
及物动词后面必须需要接宾语 表示指对的对象
否则 就好像这句话说了一半 没说完整
那时因为这个及物动词 同时又具有不及物动词的词性
你是否被它们"迷惑" 了?!
及物动词, 可以接物/人等名词的动词
watch TV 看电视
play ball 玩球
do homework做作业
不及物动词, 不能直接接名词的动词。 有...
宾语在动语后面,表示动作、 行为涉及的人或事物
答: 做产检要注意什么,是不是不能吃早餐?前一天几点之后是不是不能进食了
答: 百度上搜“ENGLISH211”第一个结果就是了
答: 科学教育片
science and educational film
答: 会出来的,等嘛
  一 定义:
  不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了,如listen to,look at….
  如:look 看 (vi.) x宾语(即不能直接加宾语). Look! She is singing.
  Look carefully! (注意:carefully 是副词,不是名词,故不作宾语)
  look at 看…….+宾语 Look at me carefully! (me是代词,作宾语)
  at是小范围 in是大范围
  如:The students work very hard.学生们学习很努力。
  She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。
  The accident happened yesterday evening.事故是昨天晚上发生的。
  He reached Paris the day before yesterday.
  Please hand me the book over there.
  They asked me to go fishing with them.
  类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell....
  This is the room where I once lived.
  类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....
  c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作"开始"讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....
  这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的"消散"。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是"升高;举起"。
  He lifted his glass and drank.
  类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt. 种植
  play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅
  ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话 speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言)
  hang vi. 悬挂 vt. 绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作
  需要注意的一点是:少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语,如:I dreamed a dream last night.
  及物动词: 字典里词后标有vt.的就是及物动词。及物动词后必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语),并且可直接跟宾语。
  如see 看见 (vt.) +宾语 I can see a boy.
  及物动词后面可直接接宾语,不及物动词后面不可直接接宾语,一般要加介词后再接宾语。实际上很多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。我举一个例子,就说write。如I am writing.和I am writing a letter.在前一个句子write是不及物动词,在后一个句子write是及物动词。又如,see是及物动词,但在特殊情况下如seeing is believing。
  例如:He is running. run这个动词就是不及物动词,后面不能加sth。(不能说跑什么东西)
  He reached Paris the day before yesterday.
  Please hand me the book over there.
  They asked me to go fishing with them.
  类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell....
  This is the room where I once lived.
  类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed....
  c.既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作"开始"讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve....
  这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的"消散"。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是"升高;举起"。
  He lifted his glass and drank.
  类似的还有:beat vi.跳动 vt. 敲、打; grow vi.生长 vt. 种植
  play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅
  ring vi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话 speak vi.讲话 vt. 说(语言)
  hang vi. 悬挂 vt. 绞死 operate vi.动手术 vt. 操作
  在英语错误中,“及物动词+介词+宾语”(transitive verb+preposition+object),是常见的一种。所谓及物动词,就是谓语动词(predicative verb),不必通过介词引荐宾语。相反的,不及物动词(intransitive verb)是不带宾语的。有许多动词,虽然性质是及物的,但不一定要有宾语,如下列的①a和②a便是这种情形:
  ①a. We study every day.
  b. Do you study English every day.
  ②a. Please write clearly next time.
  b. Can you write your composition now?
  *③a. The children are listening the music.
  b. The children are listening to the music.
  *④a. She is laughing the crippled man.
  b. She is laughing at the crippled man.
  反之,及物动词不必靠介词,就可以带宾语,如上述的①b和②b ,又如⑤和 ⑥:
  ⑤ John is giving a book to me.
  ⑥ Who will answer this question?
  *⑦ Who will answer to this question?
  “We have many buyers awaiting for available units here.”
  “Awaiting”是个及物动词,后面的介词“for”是多余的,要去掉;不然把“awaiting”改为“waiting for”也行。
  许多人习惯上喜欢把介词加到及物动词后面,然后才带出宾语。最常见的是“emphasize/stress on/upon”和“discuss about”,如:
  ⑧ Singaporeans seem to have emphasized on material gains.
  ⑨ In our education system, we stress upon examination results.
  ⑩ World leaders spent a lot of time discussing about worsening economic problems.
  ● The young must obey to their elders.
  ● Do not approach to that odd-looking man.
  ● The audience attacked on the rude speaker.
  ● Nothing can escape from his parents' eyes.
  ● Do you hope to serve for your nation?
  ● When did Susan marry with Paul?
  介词“to, on, from, for, with”都要去掉才对。
  ? I did not answer him./ I did not reply to him.
  ? He reached Londan yesterday./ He arrived in London yesterday.
  ? Don't approach such a person.
  ? Is oral practice a good approach to language teaching?
  A 有些动词只是及物动词; 它们不可以单独用,后面必须跟宾语。
  { False: They always want after lunch.
  Right: They always want a cup of tea after lunch.
  { False: He is sending now.
  Right: He is sending a letter now.
  B 有些动词只是不及物动词;它们可以单独用,如果后面想接宾语,动词后面必须加上介词。
  { Right: He is looking around.
  False: He is looking me.
  Right: He is looking at me.
  { Right: He is listening carefully.
  False: He is listening the teacher carefully.
  Right: He is listening to the teacher carefully.
  C 有些动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词; 但是有时候词义会改变。
  { The customer is asking loudly.
  The customer is asking for you now.
  The customer is asking a question now.
  { If you work hard, you will succeed.
  If you work hard, you will succeed in passing the exam (same meaning).
  If you work hard, you will succeed John as the manager of this company (different meaning).
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回复 北方冬天的旷野 :网上能买到一本书,里面详细介绍了动词后面跟什么补足语的,我不记得名字了,建议还是别买,我买了基本上没看。如果是德语教程的,后面应该会有标记的,如stellen
放置,(Akk,), helfen (Dat+(mit)),我只是举例,不一定是这样,我德语书已经两三年没翻了,最后可以查字典,字典一般都会有说明,某个动词,后面跟什么格,
登录百度帐号推荐应用2016年中考英语 专题08 动词(教师版)-共享资料网
2016年中考英语 专题08 动词(教师版)
2016 年中考总复习资料赵家初中 2016 年中考总复习之(仁爱版)英语第三篇 专题复习 (教师版)专题 08 动词一、? 解读考点 动词的定义:动词,就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每个完整的子句都有一个动词,要表示第二个动 作时可使用不定词、动名词、对等连接词、从属连接词或增加子句等方法连结。 二、直击考点 动词的分类:1 实义动词 2 助动词 3 系动词 4 情态动词 5 动词短语 三、【名师点睛】 ●1 实义动词 实义动词 意义完整,能独立用作谓语。实义动词有及物动词和不及物动词之分(及物动词是指后面要跟宾语的动词; 不及物动词指后面不需要跟宾语的动词)。 1.及物动词后面必须跟宾语意义才完整。常用结构: (1)主语+及物动词+宾语。如:She missed a lot of lessons.她耽误了很多课程。 (2)主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语。如:He often makes his parents angry.他经常使他的父母生气。 (3)主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语。如:He gave me an interesting book.他给了我一本有趣的书。 2.不及物动词本身意义完整,后面不需跟宾语。常用结构:主语+不及物动词+(状语)。 如:LiHua works very hard.李华工作很努力。 ●2 助动词 协助主要动词构成谓语动词的词叫助动词。助动词是语法功能词,自身没有词义,不可单独使用。 1.帮助构成疑问句或否定句句式的助动词有 do,does,did 及其否定形式。 如:Did you go home last week?上周你回家了吗? 2.帮助构成时态的助动词有 be,have,shall,will 等。如:We are playing an interesting game.我们正在玩一个有趣的游 戏。 ●3 系动词 系动词亦称连系动词。本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后面必须跟表语,构成D系表结构‖。 常用结构:主语+系动词+表语。具体分类及用法如下: 1.状态系动词。状态系动词一般指 be 动词。如:They are always very happy.他们总是很高兴。 2.持续系动词。持续系动词表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有 keep,remain,stay,rest,lie,stand。 如:I hope you'll keep fit.我希望你能保持健康。 3. 表象系动词。 表象系动词表示D看起来好像‖, 主要有 seem,appear,look 等。 如: My mother seems very satisfied with my progress.妈妈对我的进步似乎很满意。 4.感官系动词。感官系动词表示D……起来‖,主要有 feel(摸起来,感觉),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来, 吃起来)等。 如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布摸起来很柔软。 5.变化系动词。变化系动词表示D主语变成什么样‖,主要有 become,grow,turn,fall,get,go,come,run 等。 如:The small town is becoming busier and busier.小镇变得越来越繁忙。 6.终止系动词。终止系动词主要有 prove,turnout(结果是,证明是)等。 如:My plan turned out a success.我的计划 成功了。 [提醒]有些系动词也是实义动词,可单独作谓语。如:He fell ill yesterday.他昨天病了。 ●4 情态动词 情态动词表示说话人的语气、看法,无人称和数的变化。情态动词有自己的词汇意思,但不能独立作谓语,后须跟 动词原形。使用频率较高的情态动词有 can(could),may(might),must,need,shall(should),will(would)及半情态动词 have to,had better。 1.can 和 could (1)can(could)表示说话人能、可以、同意、准许,以及客观条件许可做某事。could 为 can 的过去式。表示请求时,2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -1- 2016 年中考总复习资料 could 比 can 更委婉。如:Could I borrow your pen?我可以借你的钢笔吗? (2)can 意为D能,会‖时,相当于Dbe able to‖(适用于各种时态),can 和 could 只能用于现在时和过去时。 如:A few months later,I'll be able to swim alone.几个月后,我将能单独游泳。 (3)can't 表示否定推测。 如:That can't be Mr.Wang.He has gone to Beijing.那不可能是王老师。他已经去北京了。 2. may 和 might may 和 might 意为D可以‖,表示说话人同意、许可或请求对方许可。may 也可表示祝愿。might 是 may 的过去式, 表示可能性更小、语气更加委婉。 如:May I take some photos here?我可以在这儿拍些照片吗? 3. must 和 have to May you be happy.祝你开心。(1)must 意为D必须,一定,准是‖,表示说话人认为有必要做某事,或命令、要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。但 mustn't 表示D禁止,不允许‖。如:He must be working in his office.他一定正在办公室工作。 You mustn't smoke here.你不准在这儿吸烟。 (2)must 和 have to 的区别:must 表示说话人的主观意愿;have to 表示客观需要。 如: I must d o my home work first.我必须首先做家庭作业。 It is raining hard outside.I have to stay at home.外面雨下得很大,我不得不待在家里。 4.need 的用法 need 表示D需要,必要‖,主要用于否定句和疑问句,否定形式为 needn't,表示D没有必要,不必‖;回答 need 引导 的问句时,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用 needn't。此外,need 还可以作实义动词。 如:―Need we do some cleaning now?―No,you needn't.D我们必须现在大扫除吗?‖D不,你们不必。‖ I need to see the doctor now.我现在需要看医生。 5.shall 和 will shall 主要用于第一人称,表示提建议或请求;will 主要用于第二、三人称,表示征求意见或提建议。 如:Shall we go out for a walk after supper?我们晚饭后出去散散步好吗? Will you go shopping with us?你要不要和我们一起去购物呢? 6.should 和 would should 可用于各种人称的句子,强调义务或责任;would 是 will 的过去式,与动词原形构成过去将来时,可用于多 种人称,表示意愿。 如:You should study harder.你应该更加努力学习。 He said he would visit the Great Wall the next year.他说他明年将游览长城。 7.had better had better 意为D最好‖,没有人称的变化,后接不带 to 的不定式。 如:You had better exercise more.你最好多锻炼。 ●5 动词短语 动词与介词、副词等构成的固定短语,叫作动词短语。动词短语主要有四类: 1.动词+副词。 常见的有 give up,think over,take off,write down,put off,put on,talk back,turn off,look up,pick up 等。 这些词组的宾语如果 是名词时,既可放在副词前面,又可放在副词之后;宾语如果是人称代词或反身代词时,则要放在动词和副词中间。 如: The have decided to put off the meeting.=They have decided to put the meeting off.他们已经决定推迟会议了。 Smoking is bad for your health.You must give it up.吸烟有害健康,你必须戒掉它。 2.动词+介词。 常见的有 ask for,care about,look for,look after,look at,listen to,pay for,send for,laugh at,hear of(from),get over 等。 We shouldn't laugh at others.我们不应该嘲笑别人。 3.动词+副词+介词。 常见的有 look down up on,get on with,catch up with 等。 如:If you study hard,you'll catch up with your classmates.如果你努力学习,你将会赶上你的同班同学。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -2-如: 2016 年中考总复习资料 4.动词+名词+介词。 常见的有 take care of,make use of,pay attention to,make fun of,take pride in,take part in 等。 如:Please pay more attention to details. 四、? 中考链接 [2014 年题组] 1.【2014 年湖北省十堰市中考】―Smart phones are more and more popular now. ―So they are. But they still ________ too much. A. pay B. cost C. take 【答案】B D. spend【解析】试题分析:句意:-智能手机现在越来越受欢迎了。-的确如此。但是他们仍然花费太多。pay付钱, 它常用在短语 pay…for…中, 为…付钱; cost 花费, 主语应该是物; take 花费, 常用句型是 It takes sb. sometime to do sth....花费某人多长时间去做某事;spend 花费,句型是 spend +时间或钱+in doing sth./on sth.。根据他们的用法 可知选 B。 考点:考查动词。 - It's a good place for us to ________ D. present 2.【2014 年江苏省扬州市中考】 - What do you think of your school, Linda? ourselves for the future. A. promise 【答案】C B. prove C. prepare考点:考查动词的用法。 3. 【2014 年江苏省南京市中考】We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort. A. requires B. reduces C. removes D. repeats 【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:句意:我们都知道学习一门外语需要时间和努力。 A. requires 需要;B. reduces 减少;C. removes 出去;D. repeats 重复。结合常识,学习语言是需要时间和努力的。故选 A。 考 点:考查动词词义辨析。 4. 【2014 年河南省中考】Choosing the right circle of the friends will ____ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. A. save 【答案】A B. share C. keep D. bring 【解析】试题分析:句意:选择合适的朋友圈将会使我们省去很多麻烦,伤心和可能深感遗憾的生活。A. save 节约,省去;B. share 分享; C. keep 保持; D. bring 带来。结合句意,好的朋友圈会使我们省去麻烦。 故选 A。 考点:考查动词词义辨析。 5. 【2014 年河北省中考】 Mom is cooking dinner. It ______ so nice. A. smells B. tastes C. feels 【答案】 A D. sounds【解析】 试题分析: 句意:妈妈正在做晚饭,闻起来真香。smell 闻起来;taste 尝起来;feel 感觉;sound听起来。根据句意可知,妈妈正在做饭,还没有做好,所以不能是尝起来,排除 B;另外两个选项 C 和 D 更不符合 句意。故选 A。 考点:考查动词。 6. 【2014 年贵州省黔西南州中考】The students ought to wear school uniforms when they‘re at school. A. are supposed to B. are allowed to C. would like to D. love to 【答案】A2016 年中考总复习之英语第三篇专题复习专题 08 动词-3- 2016 年中考总复习资料 考点:考查动词。 7. 【2014 年四川省宜宾市中考】 I ________ $300 for the bike. A. took B. spent C. cost D. paid 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析: 句意:我花费了 300 美元买这辆自行车。 take 可以表示花费, 句型是 It takes sb. sometime to do sth.,花费某人多长时间去做某事;spend 的句型是 spend +钱或时间+doing sth./on sth.;cost 的主语应 该是物;pay…for…为…付钱。故选 D。 考点:考查动词。 8. 【2014 年山东省菏泽市中考】 ―How do you like the fish I cooked for you? ―I haven‘t had it yet. However, it ________ good. A. smells 【答案】A B. tastes C. sounds D. feels D. feels 感觉,摸起来。结合句意,他没有吃, 【解析】 试题分析:句意:――你认为我给你做的鱼怎么样?――我还没有吃。然而,它闻起来很好闻。A. smells 闻起来;B. tastes 品尝起来;C. sounds 听起来; 因此是闻起来好。故选 A。考点:考查动词词义辨析。 [2015 年题组] 1. 【2015 年江苏省苏州市中考英语试题】― Has Jane done the washing yet? ― You cannot A. want 【答案】C her to do such a thing. B. hope C. expect D. wish【解析】试题分析:句意:DD珍妮洗衣服了吗?DD你不能期待她做这些事。A. want 要,想要; 期待;D. wish 希望,愿望。从含义上看,want 和 wish 不通,即 A、D 错;英语中没有B. hope 希望;C. expecthope sb to do sth 这个结构。故选 C。 【考点定位】考查动词辨析。 2.【2015 年安徽省初中毕业学业考试英语试题】 The running water makes the stones ______ very smooth. A. sound 【答案】D B. taste C. smell D. feel【考点定位】考查动词辨析。 3. 【2015 年安徽省英语试题】 Dreams are beautiful. However, to ______ them needs lots of time and work. A. discover B. find 【答案】C C. achieve D. stop 【解析】试题分析:句意:梦想是美好的。然而,实现梦想需要付出时间和努力。A. discover 发现;B. find 找到;C. achieve 实现; D. stop 阻止。这里 them 指的是梦想,根据句意,故选 C。 【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析。 4.【湖北省荆州市 2015 年中考英语试题】―What do you think of the dish I cooked for you? ―I haven‘t had it yet. However, it good. A. tastes 【答案】B B. smells C. sounds D. feels 【解析】试题分析:句意:――你认为我给你做的菜怎么样?――我还没有吃。然而,它闻起来很好闻。smells 闻起来;tastes 品尝起来; sounds 听起来; feels 感觉,摸起来。结合句意,他没有吃,因此应该是 闻起来好。故选 B。 【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析。 5. 【湖北省荆州市 2015 年中考英语试题】―How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen? ―Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They a lot of history and culture. A. support 【答案】C B. explain C. share D. belong【考点定位】考查动词的用法。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -4- 2016 年中考总复习资料 6. 【湖北省武汉市 2015 年中考英语试题】I‘ll pick you up at the stop sign where 50 meters ahead the two roads ______. A. fit B. meet C. face D. reach 【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:句意:我会在站牌前方 50 米的道路处接你。pick sb up 接某人;where 引导的是 定语从句,修饰前面的地点名词 stop sign ;the two roads meet 两条路交叉,fit 适合;meet 见面,遇见; face 面对; reach 到达。所以选 B。 【考点定位】考查动词辨析。 7.【2014 年安徽省中考】 Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes 【答案】 D B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【解析】 试题分析: 句意: 妈妈, 你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。 tasteD尝起来‖; feelD感觉‖; soundD听起来‖;smellD闻起来‖。结合语境,故选D。 考点:考查系动词辨析。 8. 【湖北 省武汉市 2015 年中考英语试题】CI‘ll always stand by you when you are in need. --It‘s nice of you. Your support is really _______ . A. appreciated 【答案】A B. thanked C. helped D. depended9. 【2015年襄阳市初中毕业生学业水平考试英语试题】 ---It‘s reported that Chinese ___________more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信). ---It‘s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take 【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:句意:-据报道中国人每天花费 40 多分钟 的时间读微信。-是真的。但是我认为微 信占据了我们太多的时间。spend 花费,主语为人;cost 花费,主语为物;pay 付钱,常用于短语 pay…for..为…… 而付钱;take 也可以表示花费,常用于句型 It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.。根据句意可知选 A。 【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析。 10. 【江苏省无锡市 2015 年中考英语试题】―The school network will be shut down for safety reasons. ―That doesn't A.satisfy 【答案】C me at all.I'm not a net-worm, anyway. B.surprise C.worry D.include【考点定位】考查动词辨析。 五、? 考点归纳 一)、连系动词考点例析 由于英语连系动词用法灵活,用途广泛,在很多情况下只有连接作用而没有具体的意义,因此,导致很多学生往往 无法正确选择合适而又正确的连系动词来构建句子,说出或写出错句。因此,连系动词成为很多地方中考英语单项 选择题中不可缺少的考查点。试看下列考例: 1. 【海南省 2015 年中考英语试题】―Would you like some Wenchang Chicken? It ―Yes, please.It‘s my favorite. A. sounds B. tastes C. feels 【答案】B2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -5-delicious. 2016 年中考总复习资料【考点定位】考查连系动词。 2. 【湖南省张家界市 2015 年中考英语试题】The money _____ real. In fact,it‘s not. A. is 【答案】B B. looks C. must be 【解析】试题分析:句意:这钱看起来是真的,事实上,它不是。A. is 是,连系动词;B. looks 看起来像,连系动词;C. must be 一定是,情态动词 must 表示推测,D一定‖。后句:In fact, it‘s not.(事实上,它不是)可 以推测出前句是的 real(真的),是一种假像,只是D看上去‖真,故选 B。 【考点定位】考查动词辨析。 二)、情态动词考点例析 初中英语中在主要的情态动词有 can. must, may, needn‘t, will, would, shall, should 等。情态动词的最大特点,在于它 的意义灵活性:说话人可根据自己表达意思的需要,选择不同的情态动词来表达自己对某件事发生的可能性或必然 性的态度。我们知道,can 常用来表示能力或请求,用于否定陈述句中则表示否定推测;may 表示请求与许可;must 表示必须做某事,在肯定句中与连系动词 be 连用时,表示肯定推测;needn‘t 常用于对含 must 一般疑问句作否定回 答。情态动词的用法有别于我们汉语的表达方式,因此,考生容易离开考题所设情景,而主观地选择情态动词,从 而造成错误。 试看下列考例: 1.【北京市 2015 年中考英语试题】C Jack, ____ you ride a bike? A.can 【答案】A B.may 【解析】 C.need CYes, I can. D.must试题分析: 句意: --杰克, 你能骑自行车吗?--是的, 我能。 A.can 能; B.ma y 也许; C.need需要;D.must 必须。根据回答 I can,可知问句中的情态动词是 can,结合句意,故选 A。 【考点定位】考查情态动词的用法。 2. 【海南省 2015 年中考英语试题】Mr. Zhou can‘t find his ID card anywhere. It A. can‘t B. should C. must 【答案】C be lost.【考点定位】考查情态动词。 3. 【河北省 2015 年中考英语试题】There's an important football match today. I _________ miss it. A. may B. can't C. must D. needn't 【答案】B【考点定位】考查情态动词。 六、易错易混 1. used to do sth.;be used to doing sth.和 be used to do sth.的区别 辨析:①used to do sth.表示过去常常做某事. e.g. I used to get up at six in the mornin ②be used to doing.表示习惯做某事,to 后的动词用-ing 形式 e.g. I'm used to getting up early. ③be used to do sth. 指被用来做什么。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇e.g. Pens are used to write.专题 08 动词 -6-专题复习 2016 年中考总复习资料 2.arrive, get 和 reach 的区别 辨析:arrive in +大地点,arrive at+小地点,get to+地点名词,reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词。 e.g. When did you arrive in Beijing? 3.borrow , lend 和 keep 的区别 borrow&借&,为终止性动词,表示主语&借入&某物,常用短语 borrow sth. from sb. lend&借&,为终止性动词,表示主语&借出&某物,常用短语 lend sth. to sb. keep &保存,借&,为持续性动词,表示&长时间地借& e.g. I borrowed a book from the school library yesterday. Could you lend your pen to me? 4.dress, put on, 和 wear 的区别 dress sb.给某人穿衣服;dress sb.up 打扮某人 ; put on 穿上,戴上,表动作; wear 穿着,戴着,表状态;与&be in&同义 e.g. The boy dressed himself quickly. Jim put on his coat and went out. The lady dressed herself up and went to the party. Lily is wearing a red skirt today. How long can we keep the book? We arrived at the village at five in the afternoon。5.see, look, watch, read see 看见,表结果; look 看,表动作,不及物动词,后面需加介词 at 才可能跟宾语。 watch 看(比赛,电视); read 看书,报,表示阅读 e.g. I can see an apple on the table. Watching TV too much is bad for your health. Look, there is a kite flying in the sky. Don't read books in the sun.6.bring, take, carry bring 意为&拿来,带来&,表示&拿到靠说话人近的地方&; take 意为&拿走,带走&,表示&拿到远离说话人远的地方&; carry 意为&扛,搬&,用力移动,没有方向性, e.g. Please take the books to the classroom. Remember to bring your home work to school tomorrow. The bag is very heavy, please carry it to my office. 7.die, dead, death,和 dying 的区别 die 意为&死&,是不及物动词,非延续性动词;dead 意为&死的&,是形容词,表状态; dying 意为&垂死的,要死的&,是形容词。 e.g. Her grandfather died last year. Her grandfather has been dead for two years. His death was a great loss to China. 8.speak, say, talk 和 tell 的区别 speak 作为及物动词表示语言的名词或只在会议上发言; say 常跟直接引语或间接引语,并且表示说的内容; talk 是不及物动词,常跟介词 to 或 with,意为&同某人谈话&,也表示具有说话的能力; tell 意为&告诉&并常与 story 连用,意为&讲故事& 9.spend,take,pay,cost 这几个词都有D花费‖意思,从主语来看,take,cost 的主语是物; 而 pay,spend 主语是人。 钱,后接 on sth.或(in)doing sth.;cost 物做主语,意为&值多少钱& Take 可用固定句型表示花费时间、金钱,其结构为:It +takes+时间/金钱+to do sth, 10.look for,find,find out spend 只花费时间或金 The poor old man was dying. death 意为&死&,是名词;pay 与介词 for 连用Look for,find 两个词都有找的意思。Look for 强调寻找的过程,find 强调寻找的结果。find out 的意思是D弄清楚, 查明‖,多指通过观察,探索而发现原因事实等。 例: I am looking for my pen,but I can‘t find it. 11.lose,forget,leave Go and find out where the train leaves.lose 意为&丢失,失去&;forget&忘记&后可跟不定式和动名词 leave sth. +地点&把某物落在某处& He left his schoolbag in the school bus this morning. 12.think of, think about, think over think of &想到…&;think about &考虑&宾语 it 或 them 置后 般指考虑问题。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -7-think over &仔细考虑&,宾语 it 或 them 放在中间,一 2016 年中考总复习资料 13.join,take part in,attend 三个词都表示&参加&join 一般指加入&党派&或组织, 如参军,入党等 出席会议 14.happen ,take place 1). take place 表示D发生、举行、举办,一般指非偶然性 事件的D发生,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先 的安排, 例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing. 2).happen 作D发生、 碰 巧‖解, 一般用于偶然或突发性事件, 例如: What happened to you? (一般不说: What did you happen?) I happened to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home. 15.hear 与 listen 听 hear 是瞬间行为动词,指听见某人说话或者做事发出的声音,即听的结果(指已听见了)。listen 指有意识的去听, 即听的过程,是延续性不及物动词,常用 listen to(doing) sth.。 比较: I listened hard, but could hear nothing.我努力听,但什么也没听见。 温馨提示: hear of, hear about, hear from, hear that 1 ).hear of(=hear about)指 (间接地)听说、听到,宾语可用名词、代词、动名词及 what 从句。如:I heard of (about)the news.我听说过此消息。 2).hear from 指收到……来信。(=get 或 receive a letter from…)如: I hear from him every month. 我每月都收到他的 信。 16.wish 和 hope 的区别 wish:sb. wish to do sth./wish sb. to do/wish+ that 从句 hope: hope to do sth./hope+that 从句/没有 hope sb. to do sth.(这个常考的) hope 用作动词时, 后面可接不定式或 that 从句,但不能接D宾语+不定式。如: ①We hope to see you again.(= We hope we can see you again.) ②I hope you can help me with my maths. (不能说 I hope you to help me wit h my maths.) 注意: I wish I could fly like a bird. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。 (从句中的 could 表示其动作不可能实现, 不能用 can。 ) wish 可表示良好的D祝愿‖,后面接D宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)。而 hope 不能这样用。如: ①I wish you happy.祝你幸福。(不用 hope) ②I wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快。(不用 hope) 七、正误辨析(根据分析改正错误) ? [误] She laid down and soon fell asleep.? [正] She lay down and soon fell asleep. ? [析] 考试中常出现的是易混动词 lay 放,lie 躺,lie 说谎。它们的过去时、过去分词和现在分词变化如下: ? lay (放) laid, laid, laying (及物动词); ? lie (躺) lay, lain, lying (不及物动词); ? lie (说谎) lied, lied, lying ? [误] Please rise your hand.? [正] Please raise your hand. ? [析] rise 是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语,如:The sun rises in the east.而 raise 是及物动词。 ? [误] I like to swim very much, but I don't like swimming this afternoon. ? [正] I like swimming very much, but I don't like to swim this afternoon. ? [析] like 作为&喜欢&讲时,可以接动名词也可以接不定式,但接动名词时多表达一种习惯性动作。而接不定 式则侧重于表达一次性、特殊性的动作。? 但要注意的是 like 与 would 连用时则一定要接不定式,如:Would you like to go with me?? 再有一点要注意的是,like 作为介词&像&讲时,只能用分词作其宾语。 ? [误] Stop! Did you listen to a strange voice?? [正] Stop! Did you hear a strange voice? ? [析] hear 的侧重点是听到、 听见什么, 而 listen to 的侧重点为听的倾向, 如: listen! Do you hear someone calling help?这样的词还有 look 与 see。它们的侧重点也不同,look 重于&看&的倾向,而 see 重于看见没看见。 ? [误] Did you watch some film recently?? [正] Did you see some film recently? ? [析] 英语中 see 与 watch 各有不同的用处,see 用于看电影、剧目,而 watch 用作看电视和看球赛。 ? [误] Look. A beautiful lamp hanged from the ceiling.? [正] Look. A beautiful lamp hung from the ceiling. ? [析] hang 有两个含义,① &挂&,它的过去时与过去分词是 hung,② &绞刑&,这时它是规则动词,其2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -8-take part in 只参加聚会活动;attend 一般指 2016 年中考总复习资料 过去式与过去分词则为 hanged, hanged。 ? [误] How long can I borrow this book?? [正] How long can I keep this book? ? [析] &借&在英文中有三个词,① 借入,即 borrow,如:May I borrow some books from the library?② 借出,如: I can lend my bike to you.③ 借多久要用 keep, 因为 borrow 与 lend 都是截止性动词, 而 keep 是延续性动词。 如 How long can I keep it? ? [误] We have won your class.? [正] We have beaten your class. ? [析] win 是及物动词,其后面的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金。而 beat 的宾语,应是人、队、班级等等, 如:We won the game. ? [误] I left my key.? [正] I forgot my key.? [正] I left my key at home. ? [析] leave 是&丢下&,其后一定要接地点状语,而 forget 其后不要接地点状语。 ? [误] Oh! It's raining outside. Please bring the rain coat with you. ? [正] Oh! It's raining outside. Please take this rain coat with you. ? [析] bring 为&带来&如: Next time bring your little sister here.而 take 为&带走&,fetch 为&去某处取什么回来&, 如: Please fetch some coffee for us 要熟记的是在初中课文中与 take 有关的词组,如:? take away 拿走 take hold of 拿住 take back 收回 take down 取下? take off 脱下 take…out 拿出 take place 发生? take part in 参加 take a seat 坐下? take one's place 替代 take a look 看看 take one's turn 轮流? take a message 捎信 take care of 照看 take it easy 别着急? take one's time 慢慢来 take one's temperature 测量体温?[误] The policeman reached his gun.? [正] The policeman reached for his gun. ? [析] reach 作&到达&讲时是及物动词,如:I reached the hotel at 8∶30?但作&伸手去拿&,则要用 reach for something。作为&到达&讲时还有 arrive (in+大地方)(at+较小的地方)和 get to. 要注意的是与 get 有关的词组有:? get back 回来 get in 收割 get into 进入 get off 下车? get on 上车 get out 出 去 get up 起床 get to 到达? get ready for=be ready for 为...准备 ? get on well with 与人相处融洽? get 加比较级 为变得如何,例如:? get colder and colder. ? [误] This dictionary spent me five dollars.? [正] This dictionary cost me five dollars. ? [析] 英文中的&花费&有 4 个 spend, cost, take 和 pay,其中 spend 与 pay 所在句中的主语应为人, 如: I spent two hours in doing my homework. I paid five dollars for the book.而 cost 与 take 的主语则是事物, 如: It takes me two years to finish this book. ? [误] In summer I always sleep with the windows opened. ? [正] In summer I always sleep with the windows open.? [正] I always sleep with the windows closed. ? [析] 要注意 open 是动词也是形容词,而 close 则要用其过去分词作形容词。? [误] Please wait a minute. I'm having on my clothes.? [正] Please wait a minute. I'm putting on my clothes. ? [析] 英语中的穿衣服要分状态, 是什么样的穿着打扮, 还是穿衣服的动作两类动词。 表示穿着状态的词有 have on, wear,在用法上 have on 不宜用进行时态,它多用一般时态,如:She has on a new school dress. 而 wear 则多用进 行时来表示状态,如:She is wearing a new sweater.在表示动作的词中 put on 是常用的一词。dress 用作动词当&穿衣& 讲时其后宾语不应接衣物,而要接人,如:My children were very young they couldn't dress themselves.在表示穿着状 态时用其过去分词当形容词,如:He is dressed in white. ? [误] My computer can't begin. Could you find someone to help me? ? [正] My computer can't start. Could you find someone to help me? ? [析] begin 与 start 均可指&开始&,而且常常可以互换,如:School begins (starts) at 8 a. m. 但是在两种情况下 不宜用 begin 而要用 start, ① 当作机器开动、发动讲,如:My car can't start. There must be something wrong with it.② 作为&旅途开始&讲,如:We should have to start early. There was a lot of traffic on the road. ? [误] I'm very glad because I have founded my lost key.? [正] I'm very glad because I have found my lost key. ? [析] find 是不规则动词,它的过去式和过去分词是 found, found,而 found 又是另外一词&建立&,它是规则动2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 -9- 2016 年中考总复习资料 词,其过去式与过去分词是 founded founded, 如:The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. ? [误] Please. Let's speak in English.? [正] Please. Let's speak English.? [正] Please. Let's talk in English. ? [误] Can you speak it English?? [正] Can you say it in English? ? [析] 英文中&说&有 4 个常用词 say, tell, speak, talk.其中不及物动词有 speak 和 talk, 如: I want to talk with you.We are talking about the new film.而 speak 其后接语言时是及物动词,其他情况是不及物动词。say 与 tell 是及物动词, 其中 tell 常用双宾语,如:Tell us a story.但用于讲实话或谎话时也用单宾语。如: Tell the truth. ? [误] Can you say Japanese from Chinese?? [正] Can you tell Japanese from Chinese? ? [析] tell…from 为固定词组,即分辨两者的不同。 ? [误] Excuse me, did I step on your foot?? [正] Oh, sorry, did I step on your foot? ? [析] excuse me 用于未打扰对方前,以提醒对方注意的用语,而 sorry 则是由于自己已做的事向对方道歉。 ? [误] Would you care for to swim with us?? [正] Would you care to swim with us? ? [析] care for 后接不定式时,要省略 for,或换用名词,如:Would you care for a cup of tea. care for 作&照顾&讲 时与 look after 相同。 在初中阶段学习与 for 有关的词组有: ask for 请求 call for 接人, 请人 care for 关心?go in for 从事 answer for 负 责 look for 寻找?wait for 等待 send for 请人 pay for 付款?search for 寻找 leave for 去某地 prepare for 准备? thank somebody for something 为某事向某人道谢。 ? [误] Are you understanding it? Yes, I got to it.? [正] Do you understand it? Yes, I got it. ? [析] understand 这一词没有进行时态,如同感观动词 love、hate… I got it 是美语,即 I understood it。要记住 get 作为&到达&讲时是不及物动词,如:I'll get to the school at 8 a. m.? 初中范围常用与 to 有关的动词词组如下:? belong to 属于 come to 苏醒 point to (at) 指着?get to 到达 refer to 谈到 stick to 坚持?lead to 导致 turn to 翻到 look forward to 期望?agree to 同意 ? [误] The meat has gone badly.? [正] The meat has gone bad. ? [析] 英语中 go, get, become, turn 作为转变时,其后接形容词,这时这些动词应被看作系动词。 ? [误] The teacher said the earth moved around the sun.? [正] The teacher said the earth moves around the sun. ? [析] 如果主句的谓语动词是现在时,其宾语从句可以是任何时态。如果是过去时,则宾语从句中的时态应与 之呼应。但地球围绕太阳转是不随时间而变化的客观事实,所以还应用一般现在时态来表达。 ? [误] I'll come to see you as soon as I'll be back.? [正] I'll come to see you as soon as I am back. ? [析] 在状语从句中要用一般时来表示将来,如:I should tell him when he came back. ? [误] I want to know whether you come to my party tomorrow or not. ? [正] I want to know whether you will come to my party tomorrow or not. ? [析] 在宾语从句中则要用将来时表示将来的动作。要注意的是如果宾语从句中仍有状语从句时,依然要用一 般现在时表示将来,如:I want to know if it rains tomorrow you'll come here or not. ? [误] What did you do at eight last night?? [正] What were you doing at eight last night? ? [析] 在描述过去某一具体时刻的动作或从某时到某时一段时间内正在进行的动作要用过去进行时,如:I was washing clothes from eight till noon last Sunday. ? [误] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them, because I have seen it before. ? [正] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them because I had seen it before. ? [析] 现在完成时与过去完成时的相同之处是其动作均开始于过去的某一点,它的差别在于该动作是截止到什 么时候。如动作截止到现在用现在完成时;如动作截止到过去,用过去完成时。例如:I've learnt English for three years.(到现在为止)又如:Before I went to college, I had learnt English for three years. (动作截止到上大学那时,即截止 于过去) ? [误] I'm feeling well now.? [正] I feel well now. ? [析] 瞬间动词有些无进行时态,它们是:?表示思维状态的词:believe, feel, forget, imagine, know, mean, need, prefer, remember, understand, want? 表示感情的动词: care, like, do like, love, mind, hate, fear? 表示状态的词: belong, own? 感观动词: feel, hear, see, smell, taste ? [误] When have you done this work? ? [正] When did you do this work?2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 10 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 ? [析] when 提问的是一个时间点不可用于完成时态的问句中。 ? [误] This is our new English teacher. He has gone to many foreign countries. ? [正] This is our new English teacher. He has been to many foreign countries. ? [析] have gone to 是到某地去了,此人现在不在这里。have been to 是到过某地,现在此人在说话现场。 ? [误] I have borrowed this book for two weeks.? [正] I have kept this book for two weeks. ? [析] 截止性动词有完成时态,但不可和与表达一段时间的时间状语连用。如:When I got to the cinema the film had begun.? 但要讲 When I got to the cinema the film had be on for five minutes 这样的用法还有 buy, join, die, 如:I bought this book yesterday.我昨天买的这本书。? I have had this book for two days. 这本书我已买了两天了。 ? I joined the club two years ago.两年前我加入了这个俱乐部。 ? I have been in this club for two years. 我加入这个俱乐部已两年了。 ? My father died five years ago. 我父亲是 5 年前去世的。 ? My father has been dead for five years. 我父亲已去世 5 年了。 ? [误] Have you understood the lessons?? [正] Do you understand the lessons? ? [析] 有些动词不易用完成时态,它们是 understand, think, believe, know (知道) ? [误] It was said that the Second World War had broken out in 1939. ? [误] It was said that the Second World War was broken out in 1939. ? [析] 在讲述过去的历史事件时,总要用过去时而不要用完成时,而且 happen, break out, take place 作为发生讲 时均没有被动语态。 ? [误] When I walked along the street. I happened to meet an old friend. ? [正] When I was walking along the street I happened to meet an old friend. ? [析] 在一个长动作发生或进行的过程中,某一突然事件发生,这时长动作应用进行时(现在进行时或过去进行 时), 而突发性动作用一般时(一般现在时或一般过去时), 如: When my father is reading a newspaper the telephone rings. ? [误] Please buy a book to me.? [正] Please buy me a book.? [正] Please buy a book for me. ? [析] 在接双宾语的动词后面的两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,如:Buy me a book 中 me 是间 接宾语,而 a book 是直接宾语。如果将直接宾语前置,其后应加 to,如: Tell me a story. Tell a story to me. Give me a book. Give a book to me. ? [误] He was seen come into the book store.? [正] He was seen to come into the book store. ? [析] 在主动语态中,有时可以加不带 to 的不定式作宾语,如:I saw him come into the book store.但如果变为 被动语态时, 则要将省略的 to 还原。 当然这些动词还可以加动名词作宾语, 如: I saw him coming into the book store, 如变为被动语态时,则没有变化。如:He was seen coming into the book store. ? [误] How nice the book is! Is it sold well?? [正] How nice the book is! Does it sell well? ? [析] 有些动词可以表示一种动作,但也可以用来表示某种性质,表示动作时可用被动语态,在表示性质时则 不可用被动语态。如: ? This book sells well. 这本书畅销。This car drives easily. 这车容易驾驶。These clothes wash easily. 这些衣服好洗。 ? 在作上述表达时,不要用被动语态。而要讲:? This kind of book was sold out. (这种书卖完了) ? These clothes were washed by the washing machine. 这时要用被动语态,因为它描述的是具体动作。 ? [误] Must I do it now?? No. you mustn't. ? [正] Must I do it now?? No, you needn't. ? [析] need 用在疑问句和否定句中常用作情态动词,其后接不带 to 的不定式。由 must 提问的问句作答语时, 如是肯定的要用 must,否定的要用 needn't, 即为没有必要。 在肯定句中常用作实意动词, 如: I need to wait for my boy. ? [误] Is this book yours?? Yes, It's. ? [正] Is this book yours?? Yes, It is. ? [析] 在肯定的回答中不要用缩写形式,而在否定的回答中可以用缩写形式,如:No. It isn't. ? [误] I'll have my bike repair tomorrow.? [正] I'll have my bike repaired tomorrow. ? [析] have+人+动词原形或现在分词意为:让某人作某事,如:My father had me to learn how to drive, 或 My father had me doing my homework from morning till might. have+物+动词的过去分词为某件事被别人完成。如:I have my hair cut.我去理发。而不是自己理发。如果讲我想自 己作某事,则用 I want to repair my bike myself. ? [误] I'll get my brother repair the bike for you.? [正] I'll get my brother to repair the bike for you.2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 11 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 ? [析] have 与 get 的用法有相同之处, 也有不同之处。 相同之处,如:have something done, 也可用 get something done, 或 have (get) somebody doing something 但不同之处在于 have somebody do something 在用 get 时则要用 get somebody to do something。 ? [误] I have to study on Saturday but I haven't to study a full day. ? [正] I have to study on Saturday,but I don't have to study a full day. ? [析] have to 不得不,而 don't have to 为其否定式。 ? [误] Is Tom in the classroom? No. He mustn't be in the classroom, because I saw him talking with our teacher in the office just now. ? [正] Is Tom in the classroom? No. He can't be in the classroom because I saw him talking with our teacher in the office just now. ? [析] must 加动词原形表达一种比较肯定的推测,而表示否定的推测则要用 can't。 ? [误] My grandpa is over eighty but he is able to read without glasses. ? [正] My grandpa is over eighty,but he can read without glasses. ? [析] can (could) 多用于表达客观的事实,主观能力,而 be able to 则多用于表达主观的意愿。 ? [误] She doesn't answer the doorbell.? She should be asleep. ? [正] She doesn't answer the doorbell. ?She must be asleep. ? [析] should 用于现在时态的句子中应译为&应该&,如:You should do your homework right away. 而 must 加动 词原形表示一种推测。 ? [误] Do you like to go with us?? [正] Would you like to go with us? ? [析] Do you like…问的是习惯,如:Do you like swimming? 而 would you like 是一次性的邀请。 ? [误] I am used to get up early in the morning.? [正] I am used to getting up early in the morning. ? [析] used to 共有三种用法,① 表示过去的习惯,如:I used to live with my parents. ?② 表示过去的习惯延续到现在,如:I am used to swimming in the river. ③ 用于被动语态,如:Oil is used to cook. ? [误] To play with the children are very interesting.? [正] To play with the children is very interesting. ? [析] 不定式作主语时,应视为单数主语,特别是两个不定式用 and 作连词作主语时,如指的是一件事也应用 单数谓语动词。如:To get up early and to go to sleep early is good for your health. ? [误] He asked me do my homework alone.? [正] He asked me to do my homework alone. ? [析] 某些动词要求不定式作其宾语或宾语补足语,它们是:ask somebody to do something 要求某人做某事。 tell somebody to do something 告诉某人做某事 还有 prepare 准备, decide 决定, happen to 碰巧, seem 似乎。 ? [误] he told me to drive a car.? [正] He told me how to drive a car. ? [析] 要学会疑问词加不定式的用法, 特别要注意的是 what 是疑问代词, 而 how 是疑问副词。 如: I want to know what to do. (我想知道干什么)。 I want to know how to do it. (我想知道如何去作)。 要注意的是 how to do it 中的 it 是不可少的, 因 how 是疑问副词, 不能作及物动词的宾语, 而 what 是疑问代词, 可做 do 的宾语, 所以 what to do 后 不要加 it。 ? [误] I am very glad meeting you.? [正] I am very glad to meet you. ? [析] 许多形容词后加不定式,这样用时形容词多是用来描述人物的感情、态度, 如:glad, happy, pleased, lucky, sorry, sad, upset, ready, careful, surprised。 ? [误] I'm too glad for seeing you.? [正] I'm too glad to see you. ? [析] 这句话不能按照 too…to 的句型翻译为:我太高兴了以至于不想见你。而应译为:见到你太高兴了。又 如:She is too honest to tell the truth.应译为:她很诚实,不会不讲实话。 ? [误] Tom is too young not to join the army.? [正] Tom is too young to join the army. ? [析] 这是 too…to 的正常用法,太如何如何以至于不能如何。 ? [误] I went to the hospital for seeing my old friend. He was ill in hospital. ? [正] I went to the hospital to see my old friend. He was ill in hospital. ? [析] 在句中表示某动作的目的时,要用不定式而不能用 for 加动名词。 ? [误] Could you help me to find a chair to sit.? [正] Could you help me to find a chair to sit on.2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 12 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 ? [析] 当不定式作后置定语时,将不定式放于名词之后。如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,则其后面的介词 不要省略。如:I sat on the chair. 这样的用法还有:I want to find a room to live in. I want to find a pen to write with. ? [误] When mother was about leaving the baby cried suddenly. ? [正] When mother was about to leave the baby cried suddenly. ? [析] be about to 是表达较近的即将发生的动作,可用来表示将来时,或按计划、安排的事。 ? [误] This work is difficult to be done.? [正] This work is difficult to do. ? [析] 在不定式作宾语时, 下列情况常用主动语态表示被动。 ① 句子的主语即是不定式动作的执行者, 如: I have a lot of letters to write. ② 句中的宾语是不定式中动作的执行者,如:Could you find me a job to do? ③ 在形容词之后 的不定式,如:English is difficult to learn. ? [误] Would you like to see a film with us?? Yes, I'd love. ? [正] Would you like to see a film with us?? Yes, I'd love to. ? [析] 在口语简答语中要将不定式符号保留,如:? I had to (不得不作) I'm going to (打算作) I used to (过去习 惯作)? I'd love to (喜欢作) I hope to (希望作某事) I'll be glad to (高兴作) ? [误] Did you see someone to do this work for me?? [正] Did you see someone do this work for me? ? [析] 在感观动词之后常接不带 to 的不定式。这些词是 see, look at, watch, hear, listen to, feel, notice。 ? [误] He was seen prepare this car.? [正] He was seen to prepare this car. ? [析] 在被动语态中要将主动语态句中省去的不定式还原回来。 ? [误] Please, Let my child to try it again.? [正] Please, Let my child try it again. ? [析] 在 make, have, let 后加不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。 ? [误] Why not to do it again?? [正] Why not do it again? ? [析] Why not, you'd better 后接不带 to 的不定式,如:You'd better go.但注意它的否定式是 You'd better not go. ? [误] When he heard the news he couldn't help to cry.? [正] When he heard the news he couldn't help crying. ? [析] can't help+现在分词表示情不自禁作某事。 ? [误] In autumn, the street is always covered with falling leaves. ? [正] In autumn, the street is always covered with fallen leaves. ? [析] 现在分词作定语有正在的含义,如:falling leave 正下落的叶子。而过去分词作定语 fallen leaves 是落地 的叶子。过去分词含有已经完成的意思。 ? [误] Do you hear someone sing in the office?? [正] Do you hear someone singing in the office? ? [析] 感观动词可用不带 to 的不定式来作宾语补足语,表达一个动作的全过程或已结束的动作,而用现在分词 表示一个正在进行中的动作。 ? [误] I want to shop some food for supper. [正] I want to buy some food for supper.? [正] I want to go shopping. ? [析] shop 作买东西讲时,要用 go shopping,其后不要加所购买的东西。这样的习惯用法还有:go boating 划船 go sailing 航海 go skating 滑冰?go shooting 射击 go dancing 去跳舞 go fishing 钓鱼?go swimming 去游泳…… 不要用错,也不要改为其他式,因为这是习惯用法。 ? [误] When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped to talk. ? [正] When the teacher came into the classroom. the students stopped talking. ? [析] stop to do something 是停下来去做某事,而 stop doing something 则是停止做某事。 ? [误] I didn't remember closing the door, so the thief came into the room directly. ? [正] I didn't remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly. ? [析] remember 后接不定式是记着去做某事,即该动作并没有完成。而 remember 后接动名词则表明该动作已 经作完了。如: Do remember to turn off the light, before you leave. 即在你离开前记着去关灯。而关灯的动作并没有 做。I remember meeting you somewhere. 我记得在某处见过你。而相见一事已经作完了。相同用法还有 forget。 ? [误] When I finished to do this work I would go to play football. ? [正] When I finished doing this work I would go to play football. ? [析] 在英语中有些动词后要接动名词作宾语。在初中范围主要有两个动词 finish 和 enjoy, 千万不要与 like 相 比。 因为 like 作动词&喜欢&用时, 其后接动名词表示习惯性动作, 接不定式表示一次性特殊的动作, 而 would you like 后面则一定要用不定式。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 13 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 ? [误] When he finished his homework, he went on playing the football. ? [正] When he finished his homework, he went on to play football. ? [析] go on to do something 是做完一件事紧跟着做另一件事。而 go on doing something 是在做一件事的过程 中被打断后接着再继续做这件事。 ? [误] He's busy to prepare his lessons.? [正] He's busy preparing his lessons. ? [析] be busy 后加 doing 而不能接不定式。 八、例题解析(单项选择) ?1? Mr Zhang asked me ___ the words again. A. read B. reads C. to read C. can D. reading D. must D. has worked D. will write ? [答案] C.? [析] ask somebody to do something 要求某人作某事。 ?2? You ___ play on the road. It's dangerous. A. mustn't B. may ? [答案] A.? [析] must 用于否定句表示禁止做某事。 ?3? Mr Brown ___ in Beijing since 1993. A. work B. works C. worked ? [答案] D.? [析] 句中有 since 引导的时间状语,因此句中要用完成时态。 ?4? I ___ a letter when my mother came in. A. write B. am writing C. was writing? [答案] C.? [析] 当母亲进来时是一个瞬时的动作,而写信是一个长动作,所以写信这个动作应用过去进 行时态,表示在写信过程中发生的另一个短动作。 ?5? It's not an important party, you needn't ___ . A. pay for it B. wear it out C. try it out D. dress up for it? [答案] D.[析] pay for-为某物,某人付款,wear out-穿坏,磨破,tryout-选拔,挑选,而 dress up-梳妆打扮。 ?6? Can I ___ a bike from him? A. lend B. return C. give D. borrow ? [答案] D.[析] borrow something from…为向某人某处借某物。而 lend, return, give 后面的介词应用 to。 ?7? - Must I stay at home? 你不一定待在家里。 ?8? - How long have you ___ here? ?- About two months. ?A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived ? [答案] A.[析] have been here 是个状态,可以与后面的长时间状语连接,而其他三个动词都是瞬间动词。 ?9? Stamps ___ by people for sending letters. A. use B. using C. used D. are used ? [答案] D.? [析] 这里是被动语态,意为邮票被人们用来发信。 10? The radio says Tianjin will be ___ tomorrow. A. rains B. rain ? [答案] D.? [析] rainy 为形容词作表语。 11? If you don't know this word, ___ in the dictionary. A. look for it B. look at it C. look after it look about 四周环视 look after 照顾 look at 看 look back 回顾 B. to not C. rained D. rainy ?- No, you ___ . A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. can not ? [答案] B.[析] needn't 为&没有必要必须做某事&,而 mustn't 为&禁止做&,can not 为&不能做&。根据题意是:D. look it up look forward to 期待 look out 当心 look like 看上去像 C. not to D. did not B. has C. have D. is? [答案] D.? [析] look up 查字典,与 look 有关的词组有:look around 周围,四处看 look for 寻找 12? My father told me ___ play on the street. A. not? [答案] C.? [析] 不定式的否定式是 not to do something. 13? There is going to ___ an English party this evening. A. be? [答案] A.[析] 这里是 there be 无生命的&有&加助动词的句型,即 there will be,而没有 there have 的句型。 14? There ___ no bus stop here last year. A.is B. was C. are D. were ? [答案] B.[析] last year 为去年,所以用过去时。而 there be 句型的单复数要看 be 动词之后离之最近的名 词是单数还是复数。如:There is a pen and two pencils on the desk. 15? Our school will hold a sports meeting if it ___ tomorrow. A. isn't rain B. rains C. won't rain D. doesn't rain ? [答案] D.? [析] 在状语从句中应用一般时态来表示将来。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 14 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 16? Bikes mustn't ___ everywhere. out 扑灭 put down 放下A. be putB. be puttedC. putD. putting? [答案] A.? [析] 这里是被动语态。与 put 有关的词组如下:put away 放好 put off 推迟 put on 穿上 put 17? Neither Li Lei nor Han Meimei ___ Harbin. A. have been to B. has been to C. have gone to D. has gone to ? [答案] B.? [析] has been to 是去过某处。 18? It's cold today you'd better ___ more coats. A. put on B. take off C. to put on D. to take off D. will buy ? [答案] A.? [析] 'd better 其后加不带 to 的不定式,而 put on 为&穿上&。 19? Henry ___ a birthday card for Sam yesterday. A. has bought B. buys C. bought ? [答案] C.? [析] 因句中的 yesterday 为表达过去的时间状语,所以应用过去时态。? 20? When I got to the factory, the workers ___ about the film. A. are talking B. Talked C. were talking D. have talked ? [答案] C.? [析] 状语从句中所用的动词为过去时,则主句中也要与之呼应。而工人们在谈论电影为一长 时间的动作,所以要用过去进行时。? 21? No hurry, please ___ your time. A. take B. bring ? [答案] A.? [析] take one's time 慢慢来别着急。? 22? I enjoy ___ the light music. A. to listen to C. carry D. catch C. hearing D. to hearB. listening to? [答案] B.? [析] enjoy 与 finish 其后只能接动名词作宾语补足语。? 23? Please ___ as soon as you get there. A. ring me up B. ring up me C. wake me up 在动词与介词之间。? 24? When I ___ , I want to be a teacher. A. grows up B. grow up C. shall grow 含有将来之意。 25? I called him and he ___ to have a talk with me. A.stop B. stops C. stoped ? [答案] D.? [析] 这是由 and 连接的两个并列句,所以时态应保持一致。? 26? - Would you please ___ me an eraser, Lucy? A. borrow B. lend C.borrowed D. lent ?- Certainly. Here you are. D. stopped D. grew up D. wake up me? [答案] A.? [析] ring up 打电话,而 wake up 唤醒。英文中有很多动词词组如其宾语是代词时,一定要放? [答案] B.? [析] grow up 长大。而状语从句要用现在时表示将来,即使主句也用的是一般现在时,但它? [答案] B.[析] would you please 其后接不带 to 的不定式即动词原形,而 borrow 为&借入&而 lend 为&借出&。 27? Trees ___ in spring. A. Plant B. were planted C. should be planted D. should plant ? [答案] C.?[析] should 用于一般现在时态中表示应该,而此句又是被动语态。 28? - Where's your father? ?- He ___ to Paris. A. go B.goes C. went D. has gone? [答案] D.? [析] has gone 是已去某处了,不在这里了。所以强调过去的动作影响到现在。? 29? - Must I finish my homework in class now? ?- No, you ___ . You can do it at home. A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. can ? [答案] C.[析] needn't 表示没有必要一定要这样做。由 must 提问,肯定句用 must,否定句用 needn't.? 30? Thank you very much for ___ your book ___ me. A. lending, to B. lent, to C. borrow, from D. borrowing,from ? [答案] A.? [析] for 是介词,要用动名词作介词宾语。 31? The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from ___ the earth away. ?A.blowing B.blow C.blows D. to blow ? [答案] A.? [析] stop…from doing something. 阻止某人或某物作某事。 32? The students will go to the West Hill Farm by bike, if it ___ fine tomorrow. ?A. will be B.is C. shall be D. was ? [答案] B. 33? Our teacher always tells us ___ in the street. It's too dangerous.2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 15 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 ?A. don't play B. not to playC. to playD. not play? [答案] B.? [析] 不定式的否定式为 not to do。? 34? English is a useful language. It ___ widely in the world. ?A. is spoken B. was spoken C. can speak D. will speak ? [答案] A.? [析] 本句为被动语态。 35? The kite is flying high in the sky. It ___ a bird. ?A. looks at B. looks like C. looks for D. looks after ? [答案] B.? [析] look like 像……,其中 like 为介词。 36? - Look! What's Wang Ping doing over there? ?- She ___ under a big tree. ?A.sings B. sang C. has sung D. is singing ? [答案] D. 37? You ___ see a doctor. You've got a bad cold. ?A. will B. are going to C. had better D. could ? [答案] C.? [析] had better 最好,意为一种真心的劝告。? 38? Your radio is too loud. Would you please ___ ? ?A. turn down it B. turn it down C. to turn down it A. rains D. to turn it down B. is raining C. will rain D. rain ? [答案] B.? [析] would you please 后面加动词原形。? 39? Could you tell me if it ___ tomorrow? ? [答案] C.[析] if 从句是宾语从句,而不是状语从句。所以还是要用将来时,而不能用一般现在时表示将来。 40? Suddenly one of the bags ___ the truck and landed in the middle of the road. ?A. fell out B. fell down C. fell off D. will be ? [答案] C.? [析] fall off 掉落。与 off 有关的词组有:see off 送行 give off 散发 shut off 关闭 kick off 踢 掉 turn off 关闭 get off 下车 jump off 跳下 show of 炫耀 take off 脱下 pay off 付清 41? He ___ at this school since two years ago. 42? She doesn't know ___ . A. when to do A. was B. what to do B. has been C. how to do C.is D. will be ? [答案] B.? [析] since 引导的时间状语应与完成时相呼应。 D. where to do ? [答案] B.? [析] when, how, where 均为疑问副词,而 what 为疑问代词,又因 do 是及物动词需要宾语。 如用疑问副词时应为 when to do it, how to do it, where to do it. 43? Must older people ___ to politely. A. speak B.spoken C. be spoke D. be spoken[答案] D.[析] 这句话的主动语态应为 People must speak politely to older people 对年龄较大的人讲话应有礼貌。 44? Teachers usually ask their students ___ loudly in class. A. to speak B.speak C.speaks D. spoke ? [答案] A.? [析] ask somebody to do something 要求某人作某事。? 45? - Where is Mr Zhang??- Look! He ___ on a big machine over there. ?A. works B.worked C. is working D. has worked ? [答案] C.? [析] 由 look, liston 等词开始的句子一般要用现在进行时态。? 46? There's a football match. Please ___ the TV at once. Let's watch together. ?A. turn on B. take off C. turn off D. go on ? [答案] A.[析] turn on 打开。与 turn 有关的词组有: turn against 背叛 turn on 打开 turn +颜色 变为某种 颜色 turn off 关闭 turn over 翻转 turn to 翻到某页 turn into 变为 turn up 向上翻 47? Please tell me where ___ have our picnic tomorrow. ?A. we will B. will we C.will D. will you ? [答案] A. ? [析] where 引导的从句是宾语从句,而不是状语从句。 48? We ___ English for three years already. And we can speak a little English now. ?A.learn B. have learned C. has learned D. will learn ? [答案] B.? [析] for+表示一段长度的时间词,应与完成时相呼应。 49? At last, Lin Feng made the baby ___ and begin to laugh. ?A. stop to cry B. stop crying C. to stop to cry D. to stop crying ? [答案] B.? [析] make somebody do (or doing) something, stop doing 意为停止做某事。2016 年中考总复习之英语 第三篇 专题复习 专题 08 动词 - 16 - 2016 年中考总复习资料 50? Our classroom must ___ clean every day. ? [答案] C.? [析] 应为被动语态。A. keepB. to keepC. be keptD. to be kept51? I hear there ___ a sports meeting in our school next week.? A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. are going to be ? [答案] C.? [析] 这是 hear 的宾语从句是 there be 句型。而且是用了 be going to 形式。 52? It's getting colder, Peter. You'd better ___ this coat with you. A. bring A. cleans B. carry C. take D. get ? [答案] C.? [析] bring 带来,take 带走。 D. is cleaned A. hurt B. hit C. run D. catch 53? Our classroom is clean and tidy.?It ___ every day. B. is cleaning C. cleaned ? [答案] D. [析] 这里表达的是经常的一种状态,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态。? 54? If you are not careful in the street, a car may ___ you. ? [答案] B.? [析] hit 撞上,碰上,击中 55? The farmers were busy ___ ready for the next year. A. got B. getting C. to get D. get ? [答案] B.? [析] be busy 后应用动词的 ing 形式。 九、解题技能 中考近年主要考查连系动词 be,feel,look,taste,smell 等用法;及物动词和不及物动词的用法;助动词 do/does/did 和 have/has 的用法;情态动词的用法。 纵观近年全国各地中考英语试题中的单项选择题中的动词类考题,可以分为以下几个大的方面: 第一、连系动词、情态动词的用法; 第二,动词的时态; 第三,动词的语态; 第四,动词非谓语形式的用法; 第五,近义词的辨析与句义选词。 十、模拟试题研究 1. 【山东省济南市】― You should say sorry to your father for the mistake you made, Tom. ― I don‘t _______ to meet his eyes. What if he gets angry with me? A. need B. have C. dare D. refuse 【答案】C考点:考查动词辨析 2.【山东省文登市大水泊中学】―May I ________your CD player? ―Certainly, but you can‘t ________it to others. A. keep borrow,借出是 lend。故选 D B. keep 考点:考查动词辨析。 go into any district. C. borrow D. lend 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-我能借用你的 CD 播放器吗?-当然可以,但是你不能把它借给别人。借来是 3.【江苏省镇江市区】In Hongkong Disneyland, the children under 1.2 metres ▲ A. couldn‘t B. mustn‘t C. needn‘t D. mightn‘t 【答案】 B【解析】试题分}


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