oh wait, they do know me.
was from our former Young Life leader in England.
Oh I do love those Young Life people.
I envisioned my blog as a journal of sorts and I guess that's more or less what it has turned out to be.
Some days serious, some days not so serious.
I like it that way I think so for now no major changes.
I am trying to post more regularly mostly as an exercise in self discipline...writing about nothing takes an enormous amount of self discipline y'all.
I have a little giveaway going on in honor of my blogaversary (we need a new word here Mr. Webster) and I'll announce the winner in a minute.
I thought I'd steal borrow an idea from Letterman (not a fan anymore, sorry) and do my own 'Top 10' sure to read all the way to the end to see if you won my fabulous prize.
My pretty good prize I mean.
Top 10 telltale signs that you're a blogger 10. You have a camera and you're not afraid to use it.9.
You don't even try to hide the fact that,
yes you are actually taking a picture of your dessert when you are dining out.8. Your family all piles in the car to go somewhere which could be France or could be the dry cleaners...and your child and or your spouse says,
"Mom/Honey do you have the camera because you know you'll want to write about this."
7. You steal ideas use recommendations from people you have never met for paint color, barbecuing pork chops, furniture rearrangement and establishing some new holiday traditions.
A black bear leisurely lumbers through your back yard while you are standing on your deck and you think, "Wow, I hope he comes back so I can get a picture for my blog."5.
You start cleaning out closets, organizing the pantry and finally de-junking the basement,
not because you have suddenly acquired more self discipline,
but because you are thinking those before and after shots will be good for three or four posts- minimum.
4. You re-evaluate your sense of pride and decide yes, it is fine to discuss- your age, the anguish of ab flab, the fact that your internal thermometer has gone haywire, and a whole litany of child rearing issues beginning with potty training right on thru how and when to have 'the talk'.
You're glad you have a pet because not only does she love you unconditionally but also because she can always be counted on for 'material'.
Same goes for small children.
And teenagers.
Really kids of any age.
You begin to pay closer attention to all that is beautiful in this big wide notice and appreciate more of the little things...a changing leaf...a rainbow...a tear.1. You are grateful for the strangers who have come into your life.
People you have never actually met but who make you forget that you have never actually met.
People you would someday love to sit with for coffee or a glass of wine while you have a nice long face to face and heart to heart chat.
Strangers you call friends.
And most especially you know that while there is much heartache and sadness in this world there is also much kindness and joy.
And it is meant to be shared.Thanks for reading...for sticking with me through my move and my moods and my musings...for your encouragement and humor.And now without further ado, the envelope please...well, the tiny little folded up piece of paper my husband drew out of a basket this morning please....the winner is... That's you Lumberjack's Wife...Congratulations!
You can email me your address and I will send some goodies your way.
And yes, I realize I should have photographed the prizes unwrapped
for all the world to see but my favorite little shops always ask, 'Would you like that gift wrapped?' and I cannot say no. I may still have a few things to learn.
So definitely pre-42.
If we’re talking strictly physical appearance then I’d probably want to be in my 20’s again. Why?
It’s pretty simple…my perfectly flat stomach.
However, if we're talking anything other than physical appearance then I would not want to be in my 20s again.
I like my age and with age comes a certain amount of wisdom.
Hmmm…I like to cook and I like to bake.
I make a good Italian Cream Cake.
Lemon bars.
Enchiladas courtesy of my mama.
(My mom is an excellent cook and most of my cooking skill came from her)
How’s that for specific?
We went back to our university for my husband’s fraternity’s '55th anniversary-on-campus' celebration.
We danced a fact it was so much fun that for a minute I forgot I wasn’t 22.
I’ve spent a lot of time with my girls…we’re close.
I try to listen.
I try to remember what it was like to be 12...16...21.
Mostly though I’ve prayed a lot and I think that has been everything.
I married him.
Well I married his clone.
Except 'my Opie' still has all his hair unlike the grown up Ron Howard.
Loved Olivia!
And I know some of you have no idea what I’m talking about but I know Linda will get it.
This makes me bonkers.
I know I talk a lot about the challenges of driving in the UK but I will say this…you never see this happen there.
People get in the fast lane to pass and then get back in the slower lanes.
They do not drive slowly in the fast lane.
And if you drive in the fast lane other than for passing you will very likely get a ticket.
I’m mostly always yellow. Yellow makes me think of sunshine and happiness.
In general I'm a pretty happy person.
Except he also has a bit of the otter personality in him too.
From the same site-
He’s a good guy.
If you were having a party and none of the guests knew each other my husband would have them all bonded as if they were life long friends before the night ended.
Have you ever felt so totally and completely overwhelmed by a task that you think about it almost 24/7 but you don't actually do anything about it 24/7?
Well that is where I am with my scrapbooking/photography.
Holy moly I am the queen of procrastination when it comes to sorting, filing, copying, and scrapbooking my most recent photos.
And I am using the term 'recent' very very loosely.
I mean recent may refer to photos we took in NYC over Christmas and it may also refer to photos we took in Athens Greece in 2007.
And it may possibly even refer to photos taken pre-out of the country move which occurred in 2003.
I did some scrapbooking in the UK...slow and steady but steady nonetheless.
Then we got crazy busy with blogging move preparations and I told myself that I'd put it aside and really get it organized and caught up once we moved.
After all, I wouldn't know anyone in my new little town and I would have hours to fill happily scrapping away.
Well that's not happening.
Somehow I am filling the hours and it's not with scrapbooking.
It's not even filled with organizing the scrapbooking.
We have a huge walk in closet in our office and when we bought the house I had visions of organizing all my scrapbooking supplies in this closet.
We had a closet organizer out to give us a quote on customizing the space and we decided we needed to pay college tuition instead so the closet sits un-customized.
And unorganized.
And I need another quote or at the very least a trip to Michaels and Home Depot to diy it.
I have another huge walk in closet in a bedroom upstairs and half of my scrapbooking supplies are sitting in that closet.
Also unorganized. Then there are the old photo albums and boxes of pictures that have been in storage but are now sitting in my basement.
Guess what?
They also need organizing.
Am I giving you a headache?
Because just thinking about this job gives me a headache. My husband is going to be traveling quite a bit in the next two months and I have decided to make this my project while he is racking up the frequent flyer miles.
I am determined to dig in and make sense of the boxes and photos and supplies currently residing on all three floors of my house.
My husband is neat.
Very very neat.
I know the scrapbook chaos makes him a little bit crazy so he tries not to open those closet doors.
I try not to either but I
see it in my sleep.
I don't need to open the door to know the closet fairy has not come because, oops, I am the closet fairy.
Time to dust off my wings and get busy.
I'm trying to write more in this new year but I'm realizing some days I don't have a lot to say.
It doesn't stop me from saying stuff but when I stop and think about what I'm writing sometimes even I roll my eyes.
We had a pretty low key weekend.
The highlight for me was flipping our mattress around so that I am now sleeping on the correct side of the bed.
We bought a new mattress for our bedroom when we moved into this house.
And we got one of those mattresses where you lay down in the showroom and tell the salesman about all your aches and pains and they adjust accordingly.
And your side of the mattress may be different than your husbands side of the mattress because apparently I have neck, shoulder, low back pain and he's got nothin'. Incidentally I got a new pillow too and voila, neck pain is gone.
Don't you like that I can work a French word into a post about nothing?
Anyway, because we got this special mattress we each have a designated side to sleep on and as it happens when they delivered the mattress I had them set it up so that after 25 years of marriage I'm now sleeping on the 'wrong' side of the bed.
And I didn't even notice.
My husband commented on it the very first night.
We got in bed and he said, 'Why am I on this side?'
We have a set side?
Yes, yes we do as it turns out and after 8 houses and 25 years of marriage I should know this.
And it also turns out that my husband cannot sleep on the 'wrong' side of the bed.
And it has taken me six months of having his knees in my back and clinging to the edge of the mattress to realize that he is never going to be able to sleep on the wrong side of the bed and consequently I will not be able to sleep.
So on Saturday we flipped the mattress and all is right with the world once more.
So this weekend we slept.
We saw a movie.
We took down the outdoor lights since the bushes are no longer drowning in snow.
And you know I don't mean 'we', I mean hubs took down the lights because that's his department.
We made a big pot of white chili.
We napped on the couch.
And we watched a lot of football and tried to decide which team we actually support because we feel a certain amount of loyalty to a number of teams.
This is part of the baggage that comes with a lot of clear cut 'home team'.
On the bright side though, having a lot of 'home teams' means there's bound to be someone we like in the Superbowl.
Which we can watch live as opposed to how we saw it in England which was- we didn't.
It started around midnight so yeah...never saw it.
Plus football is not something the Brits get excited about. Unless of course we're talking about 'football' and then they get crazy excited.
And when I say they get excited about
I'm actually saying they get excited about soccer.
Oh and don't ever call it that should it come up in conversation with an Englishman.
And while the weekend may sound a little bit low key aka boring it was not.
We've had so much going on for the past week/month/year that this was actually nice.
In the words of that ancient Greek
bloggerpoet ,
'There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.'
Just make sure you're on the right side of the bed.
So it's Friday and we don't have any special weekend plans.
Well other than not cooking tonite but that's not really a special plan.
That's more like a standing order.
I never cook on Friday nights, house rule.
I think it's been in place since 1984.
It's been in place long enough that if my husband comes home to find me cooking on a Friday night he is disappointed.
He loves my cooking but he enjoys going out to dinner too, especially on Friday nights.
This quality always goes onto my mental list of things I love about my husband whenever I feel the need to make a mental list of such things.
If you know what I mean.
On Fridays we generally go someplace low key, maybe our local Italian restaurant or more often our local pub.
Did I tell you we have a pub in our little town?
It isn't exactly like our favorite pubs in the UK but there are similarities which we love.
For one thing it's old.
The building is on the list of National Historic Landmarks and was built I think in 1927.
It has wood beams and a low ceiling and the tables are just a teensy bit crowded together.
And they are friendly and already know us which is nice.
The food is pub like steak and kidney pie but they do hamburgers and fish and chips and a few more substantial dishes.
It's fun, kinda like a hangout.
Anyway, back to my not cooking.
Last Friday night I made an exception and actually we all cooked...we made fondue and it was scrumptious.
The daughters bought the dad two fondue sets for is strictly for chocolate.
He loved the gift because when we eat fondue we all think of happy ski trips to Austria and France.
When it comes to cheese and chocolate France gets an A+.
Lets many times have I mentioned French cheese on my blog in the course of a year?
I'm thinking more than a few.
It's highly deserving though so I'll probably bring it up a few hundred more times before we're through.Fondue is a fun family's casual and relaxed and we had such a nice time talking and laughing and remembering and of course tasting.
We started with cheese fondue using the recipe found . We cut a loaf of French bread into cubes for dipping and we also sliced some Granny Smith apples which tasted really good in the cheese.
We had some champagne too because I'm pretty sure when you eat French food you need champagne.
We ate a lot of cheese and afterwards we all felt the need to play a little Wii and pretend to burn calories with some pretend sports.
Incidentally, can you throw your shoulder out fake bowling because I totally did something to my shoulder that night?
After our 'workout' we were ready for the dessert fondue.
It was chocolate and it was heavenly.
We used the Ghiradelli Ultimate Chocolate Fondue recipe which you can find .
You're welcome. We cut a buttery pound cake into cubes for dipping along with bananas, strawberries and pineapple.
The fruit was good but the cake was my favorite.
Big surprise I know.It all felt very celebratory and I think if someone mentions fondue now I'll not only think France...I'll think New Jersey too. And I'll think about my family happy and relaxed at our kitchen table...sharing fondue, talking and laughing and making new memories in our new home in a brand new year.
Enjoy your weekend!
1. When was the last time you craved a food--what was it, and did you cave?
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[image: Image result for new beginnings]
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[image: From this Side of the Pond]
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No foolin'! See y'all tomorrow!
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I love you so much!
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soon be...
Copyright Statement
© Joyce Daley, From This Side of the Pond, . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Joyce Daley and From This Side of the Pond with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.}


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