
  单词 talk、tell、speak 和 say 在英语中出现频率非常高,想必大家都用到过。你知道如何区分这四者之间的区别吗?我们把这几个动词分成了 say 和 tell,talk 和 speak 两组来对比它们之间的不同之处。比如,你知道“I need to talk to Michael about his timekeeping”和“I need to speak to Michael about his timekeeping”这两句话在语气上哪个更严肃些吗?《你问我答》为你详细讲解。
  大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《你问我答》节目,我是冯菲菲。这是一档帮助回答大家在英语学习时碰到疑问的节目。本期节目要回答的问题是关于平日对话中使用率非常高的四个动词,咱们先来听这个问题。
  I’m Lisa, from Zhuhai, China. Could you please tell me the differences between 'say', 'speak', 'talk' and 'tell'?
  来自珠海的 Lisa 想知道动词 say、speak、talk 和 tell 之间的区别究竟是什么。想必大家对这四个词都不陌生,但是在平日生活中到底应该如何最恰当地来使用它们呢?在本期节目里,我们就来具体讲讲它们之间的区别。
  我们先把这四个词分成两组:say and tell 和 talk and speak,这样分组的原因是每一组中两个单词的意思有重叠。
  大家都知道,动词 say 的意思是“说话”,而动词 tell 的意思是“告诉某人信息”,比如我们可以说:
  Tell me about your holiday.
  “Tell me about your holiday.”这里用“tell me”来请他人告诉我们一个情况,所以不能说:
  Say about your holiday.
  但是我们可以说“talk about your holiday”或“speak about your holiday”。
  在使用动词 tell 的时候,它后面紧跟的应该是“被告知信息的那一方”。来听两个例句。
  I told you he would let you down.
  She told her mother she passed all her exams.
  但在使用动词 say 的时候,后面可以直接跟上要说的事情。比如:
  I said he would let you down.
  She said to her mother she passed all her exams.
  在上面的例句中,“She said to her mother she passed all her exams”,“said” 后面跟着介词“to”。大家需要记住的是:you say something TO someone, but you tell someone something。
  不过在日常生活中,说“She told her mother she passed all her exams”要比“She said to her mother she passed all her exams”更自然。请听下面这两句话,你觉得哪个说法是对的?
  She said hello to her mother.
  She told her mother hello.
  正确的句子应该是“She said hello to her mother”,因为与人打招呼是我们用行动“表达、表述”的事情,所以不能“tell 告诉”一个人我们在和他打招呼,而应该是“say hello”。
  当然 say 和 tell 都可以用在间接引语的句子里,比如:“Martin said he was in a hurry”或“Martin told me he was in a hurry”;换成直接引语可以说:“Martin said: 'I’m in a hurry!'”或者“Martin told me: 'I’m in a hurry!'”
  接着我们再来看看 say and tell 的一些其它常用方法。首先,动词 tell 可以表示“命令,吩咐”的意思。
  The teacher told me to write an essay on birds.
  Tell me what to do!
  Tell 还可以表达“知道,明白”的意思。
  I can tell if she’s pleased.
  How do you tell if a cake is ready?
  动词 say 也同样有一些不显为人知的意思,比如,say 可以表达“认为或相信”的意思。请听两个例句。
  I say we should move to the countryside this year.
  They say it’s best to get eight hours sleep.
  下面我们来讲讲 talk and speak。这两个词相似处很多,都带有“谈论”的意思。
  We need to sit down and talk about this.
  We need to sit down and speak about this.
  上面两个例句的意思都是“我们得坐下谈谈这件事情了”,但它们之间有区别吗?单词 speak 用在上面的这个语境中比 talk about 显得更严肃些。请听下面的这个例句,speak 体现出的严肃性在这个句子中更明显。
  I need to speak to Michael about his timekeeping.
  我需要和 Michael 谈谈他的守时问题。
  这里用“speak to”暗示说话人对迈克尔的不守时行为不满意,并会对这个行为做出批评。
  Speak 还有哪些用法?当我们想表达“说一门外语”时,就可以使用动词 speak,比如“说英语 speak English”。请听一个例句。
  I can speak English, a little French and some Japanese…
  除此之外,speak 的动名词形式 speaking 还可以和一些词语搭配使用。请听例句。
  Generally speaking, the verbs ‘speak’ and ‘talk’ are used in similar ways.
  通常来讲,动词 speak 和 talk 的用法相似。
  Strictly speaking, you should send it back to the factory.
  我们常用介词 to 来和这两个单词搭配使用,to 后面接宾语,宾语后接介词 about 来概括谈论、涉及的内容。
  I’m going to talk to Fan about the new timeline.
  我要和 Fan 谈一谈与新时间表有关的事情。
  Talk to Fan about something. 不过,我们不需要总是在句子中提及说话者的对象,因此可以省略介词 to 及其宾语。
  He’s talking about the new price plan on Tuesday.
  我们还可以用 with 和这几个动词搭配使用,请听例句。
  Jorge speaks English with a Spanish accent.
  Jorge 说英语的时候带有西班牙口音。
  I talked with my team and we all agree: we’re happy to take on the new contract.
  虽然我们重点介绍了这四个词语的动词用法,但是 talk 也可以做名词来使用。请听例句。
  I gave a talk about the US economy.
  同样地,单词 say 也可以作为名词,它有哪些含义呢?
  I want to have my say on this.
  The boss always has the final say.
When it comes to pronunciation, there&s always something to argue about. And we&ve all done it &whether standing in line at Starbucks arguing about&espresso&or throwing down about whether or not to enunciate the &r& in the&second month of the year.单词的读音中总有让人争执不休的地方。我们也都为读音而争吵过&&无论是在星巴克排队的时候争论espresso(黑咖啡)的读音还是是否要忽略February(二月)这个单词里的&r&。
So here&s more grist for the argument mill.下面是更多值得争论的单词。
1. timbre音色,音品
If you&re a musical person, this one has come up. &Tom&, &tam&, or &tim&? Many make the mistake of pronouncing it &timber&, as in fallen wood. However, the choice between &tom& and &tam& is one you should feel free to keep discussing&如果你懂点音乐,这个词会出现在你生活中。是tom,还是tam,还是tim?许多人把这个词错误地读成木材timber。但是,你还是可以畅快地讨论到底是tom还是tam&&
2. harbinger预兆
We&ve all heard someone go for &bing& instead of &binj&, haven&t we? The correct pronunciation of this word is &HAR-bin-juhr&.我们都听到有些人把bing读成[b??] 而不是[b?nd?]。正确地读音应该是[&hɑ:b?nd??(r) ]
3. chasm峡谷;分歧
Although the hard &k& is the accepted pronunciation for this word, the pronunciation beginning with a &ch& as in church is heard often enough.尽管正确ch字母组合在这个单词中的正确读音应该和字母k一致,但是很多人把该单词中的ch读作church(教堂)中的ch。
4. quixotic堂吉诃德式的,不切实际的
Spanish literature enthusiasts know that this adjective refers to the hero of the classic Spanish novel&Don Quixote&by Miguel de Cervantes. And Spanish speakers know that &qui& is pronounced as &key& and &x& with the sound in Scottish &loch&. However, the adjective describing the Don has been anglicized to &kwik-SOT-ik&. Most English speakers use the anglicized pronunciation for the adjective, and something more Spanish-sounding for the novel.喜爱西班牙文学的人都知道这个形容词与塞万提斯的《堂吉诃德》一书中的主角有关。说西班牙语的人都知道qui的读音应该同key一样,而x的读音和苏格兰语中loch的读音一样。但是,形容唐吉坷德的这个形容词已经在被英国化了。大多数说英语的人都用已经英国化的读法来读这个形容词,而在提及小说时说的则是更像西班牙语单词的读音。
5. plantain一种蕉类
Some foodies may be alarmed to learn that a widely accepted pronunciation of this word ends with &tin& rather than &tayn&, as in &rain&. Argue away!这个单词的读音以tin而不是rain中的tayn这个音节结尾,有些吃货可能会对这个读音感到惊讶,那就和其他人争论一番吧!
6. homage敬意
&Hom& or &om&? As long as you say it ending with an &ij& and not &aazh&, then it&s really a matter of preference.第一个音节读作hom还是om呢?如果你认为结尾的读音是ij而不是aazh,这就都算是个人偏好吧。
7. eschew回避
There are a few ways that people pronounce this word & the only consistency seeming to be an emphasis on the second syllable. The main issue is typically how to pronounce the second syllable: like &shoe&, &chew&, or &skew&?&&lists &chew& as the appropriate pronunciation, although there is evidence that many feel otherwise.这个单词的读音都很多种,但是唯一一种悦耳的读法是重读第二个音节。最关键的问题是第二个音节该如何发音:像shoe,chew,还是skew?尽管有很多人不同意chew才是最恰当的读音,但是牛津词典网站认为这样才是正确的。
8. detritus碎石,瓦砾
The accepted pronunciation of&detritus&highlights the second syllable as &try&. However, another pronunciation & likely influenced by the pronunciation of&detriment&& is sometimes heard in which the first syllable is stressed: &DET-trit-uhss&.正确的读音应该是重读第二音节,读作try。但是,有些人会重读第一个音节,这可能是受到了detriment(损害)这个单词的影响。
9. comparable可比较的
Is &compare& in&comparable? Not as most English speakers pronounce it. The stress instead falls on the first syllable: KOMP-(uh-)parable这个单词里是否含有compare这个单词的读音呢?大多数说英语的人不会这样读。重音落在第一个音节上:['k?mp?r?bl]扫二维码下载作业帮
关于一个英语句子的疑惑All you have to do is (to)press this button.这句话中的to是不是可有可无的?我看网上这句话是有to的,但我们练习册上没有to?练习册出错了?还有,这句话包含定语从句还是主语从句?有人说:all是先行词,you have to do是定语从句,有人说:all you have to do整体是主语从句到底哪个对的呢?
严格地从语法角度而言,应该是to press 或pressing,而且,to do一般表示要去做、应该去做的事,而doing往往表示已做过的事,所以这句最符合语法标准的是to press.但是,如果是口语,或不是非常正式的文体,直接用个原形也是常有的事,况且也没有影响到你的理解,所以不必纠结.当然,这如果是出现在改错题中,那就肯定是一处错误. 【补充回答】主语是all,you have to do是省略了what的定语从句,修饰all.没有主语从句,如果是What you have to do作为主语的话,就是一个主语从句.
扫描下载二维码在下面句子中,请问 Mocked up具体是指什么啊? - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 1325166
阅读权限 40
在下面句子中,请问 Mocked up具体是指什么啊?
We need to get approx 10 for a major pre-launch campaign. Is this possible? I will need them by the end of July in order to get the products mocked up as exact replicas ready for presentation.
请问 Mocked up具体是指什么啊? 有哪位能给我说一下这段话的意思吗? 谢谢! 端午节快乐!
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于
13:32 编辑 ]
UID 1399814
福步币 15 块
阅读权限 40
mock up means&&construct a model of& &
only for your information
UID 1299793
积分 16627
福步币 125 块
阅读权限 80
We need to get approx 10 for a major pre-launch campaign. Is this possible? I will need them by the end of July in order to get the products mocked up as exact replicas ready for presentation.
Mocked up&&是制作什么模型----He mocked up a future car.他作了一个未来车的大模型
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &嘴角上扬的弧度最美.
UID 1325166
阅读权限 40
UID 1094369
积分 24745
福步币 30 块
阅读权限 80
来自 China
就是需要样品了或者是模型意思了!!外观要一样的 可能功能性就没有了,主要是用来展示用的!!
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-北京四中网校学案导学 Unit 1 Good friends一、重点单词 1. brave adj. 勇敢的 n. bravery 勇敢、鲜艳,华丽 adv. bravely 勇敢地 i.e. It?s brave of you to raise objections at the meeting = You are brave to raise objections at the meeting.你在会上提出反对意见,真勇敢。 He is unrivaled in bravery. 他英勇无比。 The girls are wearing their Sunday bravery. 姑娘们都穿上她们星期天穿的华丽衣服。 stand bravely on the side of justice 英勇地站在正义的立场上 2. loyal adj. 忠诚的, 忠实的 adv. loyally n. loyalty (u) be loyal to a cause 忠于事业 a loyal wife 忠贞的妻子 She was a kind woman, loyal to her friend, intelligent and amusing. 她是一个很好的女人,对朋友忠诚,聪明,有趣。 This showed their love and their loyalty to the party.这表明他们对党的热爱和忠诚。 3. handsome (主要指男人) 英俊的, 潇洒的 He looked terrible tall, handsome and healthy. 他看上去个子很高, 很英俊健康。 good-looking 长相好的 ordinary-looking 相貌普通的 4. argue 辩论 argue with somebody about something 和某人关于某事辩论 They argued about / over who should pay the bill. 他们在争论该谁付款。 argue that … 辩论说 He argued that she shouldn?t go. 他辩论说她不应该去。 ague against … 1)据理反对 He argued against the use of this medicine. 2)证明…是不能成立的 All the facts argued against the theory. 所有的事实都证明这理论是不能成立的。 argue …into doing / out of doing 通过争论使(某人)(不)做某事 She argued him out of his decision. 她争论要他放弃他的决定。 n. (c) argument 辩论, 争论(表具体一场争论/辩论);论点,论据 They got into quite a heated argument. 他们开始了激烈的争论。 The reader may grasp his argument, but I certainly do not. (u)We should settle this affair by argument not by fighting. 我们应该通过争论而不是打架 来解决事务。 5. honest adj. 1)诚实的; 正直的 honest beyond belief 非常正直 2)坦率的; 诚恳的; 真诚的; 可靠的 I shall be quite honest with you. 我将和你完全坦诚相见。 3)真的; 确实的; 真正的; 正当的 honest goods 真货 4)朴实的; 普通的 5)令人尊敬的 an honest name 令人尊敬的名字 6)纯净的, 贞洁的 honest poverty 清贫 adv. honestly 诚实地, 正当地, 说真话 He got the money honestly. 他这笔钱是正当的。 Honestly (speaking), I think you are too proud.老实说 来, 你太骄傲了。 n. honesty 诚实, 正直 Honesty is his best quality. 正直是他最好的品质。 6. classical adj. 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第1页 北京四中网校学案导学1)古典的, 传统的, 古典文学的; 古希腊[古罗马] 的; 经典的 2)人文科学的 3) (=classic)第一流的, 最高等的 4)庄严的; 历久不衰的 classical music 古典音乐 classical school 古典(经济) 学派 a classical scholar 精通古典文学艺术的学者 She likes classical literature and music. 她喜欢古典文学和古典音乐。 Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein. 爱因斯坦改变了传统的关于光的科学观点。 Latin is a classical language. 拉丁语是希腊语。 The suit was a classic style. 这套衣服是古典风格。 7. share n. 1)一份, 部分, 份额, 分担量, 股份, 比重 2)[pl. ]股票 3)贡献; 参与 He has some share of his father's genius. 他继承了几分他父亲的天才。 The company was formed with 2000 shares. 该公司由两千股组成。 I had no share in the matter. 我未参与此事。 The navy had a large share in bringing about the victory. 海军对于获胜有很大贡献。 I'll take [bear] my share of the expenses. 我愿意承担我那一份费用。 She did not take much share in the conversation. 谈话时她说得很少。 1)均分, 分派 2)共有, 分享[担] share responsibility 共同负责 share a room with sb. 与某人同居一室 share the joys and hardships of the masses 与群众同甘共苦 1)分享[担]; 参与(in) share in the profits 2)分享收益 share with sb. in distress 与某人共患难 8. sorrow n. 1)悲痛; 忧伤; 遗憾; 惋惜; 悔恨 2)不幸; 魔鬼 伤心事 3)悲哀的原因; 伤心的原故 cause much sorrow to 使...非常伤心; 给...造成许多烦恼 express one's sorrow for one's mistake 对错误表示遗憾 share one's joys and sorrows 与某人苦乐与共 adj. sorrowful 悲伤的, 痛苦的 He felt sorrowful.他感到很悲伤。 sorry 难过的,抱歉的,遗憾的 9. cast (cast, cast) 扔,投,掷,撒(网) He cast a stone against the window. 他往窗子上投了块石头。 The fisherman cast his net into the water. 渔夫把网撒进水里。 The lamp cast a dim light. 这灯投射出暗淡的光。 10.movie 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第2页 北京四中网校学案导学1) (美)电影 There?s a good movie on at the cinema. 电影院里上映一部很不错的电影。 2) (复)电影院 Let?s go to the movies.我们去看电影吧。 11. speech 1) 说话(能力) (u) Our thoughts are expressed by speech.我们的想法由言语来表达。 2)讲话,演说(c) At the meeting Mr Smith made a long speech.在会上史密斯先生作了一个很长 的讲话。 12. adventure 1)冒险(u) He is fond of adventure.他喜欢冒险。 2)惊险的事,有危险的事/ 令人兴奋的经历(c) Have you read about the adventures of Marco Polo?你读过马可?波罗的冒险经历吗? 13. desert v.遗弃; 抛弃; 离弃 He is so selfish that all his friends have deserted him.他非常自私, 使得所有的朋友都抛弃了他。 deserted adj. 无人的; 被抛弃的; 被遗弃的 deserted island 荒岛; deserted street 空无一人的街道 二、重点词组 1. fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式。例如: He?s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。 注意:like, enjoy, be fond of, love 都有“喜爱”、“喜欢”的意思,但在用法上和喜爱的程 度上有所不同。like 是一般用语,用得最广泛,后面的宾语可以是名词、不定式或动词-ing 形式。 enjoy 喜爱的程度比 like 稍强一点,后面只可以跟名词或-ing 形式,而不跟不定式。Love 在这三个 词中表达喜爱的程度最大,语气最强,感情色彩最强烈,有“热爱”之意,后面的宾语可以是名词、 不定式或动词-ing 形式。be fond of(=like very much),在喜 爱的程度上比 like 强,但比 love 弱, 后面只可以跟名词或-ing 形式。 2. hunt for = look for 寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。 hunt for a job 找工作 hunt down 追捕, 捕获 The police hunted down the escaped prisoner.警方追捕逃犯。 hunt out 找出来 I?ve got some pictures for you somewhere, but it?ll need hunting out. hunt up 找到, 找寻 You?ll have to hunt up the word in the dictionary. 3. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to 可放于句首, so as to 则不能, 其否定形式为 in order not to / so as not to. 如: He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 in order that, so that 两个短语都能引导目的状语从句。从句中常有情态动词。 He opened the window in order that / so that fresh air might come in. We started early in order that / so that we might arrive before dark. 4. care about 1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for She doesn?t care about money.她不喜欢钱。 2)关心 = care for 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第3页 北京四中网校学案导学She thinks only of herself. She doesn?t care about other people. 她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。 3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老 说的话。 care for 除了有与 care about 同样的几个意思外,还可以表示“照料,照顾” Who is to care for me when I?m old?我年纪老的时候谁照顾我? care to do 愿意(接近 like,跟不定式, 主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件句) If you care to hear it, I will tell you. 如果你愿意听的话,我告诉你。 5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。 She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry.她教三门科目,像物理、化学。 注意: (1)such as 前的名词要用复数; (2)such as 后列举的人或物至少是两项,但不能全部列出; (3)用了 such as 就不再用 others 或 etc. such …as 表示 “像……这样的”, “诸如……之类”, 一般可转换为 such as…或 like 介词 短语。Such languages as Chinese, Russian, Japanese and German are difficult learn well. = Languages such as Chinese … = Languages like Chinese … 另外, such …as 中的 as 还可用作关系代词, 引导一个定语从句. Please take such things as you need.(as 作 need 的宾语) 拿你所需要的东西吧。 Such…that 如此……以致……,引导的是结果状语从句。试比较: He is such a good student that he is often praised by the teacher. (状语从句) He is such a good student as is often praised by the teacher. (定语从句) 6. drop sb a line 留下便条, 写封短信 三、重点句型 1.“So + be/have/助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中 的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语”的结构。 例如 He?s tired,and so am I.(=I? m also tired.) You can swim,and so can I.(=I can also swim.) She has had supper,and so can I.(=I?ve had lunch,too.) Tom speaks English,and so does his sister.(=His sister speaks English,too.) A: I went to the park yesterday. B: So did I.(=I also went to the park yesterday.) 2.“So +主语+be/have/助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序,so 相当于 indeed,certainly, 表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。 例如 A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。 B:So it was.的确如此。(=Yes,it was.) A:You seem to like sports. B:So I do.(=Yes,I do.) A:It will be fine tomorrow. B:So it will.(=Yes ,it will.) 3.“主语+do/does/did + so”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中 do so 代替上文中要求做的 事以免重复。 My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed in my composition on time.) 语文老师叫我按时交作文, 我照办了。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第4页 北京四中网校学案导学4.So it is with…或 It is the same with…句型表示 “……(的情况)也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种 不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用 so 引起的倒装句。 She doesn?t play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister. 四、语法 直接引语和间接引语 1. 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。 eg: “I broke your CD player.” (一般过去时改成过去完成时) He told me he had broken my CD player. Jenny said, “I have lost a book.” (现在完成时改成过去完成时) Jenny said she had lost a book. Mum said, “I?ll go to see a friend.” (一般将来时改成过去将来时) Mum said she would go to see a friend. 过去完成时保留原有的时态 He said, “We hadn?t finished our homework.” He said they hadn?t finished their homework. 注意 直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。 2. 在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称 要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.” Mary said her brother was and engineer. 3. 直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由 whether 或 if 引导 的宾语从句。如:He said, “Can you run, Mike?” He asked Mike whether/if he could run. 4. 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg 等) sb (not) to do sth.”句型。如: “Pass me the water, please.”said he. He asked him to pass her the water. 5. 直接引语如果是以“Let?s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句” 的结构。如: She said, “Let?s go to the cinema.” She suggested going to the cinema. 或 She suggested that they should go to the cinema. 五、聚焦高频考点 1.倒装句型:前句为肯定句,后句用 so+谓语+主语,意为“某人也?” 。如:She likes dogs. So do I. 前句为否定句,后句用 neither/nor+谓语+主语,意为“某人也不??” 。 如:The girl has no brothers or sisters. Neither/Nor have I. 2. lonely, alone 和 lone. alone=by oneself, without others. lonely=unhappy because one is always away from his family or friends, “孤独地” “寂寞的” ,暗示主 观上的“孤独” “寂寞” ,渴望有伴。也可以表示“地方的荒凉”. lone 也有“孤独的,孤零零的一个” ,作定语。 eg: I?m alone but I?m not lonely. I can see only one lone star in the cloudy sky. leave sth alone 表示“不去理会,不要去管某事” 。如:Leave me alone! 别理我! 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第5页 北京四中网校学案导学Let alone “更不用说” 如:He can?t speak Japanese, let alone write it. 。 作形容词时, alone 不能与 very 连用, 而与 much 连用, 即说 much alone 或 very much alone 或 all alone 而 lonely 可与 very 连用:very lonely. 3. treat sb. as?把某人当作??来对待 The old man treated the orphan as his own son. “把某人看作??”有以下几种说法: regard sb as…=consider sb as…=think of sb as… “把?误当作?”: take…for… 如:People sometimes take a rope for a snake. 4. care about 表示“关心,计较,在乎” ,一般用于否定句。 如:I don?t care about going to the cinema. care for 表示“关心,照料,喜欢” ,如:She cared more for new clothes than for anything else. 5. make friends with sb. 和??人交朋友。如: We have made a lot of friends with the different people all over the world. 6. hunt for “竭力寻找” ,在很多情况下,look for 与 search for 或 hunt for 互换。 如:I hunted for the missing book everywhere. be after 表示“搜寻” “寻找”的状态,不指具体的动作。如:That?s what I am after. 7. such as 用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子,有时可与 like 互换, such as 用于列举时可分开使 但 用。而 for example 一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首句 中或句末。 My brother likes collecting different kinds of things, such as coins, books. 必听课程 栏目:视听课堂 名称:Good friends 课件 ID 号(16048) 主讲教师:王实Unit2English around the world一、重点词语 1. excuse vt. 原谅 Please excuse me if I have left your questions unanswered. Excuse my opening your letter by mistake. Excuse me not having answered your letter. Excuse my bad handwriting. excuse…for 原谅某人做某事 Excuse me for not speaking to you first. Excuse me for having your telephone without asking permission. n. 借口,理由 I think that would be a rather nice excuse. Excuse me. 对不起,劳驾,表示事前表歉意要对对方有伤害,或要离去, 或事后歉意,打扰人的客套话。 Excuse me, but could you tell me the time? 2. majority n. 多数的人或物,大部分(the majority)谓语动词可以是单数也可以是复数。 The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. The majority of the members agreed. major adj. 主要的,重要的,大部分的 n. 专业 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第6页 北京四中网校学案导学The car needs major repairs. To tell you the truth, my major is English. 3. communicate vi.& vt. 交流,传达 I shall communicate with you direct. The two friends haven?t communicated with each other for years. I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you. communication n.交流,通讯 4. more or less 或多或少,在一定程度上,大体上,大约 I?ve more or less succeeded and they haven?t. His condition has more or less improved. The work is more or less finished. The repairs to the car will cost $ 50, more or less. 5. total adj. 整个的,全部的,完全的 n. 总额 Could you tell me the total number of the students in that dormitory? a total 总共 in total 总共 All these places have a total population of 164.08 million. Last week forty people in total came to the advice center. 6. have difficulty (in) doing / have difficulty with... 做……有困难 difficulty 是不可数名词, in doing 的 in 可以省略 I don?t have much difficulty with English grammar. The students have great difficulty with this type of sentence. They had no difficulty in finding him. Although I had great difficulty in waking him, he swore he was not asleep. have trouble with…/ in doing 用法同 have difficulty with…/ in doing 7. of one’s own ……自己的,特有的 We have no children of our own. The professors had opinions of their own. on one?s own 独自,靠自己的力量 I have usually gone on a holiday with a friend, but this year I have decided to go on my own. 8. end up with… 以……结束, end up as 最后成为…… The party ended up with the song of My Heart Will Go On. Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food. 9. bring in 带来,请进, 引进,争得 I?m doing my homework. Why do you bring the dog in? They brought in new technology from abroad last month. 10. have a knowledge of… 具有某一方面的知识 It is very important to have a knowledge of English and computer nowadays. 二、词语辨析 1. a number of, the number of the number of…表示“……的数量”如果加上所限定的名词作主语,谓语动词应用单数。a number of…表示“许多的,大量的”,修饰可数名词的复数,因此当它加上所修饰的名词作主语时谓语动词 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第7页 北京四中网校学案导学用复数。 The number of students absent is 6. The number of jobs is increasing. A number of people came to the meeting from all over the country. A number of wild animals have been found in the rainforest in Brazil. 2. besides, except, except for, except that/ when besides 表示除……外(还有) ,except 除……外(不再有) ,前几乎总有 all, any, every, no 等及 其复合词。except for 用来表示从某一细节方面来修正前面概括性的说法,其后的宾语一般与句子所 涉及的东西不属同类。此外,except 后可以接 that 从句或 when 引导的从句作宾语。 We all passed the exam besides Tom. Your picture is good except for some of the colors. Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. We go there every day except Sunday. This suit fits me well except that the trousers are too long. He never came except when he was in trouble. 3. by oneself, for oneself, of oneself, in oneself by oneself 表示独自(没有别人帮忙的) We must do our homework all by ourselves. for oneself 表示亲自,为自己的 Do you have anything to say for yourself? of oneself 自动地 The bottle couldn?t have fallen down of itself. Someone must have knocked it over. in oneself 本身 This is not a bad idea in itself. 三、语法知识归纳 直接引语的祈使句变间接引语的方法 要将祈使句动词原形变为带“to”的不定式,并且在不定式的前面根据意思加上 tell, ask, order 等词, 如果是否定式,不定式前面加“not”。 “Open the window,” the teacher said to the boy. The teacher told the boy to open the window. “Tell him to come in,” the boss said to the secretary. The boss told the secretary to tell him to come in. “Don?t leave the door open,” he said. He told us not to leave the door open. 四、典型例题分析 1. It?s raining hard. ______, I?m sure he will come on time. A. But B. However C. And D. So 本题主要考查的是前后两个分句的逻辑关系和连词及副词的用法。 根据逻辑含义排处 C, D 选项, 由于 but 是个连词,可以直接连接两个分句,位于两个分句之间前面加逗号;而 however 可以放句 首,句尾,句中,而且必须用“,”与其它的句子成分分开,不直接连接分句。所以正确的答案是 B。 2. ……I?m sorry I didn?t do a good job. ……Never mind. _______, you have tried your best. 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第8页 北京四中网校学案导学A. Above all B. In all C. At all D. After all 本题主要考查的是有关 all 的相似的词组和短语。Above all 是最重要的,In all 是 altogether, 总 共,总计。At all 在肯定句中,是“竟然”的意思,在否定句中是“一点也不”的意思。在疑问句中是“到 底”的意思。After all 是“毕竟”的意思。所以正确答案是 D。 3. The son wanted to go out and play but his mother warned him ______. A. not to B. to not do C. not to do D. didn?t do 本题主要考查的是直接引语祈使句变间接引语的方法。 我们知道要将祈使句动词原形变为带“to” 的不定式,否定式要在不定式前面加“not”,所以这道题的正确答案是 A,不定式的省略形式。 4. Betty taught herself English ______ the radio while her friend Max learned a foreign language ______ the Internet. A. by, on B. through, by C. on, through D. with, in 本题主要考查的是汉语意思“通过,凭借,借助”的英文表达。by, on, through, with 的区别如下: by 一般后面接动名词,名词(通常是表示交通工具的词) ,指抽象的方法。with 表示用某一个工具 去做事情。through 表示通过某些途径做某事,后面接传播知识,信息的电讯器材等。而通过电视和 广播通常用 on。注意是 on TV 和 on the radio。所以正确答案是 C。 必听课程 栏目:视听课堂 名称:English around the world 课件 ID 号(16532) 主讲教师:王实Unit 3一、 学习要点Going places【单元话题】 谈论旅游和交通工具。 【交际用语】 学会表达祝愿和愿望: Have a good time in Guangzhou! Have a good day/time at the party! Have a good journey/trip! Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Good luck! Wish you all the success! I wish to see you soon. I wish it would stop raining. 【语法】 掌握现在进行时态的用法 : (1)现在进行时表示谈话时正在发生着的事情 a. Ann is probably working in her o ffice. b. John is looking for a job as a school teacher. 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第9页 北京四中网校学案导学c. The city I am living in is changing day by day. (2)现在进行时表示将要发生的事情 a. Bob is going to the airport with me. b. How long are you staying in Xi?an? c. We are attending a meeting on Monday. d. She is meeting the headmaster at 6:30 tomorrow. e. John and Ann are flying to Paris on Friday for a holiday. 【写作】 (1)掌握英文书信的格式。 (2)学会描述正在做的事情,将要做的事情和已经做过的事情。 【词汇与短语】 get away from on vacation watch out go for a walk go hiking get close to on the other hand separate from by means of benefit from eco- travel 二、重点词语 1.be off 离开 eg. ---It?s 9 o?clock now. I must be off. ---After the discussion, Mr.Smith was off his seat and walked out of his office. 2. see sb. off 为…送行 eg. ---I went to the airport to see my brother off. --- Are you going to see us off at the station? 3. say hi/hello to sb. 向…问好 say goodbye/sorry to sb. 向…道别/道歉 remember me to …替我向…问好 send/give my best regards to …请带去我的问候给… 4. separate adj. 单独的 不同的 另外的 eg. ---Those are separate problems and cannot be solved in the same way. ---I must have a separate room. ---The children sleep in separate beds. separate v. 分开 eg. ---We separated the good apples from the bad ones. ---Separate those two boys who are fighting. ---England is separated from France by the Channel. 5. experience n. 经历(可数) 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 10 页 北京四中网校学案导学eg. ---I will never forget the wonderful experience when I was in the Disneyland. ---It was a week before he could tell his experience. 经验(不可数) eg. ---Experience is the best teacher, ---The best way to learn is to learn by experience. ---She doesn?t have any experience in dealing with children. 6. watch out for … 当心,提防… eg. ---You must always watch out for the traffic here. ---Watch out for the cars! ---Watch out for snakes. watch out 当心,注意 eg. ---Watch out! There is a car coming. ---Watch out! The police is coming. ---You will be cheated if you don?t watch out. 7. protect…from 保护… 使不受,挡住 eg. ---He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun. ---He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow.(重击) ---Use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. 8. normal 正常的 eg. ---His growth is normal for that age. ---We took the baby?s temperature and it was normal. ---The heavy traffic is normal for this time of the day. 9. handle v. 处理 ,操纵,管理 eg. ---He knows how to handle the machine. ---They handled their tools well. ---The pilot really knows how to handle an aeroplane. ---He asked me to handle the business for her. n. 把,柄 eg. ---I turned the handle and opened the door. ---You can carry the bucket by the handle.。 必听课程 栏目:视听课堂 名称:Going Places 课件 ID 号(16636) 主讲教师:王实Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences一、重点词汇 1.unforgettable 难忘的 We went to a beautiful town and spent an unforgettable day. un-为否定前缀, 如 unlike 不像 unimportant 不重要 unhappy 不高兴 unhealthy 不健康的 unfriendly 不友好的 unlucky 运气不好的 unfit 不适合的 unfamiliar 不熟悉的 unfair 不公平的 unexpected 出 乎意料的-able 为后缀 “可??.的”, 如 acceptable 可接受的/noticeable 注意得到的 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 11 页 北京四中网校学案导学2. host n 主人 Mr Brown was our host at the party. 布朗先生是我们晚会的主人。 &The host team and the guest team won each of the games, so they were even with each other.& &客队和主队各赢一场,现在他们两队打平了。& vt 作东,作为主人招待 China will host the 2008 Olympic Games.中国将主办 2008 年奥运会。 The academic conference was hosted by our university. 我们学校充当这次学术会议的东道主。 3. finally “最后” 有两个用法:一是在列举事物或论点时,用来引出最后一项内容;二是在句中 动词前面,表示“等了好久才??” 。如: Four policemen rode past on the motorbikes, then came the television broadcasting car, and finally the marathon runners.四个警察骑着摩托车过去了, 接着来了电视直播车, 最后来的是马拉松赛跑选手。 We waited and waited, and the train finally arrived.我们等了又等,火车终于来了。 at last 也可用来表示“等候或耽误了很多时间后才??” ,语气比较强烈。如: At last the work was done and he could rest.最后,工作完成了,他可以休息了。 In the end 表示经过许多变化、困难和捉摸不定的情况后,某事才发生。它相当于 at last, finally(的第二个用法) 。如: When a piece of ice is taken into a warm house, it becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, until in the end it disappears completely.一块冰拿进暖和的屋子以后,它会变得越来越小, 直到最后完全消融。 4. advance v.前进;进展 move forward or develop。例如: The solders advanced on the enemy. 士兵们向敌人进发。 A month has passed and the work has no advanced. 一个月过去了,可是工作却没有进展。 n. 前进;进展 forward movement or development. 例如: You cannot stop the advance of old age. 你不能阻止年龄老化的步伐。 In advance“提前” advanced 是形容词,解释“高级的;先进的” 。如 advanced education 高等教育 5. disaster n 灾难;灾祸;天灾。指“不可预测的意外事件所造成的灾难或不幸”, 如: The floods were a disaster. 洪水是一种灾害。 These difficulties are caused by natural disasters.这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。 6. seize vt, vi 1) (常与 of 连用)依法没收;扣押;查封 If you don't pay your debt, your property will be seized. 如果你不还债, 你的财产将被扣押。 2) (常与 on, upon 连用)夺取;强占 The army seized the fort. 军队占领了这个要塞。 The class which seizes the political power will be the ruling class. 哪个阶级夺取了政权就成为统治阶级。 3) (常与 on, upon 连用)抓住;掠住 The bird seized an unusually big beetle and bore it off to its nest. 那只鸟抓住一只特别大的甲虫把它带进窝。 4)侵袭,占有(身体) ;支配,把握(情绪) He was seized with pain. 他为痛苦所困。 5)明白, 理解 I can't quite seize your meaning. 我不太理解你的意思。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 12 页 北京四中网校学案导学8. swallow vt, vi 1)吞下,咽下 She swallowed some milk. 她咽下几口牛奶。 2)忍受;容忍;轻信 She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.她抑制不快, 强作笑容。 swallow up 吞下去; 卷进去; 耗尽; 销售一空 She was swallowed up by the crowd. 她被人群吞没了。 9. fright n 受惊;惊骇 to die of fright 因惊骇致死 The loud thunder gave me a fright. 这声响雷吓了我一大跳。 Vt 1) 吓唬;使惊惧 He was frightened of the fierce dog. 他让这只凶猛的狗吓怕了。 You'll find that these girls don't frighten easily now. 你会发现现在这些女孩子不会轻易感到害怕的。 He was frightened at the thought of his huge debts. 他一想到他背负的巨额债务便胆战心惊。 2)(常与 away, off, out of, into 连用)吓走 He frightened off his attacker by calling for the police. 她呼叫警察把袭击者吓走了。 They frightened the white bird away by rising to their feet suddenly. &他们突然站了起来,把那只白色的鸟吓跑了。& scare 在口语中的含义与 frighten 相同,可以通用;但是在文学作品中,用词准确的作家总是把它 用于表示把某人“吓跑” The dog scared the thief away. 那只狗把小偷吓跑了。 The firecrackers scared the cat. 爆竹声把那只猫吓跑了。 10.shake vt. vi. 1) 摇动,晃 动;挥动,舞动;震动 The house shook as the heavy truck went past. 重载的卡车经过时,房子摇晃起来。 The man shook his fist angrily. 他愤怒地挥动着拳头。 2) 挥去;摇落,抖掉 to shake leaves from a tree 把树叶从树上摇落 3) 握手 The two men shook hands. 两人握手。 4) 逃脱,摆脱 Try to shake him off. 试图摆脱他。 11. drag vt, vi 1) 拖;拉;曳 The horse was dragging a heavy load. 马拖曳着重载。 2) 勉强地捱;磨蹭着走 to walk with dragging feet 3) 打捞;拖捞 They dragged the river for the missing child. 他们在河里打捞失踪的孩子。 12. pull vt, vi 1) 拉;拖;牵 to pull the door open 把门拉开 A horse pulled the cart along the road. 一匹马拉着大车沿着大路走。 The child pulled at its mother's coat for more chocolate.孩子拉着母亲的外衣还要巧克力。 2) 搬开;易拉动;扳动;扣 &To fire the gun, pull the trigger.&要开枪就扣动板机。 3) 伸展;用力拉而弄伤 He pulled the muscles in the leg. 他把腿部肌肉拉伤了。 4) 脱掉;拔掉 That tooth should be pulled out. 那颗牙齿应该拔掉。 These grass roots don't pull easily.这些草根不好拔。 5) 吸引;招徕 The football match pulled in great crowds. 足球赛吸引了大批观众。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 13 页 北京四中网校学案导学pull ,draw, drag 比较 pull 为通用词。常伴有状语表示拖的方向 A small fishing-boat was carried miles out to sea by a powerful fish as it pulled on the line. 一条小渔般被一条力气强大的鱼拖着鱼线带数英里以外的海上去了。 draw 通常表示“向前方拖” ,或“向施加力的人或物的方向拖或拉” ,并且包含着 “比较轻易地或平滑地运动” If a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. 如果火车开进这条隧道,它会抽进新鲜冷空气。 drag 的含义是“慢慢地而沉重的拽” ,而且包含着被拖者进行着积极的或消极的阻抗或阻力 When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. 战俘杀死卫兵后,很快把他拖进矮树丛中。 13. destroy vt. vt. 1) 毁坏, 破坏 指“剧烈地破坏”“使之不存在”或“使之失去效能”, 如: 、 The enemy destroyed the city.敌人破坏了这座城市。 2) 打破(希望, 计划), 使失败 The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake]. 房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。 The heavy rain destroyed all hope of a picnic. 大雨打破了野餐的一切希望。 14. strike vt. vi. n. 1) 打;击 He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。 2) 使突然成为;使出其不意地成为 I was struck all of a heap. 我大吃一惊。 3) 打火;划火柴 The poor girl struck a match to warm herself.这可怜的小女孩K亮了一根火柴取暖。 4)有强烈的感受;造 成深刻的印象 How does the idea strike you? 你感觉那主意怎么样? 5)突然想到; 猛然悟到 An idea suddenly struck me. 我心中忽然产生一个念头。 6)罢工 The workers were striking because they wanted more money. 工人们在罢工, 因为他们要求增加工资。 15. fear 不管用作名词还是动词,基本上有两个含义,即“怕”或“担心” n. 1) 害怕,恐惧 He was shaking with fear. 他害怕得直发抖。 2) 担心;顾虑 There is no fear of his getting any injury.他不会受伤的。 There's not much fear of frost at this time of year.每年这个时候,就不用担心会下霜冻了。 The teacher refused to have his daughter in his class, for fear of showing favour to her. 教师不愿意把自己的女儿编入自己的班级,恐怕会对她有所偏袒。 vt, vi 惧怕,害怕, 担忧 I fear that you'll be late if you don't go now. 如果你现在不走的话,我担心你会迟到。 I fear that they must have set off. 我怕他们已经动身了。 二、重点词组 1. take place 发生 take one?s place 入座、站好位置、取得地位 take sb?s place 或 take the place of sb / sth 代替、取代 The Olympic Games take place / are held every four years. 2. on fire 相当于 burning, 意为“燃烧;着火;起火” ,有静态的含意。Catch fire 有动态的含意。 Set… on fire / set fire to ?用来表示“使??着火”“放火烧??” 、 。例如: 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 14 页 北京四中网校学案导学Look, the theatre is on fire! Let?s go and help.瞧,剧院着火了,咱们去帮忙救火吧。 He is the very person that set the theatre on fire.他正是放火烧剧院的那个人。 Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.突然,一锅油着火了。 3. get on one?s feet 1)站起来;站起来发言 2)(=stand on one's feet)自立, 经济上独立 3)(人)病好了, 可以起床了; (使)恢复, 复苏(指企业) 4. go through 1) 经历;经受;遭到 These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。 2) 完成;做完 I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。 3)通过;批准 The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。 Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。 4)全面检查;搜查 They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。 5. on holiday 在度假,在休假中 When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。 holiday(holidays)一般指“休假” Tom and I are going to have a holiday. 我和汤姆准备去度假。 I've already had my holidays this year. 我今年已经度过假了。 注:have a (或 one's)holiday 度假,during a holiday 在一次假期中。这种用法的 holiday 总用单 数形式,但并不只是“一天”假。 复数形式的 holidays 泛指“假日” ,如 summer holidays 暑假。 但“Sunday is a holiday ”中的 holiday 却是“一天”的假。 6.travel agency A business that attends to the details of transportation, itinerary, and accommodations for travelers. 旅行社一种为旅行者提供细致的运输、旅行和住宿方面服务的行业 Also called: travel bureau 三、重点句型 1. Before she could move , she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 她还没来得及跑,就听到一个巨大的声音逐渐变成可怕的轰鸣声。 Before 引导的状语从句常常意为“在... ...之前”或“还没来得及” 。 However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. 然而,她还没来得及再思考,水已经到了她跟前。 Before they reached the house, a new great wave came, sweeping down the trees, and sweeping them down too.他们还没到屋子,又一个巨浪打来,冲倒了树,也冲倒了他们。 2. Tree after tree went own, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep. 一棵又一棵的树被水冲倒、冲断。那水肯定有三米深。 “must have + 过去分词”表示对已发生事情的猜测。在英语中,must,may,can 三个情态动词可 用来表示对事情的猜测。Must 意为“肯定” ,语气很有把握;may 意为“可能”“也许” 、 ,语气把 握性不大。两者常用在肯定句中。Can 意为“肯定”“也许” 、 ,常用在否定句或疑问句中。Must, may,can 三者用于表示猜测时,其后面可跟三种不同的动词形式:1)跟动词原形表示对现在事情 的猜测; 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 15 页 北京四中网校学案导学2)跟 be doing 表示对正在发生事情的猜测;3)跟 have done 表示对已经发生的事情的猜测。例如: Helen is Lucy?s good friend. She must know Lucy?s e-mail. 海伦是露茜的好朋友。她肯定知道露茜的电子邮件。 We can hear loud voices in the meeting room. They must be quarrelling. 我们可以听到会议室很吵。他们肯定在吵架。 I met Jeff at the gate a moment ago. He can?t have gone to Australia. 我刚才还在大门口见过杰夫。他不可能去了澳大利亚。 3. Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand. 魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。 fun “好玩,趣事” ,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词 a。 You?re sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。 make fun of“取笑”“嘲弄” , 。People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a strange jacket. 人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。 funny adj. “可笑的,滑稽的” 。He looks very funny in his father?s jacket.他穿着他父亲的衣服,看 上去很滑稽。 四、语法:限定性定语从句 1、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词 叫先行词。 定语从句一般放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的词有关系代词 that, which, who ( 宾格 whom,所有格 whose)和关系副词 where, when,关系代词或关系副词放在先行词和定语从句之间, 起联系作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成份。 ⑴The man who lives next to us sells vegetables. 住在我的隔壁的人是卖菜的。 在该句中 the man 是先行词,who 是关系代词,引导定语从句 who lives next to us.在定语从句中, who 作主语。 2、由关系代词 who, whom, which, that 引导的限定性定语从句。 1)如果先行词是人,则用关系代词 who/ 如果先行词是物,则用关系代词 which/that。 ⑵The number of people who/that lost homes reached as many as 250,000. 无家可归的人多达 25 万。 ⑶It sounded like a train that was going under my house. 它听起来就像是在我的房子下行驶的一列火车。 2)关系代词 who, whom, which, that 既起联系作用,引导定语从句,使之同它句中的某个名词/代词 发生关系,同时又充当定语从句的一个成份。 (如作从句中的主语或宾语) 。 当它们在从句中作宾语时,常可以省略。 ⑷The boy(who/whom/that)we saw yesterday was John's brother. 我们昨天见到的那个男孩是约翰的兄弟。 ⑸The car (which/that)my uncle just bought was destroyed in the earthquake. 我叔叔刚买的那辆汽车在地震上毁坏了。 说明: 关系代词 whom 用来指人,是宾格,常用在书面语中作定语从句的宾语。在口语和非正式文体中, 常用 who/that 来代替 whom 或省略,如例句 4。 3)当关系代词 that 或 which 修饰事物,作介词宾语时,如果介词位于关系代词之前,则用 which(不 能省)而不用 that。 ⑹The tool with which he is working is called a saw = The tool(that/which)he is working with is called a saw.他干活的那个工具叫锯子(不说…with that…) 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 16 页 北京四中网校学案导学⑺The factory in which his father used to work was closed last month = the factory (that/which) his father used to work in was closed last month. 他父亲以前工作过的那家工厂上个月关闭了。 说明:含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词的后面。 Is this the watch (which/that)you are looking for? 这是你正在找的那块手表吗? The babies(whom/that)the nurses are looking after are very healthy. 那些护士正在照顾的宝宝们非常健康。 必听课程 栏目:视听课堂 名称:Unforgettable experiences 课件 ID 号(16924) 主讲教师:王实Unit 5 The silver screen一、重点词汇 1. career n. 1)(个人的)事业 He had a very successful career.他的事业很成功。 2)职业 There are many more careers open to women now than 50 years ago. 现在比 50 年前有更多的职业向妇女开放了。 3)可作定语,表“生平” “生涯” He? it?s the only job he?s ever done.他是个职业教师,这是他做过的惟一的一个工作。 2. drama n. 1)剧本 He has written a historic drama.他写了一个历史剧。 2)戏剧 (u) She wants to study drama and become an actress.她想学戏剧当一名演员。 3)戏剧性(u) ,戏剧性的事件 The history of space exploration is an exciting drama. 太空探险的历史是一个激动人心的戏剧性事件。 adj. dramatic(有关)戏剧的; 戏剧性的 adv. dramatically 戏剧性地 n. dramatist 剧作家 3. prize n. 奖 My sister won the first prize for her singing.我姐姐唱歌获一等奖。 4. hero n.英雄, 主人公 national heroes 民族英雄, the hero/heroine of the film 电影的男/女主人公 5. scene n. 1) 故事/ 事情发生的地方 This is the scene of accident which happened last night.这个故事发生的地方是个村庄。 2) 剧中的布景,场/风景,景象 We missed the first few scenes of the movie.电影的开始几个场景我们没看到。 Taxis and buses are part of the street scenes.出租车和公共汽车是街道的风景。 behind the scenes 到后台,在幕后 come / appear on the scene 出现 on the scene 在现场,到现场 6. choice n.选择,选择的人或东西 We each had to make a choice.我们每人都的作出选择。 The shop has a large choice of hats.这个店里有很多帽子可供选择。 have no choice but to do…不得不做某事 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 17 页 北京四中网校学案导学We had no choice but to do what we were asked to do. 我们没有办法,只好做被要求做的事。 adj. 精选的,高级的 I bought some choice apples in the market.我昨天在市场上买了些上等的苹果。 7. degree n. 1) 度,级 The summer months has an average temperature of more than 30 degrees centigrade. 夏天平均温度超过 30 度。 2)程度 He has a high degree of ability.他能力很高。 3)学位 He took his degree in physics at the university last year.他去年在大学里获得了物理学位。 to a ……degree 到……程度, 在……程度上 I agree with you to some degree.在一定程度上我同意你。 8. law n. 1) 法律(u) 作法律统称或作为整体时多加 the, 作为学科或指某类法律时常不加冠词) Law and order is necessary for a peaceful society. 法律和秩序对于社会的稳定是很有必要的。 It is against the law to steal. 偷窃是犯法的。 2)n.定律, 规律 Newton?s Law 牛顿定律 the laws of nature 自然规律 3)指具体的法律; 规律, 定律, 法则 The laws of grammar 语法规则 9. speed 1)n. 速度 with great speed 以很快速度 /at top (full, low, safe, high, ordinary) speed 以顶尖速度/ 以全速/ 以低速/ 以安全的速度/ 以高速/ 以一般的速度 at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour 以每小时 100 公里的速度 如以某个东西的速度为参照, 则为: at the speed of, 用定冠词。 at the speed of sound 以光的速度 如 2)v.快速地前进 过去式 sped He sped down the street. 他沿街快速前进。 The time sped quickly by.时间飞快地过去。 10. win v. 赢得,获得,在……中获胜, 争取到 win a victory 获得胜利/ a game/ a match 比赛获胜/ a prize 获奖 the Oscar/获奥斯卡奖/ the war 战争胜/ praises 获表扬/ a hundred pounds 获得一百镑/ her respect 赢得她的尊敬/ his friendship 获得他的友谊 He won the first prize for his invention.他获得了发明一等奖。 n. winner 获胜者 11.cruelty n. 残酷 He was treated with great cruelty.他被很残酷地对待。 adj. be cruel to…对某人残忍的 It?s cruel of sb to do sth.某人做某事很残忍 It was cruel of the parents to beat the child to death.父母把这孩子打死了真残忍。 12.owe vt. 1)欠(钱、物、债等),后面通常接直接宾语和间接宾语,即 owe sb sth 或 owe sth to sb. 例如: I owe $20 to the tailor. 我欠裁缝二十美圆。 I owed John 60 dollars when I was in Paris.我在巴黎时,欠约翰 60 美圆。 2)应该……归功于…… I owe it to you that I?m still alive. 我现在还活着,应该感谢你。 If I have improved in any way, I owe it all to my teacher. 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 18 页 北京四中网校学案导学如果说我有一些进步,这应该全部归功于我的老师。 3)应当给予…… I owe you many thanks.我非常感谢你。 We should do the duty which we owe to our country.我们应当对国家尽我们应尽的义务。 owing to, thanks to, because of 的用法区别: because of 指原因,意为“因为” ,用以指出理由。 We stayed at home. This is because of rain.我们呆在家里,因为下雨。 thanks to 即可表达正面意义(亏得,多亏,幸亏) ,又可表示讽刺意义(近乎反语“感谢”。 ) Thanks to your help we were successful. 多亏你的帮助,我们成功了。 It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game. 正是由于你的愚蠢, 我们比赛才输了。 owing to 由于,应归功于 Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled ahead of time. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。 13. accept 接受,指经过考虑,由主观意志来决定接受,动作者本身是主动的。 receive 接到, 指收到某物这一动作,本身有一定的被动性,不包含本身是否愿意接受的意思。 例如: I received an invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept it. 昨天我收到一份参加晚会的邀请,但我拒不接受。 14. live 1) adj. 现场播出 It isn? it is live.这不是录音节目, 而是现场转播。 2)adj. 活的(多作定语) I saw a live mouse there. 我看见一只活老鼠在那儿。 3)v. 活着, 住, 生活 Eat to live, bout do not live to eat.吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为吃饭。 辨析:live 表示“活着的” ,用于指物,放在名词前,只作定语用;alive 多用于指人,作表语或放 在所修饰的词后;living 既可指人,也可指物,放在所修饰的名词前,如带短语则放在名词后。 二、重点词组 1. take off 1)脱下(衣服等), 解(除)掉 He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。 2) (飞机)起飞 The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。 3)匆匆离开 The six men got into the car and took off for the park.这六个人上了车,匆匆离开去公园。 2. go wrong v. 走错路, 误入岐途, (机器等)发生故障 3. in all adv. 总共 4. stay away v.外出 5. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间) Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查单词。 相关词组:look for 寻找;look after 照顾,照料; look forward to 期待;look into 调查; look on 旁观;look out 注意;look out for 注意,留心,提防;look over 翻阅,查看,检查; look around 环视;look through 翻阅,查看。 6. run after 追逐,追求 If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 19 页 北京四中网校学案导学7. bring sb back 8. on the air 广播 We will be on the air in five minutes.我们五分钟以后开始广播。 This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.这个节目每天在同一时间播出。 9.think highly/well/much of 对……评价很高, 赞赏, 对……印象好 He was highly thought of by the manager.经理对他非常赞赏。 I think well of your suggestion.我觉得你的建议很好。 think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好, 好……不在意, 不赞成, 觉得……不怎么样 I don?t think much of him as a teacher.我觉得他作为一个老师不怎么样。 三、重点句型 1. What story do you think it?s telling?你认为它讲述的是一个什么故事? 这里的 do you think 是插入语, 还有类似的 do you suppose, you know, I suppose, do you believe 等。 陈 述句中,插入语可放在句中、句尾;特殊问句中放在句中,结构为:疑问词+插入语+陈述语序。 Who do you suppose telephoned today? 你猜今天谁打电话来了? What do you think she would feel? 你认为她会感到怎么样? 2. While still a student, she played roles in many plays. 当她还是一个学生时,就多次在话剧中扮演角色了。 While still a student 相当于 While she was still a student.在英语中有些表示时间、条件、方式或让步 等的从句有时可省略一些成分:如果从句的主语和从句的主语一致(或者是从句的主语是 it) ,而且从句谓语中又包含 be,那么这个主语和 be 动词都可以省略。 例如: Don?t talk while (you are) eating. When (he was) asked how he gained first place, he suddenly became cheerful. If (they are)operated by computer in the future, many of the trains will have no drivers. Although (it was)sold by a German company for the first time in 1899, aspirin has been around much longer than that. They looked around the room as if (they were) looking for something. The boys will go out to play football whenever (it is) possible. 1. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea… 许多看过这部电影的人都不敢在海里游。 afraid 用法说明: 1)害怕人/ 物,如:be afraid of sb / sth 2)不敢做某事,如:be afraid to do sth / of doing sth He is afraid to go out / of going out alone at night. 3) 担心会发生某事, 如: be afraid of doing sth 或 be afraid + that clause He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid of falling into the river. He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid that he might fall into the river. 4) 给人不愉快的信息或不赞同某人意见时, 用 I?m afraid …, 如: I?m afraid I?ve got bad news for you. I?m afraid I can?t agree with you. 4. After that it still took seven years before they finally got married. 从那以后过了七年他们才结婚。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 20 页 北京四中网校学案导学before……(以后)才。例如: It was a long time before I got to sleep last night.昨天夜里过了好久我才睡着。 It will be four years before we meet again.四年以后我们才能再见面。 注意 before 的特殊用法: 1)不等... ...就, He went out before I had (had) a chance to tell him the good news. 我还没来得及告诉他这个消息他就已经出去了。 2) (不多久...)就 ... We hadn?t waited long before the bus came.我们没等多久,公共汽车就来了。 It won?t be long before you get well again.不久你就可以恢复健康了。 3)宁愿...,也不... ... ... He will die of hunger before he will steal 他宁愿饿死,也决不行窍。 必听课程 栏目:视听课堂 名称:The silver screen 课件 ID 号(16926) 主讲教师:王实Unit 6 Good manners一、重点词汇 1. manner n. 1) 做事的方法;事情发生的方式 Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? 2) 态度;举止 His manner was slightly rude, but you mustn?t mind. 他的态度有点粗鲁,但是你千万别介意。 3)(pl) 礼貌;礼节 It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth. 嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的。 You should have good manners all the time. 任何时候都应该有礼貌。 4)(pl) 风俗;习俗 the manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians 古埃及的风俗习惯 2. apologize vi 道歉 apologize to sb. for sth.为……向……道歉 I apologized to her for stepping on her foot. 我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。 I apologized to the chairman for being late.我因迟到向会议主席道歉。 (亦作: apologise)apology n.? 道歉 make an apology to sb. for sth. I owe him an apology. 我应向他道歉。 3. interrupt vt, vi 1) 阻断;中断 Don't interrupt me.别打断我。 Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm.市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。 2) 打岔;插嘴 It is rude to interrupt. 打断别人的话,是不礼貌的。 &'Don't interrupt,' he said.& &'别插话,'他说。& interruption n. 中断; 遮断; 打断; 干扰; 障碍物; 遮断物; 中断期; 休止期 interruption of communication 交通中断 service interruption 服务中断(指停电、停水等) Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work. 数不清的干扰使我未能完成这项工作。 4. introduce vt. & vi. 1)(与 to 连用)介绍 He introduced his friend to me. 他把朋友介绍给我。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 21 页 北京四中网校学案导学Let my name is Simpson.&让我作自我介绍吧,我名叫辛普森。& 2) 倡导;提倡;引进 to introduce a new subject in a school 在学校开设一门新课程 3)(与 to 连用)引导,使入门 My younger brother introduced me to Jazz. 我弟弟使我了解了爵士乐。 4)提出 They introduced the idea that children could learn to read as babies. 他们提出了这样的想法: 孩子在婴儿时期就能学习阅读。 5. fault n 1)过失,过错 Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it. 谁把杯子摔了?这是我的过错,我摔的。 That's no fault of his.这不是他的过错。 &The fault lies with me, not with you. &&这是我的责任,不是你的责任。& 2)缺点;瑕疵 &There seems to be some fault in the computer, and we're just looking into it.& &这台电脑好象有点毛病,我们正在检查原因。& Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。 fault 指小的缺点,如道德修养不完善、做的事不完美、个人习惯上有毛病等。例如: That this has not happened may be the fault of the university, … 这种事情并没有发生,这可能是这所大学的过失。 Soon she began to find fault with me. 不久她便开始找我的岔子了。 6. culture n. 1) 文化 These two countries have different cultures. 这两个国家有着不同的文化。 2) 教养;修养 a man of little culture 无教养的人 3) 文明;陶冶;教化; (身心的)锻炼与发展 4) 培育;培植;栽培 I?m learning about the culture of tomatoes.我在学西红柿的培植。 vt. 1) 使有教养 2) 耕种, 培养, 栽培 7. pray v. 祈祷; 祈求 pray + n. /that 乞求 pray somebody to do…乞求某人做某事 pray to sb to do 向某人祈祷做某事 pray for 为……祈祷/ 祈祷上帝赐给某物 She prayed silently. 她默默地祈祷。 We're praying for a fine day. 我们祈求好天气。 He prayed that he might be forgiven.他乞求得到原谅。 I?ll pray for your good health.我将为你的健康祈祷。 8. impression 印象,感觉 make / produce an impression on/upon…对……产生印象 leave an impression… 对……留下印象 under the impression 有……这样的印象 The headmaster made a bad impression on the parents.校长对这些家长产生很坏的印象。 The story produced a strong impression on me.这个故事对我印象很深。 This experience left a lasting impression on me.这个经历对我留下很久的印象。 We?re under the impression that they were brothers.我们有这么一个感觉,他们是弟兄。 Impress v. 1)(常与 on 连用)使(人)印象深刻;使铭记 His words are strongly impressed on my memory. 他的话使我深深铭记心头。 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 22 页 北京四中网校学案导学2)(常与 on 连用)使印象深刻 I impressed on him the importance of his work. 我使他注意他的工作的重要性。 3)(常与 with 连用)盖(印) ;盖(印)于 impress wax with a seal 把印盖在火漆上 9. toast vt, vi 1)烘,烤(面包、酪等) 2)烘暖;烤热 3)敬酒,祝酒 We toasted the bread.我们烤面包。 Do you like your bread toasted? 你喜欢烤制的面包吗? They toasted their feet in front the fire. 他们在火炉前烤脚取暖。 n. 1) 烤面包片,吐司 2) 敬酒,祝酒 3)受敬酒的人,受祝酒的人 I like toast for breakfast.我早餐喜欢吃烤面包。 They drank a toast to their host.他们向主人祝酒。 10. advice n. give sb. some advice(on sth)给某人(关于)某方面的建议 ask sb. for advice 要某人提意见 take / follow one?s advice 接受 / 采纳某人的意见 Now I want to give you some advice on how to learn English. 我想给你提一些怎样学好英语的建议。 Advise v. 1) + 名词或代词 / on sth. We advised an early start.我们建议早点出发。 2) +由不定式构成的复合宾语 What do you advise me to do?你建议我做什么呢? 3) +从句(从句中用 should do 或 should 省略) I advised her that she (should) wait.我建议她等一等。 4)+ 动名词 I advise waiting till the proper time。我建议等到合适时候。 11. extra adj, adv 特别的(地) ;额外的(地) Can I have extra time to finish my work? 我能有额外的时间来完成我的工作吗? &Dinner costs $80, and wine is extra.& &饭菜是八十美元,酒费另收。& Children were extra glad to see the foreign visitors.孩子们见到外国客人高兴极了。 n. 1) 另外计价的项目 2) 临时演员 3) (报纸的)号外 This hotel charges extra for a room with a bath. 这个旅馆对有洗澡间的房间额外收费。 We need 1000 extras for the big scene when they cross the Red Sea . 我们需要 1000 名临时演员拍摄横渡红海的一场戏。 12. unfold v. 1)把(折叠的)东西打开, fold 折叠,合拢在一起 He sat down and unfolded the newspaper.他坐下打开了报纸。 2)透漏,讲述 They have unfolded all their secrets to us.他们把秘密全透漏给了我们。 3) (使)展现,为人们所了解 The story unfolded as the film went on.随着电影的继续,这故事逐渐展开。 13. spirit n. 1)精神;灵魂 Don't let your spirits droop.不要萎靡不振。 2) 幽灵;鬼魂;精灵;神灵 Some people think that they have seen the spirits of dead persons. 一些人认为他们看到过死人的鬼魂。 3)意愿;心 情,态度 He is in good spirit. 他很愉快。 4)活力;力量;锐气;精力;生气 地址:西宁市昆仑路 24 号(西宁市十二中学校门东隔壁三楼)第 23 页 北京四中网校学案导学5)烈酒;酒精;酒精溶液;火酒 Whiskey or brandy is called spirits.威士忌或白兰地叫酒。 14. wing n.翅膀 The eagle spread its wings and flew away.鹰展开翅膀飞走了。 v. 飞翔 The plane winged through the sky 飞机从天空飞过。 二、重点词组 1. leave out 1) 漏掉 You made a mistake―You?ve left out a letter “t”.你出错了―你漏掉了一个字母 t. 2) 删掉, 没用 I haven?t changed or left out a thing.我没有作出变动也没有删掉任何东西。 2. stare at (由于好奇、激动等张着嘴巴,睁大眼睛地)凝视,盯着看 Don?t stare at foreigners. It?s impolite.不要盯着外国}


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