北京大学毕业生就业网生命科学学院 97级毕业生 pi多吗

爱考:2015年北京大学生命科学学院生物学(生物技术) 考研专业课资料册含真题,大纲,分数线,参考书-五星文库
爱考:2015年北京大学生命科学学院生物学(生物技术) 考研专业课资料册含真题,大纲,分数线,参考书
北京大学生命科学学院[生物学(生物技术)]专业课资料册 (4) 用胰凝乳蛋白酶降解得到一个二肽,一个三肽和一个四肽 A,二肽在PH6.4时呈负电荷 B,分析三肽发现里面含有硫 C,在PH6.4时分析四肽,静电荷为+2,在280nm分析表明不含有芳香氨基酸六.第一题非生化专业,第二题生化专业。 (一)1.如何判明DNA制剂的纯度和是否为天然双链分子 1. 如果细菌环状染色体的复制是双向的,并且从固定的复制起点开始,每个复制叉以16um/min的速度移动,细菌染色体长1280um,完成整个染色体复制所需的时间是多少?当细菌在营养丰富的培养基中每20分钟分裂一次,也就是说第一轮复制尚未完成就开始第二轮复制,此时染色体有几个复制叉? (二)1.利用标记的16SrRNA和未标记的细菌DNA进行分子表明,在饱和时100ugDNA能结合0.071ug的16SrRNA(分子量为5.3x105),该细菌Cell含有2.6x105道儿顿DNA.试计算每个细菌基因组所含16SrRNA基因的拷贝数. 2.用琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离制备质粒, 分出三条带。请设计实验,判断何者是开环DNA,何者为线形DNA,何者为闭环环DNA。
1989年北京大学生物化学真题 一、选择题
4、假如将15N标记的大肠杆菌在14N培养基种生长三代,提取其DNA 进行CsCl密度梯度离心,其15N,14N杂和DNA分子与纯14N-DNA分子之比为______
12、用人工合成含有两种碱基的多核苷酸进行体外翻译,最可能形成的产物为______ 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
25、糖原分解的调控______ 二、是非题
2、糖皮质激素和肾上腺素都是提高血糖的激素( )
3、酶的Km值是酶的特征常数,它不随测定的PH和温度而改变( )
4、真核生物mRNA分子两端都有3‘-OH( )
5、原核生物DNA为半不连续复制,真核生物DNA为全不连续复制( )
6、别构酶动力学曲线的特点都是呈S形曲线( )
7、多顺反子mRNA含有多个起始密码子和终止密码子( )
8、两条肽链反平行的β-折叠构象比平行的稳定( )
9、用SDS-PAGE电泳法测定蛋白质分子量是根据蛋白质分子所带的电荷量而定( )
10、紫外线照射可引起DNA两条互补链上的T之间形成二聚体( ) 三、写出下列缩写的生化名称
LDL 四、写出下列化合物的结构式
4、 蔗糖(透视式) 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
8、 卵磷脂
10、甲状腺素 五、填空题
18、不能进行糖异生的氨基酸是____. 六、分析和计算题
1、有一氨基酸组成为Ala,Lys,Phe,的七肽,将它与FDNS反应,经酸水解后,生成游离的DNP-Ala.将它用胰蛋白酶酶解,则得到一个三肽和一个四肽,它们的组成分别为:3Ala,Phe和Lys,2Ala.将它用胰凝乳蛋白酶酶解,则生成一个六肽与一个游离的Ala.试写出其氨基酸顺序。 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
(A)流过DEAE-纤维素阴离子交换柱,用线性盐梯度洗脱时;(B)流经Sephadex G-50凝胶过 滤柱时,这些蛋白质的洗脱顺序如何?
3、若用14C标记 下列化合物,经一次TCA循环后,试问14C出现在什么化合物的什么部位上?
(2)为了合成ATP一对电子传递的最低电位是多少? 7、某酶的Km为4.0X10-5M,Vmax=24微克分子/升/分钟,计算出当底物浓度为2X10-4M,非竞争性抑制剂浓度为6.0X10-4M,如Ki为3.0X10-4M时的抑制百分数。
1988年北京大学生物化学真题 一, 选择题 1,用茚三酮试剂确定氨基酸是靠它与下面(
)功能集团起作用。 2,影响酶催化效率的因素是(
)。 3,在适当条件下,盐酸胍变性球蛋白的可逆性,可证明(
)。 4,蛋白质中形成肽键平面的原因是(
)。 5,三个氨基酸(Asp,Leu,Lys)的混合物,经过一个sulphonoted polysturene 阳离子交换 树脂粒,用PH5的缓冲液洗脱,洗脱液中氨基酸出现的顺序是(
)。 6,溶液A的PH为7.0,溶液B的PH为6.0的两个溶液的体积相等,则其H+的含量关(
) 7,0.01N醋酸的PH为3.4,0.01N HCl的PH是 2,用0.01N NaOH分别去中和15mL的以上醋酸和 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
北京大学生命科学学院[生物学(生物技术)]专业课资料册 盐酸,试问需用(
)NaOH。 8,酶活性的国际单位(I.U.)定义为在30。C下,将底物转化为产物,在(
)速度时 的酶量。 9,在PH5.0的经DEAE-纤维素柱纯化酶,此酶的比活从2.2U/mg提高到303U/mg,表明(
) 10,10-5毫克分子的乳酸脱氢酶,每秒催化10微克分子丙酮酸的生成,此酶的turnover num ber 是( )。 11,胰凝乳蛋白酶中电荷延迟系统是指(
)。 12,在整体代谢的调节环节调节中,别构效应可调节(
)。 13,A因子存在时,一个酶的初速度对底物浓度曲线为S形,而当A因子浓度增高时,此线左移,说明A因子是(
)。 14,一个酶的Km为3X10-5M,Vmax为转化8000克分子底物/分/克分子酶,底物浓度为3X10-5M时,初速度是(
) 15,在一个2底物-2产物酶反应系统中,对其中一个底物的Km值是(
)。 16,一氧化碳有毒是因为(
)。 17,胶原蛋白的特性是(
)。 18,α螺旋与β折叠的区别(
)。 19,促进酶分子催化反应的机制是(
)。 20,酶可以改变(
)。 21,转化丁二酸根为反丁二烯酸根所需要的酶是(
)。 22,激素17β-雌二醇发挥效应的位置在(
)。 23,3'-5'cAMP的性质是(
)。 24,谷氨酸+丙酮酸=α酮戊二酸+丙氨酸,需要的辅酶为(
)。 25,细胞液中脂肪酸的合成需要线粒体产生乙酸,乙酸是由(
)带出线粒体膜。 26,氨对哺乳类细胞有害是因为(
)。 27,U第一位上N原子来源是(
)。 28,嘌呤生物合成关键步骤是(
)。 29,当一个蛋白质样品不纯时,要测定它的性质,可用的方法有(
)。 30,在同一细胞中,RNA和DNA杂交性质是(
)。 31,DNA的Maxam-Gilbert化学法序列分析对底物的要求是(
)。 32,单链DNA分子溶液形成双链的复性过程是(
)级反应。 33,真核细胞中的RNA聚合酶III负责(
)的合成。 34,DNA和RNA的差别在于(
)。 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
北京大学生命科学学院[生物学(生物技术)]专业课资料册 35,一个操纵子的启动区产生一个降低的突变后会(
)。 36,一个β珠蛋白mRNA的cDNA克隆可以在大肠杆菌中正确的进行肽的生物合成,而染色体基因的克隆不能,这是因为(
)。 37,分析了一个细胞中的蛋白质发现其Ile少于正常的情况,这是因为有好多Ile为Val所代替,这可能发生了(
)突变。 38,大肠杆菌核糖体的性质(
)。 39,许多细胞含有一种酶,可以使DNA上少数C甲基化,产生5'-甲基-C,这种甲基化部位成为CG转变成AG的突变热点,这是因为(
)。 40,限制性内切酶的性质(
)。 41,DNA生物合成的过程(
)。 42,如由5'-脱氧尿嘧啶所引起的突变使一种嘧啶为另一种嘧啶所替换,这种转变叫做(
)。 43,假如一个mRNA样品,其G占29%,则C为(
)。 44,在大肠杆菌中合成蛋白启始过程(
)反应是必需的。 45,遗传密码的兼并性是指(
)。 二,填空 1,蛋白质的最低自由能构型经常为(
)残基之间的共价交连而加强。 2,非极性环境中,例如膜的内部,蛋白质可以折叠成(
)侧链彼此相互作用。 3,糖原异生受(
)激活。 4,由于(
)酶而加速脂肪合成。 5,维生素B12是(
)。 6,尿素循环中的调控酶是(
)是此酶的正调节物。 7,由于(
)在尿中积累,加FeCl3使尿变成橄榄色。 8,由于(
)在尿中积累,见氧气变成黑色。 9,膳食中(
)酶从而影响胆固醇酯的合成。 三,问题 1,一个激素多肽链有29个氨基酸,顺序为Glu,Val,Lys,Asn,Cys,Phe,Arg,Trp,Asp,Leu,Gly, Ser, Leu, Glu, Ala,Thr,Cys,Arg,His,Met,Asp,Gln,Cys,Tyr,Pro,Gly,Glu,Glu,Lys, a,若没有二硫键存在,胰蛋白酶水解可有几个肽。 b,在PH7.5时激素净电荷是多少,若pKa值已知。 c,提出一个设计方案证明上述激素有二硫键。 北大 1对1个性化辅导 集训保过小班
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在日,六名在约翰霍普金斯医学院攻读博士学位的北大生物系毕业生(刘音、黄晴、魏志魁、郭俊杰、刘畅、余涛)和四名在美国的北大生物系95级毕业生(黄果、刘志华、 徐冬一、郭荣) 联合组织发起了第一届北大生物系校友聚会。这次聚会在约翰霍普金斯医学院的Mountcastle auditorium举行,面向所有的北大生物系毕业生(包括北大生物系本科,硕士,博士毕业生,和在北大曾就读的北医和协和生)以及现从事与生物医学有关的北大其他专业的毕业生。经过会议组织者和年级负责人等多方面的努力,我们成功地联系上了数百位校友,并最终约有150名北大生物系校友及他们的朋友和家属参加了此次聚会。
刘音(02`),黄晴(01`), 魏志魁(01`),郭俊杰(02`),刘畅(04`),余涛(04`)
黄果(95`),刘志华(95`), 徐冬一(95`),郭荣(95`)
1. 邀请函 (第3、4页)
2. 与会者的信息(第5-9页)
3. 聚会的具体安排(第10页)
4. 聚会的收支数据(第11页)
5. 第二届北大生物系校友聚会及相关信息(第12页)
通过Facebook, PKU Bio database 以及许多热心的北大生物系校友,我们收集到1248名校友的email地址,并通过evite网站发出了所有的正式邀请。大约1/3的校友打开了邀请函,249名给予了回复,150名来到了大会的现场。此邀请函也发布在MITBBS网站,发送到许多大学的华人学者学生会e-mail list。
Dear PKU Bio alumni,
As you know, we don`t have a tradition of annual reunion for PKU Bios. Why don`t we start one? This proposal has received tremendous enthusiasm and support from our folks. We, ten Hopkins PKU Bio alumni and 95`class members, would like to host the first reunion at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute on August 16 (Sun) 10AM-4PM.
Some of us graduated in 1999, so this year would be our 10th&anniversary of graduation. We propose in the future PKU Bio Reunions that a senior PKU Bio class teams up with PKU Bio alumni from a school, and the east and west coast (and other areas) take turns to host our reunions.
This year, we are delighted to have the following PKU alumni to join us and share their experience.
Yuan Liu (78`), Chief, Office of International A Director,
Computational Neuroscience & Neuroinformatics Program, NIH/NINDS
Hefei Yang (78`), Senior Director, MedImmune
Weidong Wang (80`), Senior I Chief, Genomic Instability and Chromatin-Remodeling Section, Lab of Genetics, NIH/NIA
Duojia Pan (84`), Professor, JHMI, HHMI
Jinying (Jack) Yang (84`), Vice President, J. P. Morgan
Elizabeth Chen (86`), Assistant Professor, JHMI
Hongjun Song (88`), Associate Professor, JHMI
Lan Zhang (97`), Vice President, Verisk Health, Inc.
Detailed reunion info will be sent through evite later. Please spread out news and all PKU Bio alumni are welcome. If you would like to join us but have not been contacted through evite, please contact Guo Huang () with your name in Chinese, e-mail, years in PKU and degree obtained. We would greatly appreciate if you can respond before August 9.
All PKU Bio alumni in DC/Baltimore feel it a great honor to host the first PKU Bio Reunion and welcome everyone to Hopkins.
At least this is a start. Better will come!
Best regards,
Yin Liu (02`), Qing Huang (01`), Zhikui Wei (01`), Junjie Guo (02`), Chang Liu (04`), Tao Yu (04`),
Guo Huang (95`), Zhihua Liu (95`), Dongyi Xu (95`), Rong Guo (95`)
2. 与会者的信息
Speaker list
刘嫄(78`), 杨鹤飞(78`), 王卫东(80`), 潘多加(84`), 杨晋英(84`), 陈晖(86`), 宋洪军(88`), 张岚(97`)
刘音(02`),黄晴(01`), 魏志魁(01`),郭俊杰(02`),刘畅(04`),余涛(04`)
黄果(95`),刘志华(95`), 徐冬一(95`),郭荣(95`)
Volunteer list
Outside:林华(NYC/NJ),刘凯(Boston),党巍巍(Philadelphia),吴巍(Durham),李聪(St Louis)
Attendee list
刘嫄, 杨鹤飞, 王卫东, 赵海青, 杨晋英, 潘多加, 陈劲秋, 陈晖, 蔡怀彬, 宋洪军, 李二秋, 张海涛, 李春升, 沈力坚,钱程,刘凯,姚盛,万宏,林华,曹尚,曹圻,傅擎昊,伊春玲,侯晓辉,王悦,汪烨迅,许晶,池志凯,焦宇辰,何坚,陈琦,黄小英,刘志华,黄靖,赵剑飞,郭荣,徐冬一,赵欣,杨苧,冯怡,党巍巍,黄果,吴茜,张芃,王海波,王凯,沈宇峰,张爱京,丁捷,蔡莘莘,王显花,魏刚,宋艳,李毓龙,郑小燕,Ma Lina,申林,顾兴龙,施婧,王冠南,
熊伟,牛志宇,张岚,夏凡,王萌,李次山,王屹,刘曼,张俊争,唐爱辉,潘肖潇,马鸥,胡晓倩,任秋婷,张勇,钟丽娴,吴巍,沈抒殚,彭晓聿,于翔,孟识,张乐,刘旭航,林舒,张乐,伍建,刘怡,杨莹,魏志魁,黄晴,徐郁,李聪,孔玲玲,姜丽婧,郭俊杰,刘音,潘映红,朱伯开,范小舟,金鑫,Wei Fang,郭弋戈,权佳缘,汪清清,王山晓,黎莉诗,张颖心,何开杰,徐岸汀,王妲,牟欣梦,万五洲,尹彬,仲华,刘畅,余涛,桑凌洁,张鸿康,李冀, 马海粟,马晴,李毅捷,蔡丹枫,黄祎祺,李伟强,王杉,乔木,何梦舟,白金辉,徐宁渊,高宝,陆秋恒,阮卫东,吴志明,梅佳琴
Lu Sun,Lucy Chen, Huifen Gao, Jianhui Zhou, Peng Jin, Junhui Bai, Ting Guo, Qiang Wang, Chi Zhang, Ganhui Lan, Qiuheng Lu, Weidong Ruan, Yangfan Liu
Background of each speaker
Weidong Wang, Ph.D., Senior Investigator&
Chief, Genome Instability and Chromatin-Remodeling Section&
Laboratory of Genetics, National Institute on Aging
Dr. Wang received his Bachelor degree in Biology from Peking University in 1984. After one year training at Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, he received CUSBEA Fellowship and went on his PhD training at UCLA, working with Dr. Jay Gralla on tran1111ional machinery. In 1992, he joined Dr. Gerald Crabtree`s lab at Stanford University, and started his research on chromatin remodeling complexes. He became an Investigator and Head of Tran1111ion Remodeling & Regulation Unit at NIA in 1997, and has led a very productive research program since then. Besides his long-term interest in chromatin remodeling complexes, Dr. Wang`s lab has also made significant contributions to the biochemical mechanisms of genome instability and DNA damage repair, and genetic basis of related diseases. He has won many awards including the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation Award, and NIH Merit Award.
Duojia (DJ) Pan, Ph.D., Professor
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics
Department of Oncology
Johns&Hopkins University School&of Medicine
Dr. Pan obtained B.S. in Biochemistry from Peking University (1988). Benefiting from the CUSBEA program, he furthered his study in US and got Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from UCLA (1993), and a postdoctoral fellowship with Gerald Rubin at UC Berkeley (). Prior to his current position, Dr. Pan was an Associate Professor at UT Southwestern (). Dr. Pan`s work focuses on a long-standing puzzle in developmental biology, namely how organ size is determined during development, a question that also helps to elucidate mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Dr. Pan has taken a multifaceted approach combining Drosophila and mouse genetics, biochemistry and cell biology. Through these concerted efforts, Dr. Pan has discovered an entirely new signal transduction pathway which controls organ size in organisms spanning Drosophila to mammals. His lab continues to define and characterize the roles of additional components of the signaling network. Because of his fundamental discoveries that have significantly advanced our understanding of size-control mechanisms in metazoans, Dr. Pan was selected as an HHMI investigator in 2008. Other awards and recognition include Endowed Scholars in Medical Science at UT Southwestern, ‘Faculty of 1000` Member, etc.
Elizabeth H Chen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Johns&Hopkins University School&of Medicine
Dr. Chen graduated from Peking University in 1990, majoring in biology. She came to US for a master degree in UCLA, and later, moved on to Stanford to get her Ph.D. As her doctoral research, Dr. Chen studied the development of the genital imaginal disc in flies, under the guidance of Dr. Bruce Baker. In 1998, she started her postdoctoral project with Dr Eric Olson in UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), working on the molecular mechanisms of myoblast fusion in flies. Dr. Chen identified multiple important factors that control or modulate cell-cell fusion, the result of which was published in high-impact journals. In 2004, she joined the MBG department in Hopkins and continued the quest to reveal the elements of the molecular circuit controlling myoblast fusion. Dr. Chen has given lectures in and been the director for several of MBG courses, including one that tutors students in scientific writing and communication. She has won many academic awards including Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship, Nominata Award from UTSW, and Basil O`Connor Starter Scholar Research Award.
Hongjun Song, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department of Neurology, Institute for Cell Engineering
Johns&Hopkins University School&of Medicine
Dr. Song graduated from Peking University with his Bachelor degree in Biology in 1992. After that he obtained his MA, MPhil degree at Columbia University, and PhD degree at University of California in San Diego, working with Dr. Moo-ming Poo on signal transduction mechanisms in neuronal axon guidance. He joined Dr. Fred Gage`s lab at Salk Institute in 1998. There he started his research in adult neural stem cell development and regulation. In 2002, Dr. Song started his own lab at Hopkins, and has continued his research in neurogenesis in the adult brain. Not only has he made important discoveries in regulatory mechanisms in adult neurogenesis, but also he has expanded his interest on multiple areas, including establishing induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based human disease models, and epigenetic regulations in the nervous system. Dr. Song has won many scientific awards, including McKnight Scholar Award, and Society for Neuroscience Young Investigator Award.&
Yuan Liu, Ph.D.&
Chief, Office of International Activities&
Director, Computational Neuroscience & Neuroinformatics ProgramNational&
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Dr. Yuan Liu received her bachelors and masters degrees from Peking University, and her Ph.D. from University Basel in Switzerland. Dr. Liu`s major research interests focuse on presynaptic channels, postsynaptic receptors, mechanisms of synaptic transmission, plasticity, and synaptogenesis. She published many scientific research papers in peer-reviewed journals and gave more than 20 invited scientific seminars in the U.S., Europe and China. Between , Dr. Liu served as the Program Director for Basic Neuroscience Research at National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). In 1999, she moved to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and served as the Program Director for Channels, Synapses, and Circuits and as the Program Director for Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics. In 2004, Dr. Liu has been appointed as the Chief of the Office of International Activities at the NINDS, while continuing in her role in the area of computational biology and bioinformatics. Dr. Liu has served as the NINDS representative on two international, four inter-agency and ten trans-NIH committees and working groups including the NIH Roadmap and Neuroscience Blueprint. Dr. Liu has received two NIH Director`s Award and four NIH Neuroscience Blueprint Directors Awards for her leadership and significant contributions to these initiatives and programs.
Hefei&Yang, Ph.D.
Senior Director in Statistics, MedImmune
Hefei (Harry) Yang, Ph.D. is a senior director in Statistics with MedImmune, LLC, a biotechnology company headquartered in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where he functions as the head of Non-clinical Biostatistics Group to provide statistical support to various non-clinical areas including research, development, operation, manufacturing and regulatory affairs. In additional to providing statistical consulting services to various groups, Dr. Yang has been actively involved in statistical research to develop novel methods to solve drug R&D problems. He has authored and co-authored 40 statistical manu1111s published in statistical and medical research journals and proceedings and is the primary inventor of a patent used in a marketed DNA probe-based diagnostic assay. He is also an ardent presenter and organizer for several well-known national and international statistical symposiums and workshops. Prior to joining MedImmune, Dr. Yang worked at Becton Dickinson and Pittsburgh Cancer institute. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Applied Mathematics from Peking University, in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Pittsburgh, in 1994.
Jinying Yang, Ph.D.&
Vice President, Prime Brokerage Technology&
J.P. Morgan
Dr. Yang graduated from Peking University with Bachelor`s degree from Department of Biology in 1988. After that he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Department of Microbiology in University of Texas at Austin in 1995. He pursued his postdoc training in Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in Rockefeller University from 1995 to 1997. Then he went to McComb school of Business in University of Texas at Austin in 1997 and obtained his MBA degree in 1999. After graduation, he launched as Vice President in Prime Brokerage Technology division in Goldman Sachs Group from 2000 to 2005. In 2006, he moved to formerly Bear Stearns and now J.P. Morgan. He is in charge of hedge fund managers with portfolio reporting, client short sales, and other customer-oriented financial products.
Lan Zhang, Ph.D.
VP of Data Business Development
Verisk Health
Dr. Zhang graduated from Peking University with her Bachelor in Cell Biology and Genetics in 2001. At Harvard University, she obtained her PhD degree in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology with a focus in bioinformatics, and an MA degree in Computer Science. After graduation in 2005, she joined McKinsey & Company in Palo Alto, CA as a management consultant focusing on healthcare. Currently, Dr. Zhang is Vice President of data business development at Verisk Health, a healthcare IT company in Waltham MA, managing healthcare data assets, and the development and marketing of healthcare data analytics products.
2. 聚会的具体安排
Aug 16th, 2009
Mountcastle Auditorium
PreClinical Teaching Building (PCTB) 1st floor
725 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21205
9:00 - 10:00 am Registration
9:45 - 10:00 am Open Remark
10:00 - 10:25 am Speaker, Dr. Weidong Wang
10:25 - 10:50 am Speaker, Dr. Duojia Pan
10:50 - 11:00 am Sponsor Talk from Genewiz
11:00 - 11:25 am Speaker, Dr. Hui Chen
11:25 - 11:50 am Speaker, Dr. Hongjun Song
12:00 - 12:30 pm Group Discussion
12:30 - 2:30 pm Lunch and Pictures
2:30 - 2:55 pm Speaker, Dr. Yuan Liu
2:55 - 3:20 pm Speaker, Dr. Hefei Yang
3:20 - 3:30 pm Break
3:30 - 3:55 pm Speaker, Dr. Jinying Yang
3:55 - 4:20 pm Speaker, Dr. Lan Zhang
4:20 - 4:30 pm Ending Summary
3. 聚会的收支数据
1. $1340: 来自与会者的attendance fee;
2. $500: 来自Genewiz公司的赞助;
3. $787.05(¥5000):来自北大生命科学学院的赞助
1. 午饭:$1974.21;
2. 其他:$95.53(饮料, 盘子,刀叉,纸张等)
3. 联邦特快邮寄:$51.55
4. 第二届北大生物系校友聚会及相关信息
组织者:96级毕业生李毓龙,宋艳, 张弩,刘文瑾,胡湛智,王培,李林
地点:美国加州bay area
各级毕业生代表:曹尚(92`, 93`, 94`),黄果(95`),张弩(96`),陈椰林(97`),刘曼(98`),吴巍(99`),林舒(00`),陈波(01`),刘音(02`),王妲(03`),刘畅(04`),蔡丹枫(05`)
北京大学生命科学学院 版权所有 地址:北京市海淀区颐和园路5号金光生命科学大楼}


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