
南非白人,也就是布尔人为什么成为了全人类的公敌? - 知乎106被浏览65556分享邀请回答11322 条评论分享收藏感谢收起242 条评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答4 个回答被折叠()为什么布尔人统治下的南非没有如北美洲和大洋洲那样不断有欧裔白人奔赴移民? - 知乎36被浏览7042分享邀请回答32 条评论分享收藏感谢收起&>& > Youtube评论:十个无法被入侵的国家 [美国网评]
Youtube评论:十个无法被入侵的国家 [美国网评]
YouTube网友:这并不准确,如果这些国家中的一个获得了印度的保护,从而让它变得不可能被入侵。那为何印度自己没有在榜单上呢?而拥有地形优势和核武器的巴基斯坦呢?最后,中国在榜单何处?中国要比日本和朝鲜加起来都要强大。我建议修改你的榜单。&& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &10 Countries That Are Impossible To Invade十个无法被入侵的国家/watch?v=f9fhdcYOxRY视频中列出的榜单:10、伊朗9、澳大利亚8、俄罗斯7、朝鲜6、不丹5、以色列4、加拿大3、瑞士2、日本1、美国&【以下是评论部份】 & Alltime10s4 months agoWhich of these countries do you think would be hardest to invade??你认为这些国家中的哪一个是最难被入侵的?My Alter Ego4 months agoAlltime10s can't lie i was expecting to see UK, France, India and Germany But on this list Everyone knows America would eat these countries for breakfast lunch dinner and supper?我无法说谎。我希望在榜单上见到英国、法国、印度和德国。但是在这份名单中,每个人都知道美国将会把其他国家当作早餐、午餐和晚餐吃掉。Raed Radwan4 months agoThere are false informations in the video. Israel got its ass kicked in 1973 by Egypt in the war of 6th of October.?这个视频中存在着虚假信息。以色列在1973年的10月6日战争中被埃及狠揍了一顿。Samy Brilliance4 months agoRussia?俄罗斯。samppa reipas4 months agoAlltime10s What about finland cuz germans and swedish ppl will stand with finland like in talvisota (winter war)?芬兰呢?因为德国人和瑞典人将会支持芬兰,正像他们在苏芬战争中所做的那样。Maciej Niedzielski4 months agoAlltime10s definitly Grande Russia?绝对是大俄罗斯。Doctor Cthulhu4 months agoAlltime10s the only real un-invade-able county is the USA. The dual oceans, only credible expeditionary-capable military, and conventional military that would take the rest of the world to overcome. &But including nukes, any country with them is impossible to invade without taking tremendous casualties.?唯一一个真正无法被入侵的国家是美国。它两面临海,拥有具备远征能力的军队,其常规军队力量就能够征服全球。但是如果算上核力量的话,在不付出巨大伤亡的情况下,任何拥有核武器的国家都是无法被入侵的。Ferrari Enzo4 months agoany country with nukes ( that can use them so not north korea ) is going to fuck you up bad even if you win, a country could wipe the UK off the map but its subs full of nukes are all over the globe ready to strike whatever country back?任何拥有核武器(能够使用它们的国家,所以不包括朝鲜)都将让你很狼狈,即便你最终赢了。一个国家能够将英国从地图上抹掉,但它遍布全球、装载满核弹的潜艇将会回击任何一个这么做的国家。Maciej Niedzielski4 months agoAlltime10s Suisse protected by the Alps mountains and its brave Swiss Army瑞士,它受到了阿尔卑斯山及其勇敢的瑞士军队的保护。Hassan Sh4 months agoNorth Korea and every country with nuclear朝鲜和每一个拥有核武器的国家。Doctor Cthulhu4 months agoAny non-nuclear country could simply be nuked and an invading army just walk in over the ashes.任何一个没有核武器的国家都将轻易地遭受核攻击,而它的入侵军队就将灰飞烟灭。Alexander Wareing4 months ago (edited)Great Britain we have the s.a.s?大英帝国,因为我们拥有英国皇家空军特勤队。godrickshallow4 months agoUSA because you forgot a good point. The USA more guns per household than any other nation美国,因为你忘掉了一个关键点,即美国每个家庭拥有的枪支数量要超过其他任何一个国家。loool ARMY4 months agobritain is pretty damn strong too... but yeah.. right now, usa. but soon korea will have good nuclear weapons believe it or not and america will fall?英国实在是太强大了……但是的……现在是美国。但很快朝鲜将拥有强大的核武器,不管你相信与否,美国都将衰亡。ozdergecko4 months agoSwitzerland.Btw: Liechtenstein doesn't have a military. But you forgot Austria!&瑞士。此外:列支登士敦没有军队。但你还忘记了奥地利!Apollo Athens4 months agoGojko Maksimoski not true not only does America have missiles but 10 nuclear aircraft carriers. Russia has 1 carrier and I don't think it's nuclear... America also has 9 more in service and &more in reserve and more on the way这不是真的,虽然美国拥有10艘航空母舰,但不是只有它才有导弹。俄罗斯拥有一艘航空母舰,但我认为它不是核动力的……美国现役的比俄罗斯要多9艘,储存起来的和即将入役的更多。samppa reipas4 months agoYou know germans have been allied with finns for the longest time and if USA imtimidates finland by anymeans u know whats gonna happen same as russia?你知道,德国人与芬兰人结盟的时间最长,如果美国现在通过任何手段恐吓芬兰,我们知道将会发生什么,就像俄罗斯一样。Apollo Athens4 months agosamppa reipas oh what Russia and Iran? And not to mention the people who would join America, Ukraine and Turkey for one, cause they hate Russia's recent antics俄罗斯和伊朗呢?不要提那些要加入美国阵营的民族,乌克兰和土耳其算一个,因为它们憎恶俄罗斯最近小丑般的动作。Aditya Mahajan4 months agoAlltime10s I wanted to ask why wasn't india added in the list?我想问为什么印度不在名单上。VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKAM- world is my family4 months agoAlltime10s INDIA?印度Sami Zahid4 months agoAlltime10s #Pakistan May be the number 1 country impossible to invade. don't forgot that russia became into pieces cuz of Pakistan巴基斯坦可能是最不可能被入侵的国家,不要忘记了俄罗斯因为巴基斯坦而解体了。Claro19934 months agoI'm kinda surprise that the People's Republic of China is not even on the list.我感到惊讶的是中华人民共和国不在名单之上。Sahil Sanil4 months agoummm.....what about Brazil? They seem pretty hard to invade right??巴西呢?它看起来很难被入侵,是吧?Kalle Nordvall4 months agoAlltime10s you forgot to mention that King Charles the 12th of Sweden tried to invade Russia during the 18th century.?你忘记替瑞典国王查理十二世曾经试图在18世纪时入侵俄罗斯。Professor Quirrell4 months agokekistan is literally impossible to invade lol?蛤蛤斯坦(网络上的虚构国家)根本无法被入侵,哈哈。P Ry4 months agoAlltime10s Bhutan, may be difficult to invade as said, but you used the video clips from Nepal n the Mt. Everest. But I think it will not make it difficult.不丹,可能如你所说的那样难以被入侵,但你视频中却指向了尼泊尔和珠穆朗玛峰。但我认为这不会让它的入侵难度提升。cintu lator4 months agoIsrael, supported by wanker-bankers以色列,它得到了那些讨厌的银行家的支持。Mark Garcia4 months agoAlltime10s Russia! I'd like to see them try and take over California! Long live the California Republic! LONG LIVE THE GOLDEN BEAR!?俄罗斯!我很乐意见到他们夺取加利福尼亚!加利福尼亚共和国万岁!金熊万岁!Professor Quirrell4 months ago+P Ry you can't land a aircraft anywhere near Everest tanks apc can't handle the terrain ect ect so all you have are troops that are not accustomed to the area and cannot effectively fight?你无法让一架飞机在珠穆朗玛峰附近的任何区域降落,你的坦克、装甲运输车也无法应付这种地形,如此等等,所以你所拥有的军队无法适应这一区域,也不能有效地作战。XxhypeproXx4 months agoone sec didnt isreal lose to egypt?等一等,以色列不是输给了埃及?Shahfif Shah4 months agoAlltime10s how about Vietnam??越南呢?EzzaRamy Hesham4 months agoIt did lose to Egypt in 1973...and Egypt was about to invade Israel, but their president, Anwar Al Sadat, decided he don't want to, and left the country, and that is why he received a Peace Nobel Prize埃及当时正准备入侵以色列,但是他们的总统萨达特最终决定不这么做并撤离了这个国家,这就是他获得诺贝尔奖的原因。Thomas Jackson4 months agoAlltime10s &Japan? You can forget Israel they and Iran they can't survive without America & Russia milltary Aid. &Japan win as history shown it doesn't need support to win one just need to look at Mongol and Britain history conquest with Japan to know Japan is king of war.日本呢?你的忘掉以色列和伊朗,如果没有美国或俄罗斯的军事援助,它们根本无法幸存下来。正如历史所证明的,日本获得了胜利,它不需要支持就能获得胜利,我们只要看看蒙古和英国对日本的征服史就知道了,日本是战争之王。Wade Strong4 months agoAlltime10s Adding to America, the mentality of people is to die on their feet before they live on their knees. And when you have more guns than people, even our own American army would have trouble invading the country they're already stationed in.?再提一下美国,美国人民是宁死不屈的。而且,当你所拥有的枪支数量超过人数的时候,即便是我们自己的美国军队要入侵他们自己的国家都会陷入麻烦之中。Ron Lax4 months agoI know which war you are talking about but Egypt didnt really win, ill explain. Egypt and syria surprised attack israel on &yom kipor& which is a jewish holiday when jews dont eat. It was the hardest war on israel so far and israel definitely won over syria but Egypt is different, because egypt just wanted to really hurt israel which they did, but on the pther hand israel reached 101 km from cairo, so no one really won or lost that war?我知道你说的是哪一场战争,但埃及事实上没有获得胜利,我会解释这一点的。埃及和叙利亚在犹太人的节日“赎罪日”——当天犹太人不吃东西——突袭了以色列。这是以色列所面对的最艰难的战争,它绝对战胜了叙利亚,但埃及有所不同,因为埃及只是想要伤害以色列,它做到了,但另一方面,以色列军队也抵近到了距离开罗101公里的地方,所以在这场战争中,没有人真的赢了或输了。jakeera 19954 months agowhen you have the military might of the u.s and Europe at your back even Somalia or Rwanda will win many wars . thats nothing special .当你有美国和欧洲的军事力量撑腰时,即便是索马里或卢旺达都能赢得很多战争。这没有什么特别的。Ron Lax4 months ago+jakeera 1995 no doubt israel wouldnt survive without the aid of the usa but still israel is one of the most powerful armys in the world?无疑,没有美国的援助,以色列将不会幸存下来,但以色列仍然是世界上军事力量最强大的国家之一。Haider Ali4 months agoAlltime10s WTF Russia &Has The Largest &nuclear &arsenal &not the Second. &The U.S have less nuclear weapons见鬼了,应该是俄罗斯。它有着世界上最大——而不是第二大——的核武库。美国的核武器要比它少。Urbex Productions4 months agoAlltime10s UK we haven't been invaded in like 1,000 years应该是英国。我们在过去一千年的时间里没有遭到入侵。Daani M4 months agoAlltime10s I think Afghanistan should have been on the list我认为阿富汗应该在名单上。Retarded Hamster4 months agoAlltime10s so South Korean is on there but you don't give a fucking shit about China?!?韩国都在名单上,但你却不提中国?Yuvi Sharmae4 months agoAlltime10s you need India and China?你需要加上印度和中国。CHAMPIONSHIP SPORTS SUPERSTAR NETWORK4 months agoEXACTLY! Where Is China? &How Does It Rank??的确是这样的!中国在哪里?它排名多少位?X1 Gen KaneshiroX4 months ago (edited)In the future, China and India should have the same GDP per capita as the USA or maybe close to stay fair, and have maybe $1.2 Trillion for India and Chinese military each making it 2.4 trillion in total, and then Russia needs to increase their Economy. I do heard of china economy were to reach more than India, like $80 Trillion. Their population is huge and in poverty as some says, so money needs to bring some helpAnd soon enough, USA should not be the highest spending in the world, should NOT be higher than the next 7 countries, &in the near future I hope?在未来,中国和印度的人均国内生产总值应该和美国一致,或可能与之接近,两国的军费开支都将达到1.2万亿美元,加起来总共有2.4万亿美元,而到时候,俄罗斯需要提升他们的经济规模。我的确听说过中国的经济规模到时候要比印度大,可能会高达80万亿美元。他们人口众多,并且在一段时间内处于贫困状态,所以需要用钱来提供一些帮助。但很快,美国就不会是世界上军费开支最大的国家了,我希望在不久的将来不会比接下来的七个国家更高。cintu lator4 months agoBut Chinese and Indian scientist WORK against those problems, and in fact population of China is decreasing in urban educated areas. Education-&fewer kids-&education is costly--&educated kids have fewer children. Technology. In fact South Korea was a 3rd wourld country decades ago, and now? If my Hyuandai screen shows it right...not anymore. In 50's Korea was quite illiteraterate, and now highest literacy rate in world.?v但中国和印度的科学家正在致力于解决这些问题,事实上中国城市受教育地区的人口正在减少。教育意味着少子化,意味着教育要花更多的钱,意味着受过教育的孩子所生养的孩子更少。技术。事实上韩国在几十年前是第三世界国家,如今呢?如果我的“现代”屏幕显示正确的话……它不再是第三世界国家了。在50年代,韩国的识字率非常低,现在它却是世界上识字率最高的国家。Rusty Haskins / ReeveMC Staff4 months agoFor Japan, you should have added the packed the US and Japan has, stating that if any country were to attack Japan, Or the United States, both would declare war on the attacker. So making Japan pretty safe.?对于日本而言,你需要提及美日之间的协议,这一协议规定如果有任何国家攻击日本或美国,两国都会向攻击者宣战。这让日本变得非常安全。BAMvids4 months agoAlltime10s please do your research properly first before you make a video. Japan tried to invade Australia and they didn't abandon it for those reasons. The 39th battalion and many other battalions fought for our country all along the Kokoda track in Papua New Guinea for years. Even a lot of the local people helped us fight and helped the injured soldiers. The Japanese never gave up until they got pushed back by our amazing and persistent soldiers to the coast of PNG. They bombed our northern towns for years. They really wanted Australia for their own. They didn't give up until we pushed them so far back that they had to.&在制作视频之前请先做好研究。日本试图入侵澳大利亚但他们因为很多原因放弃了。第39营和许多其他营为我们的国家而战,他们在巴布新几内亚的科科达苦战多年。很多当地土著帮助我们战斗,帮助受伤士兵。日本人一直没有放弃,直至他们在巴布新几内亚的海岸上遭到了我们英勇而坚持不懈的士兵的背后一击。他们持续多年轰炸了我们的北部市镇。他们真的想将澳大利亚占为己有。他们一直没有放弃,直至我们将他们远远地赶了出去。Please don't take credit from our forces that worked hard, got injured, came out with PTSD and died for our country.&请不要拿走我们军队的荣耀,那些士兵曾经艰苦奋战,受过伤,患上了创伤后应激障碍,或者是为我们的国家牺牲了。Please take more time to research before you post a video.&在你放上这个视频之前,请花一些时间做做研究。You got one thing right though. Yes, Australia would be a tough country to invade. Because we work hard for what we want. And we love our country so we wouldn't let anything happen to our home.?但你有一件事情说对了。是的,澳大利亚是一个很难被入侵的国家。因为我们努力做到我们想做的事情。而且我们爱自己的国家,所以我们不会让任何事情发生在我们的家园中。cintu lator4 months agoHuman beings are not naturally good. We are born evil sinners. We naturally want to to enslave, hurt and kill our fellow human brothers and sisters. And it is wrong人类本质上是不好的。我们生来就是邪恶的罪犯。我们自然想要去奴役、伤害和杀戮我们的兄弟姐妹。这是错误的。Scottrick LaRoque4 months agoThat's not entirely true. Most people would be happy to live peacefully but evil leaders persuaded them to fight. So the more accurate statement would be that human beings are naturally gullible and can be fooled into attacking and killing others. There is also the gang mentality when people do things as a group they would never do alone. So people themselves are naturally good, but also naturally stupid. or else there would be a whole lot more crime than there already is.?你说的完全不对。大部分人将会很开心地和平共处,但邪恶的领导人却说服他们去战斗。所以更为准确的描述是:人类本质上是容易受欺骗和愚弄去攻击和杀害别人。当人们成群结队地做他们单独一人时永远不会做的某件事情时,是群体意识在作祟。所以人民自身本质上是好的,但也是愚昧的。否则世界上的犯罪行为将比现在要多得多。Dee Dee4 months agoLet's forget Asia and the West in Africa Nigeria is the country that will be really hard to invade they have more than 700,000 troops at there disposal?如果不说亚洲和西方世界,但但是在非洲的话,尼日利亚是一个很难被入侵的国家,他们部署了超过70万的军队。cintu lator4 months agoThose rifles and pistols are zero to nothing against tanks, planes and artillery面对坦克、飞机和大炮,步枪和手枪毫无用处。Yousuf4 months agoAmerican citizens would all be rich and living in luxury if their government halved their &defence& budget and invested on their own land and infrastructure instead. They would still be impossible to invade even if they did that. That's what I think.?如果美国政府将其“国防”预算减半,并投资于自己的土地和基础设施上,那么美国公民将会变得富足,生活奢侈。如果他们这么做了,他们仍然是无法被入侵的。这就是我所认为的。Ahmed Taha AlNady4 months agobut Israel failed to protect her prim minister Yitzhak Rabin ... the elected prime minister that represent Israel all over the world ... had been killed ..by his own people hands ... only because he was seeking peace to his own nation &... even noble price didn't protect him .. the peace mean that the brainwashed &chosen ones& by Zionism (the twin sister of Wahhabism ) are unable to eradicate humans (even from their same religion like Samaritans) in order to rebuilt the divine theocratic distopian caliphate of Solomon (Zion) .. very similar to ISIS chosen ones dreams .. even it cost the blood of innocents in the whole region .. even from Israel itself .. even the blood of its leader the prim minister .. the Zionist are like Whaabists both of them are brainwashed enough to kill every one even their families or even themselves .. &even the prime minister of their own nation .. & even the peace in their nations?但是以色列却未能保护好它的总理拉宾……这位民选总理在全世界面前代表了以色列……但却被杀死了……凶手是他自己的人民……只是因为他在寻求自己国家的和平……甚至连诺贝尔和平奖都没能保护他……和平意味着那些被锡安复国主义(瓦哈比教派的孪生姐妹)洗脑的“选民”无法再根除人类(即便是和他们一样同信一种宗教的人,如撒玛利亚人),以重建理论上存在的所罗门的非乌托邦式的哈里发统治(锡安)……这与伊斯兰国的选民梦想非常类似——即便它要付出让整个地区的无辜民众流血的代价……即便是以色列民众自身的代价……即便是其领导者总理本人的鲜血……锡安主义者就像瓦哈比教徒一样,他们都被彻底洗脑,会杀死他们的家人甚至是自己……甚至是他们自己国家的总理……并且付出自己国家和平的代价Jonathan Andersson4 months agosweden would be impossible to invade because who would want to invade sweden firstly sweden has stayed neutreal for longer than switzerland has secondly if you try to attack sweden there is a very high chance that finland and norway will help sweden and maybe just maybe the whole entire europe will help sweden thirdly swedem might be the most peacefull country in the world it didnt even get attacked when it helped germany (aka the nazis) so sweden will probably not be invaded in the next 500+ years?瑞典是不可能被入侵的,因为对于那些要想入侵瑞典的人而言,首先瑞典长期保持中立,其中立时间比瑞士还久;其次,如果你试图攻击瑞典,很有可能芬兰和挪威将会帮助瑞典,可能整个欧洲都会帮助瑞典;再次,瑞典可能是世界上最和平的国家,当它帮助德国(即纳粹)的时候也没有受到过攻击,所以在未来五百年中,瑞典可能都不会遭到入侵。VIRAT J JOSHI4 months agoDear friend for ur kind information INDIA has been in many wars and &it has a great record of defeating its enemy's all the time.India has been in war more than 15 time helping the Britishers.Britisher couldn't survive these war like WWI & WWII without the help of India more than 3 million Indian soldiers fought with them in these wars and helped Britishers.Lets talk post-Independence India had fought with Bangladesh and got them freedom from pakistan and helped Nepal fight against Maoist and china.Then comes the never ending war with pakistan in which Indian has never been defeated.So by saying &India doesn't fights back& what do u mean?? Dude always get ur facts wright before commenting on any thing.Specially when ur talking about things which r above ur IQ level.RESPECTPROUD INDIANJAI HIND?亲爱的朋友,谢谢你提供的信息。印度曾经经历过很多场战争,一直以来,它在击败其敌人方面有着出色的记录。印度曾经在战争中不止15次地帮助过英国人。没有印度的帮助,没有超过三百万的印度士兵为他们而战并帮助他们,英国人是无法在像一战和二战这样的战争中幸存下来的。让我们来说说独立之后的印度吧,它曾与孟加拉并肩作战,并且帮助它从巴基斯坦那里获得了自由,帮助尼泊尔抗击毛主义者和中国。然后是与巴基斯坦之间永无尽头的战争,但印度人从来没有在这些战争中被击败。所以你说“印度没有回击”是什么意思?兄弟,在评论任何事情之前,请先确保你了解真相吧。特别是当我们说到一些超过你智商水平能够理解的事情时。满怀敬意的骄傲的印度人印度必胜AToxicPotato4 months agoAlltime10s Canada, because you gotta go past America and America's terrain is random, and once you pass it (also including America's is allied to Canada and it's hard to invade and is the most powerful military in the world) you gotta deal with Canada's cold tempetures.是加拿大,应为你得先经过美国,而美国的地貌很复杂,一旦你经过了美国(而且美国是加拿大的盟友,它很难被入侵,拥有世界上最强大的军队),你就得与加拿大的低温打交道了。KickF4 months agowell I`m from Norway so I would like to see Norway on the list, but we had this little WW2 thing. We pretty much just sank a ship ( German cruiser Blücher ) and did a run for the hills and let the Germans do what ever they wanted. Well there was a resistance movement fighting to get Norway back, but that don't change the fact that we just surrender to the invading forces in WW2. But even so we should make the list ?&我来自挪威,所以我希望看到挪威在榜单上,但从二战来看,这种可能性很小。我们在二战中只是击沉了一艘船(德国巡洋舰布吕歇尔号),然后跑到山上去了,让德国人为所欲为。好吧,曾经存在着旨在让挪威复国的抵抗运动,但这改变不了一个事实,即在二战中,敌人一入侵我们就投降了。然而都这样了,我们还应该在榜单上吗?How hard would it be to invade Norway ? well Norway have a huge coastline so you do it with ships. Because of the huge coastline of Norway it is a bit hard to be able to defend the entire coastline at all time. If the invading force have enough ships, maybe a few submarines taking out enough strategical targets, well it shouldn't be to hard to land a army to do the rest. But Norway do have much the same system that Switzerland have with Home Guard that is call &Heimevernet& here in Norway. These have their arms and weapons at home so if there ever would be a invading force there quickly would be a well armed resistance movement that is trained and is capable if been a huge pain in the ass for the invading force. Well we do have the regular army to so the Home Guard is just a addition to this force, and lets not forget the Marine and Air force either. Equipment wise with weapons, yea we are pretty much up to date with these things to, but we do not have any weapons of mass destruction such as nukes etc. Anyhow any force trying to invade would be met with a pretty well armed force that have much as the same equipment and weapons that the US, Brits, and Germany use. Let's not forget that we Norwegians have Viking blood running through our veins to. & &&入侵挪威有多困难呢?挪威有着漫长的海岸线,所以你得用到船。因为挪威漫长的海岸线,要始终防御整天海岸线是有点困难的。如果入侵军队有足够的船只——尽管少数几艘潜艇能够消灭一些战略目标——但军队登陆以完成剩余的事情应该是不难的。 但挪威和瑞士一样,也有着同样的民兵体系,被称为“Heimevernet”。他们在家中存有武器弹药,所以,如果出现了入侵军队,就能够组织起一支装备精良的抵抗运动力量,他们受过训练,如有可能,将会让入侵军队遭受沉重打击。我们拥有正规军,所以民兵只是对这支军队的补充而已,也不要忘了我们的海军和空军力量。我们装备精良,而且这些武器已经足够了,但我们没有任何大规模杀伤性武器,比如核弹。不管如何,任何试图入侵的军队都将碰到一只装备精良的军队,其装备和武器和美国、英国与德国所使用的是一样的。也不要忘了我们挪威人体内流淌着维京人的血液。Norway also have bit challenging topography, many mountains, fjords, glaciers, etc. so any invading force must be trained to handle these conditions, if your not prepared for a fight / war that is gonna take a long time under these conditions, don't try. There are a big reason why NATO forces comes to Norway to train, it is because of challenging topography, and freezing temperatures.挪威的地形也很有挑战性,境内有很多山、峡湾和冰川等。所以任何入侵的军队必须经过应付这些环境的训练,如果你没有准备好战斗或战争,那么在这些环境下你要花去很长时间,请不要做出这样的尝试。这也是为什么北约军队要来挪威训练,这是因为挪威具备有挑战性的地貌和寒冷的天气。So all in all ? invading Norway? you need to try invade via the sea way to have a chance, if your able to land forces on land, be prepared for fights with a modern army with modern equipment, don't underestimate the topography and hard conditions, also, Norway is a NATO member so be ready to fight some of the other Top 10 countries on the list to.?所以就整体来说怎么样?入侵挪威?你需要通过海路入侵才有机会,如果你能够登陆,就准备好与一支拥有现代化装备的现代化军队作战吧,不要低估地形和艰苦环境的作用,另外,挪威也是北约成员,所以准备好与榜单前十的其他一些国家作战吧。the last one4 months agoid have thought the uk would be on this list. we are about the same age as Japan and the only major invasions were the Vikings Romans and French. it's an island nation so the only way to invade would be by air or by our strongest area:the sea. throughout history Britain has been notoriously hard to invade?我认为英国应该位列名单之上。我们和日本的历史差不多长,而唯一的主要入侵者是维京人、罗马人和法国人。这是一个岛国,所以入侵的唯一方法便是通过空中或通过我们最强大的领域——海上。在历史上,英国难以被入侵这件事已经众所周知了。Noah Stickley4 months agoI think China, even though the top part of it was invaded during the interwar/WWII period, but still it's military is like very strong.?我认为是中国,虽然它的北部地区曾经在内战和二战期间遭受入侵,但它的军事力量仍然非常强大。Ethan4 months ago10. India 1.5 billion people plus 100 nukes9. Germany NATO EU and USA8. Canada Commenwealth and USA7. Saudi Arabia Arab League and US ally&6. Switzerland Insanity5. North Korea Duh4. Israel The video explains3. Russia See Hitler, Napoelan2. China 1.5 billion 250 nukes and Russia ally1. USA No kidding?10、印度 拥有15人口外加100枚核弹9、德国 拥有北约、欧盟和美国的支持8、加拿大 是英联邦国家,有美国的支持7、沙特阿拉伯 拥有阿拉伯联盟的支持与美国这个盟友6、瑞士 你如果要入侵它,真是太疯狂了5、朝鲜 哦4、以色列 视频中已经给出了解释3、俄罗斯 看看希特勒和拿破仑的下场2、中国 15亿人口、250枚核弹以及俄罗斯这个盟友1、美国 不要开玩笑了Black Pill Presentations4 months agoIronically none of them, why do overtly what you can do covertly. Just immigrate into a country with weak/nonexistent immigration policies and/or unsecured borders, and take it over from the inside. This is already being done in many European countries of which we would claim are &hard to invade&.讽刺的是,它们中没有一个是,为什么要公然做那些能够悄悄完成的事情呢?只需要向一个弱小或者不存在移民政策或者边境管控管严密的国家移民就行了,然后从内部接管它。这种状况已经在许多我们所谓的“难以被入侵”的欧洲国家出现了。Think of it like a speedometer, if I drive past one at 100 mph the device will pick it up, now if I walk past the device I go unnoticed, when either way I am accomplishing the same feat (moving past the speedometer)?把它当成一个计速器,如果我以100英里每小时的速度驾车经过它,这个仪器就会记录下来,但现在如果我走着经过这个仪器,我就不会引起它的注意,不管是用什么方式,我都可以完成同一件事(也就是经过计速器)。Knightmare Gaming and Airsoft4 months agoRussia, large area, freezing winters, and changing terrain(Ask the Ottomans). United States, 88.8 percent of homes have a firearm inside also large area with mountains in the west and east, Forests in the northwest and northeast , Deserts in the southwest, and National Guard is almost everywhere俄罗斯,它拥有广袤的领土和寒冷的冬季,已经变化莫测的地形(问问奥斯曼土耳其人);美国,其88.8%的家庭都拥有枪支,而且东部和西部的大片区域都是山地ID K4 months agoActually Europe will soon be rallying behind Trump. The Right will win France soon and Germanys left government is falling apart. Italy will most likely just collapse along with the majority of other nations in NATO will still back America because without USA they are like mice running from the communist hammer of China and Russia.?事实上,欧洲将会归入特朗普的麾下。右翼很快就会在法国获得胜利,而德国的左翼政府正在分裂。意大利很可能会崩溃,而北约的其他大部分国家仍然将支持美国,因为没有美国,它们就像是到处躲避中国和俄罗斯的共产主义之锤的老鼠。Nicolas Buyens4 months ago (edited)I personally would say germany, because it is for one part of the NATO and as we all know after WW1 the germany stood up stronger then before and fought again. I don`t say it is impossible, but germany is a way to important global exporteur and if all goes wrong they would most likely just cripple their own economy, then allying with the enemy.?我个人想说是德国,因为它是北约的成员,而在我们都知道,在一战之后,德国再次站了起来,比之前更加强大,并且再次投入战斗。我不认为这是不可能的,但德国在某种程度上是一个全球重要出口国,如果一切都乱套了,它的经济也只是会严重受损,然会可以与敌人结盟。Naif Nasser4 months agoSaudi Arabia ?? .. &it has 3 ! yes 3 deserts , one of them is quarter the size of Saudi.. &also and most importantly.. & the Islamic holy sites & &,, &all Muslim countries fight you?沙特阿拉伯。它拥有三大片沙漠,其中一片沙漠的面积相当于沙特领土面积的四分之一。而最为重要的是,它拥有着伊斯兰世界的诸多圣地,所有的穆斯林国家都会为它与你作战。Eugene Rimmer4 months agoHow about Britain? It hasn't been invaded in almost 1000 years (only 49 years away), despite countless armadas (see Spanish armadas etc.), Napoleon, WW1, WW2 (which we fought for 2 years without direct help from America before one of you goes &but only because of America&). Hell we've even defended territories like Gibraltar, the Falklands and Malta for longer than the US has been a country even during WW2. My point being that Britain is still near impossible to invade through geography and the fact &British people will always be British& meaning an invading force would come across heavy resistance. As well as this our military although now relatively small now is one of, if not the, oldest and most highly trained militaries in the world able to fight against the odds as we've been doing for hundreds of years.?英国呢?它在将近一千年的时间里没有被入侵过(仅仅除开其中的49年),尽管期间面对着西班牙的无敌舰队、拿破仑、一战、二战(在你们中有人要说“这只是因为美国”之前,我得指出,其中两年我们是在没有美国直接援助的情况下作战的)。甚至我们守住直布罗陀、福克兰群岛和马耳他的时间都比美国作为一个国家要久,即便是在二战期间也是如此。我的观点是英国仍然趋近于不可能通过地形上的优势而被入侵,而“英国人将始终是英国人”这一事实意味着一支入侵军队将会遭遇到重重抵抗。除开这个,我们的军队虽然现在规模相对较小,但它仍然是世界上最古老的军队之一——如果不是唯一的话,也是最训练有素的军队,能够在极为不利的情况下进行战斗,正如我们在数百年的时间里所做的那样。Jo sss4 months agothat is not accurate. if one of the countries is protected by Indian which make it impossible to be invaded. why India itself not in the list??. what happen to Pakistan with their terrain and nuclear weapons ?. finally where is China ins the list ? China is far more strong than Japan and north Korea combined. I suggest you to remake your list这并不准确,如果这些国家中的一个获得了印度的保护,从而让它变得不可能被入侵。那为何印度自己没有在榜单上呢?而拥有地形优势和核武器的巴基斯坦呢?最后,中国在榜单何处?中国要比日本和朝鲜加起来都要强大。我建议修改你的榜单。?ika Srbin2 months agoSee WW1 and Serbian war with Germany, Austro-Hungarian, Bulgaria... Serbia remove there country and win看看一战,以及撒尔维亚与德国、奥匈帝国、保加利亚之间的战争……塞尔维亚赶走了这些国家,并获得了胜利。Fred Jay4 months agoClearly, a mix up between the definition of invade and conquer?显然,这个视频混淆了入侵与征服的定义Trixster Gaming Productions2 weeks ago (edited)Anyone who comes to australia would be fucked up by our poisonous snakes and spiders and whatever other shit we have thats poisonous. We don't need weapons or armies we can sit with a box of popcorn watching troops getting bit by spiders and getting confused as fuck at how our weather literally changes every few hours.?任何要入侵澳大利亚的人都将被我们那些剧毒的蛇和蜘蛛或者其他人和我们所有的有毒的东西赶走。我们不需要武器或军队,我们就坐着,拿着一盒爆米花,看着这些军队被蜘蛛咬伤,并且完全不知道在几个小时内天气会发生什么变化。sean williamson3 weeks agoUK's mainland hasn't been invaded successfully since 1066 and it's not on this list?We invaded nearly all of these countries and still not been invaded英国的本土自1066年以来还未被成功入侵过,但它却没有在榜单上?我们入侵了激活所有的国家,但却还没有被入侵过Actor Adam Anouer2 weeks agoGermany did Bomb our people in WW2 but if you'll check we had the sense to send most of our citizens to the country side and took minimal casualties while the Lufwaffe took an absolute battering over the UK. Then Hitler decided the next logical step would be Operation Barbarossa, which is to say Invade Russia. -_- To think if he had massacred us at Dunkirk he probably would've won德国的确在二战期间轰炸了我们的人民,但如果你查过资料的话就会知道我们的大部分公民都被送到了乡村里,从而将伤亡降到了最低,而德国空军绝对对英国造成了严重损失。之后希特勒决定采取下一个步骤,便是巴巴罗萨计划,也就是说入侵俄罗斯。想想看,如果他在敦刻尔克屠杀了我们的士兵,他可能就已经获得了胜利。John Sparks2 weeks agoThe UK and the majority of nations in Europe have been invaded in the last few years by Islam.在最近的几年中,英国和欧洲的大部分国家已经被伊斯兰所入侵。BLAIREMORE2 weeks agoUhm yes we have, The Islamic Trojan horse.嗯,是的,我们已经被伊斯兰的特洛伊木马入侵了。CharlioXD2 weeks agoYou guys had so many luck through the years XD. If the Spanish armada didnt get hit by the storm, you wouldn?t have invaded any of these countries你们这些家伙能够熬过这些年实在是太幸运了。如果西班牙无敌舰队没有被风暴摧毁,你们就没有办法入侵所有这些国家了。soheil alimadadi2 weeks agoU guys fucked every country that U invaded so hard that many of them still struggle to date and there's no more invasion happening by the way.你们这些家伙搞砸了每一个被你们入侵的国家,以至于它们中的很多仍然在挣扎求生,现在已经再也没有通过这种方式实现的入侵了。todays world is like there are some western countries which can do anything they want and control every international org and there are other countries which have to decide to be cool with this shit or not ? If ur cool with it , great and if not , ur gonna be called terrorist and get bombed ...&今日的世界是由某些能够为所欲为并控制所有国际组织的西方国家与其他那些必须决定是否要忍受这种局面的国家组成的。如果你能够忍受,很好,但如果不能,你就要被称为恐怖分子,并且遭到轰炸。I am not a muslim BTW , I hate religion but I also hate this western dictatorship too , most of countries in Africa and middle east and some in East-Asia are struggling and believe me they are not bad ppl ! they don't deserve this but who gives a fuck?! Let's Hoooooooray to UK and every other country that is responsible for the current fucked up system of the world !?此外,我不是一名穆斯林,我憎恨宗教,但我也憎恨西方的独裁,非洲和中东的大部分国家以及东亚的某些国家仍然在挣扎求生,相信我,它们并不是邪恶的一帮人!它们不应被如此对待,但谁会在乎呢?让我们为英国和其它每一个要对现在世界这种糟糕局面负责的国家欢呼吧!Reinier Oosthuizen2 weeks agoFuck the english,how many women and children died in concentration camps when the british could not win the war in South Africa.It took burning down the Boer farms,killing their animals and taking the women and children to get my people to surrender.Lies were fed to your queen saying we were barbarians living in the bush and we had no civilisation while in truth we were a hardy folk with strong christian values only wanting peace,but no,our soil had lots of gold and diamonds and britain could not wait to get their hands on it. &Those scars still exist today as the white people in SA are few and now being brutally mudered on farms wiped out one by one. And you boast about your country invading everyone all those years ago? Not just South Africa but many others had to suffer just because you were a bunch of greedy bastards trying to take over the world and today you act like fucking saints去你的英国!当英国无法赢得在南非的战争时,有多少妇女与儿童死在了集中营里。英国人烧毁了布尔人的农场,杀死他们的牲畜,掠走他们的妇女和儿童,以让我们的人民屈服。你们的女王不断被欺骗称我们是野蛮人,生活在灌木丛里,我们也没有文明,然而事实上,我们是一群有着强烈基督教价值观、只希望和平的坚强的人群,但不幸的是,我们的土地中埋藏了很多黄金和钻石,英国迫不及待地要将这些东西掌握在手中。这些伤疤今天仍然存在,因为南非的白人数量很少,而且现在正在农场里被一个接一个地残忍谋杀。而你现在却在吹嘘你的国家在这些年中入侵了每一个国家?不仅包括南非,还有很多其他地区都遭受荼毒,这只是因为你们是一群贪婪的混蛋,试图统治整个世界,但现在你们却表现得像一个圣徒。Don Maurer2 weeks agoActually Britain was conquered by William of Orange in 1688. &In that year, William came to England with a large protestant Dutch army. &Opposing him was a butt kicking English protestant army commonly called the new model army. &A problem arose when this English protestant New Model army had a Catholic king. &When the protestant Dutch came over, this protestant English new model army said &we are not fighting the Dutch& and they all just went home. &No big battle, they just went home. &William came into London and took over, and expelled James. &The English called it &the glorious revolution.& &This could be considered an invasion by a foreign Army. &Neverthless, your point is well taken. &Britain has not been invaded much.?事实上,英国在1688年被奥兰治的威廉所征服。在这一年,威廉带着一只大规模的荷兰新教徒军队来到英国。反对他的是一支厉害的英国新教徒军队,通常被称为新模范军。当英国新教徒新模范军有了一位天主教国王时,问题便出现了。当荷兰新教徒改变立场时,英国新教徒组成的新模范军说“我们不与荷兰人打仗”,然后他们都回家去了。没有发生大规模的战斗,他们只是回家去了。威廉来到了伦敦,接管了政权,并驱逐了国王詹姆斯。英国人称之为“光荣革命”。这被认为是一支外国军队的入侵行动。然而,你的观点却是被广泛接受的。英国已经很久没有被入侵过了。Yorick Aname1 week agoYeah, gingerbread, and the ONLY reason you were not taken down during WWII is because of the USA. &Even BEFORE we officially joined the war, we were sending &contractors& there to fight for you &(Look up Marine Col Gregory (&Pappy&) Boyington and read about his story). &Even with this limited help you were STILL getting your arses handed to you and it was NOT until the USA officially joined that Germany had to start backing down.是的,你们在二战期间没有被拿下的唯一原因便是美国。甚至在我们正式参战之前,我们就已经派遣“承包商”去为你们而战。(你们可以查查Pappy Boyington,读一读他的生平)即便是有这种帮助,你们仍然遭到了痛击,直到美国正式参战,德国才不得不撤退。H2O Warhawk1 week agoyou Brits haven't been invaded by a standing professional Army since 1066... true. but you have been invaded by the plague of Islamic jihadists sooo 2016ish is the last time the Brits were invaded and still are being invaded cuz you all can't stop it, shouldnt of condemned firearms cuz you all are gunna need em my friends. rather have a firearm and not need it instead of not having one and need it.?自1066年以来,你们英国佬已经没有被一支常备职业军队入侵过……的确是这样的,但你在2016年已经被伊斯兰圣战主义者的瘟疫所入侵,这是最近一次英国佬遭到入侵,而且仍然处于被入侵的状态中,这是因为你们所有人都无法阻止它的发生。你们都将需要那些武器,我的朋友,宁愿拥有一把武器而不需要它,也胜过没有任何武器却需要它。Sandman Sw5 days agoArden Handy the africans kidnapping their own people or other tribes people were the cause of that particular bout of slavery actually they used to do it to gain power over other tribes by kidnapping and selling those leading or close to the leaders of other tribes it was in fact the uk that 1st eradicated slavery please feel free to educate yourself correctly on this! yes the uk has done bad shit name me a country that aint!非洲人会绑架他们自己人或其他部落的人,这是奴隶制肆虐的原因所在,他们用绑架和出售其他部落的领导者及其亲属来控制其他部落。事实上,英国是首个消灭奴隶制的国家,请正确地认识这一历史!当然,英国做得还是很糟糕,但你给我举一个不是这么干的国家出来。the reason the uk is pretty much impossible to invade is the fact we are an island plain and simple hitler planned to and invaded jersey to create cp to work from there for this reason and realised it wouldnt work so never bothered!英国几乎不可能被入侵的原因是基于这样一个事实,即我们是一个岛国,斯特勒曾经计划入侵泽西岛,并从那里对我们发动入侵行动,这也是基于上面的原因,但他也意识到这是不会成功的。the romans couldnt take all of the uk just the southern half or so and even had difficulty tak8ng the southwest parts due to druid leaders fighting back against them!罗马人无法占领英国全境,他们的控制范围只是英国南部的那一半领土,但即便如此,要掌控西南地区都非常困难,因为德鲁伊领导者们当时正奋力抗争要将他们击退!1066 was successfull in conquering the uk and invading! the vikings invaded regularly but never conquered us unless you class impregnating one of the queens of the many different areas and having said descendant grow to rule his area! (this is speculation only)?1066年的行动则成功地入侵和征服了英国!维京人经常入侵,但他们从来没有征服我们,除非你将让众多不同地区的多位女王之一受孕并诞下统治他那一地区的子嗣视为征服!(这只是推测)MR. Canadian-bacon2 weeks agoArden Handy don't mind me asking but can you prove that the British caused slavery in Amarica. The British and French at least used the American black soldiers as combat units. And they accepted them as people. So shut up?不要介意我的质疑,你能证明英国在美洲推动了奴隶制的出现吗?英国和法国至少都曾将美洲黑人士兵编成战斗单元来使用。他们认为这些黑人是人。所以闭嘴吧。Sarah s2 days agoMr Canadian-bacon you must be forgetting that it was the English who invaded the U.S. So yes it was those English settlers who held slaves. But before they even declared their independence they whiped out and enslaved nearly the entire Native American population. This was during the time of Cristopher Columbus. And don't forget it was Thomas Hunt who kidnapped Squanto and sent him across the Atlantic. You really need to go back to school and learn some history my friend.?你一定忘记了是英国入侵了美国。所以是的,是这些英国殖民者蓄养了奴隶。但在他们宣布独立之前,他们控制并奴役着几乎所有的美国土著居民。这在克里斯托弗·哥伦布时期就已经发生了。另外,不要忘记是曾经绑架了斯宽托并将他送到大西洋彼岸的托马斯·亨特。你真的需要回到学校去好好学学一些历史了,我的朋友。Justin Morris2 days agoI Agree, not due to huge military. because fuck yeah America and Russia definitely tick that box. however Britain is the strongest ally to America, countries like India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, ghurka and others are major allies and some still have her majesty the queen as their head of state, so if anyone went to war with the uk, they would be fighting a huge force.我同意,但这不是基于强大的军力。因为如果这样算的话,美国和俄罗斯肯定是必然之选。然而英国是美国最强大的盟友,而像印度、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家和其他主要盟友仍然效忠于女王,视女王为他们的国家首脑,所以如果有国家要和英国开战的话,它们将得与一支规模庞大的军队作战。so I reckon the Uk is definitely the least likely to be invaded, atleast not England, N Ireland, ,scottland or Wales. however if you take into account some British over sea territories could possibly be invaded however security levels on BoT's have been raised since Falklands. as the territory only has to hold out until reinforcements arrive from the uk or closer ally所以我认为英国绝对是最不可能被入侵的国家,至少英格兰、北爱尔兰、苏格兰或威尔士是如此。然而,如果你算上英国的一些海外领地的话,它是可能被入侵的,但是英国海外领地的安全性自福克兰群岛战争以来已经得到了提升。因为这些领地只要坚持到来自英国或距离更近的盟友的援军抵达就可以了。p.s don't forget the uk is an island with a strong Air force and very strong Navy?此外,不要忘记了英国是一个岛国,拥有强大的空军力量和非常强大的海军。Justin Morris2 days agothe British colony went to war at the time the British empire was depleting due to parliamentary debates were happening wether people of the British empire were entitled to the same rights as usual citizens so up first the brits refused to use extensive military power against which would have crush the America revolutionists (who if they waited a few months might have been given what they wanted anyway). but the power that beat England was France, simply put Britain was so busy fighting France they couldn't fight America, they were relying on loyalist in America, however the American revolutionist would kill families and burn houses of those there so people were to afraid to fight so buried their heads in the sand.英国殖民地爆发战争的时候,大英帝国就深陷于议会的辩论当中,他们在讨论大英帝国的人民是否也应被赋予与普通公民一样的权利,所以最初英国佬拒绝使用大规模的军事力量来镇压美洲革命者(这些人如果等上几个月,可能就能获得他们想要的东西了)。但是打击英国的力量是法国,让英国忙于与法国交战,这样他们就无法在美洲作战了,他们只能依靠美洲的保王派,然而美洲革命者将要杀死这些人的家庭,烧毁他们的宅邸,所以人民害怕去战斗,只是将他们的头埋在沙里。in conclusion, France saved America, a country built by criminals lived in either by cowards or terrorist who killed innocent families all whilst a debate was going on that would have granted the freedom they wanted anyway?结论就是:法国拯救了美国,这个国家是由罪犯建立的,生活在其中的民众或恐怖分子屠戮了很多无辜的家庭,尽管当时一场关于是否授予他们想要的自由的辩论正在进行。Justin Morris2 days agoand how did America beat Japan? the brits helped you out there, and also the contractors were sent to protect the trade deal America made to supply Britain in return for British countries open supply routes and fighting the Japanese so that they could not reinforce their armies to fight you.美国怎么击败日本的?英国佬帮助你们摆脱了困境,而承包商也是被送去保卫美国制造的贸易活动,以供给英国,作为回报,英联邦国家则开放了供给线路,并与日本人作战,这样他们就无法增强他们的军队来对抗你们。Christo Mario2 weeks agoThe only way to invade them is to flood them with &muslim refugees& who will suck the life right out of them (from the inside).?入侵他们的唯一办法是用大量的“穆斯林难民”来淹没他们,这些难民将会(从内部)吸干它们的生命。Ben McClure2 weeks agoUSA is already smart, Israel is basically banned from having Muslims step foot in it, Australia is too far away, Russia is too cold, and a bunch of other reasons for other countries. But Europe has already been ruined.?美国已经很聪明了,以色列基本上禁止穆斯林踏足其境内,澳大利亚也避而远之,俄罗斯对此很冷漠,其他国家也有一大堆的理由。但是欧洲已经被毁了。ahmed cheikh1 week agoYou can't invade Israel be cause Israel it selfe is invading Palestine you can't invade and be invaded at the same time?你无法入侵以色列,因为以色列自己就是入侵巴勒斯坦形成的,你无法同时处于入侵和被入侵的状态。Online6 days agoMost Of Them Cant read or write to the country they come to as refugees, and arabs are mostlly lazy (fact) Because Some Spend All Free Time On Religion, and some going to friends and sit around and drink. also another fact is how they act, they are mostlly loudspeakers (screaming instead of talking most of the time) and angry at anything that hurts them or makes them uncomfratble, for example: Jews! We Did Nothing to them exactlly and just made a little jewish state near the sea and even tho there are 19 bigger and 4 smaller &arab states and that arab states are the only thing in the middle east and north africa, they are still angry at us for mostlly nothing, or they are jelaous. Another reason Is Because Of Terrorists, Who Think That They Need To Go To A Jewish Supermarket with bombs to sacrefise themselfes to their friends and familly, so they can live a better life, and sacrefising other people in the proccess, the more people you kill, the more woman are waiting to marry you in the heavens (actuall belief by HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH And ISIS Soliders) if you think that is normal you probablly watched 9/11 with popcorn... some people hate how they look, that they can carry diseases, that they rob people whenever they go, that they will make prices higher, that they are illegal and that they dont shower... yes there are things bad about other modern counrys but for arabs there are more minuses than pluses... sorry if i offended your buthurt ass?在他们逃去作为难民的这些国家里,他们大部分无法读写当地文字,阿拉伯人大部分都是很懒的(这是事实)。因为某些人花去了全部时间在宗教上,有些人则去走亲访友,大家一起坐下来喝酒。还有另外一个事实,关于他们怎么做事情的,他们大部分说话嗓门都很大(大部分时候不是在说话,而是在喊叫),对任何伤害了他们或者让他们不舒服的事情都很愤怒,比如:犹太人!我们什么都没有对他们做,就是在滨海的地区建立了一个小小的犹太国家,即便如此,这一地区还有19个比我们大和4个比我们小的阿拉伯国家,而在中东和北非地区,全都是阿拉伯国家,他们仍然因为几乎没有的事对我们感到愤怒,或者说他们是在嫉妒。另一个理由是恐怖分子,他们所想的就是带着炸弹去一个犹太超市,然后为他们的朋友和家庭牺牲自己,这样他们就能获得更好的生活,而在这一过程中还要牺牲其他人的生命,你杀的人越多,在天堂中等着和你结婚的女人就更多(哈马斯、真主党和伊斯兰国的士兵就是这么相信的)。如果你认为这很正常,你可以拿着爆米花看911事件……有些人憎恨别人的长相,认为他们会携带疾病,所以便让他们穿着罩袍到处跑,他们激昂为此付出高昂的代价,这些穿着是非法的,他们也无法洗澡……是的,其它现在国家也存在这不好的现象,但对于阿拉伯人来说,他们的缺点要多过优点……抱歉,如果我冒犯了你。Online6 days agoi am an atheist and Jew Roberries Are Rare, Mostlly because jews are rich and arabs are mostlly poor, that is a myth but its quite true when you think about it, the most roberries in the middle east are directed at jews, also we dont spread deseases like you do &ahmed& the most recognizaeble name for an arab. israel has a better health care system and technology than the USA And Most Of Europe, If You Look At Maps Of What Is The Highest Cause Of Death Around the world you will see that in modern countrys like &the Usa& &Russia& &Australia& &The UK& The Main Cause Of Death Is Heart Attacks, that means in modern countrys you live longer, and in israel its also heart attacks, the only one in the middle east if you dont count turkey, and also another major fact about health care, israel is in the top 5 list of the longest living countrys by age, what does that mean? well, that means that people in israel live longer that 190 other countrys, because the average age of death in israel in 80.90 for men and 83.34 for women, and also back to the map of first cause of death, in saudi arabia, oman and UAE Its Road Accidents, In Syria And Yemen Its War, if you want a little more detail go search in youtube: &The #1 reason people die early, in each country&?我是一个无神论者。在犹太人中,抢劫行为是很少见的,这大部分是因为犹太人很富有,而阿拉伯人大多很穷,这是传言,但当你想到的时候,你会觉得很接近于事实。中东地区的大部分抢劫犯罪指向的对象都是犹太人,此外,我们也不传播疾病,而不像你们一样,让“艾哈迈德”成为了一个对阿拉伯人来说最具辨识度的名字。相比于美国和大部分的欧洲国家,以色列拥有更好的医疗健康系统和技术。如果你去查看全世界致死原因的地图的话,你会发现在像美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、英国之类的现代国家中,主要的致死原因是心脏病,这意味着在现代国家中你能活得更长,而在以色列,最主要的致死原因也是心脏病,如果不算土耳其,以色列便是中东地区唯一的一个国家,而关于医疗系统还有其他很多事情可讲,以色列在全世界人均寿命最长国家中排名前五,这意味着什么?好啊,这意味着居住在以色列的人要比其他190个国家的人活得时间要长,因为在以色列,男子的人均死亡年龄为80.90岁,女子为83.34岁,再让我们回到致死原因的世界地图上来看看,在沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、阿联酋,道路事故是致死的主要原因;在叙利亚和也门,战争是致死的主要原因。ahmed cheikh6 days ago (edited)Online oh your rich now cause you robbed Palestine of their money and cause your receiving money from other countries I'm talking about way before when you still flooded the USA Germany other countries and leeched of them before you finally found your little bit of heaven (Palestine) .And no I'm not talking about the &cause of deaths& In &middle east countries I'm talking about actual transferable diseases that Jews were spreading in Europe and no ,car accidents and war aren't diseases as for your claim to be atheist ...bitch please?你们之所有富裕是因为你们抢夺走了巴勒斯坦人的钱,因为你们接受了来自其他国家的援助,我说的是之前你们仍然充斥着美国、德国和其他国家,在你们最终找到一小片天天(巴勒斯坦)之前依附于他们。不,我不是在讨论“致死原因”。在中东国家,我要说的是犹太人事实上在传播的疾病,他们已经在欧洲大肆传播了,不,交通事故和战争不是疾病,至于你声称是一个无神论者,那么滚吧!Online6 days ago (edited)Palestine Is Poor And The Only Thing It Wants Is The Destroction Of Israel, Jews Run Buisnesses, Bigger Than You Think (Mark Zukerberg with facebook, Leon Black Founder Of the Apollo 12 mission, Avi Arad CEO Of Marvel, i chould Go On And On If You Want) if you think arab countrys are rich from buisnesses you are wrong, they have oil reserves, without them they whould be deserts, israel doesnt have any oil reserves and still is very rich... dont say its legal to rob a palestinian, you whould be in jail, actual Deseases i Was Talking About were from africa... Also Name 10 Palestinians Who Are Are Not Leaders Or from the goverment who are millionaires... None... and yes we do reseave money from the usa each year, but thats on defence and millitary projects that we cooperate the usa with... Give me a reason to hate israel and show me proof, dont say something like &iSrEal iS rOBinG PaLEsTiNe!& &israel is not a person, its 8 million diffrent people with diffrent identeties, most are good people who live in peace, and some are not, and remember that if you look at the bad sides of israel you will find many bad things, but if you look to the bad sides of &for example& Iran, You Will Things 80 Times Worse, And Once For last &Ahmed& (just saying) Israel Has Wanted A Palestine Already, multiple times we Wanted to give you 95% Of the west bank (exept West jerusalem of course) And Pay You For Your Water And Food ONLY For Peace, But because The Only Reason palestine Wants to exist is to destroy israel, so they said no each time, And After Each Agreement they say NO to they send Terrorists into israel!巴勒斯坦很可怜,它为要想做的就是毁灭以色列和以色列人运营的生意——它比你想象的规模更大(马克·扎尔伯格的脸书、阿波罗12号的Leon Black创始人、漫威公司的CEO Avi Arad,如果你想要的话,我还能给你举出更多)。如果你认为阿拉伯国家是通过做生意而变得有钱的,你就错了。它们拥有石油资源,没有石油,它们将是一片荒漠,以色列没有任何石油资源,但仍然非常富裕——不要说抢劫巴勒斯坦人是合法的,你将会因此而入狱,你们那里真实的一片荒漠,我说的是才能够非洲就开始蔓延的沙漠……另外,请你给我列举10名不是政治领导人或来自政府的巴勒斯坦百万富翁……没有……是的,我们每年都会从美国那里收到一大笔钱,但这是用于我们与美国合作的防卫与军事项目……给我一个恨以色列的理由并给出证据吧,不要说“以色列正在抢劫巴勒斯坦”之类的话了。以色列不是一个人,它拥有八百万人口,有着不同的身份,其中大部分是生活在和平中的好人,但有些人不是,请记住,如果你要看以色列不好的一面,你就会发现很多不好的东西,但如果你要看伊朗不好的一面,你将会发现它要比以色列坏上八十倍。一度因为最后一个“艾哈迈德”(我只是说说),以色列已经同意出现一个巴勒斯坦国,很多时候我们想要将约旦河西岸95%的土地(当然要除开耶路撒冷)给你们,并向你们支付水资源的费用,给你们提供食物,这么做只是为了和平。但因为巴勒斯坦唯一想做的就是摧毁以色列,所以他们每次都拒绝了我们的提议,而且在每次协议签订之后,他们都会说“不”,然后将恐怖分子送到以色列境内!And Every Single Person In Palestine Wants Palestine to be a state! but they themselfes dont want a state for peace!巴勒斯坦的每一个人都想要建国!但他们自己并不想要一个和平的国家。that is why you dont need to dream of a palestinian state, because it doesnt allow itself to exist! And That Is Why You Dont need to listen to your Old Uncle When Asking For How The World Works.?这就是为什么你们不要梦想着有一个巴勒斯坦国家了,因为它是不允许存在的!这也是为何你们在疑惑这个世界是如何运作的时候,需要听听你们的老叔父的话。Online22 hours agoSherif Ahmed jews were in israel in 3000 BCE, they got kicked out by the romans in 70 CE, than ARABS (not palestinians) got to israel in 830 CE, than got out in 1100, i dont know what religion are the turks in but they cut every single forest in israel, and exinted the lebaneese tree, the ones every empire that was in israel said was the best tree in the world, now every forest is kinda man made... Than israel started existing and only wanted peace, but arabs didnt.?犹太人在公元前三千年就定居以色列了,他们是在公元70年的时候被罗马人赶出去的,相比之下,阿拉伯人(不是巴勒斯坦人)是在公元830年来到以色列定居的,然后在公元1100年被赶走,我不知道当时的土耳其人信仰什么宗教,但他们砍光了以色列的每一片森林,让黎巴嫩雪松都灭绝了,占据了以色列的每一个帝国都说这是世界上最好的树,现在这里的每一片森林都是人工林……以色列在此定居,并且只想要和平,但是阿拉伯人不是这样的。ProtoMario4 months agoAnd every American is legally allowed to carry guns, so the moment an invasion happened, those that didn't have guns would have guns... LOL good luck!?每一个美国人都被合法地允许携带枪支,所以当入侵发生时,那些没有枪的人也会拥有枪……哈哈,祝你好运吧!NaturazactGames3 months agoProtoMario You sure? Cough SCHOOL SHOOTINGS cough?你确定吗?想想校园枪击案吧Default Inc.3 months agoNaturazactGames Cough cough That doesn't mean that everyone who owns guns are going to shoot up the school cough cough?这并不意味着每一个持枪者都会在学校里乱开枪Rien Bijl3 months ago (edited)A nuclear war is never going to occur? That is simply not true, the two countries that maintain the largest nuclear arsenal (the USA and Russia) are both quite reliable factors, both knowing and acknowleding that a nuclear war is too much to risk. However, other countries are now also developing their own nuclear arsenal, and when North Korea finally manages to create an ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) capable of carrying nuclear warheads, they'd probably don't think twice about using them. How small the chance is, it is and will always be there!?核战争永远都不会发生?这显然不是真的。那两个拥有世界上最大核武库的国家(美国和俄罗斯)的管理都十分可靠,它们都知道和意识到核战争要冒很大的风险。然而,现在其他的国家也在发展它们自己的核武库,当朝鲜最终成功地制造出能够携带核弹头的洲际弹道导弹时,它们可能不会在使用它前三思而为。这一几率很小,但它却始终存在!Aevi Wright1 month ago (edited)America is huge and far away plus we shoot missiles at incoming missiles. They would need to hit with at least 3 to really harm us and thus far have barely got into the ocean so I doubt the missiles would ever get close to us, and the retaliation would be a pretty quick bombing of the NK military bases likely using MOAB's so as to prevent the whole nuke debate.美国体量很大,距离很遥远,而且我们将会发射导弹拦截来袭导弹。它们至少需要击中三颗导弹才能真正伤害我们,更多的则坠入了海里,所以我怀疑这些导弹是否能够接近我们,而针对朝鲜军事基地的回击也将立即展开,我们将使用高威力空爆炸弹阻止整个的核战争。christopher gonzalez2 weeks agoThe Truth If you nuke America that will kill the whole world, or in the best scenario, give us nuclear winter. The U.S is huge geographically, so that isn't very smart now is it. Also, if anyone nukes America we will nuke back. Just easy as that?真相是,如果你要核平美国,那将会毁灭整个世界,即便是在最好的情况下,也会给我们带来核冬天。美国在地理上是庞大的,所以这种做法不是很聪明。另外,如果任何国家想要核平美国,我们也将会以牙还牙。就是这么简单Enes Kutlu6 days ago (edited)Turkey shout be on this list couse Japan,Azerbeijan,Turkmenistan is behind turkey and Turkey is in war &now but nobady speaks about it but now in years 1000 Osmanli defeated almost hole world then evryone whent against them so they lost and now Osmanli is Turkey?名单中应当包括土耳其,因为日本,阿塞拜疆、土库曼斯坦都会支持土耳其,如果土耳其处于战争之中的话。但是现在,没有人提及这一点,在1000年的时间里,奥斯曼土耳其几乎击败了整个世界,之后每一个国家都在反对土耳其,所以它失败了,现在奥斯曼成为了土耳其。K?N? I?G?HT?F? I? ?R???6?6?6 hours ago (edited)yes man ty to poland and france we couldnt conquer vianna... it was &europe& vs ottomans... like also in ww1: europe, laos armenians (russia) (with britain also australia, canada and new zealand) vs ottoman empire... but its not like we lost against you. we only lost cuz of a terrorist in our land called mustafa kemal (back then he was a terrorist for the ottoman empire) but later he established the modern turkey and now turkey is one of the most powerful states.?是的,这些家伙试图征服波兰和法国,我们没有办法政府维也纳,这是欧洲与奥斯曼的对决……就像一战一样:欧洲、亚美尼亚(俄罗斯)(也包括英国、俄罗斯、加拿大和新西兰)对决奥斯曼帝国,但这不像我们在与你们的战争中失败的情况。我们失败仅仅是因为一个叫凯末尔的恐怖分子(当时他对奥斯曼土耳其帝国而言是一个恐怖分子),但之后他建立了现代土耳其,而土耳其现在是最强大的国家之一。Alyssa Carlisle3 days agoU can't keep using nukes idiots unless u want to end the world. And it's not all that simple. You guys probably think oh we just attack them and bam we got ourself some territory. But NO. For example if the .u.s.attacks North Korea then its allies attack us then are allies attach them and there allies. Well then guess what we got ourselves world war 3. Great job. See it's not all that simple?你不能一直用核弹,傻瓜,除非你想要终结这个世界。不是所有东西都这么简单。你们这些家伙可能认为我们只要攻击它们,然后我们就能获得一些新的领土。但不是这样的,举例而言,如果美国攻击北朝鲜,那么它的盟友也将攻击我们,然后我们的盟友攻击它们。我们马上就会进入第三次世界大战。看吧,事情不是这么简单的。Daniel Brotskiy5 days agoRussia is on the 8th place? Are you kidding me? The only two countries which Russia cannon invade for 3 days are USA and China?俄罗斯位列第八?你开玩笑嘛?唯一两个俄罗斯无法在三天之内入侵的国家便是美国和中国。Joel4 months agoBecause then China was weak af, divided and under chaos. Modern China is way, way more powerful than 1930's China.?因为当时的中国非常弱小、分裂,处于混乱当中。现代中国远比20世纪30年代要强大。udit sharma4 months agoIndia holds 3rd largest army its navy is formidable and army is huge 8000 tanks.You might invade you are not going back.?印度拥有世界上规模第三大的军队,它的海军很强大,陆军拥有八千辆坦克。你可以试试入侵印度,但你将会有去无回。udit sharma4 months agoDeodrass Helios That time india was not a country it was states by that logic all countries have been invaded.India holds 3rd largest army nuclear force 8000 tanks.Talk tech we lack good armour.But accept that we would fuck anyone那时候印度还不是一个国家,它只是一些土邦而已,按照这个逻辑,所有国家全都被入侵过。印度拥有世界上规模第三大的军队,拥有核武器和八千辆坦克。我们缺乏性能优良的装甲。但请接受这个事实吧,我们能够让任何人屁滚尿流。Julian Wubbalubba4 months agoDinesh lodha China can't be attacked it's surrounded by Mountains Jungles, Tundras and Ocean中国是无法被攻击的,它被群山、森林、冻土带和海洋所包围。Kiana Vosough4 months agoIm not sure about China but Iran never been a colony also It has a huge military as I know. Its true because after the revolution in Iran, Iraq attacked Iran for 8 years with the help from US so they lost and the end also this is obvious that India is the biggest British colony maybe thats why is not on the list.?我不确定中国的情况,但伊朗从来没有成为殖民地,据我所知它也拥有一支庞大的军队。这是真的,因为在伊朗革命之后,在八年时间里,伊拉克在美国的援助之下攻击了伊朗,所以它们最终失败了。另外,印度也是英国最大的殖民地,可能这就是它为何不在榜单之上。Влади?мир Комаро?в2 weeks agoYour historical fact is wrong. The Mongols &invaded& China and replaced &Song Dynasty& instead to build a new dynasty called &Yuan Dynasty&. They were officially represented as &Emperor of China&, they established many policies and written in Mandarin. Japan did NOT govern China as they created a puppet-state called Manchuria(State of Manchu Chinese) at Liaoning Province. The Manchuria has their own policies without any interference of Japan. The only Chinese areas that were governed by foreign countries are Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Even Vietnam, South Korea and Japan were annexed states of China before the First Sino-Japanese war你的历史常识是错误的。蒙古人“入侵”中国,并取代“宋朝”建立了一个被称为“元朝”的新王朝。他们被称为是“中国的皇帝”,他们实施了很多政策,并且用汉字书写。日本并没有统治中国,因为他们在辽宁省建立了一个称为“满洲国”的傀儡政权。满洲国有着自己的政策,没有受到日本的干涉。唯一受到外国统治的中国地区是澳门、HK和TW。甚至是在第一次中日战争之前,越南、韩国和日本都是中国的附属国。&
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