Our English teacher lived in the USA ten someyearsago ago, then he came to China.

& “Most students have b...”习题详情
Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had a biology class outside in my American schoo1.My biology teacher,Mr.Kwak,divided us into three groups and asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择)and how birds find food.He gave the first group one spoon per person,the second group forks and my group"knives.I thought we were going hunting,so knives might work better.Surprisingly,he told us to pick up the beans on the grass with our tools.When the game started all of us ran to the grass area.We squatted(蹲)down and looked for beans.It was hard to pick up something that small,especially from the grass .When I almost fired a bean,it dropped back to the ground.When I finally picked up several beans.one of my friends ran into me.I couldn’t keep my balance and fell over.All my beans dropped to the ground!Just at that moment,Mr.Kwak called us back.I had to leave the game and of course I got a bad result.I couldn’t help thinking that if I were a bird living on Galapagos Island,I would be dead soon.The fun game made me realize that natural selection is redly competitive(竞争的).Everyone is trying his or her best to—survive.1.What did the writer’s group use to pick up the beans?A.Spoons.
D.Hands.2.How many beans did the writer get at last?A.None.
D.Many.3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The writer did a good job in the biology class.B.The writer had a biology class outside their schoo1.C.The writer found that picking up the beans from the grass was hard.D.The writer didn’t find enough food for the birds on Galapagos Island.4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word“survive’’in the last paragraph?A.Find food.
B.Remain alive.
C.Be lovely.
D.Keep balanced.5.What was the aim of Mr.Kwak’s class?A.To play an interesting game.
B.To pick up the beans.C.To know different kinds of birds.
D.To learn natural selection.&
习题“Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had a bi...”的分析与解答如下所示:
1.C2.A3.C4.B5.D本文叙述了作者的生物老师Mr.Kwak组织了户外活动,把学生分成三组,分给不同的组不同的工具,来比赛看哪个组捡到的豆子最多,作者一组用的是刀子,一开始这组捡到了几颗豆子,最后因为有同学撞身上了,失去平衡,因此把所有的豆子全部散了,结果作者一组比赛输了。因为现在的社会是竞争的社会,所以每个人尽最大的努力去生存下去。1.小题1】细节理解题。根据my group knives 可知作者的一组,生物老师给的工具是刀子,故选C。2.小题2】细节理解题。根据All my beans dropped to the ground!可知最后所有的豆子都散在了地上,故选A。3.小题3】细节理解题。根据It was hard to pick up something that small,especially from the grass .可知作者发现从草地上捡起豆子很难,故选C。4.小题4】词义猜测题。根据The fun game made me realize that natural selection is redly competitive. Everyone is trying his or her best 可推出因为现在的社会是竞争的社会,所以每个人尽最大的努力去生存下去,故选B。5.小题5】细节理解题。根据asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择)and how birds find food.可知了解物竟天择的说法,故选D。
Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had...
“Most students have b...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had a biology class outside in my American schoo1.My biology teacher,Mr.Kwak,divided us into three groups and asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择)and how birds find food.He gave the first group one spoon per person,the second group forks and my group"knives.I thought we were going hunting,so knives might work better.Surprisingly,he told us to pick up the beans on the grass with our tools.When the game started all of us ran to the grass area.We squatted(蹲)down and looked for beans.It was hard to pick up something that small,especially from the grass .When I almost fired a bean,it dropped back to the ground.When I finally picked up several beans.one of my friends ran into me.I couldn’t keep my balance and fell over.All my beans dropped to the ground!Just at that moment,Mr.Kwak called us back.I had to leave the game and of course I got a bad result.I couldn’t help thinking that if I were a bird living on Galapagos Island,I would be dead soon.The fun game made me realize that natural selection is redly competitive(竞争的).Everyone is trying his or her best to—survive.1.What did the writer’s group use to pick up the beans?A.Spoons.
D.Hands.2.How many beans did the writer get at last?A.None.
D.Many.3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The writer did a good job in the biology class.B.The writer had a biology class outside their schoo1.C.The writer found that picking up the beans from the grass was hard.D.The writer didn’t find enough food for the birds on Galapagos Island.4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word“survive’’in the last paragraph?A.Find food.
B.Remain alive.
C.Be lovely.
D.Keep balanced.5.What was the aim of Mr.Kwak’s class?A.To play an interesting game.
B.To pick up the beans.C.To know different kinds of birds.
D.To learn natural selection.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“Most students have biology classes in the classrooms or the labs in China.But several days ago,I had a biology class outside in my American schoo1.My biology teacher,Mr.Kwak,divided us into three groups and asked us to play a game about natural selection(选择)and how birds find food.He gave the first group one spoon per person,the second group forks and my group"knives.I thought we were going hunting,so knives might work better.Surprisingly,he told us to pick up the beans on the grass with our tools.When the game started all of us ran to the grass area.We squatted(蹲)down and looked for beans.It was hard to pick up something that small,especially from the grass .When I almost fired a bean,it dropped back to the ground.When I finally picked up several beans.one of my friends ran into me.I couldn’t keep my balance and fell over.All my beans dropped to the ground!Just at that moment,Mr.Kwak called us back.I had to leave the game and of course I got a bad result.I couldn’t help thinking that if I were a bird living on Galapagos Island,I would be dead soon.The fun game made me realize that natural selection is redly competitive(竞争的).Everyone is trying his or her best to—survive.1.What did the writer’s group use to pick up the beans?A.Spoons.
D.Hands.2.How many beans did the writer get at last?A.None.
D.Many.3.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The writer did a good job in the biology class.B.The writer had a biology class outside their schoo1.C.The writer found that picking up the beans from the grass was hard.D.The writer didn’t find enough food for the birds on Galapagos Island.4.What’s the meaning of the underlined word“survive’’in the last paragraph?A.Find food.
B.Remain alive.
C.Be lovely.
D.Keep balanced.5.What was the aim of Mr.Kwak’s class?A.To play an interesting game.
B.To pick up the beans.C.To know different kinds of birds.
D.To learn natural selection.”相似的习题。In fact.teachers are around us in life.Everyone and everything can be our teacher.These days.my great teacher is my dog.Angel.He appeared on my doorstep a year ago-tiny.black and wet.It was rainin 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
3.In&fact,teachers&are&around&us&in&life.Everyone&and&everything&can&be&our&teacher.These&days,my&great&teacher&is&my&dog,Angel.He&appeared&on&my&doorstep&a&year&ago-tiny,black&and&wet.It&was&raining&and&he&was&there,trying&to&stay&dry&and&get&warm.I&brought&him&in&and&we&became&friends&quickly.In&the&year&with&him,he&has&taught&me&many&things.He&shows&me&that&one&must&drink&much&water.He&shows&me&love&for&life-with&joy,excitement&and&pleasure.When&something&wonderful&is&coming&his&way,he&gets&so&excited,even&a&usual&morning&walk!And&he&knows&how&to&ask&for&love&and&how&to&accept&it.Many&times&when&I'm&working,he'll&walk&up&beside&me&and&stand&quietly.If&I'm&busy&and&don't&notice&him,he'll&simply&walk&away.At&other&times,he'll&bring&in&his&toys&one&at&a&time--a&silent&invitation&for&me&to&come&and&play.He&reminds&me&that&there&is&always&time&to&play&and&the&opportunities&are&always&there.He&reminds&me&that&I&need&to&take&short&play&breaks&during&the&day-just&to&get&up&and steetch(he&always&stretches&when&he&gets&up),to&say&hello&to&the&person&in&the&next&room&and&just&to…81.The&passage&mainly&writes&about&aC.A.bird& & & & B.cat& & & C.dog& & & D.fish82.One&year&ago,Angel&appearedA.A.tiny&and&wet & B.tiny&and&warm&& C.wet&and&warm&& D.dry&and&warm83.Sometimes&Angel&bring&his&toys&in&one&at&a&time&becauseD.A.he&likes&playing&with&his&toys B.he&would&like&some&water&to&drinkC.he&needs&to&go&out&for&a&walkD.he&wants&to&invite&the&writer&to&play&with&him84.The&underlined&word"stretch"probably&meansA.A.伸展&& B.收缩&& C.喷嚏&& D.呵欠85.The&writer&sees&Angel&as&his&teacher&because&AngelB.A.shows&him&how&to&drink&water.B.teaches&him&many&useful&things&in&life.C.reminds&him&that&there&is&always&no&time&to&play.D.knows&how&to&ask&for&love&and&how&to&refuse&it.
分析 文章大意:本文记叙了自己的小狗,安琪儿,他教会了我许多东西.一年前他出现在我家门口,又小又黑又湿,下雨了,他在那里,试图保持干燥和暖和,我带他进来,我们很快就成了朋友.和他在一起的那一年,他教会了我很多东西.解答 81-85:CADAB81题答案:C 主旨大意题.根据文章第一段These&days,my&great&teacher&is&my&dog,Angel内容可知本文记叙了自己的小狗,安琪儿,故选C.82题答案:A 细节理解题.根据第二段He&appeared&on&my&doorstep&a&year&ago-tiny,black&and&wet.It&was&raining&and&he&was&there,trying&to&stay&dry&and&get&warm可知一年前他出现在我家门口,又小又黑又湿,故选A.83题答案:D 细节理解题.根据第四段At&other&times,he'll&bring&in&his&toys&one&at&a&time-a&silent&invitation&for&me&to&come&and&play可知他会把他的玩具带过来邀请我去玩,故选D.84题答案:A 词义猜测题.根据最后一段括号里的he&always&stretches&when&he&gets&up他起床时他总是伸懒腰可知此处意思是伸展,故选A.85题答案:B 细节理解题.根据第三段In&the&year&with&him,he&has&taught&me&many&things.可知作者把它当作老师是因为它教会了作者很多东西,故选B.点评 本文是一篇日常生活类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.
13.Cooking&and&LearningIn&this&E-book&package,we&have&four&e-books.Fun with FoodThis fun e-book is filled witexercises---photo tests,word exams,riddle games,coloring pages and exercises on learning more about food.Kids Food Science ExperimentsLearn more about science and cooking with these food science experiments and instructions for kids.Food Facts E-BookTo go with the kids cooking lessons e-book,we've put our food facts into one e-book.Each part is easy to print off.You can keep it in the kitchen and teach kids facts about the food we eat.The Food Facts E-Book has over 60 pages.Kids Cooking Lessons E-BookWe've brought all our kids cooking lessons together into one easy e-book.We have a unit for each age group.This e-book is just planned to help you with cooking experience in the kitchen.& &If you'd like our lessons&in e-book form with some learning exercises and other things,then this e-book is for you.48.Kids&canD&by&reading&Fun&with&Food.A.do&science&experiments&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.get&cooking&experienceC.cook&well&in&the&kitchen&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D.play&some&riddle&games49.C&has&over&sixty&pages.A.Fun&with&Food&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.Kids&Cooking&Lessons&E-BookC.Food&Facts&E-Book&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D.Kids&Food&Science&Experiments50.Kids&Cooking&Lessons&E-Book&is&popular&becauseA.A.there&is&a&unit&for&each&age&group&&&&&&&&&&&B.there&are&a&lot&of&photo&tests&in&itC.kids&can&learn&more&about&science&&&&&&&&&D.each&part&is&very&easy&to&print&off.
13.It's&bad&for&our&health&to&__________.(  )A.get&up&earlyB.stay&up&lateC.take&exerciseD.develop&good&eating&habits


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