
把长文读懂永远是放在第二位的,而把握GRE阅读文章结构(包括文章类型、段与段之间的关系、甚至句与句之间的关系)、作者态度则是第一位的,在读文章时要时刻记住这一点,对于文章内涵能读懂就读,不懂也不要强求,否则会造成心理阴影,影响做题,尤其是现在还有一个月的时间,每次做题都要掐时间做,17 分钟,相信自己能行的!下面是一些提高GRE阅读的小技巧,希望能对大家有用:
相关热点:GRE长篇阅读如何把握主要内容?专家分析看懂文章好方法 - 小站GRE
但同时,我们在阅读文章的过程中也常常会碰到这样的一种单词,那就是专有名词,尤其是涉及全文主题的专有名词,难道我们就必须一一认识它?答案显然是否定的。什么叫做认识专有名词?从英到汉的翻译叫做认识?还是知道专有名词的特征叫做认识?我们在阅读理解中有没有遇到过这样的问题提法:What is sedge root?我想没有,因为这种问法是在问专有名词的翻译。我们遇到的更多是这样的一些问法:According to the passage, which of the following statements about sedge root is true? What can be inferred from the passage about sedge root? 这些问题的提法却是在问专有名词的文中阐述特征。我们再从文章本身对这个问题做出进一步的分析。
假设原文有这样一句话:Sedge root, a woody fiber that can be easily separated into strands, is essential to basketry production. 请问sedge root的中文翻译“莎草的根” 能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目吗?我想很难!真正能够帮助我们解决阅读理解题目的应该是这样的文字a woody fiber (木制纤维)和定语从句中的文字部分can be easily separated into strands (能够轻易地被分割成线)。通过以上的分析,想必大家已经非常清楚地认识到,过去我们拼命去死记硬背专有名词的中文释义是多么愚蠢的行为。因为真正的认识应该是对特征的认识,所以一个专有名词和他的中文释义对我们来说是没有任何意义的,毕竟我们对它们都没有任何的概念。
不少同学反映难道真的是从上下文中猜出单词的释义?其实这样的概率并不是很高,而在GRE考场上将限的紧张时间从上下文中猜出单词的释义是不现实的。例如有这样一句话“Supernova is a massive star which undergoes gravitational collapse.” 我们是不可能从上下文中猜出supernova的释义“超新星”的。而我们真正能够做到的只是从上下文中猜出单词的特征:supernova是巨大的恒星(massive star),它在进行引力收缩(undergoes gravitational collapse)。
> GRE备考该如何规划
来源:&&&&&&浏览:&&&&&&发布日期: 10:54
& & 成绩在留学申请中往往是一个学生是否被申请学校列入考虑备选名单的最关键因素,很多世界名校教授都曾经表示,GRE成绩是首先筛选的标准。因此,GRE成绩的重要性不言而喻,所以在备考中,大家切忌掉以轻心!那么,在GRE备考中都需要准备些什么呢,接下来,的小编就为大家带来GRE的备考信息。
& & GRE备考决定考试成绩,切记掉以轻心!
& & 一、练PACE切忌临时抱佛脚
& & 很多考生把练习答题节奏的工作优先级排得很低,往往到了考前才想起来要做点模考练习突击一下。其实只靠考前练习,想要练好PACE并不容易。因为这本身就需要考生通过长期练习来逐步习惯和适应,并非临时抱佛脚就能达到效果。因此,大家需要在平时做题的过程中,就有意识地培养自己限时内做完题目的能力,而不是到了考前再赶工。
& & 二、考前1个月开始练PACE
& & 练答题节奏的最佳时机,一般是在考前1个月左右。按照GRE平均复习3个月来计算,一般在考前1个月的时候,考生都已经对考点和题型有了一定程度的熟悉和了解,大部分的GRE题目也能够上手解答了。因此,在这个时间节点上开始训练限时做题是做好的,考生既不会因为不熟悉题目而来不及做题,也不会因为没有足够的基础知识积累而完全不会做题。
& & 三、培养果断决策能力
& & 想要练好答题节奏,考生需要具备的关键意识就是果断。在练习过程中,大家一定要确保所有题目都必须在限时内做完,有些题目哪怕到了时间还没做完,也绝不能放松要求宽限时间,猜一个答案继续才是正确做法。大家需要适中明确的一点是,GRE考试中在任何一道题目上停留过程时间都是PACE的大忌。
& & 四、提前做好难题应对方案
& & 缺乏对GRE考试基本认识和时间观念较差的考生很容易出现因为遭遇一些难题而忘我解答忘记时间的情况,以至于之后的题目都来不及做,这种毫无PACE可言的做法自然是错误的。大家需要明白一点,那就是所有GRE考试题目,无论难度如何,其分值都是一样的。所以与其花费远超平均值的时间在一道难题上,还不如把同样时间用于更多简单题目,才能真正获得理想的得分效率。对于所有题目无论难易一视同仁才是练好PACE的精髓。
& & 五、语文部分规划做题顺序
& & 提前练好GRE语文VERBAL部分的PACE对中国考生来说最为重要,这是因为中国考生普遍数学较为优秀而语文则是相对薄弱的部分。小编的建议是放弃考试题目的自然顺序,根据自身实际情况调整解题顺序。GRE考试本身允许返回检查和修改答案的考试机制决定了考生可以自由规划解题顺序。因此比较理想的答题流程是填空、短篇&逻辑阅读、长篇阅读。这是因为这个顺序一般都是大家花费时间从少到多,得分性价比从高到低排列的各类题型。大家如果还没找到自己的PACE,不妨根据这个答题顺序来进行练习,等熟练以后可以再根据自身的实际情况调整。
& & 以上就是今天为大家准备的GRE内容,大家在平时的备考中就做好自己答题的安排规划,这样在考场上时才能冷静应对出现的突发状况。大家一定要合理安排备考,万事俱备,走上考场。希望大家都能成为一匹小黑马,顺利拿到高分!想要了解更多考试资讯还请移步官网。关注新航道,天天有更新!
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摘要: 环球GRE小编继续为各位考生带来GRE长篇阅读3,希望对大家能有所帮助,更多上海GRE考试内容请关注上海GRE培训。
  Passage 3
  Despite winning several prestigious literary awards of the day, when it first appeared, Alice Walker&s The Color Purple generated critical unease over puzzling aspects of its compositions. In what, as one reviewer put it, was &clearly intended to be a realistic novel,& many reviewers perceived violations of the conventions of the realistic novel form, pointing out variously that late in the book, the narrator protagonist Celie and her friends are propelled toward a happy ending with more velocity than credibility, that the letters from Nettie to her sister Celie intrude into the middle of the main action with little motivation or warrant, and that the device of Celie&s letters to God is especially unrealistic inasmuch as it forgoes the concretizing details that traditionally have given the epistolary novel (that is, a novel composed of letters) its peculiar verisimilitude: the ruses to enable mailing letters, the cache, and especially the letters received in return.GRE长篇阅读3
  Indeed, the violations of realistic convention are so flagrant that they might well call into question whether The Color of Purple is indeed intended to be a realistic novel, especially since there are indications that at least some of those aspects of the novel regarded by viewers as puzzling may constitutes its links to modes of writing other than Anglo-European nineteenth-century realism. For example, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., has recently located the letters to God within an African American tradition deriving from slave narrative, a tradition in which the act of writing is linked to a powerful deity who &speaks& through scripture and bestows literacy as an act of grace. For Gates, the concern with finding a voice, which he sees as the defining feature of African American literature, links Celie&s letters with certain narrative aspects of Zora Neale Hurston&s 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, the acknowledged predecessor of The Color Purple.
  Gates&s paradigm suggests how misleading it may be to assume that mainstream realist criteria are appropriate for evaluating The Color Purple. But in his preoccupation with voice as a primary element unifying both the speaking subject and the text as a whole Gates does not elucidate many of the more conventional structural features of Walker&s novel. For instance, while the letters from Nettie clearly illustrate Nettie&s acquisition of her own voice, Gates&s focus on &voice& sheds little light on the place that these letters occupy in the narrative or on why the plot takes this sudden jump into geographically and culturally removed surroundings. What is needed is an evaluative paradigm that, rather than obscuring such startling structural features (which may actually be explicitly intended to undermine traditional Anglo-European novelistic conventions), confronts them, thus illuminating the deliberately provocative ways in which The Color Purple departs from the traditional models to which it has been compared.
  1. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the letters from Nettie to Celie?长篇阅读3
  A. They mark an unintended shift to geographically and culturally removed surroundings
  B. They may represent a conscious attempt to undermine certain novelistic conventions
  C. They are more closely connected to the main action of the novel than is at first apparent
  D. They owe more to the tradition of the slave narrative than do Celie&s letters to God
  E. They illustrate the traditional concretizing details of the epistolary novel form
  2. In the second paragraph, the author of the passage is primarily concerned with
  A. examining the ways in which The Color Purple echoes its acknowledged predecessor, Their Eyes Were Watching God
  B. providing an example of a critic who has adequately addressed the structural features of The Color Purple
  C. suggesting that literary models other than the nineteenth-century realistic novel may inform our understanding of The Color Purple
  D. demonstrating the ineffectiveness of a particularly scholarly attempt to suggest an alternative way of evaluating The Color Purple
  E. disputing the perceived notion that The Color Purple departs from conventions of the realistic novel form
  3. According to the passage, an evaluative paradigm that confronts the startling structural features of The Color Purple would accomplish which of the following?
  A. It would adequately explain why many reviewers of this novel have discerned its connections to the realistic novel tradition
  B. It would show the ways in which this novel differs from its reputed Anglo-European nineteenth-century models
  C. It would explicate the overarching role of voice in this novel
  D. It would address the ways in which this novel echoes the central themes of Hurston&s Their Eyes Are Watching God
  E. It would reveals ways in which these structural features serve to parody novelistic conventions
  4. The author of the passage suggests that Gates is most like the reviewers mentioned in the first paragraph in which of the following ways?GRE长篇阅读3
  A. He points out discrepancies between The Color Purple and other traditional epistolary novels
  B. He sees the concern with finding a voice as central to both The Color Purple and Their Eyes Are Watching God
  C. He assumes that The Color Purple is intended to be a novel primarily in the tradition of Anglo-American nineteenth-century realism
  D. He does not address many of the unsettling structural features of The Color Purple
  E. He recognizes the departure of The Color Purple from traditional Anglo-European realistic novel conventions.
  答案:B C B E
  以上就是为GRE考生们带来的长篇阅读3,希望能给GRE考生们带来帮助。如需了解更 多的相关信息,欢迎拨打上海GRE考试的免费咨询热线021-进行咨询,&,请关注环球GRE。
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