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乘坐飞机已经成为日常出行的必要交通枢纽,空乘人员的文化素质和较高的个人素养成为植业结构趋向高级化的不可忽视因素, and to set up the airline brand service, have a significant role in improving business performance,空乘人员的个人个人素养越来越受到社会及企业的关注,对航空公司而言,空乘的个人素质是打造高品质的客舱服务的首要因素。不仅在企业的日常营销中发挥巨大的作用, and aimed at these questions,而对树立航空公司的品牌服务. The flight attendants not only have to face different political affiliation of people must have the good psychological quality in civil aviation service。Practice has proved, the airlines and the aviation industry&#39、提高经营业绩有重大的作用。随着时代的发展与进步, put forward somes practical talents,因此对航空服务人员的要求也越来越高。所以乘务人员的相关技能要求以及人力资源部门的甄选,培养高素质的乘务人员便成为了重中之重. With the development of the times, by air has become necessary transportation hub daily travel。通过全方位的培训,使学生掌握航空知识与技能。本文通过对空乘人员的素质构成的分析, training of high-quality personnel has become the priority among priorities. Through the full range of training, so that students master the knowledge and skills to become the aviation,成为各个航空公司以及整个民航业的实用人才。空乘人员不仅要面对不同政治面貌的人群更要有良好的心理素质在民航业服务。随着民航事业的发展;s cultural quality and high personal accomplishment as planting structure trends to high level can not be ignored factors,对空乘人员的素质发展现状进行研究,进而得出空乘人员素质存在的问题,并针对这些问题,提出了诸多有针对性的策略;s personal quality is the most important factor in cabin service to create a high quality of the. To play a great role not only in daily marketing in enterprises, personal accomplishment flight attendant has received more and more social and business concerns, for airlines, flight attendant&#39, ...... a flight attendant shall have a good psychological quality to provide his or her service in the civil aviation.仅供参考,望能帮助到你. For this, cultural qualities and better personal qualities of a flight attendant cannot be ignored for the tendancy of the occupational structure to a higher level. The Article outlines the problems of the flight attendants by analyzing composite qualities and studying the conditions of their quality development and provides several targeted strategies
for the solutions to such problems. In exchanges with passenger at all levels on board, a top priority is given to the required skills of the attendants. With progress of
the civil aviation, selection of such attendants by the Human Resourse Dept. and training of top-qulaity crew members. Such all-round training ennables the students to have knowledge of Aviation and skills and become practical talents in the airlines and the civil aviation as a wholePractices show that personal qualities of a flight attendant are increasingly becaming concernes of the society and enterprises. As for any airlines, It is an enssential choice to take a flight for travel on a daily basis, so more requiremments for flight attendants are in demand, such qualities constitute a primary factor in top-quality cabin service. They not only play a significant role in daily marketing of a business, but play a key role in establishement of brand service and better performances of the airlines. With development and advancement of the......
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I'd go along with you there. 在这点上我同意你。 2.
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