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经济学人 :安倍经济学 女性权益该如何维护
Asia: Women and work in Japan We're busy.Get an abortion
Pregnant women are furious about how they aretreated at the office.
“ABENOMICS is womenomics,” Japan’s prime minister declared, marrying two atrocious words in a single phrase, at a glamorous shindig called WAW!, or the “World Assembly for Women in Tokyo”, on August 28th-29th. Before an international audience of high-powered female leaders and businesswomen, Shinzo Abe promised to help women “shine” at work as a way to boost Japan’s talent pool and economy. As the conference opened, the Diet (parliament) passed a long-awaited law calling on companies to find ways to promote more women.
Yet such grand visions are beside the point for most working women. Sayaka Osakabe, founder of a new non-profit outfit called Matahara Net, which campaigns for the rights of pregnant women at work, says that before “shining” women just need to be allowed to work without being harassed. Matahara, (a contraction of “maternity” and “harassment”), is illegal but rife.
The worst examples involve bosses urging pregnant women to have abortions. One woman who now works for Matahara Net landed a prized “career-track” job at a big bank alongside her boyfriend, who worked in another department. After she became pregnant, a manager told her he would “crush” both her own career and that of her boyfriend if she went ahead and had the baby. In 2011 she took the hint and had an abortion.
Ms Osakabe herself suffered two miscarriages. She says that stress caused by ill-treatment at work was partly to blame. Other women have had to apologise in front of co-workers for becoming pregnant. Those on precarious part-time contracts are particularly vulnerable to being fired while on maternity leave. A fifth of young mothers experience some kind of office harassment, according to Rengo, Japan’s biggest trade union confederation.
Part of the problem is the country’s culture of pointless workaholism—office workers are expected to stay late even if they have no work to do. Anyone exempted from this ordeal—mothers with young children, for instance—is envied. Also, since companies seldom hire cover for women on maternity leave, colleagues have to pick up the burden. Twice as many female as male colleagues dish out verbal criticism of pregnant women. It is one reason why seven out of ten women give up their jobs on having their first child.
Not all women think this is a problem. Ayako Sono, a conservative who was once on a government panel on education, calls matahara a “dirty” expression that signifies women’s overreaction to minor social discomforts. Yet it is hard for the government to ignore the harassment, since it contributes to the relentless decline in the Japanese population, policymakers’ biggest headache. Women who find it hard to combine work and motherhood often forgo the latter.
Last year the Supreme Court ruled for the first time on matahara. It found in favour of a mother who had sued a medical practice in Hiroshima for demoting her. This judgment, and Mr Abe’s championing of working-women’s rights, have emboldened more women to speak out. Those expecting are starting to expect better treatment.
然而如此美好远大的愿景实非大多数职业女性所盼。Sayaka Osakabe,是一家名叫Matahara Net的非营利性组织的创始人。这家公司致力于为孕期职业妇女争取权益。她说,在“绽放光芒”之前,女性更紧迫的需求是能在工作岗位上更安心。Matahara(词汇缩写自“孕妇matenity”和“骚扰harassment”的组合),这种现象尽管受到法律禁止,却仍然十分普遍。
最糟糕的情况包括上司敦促怀孕的职业女性堕胎。某位现在正在Matahara Net工作的女性曾和她的男朋友在同一家大型银行的不同部门工作,当时她还曾因完成“职业追溯”工作而受到过褒奖。但当她怀孕后,那家银行的经理告诉她,如果她坚持下去,生下孩子,那么他将会“碾碎”她和她男朋友两个人的职业人生。于是在2011年,她迫于压力,选择了堕胎。
但也并非所有女性都认为这是了不得的大事。Ayako Sono,一位曾在政府教育技术部门工作的女性认为,matahara是个“恶毒”的词汇,彰显了女性对某些社会不适应症的反应过度。就算也有这样的声音,政府却很难就这样对职场骚扰问题视而不见,因为它导致了日本本已剧烈下滑的人口数量进一步减少,而人口缩减问题是让政策制定者最为头痛的难题。因为骚扰问题的存在,让那些感觉很难身兼职员和母亲身份的职业女性往往选择放弃后者的角色。
1.be furious about 对...不满
例句:She was furious about our mistake. 她对我们的错误非常愤怒。
2.speak out 说出;畅所欲言
例句:He said other things I cannot speak out for shame. 他还说了些我羞于启齿的话。
3.in favour of 支持;赞成
例句:The vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the Democratic Party. 压倒多数的选票投给了民主党。
4.dish out 给予;分发
例句:Politicians can really dish out sweet talk. 政客对发表甜言蜜语很有一套。
“研厦”之路 并肩同行
今日搜狐热点每日一篇 | 《经济学人》读译参考 Day 56
Business: Chinese internet firms Clubbingtogether
The merger of Meituan and Dianping could herald abigger consolidation. GROUP buying-in which discounts are offered ongoods and services once a certain number of consumers have signed up-may be falling out offashion in many countries, with even America's pioneer, Groupon, slashing over 1,000 jobs lastmonth, but it is still doing well in China.
According to Analysys International, a research firm, bargain hunters there rang up 77 billionyuan ($12.1 billion) in sales through group-buying websites in the first half of this year. That is a rise of 168% on a year earlier. Even more striking is news this week of a merger between the two biggest Chinese firms in thebusiness, which may herald a broader consolidation in China's internet sector.
Groupon has flopped in China, just as many other Western internet firms have done.This has left the field clear for local businesses. On October 8th two Chinese companies which between them have about four-fifths of the localgroup-buying market said that they would combine. Meituan, with about half of the market, will join forces with Dianping, which has about 30%.
The combined business will be worth perhaps $15 billion. It will quash competition on one front of a costly proxy war now being fought by China's bigthree internet firms-Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent.
Alibaba has a stake in Meituan, while Tencent backs Dianping. The merged entity would dwarf Nuomi, which has a mere 14% share of China's group-buyingindustry.It is fully owned by Baidu, which said in June that it would invest $3.2 billion over the next threeyears in this sort of e-commerce business.
The deal marks an escalation in what seems to be an effort by Alibaba and Tencent tosqueeze out Baidu and turn the Chinese internet's big three into a big two. They have already joined up to try to create a dominant company in the online taxi-hailingbusiness.
At first each had backed a different startup in this area, but when Baidu gave financial backingto Uber, an American taxi-app giant, to expand its presence in China, Alibaba and Tencentmerged their proxies into a firm now called Didi Kuaidi.
Alibaba and Tencent merged their proxies into a firm now called Didi Kuaidi.The combination is valued at $15 billion.
All of the big three firms have invested heavily over the past two years in everything fromonline-video services to travel portals. On one estimate, there have been nearly $60 billion in internet deals involving Chinese firms sofar this year.
Some consolidation is needed: in many corners of the industry there are too manycompetitors, most of which are unprofitable.But China's antitrust authorities, which have been soft on local internet firms, oughtnonetheless to be vigilant. Otherwise there will surely be more mergers like this one, as the industry's giants seek to createmonopolies.
1.out of fashion 过时的
例句:This clothes style is out of fashion. 这种衣服式样已经过时了。
2.so far 迄今为止
例句:What have you found so far? 你到目前为止发现了什么?
3.squeeze out 排挤
例句:How can you squeeze out more time to do what you want? 你是如何挤出更多时间来做你想做的事情?
4.e-commerce business 电子商务
例句:In the business world, electronic commerce is a new e-commerce business model. 在商业领域中,电子商务是的一种新兴的商务活动模式。
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