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  Located at the NASA Research Center in Iowa is a 5,000-gallon vat of water,
and inside the tank is an underwater treadmill designed by Dava Newman, an
aerospace engineer. For four years Newman observed scuba divers as they
simulated walking on the Moon and on Mars on her underwater moving belt. She
wanted to discover how the gravity of the Moon and of Mars would affect human
movement. To do this, Newman attached weights to the divers and then lowered
them into the tank and onto the treadmill. These weights were carefully adjusted
so that the divers could experience underwater the gravity of the Moon and of
Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman concluded that walking on Mars will
probably be easier than walking on the Moon. The Moon has less gravity than Mars
does, so at lunar gravity, the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked
awkwardly. But at Martian gravity, the divers had greater traction and stability
and could easily adjust to a pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As Newman gradually
increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer, graceful strides
until they comfortably settled into an even quicker pace. Newman also noted that
at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen. The data Newman collected
will help in the future design of Martian space suits. Compared to lunar space
suits, Martian space suits will requi and, to allow for
freer movement, the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be
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  1、Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called &One On One& helps elementary students who've fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching&that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors---he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week.
  2、I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on insurance so that you're prepared for our discussion today. But, before we start, I'd like to mention a few things your text doesn't go into. It's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time. The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts. They provided shipping protection for merchants as far back as 3000 B.C. In general, the contracts were often no more than verbal agreements. They granted loans to merchants with the understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loan didn't have to be repaid. Interest on the loans varied according to how risky it was to transport the goods. During periods of heavy piracy at sea, for example, the amount of interest and the cost of the policy went up considerably. So, you can see how insurance helped encourage international trade. Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances, not to mention in hazardous weather conditions when they had this kind of protection available. Generally speaking, the basic form of an insurance policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four points that were salient then and remain paramount in all policies today. There were outlined in chapter six and will serve as the basis for the rest of the of today's discussion. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be?
福利一 :三立在线VIP学习卡
福利二 :海量视频课程
福利三 :一手精品资料
福利四 :名师在线辅导
福利五 :精彩社群互动
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