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日韩 港澳台城市很多建筑大门口就是马路
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英国首相官邸门前还是一条街呢 到处跑汽车
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Powered by列强正瓜分中国,我国南方一政权,居然要让英国、美国归顺
文翰在准备访问天京前,给太平天国发了书面照会书,东王杨秀清看到书函,随即发了一纸诰谕,名曰《谕英使文翰》,诰谕里称,“尔海外英民,不远千里而来归顺我朝,不仅天朝将士兵卒踊跃欢迎,即上天之天父天兄当亦嘉汝忠义也。兹特降谕,准尔英酋带尔人民自由出入,随意进退,无论协助我天兵歼灭妖敌,或照常经营商业,悉听其便。 ”
----------------------------------到英国买房子去?先研究一下南北差异 : 经理人分享
Managershare:不过,据说英国年轻人并不喜欢买房子。根据英国20日公布一份研究报告,英国南方人涌向北方大城市促使楼市复苏,居住在南方的英国人搬到英国北方,如利物浦、谢菲尔德、格拉斯哥等城市。&1、最近几年,英国房地产价格增长很快,而去年以来,英国房价平均上涨速度放缓。在英国伦敦和牛津房价达到了平均收入12倍,英国平均房价达到平均工资6.3倍。& 2、英国主要一线城市房价增长已放缓。如伦敦、阿伯丁、剑桥、牛津、布里斯托尔、加迪夫、曼彻斯特、伯明翰等城市,楼市房价已表现为有所回升,但曼彻斯特、加迪夫等城市房价依然小幅下行。在格拉斯哥、利兹、爱丁堡、纽卡斯尔、利物浦等城市平均房价约为平均收入三至六倍之间。3、苏格兰房价仍高于英国平均房价。北方城市房价复苏要快于南方城市房价,也或由于新购房者涌向一线城市,主要城市房价复苏或由于英国南部的人涌向北方城市,或者是其它城市的人涌向北方大城市。译者 &龚蕾
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Welcome to UK Cities, a guide all about... UK Cities!
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK's official title) is in fact a unitary state composed of four main parts: the three constituent countries of England, Scotland and Wales (collectively known as Great Britain) - and the province of Northern Ireland.
The UK has 69 'official' cities, though perhaps confusingly it has many more towns easily large enough to be considered cities, and some of its official cities are even smaller than large villages or small towns. See the articles on the right for more about this.
This website explains what constitutes city status in the UK, with the various conflicting definitions of the word 'city', including the official definition.
We have compiled some commonly sought after tables - a list of the , a list of , and a list of
(where known) of the UK's cities.
We have also compiled a city guide for each of the United Kingdom's 69 cities. These guides provide limited demographic data and a basic introduction to each city, touching on their history and their claims to fame. We have also listed contact details for each city's official city council website.
We have created special individual directories of local shops and services for most of the larger cities including , , , ,
UK Cities is organised into country subsections for Great Britain (that is England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland.
Choose any city from the country menus on the right or browse one of the city articles above.
Welcome to UK Cities
The 'official' meaning of the word 'city' in the UK is quite different from the word's common usage meaning and is independent of its geographical size or population size. The following articles clear up any confusion:
Most people take the word 'city' to mean large town. A popular misconception is that city status is granted to a town if it has a cathedral or university. In fact 'official' city status in the UK is independent of these things.
Discusses the criteria taken into account for granting city status in the UK and highlights the disparity between the official meaning of the word 'city' and its common usage meaning.
A list of the largest UK cities and their population in order of population size. The population statistics refer to proper city zones, not metropolitan areas.
A list of the oldest cities in the UK, or more precisely those with the oldest dates of incorporation, as it is not known when most of them originally began as settlements, prior to receiving city status.
A list of the dates when each of the UK's cities received their charters of incorporation (official city status).
Since the industrial revolution, massive cities began to evolve in Britain. As the urban sprawl continued many forged stronger links with other nearby towns and cities to form giant metropolises and conurbations.
Cities in England
Cities in Wales
Cities in Scotland
Cities in Northern Ireland
* See also
for a comprehensive and categorised list of Scotland sites.英国19世纪南方与北方的文化差异有哪些?求书籍推荐 - 知乎3被浏览85分享邀请回答0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起}


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