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Did you know that for less than the price of a textbook you can utilize the same technology on your personal computer as engineers, economists, scientists, mathematicians, and educators worldwide? Mathematica Student Edition has all the functionality and versatility of Mathematica but at a fraction of the cost, making it the perfect software to give you the edge in your educational and professional pursuits.
The Mathematica Edge
Calculate & Analyze
Learn & Explore
Visualize & Illustrate
Document & Publish
The Mathematica Edge
Mathematica Student Edition is a great investment because it will grow with you, and you can use it throughout your student and professional career. With Mathematica Student Edition, you will...
Get better grades
Mathematica can help you master concepts, so you'll do better in school (and after graduation).
Save money
You can use Mathematica for a variety of courses, homework assignments, and projects without needing to buy specialized software for each task.
Mathematica requires no time investment to learn, so you can start using it immediately.
Get prepared for your future
Using Mathematica means you'll be learning a software that is used by Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, research labs, and universities worldwide.
Calculate & Analyze
Mathematica Student Edition covers many application areas, making it perfect for use in a variety of different classes. Tackle any type of problem&numeric or symbolic, theoretical or experimental, large-scale or small. And the free-form linguistic input gets you started instantly, without any knowledge of syntax.
Explore formulas, solve equations, and prove theorems
Analyze mathematical functions and complex numbers
Tackle linear and nonlinear optimization problems
Solve integrals and differential equations
Import your data or our load-on-demand curated data
Analyze datasets of almost unlimited size with a variety of statistics operations and probability distributions
Operate on matrices, strings, and data arrays
Pre- and post-process image and signal data
Learn & Explore
With Mathematica Student Edition, everything can be interactive. Easily create your own models&complete with intuitive controls to instantly change values&with a single command. Whether you need help understanding concepts introduced in your classes or want to create models for a research project, Mathematica can help.
Investigate phenomena that can't be fully explored with traditional means
Explore changes to text, functions, formulas, matrices, graphics, tables, or data
Illuminate concepts in math, science, technology, art, finance, and other fields
Create simulations to test hypotheses
Download and customize interactive, open-code models from the
Visualize & Illustrate
From simple line graphs to elegant 3D models, Mathematica's powerful graphics functions let you visualize mathematical functions and surfaces, scientific data, and specialized objects, all with automated aesthetics that make sure you get accurate and appropriate results.
Visualize data to discover underlying patterns
Create static or dynamic representations of arbitrarily large structured and unstructured datasets
Visualize large, complex, and irregularly sampled data
Generate 2D or 3D histograms and charts, scatter and line plots, contour and density plots, stream and vector fields, and graph and network diagrams
Analyze and render geometrical structures
Rotate or zoom into 3D images in real time to better explore areas of interest
Document & Publish
Mathematica's customizable documents, called notebooks, allow you to combine notes, typeset equations, graphics, computations, and dynamic models. Now there's no need to jump between different programs to get your assignments and projects done.
Easily customize the style and format of your documents
Include fully evaluatable, publication-quality typeset formulas and mathematical notation in your notebooks
Add citations, titles, sections, lists, and more
Turn documents into interactive slide shows, with fully editable and interactive content
Submit work to your instructor as cross-platform notebooks, professional-quality printouts, PDFs, web pages, and more
Export documents as TeX and LaTeX for publication
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& &论坛法律顾问:王兆丰[原创] 所以说电脑里面要有一款又装逼又实用的数学软件
Wolfram Mathematica 5.0 自有精简版
[考前攒人品向]从初中数学要求的因式分解到高中中学的解多元高次方程组, 再到大学高数的各种微积分方程,变换。无所不能的数学软件 WolframAlpha 公司出品的 Mathematica。
本次分享的精简版本基于来自网络的 Mathematica 5.0 &版本 ,技术分享,请试用完即删。如喜欢请支持正版(正版..呵呵)或者使用功能更加强大的 Math 在线版 / &(支持手机端)&
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内含破解方法,看不懂的可以留言出示IQ卡。&&show time软件操作举例:
命令[表达式, 参数]&这是基本格式,具体其他应用详见安装目录内的DOC文档。In1:Reduce 为解方程(组)的命令,In3: Integrate 为求积分命令,D 为求微分命令In5: 傅立叶变换 ,其中FourierParameters为可选参数,选择具体变换种类,{1,-1} 是目前大学复变函数与积分变换中常用的标准式。In6: InverseXX代表逆变换,图中展示的是拉普拉斯变换, 另有Z变换等。In7: 退出的命令,首字母大写,也可以点击右上角的红叉。PS:DSolve[{eqn,y[x0]= =y0},y[x],x] & & & & & & 解微分方程,求满足初始条件y(x0)= y0的特解y(x)。Series[f,{x,x0,n}]&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 将函数f(x)在x0 处展成幂级数直到n次项为止。Simplify[expr] & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 化简表达式 exprFactor[expr] & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 因式分解表达式 expr&&&& 更多命令待你去发掘&&另,推荐两本Mathematica入门书籍,内含对于Mathematica使用非常详尽的介绍。《The.Mathematica.Book.-.5Thed.(By.Stephen.Wolfram) 》《A.Beginner's.Guide.to.Mathematica》为方便各位阅读,已找来pdf版本,原生支持 ctrl+f 检索内容。
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等级:绿色版64 KB英文推荐理由:这是mathematica8.0注册机,可以用于mathematica8.0的注册。mathematica8.0注册机使用方法注册机的运行需要Visual C++ 2010的支持,软件包里的vcredist_x86.exe和vcredist_版本:
等级:32位/64位10.3 MB简体中文推荐理由:Mathematica8.0中文版是一款应用领域相当广泛的优秀数学软件。沃尔夫勒姆和他的工作团队在1986年开始Mathematica的研发。Mathematica1.0于1988年的1月23日正式发行。在2008版本:
等级:含汉化包1 MB简体中文推荐理由:
Mathematica5.0中文版是美国 Wolfram 研究公司生产的一种数学分析型的软件,以符号计算见长,也具有高精度的数值计算功能和强大的图形功能。然而,一直却不见简体中文版版本:
等级:2.4 MB简体中文推荐理由:Mathematica4.0软件,支持符号运算、数值运算,体积虽小,但功能强大,支持编程。版本:
等级:破解版 v9.0.1中文版12.7 MB简体中文推荐理由:数学建模软件Mathematica9是一款科学计算软件,很好地结合了数值和符号计算引擎、图形系统、编程语言、文本系统、和与其他应用程序的高级连接。很多功能在相应领域内处于世版本:
等级:绿色版10.3 MB英文推荐理由:下面为大家介绍mathematica9.0注册机的使用方法,亲测有用。mathematica9.0注册机使用方法记住,注册机的math ID一定要填准确,不能有空格,横线要用减号&-&,版本:
等级:中文破解版1.39 GB简体中文推荐理由:mathematica9.0.1是由美国科学家斯蒂芬&沃尔夫勒姆领-dao(次奥!ld也是敏感词!)的沃尔夫勒姆研究公司(位于美国伊利诺伊州香槟市)开发的一款广泛使用的计算软件版本:
等级:38 KB英文推荐理由:Mathematica V6.0.1的特色 &具有高阶的演算方法和丰富的数学函数库和庞大的数学知识库,让 Mathematica 在线性代数方面的数值运算,例如特征向量、反矩阵等,皆比Matl版本:
等级:82 KB简体中文推荐理由:Mathematica 4.1是一款科学计算软件,很好地结合了数值和符号计算引擎、图形系统、编程语言、文本系统、和与其他应用程序的高级连接。很多功能在相应领域内处于世界领先地位版本:
等级:1 MB简体中文推荐理由:Mathematica 5.0是美国 Wolfram 研究公司生产的一种数学分析型的软件,以符号计算见长,也具有高精度的数值计算功能和强大的图形功能。然而,一直却不见简体中文版的发行,版本:
等级:7.0.1 英文破解版546 MB英文推荐理由: Mathematica是世界上最强大的通用计算系统。自1988首次发布以来,它对如何在科技和其它领运用计算机产生了深刻的影响。基于20年世界级运算法则和软件的开发, Mathematica版本:}


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