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shop in shop中文是什么意思
中文翻译店中店,子店&&&&n. 1.〔英国〕铺子;店铺;(零售)商店〔美国用 st ...&&&&店内店&&&&在商店里&&&&n. 1.〔英国〕铺子;店铺;(零售)商店〔美国用 store〕;(大商店里的)特殊部门。 2.〔pl.〕工厂;工场;车间;修理所。 3.(本人的)职业;本 ...&&&&黑人针对实行种族歧视的自动商店采取的一种示威行动&&&&店中店&&&&信托店&&&&寄卖店; 寄售店&&&&检修间&&&&装配车间&&&&一爿水果店&&&&女礼服商店&&&&一个照相馆&&&&零售店&&&&经营商店&&&&商店&&&&宝宝商店&&&&调整车间; 校准车间; 装配车间&&&&成人用品店&&&&代理商店; 工会代理工厂; 工会代理制企业&&&&两栖馆&&&&护身符商店&&&&锚工场&&&&古玩店; 骨董店&&&&古玩店
例句与用法The excellent shop in shop trainings by lucy belle create versatile professional beauty - care managers露丝贝儿卓越店中店培训,造就全方位美容专业经理人The franchise store should sign the product marketing protocol to acquire the qualification of shop in shop training加盟店需签立产品行销协议书取得店中店培训资格。 The reserve franchisee in the shop in shop project and the franchisee host are one combined - community of margin - sharing , which can exert its teamwork performance and achieve many more performance margins , creating a win - win situation店内专案加盟者与加盟主为利润共同体,可共同发挥团队绩效,达成个人与店内更高业绩,共创双赢。 I was one of the special personnel of the first shop in shop training in our company five years ago . the comprehensive learning education program enabled me to have the ability to open a store in the second year following my participation , which fulfilled my dream of opening a store at the first stage我是5年前公司第一批店中店培训的项目人员,扎实完整的学习教育,让我在加入后第二年就有实力开店,完成我第一阶段开店的梦想。 The franchisee can hire and train special personnel for beauty - care marketing , through the shop in shop model , allowing these special personnel initiate their reserve business start - up within
thus the human resource is unlimitedly available , without any personnel cost of hiring cosmetologists加盟者可徵训美容行销专员,以店中店经营模式,于店内创业储备开店,人员不虞匮乏,且无聘请美容师的人事费用负担。 Today , i have the honor to stand on this stage to accept my promotion to be a supervisor , receiving valuable applause a all of these accomplishments should contribute to the beneficial catalyst persons in my life , the executive director chenfg mei - hua . it is she that continuously guides me through the excellent shop in shop training of lucy belle , giving me supportive p hence i can turn into a versatile professional beauty - care manager今天能晋升督导位阶站在舞台上接受无价的掌声喝采及尊荣的奖赏,我要感谢生命中的贵人陈美华执行总监,在露丝贝儿卓越店中店的培训中不断带领我,给予我支持的力量与方向,让我成为全方位的专业美容经理人。 Thanks to the shop in shop training model set up by the general manager in chief , ms . yao , i turn into a professional beauty - care manager from the person not knowing anything about beauty - care and careless about being beautiful , what s worse , the person without any confidence . now , i am using the same model to duplicate many more talent people , to construct my own beauty - care marketing network smoothly , hoping that my transformation will influence many more people , in order to help others while fulfilling my own life - value感谢露丝贝儿姚总经理创立店中店培训模式,让我从一位完全不懂美容也不爱漂亮的人甚至完全没有自信的人,可以成为一位专业美容经理人,现在我正以同样的模式在复制更多的人才,顺利架构自己的美容通路,期望将自己的改变去影响更多人,帮助别人也成就自己的人生价值。 &&
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