如何通过java代码对kylin model cube进行cube build

package com.dlht.kylinD
import java.io.BufferedR
import java.io.FileNotFoundE
import java.io.IOE
import java.io.InputStreamR
import java.io.PrintW
import java.net.HttpURLC
import java.net.MalformedURLE
import java.net.URL;
import mons.codec.binary.Base64;
public class BuildTest {
static String ACCOUNT = "ADMIN";
static String PWD = "KYLIN";
static String PATH = "";
public static void main(String[] args) {
"{\"startTime\": 0,\"endTime\": 0,\"buildType\": \"BUILD\"}"));
public static String Put(String addr, String params) {
String result = "";
URL url = new URL(addr);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url
String auth = ACCOUNT + ":" + PWD;
String code = new String(new Base64().encode(auth.getBytes()));
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + code);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
} catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
java.io.InputStream err = ((HttpURLConnection) connection)
if (err == null)
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(err));
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
response.append(line + "\n");
result = response.toString();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
阅读(...) 评论()Apache Kylin | Apache Kylin(TM) Release Notes
* [KYLIN-955] - HiveColumnCardinalityJob should use configurations in conf/kylin_job_conf.xml
* [KYLIN-1014] - Support kerberos authentication while getting status from RM
* [KYLIN-1074] - Load hive tables with selecting mode
* [KYLIN-1082] - Hive dependencies should be add to tmpjars
* [KYLIN-1132] - make filtering input easier in creating cube
* [KYLIN-1201] - Enhance project level ACL
* [KYLIN-1211] - Add 'Enable Cache' button in System page
* [KYLIN-1234] - Cube ACL does not work
* [KYLIN-1240] - Fix link and typo in README
* [KYLIN-1244] - In query window, enable fast copy&paste by double clicking tables/columns' names.
* [KYLIN-1246] - get cubes API update - offset,limit not required
* [KYLIN-1251] - add toggle event for tree label
* [KYLIN-1259] - Change font/background color of job progress
* [KYLIN-1312] - Enhance DeployCoprocessorCLI to support Cube level filter
* [KYLIN-1317] - Kill underlying running hadoop job while discard a job
* [KYLIN-1323] - Improve performance of converting data to hfile
* [KYLIN-1333] - Kylin Entity Permission Control
* [KYLIN-1343] - Upgrade calcite version to 1.6
* [KYLIN-1365] - Kylin ACL enhancement
* [KYLIN-1368] - JDBC Driver is not generic to restAPI json result
* [KYLIN-918] - Calcite throws "java.lang.Float cannot be cast to java.lang.Double" error while executing SQL
* [KYLIN-1075] - select [MeasureCol] from [FactTbl] is not supported
* [KYLIN-1078] - Cannot have comments in the end of New Query textbox
* [KYLIN-1104] - Long dimension value cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [KYLIN-1110] - can not see project options after clear brower cookie and cache
* [KYLIN-1159] - problem about kylin web UI
* [KYLIN-1214] - Remove "Back to My Cubes" link in non-edit mode
* [KYLIN-1215] - minor, update website member's info on community page
* [KYLIN-1230] - When CubeMigrationCLI copied ACL from one env to another, it may not work
* [KYLIN-1236] - redirect to home page when input invalid url
* [KYLIN-1250] - Got NPE when discarding a job
* [KYLIN-1254] - cube model will be overridden while creating a new cube with the same name
* [KYLIN-1260] - Job status labels are not in same style
* [KYLIN-1274] - Query from JDBC is partial results by default
* [KYLIN-1316] - Wrong label in Dialog CUBE REFRESH CONFIRM
* [KYLIN-1330] - UI create model: Press enter will go back to pre step
* [KYLIN-1331] - UI Delete Aggregation Groups: cursor disappeared after delete 1 dimension
* [KYLIN-1342] - Typo in doc
* [KYLIN-1354] - Couldn't edit a cube if it has no "partition date" set
* [KYLIN-1372] - Query using PrepareStatement failed with multi OR clause
* [KYLIN-1396] - minor bug in BigDecimalSerializer - avoidVerbose should be incremented each time when input scale is larger than given scale
* [KYLIN-1400] - kylin.metadata.url with hbase namespace problem
* [KYLIN-1402] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Kylin Hive Column Cardinality Job
* [KYLIN-1412] - Widget width of "Partition date column"
is too small to select
* [KYLIN-1419] - NullPointerException occurs when query from subqueries with order by
* [KYLIN-1423] - HBase size precision issue
* [KYLIN-1443] - For setting Auto Merge Time Ranges, before sending them to backend, the related time ranges should be sorted increasingly
* [KYLIN-1445] - Kylin should throw error if HIVE_CONF dir cannot be found
* [KYLIN-1456] - Shouldn't use "" as the default end date
* [KYLIN-1466] - Some environment variables are not used in bin/kylin.sh &RUNNABLE_CLASS_NAME&
* [KYLIN-1469] - Hive dependency jars are hard coded in test
* [KYLIN-1335] - Disable PrintResult in KylinQueryTest
New Feature
* [KYLIN-596] - Support Excel and Power BI
* [KYLIN-389] - Can't edit cube name for existing cubes
* [KYLIN-702] - When Kylin create the flat hive table, it generates large number of small files in HDFS
* [KYLIN-1021] - upload dependent jars of kylin to HDFS and set tmpjars
* [KYLIN-1058] - Remove "right join" during model creation
* [KYLIN-1064] - restore disabled queries in KylinQueryTest.testVerifyQuery
* [KYLIN-1065] - ODBC driver support tableau 9.1
* [KYLIN-1069] - update tip for 'Partition Column' on UI
* [KYLIN-1081] - ./bin/find-hive-dependency.sh may not find hive-hcatalog-core.jar
* [KYLIN-1095] - Update AdminLTE to latest version
* [KYLIN-1099] - Support dictionary of cardinality over 10 millions
* [KYLIN-1101] - Allow "YYYYMMDD" as a date partition column
* [KYLIN-1105] - Cache in AbstractRowKeyEncoder.createInstance() is useless
* [KYLIN-1119] - refine find-hive-dependency.sh to correctly get hcatalog path
* [KYLIN-1139] - Hive job not starting due to error "conflicting lock present for default mode EXCLUSIVE "
* [KYLIN-1149] - When yarn return an incomplete job tracking URL, Kylin will fail to get job status
* [KYLIN-1154] - Load job page is very slow when there are a lot of history job
* [KYLIN-1157] - CubeMigrationCLI doesn't copy ACL
* [KYLIN-1160] - Set default logger appender of log4j for JDBC
* [KYLIN-1161] - Rest API /api/cubes?cubeName=
is doing fuzzy match instead of exact match
* [KYLIN-1162] - Enhance HadoopStatusGetter to be compatible with YARN-2605
* [KYLIN-1166] - CubeMigrationCLI should disable and purge the cube in source store after be migrated
* [KYLIN-1168] - Couldn't save cube after doing some modification, get "Update data model is not allowed! Please create a new cube if needed" error
* [KYLIN-1190] - Make memory budget per query configurable
* [KYLIN-693] - Couldn't change a cube's name after it be created
* [KYLIN-930] - can't see realizations under each project at project list page
* [KYLIN-966] - When user creates a cube, if enter a name which already exists, Kylin will thrown expection on last step
* [KYLIN-1033] - Error when joining two sub-queries
* [KYLIN-1039] - Filter like (A or false) yields wrong result
* [KYLIN-1067] - Support get MapReduce Job status for ResourceManager HA Env
* [KYLIN-1070] - changing
case in table name in
model desc
* [KYLIN-1093] - Consolidate getCurrentHBaseConfiguration() and newHBaseConfiguration() in HadoopUtil
* [KYLIN-1098] - two "kylin.hbase.region.count.min" in conf/kylin.properties
* [KYLIN-1106] - Can not send email caused by Build Base Cuboid Data step failed
* [KYLIN-1108] - Return Type Empty When Measure-& Count In Cube Design
* [KYLIN-1120] - MapReduce job read local meta issue
* [KYLIN-1121] - ResourceTool download/upload does not work in binary package
* [KYLIN-1140] - Kylin's sample cube "kylin_sales_cube" couldn't be saved.
* [KYLIN-1148] - Edit project's name and cancel edit, project's name still modified
* [KYLIN-1152] - ResourceStore should read content and timestamp in one go
* [KYLIN-1155] - unit test with minicluster doesn't work on 1.x
* [KYLIN-1203] - Cannot save cube after correcting the configuration mistake
* [KYLIN-1205] - hbase RpcClient java.io.IOException: Unexpected closed connection
* [KYLIN-1216] - Can't parse DateFormat like 'YYYYMMDD' correctly in query
* [KYLIN-1170] - Update website and status files to TLP
v1.1.1-incubating -
* [KYLIN-999] - License check and cleanup for release
v1.1-incubating -
New Feature
* [KYLIN-222] - Web UI to Display CubeInstance Information
* [KYLIN-906] - cube retention
* [KYLIN-910] - Allow user to enter "retention range" in days on Cube UI
* [KYLIN-457] - log4j error and dup lines in kylin.log
* [KYLIN-632] - "kylin.sh stop" doesn't check whether KYLIN_HOME was set
* [KYLIN-740] - Slowness with many IN() values
* [KYLIN-747] - bad query performance when IN clause contains a value doesn't exist in the dictionary
* [KYLIN-771] - query cache is not evicted when metadata changes
* [KYLIN-797] - Cuboid cache will cache massive invalid cuboid if existed many cubes which already be deleted
* [KYLIN-847] - "select * from fact" does not work on 0.7 branch
* [KYLIN-913] - Cannot find rowkey column XXX in cube CubeDesc
* [KYLIN-918] - Calcite throws "java.lang.Float cannot be cast to java.lang.Double" error while executing SQL
* [KYLIN-944] - update doc about how to consume kylin API in javascript
* [KYLIN-950] - Web UI "Jobs" tab view the job reduplicated
* [KYLIN-952] - User can trigger a Refresh job on an non-existing cube segment via REST API
* [KYLIN-958] - update cube data model may fail and leave metadata in inconsistent state
* [KYLIN-961] - Can't get cube
source record count.
* [KYLIN-967] - Dump running queries on memory shortage
* [KYLIN-968] - CubeSegment.lastBuildJobID is null in new instance but used for rowkey_stats path
* [KYLIN-975] - change kylin.job.hive.database.for.intermediatetable cause job to fail
* [KYLIN-978] - GarbageCollectionStep dropped Hive Intermediate Table but didn't drop external hdfs path
* [KYLIN-982] - package.sh should grep out "Download*" messages when determining version
* [KYLIN-983] - Query sql offset keyword bug
* [KYLIN-985] - Don't suppoprt aggregation AVG while executing SQL
* [KYLIN-1001] - Kylin generates wrong HDFS path in creating intermediate table
* [KYLIN-1004] - Dictionary with '' value cause cube merge to fail
* [KYLIN-1005] - fail to acquire ZookeeperJobLock when hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort is configured other than 2181
* [KYLIN-1015] - Hive dependency jars appeared twice on job configuration
* [KYLIN-1020] - Although "kylin.query.scan.threshold" is set, it still be restricted to less than 4 million
* [KYLIN-1026] - Error message for git check is not correct in package.sh
* [KYLIN-343] - Enable timeout on query
* [KYLIN-367] - automatically backup metadata everyday
* [KYLIN-589] - Cleanup Intermediate hive table after cube build
* [KYLIN-772] - Continue cube job when hive query return empty resultset
* [KYLIN-858] - add snappy compression support
* [KYLIN-882] - check access to kylin.hdfs.working.dir
* [KYLIN-895] - Add "retention_range" attribute for cube instance, and automatically drop the oldest segment when exceeds retention
* [KYLIN-901] - Add tool for cleanup Kylin metadata storage
* [KYLIN-956] - Allow users to configure hbase compression algorithm in kylin.properties
* [KYLIN-957] - Support HBase in a separate cluster
* [KYLIN-965] - Allow user to configure the region split size for cube
* [KYLIN-971] - kylin display timezone on UI
* [KYLIN-987] - Rename 0.7-staging and 0.8 branch
* [KYLIN-998] - Finish the hive intermediate table clean up job in org.apache.kylin.job.hadoop.cube.StorageCleanupJob
* [KYLIN-999] - License check and cleanup for release
* [KYLIN-1013] - Make hbase client configurations like timeout configurable
* [KYLIN-1025] - Save cube change is very slow
* [KYLIN-1034] - Faster bitmap indexes with Roaring bitmaps
* [KYLIN-1035] - Validate [Project] before create Cube on UI
* [KYLIN-1037] - Remove hardcoded "hdp.version" from regression tests
* [KYLIN-1047] - Upgrade to Calcite 1.4
* [KYLIN-1048] - CPU and memory killer in Cuboid.findById()
* [KYLIN-1061] - "kylin.sh start" should check whether kylin has already been running
* [KYLIN-1048] - CPU and memory killer in Cuboid.findById()
* [KYLIN-1061] - "kylin.sh start" should check whether kylin has already been running
v1.0-incubating -
New Feature
* [KYLIN-591] - Leverage Zeppelin to interactive with Kylin
* [KYLIN-404] - Can't get cube source record size.
* [KYLIN-626] - JDBC error for float and double values
* [KYLIN-751] - Max on negative double values is not working
* [KYLIN-757] - Cache wasn't flushed in cluster mode
* [KYLIN-780] - Upgrade Calcite to 1.0
* [KYLIN-805] - Drop useless Hive intermediate table and HBase tables in the last step of cube build/merge
* [KYLIN-889] - Support more than one HDFS files of lookup table
* [KYLIN-897] - Update CubeMigrationCLI to copy data model info
* [KYLIN-898] - "CUBOID_CACHE" in Cuboid.java never flushes
* [KYLIN-911] - NEW segments not DELETED when cancel BuildAndMerge Job
* [KYLIN-912] - $KYLIN_HOME/tomcat/temp folder takes much disk space after long run
* [KYLIN-914] - Scripts shebang should use /bin/bash
* [KYLIN-915] - appendDBName in CubeMetadataUpgrade will return null
* [KYLIN-921] - Dimension with all nulls cause BuildDimensionDictionary failed due to FileNotFoundException
* [KYLIN-923] - FetcherRunner will never run again if encountered exception during running
* [KYLIN-929] - can not sort cubes by [Source Records] at cubes list page
* [KYLIN-934] - Negative number in SUM result and Kylin results not matching exactly Hive results
* [KYLIN-935] - always loading when try to view the log of the sub-step of cube build job
* [KYLIN-936] - can not see job step log
* [KYLIN-940] - NPE when close the null resouce
* [KYLIN-945] - Kylin JDBC - Get Connection from DataSource results in NullPointerException
* [KYLIN-946] - [UI] refresh page show no results when Project selected as [--Select All--]
* [KYLIN-949] - Query cache doesn't work properly for prepareStatement queries
* [KYLIN-568] - job support stop/suspend function so that users can manually resume a job
* [KYLIN-717] - optimize OLAPEnumerator.convertCurrentRow()
* [KYLIN-792] - kylin performance insight [dashboard]
* [KYLIN-838] - improve performance of job query
* [KYLIN-842] - Add version and commit id into binary package
* [KYLIN-844] - add backdoor toggles to control query behavior
* [KYLIN-857] - backport coprocessor improvement in 0.8 to 0.7
* [KYLIN-866] - Confirm with user when he selects empty segments to merge
* [KYLIN-867] - Hybrid model for multiple realizations/cubes
* [KYLIN-880] -
Kylin should change the default folder from /tmp to user configurable destination
* [KYLIN-881] - Upgrade Calcite to 1.3.0
* [KYLIN-883] - Using configurable option for Hive intermediate tables created by Kylin job
* [KYLIN-893] - Remove the dependency on quartz and metrics
* [KYLIN-922] - Enforce same code style for both intellij and eclipse user
* [KYLIN-926] - Make sure Kylin leaves no garbage files in local OS and HDFS/HBASE
* [KYLIN-933] - friendly UI to use data model
* [KYLIN-938] - add friendly tip to page when rest request failed
* [KYLIN-884] - Restructure docs and website
* [KYLIN-907] - Improve Kylin community development experience
* [KYLIN-954] - Release v1.0 (formerly v0.7.3)
* [KYLIN-863] - create empty segment when there is no data in one single streaming batch
* [KYLIN-908] - Help community developer to setup develop/debug environment
* [KYLIN-931] - Port KYLIN-921 to 0.8 branch
v0.7.2-incubating -
Main Changes:
Critical bug fixes after v0.7.1 release, please go with this version directly for new case and upgrade to this version for existing deployment.
* [KYLIN-514] - Error message is not helpful to user when doing something in Jason Editor window
* [KYLIN-598] - Kylin detecting hive table delim failure
* [KYLIN-660] - Make configurable of dictionary cardinality cap
* [KYLIN-765] - When a cube job is failed, still be possible to submit a new job
* [KYLIN-814] - Duplicate columns error for subqueries on fact table
* [KYLIN-819] - Fix necessary ColumnMetaData order for Calcite (Optic)
* [KYLIN-824] - Cube Build fails if lookup table doesn't have any files under HDFS location
* [KYLIN-829] - Cube "Actions" shows "NA"; but after expand the "access" tab, the button shows up
* [KYLIN-830] - Cube merge failed after migrating from v0.6 to v0.7
* [KYLIN-831] - Kylin report "Column 'ABC' not found in table 'TABLE' while executing SQL", when that column is FK but not define as a dimension
* [KYLIN-840] - HBase table compress not enabled even LZO is installed
* [KYLIN-848] - Couldn't resume or discard a cube job
* [KYLIN-849] - Couldn't query metrics on lookup table PK
* [KYLIN-865] - Cube has been built but couldn' In log it said "Realization 'CUBE.CUBE_NAME' defined under project PROJECT_NAME is not found
* [KYLIN-873] - cancel button does not work when [resume][discard] job
* [KYLIN-888] - "Jobs" page only shows 15 job at max, the "Load more" button was disappeared
* [KYLIN-159] - Metadata migrate tool
* [KYLIN-199] - Validation Rule: Unique value of Lookup table's key columns
* [KYLIN-207] - Support SQL pagination
* [KYLIN-209] - Merge tail small MR jobs into one
* [KYLIN-210] - Split heavy MR job to more small jobs
* [KYLIN-221] - Convert cleanup and GC to job
* [KYLIN-284] - add log for all Rest API Request
* [KYLIN-488] - Increase HDFS block size 1GB
* [KYLIN-600] - measure return type update
* [KYLIN-611] - Allow Implicit Joins
* [KYLIN-623] - update Kylin UI Style to latest AdminLTE
* [KYLIN-727] - Cube build in BuildCubeWithEngine does not cover incremental build/cube merge
* [KYLIN-752] - Improved IN clause performance
* [KYLIN-773] - performance is slow list jobs
* [KYLIN-839] - Optimize Snapshot table memory usage
New Feature
* [KYLIN-211] - Bitmap Inverted Index
* [KYLIN-285] - Enhance alert program for whole system
* [KYLIN-467] - Validataion Rule: Check duplicate rows in lookup table
* [KYLIN-471] - Support "Copy" on grid result
* [KYLIN-7] - Enable maven checkstyle plugin
* [KYLIN-885] - Release v0.7.2
* [KYLIN-812] - Upgrade to Calcite 0.9.2
v0.7.1-incubating (First Apache Release) -
Apache Kylin v0.7.1-incubating has rolled out on June 10, 2015. This is also the first Apache release after join incubating.
Main Changes:
Package renamed from com.kylinolap to org.apache.kylin
Code cleaned up to apply Apache License policy
Easy install and setup with bunch of scripts and automation
Job engine refactor to be generic job manager for all jobs, and improved efficiency
Support Hive database other than ‘default’
JDBC driver avaliable for client to interactive with Kylin server
Binary pacakge avaliable download
New Feature
* [KYLIN-327] - Binary distribution
* [KYLIN-368] - Move MailService to Common module
* [KYLIN-540] - Data model upgrade for legacy cube descs
* [KYLIN-576] - Refactor expansion rate expression
* [KYLIN-361] - Rename package name with Apache Kylin
* [KYLIN-531] - Rename package name to org.apache.kylin
* [KYLIN-533] - Job Engine Refactoring
* [KYLIN-585] - Simplify deployment
* [KYLIN-586] - Add Apache License header in each source file
* [KYLIN-587] - Remove hard copy of javascript libraries
* [KYLIN-624] - Add dimension and metric info into DataModel
* [KYLIN-650] - Move all document from github wiki to code repository (using md file)
* [KYLIN-669] - Release v0.7.1 as first apache release
* [KYLIN-670] - Update pom with "incubating" in version number
* [KYLIN-737] - Generate and sign release package for review and vote
* [KYLIN-795] - Release after success vote
* [KYLIN-132] - Job framework
* [KYLIN-194] - Dict & ColumnValueContainer does not support number comparison, they do string comparison right now
* [KYLIN-220] - Enable swap column of Rowkeys in Cube Designer
* [KYLIN-230] - Error when create HTable
* [KYLIN-255] - Error when a aggregated function appear twice in select clause
* [KYLIN-383] - Sample Hive EDW database name should be replaced by "default" in the sample
* [KYLIN-399] - refreshed segment not correctly published to cube
* [KYLIN-412] - No exception or message when sync up table which can't access
* [KYLIN-421] - Hive table metadata issue
* [KYLIN-436] - Can't sync Hive table metadata from other database rather than "default"
* [KYLIN-508] - Too high cardinality is not suitable for dictionary!
* [KYLIN-509] - Order by on fact table not works correctly
* [KYLIN-517] - Always delete the last one of Add Lookup page buttom even if deleting the first join condition
* [KYLIN-524] - Exception will throw out if dimension is created on a lookup table, then deleting the lookup table.
* [KYLIN-547] - Create cube failed if column dictionary sets false and column length value greater than 0
* [KYLIN-556] - error tip enhance when cube detail return empty
* [KYLIN-570] - Need not to call API before sending login request
* [KYLIN-571] - Dimensions lost when creating cube though Joson Editor
* [KYLIN-572] - HTable size is wrong
* [KYLIN-581] - unable to build cube
* [KYLIN-583] - Dependency of Hive conf/jar in II branch will affect auto deploy
* [KYLIN-588] - Error when run package.sh
* [KYLIN-593] - angular.min.js.map and angular-resource.min.js.map are missing in kylin.war
* [KYLIN-594] - Making changes in build and packaging with respect to apache release process
* [KYLIN-595] - Kylin JDBC driver should not assume Kylin server listen on either 80 or 443
* [KYLIN-605] - Issue when install Kylin on a CLI which does not have yarn Resource Manager
* [KYLIN-614] - find hive dependency shell fine is unable to set the hive dependency correctly
* [KYLIN-615] - Unable add measures in Kylin web UI
* [KYLIN-619] - Cube build fails with hive+tez
* [KYLIN-620] - Wrong duration number
* [KYLIN-621] - SecurityException when running MR job
* [KYLIN-627] - Hive tables' partition column was not sync into Kylin
* [KYLIN-628] - Couldn't build a new created cube
* [KYLIN-629] - Kylin failed to run mapreduce job if there is no mapreduce.application.classpath in mapred-site.xml
* [KYLIN-630] - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when merge cube segments
* [KYLIN-638] - kylin.sh stop not working
* [KYLIN-639] - Get "Table 'xxxx' not found while executing SQL" error after a cube be successfully built
* [KYLIN-640] - sum of float not working
* [KYLIN-642] - Couldn't refresh cube segment
* [KYLIN-643] - JDBC couldn't connect to Kylin: "java.sql.SQLException: Authentication Failed"
* [KYLIN-644] - join table as null error when build the cube
* [KYLIN-652] - Lookup table alias will be set to null
* [KYLIN-657] - JDBC Driver not register into DriverManager
* [KYLIN-658] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find rowkey column XXX in cube CubeDesc
* [KYLIN-659] - Couldn't adjust the rowkey sequence when create cube
* [KYLIN-666] - Select float type column got class cast exception
* [KYLIN-681] - Failed to build dictionary if the rowkey's dictionary property is "date(yyyy-mm-dd)"
* [KYLIN-682] - Got "No aggregator for func 'MIN' and return type 'decimal(19,4)'" error when build cube
* [KYLIN-684] - Remove holistic distinct count and multiple column distinct count from sample cube
* [KYLIN-691] - update tomcat download address in download-tomcat.sh
* [KYLIN-696] - Dictionary couldn't recognize a value and throw IllegalArgumentException: "Not a valid value"
* [KYLIN-703] - UT failed due to unknown host issue
* [KYLIN-711] - UT failure in REST module
* [KYLIN-739] - Dimension as metrics does not work with PK-FK derived column
* [KYLIN-761] - Tables are not shown in the "Query" tab, and couldn't run SQL query after cube be built
* [KYLIN-168] - Installation fails if multiple ZK
* [KYLIN-182] - Validation Rule: columns used in Join condition should have same datatype
* [KYLIN-204] - Kylin web not works properly in IE
* [KYLIN-217] - Enhance coprocessor with endpoints
* [KYLIN-251] - job engine refactoring
* [KYLIN-261] - derived column validate when create cube
* [KYLIN-317] - note: grunt.json need to be configured when add new javascript or css file
* [KYLIN-324] - Refactor metadata to support InvertedIndex
* [KYLIN-407] - Validation: There's should no Hive table column using "binary" data type
* [KYLIN-445] - Rename cube_desc/cube folder
* [KYLIN-452] - Automatically create local cluster for running tests
* [KYLIN-498] - Merge metadata tables
* [KYLIN-532] - Refactor data model in kylin front end
* [KYLIN-539] - use hbase command to launch tomcat
* [KYLIN-542] - add project property feature for cube
* [KYLIN-553] - From cube instance, couldn't easily find the project instance that it belongs to
* [KYLIN-563] - Wrap kylin start and stop with a script
* [KYLIN-567] - More flexible validation of new segments
* [KYLIN-569] - Support increment+merge job
* [KYLIN-578] - add more generic configuration for ssh
* [KYLIN-601] - Extract content from kylin.tgz to "kylin" folder
* [KYLIN-616] - Validation Rule: partition date column should be in dimension columns
* [KYLIN-634] - Script to import sample data and cube metadata
* [KYLIN-636] - wiki/On-Hadoop-CLI-installation is not up to date
* [KYLIN-637] - add start&end date for hbase info in cubeDesigner
* [KYLIN-714] - Add Apache RAT to pom.xml
* [KYLIN-753] - Make the dependency on hbase-common to "provided"
* [KYLIN-758] - Updating port forwarding issue Hadoop Installation on Hortonworks Sandbox.
* [KYLIN-779] - [UI] jump to cube list after create cube
* [KYLIN-796] - Add REST API to trigger storage cleanup/GC
* [KYLIN-608] - Distinct count for ii storage}


更多关于 kylin cube 构建 的文章


