linux安装软件问题,libwebkitgtk 1-dev安装不了。我的是Ubuntukylin14.10.

Ubuntu 14.04 用户如何安装深度音乐播放器和百度音乐插件
播放本地音乐或者收听国外的音乐电台,Ubuntu 14.04 自带的音乐播放器 Rhythmbox 完全能够满足,但是如果你想有像酷狗那样的国内播放器就需要折腾一下,还好有深度音乐播放器,这是一款完全为中国人开发的音乐播放器,深度音乐播放器(Dmusic)+ 百度音乐插件=酷狗,但是如果是deepin系统用户就完全不需要折腾了。先截图一下:
(注释:我的系统是Ubuntu 14.04 其他系统没有实验,所以不保证是否成功)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/deepin-sc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deepin-music-player
1、安装 cython libwebkitgtk-dev python-dev git, 打开终端,输入以下命令:
sudo apt-get install cython libwebkitgtk-dev python-dev git
git clone /sumary/pyjavascriptcore.git
cd pyjavascriptcore
sudo python install
git clone /sumary/dmusic-plugin-baidumusic.git
cd dmusic-plugin-baidumusic
cp -r baidumusic ~/.local/share/deepin-music-player/plugins/
运行深度音乐, 选项设置-&附加组件 中启用百度音乐即可
播放本地音乐或者收听国外的音乐电台,Ubuntu 14.04 自带的音乐播放器 Rhythmbox 完全能够满足,但是如果你想有像酷狗那样的国内播放器就需要折腾一下,还好有深度音乐播放器,这是一款完全为中国人开发的音乐播放器,深度音乐播放器(Dmusic)+ 百度音乐插件=酷狗,但是如果是deepin系统用户就完全不需要折腾了。先截图一下:
安装方法 (注释:我的系统是Ubuntu 14.04 其他系统没有实验,所以不保证是否成功) 先安装深度音乐播放器,安装很方便,有PPA可用,不过安装之前需要安装依赖包gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg,可参看这篇文章安装:Ubu
请将我们加入您的广告过滤器的白名单,请支持开源站点。谢谢您。在 SegmentFault,解决技术问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。
Preparing to unpack .../apport_2.14.1-0ubuntu3.6_all.deb ... apport
stop/waiting /var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.prerm: 14:
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.prerm: pyclean: not found dpkg:警告:子进程 旧的
pre-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 127 dpkg: trying script from the new package
instead ... /var/lib/dpkg/ 14:
/var/lib/dpkg/ pyclean: not found dpkg: error processing
archive /var/cache/apt/archives/apport_2.14.1-0ubuntu3.6_all.deb
子进程 新的 pre-removal 脚本 返回了错误号 127
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.postinst: 13:
/var/lib/dpkg/info/apport.postinst: pycompile: not found dpkg:清理时出错:
子进程 已安装 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 127
运行命令行sudo dpkg -C
由于在安装过程中遇到严重的问题,下列软件包的状态存在严重问题。 若要令其运行正常,您必须重新安装它们 (以及所有依赖于它们的软件包):
Utility for browsing, installing, and removing
automatically generate crash reports
for debugging
下列软件包已被解开,但是尚未配置。 要令它们运行正常,您必须借助 dpkg --configure 或者 dselect 菜单中的配置项:
python-sqlalchemy-ext SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for
Python - C
python-pyside.qtwebkit Qt 4 WebKit module - Python
OpenGL window and compositing manager
GTK+ frontend for the apport crash report system
Python bindings for Qt 4 (base files)
python-unity-singlet Python library for quickly building simple Unity
Python module for converting HTML to
Markdown text
python-pyside.qtnetwork Qt 4 network module - Python
store and access your passwords safely
python-secretstorage Python module for storing secrets - Python 2.x
python-pyside.qtcore Qt 4 core module - Python bindings
SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for
Qt 4 GUI module - Python bindings
File type determination library using "magic"
numbers (Py
Ubuntu integrated evernote client
alternative regular expression module
CPython bindings generator for C++ libraries -
shared lib
OpenGL window and compositing manager
- GNOME window deco
Library for OAuth version 1.0a (forked from python-oauth)
Python interface to SQLite 3
下列软件包只是被不全面地配置了,这也许要归咎于 第一次配置它们时出的问题。您最好能重新配置它们。 借助 dpkg --configure
&软件包名& 或者用 dselect
configuration database system (support tools)
SDL bindings for games development in Python
提示你 dpkg --configure,所以你试一下
推广(招聘、广告、SEO 等)方面的内容
我要该,理由是:livecd-rootfs (2.300) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot: revert
removal of python from the rootfs temporarily, since we've manually
re-added it to the seed in order to make walinuxagent work again on the
azure image.
-- Steve Langasek
Wed, 22 Apr :42 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.299) urgency=medium
* Fix snappy motd to not reference 'development', which isn't always true.
-- Adam Conrad
Fri, 17 Apr :03 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.298) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config:
- remove resolvconf, click-apparmor, dosfstools
- shuffle install order around
+ remove click-hook-framework
+ remove /etc/init.d/grub-common
-- Michael Vogt
Thu, 16 Apr :34 -0500
livecd-rootfs (2.297) urgency=low
* fix device.tar.gz generation for snappy
* lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2/livecd-rootfs/cpc2:
- build cloud based images using livecd-rootfs
-- Michael Vogt
Thu, 09 Apr :23 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.296) urgency=low
* ubuntu-core:
- update passwd/group etc for new syslog user
- remove live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/15-pycompile-snappy.chroot
- merged lp:~snappy-dev/livecd-rootfs/core_update
to generate device tar conform hardware.yaml
- add compability handling for current u-d-f/grub when extracting
the device tarball
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 30 Mar :25 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.295) urgency=medium
* forcefully add ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts to ubuntu-touch
builds to make sure the dependency is fulfilled in advance
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 25 Mar :40 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.294) urgency=medium
* add more verbosity to the copy command for android fragments in
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 13 Mar :33 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.293) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot:
- remove libpython2.7 and friends as welll
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* remove all .override files in teh build chroot, else teh buildd machines
fall over.
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 10 Mar :36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.292) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot:
- python2 is no longer required on a snappy system
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
- updated md5sums as the ordering of users/groups has changed with
the new systemd-sysv
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
bump all md5sums to new values, now that debootstrap installs systemd-sysv
instead of upstart the ordering and thus the group numbering has changed
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 10 Mar :16 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.291) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* do not leave some packages in ^rc state on snappy/ubuntu-core
(LP: #1428115). Thanks to Daniel Holbach
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* put FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP=true into /etc/environment on phones, this will
prevent the systems from trying to flash an updated initrd automatically
in case you call update-initramfs or install your own kernel package on a
nexus device where this is supported, please call flash-kernel manually
after unsetting the variable in your work environment.
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 06 Mar :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.290) urgency=medium
* touch: Explicitly uninstall systemd-sysv, to help apt to install upstart
when the preferred "init" alternative is systemd-sysv. Also explicitly
install packagekit to help the problem resolver. Thanks Colin Watson!
(LP: #1428026)
-- Martin Pitt
Wed, 04 Mar :22 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.289) urgency=medium
* add info about /var/log ownership so it ends up in the ubuntu-touch build
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 03 Mar :07 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.288) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* add dosfstools on snappy to ensure systemd can fsck the /boot
[ Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ]
* touch: don't depend on mir-platform-graphics-android and let that to be
handled by the seeds (they can't stop bumping the package name and the
graphics-mesa package doesn't cause any harm)
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Sun, 01 Mar :11 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.287) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* add even more verbose output to
(thanks Oliver!)
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
- adjust the {group,gshadow}_bootstrap values. The audio group
used to be gid 1005 after the bootstrap and is now 29.
* live-build/auto/config:
- add snappy-ubuntu
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* make sure /var/log is always owned by the syslog group on touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 18 Feb :54 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.286) urgency=medium
* touch: forcing package mir-platform-graphics-android to see if we're able
to remove the dependency on the mesa one (until mir is properly fixed)
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Thu, 12 Feb :31 -0200
livecd-rootfs (2.285) urgency=medium
* touch: removing dependencies on a specific mir platform driver as mir can
now identify and load the correct driver during runtime
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Wed, 11 Feb :42 -0200
livecd-rootfs (2.284) urgency=medium
* bump the gshadow hash in 00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early too
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 11 Feb :27 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.283) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* add more verbose output to
(thanks Oliver!)
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* make sure to collect all output of all changed files in one go in
00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early, that way we only need to fix it once and have
all info in the logs
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 11 Feb :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.282) urgency=medium
* update the passwd hash for changed GID of syslog ... also add output of
the respective md5sums to the error message for easier debugging
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 11 Feb :18 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.281) urgency=medium
* add more verbose output to
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 11 Feb :51 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.280) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/02-add_user_to_groups.chroot: use commas
instead of spaces.
-- Lo?c Minier
Wed, 04 Feb :08 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.279) urgency=medium
* Revert changes to post-debootstrap hashes for core.
-- Lo?c Minier
Wed, 04 Feb :09 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.278) urgency=medium
* Add live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/99zz-check-uid-gid.chroot, copy of
live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/99zz-check-uid-gid.chroot with just the
error message changed. Currently, the passwd/group checks weren't run.
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early: also add input
* Core: drop live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/12-add-docker-user.chroot and move
docker user creation to
live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_ add ubuntu user
to docker group in
live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/02-add_user_to_groups.chroot. This fixes
static uid/gid maps for docker user/group.
* Update post-debootstrap hashes in
-- Lo?c Minier
Wed, 04 Feb :37 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.277) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early: add new "input"
group to etc/group and etc/gshadow static maps.
* live-build/ubuntu-core/includes.chroot/etc/resolv.conf: use relative
symlink as suggested by lintian.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
-- Lo?c Minier
Wed, 04 Feb :58 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.276) urgency=medium
[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
* live-build/auto/config: add config for Ubuntu MATE.
[ Michael Vogt ]
* use generic kernel for all ubuntu-core system-image
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/01-setup_user.chroot:
- run chpasswd after user moved into /var/lib/extrausers
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/01-setup_user.chroot:
- run with -e
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
Wed, 28 Jan :08 -0500
livecd-rootfs (2.275+ppa2) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/04-configure_network.chroot: use
'allow-hotplug' for the network config, not 'auto', to work around
systemd behavior that causes 'auto' to delay the rest of the boot when
DHCP is not available on the network.
-- Steve Langasek
Wed, 14 Jan :43 -0800
livecd-rootfs (2.275+ppa1) urgency=low
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
- port static uid/gid setup from ubuntu-touch
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/15-pycompile-snappy.chroot:
- byte compile .pyc files for snappy
-- Michael Vogt
Wed, 07 Jan :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.275) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
- port static uid/gid setup from ubuntu-touch
[ Ricardo Salveti de Araujo ]
* Bump the hardcoded libmirplatform driver version for ubuntu-touch
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Wed, 14 Jan :43 -0200
livecd-rootfs (2.274) urgency=medium
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/400-create-apt-get-warning.binary:
- improve apt-get output
* live-build/auto/config:
- add click-apparmor for system-image
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/400-create-apt-get-warning.binary:
- fix incorrect "echo"
- add missing wrappers for apt, apt-cache
- fix message
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/14-set-motd.chroot:
- update motd
[ James Hunt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/10-remove-documentation.binary:
- compress remaining documentation to save further space.
-- Michael Vogt
Wed, 10 Dec :30 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.273) urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/14-set-motd.chroot:
- set snappy specific motd
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/13-set-locale.chroot:
- set default locale to C.UTF-8
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* add systemd-journal-remote group to touch builds
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 02 Dec :28 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.271) urgency=medium
bump the hardcoded libmirplatform driver version for ubuntu-touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 27 Nov :44 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.270) urgency=medium
* bump version of mir alternative in ubuntu-touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 27 Nov :31 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.269) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/{build,config}:
- create device-azure.tar.gz during the build that includes the
packages for the azure cloud
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/400-create-apt-get-warning.binary:
- display helpful message to use snappy when a user tries to use
apt-get on a snappy system
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/500-move-kernel-to-device-tar.binary:
- do the device-azure.tar.gz extraction here
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/12-add-docker-user.chroot:
- ensure docker group is used
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 24 Nov :15 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.268) urgency=low
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/09-move-kernel-to-device-tar.binary:
- build device tarball with system/ prefix
- include /vmlinz, /initrd.img into device tarball
- include /boot/abi-* /boot/*
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 17 Nov :31 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.267) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config:
- system-image: do not install ubuntu-minimal
- system-image: install KERNEL_FLAVOURS=virtual on i386/amd64
- system-image: use "--linux-packages=linux-image"
- add click-hook-framework
* live-build/auto/build:
- system-image: collect the deivce.tar.gz
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/09-move-kernel-to-device-tar.binary:
- create a device.tar.gz from the installed kernel/modules and
remove it from the rootfs
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/10-remove-documentation.binary:
- strip documentation
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot:
- remove extra packages like libicu52/libqt that are still on the
image because vivid system-image has a dependency on u-d-m which
depends on libqt
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/12-add-docker-user.chroot:
- add a docker user/group into the image (this can go once we have
a hook for this)
-- Michael Vogt
Fri, 14 Nov :19 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.266) urgency=medium
* Move the shorts click package to the custom tarball.
LP: #1386177.
-- Steve Langasek
Wed, 12 Nov :15 -0800
livecd-rootfs (2.265) urgency=low
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/03-boot_with_systemd.chroot:
- only modify /etc/default/grub if the file exists
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 03 Nov :57 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.264) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config:
- also install flash-kernel/u-boot-tools in the armhf system-image,
thanks to Adam Conrad
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 03 Nov :00 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.263) urgency=medium
* live-build/auto/config:
- explicitly set KERNEL_FLAVOURS=generic to get the right kernel
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 03 Nov :02 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.262) urgency=medium
* fix typo in 99zz-check-uid-gid.chroot
* add systemd users to group and passwd files on touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 Oct :28 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.261) urgency=medium
* make diff not exit 1 if we show the diff for passwd, shadow, group etc
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 Oct :25 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.260) urgency=medium
* properly redirect error output in 99zz-check-uid-gid.chroot so it ends up
in the log files.
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 Oct :46 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.259) urgency=medium
* merge ubuntu-core system-image fixes from the PPA:
- add ubuntu-core-libs
- add packages not (yet) in the ubuntu-core seed
- fix resolv.conf
- make timezone, localtime and hostname writable for cloud-init
-- Michael Vogt
Wed, 29 Oct :29 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.258) urgency=medium
* collect changes to /etc/{passwd|shadow|group|gshadow} in the error output
in case they got updated on ubuntu-touch. Give a proper hint what to
change to make the error go away on the next run.
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 Oct :56 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.257) urgency=medium
* Drop the click packages moved in 2.255 from the rootfs, leaving them
only in the custom tarball.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 15 Oct :38 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.256) urgency=medium
* Fix directory layout of custom tarball.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 15 Oct :23 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.255) urgency=medium
[ Steve Langasek ]
* Add support to the ubuntu-touch target to generate a separate custom
tarball as part of the build, moving most click packages into it.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Temporarily install the to-be-moved click packages in both core and
custom databases, to simplify the landing process.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 14 Oct :08 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.254) urgency=medium
* force the right alternative when the libmir*-android packages are
installed, so that accidentially pulled in -mesa versions will not provide
the default alternatives for them in ubuntu-touch images
-- Oliver Grawert
Sat, 11 Oct :49 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.253) urgency=medium
* Update hardcoded libmir*-android installations for Mir 0.8.0.
-- Colin Watson
Sat, 11 Oct :47 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.252) urgency=low
[ James Hunt ]
* Convert resolvconf hook from a chroot hook to a binary hook since lb
overwrites /etc/resolv.conf after the chroot hooks have run.
-- Michael Vogt
Thu, 09 Oct :40 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.251) urgency=low
* create /etc/hosts for ubuntu-core:system-image
-- Michael Vogt
Thu, 09 Oct :39 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.250) urgency=low
* build system-image without recommends
-- Michael Vogt
Tue, 07 Oct :09 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.249) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/06-handle_resolvconf.chroot: Remove
pre-existing /etc/resolv.conf.
-- James Hunt
Mon, 06 Oct :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.248) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/06-handle_resolvconf.chroot: Configure
resolv.conf for Ubuntu Core.
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/07-configure-system-image-client.chroot:
Configure system-image-cli's client.ini for Ubuntu Core. This can be
dropped once bug 1373467 is fixed.
-- James Hunt
Fri, 03 Oct :47 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.247) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/00-uid-gid-fix.chroot_early:
Create some directories which would otherwise go missing due to our
pre-created users. (LP: #1374553)
-- Stéphane Graber
Fri, 26 Sep :19 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.246) urgency=medium
* live-build/auto/config: Use ubuntukylin-live task for ubuntukylin, not
ubuntu-live (LP: #1372731).
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 24 Sep :55 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.245) urgency=medium
* Add two new hooks for Ubuntu Touch to setup sensible /etc/passwd,
/etc/shadow, /etc/group and /etc/gshadow PRIOR to package installation
to guarantee user/group ordering on the image and then to check for any
unexpected change to those files. (LP: #1332538)
Any change to either the initial set of users and groups or to the
post-package-install set will now be fatal to the image and will require
a manual update of the hardcoded user/group list contained in this new
chroot_early hook.
* Bump dependency on live-build accordingly.
* Update the setup_user hook to also take care of gshadow.
-- Stéphane Graber
Mon, 22 Sep :58 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.244) urgency=medium
* Substitute DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH into hook scripts at build time, rather
than relying on dpkg-architecture (which is in dpkg-dev) to be present
in the image.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 23 Sep :41 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.243) urgency=medium
* Updating apparmor features file for Ubuntu Touch
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Mon, 22 Sep :25 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.242) urgency=medium
* get-ppa-fingerprint: Adjust use of
softwareproperties.ppa.get_ppa_info_from_lp to match the new calling
convention in software-properties 0.93.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 17 Sep :41 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.241) urgency=medium
* live-build/auto/config: Use ubuntukylin-desktop task for ubuntukylin,
not ubuntu-desktop.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 10 Sep :17 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.240) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/01-setup_user.chroot:
- Don't modify PAM files directly, we'll let ubuntu-touch-session
do that for us the proper way.
(LP: #1348637)
-- Michael Terry
Wed, 13 Aug :17 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.239) urgency=medium
* Revert part of the last change to ship the systemd hook as .chroot
and not .binary since it doesn't appear to be running properly as a
binary hook.
-- Stéphane Graber
Tue, 05 Aug :57 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.238) urgency=medium
* ubuntu-core: Fix build failure due to missing /etc/default/grub and
provide an fstab that will make systemd happy.
-- Stéphane Graber
Tue, 05 Aug :44 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.237) urgency=medium
* ubuntu-core: Add click-systemd to preinstalled image (currently only in
a PPA, so can't use tasks for this).
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 05 Aug :22 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.236) urgency=medium
[ James Hunt ]
* ubuntu-core:
- Perform in-place edit.
- Allow variable expansion.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 05 Aug :55 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.235) urgency=medium
* Only add the ubuntu-core hooks for the system-image subproject.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 05 Aug :27 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.234) urgency=medium
[ James Hunt ]
* ubuntu-core:
- Don't remove doc to be kind to devs.
- Boot with systemd (temporary method until we have systemd-sysv).
- Configure first network interface.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 04 Aug :43 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.233) urgency=medium
[ Colin Watson ]
* live-build/auto/config: Add configuration for new kubuntu-plasma5
[ James Hunt ]
* ubuntu-core: Run setup hooks as done for ubuntu-touch.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 31 Jul :18 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.232) urgency=medium
[ James Hunt ]
* live-build/auto/config: Enable universe for system-image ubuntu-core
sub-project which requires 'system-image-cli'.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 30 Jul :04 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.231) urgency=medium
* Hard-code installation of libmirclientplatform-android and
libmirplatformgraphics-android to avoid accidentally pulling in the
-mesa variants that are preferred as dependencies of libmirclient and
-- Steve Langasek
Mon, 28 Jul :14 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.230) urgency=low
* lp:~mvo/livecd-rootfs/ubuntu-core-system-image:
- install the "ubuntu-core" task and a kernel when building
ubuntu-core with SUBPROJECT=system-image
-- Michael Vogt
Mon, 28 Jul :56 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.229) urgency=medium
[ Michael Terry ]
* Don't set an arbitrary password for the phablet user. As we transition
to using PAM as the storage medium for the user's password, we can't
expect the user to know about the 'phablet' password.
* And configure libnss-extrausers to store user password information
instead of /etc/shadow.
-- Steve Langasek
Thu, 24 Jul :48 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.228) urgency=medium
* Pass --mirror-binary in the ubuntu- this isn't inherited
from the bootstrap mirror.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 23 Jul :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.227) urgency=medium
* Pass --mirror-chroot-security and --mirror-binary-security in the
ubuntu-rtm case, as the default of /ubuntu/
isn't going to have ubuntu-rtm suites.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 23 Jul :23 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.226) urgency=medium
* Disable apt authentication checks when building ubuntu-rtm images
against dogfood (that test archive is signed, but not with a very useful
* Apply a grievous hack to get debootstrap working against ubuntu-rtm
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 23 Jul :21 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.225) urgency=medium
* Use the soon-to-exist ubuntu-rtm archive for ubuntu-touch builds if
SUBPROJECT is ubuntu-rtm (or ubuntu-rtm/dogfood for the dogfood
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 17 Jul :09 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.224) urgency=medium
* drop extra space in DEFGROUPS variable
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 16 Jul :58 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.223) urgency=medium
* add android_cache group (GID 2001) so that after we switch developer mode
to default to the phablet user it is still possible to adb push image
tarballs to the /cache partition
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 16 Jul :21 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.222) urgency=medium
* Precompiling apparmor policies on touch
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Tue, 15 Jul :38 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.221) urgency=medium
* Adding android_nvram group to the touch image
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Mon, 30 Jun :43 +0400
livecd-rootfs (2.220) urgency=medium
[ Alfonso Sanchez-Beato (email Canonical) ]
* Add media group to touch image
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 27 Jun :02 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.219) urgency=medium
* Drop fdupes analysis: not widely used any more, can be done separately
if needed, and very noisy in build logs.
* Make the output kernel/initrd world-readable in a couple more cases,
particularly relevant to ubuntu-defaults-image (LP: #1334616).
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 26 Jun :12 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.218) urgency=medium
* Install linux-signed-generic directly in live passes rather than relying
on it being in the corresponding tasks.
linux-signed-generic shouldn't
be in a task because that expands to ABI-versioned packages, and tasks
can't be updated post-release.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 24 Jun :36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.217) urgency=medium
* drop swapfile creation for preinstalled images
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 23 Jun :57 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.216) urgency=medium
* ubuntu-touch: remove the previous ugly hack again ... issue is fixed
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 30 May :57 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.215) urgency=medium
* ubuntu- DON'T DO THAT AT HOME ! (and keep the kids away) ...
hack to remove a bunch of initscripts that currently break writable mode.
this needs to be dropped again ASAP (once a proper fix landed) !!
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 30 May :58 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.214) urgency=medium
* ubuntu-desktop-next: Use the Task fields that the archive now has for this
-- Iain Lane
Wed, 28 May :36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.213) urgency=medium
* The EXTRA_ARCHIVES environment variable defined in 2.212 doesn't quite
work properly because it doesn't allow for signing key configuration.
Rename it to the more domain-specific EXTRA_PPAS (which is now a
space-separated sequence of / pairs), and fetch
signing keys for those from Launchpad using python3-software-properties.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 19 May :35 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.212) urgency=medium
* live-build/auto/config: If EXTRA_ARCHIVES is set in the environment,
dump its value into config/archives/extra-archives.list.chroot and
This makes it easier for a
builder to build an image against an additional PPA.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 19 May :28 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.211) urgency=medium
* Add an ubuntu-desktop-next project for building a desktop flavour
including Unity 8 and the applications developed for Ubuntu Touch.
-- Iain Lane
Fri, 16 May :04 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.210) urgency=medium
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/70-reconfigure-autopilot.chroot: Fix test
for whether a package is installed, and check for both python-autopilot
and python3-autopilot.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 16 May :07 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.209) urgency=medium
* live-build/auto/config: Pass any additional command-line arguments on to
"lb config".
-- Colin Watson
Sat, 10 May :42 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.208) urgency=medium
* Adding support for ubuntu-touch i386 based images
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Fri, 28 Mar :25 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.207) urgency=medium
* touch/80-enable-libhybris.chroot: making libhybris the default alternatives
for EGL/GLESv2 on touch
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Tue, 18 Mar :48 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.206) urgency=medium
* dropping maguro and adding flo, changing golfish to generic in touchsubarches
-- Oliver Grawert
Sat, 22 Feb :07 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.205) urgency=medium
* touch/48-setup-env.chroot: QML2_IMPORT_PATH should respect
DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH (as we now have i386 builds as well)
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Tue, 18 Feb :24 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.204) urgency=medium
* Make livecd-rootfs be Architecture: any so that we can go back to the
android-tools-fsutils dependency being architecture-specific, which
relieves us of having to port it to new architectures which don't care
about Android.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 31 Jan :39 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.203) urgency=medium
* Add hostname and machine-info to the writable paths, so that hostnamectl
can change them to create a sane default bluetooth device name.
-- Chris Wayne
Mon, 20 Jan :59 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.202) urgency=medium
* Add the minimal task to ubuntu-core to preserve brand consistency.
-- Adam Conrad
Fri, 10 Jan :36 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.201) urgency=low
* add support for copying goldfish android images out of the android package
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 27 Nov :07 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.200) urgency=low
* use proper quoting for egrep call in click installer
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 26 Nov :56 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.199) urgency=low
* make the click package installation check for proper architecture before
trying to install packages from the list, so that i386 touch builds do not
fall over with "wrong architecture" failures at the click install step.
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 26 Nov :18 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.198) urgency=low
* Double-quotes prevented the previous change from working, so drop those.
Additionally remove an hardcoded occurence of "saucy", instead using
LB_DISTRIBUTION to avoid having to change that in the future.
-- Stéphane Graber
Sun, 20 Oct :57 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.197) urgency=low
* Workaround to make ubuntu-touch build with older android package.
-- Stéphane Graber
Sun, 20 Oct :29 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.196) urgency=low
* Removing the PPAs for Ubuntu Touch builds.
-- Sergio Schvezov
Mon, 14 Oct :15 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.195) urgency=low
* fix the prefixing of click packages in manifest files
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 11 Oct :58 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.194) urgency=low
* prefix click packages in the manifest file with "click:"
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 11 Oct :02 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.193) urgency=low
* drop SHELL=/system/bin/sh from /etc/environment on touch images (urgh)
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 11 Oct :21 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.192) urgency=low
* add click packages to the manifest output on ubuntu touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 11 Oct :41 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.191) urgency=low
* ubuntu-touch: Make writable symlinks relative.
-- Martin Pitt
Mon, 30 Sep :59 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.190) urgency=low
* ubuntu-touch: Add 03-etc-writable.chroot hook to move/symlink files in
/etc to /etc/writable/ that we need to update atomically. At the moment
these are timezone and localtime. (LP: #1227520)
-- Martin Pitt
Mon, 30 Sep :32 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.189) urgency=low
* Explicitly add the ubuntu-desktop task to Edubuntu builds, so that any
ambiguous dependencies resolved by the contents of the ubuntu-desktop
task are actually resolved reliably.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 24 Sep :20 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.188) urgency=low
* ship policykit rules for networkmanager, now that we use it on touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Sat, 21 Sep :02 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.187) urgency=low
* Removing QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN as it is now handled in their proper
-- Sergio Schvezov
Thu, 12 Sep :42 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.186) urgency=low
* drop phablet-team PPA sources.list entries from ubuntu-touch, since we do
not use the PPA anymore
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 12 Sep :11 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.185) urgency=low
* Configure LightDM, if installed, to autologin the phablet user
-- Michael Terry
Mon, 09 Sep :13 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.184) urgency=low
* Revert to always using archive-team.internal in 60-install-click.chroot
This is unfortunate, but "hostname --fqdn" doesn't work at
this stage.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 06 Sep :42 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.183) urgency=low
* Make 60-install-click.chroot more verbose, in an attempt to figure out
why this doesn't work in the datacentre.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 06 Sep :25 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.182) urgency=low
* Log the hostname at the start of the build.
* Fix test for whether we're running in the Canonical datacentre when
installing click packages.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 05 Sep :15 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.181) urgency=low
* Use new multiple-database scheme in click 0.4.3 to preinstall click
* Download core click packages from the right place when building images
outside the Canonical datacentre.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 05 Sep :17 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.180) urgency=low
* make sure the NM configuration mangling of touch images uses the sudo and
not the admin group, "admin" is dead since years ... (LP: #1217596)
* drop a few superfluous env vars on request of Ted Gould
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 28 Aug :12 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.179) urgency=low
* add 70-reconfigure-autopilot.chroot to ubuntu-touch builds, to make sure
the phablet user actually ends up in the autopilot group
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 27 Aug :56 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.178) urgency=low
* Copying click packages to install search location instead of installing
for a hardcoded user.
-- Sergio Schvezov
Mon, 26 Aug :14 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.177) urgency=low
* do not forcefully use the admin group on touch images. this group was
dropped in favour of the sudo group several releases ago
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 26 Aug :13 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.176) urgency=low
* preserve a symlink of media-info for backwards compatibility
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 23 Aug :31 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.175) urgency=low
* move media-info file from /var/log/installer to /etc on touch images.
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 23 Aug :08 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.174) urgency=low
* make sure the bluetooth group has the right android GID on touch builds
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 16 Aug :52 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.173) urgency=low
[Michael Terry]
* Add phablet user to nopasswdlogin group on Touch images
* Switch min uid to 1002 to prevent system users from showing in
the greeter on Touch images
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 14 Aug :47 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.172) urgency=low
* Reenabling click package installation hook.
-- Sergio Schvezov
Sun, 11 Aug :53 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.171) urgency=low
* seems unlike my local build the buildd doesnt get along with links, use
copy instead
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 07 Aug :07 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.170) urgency=low
* fix package mirror in android package install routine
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 07 Aug :43 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.169) urgency=low
* switch touch builds to use the packaged android img files (pending cdimage
changes to publish these from the livefs builder)
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 07 Aug :45 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.168) urgency=low
* drop unity-next PPA from ubuntu-touch builds, unity8 is in the archive now
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 01 Aug :55 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.167) urgency=low
* make sure FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP is set when we post-process touch images
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 31 Jul :53 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.166) urgency=low
* add radio user (with UID 1001 (required by android)) to the default user
creation for ubuntu-touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 25 Jul :34 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.165) urgency=low
* Remove and references to it, it's no longer used.
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 24 Jul :23 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.164) urgency=low
* Run builds under eatmydata.
(This doesn't actually seem to help very
much - it shaves a minute off a 48-minute test build on my laptop - but
it will stop people being distracted by it.)
* Remove, which was never finished.
* Remove all vestiges of and
Requiescant in pace.
* Temporarily disable Click package installation, until desktop/AppArmor
integration has landed properly.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 23 Jul :56 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.163) urgency=low
* point click package install to http://archive-team.internal/click_packages
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 18 Jul :54 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.162) urgency=low
* Ubuntu Touch click package install hook.
-- Sergio Schvezov
Wed, 17 Jul :49 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.161) urgency=low
* drop bashrc mangling from ubuntu-touch builds \o/
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 17 Jul :12 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.160) urgency=low
* Do the same trick as in 2.158 for kubuntu armhf+omap4 too.
-- Iain Lane
Wed, 17 Jul :23 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.159) urgency=low
* make touch images source the dbus session address from
~/.cache/upstart/dbus-session instead of ~/.dbus-session
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 16 Jul :31 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.158) urgency=low
* Under armhf+omap4, don't use the ubuntu-desktop Task, but use the
metapackage instead. The metapackage doesn't pull in the X stack which
allows us to additionally install the special "revert" X stack that we
require here.
-- Iain Lane
Tue, 16 Jul :22 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.157) urgency=low
* add xserver-xorg-input-evdev-omap-revert and
xserver-xorg-video-omap-revert to panda builds
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 12 Jul :34 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.156) urgency=low
* fix build stamp handling for ubuntu-touch (requires an RT to have IS
update BuildLiveCD on the builders)
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 11 Jul :34 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.155) urgency=low
* try to hand the exported $NOW over from live-build/auto/config as
$BUILDSTAMP so live-build/auto/build can use it to write a stamp file
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 05 Jul :50 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.154) urgency=low
[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* Adding ppa:ubuntu-unity/next for Touch to obtain unity8 and Mir.
* Switching to using the maliit plugin provided by maliit-framework.
-- Ricardo Salveti de Araujo
Thu, 04 Jul :08 -0300
livecd-rootfs (2.153) urgency=low
* we do better not try to create something outside of a chroot while we are
in it :P (make sure bootimg's are created in /boot of the chroot and only
copied afterwards).
-- Oliver Grawert
Sat, 29 Jun :28 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.152) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/build: Fix syntax error.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 28 Jun :54 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.151) urgency=low
* use ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd for touch images instead of rolling an
arch specific initrd at build time for each arch (this should save quite
some build time)
* directly create the output file with abootimg, no need to cp it separately
* do not remove kernel packages from a chroot we throw away anyway
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 28 Jun :59 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.150) urgency=low
* export $NOW in BuildLiveCD so we have it available in live-build
* create a build stamp in /var/log/installer/media-info on Ubuntu Touch images
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 26 Jun :31 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.149) urgency=low
* set QT_SELECT=qt5 in touch image environment
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 14 Jun :33 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.148) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/02-add_user_to_groups.chroot: Delete
redundant code to create global static groups, which are already created
more correctly by base-passwd on every Ubuntu system.
* live-build/ubuntu-touch/hooks/02-add_user_to_groups.chroot: Fix
detection of existing groups not to misfire if there is an existing
group with the desired group name as a prefix.
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* drop daily-build-next PPA, according to didrocks everything from there
should be in the saucy archive now, yay.
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 10 Jun :32 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.147) urgency=low
* sync ubuntu-touch customzation scripts with phablet build tree
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 03 Jun :15 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.146) urgency=low
* drop the generic .bootimg from ubuntu-touch, all boot images we need have
to be subarch tagged
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 30 May :06 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.145) urgency=low
* adjust naming of the bootimg files so cdimage picks them up for publishing
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 30 May :38 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.144) urgency=low
* Clean up subarch loop for touch subarches to skip unwanted deps.
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 29 May :24 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.143) urgency=low
* drop all the cleanup code, we already have the tarball and don't need to
clean the chroot.
* add better quoting for update-initramfs and abootimg calls for
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 May :03 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.142) urgency=low
* copy the initrd out of the chroot before we purge the kernel package on
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 May :56 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.141) urgency=low
* make removal of non existing old initrds non fatal in ubuntu-touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 May :18 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.140) urgency=low
hardcode dist in the temporary sources.list of the ubuntu-touch initrd
creation for a test
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 May :34 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.139) urgency=low
* fix resolv.conf for ubuntu-touch initramfs creation
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 May :53 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.138) urgency=low
* also move the sources.list.d dir out of the way on ubuntu-touch
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 28 May :46 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.137) urgency=low
* clear up /var/lib/initramfs-tools/ in the chroot after building initrds
* remove ubuntu-touch/hooks/49-setup-demo-assets.chroot
* handle sources.list in ubuntu-touch initrd creation
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 28 May :57 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.136) urgency=low
* ubuntu-touch: determine the value for $kver inside the chroot, not
outside. Use -c and drop -t with update-initramfs
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 27 May :05 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.135) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* BuildLiveCD: Time out lockfile after 12 hours, which should be enough
for even the longest build queue to clear.
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* add live-build script for subarch specific Ubuntu Touch initrd
and boot image creation
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 27 May :17 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.134) urgency=low
* remove qt5-proper PPA from ubuntu touch builds
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 17 May :35 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.133) urgency=low
* drop online-accounts-qt5-staging PPA from ubuntu-touch images
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 07 May :42 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.132) urgency=low
* also remove from debian/install
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 07 May :53 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.131) urgency=low
* drop hardcoded packagelists for ubuntu-touch, this is dealt with by
the ubuntu-touch seed/task/metapackage
* drop android build script, we will instead use a package
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 07 May :03 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.130) urgency=low
* make sure we build a plain filesystem for ubuntu-touch (this should
automatically produce a preinstalled tarball)
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 06 May :17 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.129) urgency=low
* Disable zsync for ubuntu-touch images.
* Copy binary-tar.tar.gz to $PREFIX.rootfs.tar.gz if it exists.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 03 May :58 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.128) urgency=low
* Don't include lupin-casper in ubuntu-touch images.
* Use gzip compression for ubuntu-touch tarballs.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 03 May :24 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.127) urgency=low
* Install metapackages rather than tasks for ubuntu-touch, since it still
relies on PPAs and those don't have tasks.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 02 May :34 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.126) urgency=low
* drop the super-friends (sorry batman and robin ...) and ubuntu-sdk PPAs
from live-build config for ubuntu-touch, their packages should be in the
saucy archive already
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 02 May :13 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.125) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Add basic ubuntu-touch enablement (based on
patch from Oliver Grawert, for which thanks).
* live-build/auto/config, live-build/ubuntu-touch: Copy a huge pile of
customisation by Ricardo Salveti from
lp:~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/ubuntu-build-phablet, which should
be close to enough for the architecture-independent parts of
ubuntu-touch builds.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 01 May :41 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.124) urgency=low
* drop the namespace in mount options of,
mount does not like that
* actually give chroot a rootdir when calling it
* make sure /dev/pts exists in the chroot before mounting something on it
* make umount lazy
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 16 Apr :53 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.123) urgency=low
* fix typos in debootstrap line of
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 16 Apr :44 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.122) urgency=low
* redo to use its own build chroot since we can not
add universe support to the livefs builder chroot
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 15 Apr :32 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.121) urgency=low
* enable universe in the build chroot
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 15 Apr :55 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.120) urgency=low
* fix typo in shebang of
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 15 Apr :08 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.119) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* BuildLiveCD: Link livecd-${NOW}-${ARCH}.out to livecd-${ARCH}.out, to
make it easier for cdimage to fetch the latest build log for failure
notification mails.
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* the android build system is sadly full of bashisms (even though it has
generic .sh suffixes and no shebang line) until this is fixed use a
/bin/bash shebang
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 11 Apr :08 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.118) urgency=low
* normalize the naming scheme for output
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 28 Mar :18 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.117) urgency=low
* make also create $subarch-system.img
$subarch-recovery.img and $subarch-boot.img
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 28 Mar :06 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.116) urgency=low
* add new arg (-t) to enable Ubuntu Touch android cross builds which calls a
newly added script ( to cross build android base
images for Ubuntu Touch on an amd64 builder.
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 28 Mar :12 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.115) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Run the ubuntukylin-default-settings chroot
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 27 Mar :51 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.114) urgency=low
* Revert changes in 2.113.
This needs to be done in cdimage/debian-cd
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 14 Mar :48 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.113) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Set gfxboot default language to zh_CN for
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 14 Mar :38 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.112) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Add ubuntu-gnome project (LP: #1152818)
-- Jeremy Bicha
Wed, 13 Mar :23 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.111) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Add ubuntukylin as a valid project
(LP: #1152812).
* BuildLiveCD: Remove the explicit list of valid projects.
hassle to modify, and not very useful since an invalid project will fail
soon enough anyway.
-- Colin Watson
Sat, 09 Mar :24 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.110) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Drop ubuntustudio-audio-plugins task.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 07 Mar :13 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.109) urgency=low
* Drop ubuntustudio-generation and ubuntustudio-recording tasks and add
ubuntustudio-audio task to reflect Ubuntu Studio seed restructuring
- update live-build/auto/config
-- Micah Gersten
Tue, 05 Mar :25 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.108) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* live-build/auto/build: Use slightly safer code for kernel handling just
in case 'set -o pipefail' is ever reinstated here.
[ Adam Conrad ]
* Add abootimg explicitly to ac100 and nexus7 images, so it's marked
as manually installed and apt doesn't autoremove it (LP: #1041290)
* Remove linux-firmware-nexus7 from the install list, it gets pulled
in automatically by linux-image-nexus7, so this is redundant.
-- Adam Conrad
Tue, 29 Jan :37 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.107) urgency=low
* Make sure the $PREFIX.kernel-$FLAVOUR.efi.signed output is
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 04 Dec :22 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.106) urgency=low
* re-enable all slideshows on all preinstalled images, webkit should work
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 03 Dec :01 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.105) urgency=low
* preseed autologin in the nexus7 tarball
* use ubuntu-defaults-nexus7 package in the nexus7 images
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 23 Nov :30 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.104) urgency=low
* use a subarch based approach for the ac100 and nexus7 bootimg.cfg files
* create a media-info file and place it inside the tarball installer
initramfs for copying it to the target system on successfull decompression
(LP: #1080747)
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 22 Nov :29 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.103) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/build: Exclude all *.efi* files from kernel version
detection (i.e. including *.efi.signature), not just *.efi.signed.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 21 Nov :46 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.102) urgency=low
* create the nexus7 rootfs image with .ext4 as suffix instead of using
.img, so debian-cd knows how to handle it
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 20 Nov :06 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.101) urgency=low
* instead of mangling the ac100 bootimg for nexus7 support, ship a proper
config in ac100-tarball-installer and build the nexus7 one from scratch
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 20 Nov :33 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.100) urgency=low
* clean up the userdata dir
* move the tarball around instead of copying it
* fix quoting of abootimg call harder
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 19 Nov :42 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.99) urgency=low
* fix quoting in abootimg call for nexus7
* dont fail if the userdata dir already exists
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 19 Nov :13 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.98) urgency=low
* we want nvidia-tegra3 (the binary) not nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra3
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 19 Nov :19 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.97) urgency=low
* add linux-firmware-nexus7 and nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra3 to nexus7
* preseed the license popup of linux-firmware-nexus7, we will show
it in the installer for full image installs.
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 19 Nov :36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.96) urgency=low
* add nexus7 specific kernel cmdline
* move the nexus7 processing up a bit in the code so we can modify the
bootimg cmdline before the file gets copied around
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 14 Nov :50 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.95) urgency=low
* make the dependency on android-tools-fsutils not arch specific, seems
dpkg doesnt like arch specific binary deps in arch all packages
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 09 Nov :15 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.94) urgency=low
* add a dependency on android-tools-fsutils for armhf builds
* add nexus7 live-build configuration
* add nexus7 post processing with make_ext4fs for teh tarball to roll a
proper android img file
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 09 Nov :36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.93) urgency=low
* Revert binary/$INITFS/kernel-$FLAVOUR to the unsigned kernel, and link
signed kernels to binary/$INITFS/kernel-$FLAVOUR.efi.signed instead
(LP: #1067659).
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 17 Oct :47 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.92) urgency=low
* disable all slideshows on al preinstalled images, due to (LP: #1066046)
the installer crashes when trying to start up webkit for teh slideshow
-- Oliver Grawert
Sat, 13 Oct :52 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.91) urgency=low
* make sure preinstalled ac100 images have multiverse enabled in their
-- Oliver Grawert
Fri, 12 Oct :53 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.90) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/build: If they exist, link *.efi.signed versions of the
kernel to binary/$INITFS/kernel-$FLAVOUR rather than the unsigned
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 11 Oct :34 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.89) urgency=low
* fix lubuntu and xubuntu preinstalled handling so we end up with the
right slideshows in oem-config
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 02 Oct :33 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.88) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Add photography and publishing metas for
Ubuntu Studio (LP: #1057816)
-- Micah Gersten
Thu, 27 Sep :19 -0500
livecd-rootfs (2.87) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Build ubuntu-server and ubuntu-core with
--initramfs=none, since we don't need casper in those images.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 12 Sep :56 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.86) urgency=low
* Reorganise code to avoid kernel installation on
ubuntu-server/ubuntu-core so that it works for all architectures.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 11 Sep :43 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.85) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Set KERNEL_FLAVOURS=none for ubuntu-server as
well, so that live-build/auto/build doesn't try to copy out kernel
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 10 Sep :56 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.84) urgency=low
* Actually apply the change done in 2.74 as it was only done to the
legacy code...
- Change mksquashfs compression flags for LTSP images, turning
compression back on to match current ltsp-update-image behaviour.
-- Stéphane Graber
Sun, 09 Sep :07 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.83) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Remove standard and server tasks from
ubuntu-server squashfs, and build it with no kernel packages so that
they can be added more correctly later by the installer (LP: #1028453).
-- Colin Watson
Sun, 09 Sep :19 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.82) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/build: live-build now calls hybrid ISO9660 images
binary.hybrid.iso rather than binary-hybrid.iso.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 03 Sep :24 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.81) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Disable zsync for BINARYFORMAT=iso*|usb* builds.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 30 Aug :33 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.80) urgency=low
* add pvr-omap4 driver to omap4 image builds for everything but
ubuntu-server, ubuntu-core and base images so we have GLES working
out of the box on them
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 29 Aug :11 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.79) urgency=low
* setting --architectures seems to have weird side effects on arm
(considering all but the buildd arch as foreign etc), disable it for a
-- Oliver Grawert
Mon, 27 Aug :30 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.78) urgency=low
* revert the last change, i was not aware that unity-2d was also ripped out
of the archive and not only removed from the seeds
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 23 Aug :35 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.77) urgency=low
* add unity-2d to the list of extra packages on ac100
-- Oliver Grawert
Thu, 23 Aug :37 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.76) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config:
- Don't try to install an empty task name when building an image without
a live task.
- Fix installation of ubuntu-server fstab removal hook.
- Pass --architectures to 'lb config', to make it easier to build images
for a different architecture.
- Attempt to restrict task installation to the native architecture.
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 23 Aug :10 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.75) urgency=low
* Adjust for live-build interface changes up to 3.0~a57-1ubuntu1.
* Break ubuntu-defaults-builder (<< 0.32) to account for these interface
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 22 Aug :29 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.74) urgency=low
* Change mksquashfs compression flags for LTSP images, turning
compression back on to match current ltsp-update-image behaviour.
-- Stéphane Graber
Mon, 20 Aug :01 -0400
livecd-rootfs (2.73) urgency=low
* Add u-boot-tools to the installed set for all u-boot ARM images
* Remove ti-omap4-ppa from the omap4 it's no longer used
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 25 Jul :02 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.72) urgency=low
* Install a hook to remove /etc/fstab rather than building ubuntu-server
with --debian-installer= the latter has unwanted side-effects.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 23 Jul :28 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.71) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Don't purge .pyc files on ubuntu-server images.
* live-build/auto/config: Build ubuntu-server with
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 23 Jul :59 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.70) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Don't install lupin-casper on ubuntu-server
-- Colin Watson
Sun, 22 Jul :21 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.69) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Add server task to ubuntu-server images.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 06 Jul :46 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.68) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Emit sources.list entries for -proposed if the
environment variable PROPOSED is set (LP: #1019514).
* BuildLiveCD: If the -p option was used, pass PROPOSED=1 to 'lb config'.
-- Colin Watson
Sat, 30 Jun :50 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.67) urgency=low
* Switch i386 ubuntustudio to linux-lowlatency flavor (LP: #1018075)
-- Adam Conrad
Tue, 26 Jun :39 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.66) urgency=low
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Build Kubuntu from universe.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 11 Jun :57 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.65) urgency=low
* Add (extra-)override parsing to the preinstalled pool to make sure
we get task headers in the local pool for tasksel (LP: #819899)
* Move temp directories under config so they get cleaned properly
* Invoke apt-get update once with only the sources.list fragment
for the local archive, so our package/task selection more closely
mimics the CD experience (LP: #985258, #985737, #985280, #819900)
* Write out a standard sources.list entry for preinstalled systems
that's similar to the one generated by installers (LP: #985291)
-- Adam Conrad
Fri, 20 Apr :38 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.64) urgency=low
* Add minimal and standard tasks to Ubuntu Studio images (LP: #962585).
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 23 Mar :12 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.63) urgency=low
* Add the ubiquity slideshow back to PREINSTALLED images (LP: #960688)
-- Adam Conrad
Thu, 22 Mar :18 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.62) urgency=low
* On Lubuntu and Xubuntu, only use the generic kernel on amd64 and i386.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 20 Mar :04 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.61) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* Use lowlatency for Ubuntu Studio amd64, since lowlatency-pae is
i386-specific (LP: #959011).
[ Julien Lavergne ]
* Use generic (non-PAE) kernel for Lubuntu (LP: #958866).
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 19 Mar :13 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.60) urgency=low
* Use generic (non-PAE) kernel for Xubuntu (LP: #955009).
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 15 Mar :45 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.59) urgency=low
* Switch Ubuntu Studio to lowlatency-pae kernel rather than lowlatency
(LP: #956250).
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 15 Mar :14 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.58) urgency=low
* Use lowlatency kernel for Ubuntu Studio (LP: #956250).
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 15 Mar :44 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.57) urgency=low
* Move ac100-tarball-installer from install set to live set
to make sure it's not pulling in other bits in the install
pass (and because installers belong in the live set anyway)
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 29 Feb :48 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.56) urgency=low
[ Ante Karamati? ]
* Add cloud-live project to and BuildLiveCD.
[ Jonathan Riddell ]
* Replace kubuntu-mobile with kubuntu-active
* Remove kubuntu-netbook, now just part of kubuntu-desktop
-- Jonathan Riddell
Wed, 22 Feb :20 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.55) urgency=low
* Build Lubuntu with --no-install-recommends, to match its seed structure
(LP: #918401).
-- Colin Watson
Thu, 02 Feb :07 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.54) urgency=low
* Remove the x-loader packages from omap and omap4 flavours, as they
are now using the MLO provided by their respective u-boot packages.
* Add zram-config to the ac100 subarch to replace the installer hack.
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 25 Jan :59 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.53) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Fix ubuntustudio-dvd task selection.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 23 Jan :07 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.52) urgency=low
* live-build/auto/config: Fix support for ubuntustudio-dvd project.
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 23 Jan :04 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.51) urgency=low
* BuildLiveCD: Accept ubuntustudio-dvd as a valid project.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 20 Jan :48 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.50) urgency=low
* Add Ubuntu Studio support.
-- Colin Watson
Fri, 20 Jan :04 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.49) urgency=low
[ Adam Conrad ]
* Update maintainer to Ubuntu Developers, LaMont doesn't upload much.
[ Colin Watson ]
* Get live-build to divert update-initramfs while building the chroot.
This should cut a few minutes off builds, particularly on slow
-- Colin Watson
Mon, 16 Jan :23 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.48) urgency=low
* Fix sense of live/preinstalled change in 2.46; add the live task for
non-preinstalled images, rather than only for preinstalled images.
-- Colin Watson
Tue, 10 Jan :36 +0000
livecd-rootfs (2.47) urgency=low
* put ti-omap4-ppa into omap4 images
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 10 Jan :20 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.46) urgency=low
* Guard legacy cloop code in a [ -f ], so it stops failing.
* Don't add the LIVE_TASK for any PREINSTALLED images.
-- Adam Conrad
Mon, 09 Jan :26 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.45) urgency=low
* Change default suite to precise (better late than never?)
* Add the -A option to the getopts argument list, so it works.
-- Adam Conrad
Mon, 05 Dec :14 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.44) urgency=low
* Mirror armel support as armhf, so we can build all the same images.
* Allow ARCH to be specified on the BuildLiveCD command line as -A,
so that it doesn't have to be hardcoded for non-native builders.
-- Adam Conrad
Fri, 02 Dec :13 -0700
livecd-rootfs (2.43) urgency=low
* BuildLiveCD: Stop building ubuntu-defaults-image images with universe.
ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn is in main now, and it causes images to overflow
due to the extra /var/lib/apt/lists indexes.
-- Martin Pitt
Fri, 07 Oct :59 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.42) urgency=low
* Explicitly select ubuquity frontend as well, to match the
oem-config frontend, and avoid pulling in unwanted deps.
-- Adam Conrad
Thu, 06 Oct :51 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.41) urgency=low
* Re-enable swap on jasper-using images, a regression from
the switch from livecd-rootfs to live-build (LP: #868662)
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 05 Oct :24 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.40) urgency=low
* Revert the previous change and apply it for all $PREINSTALLED
targets instead of just ext2|ext3|ext4, so ac100 gets the fix.
-- Adam Conrad
Wed, 28 Sep :38 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.39) urgency=low
* Explicitly select the oem-config frontend to install on a
per-project basis, to match the ubiquity in use (LP: #820514)
-- Adam Conrad
Mon, 26 Sep :56 -0600
livecd-rootfs (2.38) urgency=low
* Add main, restricted, universe, and multiverse to the sources.list
for Wubi disk images (LP: #855301).
-- Evan Dandrea
Thu, 22 Sep :11 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.37) urgency=low
* BuildLiveCD: Fix typo that broke installing ubuntu-defaults-builder and
its recommendations.
* Squash errors from 'ls vmlinu?-*'.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 14 Sep :02 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.36) urgency=low
[ Colin Watson ]
* BuildLiveCD: Add subproject and ubuntu-defaults-image locale to error
mail subject.
* BuildLiveCD: Install recommendations of ubuntu-defaults-builder.
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* also store the size of the ac100 tarball in the initrd, since the tarball
changes its name several times during build we need a second criteria to not
loop over all availiable tarballs with md5sum at install time.
-- Oliver Grawert
Tue, 06 Sep :52 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.35) urgency=low
* Set KERNEL_FLAVOURS for mx5.
-- Jani Monoses
Wed, 24 Aug :42 +0300
livecd-rootfs (2.34) urgency=low
* drop FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP from live-build config, flash-kernel suppression is
handled through a diversion already.
* add FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP explicitly to the post build ac100 update-initramfs
chroot call.
-- Oliver Grawert
Wed, 24 Aug :55 +0200
livecd-rootfs (2.33) urgency=low
* BuildLiveCD: Add the subproject (if any) and the ubuntu-defaults-image
locale (if any) to the output directory name.
-- Colin Watson
Wed, 24 Aug :52 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.32) urgency=low
* Fix kernel package name for mx5.
-- Jani Monoses
Wed, 24 Aug :10 +0300
livecd-rootfs (2.31) urgency=low
* Link binary.iso or binary-hybrid.iso, if found, into the output
directory for use by BuildLiveCD.
* Tolerate ubuntu-defaults-image's kernel renaming.
* Add a -u option to BuildLiveCD whi}


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