不可避免的趋势小辉势不可挡论坛” 英语可以怎么说

明天继续调整已不可避免!【不可避免的 英语】-网友博客-词汇网
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不可避免是什么意思 不可避免在线翻译 不可避免什么意思 不可避免的意思 不可避免的翻译 不可避免的解释 不可避免的发音
不可避免 基本解释不可避免[bù kě bì miǎn]词典:不可避免的;必然发生的;总会发生的;必然发生的事。词典:不免;不可避免的,不得已的;不能废除的,不能废除的,不能取消的;必不可免。词典:不可推卸;不可避免的,逃避不了的。词典:不可避免,无法逃避。词典:不可避免,必然性。不可避免 汉英大词典不可避免[bù kě bì miǎn] unavoidable不可避免 网络解释1. 1. Inevitable:但是,这种认为已经发生的历史现象一定不可避免(inevitable)的思维方式显然会妨害对历史的多重性和复杂性的理解,也使得历史学家的工作变得有点无聊. 在这一意义上,<>挑战了一个很大的认识偏差,指出欧洲经验绝不是欧洲学者所自我想象的那么优越和特殊,2. unavoidable:反之,当出现大的负面供给冲击时,为了防止国民收入的过度下降,央行应适当提高物价稳定标准的上限门槛,容忍稍高程度的物价上涨(具体如70年代的联邦德国经济)(这种因外部负面冲击而带来的物价上涨,在德国曾被称为是不可避免(unavoidable)的通货膨胀).3. inevitably : ad:laymen : 外行, 门外汉 | inevitably : ad. 不可避免 | discipline : n. 训练,纪律;vt. 训练,惩罚4. inevitably adv:induced vt.劝诱, 促使, 导致, 引起, 感应 | inevitably adv.不可避免 | infrastructure n.下部构造, 基础下部组织不可避免 双语例句1. 你们也许没有经历过我这样的失败,但是生活中的失败是不可避免的。&&&&You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable.2. 参加了由中国科学协会的生产力,我国房地产协会主办的第二届中国区域房地产创新与发展国际论坛的专家,通过趋势的中国房地产市场分析认为,中共宏观调控政策对房地产市场将带来的变化的主要机构的投资,外国大型的房地产市场在中国已成为不可避免的。&&&&Participated in by the Chinese Association of Productivity Science, the Chinese Real Estate Association sponsored the Second China`s regional real estate innovation and the development of an international forum of experts, through the trend of China`s real estate market analysis think, the Chinese macro-control policies to the real estate market will bring about changes in the main body of investment, foreign large-scale real estate market in China has become the inevitable.3. 不可避免3. 会有不可避免的斑痕和色斑,以及巨大的痛苦。&&&&Inevitably there will be scars and discoloration, plus a lot of pain.4. 宋太宗以后,藩邸背景成为入选三衙将帅的重要条件,而对能力和素质却往往忽略,这就不可避免地产生了极大的消极影响。&&&&After the Song-Taizong s time, the person who has the experience of Fan-di will be the strong candidate of the general of San-ya.5. 5. 尽管我本性是善良的,但却不可避免的带来了杀伐。&&&&That dreadful greenish blue color ray although has not gotten their life, but already caused them to be crazy actually.6. 因此,事故是不可避免的。&&&&Therefore, the accident is inevitable.7. 交通是一个复杂的大系统,受人、车、路、环境等各种因素的影响,因此不可避免的要发生交通拥挤、交通事故。&&&&Traffic system is a complicated large system, and has been affected by all kinds of complex factors, such as human being, vehicles, road and environment, so the traffic jam and the accident are inevitable.8. 而且,can 和 may 之间不明显的界限从社会和历史渊源上说也是不可避免的,因为礼貌常使 can 的使用比较适宜。&&&&What is more, the blurring of the line between can and may is socially and historically inevitable, since politeness often makes the use of can preferable in the. permission.9. 早期测量所使用的仪表都是机械模拟式的,模拟式仪表必须借助于指针和刻度盘进行读数,在读数过程中不可避免的会引入人为的测量误差。&&&&The early survey uses the measuring appliance all is the mechanical analogy -like, the simulation type measuring appliance must draw support in the indicator and the calibrated dial carries on the reading, inevitable can introduce the artificial measuring error in the reading process.10. 从宏观上说,出现错误不可避免,比如交通事故,你不出我出,微观上是个人注意力问题,宏观上是由概率决定的。&&&&From a macro that error is inevitable, such as traffic accidents, you see me out, the micro focus on individual issues, the macro level is determined by the probability.11. stic effect 近年来,沿海地区经济快速发展,岸线开发利用的速度和强度猛增,在经济发展的同时,不可避免的出现了负面效应。&&&&&&Impact prediction of land-forming on marine environment in Jiaozhou Bay and Qianwan Bay I. Impact on hydrodynamic environment12. 他们解除了婚约——这是不可避免的事。&&&&&&They broke off the engagement - it was just one of those things.13. 有了这样的市场地位,不可避免地会带来利用这一地位的诱惑。&&&&&&Such a market position brings inevitable temptation to exploit it.14. 但由于网络中的信息源很多,信息的传送要分时占用网络通信线路,而网络的承载能力和通信带宽有限,必然造成信息的碰撞、重传等现象的发生,使得信息在传输过程中不可避免地存在延时。&&&&&&However, when the distributed applications implement over the control network, it is necessary to make the information collide and re-transmit because of information transmitted through the limited bandwidth and weight capability. There must be transmitting time delays.15. 他必须揭示出,她在和一个软弱、堕落的族类一起长时间居住在地球上时,不可避免必将沾染上的错误和腐化现象。&&&&&&He must discover the inevitable mixture of error and corruption which she contracted in a long residence upon earth, among a weak and degenerate race of beings.16. 他必须揭示出,她在和一个软弱、堕落的族类一起长时间居住在地球上时,不可避免必将沾染上的错误和腐化现象。&&&&&&He must discover the inevitablemixture of error and corruption which shecontracted in a long residence upon earth, among a weak and degenerate race of beings.17. 过度商业化是旅游发展不可避免的副作用之一。&&&&&&Over-commercialization is an inevitable side effect of tourism development.18. &#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;18. 股票的转换周期面对,该基金是一个不可避免的大面积亏损。&&&&&&The face of the stock conversion cycle, the Fund is inevitable loss of a large area.19. 如今人才流动已成为社会发展大趋势决定的不可避免的现象,文章以作者所在公司为例,着重分析了造成人才流失的原因,阐述了人才流失对企业造成的不利影响,并针对这些问题,提出了企业留住人才的措施和对策。&&&&&&The thesis takes the company the author serves as an example to analyze the causes of brain drain, discusses why it militates against the development of a company and proposes measures on how to get talent retained for the building enterprises.20. 他们也不可避免的面对文化冲击的问题。&&&&&&They face the problem of culture shock inevitable.不可避免是什么意思,不可避免在线翻译,不可避免什么意思,不可避免的意思,不可避免的翻译,不可避免的解释,不可避免的发音,不可避免的同义词,不可避免的反义词,不可避免的例句,不可避免的相关词组,不可避免意思是什么,不可避免怎么翻译,单词不可避免是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 这句话怎么翻译最好-祖国被入侵将是不可避免的【英语吧】_百度贴吧
The invasion of (our) motherland is inevitable.
There will inevitably be the possibility that our country was invaded.看下合适不合适
马甲兄么最近学托福 有点着魔
老外不这么用 而且句子中也没要求表达可能性
英语口语 英文沪江网校,不限时间不限地点随时在线学英语,足不出户在家自学英语口语.快速突破英语口语瓶颈,提高听说读写全能力,轻松提升英语口语.
好吧 好狗屎
晚安 我这两天又小乱了下时差
你的熬夜 is also inevitable = =
祖国被入侵将是不可避免的It's inevitable that the motherland will be invaded.
后面was invaded感觉不太对啊,
it is inevitable for the invasion of motherland稍做修改,莫在意!


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