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特别提请注意: ■ 本试题为PMP考前模拟试题,仅为并仅提供考生作考前模拟测试用; ■ 正式PMP认证考试时间为四个小时; ■ 正式PMP认证考试题量和题型为200道单选题(四个选项); ■ 正式PMP认证考试语言为中英文对照,题意以英文为准; ■ 本套模拟题的答案和解释以骆老师上课时讲解为准
1. Which of the following is NOT true of obtaining project plan approval ? A. Until you obtain plan approval, you don’t need to put changes to it through change control B. Change control makes sure that only approved changes can make it into the approved plan C. Only one person needs to approve the Project Management Plan and that’s the Project Manager D. It’s important for the entire team to buy into the Project Management Plan for it to be successful 1. 关于批准项目计划,以下哪种说法不正确? A. 计划得到批准之前,不需要将对计划的变更交由变更控制处理 B. 变更控制确保只有得到批准的变更会放在批准的计划中 C. 只需要一个人批准项目管理计划,这就是项目经理 D. 要让整个团队投入项目管理计划使之成功,这很重要
2. Joe is a project manager on an industrial design project. He has found a pattern of defects occurring in all of his projects over the past few years and he thinks there might be a problem in the process his company is using that is causing it. He uses Ishikawa diagrams to come up with the root cause for this trend over projects so that he can make recommendations for process changes to avoid this problem in the future. What process is he doing ? A. B. D. Plan Quality Perform Quality Assurance Qualitative Risk Analysis
C. Perform Quality Control
2.JOE是一个工业设计项目的项目经理。他发现过去几年他的所有项目中出现的缺陷存在一个规律, 他认为可能是公司使用的过程中问题导致了这些缺陷。他使用lshikawa图得出各项目中这种趋势的根本 原因,从而对过程变更给出建议,来避免将来再出现这个问题。他正在执行哪个过程? A.计划质量 B.完成质量保证 C.完成质量控制 D.定性风险分析
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3. Which of the following shows roles and responsibilities on your project ? A. B. C. D. Bar chart Resource histogram RACI matrix Human Resource Management Plan
3. 以下哪一个工具可以显示项目中的角色和职责? A.条形图 B.资源直方图 C.RACI 矩阵 D.人力资源管理计划
4. Brandi is a project manager on a software project. About halfway through development, her team found that they had not estimated enough time for some of the technical work they needed to do. She requested that the new work be added to the scope statement and that the time to do the work be added to the schedule. The change control board approved her change. What’s her next step ? A. Update the scope and schedule baselines to reflect the approved change B. Start doing the work C. D. Gather performance metrics on the team’s work so far Perform Quality Assurance
4.Brandi 是一个软件项目的项目经理。项目开发到一半时,她的团队发现未能对本来需要做的一些技术 工作估算足够的时间。 她请求将这个新工作增加到范围说明书中, 并把完成这个工作的时间增加到进度中。 变更控制委员会批准了她的变更。下一步她要做什么? A.更新范围和进度基线来反映这个批准的变更 B.开始完成工作 C.收集目前为止团队的绩效指标 D.完成质量保证
5. On larger projects, a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) can be developed at various levels. Which option exemplifies the RAM’s levels ? A. High-level can define a project team group or unit is responsible for within each component of the WBS, while lower-level are used within the group to designate roles, responsibilities, and levels of authority for specific activities. B. Lower level is used only to designate levels of authority for specific activities. C. All levels are used to designate roles, responsibilities, and levels of authority for specific activities. D. High level allows a person to see all activities associated with one person.
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5. 在大型项目中,可在不同层次制订责任分配矩阵 (RAM)。下列那个选项体现了 RAM 的层次? A. 高层次可定义项目团队中的各小组分别负责 WBS 中的哪部分工作,而低层次则可在各小组内为具体 活动分配角色.职责和职权。 B. 低层次仅可以用来指定特定活动的职权级别 C. 所有层次都可以用来指定角色, 职责以及特定活动的职权级别 D. 高层次允许个人查看与其有关的所有活动
6. Which of the following is NOT a source of information about specific project constraints and assumptions ? A. The project scope management plan B. C. D. Requirements documentation The project scope statement The scope baseline
6. 以下哪一项不是特定项目约束和假设的信息来源? A.项目范围管理计划 B.需求文件 C.项目范围说明书 D.范围基准
7. When do you perform stakeholder analysis ? A. When managing communications on your project B. When developing the project charter C. D. When creating the project management plan When putting changes through change control
7.何时完成干系人分析? A.管理项目沟通时 B.制订项目章程时 C.创建项目管理计划时 D.将变更交由变更控制处理时
8. A team member approaches you with a change that could cut your schedule down by a month. What is the first thing you should do ? A. Write up a change request and see if you can get it approved B. C. M it’s going to save time and nobody will want the project to take longer than it should Figure out the impact on the scope of the work and the cost before you write up the change
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request D. Tell the team member that you’ve already communicated the deadline for the project, so you can’t make any changes now 8.一个团队成员来找你,提出一个变更可以将进度缩短一个月。你首先应当做什么? A.写出一个变更请求,看看能否得到批准 B.完成这个变更,这会节省时间,没有人希望项目不必要性地多耗时间 C.在写出变更请求之前,确定这个变更对工作和成本的影响 D.告诉这个团队成品你已经公布了项目的最后期限,所以现在不能再做任何变更了
9. When are the most expensive defects most likely to be introduced into a product ? A. When the product is being assembled B. When the product is being designed C. D. When the quality management plan is being written When the product is being reviewed by the customers
9.什么时候最有可能在产品中引入代价最昂贵的缺陷? A.组装产品时 B.设计产品时 C.编写质量管理计划时、 D.顾客审查产品时
10. You are the project manager for a railroad construction project. Your sponsor has asked you for a forecast for the cost of project completion. The project has a total budget of $80,000 and CPI of .95. The project has spent $25,000 of its budget so far. How much more money do you plan to spend on the project ? A. B. $59,210 $80,000
C. $84,210 D. $109,210 10. 你是一个修建铁路项目的经理,你的 赞助人让你做出项目完工成本的一个预测,这个项目总预算为 $80000,CPI 为 0.95。目前项目已经花费了$25000。你预计这个项目还要花多少钱? A.$59210 B.$80000 C.$84210 D.$109210
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11. Which of the following best describes decomposition ? A. Waiting for a task to expire so that it can break down into smaller tasks organized and planned C. D. Categorizing work packages Dividing work packages into deliverables that can be planned for B. Taking a deliverable and breaking it down into the smaller work packages so that it can be
11.以下哪种说法是分解的最佳描述 ? A. 等待一个任务到期,从而可以分解为更小的任务 B. 将一个可交付成果分解为更小的工作包,从而可以进行组织和计划 C. 对工作包分类 D. 将工作包分解为可以做计划的可交付成果
12. Which is the BEST definition of quality ? A. B. C. D. A product made of very expensive materials A product made with a lot of care by the team who built it A product that satisfies the requirements of the people who pay for it A product that passes all of its tests
12. 以下哪一个是质量的最佳定义? A. 产品由非常昂贵的材料制成 B. 产品是相应团队精心打造完成 C. 产品能满足为它付钱的人的需求 D. 产品能通过所有测试
13. In which plan do you define the processes that will be used to keep people informed throughout the project ? A. Staffing Management Plan B. Project Management Plan C. Schedule Management Plan D. Communications Management Plan 13. 有些过程用来保证人们在整个项目中都能得知项目状况,这些过程在哪个计划中定义? A. 人员配备管理计划 B. 项目管理计划 C. 进度管理计划 D. 沟通管理计划
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14. Which enterprise environmental factor defines how work is assigned to people ? A. RACI matrix B. Project Management Information System (PMIS) C. Resource histogram D. Work authorization system
14. 哪个事业环境要素定义了如何向人们分派工作? A. RACI 矩阵 B. 项目管理信息系统 PMIS C. 资源直方图 D. 工作授权系统
15. In organizing a project, a project manager must deal with conflict. Which statement is true regarding conflict in projects ? A. B. A matrix form of organization can produce a lack of clear role definitions and lead to ambiguous jurisdictions between and among functional leaders and project managers. Sources of conflict include project priorities, PERT/CPM schedules, Administer Procurements procedures, and type of contract. C. Conflict is to be avoided whenever possible. D. Strong matrix project managers have few human resource conflicts, because they can dictate their needs to functional managers. 15. 在组织一个项目的实施过程中,项目经理必须处理各种冲突。以下有关项目冲突的陈述哪一项是正确 的: A. 矩阵形式的组织方式可能导致职能划分不清,以及各职能领导和项目经理的职权不明确 B. 冲突的来源包括项目优先级、PERT/ CPM 时间表、管理采购程序以及合同类型 C. 尽可能地避免冲突 D. 强矩阵项目的项目经理在人力资源方面的冲突较少,因为他们能够对职能经理提出要求
16. Which of the following is not a tool or technique of the Control Quality process ? A. B. C. D. Inspection Quality audits Pareto charts Statistical sampling
16. 以下哪一项不是控制质量过程的工具或技术? A. 检查 B. 质量审计
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C. 帕累托图 D. 统计抽样
17. Which of the following is NOT a tool or technique to managing project team ? A. B. Use 360-degree feedback to access team member performance Hold kick-off meeting
C. Use observation and conversation to stay in touch with team D. Set up an organized system for conflict resolution 17. 下面哪一个不是管理项目团队的工具方法? A. 使用 360 度反馈法来考核团队成员的绩效 B. 举行启动会议 C. 使用观察和交谈与团队成员保持联系 D. 建立一种组织系统来进行冲突管理
18. Which conflict resolution technique is most effective ? A. B. C. D. Withdrawal Compromise Smoothing Collaborate
18. 哪种冲突解决技术最有效? A. 退出 B. 妥协 C. 平滑 D. 合作
19. Which of the following is NOT an input to Control Quality ? A. B. Deliverables Work Performance Data
C. Quality Checklists D. Validated Changes
19. 以下哪一项不是控制质量的输入? A. 可交付成果 B. 工作绩效数据 C. 质量核对单 D. 确认的变更
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20. You have just delivered a product to your client for acceptance, when you get a call that some features they were expecting are missing. A. B. C. D. expectations Tell the client that the product passed all of your internal quality inspections and scope verification processes, so it must be fine Tell the team to start building the missing features into the product right away Call a meeting with the client to understand exactly what is unacceptable in the product and try to figure out what went wrong along the way 20. 你刚向客户交付了一个产品来进行验收,然后接到客户的一个电话,称产品缺少他们一直期望的一个 特性。你首先应当做什么? A. 召集你的团队,批评他们构建的产品不满足用户的期望 B. 告诉客户这个产品已经通过了全部内部质量检查和范围核实过程,所以应该没有问题 C. 告诉团队立即着手在产品中加入这个遗漏的特性 D. 与客户开会,准确地了解产品中哪些是不可接受的,并尽量找出了问题 What’s the first thing you should do ? Get your team together and reprimand them for building a product that doesn’t meet user
21. You are managing a software project. You are partway through the project, and your team has just delivered a preliminary version of part of the software. You are holding a weekly status meeting, when one of the team members points out that an important stakeholder is running into a problem with one of the features of the current software. The team member feels that there is a risk that the stakeholder will ask for a change in that feature, even though that change would be out of scope of the current release―and if the stakeholder requests that change, there is a high probability that the change control board would approve the change. What is the BEST action to take next ? A. B. C. Mitigate the risk by asking a team member to get familiar with the feature of the software that might be changed Schedule a meeting with the stakeholder to discuss the risk Add the risk to the risk register and gather information about its probability and impact
D. Add the risk to the issue log and revisit it when there is more information
21. 你在管理一个软件项目,项目正进行到一半,你的团队刚刚交付了部分软件的初级版本。你在召开了 一个每周的状态例会,此时一个团队成员指出一个重要的干系人在使用当前软件的某个特性时遇到了问 题,这个团队成员认为存在一个风险:这个干系人很有可能要求对这个特性做一个变更,尽管这个变更超 出了当前版本的范围---如果干系人确实请求了这个变更,变更控制委员会批准这个变更的概率很大。 下一步最好采取什么措施? A. 让一个团队成员熟悉可能改变的软件特性,从而减轻这个风险 B. 安排与这个干系人的一次会谈来讨论这个风险 C. 把这个风险增加到风险登记表,并收集其概率和影响的有关信息 D. 将这个风险增加到问题日志,有更多信息时再做调整。
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22. Tom is the project manager of an accounting project. He has just finished defining the scope for the project and is creating the WBS. He goes to his organizational process asset library and finds a WBS from a past project to use as a jumping off point. Which of the following describes the asset that Tom is using ? A. B. C. Decomposition Delphi Technique Brainstorming
D. Templates 22. TOM 是一个会计项目的项目经理。他刚完成项目范围的定义,正在创建 WBS。他查阅组织过程资产库, 找到以前一个项目的 WBS 作为起点。以下哪一项描述了 TOM 使用的资产? A. 分解 B. 德尔菲法 C. 头脑风暴 D. 模板
23. Which of the following BEST describes the main purpose of the project charter ? A. B. C. D. It authorizes the project manager to work on the project It identifies the sponsor and describes his or her role on the project It contains a list of all activities to be performed It describes the initial scope of the work
23. 以下哪一项是项目章程主要目的的最佳描述? A. 授权项目经理管理项目 B. 识别赞助人,并描述他或她在项目中的角色 C. 包含要完成的所有活动的一个清单 D. 描述初始工作范围
24. You are the project manager for a software development project. your team. Which is the BEST response to this situation ? A. B. Stop talking to the QA manager
When you need to get staff from
the manager of the QA department, he suggests a few test engineers with performance problems for
Call a meeting with the QA manager to try to figure out why he suggested those candidates and how the two of you can work together to find team members with suitable skills and interests for your team
C. Tell the QA manager that the staffing problems are really no big deal, and you’re sure that the two of you can eventually figure out the right answer together D. Tell the manager that you know which team members you want for your team and he needs to give them to you
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24. 你是一个软件开发项目的项目经理。你需要从 QA 部门的经理那里调人,他向你的团队推荐了几个存 在绩效问题的测试工程师。对于这种情况,最好的方法是什么? A. 不再和 QA 经理说话 B. 与 QA 经理开会, 尽量找出为什么他会推荐这两个人, 以及你和 QA 经理如何合作来找到具备合适技能、 对你的团队有益的团队成员 C. 告诉 QA 经理人员配备问题不是什么大问题,你相信你们俩最后肯定能共同找到合适的解决办法 D. 告诉经理你知道你希望让哪些团队成员加入你的团队,他要为你提供这些人
25. 你为美国能源部开展的一个项目使用挣值分析作为绩效报告的技术。你的项目已经完成 了 20%。最近一次的挣值分析结果显示,成本执行指数(CPI)为 0.67,进度执行指数(SPI) 为 0.87。在这种情况下,你应该: a. 实施额外的资源计划编制,增加资源,并且在需要的时候进行超时工作,以完成已预算 好的工作量 b. c. d. 为进度重新设定基准,然后使用蒙特卡罗分析 实施风险应对审计以帮助控制风险 更新对风险的识别以及定性与定量风险分析
26. A project manager is reporting the final status of the closed contract to the stakeholders. Which form of communication is appropriate? A. B. C. Informal written Informal verbal Formal written
D. Formal verbal 26. 一个项目经理在向干系人报告已结束合同的最后状态。以下哪种沟通方式最合适? A. 非正式书面 B. 非正式口头 C. 正式书面 D. 正式口头
27. 在你准备对项目中的合同进行收尾时,你应该审查以下所有种类的文件,除了: a. b. c. d. 正在收尾的合同的合同文件 采购审计 发票与支付记录 卖方绩效报告
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28. You are managing a project with a total budget of $450,000. According to the schedule, your team shouldhave completed 45% of the work by now. But at the latest status meeting, the team only reported that 40% ofthe work has actually been completed. The team has spent $165,000 so far on the project. How would you BEST describe this project ? A. The project is ahead of schedule and within its budget B. The project is behind schedule and within its budget C. The project is ahead of schedule and over its budget D. The project is behind schedule and over its budget 28. 你在管理一个总预算为$450,000 的项目。根据进度,你的团队现在应该完成工作的 45%,不过在最近 一次状态会议上,团队报告称实际上只完成了 40%的工作。团队目前在这个项目上已经花费$165,000。 对这个项目的最佳描述是什么? A. 这个项目进度提前而且在预算内 B. 这个项目进度滞后但在预算内 C. 这个项目进度提前但超出预算 D. 这个项目进度滞后而且超出预算
29. Which of the following is the correct order of the Monitoring & Controlling processes for Scope Management ? A. First Verify Scope, then Control Scope B. First Control Scope, then Verify Scope C. Both happen simultaneously D. There is not enough information to decide 29. 以下哪一个是正确的范围管理监控过程顺序? A. 首先核实范围,然后控制范围 B. 首先控制范围,然后核实范围 C. 二者同时发生 D. 没在足够的信息,无法做出决定
30. You are working on a construction project. You, your team, and your senior manager all feel that the work is complete. However, one of your important clients disagrees, and feels that one deliverable is not acceptable. What is the BEST way to handle this conflict? A. B. C. Consult the contract and follow its claims administration procedure Renegotiate the contract File a lawsuit to force the stakeholder to accept the deliverable
D. Terminate the contract and follow any termination procedure in the contract
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30. 你在运作一个建筑项目。你、你的团队以及高级经理都认为工作已经完成了,不过,一个重要的客户 并不同意,他认为有一个可交付成果不能接受,处理这种冲突的最佳方法是什么? A. 查阅合同,遵循其索赔管理流程 B. 重新进行合同谈判 C. 提出诉讼,强迫干系人接受这个可交付成果 D. 终止合同,遵循合同中的终止流程
31. One way the Close Project or Phase process differs from Close Procurement is: A. B. Procurement closure involves verification that all work and deliverables are acceptable, where Close Project or Phase does not Close Project or Phase is only a subset of Close Procurement Phase is the process of tying up all of the activities for every management process group D. Procurement closure is per Close Project or Phase is performed by the buyer 31. 结束项目或阶段过程与结束采购的一个区别是: A. 结束采购需要验证所有工作和可交付成果是可接受的,而结束项目或阶段不涉及这个工作 B. 结束项目或阶段只是结束采购的一个子集 C. 结束采购是指验证这个项目已经完成或终止;结束项目或阶段过程则要整理每一个管理过程组的所有 活动 D. 结束采购由卖方完成;结束项目或阶段由买方完成 C. Procurement closure means verifying that the project is co Close Project or
32. Which of the following contracts has the MOST risk for the buyer ? A. B. Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) Time and Materials (T&M)
C. Cost plus award fee (CPAF) D. Fixed price (FP) 32. 以下哪一个合同对买方风险最大? A. 成本加固定费用(CPPF) B. 时间和材料(T&M) C. 成本加奖励费用(CPAF) D. 固定价格(FP) 33. You are managing a software project. During a walkthrough of newly implemented functionality, your team shows you a new feature that they have added to help make the workflow in the product easier for your client. The client didn’t ask for the feature, but it The team developed it on their own time does look like it will make the product easier to use.
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because they wanted to make the client happy. You know this change would never have made it through change control. What is this an example of ? A. B. C. Gold plating Scope creep Alternatives Analysis
D. Schedule Variance 33. 你在管理一个软件项目,在一个新实现功能的预演中,你的团队向你展示了他们增加的一个新特性, 可以使产品中的工作流对客户来说更容易。 客户并没有要求这个特性, 但是看起来它会让产品更易于使用。 团队用他们自己的时间开发了这个特性, 因为他们想让客户高兴。 你知道这个变更绝对不会通过变更控制。 这是哪种变更的例子? A. 镀金 B. 范围蔓延 C. 替代方案分析 D. 进度偏差
34. While identifying risks for a new construction project, you discover that a chemical youare using on your building cannot be applied in rainy conditions. You also learn that your project will be ready for the chemical application around the time when most of the Rainfall happens in this part of the country. Since the project can’t be delayed until after the rainy season and you need to make sure the building gets the chemical coating, you decide thatyour team will just have to allow enough time in the schedule for nonworked rain days. This is an example of which strategy ? A. B. C. Mitigate Exploit Accept
D. Transfer 34. 为一个新建项目识别风险时,你发现建筑中使用的一种化学材料在雨天条件下不能使用。你还了解到 你的项目准备在某个时期使用这种化学材料, 而在这个国家的这一地区, 雨天恰好大多都在这个时期出现。 由于这个项目不能延迟到雨季结束以后,而且你要确保建筑外面必须罩这层化学材料,所以你决定团队必 须在进度中为这些无法工作的雨天留出足够的时间。这是哪一种策略的例子? A. 减轻 B. 开拓 C. 接受 D. 转移
35. You are managing a construction project. During your risk identification interviews you learn that there has been a string of construction site thefts over the past few months in the area where your will be
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building your project.
The team agrees that it’s unlikely that people will be able to steal from your site.
Even if thieves could get around your security, it’s even more unlikely that your project will lose a significant amount of material if a theft does occur. You decide to monitor the risk from time to time to be sure that it continues to have a lowprobability and impact. Where do you record the risk so that you don’t lose track of it ? A. B. C. In a trigger On a watchlist In the Probability and Impact Matrix
D. In the Monte Carlo analysis report 35. 你在管理一个建筑项目。在你的风险识别访谈中,你了解到在这个项目所在地区过去几个月曾发生过 一连串建筑工地失窃事件。团队都认为不太可能有人能从你的工地 偷东西。即使小偷可以躲开你的安全 保护,如果确实发生失窃事件,丢失大量建筑材料的可能性更小。你决定时刻监视这个风险,确保它保持 很低的概率和影响。你会把这个风险记录在哪里从而不会把它忘掉? A. 触发条件中 B. 观察清单中 C. 概率和影响矩阵中 D. 蒙特卡洛分析报告中
36. A project manager is running a software project that is supposed to be delivered in phases.
was planning on dividing the resources into two separate teams to do the work for two phases at the same time, but one fo her senior developers suggested that she use an Agile methodology instead, and she agrees. Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between her project’s phase ? A. B. C. D. Sequential relationship Iterative relationship Constrained relationship Overlapping relationship
36.一个项目经理在运作一个软件项目,这个项目准备分阶段交付。她计划将资源划分为两个不同的团队 来同时完成这两个阶段的工作,不过她的一位高级开发人员建议应当使用一种敏捷方法,这个建议得到了 她的认可。以下哪种关系可以最准确地描述这个项目各个阶段之间的关系? A. 顺序关系 B. 迭代关系 C. 约束关系 D. 交叠关系
37. You are developing the project scope statement for a new project. Which of the following is NOT part of creating a project scope statement ?
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Verify Scope Using the Project Charter Alternatives Identification
D. Obtaining Plan Approval 37. 你在为一个新项目制订项目范围说明书。以下哪一个不是创建项目范围说明书的一部分? A. 核实范围 B. 使用项目章程 C. 备选方案识别 D. 计划得到批准
38. Which of the following is NOT a tool or technique of Estimate Costs ? A. B. Bottom-up Parametric
C. Cost aggregation D. Analogous 38. 以下哪一个不是估算成本的工具或技术? A. 自下而上估算 B. 参数估算 C. 成本汇总 D. 类比估算
39. You’re managing a construction project to install several hundred air conditioner panels in a new office building. Every floor has identical panels. The customer, a construction contracting company, has provided specifications for the installations. The team is using a process to install and verify each panel. As the team completes each panel, your team’s quality control inspector measures it and adds the data point to a control chart. You examine the control chart, and discover that the process is out of control and you need to take close look at it immediately. Which of the following BEST describes what you found on the control chart ? A. B. At least seven consecutive measurements are either above or below the mean but within the control limits At least one point is inside of the control limits C. At least seven consecutive measurements are inside of the control limits D. At least one point is above or below the mean 39. 你在管理一个建筑项目,在一个新的办公大楼安装几百个空调面板。每一层的面板数相同。顾客是一 家建筑外包公司。已经提供了安装面板的规范。团队使用一个过程来安装和检验各个面板。团队每完成每
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一个面板,团队质量控制检查员就会进行测量,向一个控制图增加数据点。你检查这个问题控制图,发现 过程失控,需要立即仔细查看。对于你在控制图中的发现,以下的哪一项是它的最佳描述? A. 至少 7 次连续测量都在平均线以上或以下,但在控制限以内? B. 至少一个点在控制限以内 C. 至少 7 次连续测量在控制限以内 D. 至少一个点在平均线以上或以下
40. Which of the following attributes is true for a competency ? A. It is a smallest unit of dimension of competence. B. It affects only a minor part of one’s job. C. It correlates with performance outside the scope of the job. D. It can be improved through training and development. 40. 对于资格来说,下列哪一项特征是正确的? A. 它是功能最小的单位或维度 B. 它只能影响到一个人工作较小的一部分 C. 它与工作范围之外的绩效有关 D. 它可以通过培训和发展得以提高
41. You are planning a project that uses the same team as a project that is currently being performed by your company. What should you consult to find information about when those people will be available for your project ? A. The project schedule for your project B. The project manager for the project that the team is working on C. The staffing management plan for the project that the team is working on D. The communications management plan for your project 41.你在计划一个项目,这个项目与公司目前正在执行的一个项目使用的是同一个团队。你应该查阅什么 文档来找出这些人何时可用于你的项目的相关信息? A. 你的项目的项目进度 B. 这个团队正在完成的项目的项目管理计划 C. 这个团队正在完成的项目的人员配备管理计划 D. 你的项目的沟通管理计划
42. When is the BEST time to have project kickoff meetings ? A. At the beginning of the project B. When each deliverable is created
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C. At the start of each phase D. When the Communications Management plan is approved 42. 召开项目启动会议的最佳时间是什么时间? A. 项目开始时 B. 创建各个可交付成果时 C. 各个阶段开始 D. 批准了沟通管理计划时
43. You have been hired by a contractor, who wants you to manage a construction project forone of their clients. The project team has been working for six weeks. You need to determinewhether the team is ahead of or behind schedule. Which of the following tools and techniques is the BEST one for you to consult ? A. Performance Measurement B. Project Management Software C. Schedule Change Control System D. Bottom-Up Estimating 43. 你被一个承包商聘用,他希望你为他的一个客户管理一个建筑项目。项目团队已经工作了 6 个星期。 你需要确定这个团队进度是提前还是滞后。以下哪一个是可以参考的最佳工具和技术? A. 绩效考核 B. 项目管理软件 C. 进度变更控制系统 D. 自下而上估算
44. You are a project manager for a software project. Your team buys a component for a webpage but they run into defects when they use it. Those defects slow your progress downconsiderably. Fixing the bugs in the component will double your development schedule andbuilding your own component will take even longer. You work with your team to evaluate the cost and impact of all of your options and recommend hiring developers at the company thatbuilt the component to help you address problems in it. That will cost more but it will reduce your delay by a month. What is your next step ? A. B. C. Fix the component Write up the change request and take it to the change control board Start Plan Procurements so you can get the contract ready for the vendor
D. Change the Scope Baseline to include your recommendation 44. 你是一个软件项目的项目经理。你的团队为网页购买了一个组件,不过使用时发现了缺陷。这些缺陷 使你的进度大幅减慢。修正组件中的 bug 会让你的开发进度加倍,而构建你自己的组件需要的时间更长。 你与团队合作来估算所有选择的成本和影响,并建议从构建这个组件的公司聘请开发人员来帮助你解决其
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中存在的问题。这样。这样成本会更高,但是可以让延迟时间减少一个月。下一步你会做什么? A. 修正组件 B. 写出变更需求,并交给变更控制委员会 C. 开始计划采购,从而可以为开发商准备好合同 D. 改变范围基线来包括这个建议 45. The terms of union contracts are considered A. B. Assumptions Constraints _______ in your project plan.
C. Requirements D. Collective bargaining agreements 45. 工会合同条款在你的项目计划中被认为是: A. 假设条件 B. 制约因素 C. 需求 D. 劳资双方谈判协议
46. A change has occurred on your project. You’ve documented the change, filled out a change request, and submitted that request to the change control board (CCB). What’s the NEXT thing that must happen on the project ? A. B. A senior manager decides whether or not to make the change and informs the project management team of the decision The project manager informs the CCB whether or not to approve the change C. Stakeholders on the CCB use expert judgment to evaluate the requested change for approval D. The project manager meets with the team to analyze the impact of the change on the project’s time, scope, and cost 46. 你的项目出现一个变更。你已经记录这个变更,填写了变更请求,并把这个请求提交到变更控制委员 (CCB) 。项目中下一步必须做什么? A. 一个高级经理决定是否做这个变更,并把决策通知项目管理团队 B. 项目经理通知 CCB 是否批准这个变更 C. CCB 的干系人使用专家判断来估算所请求的变更来决定是否批准 D. 项目经理与团队会面,分析这个变更对项目时间、范围和成本的影响
47. You are managing a design project. You find that bringing all of your team members into a single room to work increases their communication, and helps build a sense of community. This is referred to as a: A. War room
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Virtual team Socially active team
D. Common area
47. 你在管理一个设计项目。你发现把所有团队成员召集到一个房间工作可以促进他们的沟通,而且有助 于建立一种团体意识。这称为一个: A. 作战室 B. 虚拟团队 C. 社交积极团队 D. 公共区 48. You want to know specifically which business goal a group of projects and programs are going to accomplish. A. B. C. Which is the best place to look for this information ? Project Plan Project Charter Portfolio Charter
D. Program Charter 48. 你想明确知道一组项目和项目集要完成什么业务目标,查找这个信息的最佳位置是哪里? A. 项目计划 B. 项目章程 C. 项目组合章程 D. 项目集章程 49. You are managing a software project. You are partway through the project, and your team has just delivered preliminary version of part of the software. Your team gives a demonstration to the project sponsor and key stakeholders. Later, the sponsor informs you that there is an important client who will be using the software your team is building, and whose needs are not being met. As a result, you must now make a large and expensive change to accommodate that client. What is the BEST explanation for this ? A. The sponsor is being unreasonable B. Stakeholder analysis was not performed adequately C. The team made a serious mistake and you need to use punishment power to correct it D. You do not have enough budget to perform the project 49. 你在管理一个软件项目。项目进行到一半,你的团队刚交付了部分软件的初级版本。你的团队向项目 赞助人和关键干系人提供了一个演示。后来,赞助人通知你,有一个重要的客户将使用你的团队正在构建 的这个软件,而他的需求未能得到满足。因此, 你现在必须做出一个成本昂贵的大幅变更以满足这个客户。 对此最好的的解释是什么? A. 赞助人不可理喻 B. 干系人分析未能充分完成 C. 团队犯了一个严重的错误,你需要使用惩罚权力来纠正 D. 没有足够的预算来完成这个项目
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50. Which of the following is NOT an input of the Close Project or Phase process ? A. B. D. Project Management Plan Project Management Methodology Organizational Process Assets
C. Accepted Deliverables
50. 以下哪一个不是结束项目或阶段过程的输入? A. 项目管理计划 B. 项目管理方法论 C. 验收的可交付成果 D. 组织过程资产
51. You’re a project manager working in a weak matrix organization. Which of the following is NOT ture ? A. Your team members report to functional managers B. You are not in directly charge of resources C. Functional managers make decisions that can affect your projects D. You have sole responsibility for the success or failure of the project 51. 你是一个弱矩阵型组织中的项目经理。以下哪一个说法不成立? A. 你的团队成员向职能经理报告 B. 你并不直接负责资源 C. 职能经理做出的决策可能影响你的项目 D. 你要对项目的成败负责
52. You are managing a construction project that is currently being initiated. You met with thesponsors, and have started to work on identifying stakeholders. You’ve documented several key stakeholders and identified their needs. Before you can finish initiating the project, your company guidelines require that you make a rough order of magnitude estimate of both time and cost, so that the sponsor can allocate the final budget. What’s the range of a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate ? A. -10% to +10% B. -25% to +75% C. -50% to +100% D. -100% to +200%
52. 你在管理一个现在刚启动的建筑项目。你与赞助人会面,开始着手识别干系人。你已经记录了一些关 键干系人,并识别出他们的需要。在完成项目的启动之前,你的公司指导原则要求你做出时间和成本的粗 略级估算,以便赞助人分配最终预算。粗略级估算(ROM)的范围是什么? A. -10%~+10%
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B. -25%~+75% C. -50%~+100% D. -100%~+200% 53. Configuration management describes procedures for applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance. Which one of the following tasks is not performed in configuration management ? A. Establishes an evolutionary method to request changes to established baselines B. Provide opportunities for project by considering the impact of each change C. Establish a mechanism to communicate all approved and rejected change to the stakeholders D. Allowing automatic approval of changes 53. 配置管理描述了如何使用指导和监督来控制项目范围。下面哪项不是在该管理过程中执行的内容? A.建立先进的方法以提出对既定基准的变更 B.通过对变更影响的分析来为项目改进创造机会 C.建立向干系人沟通变更审批情况的沟通机制 D.允许对变更的自动承认
54. Mary is a project manager at a consulting company. What kind of organization is she working for ? A. Weak matrix B. Projectized C. Functional D. Strong matrix
The company regularly builds teams to create
products for clients. When the product is delivered, the team is dissolved and assigned to other projects.
54. Mary 是一个咨询公司的项目经理。公司定期建立团队为客户创建产品。交付产品时,团队即解散并 分派到其他项目。她任职的公司是什么类别的组织? A. 弱矩阵 B. 项目型 C. 职能型 D. 强矩阵
55. An important part of performing stakeholder analysis is documenting quantifiable expectations. Which of the following expectations is quantifiable ? A. The project must improve customer satisfaction B. The project should be higher quality C. The project must yield a 15% reduction in part cost D. All stakeholders’ needs must be satisfied
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55.完成干系人分析的一个重要部分是记录可量化的期望。以下哪一个期望是可量化的? A. 项目必须提高客户满意度 B. 项目应当是高质量的 C. 项目必须使零件成本减少 15% D. 所有干系人的需要都必须得到满足
56. At the close of your project, you measure the customer satisfaction and find that some customer needs were not fully met. Your supervisor asks you what steps you took on your project to improve customer satisfaction. Which subsidiary plan would you consult to determine this information ? A. Quality management plan B. Communications management plan C. Staffing management plan D. Risk management plan
56. 项目收尾时,你测量了客户满意度,发现一些客户需要未能完全满足。你的上司问你在项目中采用了 哪些步骤来提高顾客满意度。可以查阅哪个辅助计划来确定这个信息? A. 质量管理计划 B. 沟通管理计划 C. 人员配备管理计划 D. 风险管理计划
57. Customer satisfaction should be measured at the end of the project to maintain long-term relationships. Which of the following is NOT always an aspect of customer satisfaction? A. The product meets its stated and unstated requirements B. The project is profitable C. The product is high quality D. The customer’s needs are met 57. 应当在项目的最后测量顾客满意度来维持长期关系。以下哪一项不一定是顾客满意度的一个方面? A. 产品满足明文规定和未明文规定的需求 B. 产品可以获利 C. 产品是高质量的 D. 满足顾客的需要
58. Dave is the project manager for a construction project that is building a gazebo.
When the project
first started, he met with the stakeholders to define the scope. The sponsors mentioned that the gazebo is a really important part of their daughter’s wedding ceremony that was planned for seven months from then. In fact, they said that if the gazebo couldn’t be completed in seven months, it wouldn’t
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be worth it for them to even start the project. Project Scope Statement. A. Project Deliverables B. Project Objectives C. Project Constraints D. Project Assumptions
Dave wrote down the seven-month deadline to put in his
In which section of the document did the deadline appear ?
58. Dave 是一个建筑项目的项目经理,要建造一个露台。项目启动时,他与干系人会谈来定义范围。赞 助人提到这个露台是他们女儿婚礼仪式中很重要的一部分,这个婚礼计划在 7 个月后举行。实际上,他们 说如果露台无法在 7 个月内完工,那么根本不值得启动这个项目。Dave 写下了 7 个月的最后期限,并放 在项目范围说明书。这个最后期限会出现在这个文档的哪一部分? A. 项目可交付成果 B. 项目目标 C. 项目约束 D. 项目假设 59. Which of the following is a “hygiene factor” under Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory ? A. Recognition for excellent work B. Self-actualization C. Good relations with coworkers and managers D. Clean clothing 59. 基于 Herzberg 的激励-保健理论,以下哪一个是“保健因素”? A. 对卓越工作的认可 B. 自我实现 C. 与同事和经理的良好关系 D. 干净的着装
60. A bar chart shows the number and type of resources you need throughout your project is called a: A. Organizational Chart B. Resource Schedule C. Resource Histogram D. Staffing Timetable
60. 显示整个项目中所需要资源的数量和类型的条形图称为: A. 组织章程 B. 资源进度 C. 资源直方图 D. 人员配备时间表
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61. You have identified an opportunity to potentially increase the project’s value. Which of thefollowing is an example of enhancing that opportunity ? A. By forming a partnership with another company, the project’s value will increase for both companies B. By taking additional actions, you increase the potential reward without reducing it’s probability C. By taking out insurance, you can reduce potential costs to the project D. By documenting the opportunity in the register, you can keep track of it and ensure it gets exploited
61. 你识别出一个可能增加项目价值的机会。以下哪一个是提高机会的例子? A. 通过与另一公司建立合作关系,对于两家公司,项目价值都能增加 B. 通过采取附加的措施,增加可能的获利而不降低其概率 C. 通过取得保险,可以减少项目的潜在成本 D. 通过把这个机会记入登记表,可以保持跟踪并确保它得到开拓
62. Which of the following best describes the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle? A. Invented by Joseph Juran, it’s a way of tracking how soon defects are found in your process. B. Invented by Walter Shewhart and popularized by W. E. Deming, it’s a method of making small changes and measuring the impact before you make wholesale changes to a process. C. Made popular by Phillip Crosby in the 1980s, it’s a way of measuring your product versus its requirements D. It means that you plan your project, then do it, then test it, and then release it 62. 以下哪一项是计划-执行-检查-行动循环的最佳描述? A. 由 Joseph Juran 提出,这种方法可以多快在过程中查找出缺陷 B. 由 Walter Shewhart 提出,并由 W.E.Deming 推广,这种方法在对过程做出全范围的变更之前先会做 出小的变更,并测量影响 C. 由 Phillip Crosby 在 20 世纪 80 年代普及,这种方法可以根据产品的需求来测量产品 D. 这表示计划项目,然后执行,再进行测试,最后发布
63. You are developing the project charter for a new project. Which of the following is NOT part of the enterprise environmental factors ? A. Lessons learned from previous projects B. Knowledge of which departments in your company typically work on projects C. The work authorization system D. Government and industry standards that affect your project 63. 你在为一个新项目制订项目章程。以下哪一个不是事业环境要素的一部分? A. 以前项目得到的经验教训
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B. 通常公司里哪些部门完成项目的有关知识 C. 工作授权系统 D. 影响项目的政府和行业标准
64. You are managing a construction project to install new door frames in an office building. You planned on spending $12,500 on the project, but your costs are higher than expected, and now you’re afraid that your project is spending too much money. What number tells you the difference between the amount of money you planned on spending and what you’ve actually spent so far on the project ? A. AC B. SV C. CV D. VAC 64. 你在管理一个建筑项目,要在一个办公大楼里安装新的门框。你计划这个项目花费$12500,不过你的 成本比预期要高,现在你担心项目花费大多。哪个数字可以指出到目前为止项目计划花费与实际花费之差 A. AC B. SV C. CV D. VAC
65. Tom is the project manager on a construction project. down some of the work they’ve done and rebuild. isn’t bad enough to cause all of that re-work.
Midway through his project, he realizes that
there’s a problem with the lumber they’ve been using in a few rooms and they’re going to have to tear One of his team members suggests that the defect Tom says that he’s worked on a project that made this What kind of power is
same mistake before and they ended up having to redo the work when inspectors looked at the house. He convinces the team member that it’s probably better to fix it now than later. he using to make the decision ? A. Legitimate B. Expert C. Referent D. Reward 65. Tom 是一个建筑项目的项目经理。 项目进行到一半时, 他意识到一些房间里使用的木材存在一个问题, 他们必须拆除已经完成的一些工作然后重建。他的一个团队成员建议。这个缺陷并不太严重,不至于要如 此全面返工。Tom 说他以前曾经完成过一个犯过同样错误的项目,最后检查人员查看房屋时他们不得不重 做。他劝这个团队成员说,现在修正比以后修正可能更好。他在使用哪种权力做决策? A. 法律权力 B. 专家权力 C. 参照权力 D. 奖励权力
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66. Which of the following is NOT one of the most common sources of project conflict ? A. Schedules B. Priorities C. Resources D. Costs 66. 以下哪一个不是项目冲突的最常见的来源? A. 进度 B. 优先级 C. 资源 D. 成本 67. Your company’s quality assurance department has performed a quality audit on your project. They have found that your team has implemented something inefficiently, and that could lead to defects. What’s the NEXT thing that should happen on your project ? A. You work with the quality department to implement a change to the way your team does their work B. You document recommended corrective actions and submit them to the change control board C. You add the results of the audit to the lessons learned D. You meet with the manager of the quality assurance department to figure out the root cause of the problem 67. 你的公司的质量保证部门对你的项目完成了一个质量审计。他们发现,你的团队实现某些方面时效率 低下,这会导致缺陷。项目下一步要做什么? A. 你与质量部门合作,对团队完成工作的方式实现一个变更 B. 你把推荐的纠正措施记入文档,并提交到变更控制委员会 C. 你把审计的结果增加到经验教训中 D. 你与质量保证部门的经理会面,找出问题的根本原因
68. The process for identifying & controlling functional physical design characters of the products supplied by the project is found in which of the following ? A. B. Project management methodology. Configuration management system.
C. Procurement management plan. D. Quality management plan. 68. 在项目中识别和控制产品结构功能设计特性的过程出现在下列哪一项中? A.项目管理方法论 B.配置管理系统 C.采购管理计划 D.质量管理计划
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69. Your client has terminated your project before it is complete. Which of the following is true ? A. You must stop all work and release the team immediately B. You must work with the team to document the lessons learned C. You must keep the team working on the project to give your senior management time to talk to the client D. You must update the project management plan to reflect this change 69. 你的客户在项目完成之前终止了项目。以下哪种说法是正确的? A. 你必须停止所有工作,并立即解散团队 B. 必须与团队合作来记录经验教训 C. 必须让团队继续完成项目工作,让你的管理层有时间与这个客户商谈 D. 必须更新项目管理计划来反映这个变更 70. When you look at a control chart that measures defects in the product produced by your project, you find that seven values are showing up below the mean on the chart. What should you do ? A. Look into the process th there’s probably a problem there B. I this is the rule of seven, so statistically the data doesn’t matter C. This means that the mean is too high D. You should adjust your lower control limit ― the values indicate a problem with where the limits have been set 70. 查看一个测量项目所生产产品中缺陷的控制图时,你发现图中有 7 个值出现在平均线以下。 你该怎么做? A. 查看所测量的过程,其中肯定存在某个问题 B. 忽略这种异常。这是 7 点法则,所以从统计角度讲这些数据不会有影响 C. 这说明平均值过高 D. 应当调整控制下限,这些值指示控制限设置有问题
71. A project manager uses a facilitator to gather opinions from experts anonymously. What risk identification tool or technique is being performed ? A. Brainstorming B. Delphi Technique C. Interviews D. SWOT Analysis 71. 一个项目经理利用一个协调人匿名地收集专家的观点。所完成的是哪个风险识别工具或技术? A. 头脑风暴 B. 德尔菲法 C. 访谈 D. SWOT 分析
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72. You have just been authorized to manage a new project for your company. Which of the following BEST describes your first action ? A. Create the work breakdown structure B. Develop the project management plan C. Start working on the project charter D. Figure out who has a stake in the project 72. 你刚被授权管理公司的一个新项目,以下哪一项最好的地描述了你首先要做的事情? A. 创建工作分解结构 B. 制订项目管理计划 C. 开始制订项目章程 D. 得出谁是项目的干系人
73. You’re the project manager on a software project that is planning out various approaches to technical work. There’s a 20% chance that a component you are going to license will be difficult to integrate and cost $3,000 in rework and delays. There’s also a 40% chance that the component will save $10,000 in time and effort that would have been used to build the component from scratch. these two possibilities? A. $13,000 B. $7,000 C. $3,400 D. - $600 73. 你是一个软件项目的项目经理,正在计划完成技术工作的各种方法。你打算购买的一个正版组件可能 很难集成电路,而且由于返工和延迟可能有$3000 的成本,这种情况的几率是 20%。不过,与完全从头开 始构建这个组件相比,它在时间和精力上可能会节省$10000, 这种情况的几率是 40%, 这两种可能性的 EMV 是多少? A. $13000 B. $7000 C. $3400 D. -$600 What’s the EMV for
74. You are managing a software engineering project, when two team members come to you with a conflict. The lead developer has identified an important project risk: you have a subcontractor that may not deliver on time. Another developer doesn’t believe that the risk however, you consult the lessons learned from previous projects and discover that subcontractors failed to deliver their work on two previous projects. You decide that you terminate the contract with the subcontractor, and instead hire additional developers to build the component. Both team members agree
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that this has eliminated the risk. Which of the following BEST describes this scenario? A. Transferrence B. Mitigation C. Avoidance D. Acceptance 74. 你在管理一个软件工程项目,有两个团队成员因为冲突来找你。首席开发人员识别出一个重要的项目 风险:你的一个分包商可能无法按时交付。另一个开发人员不相信这个风险会发生。不过,你查阅了以前 项目的经验教训,发现这个分包商在他们的前两个项目中都未能正常交付。你认定这个风险很大,所以终 止了与这个分包商的合同,另外聘请了额外的开发人员来构建这个组件。两个团队成员都同意这个风险已 经消除。以下哪一项是这种情况的最佳描述? A. 转移 B. 减轻 C. 回避 D. 接受
75. Which of the following BEST describes the contents of a WBS Dictionary entry? A. The definition of the work package including its net present value B. Work Package ID and Name, Statement of Work, Required Resources, Scheduled Complete Date, and Cost D. Work Package ID and Name, Statement of Work, Responsible Organization, Schedule Milestones, Quality Requirements, Code of Account Identifier, Required Resources, Cost Estimate 75. 以下哪一项给出了 WBS 词典条目内容的最佳描述? A. 工作包的定义,包括其净现值 B. 工作包 ID 的名字,工作说明书,必要资源和蒙特卡洛分析 C. 工作 ID 和名字、工作说明书、风险登记表、挣值计算、计划完成日期和成本 D. 工作包 ID 和名字、工作说明书、负责组织、进度里程碑、质量需求、账户标识编号、必要资源和成本 核算 and Monte Carlo Analysis C. Work Package ID and Name, Statement of Work, Risk Register, Earned Value Calculation,
76. Two of your project team members approach you with a conflict that they are having with each other over the technical approach to their work. One of the two people is very aggressive, and tries to get you to make a decision quickly. The other team member is quiet, and seems less willing to talk about the issue. The conflict is starting to cause delays, and you need to reach a decision quickly. What’s the BEST approach to solving this conflict ? A. Tell the team members that they need to work this out quickly, because otherwise the project could face delays
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B. Since it’s a technical problem, tell the team members that they should take it to the functional manager C. Confront the issue, even though one team member is hesitant D. Escalate the issue to your manager
76. 你的两个项目团队成员因为一个冲突来找你,他们对完成工作的技术途径各有想法。其中一个人非激 进,相让你很快做出决策。另一个团队成员则很安静,看不太想谈这个问题冲突已经开始导致延迟,你需 要快速做出决策。解决这个冲突的最佳方法是什么? A. 告诉这两个团队成员要尽快解决问题,否则项目将面临延迟 B. 由于这是一个技术问题,告诉这两个团队成员他们的应该去找职能经理 C. 面对问题,尽管其中一个团队成员很迟疑 D. 把这个问题上报给你的经理
77. Tom is a project manager on an industrial design project. He is always watching when his team members come into the office, when they take their breaks, and when they leave. he make every project decision, even minor ones. A. Theory X B. Theory Y C. Cost cutter D. Effective 77. TOM 是一个工业设计项目的项目经理。他总是监视他的团队成员什么时候进办公室、什么时候休息、 什么时候离开。他定期在办公室巡视,确保每个人坐在办公桌前都确实在工作,而且他事无巨细,坚持每 个项目决策都由自己来做。他是哪种经理? A. X 理论 B. Y 理论 C. 削减成本型 D. 有效性 What kind of manager is he ? He periodically walks around the office to be sure that everyone is doing work when they are at their desks and he insists that
78. You are the project manager on a construction project. shows how they fit into categories.
As you’re planning out the work
your team will do, you divide up all of the work into work packages and create a WBS that For each one of the work packages, you write down details such as initial estimates and information about what account it should be billed against. Where do you store all of that information ? A. Scope Management Plan B. WBS C. WBS Dictionary D. Project Scope Statement
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78. 你是一个建筑项目的项目经理。计划团队要做的工作时,你把所有工作划分为工作包,并创建了一个 WBS 来表明它们如何归类。对于每个工作包,你写出相应的详细信息,如初始估算和请款账户有关信息。 所有这些信息存储在哪里? A. 范围管理计划 B. WBS C. WBS 词典 D. 项目范围说明书
79. You are managing a project with an EV of $15,000, PV of $12,000, and AC of $11,000. How would you BEST describe this project ? A. The project is ahead of schedule and within its budget B. The project is behind schedule and within its budget C. The project is ahead of schedule and over its budget D. The project is behind schedule and over its budget 79. 你在管理一个项目,EV 为$15000,PV 为$12000,AC 为$11000。对这个项目的最佳描述是什么? A. 项目进度提前,而且在预算内 B. 项目进度滞后,但在预算内 C. 项目进度提前,但超出预算 D. 项目进度滞后,而且超出预算
80. You are using a Pareto chart to examine the defects that have been found during an inspection of your product. Which process are you performing ? A. Perform Quality Assurance B. Perform Quality Planning C. Perform Quality Control D. Verify Scope 80. 你在使用帕累托图分析产品检查期间发现的缺陷。你在完成哪个过程? A. 完成质量保证 B. 完成质量计划 C. 完成质量控制 D. 核实范围
81. A project manager is faced with two team members who have conflicting opinions. One team member explains her side of the conflict. The other team member responds by saying, “I know you’ll never really listen to my side, so let’s just go with her opinion and get back to work.” of: A. Withdrawal
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This is an example
B. Compromise C. Smoothing D. Forcing 81. 一个项目经理正面对两个观点有冲突的团队成员。一个团队成员从她的角度对冲突做了解释。另一个 团队成员回应说,“我知道的你不会听我的意见,那就听她的,继续工作吧”。这是什么样的例子? A.退出 B.妥协 C.平滑 D.强制
82. Which of the following tools and techniques is used to show which categories of defects are most common ? A. Control charts B. Pareto charts C. Run charts D. Flow charts 82. 以下哪个工具和技术用来显示最常见缺陷的分类? A. 控制图 B. 帕累托图 C. 趋势图 D. 流程图
83. Your top team member has performed extremely well, and you want to reward her. She knows that you don’t have enough money in the budget to give her a bonus, so she approaches you and requests an extra day off, even though she is out of vacation days. She asks if she can take one of her sick days, even though the company doesn’t allow that. Which of the following is correct ? A. You should give her the time off, because McClelland’s Achievement Theory states that people need achievement, power, and affiliation to be motivated B. You should give her the time off, because Expectancy Theory says that you need to give people an expectation of a reward in order to motivate them C. You should give her the time off, because a Theory Y manager trusts the team D. You should not give her the time off 83. 你的首席团队成员工作表现非常好,你想奖励她。她知道预算里没有足够的钱给她奖金,所以她来找 你,想多放一天假,尽管她的假期已经用完了。她问能不能请一天病假,公司不允许这样做。以下哪种说 法是正确的?
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A. 应该允许她放假,因为 McClelland 的成就理论指出,人们需要成就、权力和认同感来得到激励 B. 应该允许她放假,因为期望理论指出,你要让人们对奖励有所期望来进行激励 C. 应该允许她放假,因为 Y 理论型经理相信团队 D. 不应该允许她放假 84. Which of the following is NOT a tool or technique of Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis? A. Risk urgency assessment B. Expected monetary value analysis C. Probability and impact matrix D. Risk categorization 84. 以下哪一个不是定性风险分析的工具或技术? A. 风险紧迫性评估 B. 预期货币价值分析 C. 概率和影响矩阵 D. 风险分类
85. When a project manager places a purchase order for a piece of equipment, it represents which of the following? A. B. Commitment Expense
C. Cash out-flow D. Capital investment 85. 项目经理为一台设备发出了采购单,这是一种: A. 承诺 B. 开支 C. 现金流出 D. 资本投资
86. Which of the following is NOT a tool in Identify Risks? A. Brainstorming B. Risk Urgency Assessment C. Delphi technique D. SWOT Analysis 86. 以下哪一个不是识别风险的工具? A. 头脑风暴
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B. 风险紧迫性评估 C. 德尔菲法 D. SWOT 分析
87. You are managing a software engineering project, when two team members come to you with a conflict. The lead developer has identified an important project risk: you have a subcontractor that may not deliver on time. The team estimates that there is a 40% chance that the subcontractor will fail to deliver. If that happens, it will cost an additional $15,250 to pay your engineers to rewrite the work, and the delay will cost the company $20,000 in lost business. Another team member points out an opportunity to save money an another area to offset the risk: if an existing component can be adapted, it will save the project $4,500 in engineering costs. There is a 65% probability that the team can take advantage of that opportunity. What is the expected monetary value (EMV) of these two things ? A. - $14,100 B. $6,100 C. - $11,175 D. $39, 750 87. 你在管理一个软件工程项目,两个团队成员因为一个冲突来找你。首席开发人员识别出一个重要的项 目风险:你的一个分包商可能无法按时交付。团队估算这个分包商不能按期交付的几率是 40%,如果发生 这种情况,需要额外$15250 给你的工程师来重新完成工作,另外延迟会导致公司失去这笔生意而损失 $20000。另一个团队成员指出有一个机会,可以在另一个领域省钱来弥补这个风险;如果现有的一个组件 可以调整,可以为项目节省$4500 的工程成本。团队利用这个机会的概率为 65%。这两个方面的预期货币 价值(EMV)是多少 A. -$14100 B. $6100 C. -$11175 D. $39750
88. Your project team has completed the project work. All of the following must be done before the project can be closed EXCEPT: A. Ensure that the schedule baseline has been updated B. Get formal acceptance of the deliverables from the customer C. Make sure the scope of the project was completed D. Verify that the product acceptance criteria have been met
88. 你的项目团队已经完成了项目工作,项目收尾前必须完成以下工作,但哪一项除外? A. 确保进度基线已经更新 B. 可交付成果得到顾客的正式验收
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C. 确定已经完成项目的范围 D. 验证已经满足项目的验收标准
89. During procurement closure, a procurement audit includes all of the following EXCEPT: A. Reviewing the contract terms to ensure that they have all been met B. Identifying successes and failures that should be recognized C. Documenting lessons learned D. Using the payment system to process consideration as per the terms of the contract 89. 结束采购期间,采购审计包括以下工作,但哪一项除外? A. 查阅合同条款,确保都得到满足 B. 识别应认可的成功和失败 C. 记录经验教训 D. 按照合同条款,使用支付系统处理报酬
90. You are reviewing performance goals to figure out how much bonus to pay to your team members. What document would you consult to find your team’s bonus plan ? A. The reward and recognition plan B. The staffing management plan C. The human resource management plan D. The project’s budget 90. 你在查看绩效目标,来确定要付给团队成员多少奖金。可以查阅哪个文档来找到团队的奖金计划? A. 奖励和认可计划 B. 人员配备管理计划 C. 人力资源管理计划 D. 项目预算
91. You’re managing a construction project to install several hundred air conditioner panels in a new office building. You have completed 350 panels out of a total of 900 planned panels, but according to your schedule you should have completed 400 of them. Your company’s contract states that you’ll be paid a fixed price of $75 per panel. You’ve spent $45,000 so far on the project. Which of the following BEST describes your situation ? A. The CPI is .813, which means your project is currently over your budget B. The CV is -$4,350, which means your project is currently over your budget C. The TCPI is 1.833, which is the minumum CPI you need to stay within budget D. The SPI is .84, which means your project is behind schedule
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91. 你在管理一个建筑项目,要丰一个新的办公大楼安装几百个空调面板。你已经完成了总共计划 900 个 面板中的 350 个,不过根据你的进度,本应该已经完成 400 个。公司的合同指出,每安装一个面板会付一 个固定价格$75。目前这个项目已经花费了$45000。以下哪一项是这种情况的最佳描述? A. CPI 是.813,这说明你的项目目前超出预算 B. CV 是 -$4350,这说明你的项目目前超出预算 C. TCPI 是 1.833,这是为保证在预算内所需达到的最低 CPI D. SPI 是.84,这说明你的项目进度滞后 92. Your team has identified a risk with some of the chemicals you are using on your highway construction project. It is really difficult to mix them just right and, based on past projects, you’ve figured out that there’s a high probability that about 14% of the chemical supply will be lost in mixing problems. You decide to buy an extra 15% of the chemicals up front so that you will be prepared for those losses and your project won’t be delayed. A. Avoid B. Accept C. Mitigate D. Transfer 92. 你的团队识别出高速公路建设项目中所使用化学原料存在的一个风险。根据以往项目的经验,这些化 学原料很难适当地混合,你发现由于混合问题会失约 14%的化学原料储备,而且这种情况的概率很高。你 决定提前先多买 15%的化学原料,这样就能对这些损失做好准备,项目不会因此而延迟。你使用的是哪种 应对策略? A. 规避 B. 接受 C. 减轻 D. 转移 Which response strategy are you using ?
93. A project manager is planning the staffing levels that will be needed through the course of her project. She figures out the number of people that will be needed in each role over time and displays that information in a chart as part of her staffing management plan. A. Gantt chart B. RACI matrix C. Organization chart D. Resource histogram 93. 一个项目经理正在计划整个项目中需要的人员配备。她得出各个角色随时间所需要的人数 ,并把这 个信息显示在一个图中,作为人员配备管理计划的一部分。这个图叫做什么? A. 甘特图
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What is that chart called ?
B. RACI 矩阵 C. 组织图 D. 资源直方图
94. Which of the following is NOT part of a typical change control system ? A. Approval B. Change control board C. Project management information system D. Stakeholder analysis
A. 批准 B. 变更控制委员会 C. 项目管理信息系统 D. 干系人分析
A notice sent to a subcontractor about the contract is an example of which kind of communication ?
A. Informal verbal B. Formal written C. Formal verbal D. Informal written 95. 向分包商发出的有关合同的通知是哪种沟通的一个例子? A. 非正式口头 B. 正式书面 C. 正式口头 D. 非正式书面
96. You need to determine when to release resources from your project. Which part of the staffing management plan will be most useful for this ? A. Resource histogram B. Safety procedures C. Recognition and rewards D. Training needs 96. 你需要确定何时解散项目的资源。人员配备管理计划的哪一部分对做这个决定最有用? A. 资源直方图 B. 安全流程
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C. 认可和奖励 D. 培训需求
97. Which of the following is NOT a type of communication ? A. Formal written B. Paralingual C. Nonverbal D. Noise 97. 以下哪一个不是一种沟通类型? A. 正式书面 B. 辅助语言 C. 非语言 D. 噪音
98. A company is about to begin work on a large construction project to build four new buildings for a bank that wants to open new branches. The sponsor is writing a project charter. She recalls that a previous project the company performed for another bank ran over budget because the team had underestimated the effort required to install the reinforced walls in the vault. The previous project manager had documented the details of the lessons learned from this project. Where should the sponsor look for these lessons learned ? A. The project records management system B. The company’s organizational process assets C. The project’s work performance information D. The project’s performance reports
98. 一个公司要开展一个大型建筑项目的工作,为一家银行建造一些新的大楼,这家银行希望开多家新分 行。赞助人在写项目章程。她记得公司为另一家银行完成的前一个项目超出了预算,因为团队低估了在拱 顶安装加固墙所需的工作。前一个项目的项目经理已经是把这个项目经验教训的有关细节记录下来。赞助 人应该在哪查找这些经验教训? A. 项目记录管理系统 B. 公司的组织过程资产 C. 项目的工作绩效信息 D. 项目的绩效报告
99. The customer has reviewed the deliverables of a project and finds that they are acceptable, and must now communicate that acceptance to the project manager. Which form of communication is appropriate ?
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A. Informal written B. Informal verbal C. Formal written D. Formal verbal 99. 顾客审查了项目的可交付成果,发现它们是可以接受的,现在必须把这一验收告诉项目经理。哪种沟 通最合适? A. 非正式书面 B. 非正式口头 C. 正式书面 D. 正式口头
100. Which of the following is NOT found in a project charter ? A. The summary budget B. High-level requirements C. Procedures for managing changes to contracts D. Responsibility and name of the person authorized to manage the project }


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