i am going to die和deadi am going to be dead都通顺吗?语法。

&&&&My mum recently(6 weeks ago) died suddenly , she was only 40.&&Since then i have exrerienced my first & panic attacks& , Im now having up to 30 severe atacks a day, I stood out in the rain for 2 hours last week as i diddnt want to &die alone& in my flat i was convinced i was going to die.&&I am to scared to go to sleep at night as every night i feel im going to die in my sleep, the attacks then come on in the middle of the night , im absolutley terrified.&&I also have a permanent chest tightness, feeling sick and air hunger, i also am struggling to do simple things like house work in the day i just watch tv and go back to sleep i have little motivation.&&I was checking the symptoms on line and found it may be indigestion brought on by anxiety but im convinced its heart failure.&&I keep having images of my mum dead in my head&&and her in the ground, i also feel so guilty for the way i treated her at times, its no excuse but she was an alcoholic and opiate abuser and was extremely selfish and difficult at times, she had really lowered her drink intake and was doing so well........ the post mortem showed nothing so we are awaiting the inquest in june.&&
My husband was initally unsupportive and i was alone for the first 4 weeks after she died, he is now extremely supportive and the only way i can relax enough to sleep is when he cuddles me in bed and i feel safe, but i dont want to be so needy....
Im also addicted to codeine just like my mum , i dont drink and am tapering , i dont suppose this helps though
Has anyone suffered anything similar who could help me , im terrified and finding every day a struggle , i dont want to be like this
please help
jem xxxx
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jem...first of all...if I could reach thru the computer screen and give you the biggest bear hug, I would.&&I can feel the pain in your post.
Sweetie, you are dealing with SOOO much&&right now, it is understandable that you are going thru these feelings.&&FIRST of all, you are FAR from alone.&&You are suffering from panic attacks, which are not at all uncommon after a person goes thru a loss like you did, especially so unexpectedly.
You are dealing with numerous issues.&&For one, you are still trying to come to terms with your Mom's passing...you are still going thru the stages of grief.&&Naturally, with her death, you are thinking all kinds of things...including wishes you would have talked to her more, behaved differently with her...all of the the things a person does when they have lost someone.&&REGRETS.&&THAT IS NORMAL.&&Everyone who loses someone will go thru that.
You also are dealing with an addiction, and other issues, which are compounding the way you feel.&&Long term opiate use leads people to have a very difficult time actually FEELING.&&Your Mom's death probably MADE you &feel& for the first time in a long time, and it scared you half to death.
You are also dealing with the idea of mortality, being that your Mom passed at such a young age.&&It's only natural to think that &if it could happen to her, why not me?&.&&This is all part of the process, hon.
My suggestion to you is get yourself to your doctor asap, and ask for a referral for a pyschotherapist for some bigtime &talk therapy&.&&You have a lot of issues to work thru, and some aggressive therapy would be the way to do it.&&Plus, your doc may be able to prescribe you a temporary course of medication to help you get thru some of these awful panic attacks.
Let me reassure you...number 1, you are not going to die.&&EVERYTHING you described is CLASSIC anxiety/panic symptoms.&&And, while the sensations you get are terrifying, they are 100% harmless.&&They are only EMOTIONS.&&Number 2....you can and WILL get thru this, it is just going to take some time.&&You have several issues to overcome, but for now, focus on the big one, which is working thru your Mom's untimely death.
There are some wonderful books out there as well, about grief, and the stages of grief.&&There are also wonderful books out there about anxiety.&&Claire Weekes (sp?) has written a lot of great books about anxiety.&&Perhaps other posters could steer you in the right direction.&&Also, I would post your concerns on the &Grief and Loss& forum here at MH.&&You will find phenomenal support, as well as suggestions on how to cope, books to read, etc.
You are not alone.&&I know I already said that, but it is important to repeat.&&There are a ton of us panic disorder people that experience what you are experiencing WITHOUT a solid reason.&&Imagine that?&&To have those kinds of intense feelings WITHOUT&&a logical trigger?&&It makes you feel crazy.&&You have a HUGE trigger, and it only makes sense that you would be feeling like you are after suffering such a loss.
My heart goes out to you and you will be in my thoughts.&&I extend to you my deepest, most sincere sympathy for your loss.&&Keep posting, this is a valuable resource, and you will find a lot of support here.
jem...first of all...if I could reach thru the computer screen and give you the biggest bear hug, I would.&&I can feel the pain in your post.
Sweetie, you are dealing with SOOO much&&right now, it is understandable that you are going thru these feelings.&&FIRST of all, you are FAR from alone.&&You are suffering from panic attacks, which are not at all uncommon after a person goes thru a loss like you did, especially so unexpectedly.
You are dealing with numerous issues.&&For one, you are still trying to come to terms with your Mom's passing...you are still going thru the stages of grief.&&Naturally, with her death, you are thinking all kinds of things...including wishes you would have talked to her more, behaved differently with her...all of the the things a person does when they have lost someone.&&REGRETS.&&THAT IS NORMAL.&&Everyone who loses someone will go thru that.
You also are dealing with an addiction, and other issues, which are compounding the way you feel.&&Long term opiate use leads people to have a very difficult time actually FEELING.&&Your Mom's death probably MADE you &feel& for the first time in a long time, and it scared you half to death.
You are also dealing with the idea of mortality, being that your Mom passed at such a young age.&&It's only natural to think that &if it could happen to her, why not me?&.&&This is all part of the process, hon.
My suggestion to you is get yourself to your doctor asap, and ask for a referral for a pyschotherapist for some bigtime &talk therapy&.&&You have a lot of issues to work thru, and some aggressive therapy would be the way to do it.&&Plus, your doc may be able to prescribe you a temporary course of medication to help you get thru some of these awful panic attacks.
Let me reassure you...number 1, you are not going to die.&&EVERYTHING you described is CLASSIC anxiety/panic symptoms.&&And, while the sensations you get are terrifying, they are 100% harmless.&&They are only EMOTIONS.&&Number 2....you can and WILL get thru this, it is just going to take some time.&&You have several issues to overcome, but for now, focus on the big one, which is working thru your Mom's untimely death.
There are some wonderful books out there as well, about grief, and the stages of grief.&&There are also wonderful books out there about anxiety.&&Claire Weekes (sp?) has written a lot of great books about anxiety.&&Perhaps other posters could steer you in the right direction.&&Also, I would post your concerns on the &Grief and Loss& forum here at MH.&&You will find phenomenal support, as well as suggestions on how to cope, books to read, etc.
You are not alone.&&I know I already said that, but it is important to repeat.&&There are a ton of us panic disorder people that experience what you are experiencing WITHOUT a solid reason.&&Imagine that?&&To have those kinds of intense feelings WITHOUT&&a logical trigger?&&It makes you feel crazy.&&You have a HUGE trigger, and it only makes sense that you would be feeling like you are after suffering such a loss.
My heart goes out to you and you will be in my thoughts.&&I extend to you my deepest, most sincere sympathy for your loss.&&Keep posting, this is a valuable resource, and you will find a lot of support here.
i am very sorry for your loss, it is devistating and i agree only time will help you with your anxiety and feelings. i also agree you need to see your doctor asap to help with the symptoms for the time being, and psychology or therapy to deal with the issues, even if it's just short term, you need to talk to a professional quickly! nursegirl6572 pretty much said it all, i just wanted you to know that someone else also agrees that you need to see your doc and get therapy asap. good luck
i am very sorry for your loss, it is devistating and i agree only time will help you with your anxiety and feelings. i also agree you need to see your doctor asap to help with the symptoms for the time being, and psychology or therapy to deal with the issues, even if it's just short term, you need to talk to a professional quickly! nursegirl6572 pretty much said it all, i just wanted you to know that someone else also agrees that you need to see your doc and get therapy asap. good luck
Dear faz84
I'm also very sorry for your loss. It must have been a shock to you.
3 years ago I experienced to loose a very close friend of mine suddenly, and though I did not struggle with panic attacks I can totally identify with the feelings you have now and the images in your head, the questions etc. I also understand the low motivation. I experienced the same thing. I guess it has something to do with the deep emotional shock.
You have already been well adviced here. I only want to say that I find support from others in difficult times as the most important thing and maybe you shouldn't worry to much about being&needy& right now. When you need help let people help you and you will find that the burden gets lighter.
All the best,
Dear faz84
I'm also very sorry for your loss. It must have been a shock to you.
3 years ago I experienced to loose a very close friend of mine suddenly, and though I did not struggle with panic attacks I can totally identify with the feelings you have now and the images in your head, the questions etc. I also understand the low motivation. I experienced the same thing. I guess it has something to do with the deep emotional shock.
You have already been well adviced here. I only want to say that I find support from others in difficult times as the most important thing and maybe you shouldn't worry to much about being&needy& right now. When you need help let people help you and you will find that the burden gets lighter.
All the best,
Words and tears. Two of the greatest ways we can help ourselves at such times. The other option is to keep it all in. To do that makes thing worse. So you done good by posting your post here on the forum. 40 is a young age to die. It would send shivers down the spine of anybody at all. But six weeks is a short time. I wouldn't expect your mind to be anywhere else than on the loss of your mother. It will take time. There are councilors that deal with losses of loved ones. Just one option open to you. To let everything inside of you out. And get some feedback from the councilor. They are well trained in dealing with such things. As for the guilt trip? I think we all feel this way when a loved one dies. We wish we could have said certain things to them or acted in a different way. There is nothing wrong with making your peace with your mum now. It depends on your beliefs. But just let go of everything that is hurting you inside. That is more important now. I am sure your mum would have wanted that. Not to see you struggle. A mother's love never dies. You can keep her memory alive in a good way. But to do that we have to get you sorted out first. In the right frame of mind. I watched my own father die from a heart attack at my feet. Wished I could have done more. But knew I done all I could. Accepting the death was the first step. Learning how to move on was the second. But in moving on we don't have to forget the person. We just see that we have a life to live and our loved one would have wanted us to live that life. Not stop and get ourselves stuck thinking about their death. Doing that will forever cause pain. Take some time out to gather your thoughts and you will make the right choices and moves to get your life back on track again.
Words and tears. Two of the greatest ways we can help ourselves at such times. The other option is to keep it all in. To do that makes thing worse. So you done good by posting your post here on the forum. 40 is a young age to die. It would send shivers down the spine of anybody at all. But six weeks is a short time. I wouldn't expect your mind to be anywhere else than on the loss of your mother. It will take time. There are councilors that deal with losses of loved ones. Just one option open to you. To let everything inside of you out. And get some feedback from the councilor. They are well trained in dealing with such things. As for the guilt trip? I think we all feel this way when a loved one dies. We wish we could have said certain things to them or acted in a different way. There is nothing wrong with making your peace with your mum now. It depends on your beliefs. But just let go of everything that is hurting you inside. That is more important now. I am sure your mum would have wanted that. Not to see you struggle. A mother's love never dies. You can keep her memory alive in a good way. But to do that we have to get you sorted out first. In the right frame of mind. I watched my own father die from a heart attack at my feet. Wished I could have done more. But knew I done all I could. Accepting the death was the first step. Learning how to move on was the second. But in moving on we don't have to forget the person. We just see that we have a life to live and our loved one would have wanted us to live that life. Not stop and get ourselves stuck thinking about their death. Doing that will forever cause pain. Take some time out to gather your thoughts and you will make the right choices and moves to get your life back on track again.
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&&&&My mum recently(6 weeks ago) died suddenly , she was only 40.&&Since then i have exrerienced my first & panic attacks& , Im now having up to 30 severe atacks a day, I stood out in the rain for 2 hours last week as i diddnt want to &die alone& in my flat i was convinced i was going to die.&&I am to scared to go to sleep at night as every night i feel im going to die in my sleep, the attacks then come on in the middle of the night , im absolutley terrified.&&I also have a permanent chest tightness, feeling sick and air hunger, i also am struggling to do simple things like house work in the day i just watch tv and go back to sleep i have little motivation.&&I was checking the symptoms on line and found it may be indigestion brought on by anxiety but im convinced its heart failure.&&I keep having images of my mum dead in my head&&and her in the ground, i also feel so guilty for the way i treated her at times, its no excuse but she was an alcoholic and opiate abuser and was extremely selfish and difficult at times, she had really lowered her drink intake and was doing so well........ the post mortem showed nothing so we are awaiting the inquest in june.&&
My husband was initally unsupportive and i was alone for the first 4 weeks after she died, he is now extremely supportive and the only way i can relax enough to sleep is when he cuddles me in bed and i feel safe, but i dont want to be so needy....
Im also addicted to codeine just like my mum , i dont drink and am tapering , i dont suppose this helps though
Has anyone suffered anything similar who could help me , im terrified and finding every day a struggle , i dont want to be like this
please help
jem xxxx
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MedHelp is a division of .it's a pity that I'm going to die or die too soon, but at least I'm getting more than the average.
Or, more generally, we'll worry about how should the fact that I'm going to die affect the way I live?
Most people in the sample were Christian and about 96% of Christians said, "When I die I'm going to go to Heaven."
Still, when these people were asked what would happen when they would die, most of them answered, "I'm going to go to Heaven."
What about the fact that not only is it inevitable that I'm going to die, it's inevitable that we're all going to die.
How do we get from there to the conclusion that I can't believe that I'm going to die, I'm going to cease to exist as a person?
The central bad thing about the fact that I'm going to die is the fact that because I'll be dead I'll be deprived of the good things in life.
Should I despair at the fact that I'm going to die?
And I remember quite clearly thinking to myself as that happened-- the whole thing lasted only a few moments-- but I remember thinking quite clearly, " "I'm going to die."
It's bad enough that I'm going to die too soon.
It's bad enough that I'm going to die.
Well, if that's right, and if we then realize that there's nothing I can do about the fact that I'm going to die, then perhaps some of the sting, some of the bite, is eliminated.
If I'm right in thinking immortality would be undesirable, then the fact that we're going to die is good, because it guarantees that we won't be immortal, which would be a nightmare, an unending nightmare.
I'm going to die.
On the one hand, you can imagine somebody who says, " "Look, it's bad enough that I'm going to die, " but the fact that " there's nothing I could do about it just makes it worse.
- 来自原声例句
be going to 后可不可以接瞬间动词?即可不可以说I am going to die?
想表达“我要死了”别用“I am going to die”,正确的说法是“I am dying”用现在进行时表示一般将来时,这是现在进行时的一个用法.
好好好 我不问了,你去死吧……
3 还没想好呢,等死完上两次再说……
i have already dead !!!!


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