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简明英汉词典live[liv]adj.活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的, 点燃的vi.活着, 生活, 居住, 流在人们记忆中vt.过着, 度过, 经历adv.以实况地美国传统词典[双解]livelive 1AHD:[l1v] D.J.[liv]K.K.[l!v]v.(动词)lived,, livesv.intr.(不及物动词)(1)T exist.活着;生存(2)To continue to be alive:继续生存:lived through a bad accident.在一场恶性事故中活下来(3)T subsist:过活;自谋生计:liv lives on a small inheritance.靠米和鱼生存;依靠一小笔遗产生活(4)T dwell:住;居住:lives on a farm.住在农场上(5)To conduct one's life in a particular manner:过活:以一种特殊的方式生活:lived frugally.活得很节俭(6)To pursue a positive,
enjoy life:追求某种生活方式,享受人生:追求一种积极而满意的存在;享受生命:those who truly live.那些真正享受人生的人(7)To remain in human memory:留在记忆中:an event that lives on in our minds.留存于我们脑海的事件及物动词)(1)To spend or pass (one's life).度过(某人的一生)(2)T experience:经过;经历:lived a nightmare.经历一场梦魇(3)To practice in one's life:实行:live one's beliefs.See Synonyms at be 实行某人的信仰参见 be常用词组live downTo overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.洗心革面:在一段时间后克服或减轻了(如罪行)带来的耻辱live inTo reside in the place where one is employed:寄宿于工作处:household servants who live in.家仆住在主人家中live outTo live outside one's place of domestic employment:不住在受雇的主人家:household servants who live out.不住在主人家的仆人们live withT resign oneself to:忍受;顺应:disliked the situation but had to live with it.不喜欢这种状态但必须忍受它习惯用语live it up【俚语】To engage in festive pleasures or extravagances.沉湎于欢乐或铺张浪费中live up to(1)To live or act in accordance with:遵从…生活或行动:lived up to their parents' ideals.遵从他们父母的理想去生活(2)To prove equal to:证明与…等同:a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.一种并不符合我们期望的新技术(3)T fulfill:实行;完成:lived up to her end of the bargain.达到她交易的目的语源(1)Middle English liven 中古英语 liven (2)from Old English libban, lifian * see leip- 源自 古英语 libban, lifian *参见 leip- 基本词义livelive 2AHD:[lov] D.J.[laiv]K.K.[la!v]adj.(形容词)(1)H alive:有生命的;活着的:live animals.See Synonyms at living 活着的动物参见 living(2)Of current interest or relevance:热门的:关于当前利益的,与当前有关的: still a live option.热门话题;仍然热门的选择(3)G burning:炽热的;燃烧的:live coals.炽热的煤炭(4)Not yet exploded but capable of being fired:尚未引爆的:未爆炸但仍可引爆的:live ammunition.未引爆的弹药(5)Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity.【电学】 充电的:带有电流或充满电能的(6)N in the natural state:天然的:未被开采或挖掘的;处于自然状态的:live ore.天然矿砂(7)Broadcast while actu not taped, filmed, or recorded:现场直播的:现场直播的;并未录音、拍片或记录的:a live television program.现场直播的电视节目(8)Involving performers or spectators who are physically present:现场的:现场的演员和观众亲身参与的:live entertainment.现场娱乐活动(9)Printing Not yet set into type:【印刷术】 未付印的:live copy.未付印的稿件(10)Sports In play:【体育运动】 用于比赛中的:a live ball.用于比赛的球adv.(副词)At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance:正在发生地,现场转播地:正在、处于或从正在发生或表演的时候:The landing on the moon was telecast live.现场转播了登月行动语源Short for alive alive的简写继承用法live“nessn.(名词)现代英汉词典live 1[lIv]vi., vt.lived, living(1)活着;生存My grandfather is still living, but my grandmother is dead.我的祖父还活着,可是祖母已经去世了。"Kings in history wanted to live forever, but none of them succeeded.""上的国王都希望长生不老,但没有一个成功的。"Live and Learn!"真是活到老,学不了!"The rich live while the poor die."富者生,穷者死。"(2)过日子He lived for adventure.他平生喜欢冒险。He lives by stealing.他靠偷窃为生。He lives by the book.他依照《圣经》生活。(3)居住"Often, too, uncles and aunts lived nearby.""同时,叔叔和婶婶也常常住在附近。"I live in a town.我住在一个城镇。"When people live together, rules are always necessary.""当人们生活在一起时,总需要规定一些制度。"I live in a flat in Bridge Street.我住在布里奇大街的一套公寓里。(4)(与on, off连用)靠…生活The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.原始森林里的少数民族过去用野兽作为主食。I live off the money from my first book.我靠我第一本书赚的钱生活。常用词组live down悔过自新使人忘掉He was drunk at school--he'll never live it down."他上学时喝醉过 - 他怎么改,人们也忘不了。"live for为…而活着live in在工作地点吃住(= live out)live together未婚同居live up to真正做到,生活得无愧于We will live up to what our parents expect of us.我们决不辜负父母亲对我们的期望。Did the TV play live up to your expectations?这部电视剧有你期望的那样好吗?live with(1)同居(2)忍受"I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it.""我虽然不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。"基本词义live 2[laIv]adj.(1)活的,有生命的a live animal活的动物The cat was playing with a live mouse.那猫在玩一只活老鼠。(2)燃烧着的(3)有爆炸力的a live bomb未爆炸的炸弹(4)有电的(5)实况转播的It wasn' it was live."那不是录音节目,是实况转播。"词性变化liveadv.(1)实况转播地(2)在现场地现代英汉综合大辞典live[laiv]adj.(1)活(跃, 泼, 动)的, 有生命的(2)[谑][常接在 real 之后]真的, 活生生的(3)有精神的, 生气勃勃的(4)燃烧着的(5)可变的, 暂时的; 尚在争论中的(6)正在使用着的; (球等)正在玩的(7)(空气)清新的; (颜色)鲜艳的(8)(稿子等)尚未排版的(9)实况转播的(10)(机器等)运转着的; 传动的; 动力发动机的(11)装着炸药的, 实弹的; 有作用的; 通电的(12)(岩石等)未使用过的; 未采掘的, 原状的(13)炽热的(14)天然的(15)充[通, 带]电的, 有电压的(16)相位的, 有应力的(17)放射性的(18)配线中正极接地的live shrimps活虾live fish活鱼a real live gun真枪(指不是玩具)a live teacher精力旺盛的老师live eyes炯炯有神的眼睛live fire wood燃烧着的木柴a live issue尚在争论中的问题live ideas新思想live colors鲜艳的颜色词性变化live[laiv]adv.现场The race will be telecast live.比赛将有电视现场播出。继承用法live-boxn.放在河中使鱼虾保持新鲜的箩筐参考词汇见 living&&&&用法词典live(词源同 lif)英文相关词典livedwell&&&&exist&&&&house&&&&inhabit&&&&occupy&&&&reside&&&&room&&&&stay&&&&dead&&&&die&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典live鲜媚;活着;住, 居住美国传统词典livelive 1AHD:[l1v] D.J.[liv]K.K.[l!v]v.lived,, livesv.intr.(1)T exist.(2)To continue to be alive:lived through a bad accident.(3)T subsist:liv lives on a small inheritance.(4)T dwell:lives on a farm.(5)To conduct one's life in a particular manner:lived frugally.(6)To pursue a positive,
enjoy life:those who truly live.(7)To remain in human memory:an event that lives on in our spend or pass (one's life).(2)T experience:lived a nightmare.(3)To practice in one's life:live one's beliefs.See Synonyms at be 常用词组live downTo overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of inTo reside in the place where one is employed:household servants who live outTo live outside one's place of domestic employment:household servants who live withT resign oneself to:disliked the situation but had to live with it.习惯用语live it upSlangTo engage in festive pleasures or up to(1)To live or act in accordance with:lived up to their parents' ideals.(2)To prove equal to:a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.(3)T fulfill:lived up to her end of the bargain.语源(1)Middle English liven (2)from Old English libban, lifian * see leip- 基本词义livelive 2AHD:[lov] D.J.[laiv]K.K.[la!v]adj.(1)H alive:live animals.See Synonyms at living (2)Of current interest or relevance: still a live option.(3)G burning:live coals.(4)Not yet exploded but capable of being fired:live ammunition.(5)Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity.(6)N in the natural state:live ore.(7)Broadcast while actu not taped, filmed, or recorded:a live television program.(8)Involving performers or spectators who are physically present:live entertainment.(9)Printing Not yet set into type:live copy.(10)Sports In play:a live ball.adv.At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance:The landing on the moon was telecast live.语源Short for alive 继承用法live“nessn.英汉船舶大词典live n.居住,生活 英汉电力大词典live n.活的,有电的 朗文英汉综合电脑词典live 【修】有(作)用,活,实况播送;【动】生存,生活 英汉电信大词典live n.有电压的,运转着的 英汉地质大词典live n.活泼的,有生命的,新鲜的 英汉航海大词典live n.生存 英汉航空大词典live n.有效的 英汉化学大词典live vt.住,生活,活着,生存,留存;adj.活的,燃烧的,有效的,新鲜的,充电的 英汉海运大词典live 活的,新鲜的有效的燃着的运转着的动力发动的有电压的,通电的居住活,生存 基本词义live 生存,活的,居住有电压的,对生命有危险的(导线)有效的,有作用的 基本词义live 活的,新鲜的有效的,有作用的燃着的运转着的动力发动的有电压的,通电的(liv)居住活,生存,生活 英汉经贸大词典live n.生存 英汉计算机大词典live vt.住(生活,活着;adj.活的(燃烧的,有效的 英汉机械大词典live n.能起作用的,相位的 英汉建筑大词典live vt.生活,居住,活着 英汉汽车大词典live n.带电的,活动的,能起作用的,相位的,有电的 英汉水利大词典live n.居住,生活,存在 英汉中医大词典live n.活着,活,生存
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