含有英语邮件第一句五种基本句型的诗第一句是i come 新东方的李辉老师讲过

18:01:30 来源:新东方在线
  众所周知,&大量阅读&是快速提升英语成绩的重要手段。在进行训练时,&长难句&可谓让人头疼的大麻烦。那么,有没有一种简便方法能让我们迅速破解长难句呢?当然有!只要你真心渴望提升成绩,愿意拿出2~3个小时研读本文,就一定能够在不远的将来创造提分奇迹。新东方在线英语辅导名师李辉老师结合过去八年教学实践经验,通过分析英语句子中的重要特点--&三长两短一并列&--创造了一套简单而有效的方法,即&组件分析三步法&(江湖人称&括号法&),帮助学员快速看清英语句子结构,轻松读懂长难句。  为帮助最大量学员了解&括号法&的神奇魅力,辉辉老师决定将这个方法撰文公开。帮助大家早学会,早提分。  什么是&三长两短一并列&  我们先来看两句话:①我是李辉。(I am LiHui.) ②我爱你。(I love you.)这两句话中只有&主干成分&而没有&修饰成分&。像这样的句子,中文和英文的&语序&(单词排列顺序)基本是一致的,都是&主-系-表&或者&主-谓-宾&,理解起来非常容易。然而,在加上修饰成分后,中文与英文句子之间的语序就会发生变化。来看两个例子:①我是新东方的李辉。(I am LiHui from New Oriental School.) ②我全心全意地爱你。(I love you with all my heart.) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解。  例如:After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I returned to my office. 这个句子中含有大量的&介词短语&这种修饰成分。我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成:(After chatting) (with Laura) (on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned两个单词而已。可见,介词短语正是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因之一!  当然,以上几个句子还比较简单(少量介词短语对句意理解的影响不大),但是,当句子中出现更多类似介词短语的修饰成分时,可想而知,由于中英文语序的不同,英文句子会变得&面目全非&,令人难以理解。由此看来,英语中灵活多变的修饰成分正是造成英语句子又长又难的头号罪犯,只要搞定这些修饰部分,就能搞定英语长难句。  幸运的是,尽管这些修饰成分数量很多、位置也不好把握,但是,它们的种类却是非常固定的。笔者将这些修饰成分总结为&三长两短&。所谓&三长&,就是构成长难句的三种较长修饰成分(即介词短语、从句、非谓语动词短语);所谓&两短&,指的是镶嵌于句子之中的、会稍稍提高句子复杂度的两种较短修饰成分(即形容词、副词)。而除了&三长两短&之外,另外一个使句子变得复杂的结构就是&平行并列结构&。&平行并列结构&是由一些并列关系的连词(and、or、as well as等)将句子变长的重要手段。  事实上,再长的句子都是由非常简单的主干成分(主干成分的基本语序和中文语序一致,此外还有若干与中文语序不一致的&特殊句型&,如there be句型、It isadj.for sb. to do句型、倒装句型、强调句型等等)再加上这&三长两短一并列&而组成的。由于水平所限,本文字讲解略显繁琐。如果自己看不懂,搜索新东方在线网络课程《高考英语15天基础速成班》,聆听辉辉老师为你清晰讲解这一方法,早学会、早提分。
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高考英语 15 天基础速成目录开班介绍................................................................................................................................................... 2 第一天 单词的秘密................................................................................................................................. 3 第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密――45 个基本介词的用法 ................................... 7 第四天:句子的秘密............................................................................................................................. 59 第五天:谓语动词的秘密..................................................................................................................... 65 第六天:三大从句之――名词性从句 ................................................................................................. 74 第七天:三大从句之――定语从句 ..................................................................................................... 80 第八天:三大从句之――状语从句 ..................................................................................................... 84 第九天 非谓语动词............................................................................................................................... 89 第十天 特殊句型的秘密....................................................................................................................... 94 第十一天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” ........................................................................................... 102 (括号法)........................................................................................................................................... 102 第十二天: 读懂段落之――段落的十个秘密 .................................................................................... 107 第十三天:“括号法+主题法”综合练习 ......................................................................................... 112 &阅读理解内功提升三步法 ................................................................................................................ 112 第十四天: 书面表达基础之“五步造句法” .................................................................................... 116 第十五天: 书面表达基础之“天龙八步作文法” ............................................................................ 1181 开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密 《高考英语 15 天快速提分班》 考试成绩=基础知识 X 解题能力 《高考英语 15 天基础速成班》课后题 0.1考试成绩由哪两方面决定? 答:1、基础知识 2、解题能力2 不择手段背单词 遇到生词怎么办 ? 第 2 天:玩转“固定搭配”(上) ? 第 3 天:玩转“固定搭配”(下) 【第二部分】语法系统复习 ? 第 4 天:句子的秘密 “语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法) 快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型 ? 第 5 天:谓语动词的秘密 “谓语动词”之时态/被动 “谓语动词”之虚拟/情态 【第三部分】阅读能力提升 ? 第 11 天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” 高分内功特训之“同步视译” 高分内功特训之“断句朗读” ? 第 12 天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密” 高分内功特训之“主题阅读” ? 第 13 天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法 【第四部分】写作能力提升 ? 第 14 天:微观雕琢 五步造句法(最核心提分技术) 造句魔鬼特训 ? 第 15 天:宏观打造 书面表达标准段落结构及写法 天龙八“步”作文法 课后题 0.2 不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识? ? 答:1、_词汇_____知识 2、_语法_____知识 3、_阅读_____高分技能 4、_写作_____高分技能课程安排 【第一部分】词汇方法突破 ? 第 1 天:单词的秘密第一天 单词的秘密3 一、单词需要学多少? ? GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000 ? TOEFL/IELTS: ? 考研:6500 ? 六级:6750 ? 四级:4500 ? 高考: ? 中考: ? 二、背单词的有效方法 ? 1、死磕法 ? 2、联想法 ① 口诀联想法 lie lied lied 规则的是说谎 lie lay lain 不规则是“躺” lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋, 下蛋不规则。 ② 谐音联想法 shop/shopping angel leader cookie gene robust cigar apology immigrate ambition toast nutrition giant curse bass adult delta ambulance ③ 拆分联想法 motel chaos elegant candidate chill isolate superb leisure genius scream schedule Inherit cargo abundant tenant crystal 课后题 1.1 Schedule ? 3、词源法 he C she best C worst live C evil melon -- lemon4? ? ?athlete amateur germ agony yogurt admire economy timid envelop assess glove donation tuition protest stimulate请写出下列单词的中文释义: abundant donation elegant immigrant plus C minus glad C sad near C far accuse C excuse make C fake monkey-donkey wild C mild host C guest junior C senior army C navy physical C mental hungry C thirtytomb C womb zealous C jealous hospitality C hostility humble C noble diction C action maximum―minimum quantity―quality fire―hire offend―defend assignC resign arrow-bow import C export前缀 + 词根 + 后缀 改变单词倾向 + 决定单词意思 + 词性 inter + nation + al = international 原理 熟词生“词根” 加“前缀”表倾向 加“后缀”表种属(词性) ? 词根词缀法可以用于记忆一些比较我勒个去的长单词 ? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis ? pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis ? 肺部的-极端的-微小的-观测-硅-火山-粉尘病 ? 矽肺病 ? ① 前缀 + 词根: ? impossible 不可能的 = im- 不 + possible 可能的 ? rebuild 重建 = re- 重、再 + build 建设 ? prospect 展望 = pro-向前 + spect 看 ? export 输出 = ex- 出 + port 运 ? ② 词根 + 后缀 ? reader 读者 = read 读 + -er 人 ? dentist 牙科医生 = dent 牙齿 + -ist 从事某种职业者 ? hopeful 充满希望的 = hope 希望 + -ful 充满…的 ? hopeless 无希望的 = hope 希望 + -less 无...的 ③ 前缀 + 词根 + 后缀 ? uncomfortable 不舒服的 = un- 不 + comfort 舒服 + -able 能..5 ? ?progressive 前进的 = pro- 向前+ gress 走 + ive ...的 contemporary 同时代的 = con- 同 + tempor 时代+ -ary ...的④ ace?“ac-”尖、酸 ? ? accuse v.指责;控告 ? ? acute a.敏锐的;急性的;锐角的 ? ? acid a. 酸的;尖酸 ? ? liquid a.液体的 ? ? solid a.固体的 ? ⑤ spir=breathe,表示“呼吸” ? spirit n 精神;情绪 ? conspire v 同谋 ? expire v 断气;期满 ? inspire v 吸气;鼓励 ? perspire v 出汗 ? respire v 呼吸;恢复精神 ? transpire v 泄露 ? dispirit v 使沮丧(dis 去掉+spirit 精神) ? ⑥ 关于词根词缀法的几点补充说明 ? 1、词根词缀法只能用来背单词,不能用来猜单词 yellowish reddish brownish Scottish English ? 2、有些单词无法用词根词缀法解释 fiancé fiancée latte cappuccino spaghetti tsunami volcano tornado 课后题 1.2 请写出下列单词的中文释义: Prospect visualize contemporary ?export4、语境法 ① 记单词=为单词建立“语感” ? 语感=把语言和感觉直接联系起来的能力。 “pig” 我们: “pig” --& p - i - g --& “猪” 老外: “pig” --& (猪的图片)(右图)思维汉语英语② 利用“语境”杠杆,撬动单词记忆 ? 1、【原理】单词量 = 阅读量 ? 2、【方法】制造缘分,多次遇见,每次见面,打个招呼。6 ? 不靠智商,靠情商 ? 不靠勤奋,靠缘分 ? 3、【要求】利用阅读、完型,每天收集 50 个生词,当天能记得就行。“只 求曾经拥有,不求天长地久” ③ 背单词基本过程 ? 形同陌路 ? 似曾相识 允许遗忘! ? 一见如故 ? 刻骨铭心 ④ 艾宾浩斯记忆曲线 课后题 1.3 1、背单词,最重要的是为单词建立______ 2、背单词,一定要”允许”自己______ 三、遇见生词怎么办 ? 1、段首句中有生词:看懂下文解释 ? 2、并列部分有生词:认识一个就行 ? 3、段落中间有生词:直接涂黑试试 ? 4、生词若是关键词:可以模糊翻译 ? 5、段尾句中有生词:总结上文意思 ? A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners. Some of them were looking to make a permanent home in the United States, while others didn’t to stay ---- they would make some money and then go home. Between 1908 and 1915, about 7 million people arrived while about 2 million departed. Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or brand them as aliens fit for deportation. Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and particle physicists are among today’s immigrants. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas. They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them. They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another. 推测词义的本质 在于对英语段落结构的深刻理解! 课后题 1.4 在以下几种情况中,遇见生词怎么办? ? 段首句中有生词,看懂_下文解释___ ? 并列部分有生词,认识_一个_____就行 ? 段落中间有生词,直接_涂黑_____试试 ? 生词若是关键词,可以_模糊_____翻译 ? 段尾句中有生词,总结_上文_____意思第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密7 ――45 个基本介词的用法1、about 【原始含义】 a-b-out “A 在 B 外面” 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)在…到处,在…各处 here and there eg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so. He looked about the room. (2)在…附近 next to a place eg. She lives about the office. (3)关于 in connection with eg: a book about English study I don’t know what you are talking about. [adv] (1)大约 close to eg: We left there about 10 o’clock. It costs about 500 dollars. (2)到处,各处 eg: The children were rushing about in the garden. (3)在附近 eg : There is no food about. 【常见搭配】 作介词时的搭配: 一.动词+(about+名词) (1)arrange (about sth) (2)argue (about sth) (3)ask (about sth) (4)boast (about sb/sth) (5)care (about sb/sth) (6)chat (about sth) (7)complain (about sb/sth) (8)dream (about sb/sth) (9)go (about sth) (10)hear (about sth) (11)know (about sth) 安排关于某事 讨论某事 询问关于某事 吹嘘... 关心…,对…感兴趣 谈论某事 抱怨… 梦见某人/某物 着手做...;从事... 听说... 了解...8 (12)learn (about sth) (13)put (about sth) (14)quarrel (about sth) (15)see (about sth) (16)talk (about sth) (17)think (about sth) (18)warn sb (about sth) (19)wonder (about sb/sth) (20)worry (about sb/sth) 二、名词+(about+名词) (1)concern (about sb/sth) (2)curiosity (about sb/sth) (3)doubt (about sb/sth) (4)ethusiasm (about sth) (5)information (about sb/sth) (6)remark (about sth) (7)opinion (about sth) (8)view (about sb/sth) 三、be+adj+(about+名词) (1)be angry (about sth) (2)be anxious (about sth) (3)be careful (about sth) (5)be certain (about sth) (6)be curious (about sth)得知某事 散布(谣言等) 为...争吵 负责处理... 谈论... 考虑.. 告诫某人关于某事 对.. 好奇 对...担心对…的关心/关怀 对…的好奇 对…的怀疑 对…的热情 关于…的信息 对…的评论 对…的意见 对...的观点为…而生气 为…忧虑 当心… 确信关于某事 对…感到好奇 对…感到失望 对…感到兴奋 对…感到高兴 对…抱有希望(4)be cautious (about sth) 谨防...;对...持谨慎态度(7)be disappointed (about sth) (8)be excited (about sth) (9)be glad/happy (about sth) (10)be hopeful (about sth) (11)be crazy/mad/wild (about sth) 对…痴狂;酷爱某事 (12)be nervous (about sth) 为…感到不安/因...感到紧张(13)be optimistic/positive (about sth) 对...是积极乐观的 (14)be particular (about sb/sth) (15)be sad (about sth) (16)be serious (about sth) (17)be sorry (about sth) 对...抱歉9对... 讲究,挑剔 为…而难过 对…认真 作副词时的搭配: 名词+动词+about (1)sth come about (2)sth get about (3)sb turn about (4)sb wander about (5)sb walk about 2、above 【原始含义】 a-b-over “A 在 B 上方” 【引申含义】prep. (1)在…上方 at or to a higher place than sth/sb eg: The sun rose above the horizon. (2)数目大于…/重量超过…/价格(能力、地位)高于… more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth. eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents. (3) 重要性或质量超过、胜过 of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth eg. I rate her above most other players of her age. (4)声音超过… louder or clearer than another sound eg: I couldn’t hear her above the noise of the traffic. (5)不至于,不屑于做某事 too good or too honest to do sth eg. She is above suspicion. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(above+名词) (1)live ( above one’s income) 入不敷出地生活 (2)put A (above B) (3)rise (above sth) (4)talk (above one’s head) 二、be+(above+名词) (1)be (above oneself ) 兴高采烈= be in one’s high spirit (2)be (above one’s head) 难以理解/超出某人理解能力 把 A 看得比 B 更重要 克服...,不受....的影响 高深莫测地谈论 某事发生 某事(尤指消息等)传开 某人转身 某人徘徊,游荡 某人走来走去10 3、across 【原始含义】 a-grass “一片草坪”,across 指在平面上经过,就像人走过一片草坪那样。 【引申含义】prep. (1)穿过 from one side to the other side eg: She walked across the road. (2)在...对面 on the other side of sth. eg: The bar is just across the street. (3)交叉 cross eg: He sat with his arms across his chest. (4)在...各处,遍及... everywhere eg. The opinion is common across the university. 【常见搭配】 动词+(across+名词) (1)A come (across B) A 偶遇 B (2)A cut (across B) (3)A go (across B) (4)A put (across B) (5)A run (across B) 4、after 【原始含义】 “A 在 B 之后(强调顺序)” 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)在…之后 (时间顺序、空间顺序) following sth in time eg: After dinner, they went out for a walk. (2)在…后面,仅次于(按重要性)next to the following eg. Your name comes after mine in the list. (3)与…对照、对比 in contrast to sth eg. It was cool after the heat outside. (4)照着…的样子 following the example of sb/sth eg: Read the sentence after me, please. [adv] 后来、以后 later in time, afterwords eg:Soon after, she came back to her hometown. The prince and princess lived happily ever after. 【常见搭配】 作介词时的搭配11A 走 B 捷径;A 打断 B A 穿过 B A 解释清楚 B;A 把 B 送到对岸 A 横穿 B;A 偶然碰到 B 一、名词+动词+(after+名词) A 追赶/追求 B A 追逐 B. A 照顾 B. A 以 B 为榜样、原型;A 效仿 B A 用 B 作名字. A 追求/追赶/追逐 B. A 研究 B. A 照顾 B A 寻找 B. A 与 B 相像.(1)A chase (after B) (2)A go (after B) (3)A look (after B) (4)A model (after B) (5)A name (after B) (6)A run (after B) (7)A search (after B) (8)A see (after B) (9)A seek (after B) (10)A take (after B) 二、(after+名词) (1)(after a while) (2)(after all)过了一会,不久 毕竟;终究 正合...的心意;(3)(after one’s own heart) 5、against 【原始含义】 a-g-a“相对” 【引申含义】 [prep](1)碰着、靠着 touching, close to or hitting sb/sth eg: She was leaning against a tree. (2)反对 opposing or disagreeing with sb./sth eg: We should fight against crimes. (3)预防 in order to prevent sth from happening eg: Save money against a rainy day. 未雨绸缪 (4)违反(违反法律、制度) eg: It is against the law to hunt tigers. (5)不利于 not to the advantage or favor of sb./sth eg: What he said is against him. (6)映衬 with sth in the background as a contrast Eg. The red flag stood out clearly against the blue sky. (7)和…相比 in contrast to sth eg. You must weigh the benefits against the cost. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(against+名词) (1) act (against sth) (2) argue (against sth) (3) compete (against sb) 违反... 为...而争辩/据理反对 与某人比赛/竞争/对抗(4) decide (against sth/doing sth)12 考虑后不做某事/声明反对某事 (5) declare (against sb/sth) (6) fight (against sth) (7) go (against sth) (8) inform (against sb) (9) lean (against sth) (10)offend (against sth) (11)press (against sth) (12)protect (against sth) (13)prepare (against sth) (14)strike (against sth) (15)struggle (against sb/sth) (16)turn (against sth) (17)vote (against sth) (18)warn sb (against sth) 二、be+adj+(against+名词) (1)be prejudiced (against sb/sth) (2)be proof (against sth) (3)be set (against sth) 6、around 【原始含义】 a+round“A 在一个圆里面(在一定范围内)” 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)在…周围,围绕 surrounding sb/sth eg: There are many bars around the town. (2)在附近,到处 in or to many places eg: I showed him around our campus. [adv] (1)大约 approximately eg: There are around 1000 people watching the game. (2)在周围 eg : How can you make the wheel go around? (3)在附近、到处 eg: I ran around to find him. 【常见搭配】 作介词时 一、动词+(around+名词) (1)center (around sth) 以...为中心,集中于...13表态反对... 反对…;与...做斗争 违反… 告发、检举某人 靠着某物/斜靠某物 违犯… 压在…上 保护免受…的伤害 防备… 罢工抗议... 与...搏斗/反抗 背叛… 投票反对… 提醒某人提防某事对... 持有偏见 可防止…的 坚决反对... (2)look (around sth) (3)wrap (around sth) 二、around +名词 (1)(around the corner) (2)(around the clock) 作副词时 名词+动词+around (1)sb gaze around 某人向四周看,环视 (2)sth get around环顾...;游览...; 缠绕住...;环绕...; ...靠近、临近、快来了; 日夜不停地;夜以继日地某事(尤指消息、谣言等)走动、流传 (3)sb/sth turn around 某人或某物转身 7、at 【原始含义】 “在场所,时间上的一点” 【引申含义】prep. (1)小地点,或小时间点 used to say where sb/sth is or when sth happens eg: Usually, he is (at his office) (in the morning). She went to school (at 8 o’clock) (in the morning). (2)在几岁时 the age (at which sb does sth) eg: She was married (at 23). (3)向,朝某人或某物 in the direction towards sb/sth eg: Don’t point at me. knock at the door, shoot at the tiger, aim at the enemy (4)从相隔…远的地方 the distance away from sth eg: Can you read that poster (at fifty miles)? You’d better keep him (at a distance). (5) 处于某种状态 the situation sb/sth is in eg: Mr. Smith is (at lunch). The country is (at war). Bill was (at his best) in college. (at one’s best: 某人的辉煌时期) (6) 在某方面 in terms of… eg: I am not good (at football). (7) 表示引发某种情绪或动作的原因 to show the cause of sth14 eg: He showed no sign of pleasure (at seeing her). I was delighted (at the result)+. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(at+名词) (1)aim (at sth) (2)arrive (at sth) (3)blush (at sth) (4)come (at sb/sth) (5)fire (at sth) (6)gaze (at sb/sth) (7)get (at sth ) (9)glare (at sb/sth) (11)knock (at sth) (12)laugh (at sb) (13)look (at sb/sth) (14)point (at sb/sth) (15)run (at sb/sth) (16)shoot (at sth) (17)shout (at sb) (18)smile (at sb) (19)target (at sb/sth) (20)wonder (at sth) (21)yell (at sb) 二、(at+名词) (1)(at the age) (of some number) (3)(at the cost/expense)(of sth) (4)(at the end) (of sth) (5)(at the request) (of sb) (7)(at the sight)(of sb/sth) (8)(at a speed)(of some number) (9)(at the thought)(of sb/sth) (10)(at birth) (11)(at bottom) (12)(at one’s command) (13)(at the corner) (14)(at dawn/daybreak) (15)(at a discount)15以…为目标;瞄准…;针对…; 到达某地或某种程度 对...感到脸红; 攻击某人;发现某事 向...开火 凝视, 注视... 到达, 接近...;着手...;暗指...;意知...; 一瞥,扫视... 对...怒目而视 敲… 嘲笑某人 看… 指向/ 瞄准 / 针对… 向某人冲去; 达到某种水平 朝…射击 朝某人喊叫 向某人微笑 瞄准…,以…为目标 对…好奇/对…感到吃惊 对某人大喊大叫 在几岁 以...为代价 在...的结尾 应某人的请求 一看见.... 以...的速度 一想到... 出生时 其实,实际上 听候...的差遣 在拐角处 在黎明, 在拂晓 减价、折扣(8)glance (at sb/sth)(10)grab/grasp (at sb/sth) 抓住...(2)(at an altitude) (of some number) 在某个高度(6)(at the risk) (of sth/doing sth) 冒着....的风险 (16)(at first) (17)(at hand) (18)(at home) (19)(at large) (20)(at length) (21)(at last) (22)(at least) (23)(at leisure) (24)(at the moment) (25)(at any price) (26)(at one time) (27)(at the same time) (28)(at work) 三、be+adj+(at+名词) (1)be angry (at sb/sth) (2)be competent (at sth) (3)be delighted (at sth) (4)be disappointed (at sb/sth) (5)be dissatisfied (at sb/sth) (7)be skilled (at sth/doing sth) (8)be gifted (at sth/doing sth) (9)be good (at sth/doing sth) 对...感到绝望;对...一筹莫展 (11)be mad (at sb/sth) (12)be surprised (at sb/sth) (14)be weak (at sth/doing sth) 8、before 【原始含义】 be+fore“在…之前“(时间、空间、顺序)” 【引申含义】prep. (1)时间上 earlier in time eg: Please come back (before 10:00pm). (2)空间上 earlier in position eg: Don’t put the cart (before the horse). (3)顺序上 earlier in order or arrangement eg: Health should come (before wealth). (4) 当(某人)面 in the presence of sb 对..愤怒 对...感到吃惊 对...生气 在...方面有能力 同时 在工作 在家/国内最初,开始时 在手边,即将发生 自由,逍遥法外 详细地 最后,终于 至少,起码 有空,闲暇时 现在,眼下... 不惜任何代价,无论如何 过去,曾经,一度对...感到非常高兴 对...感到失望 对...不满意 在...方面有技能,熟练 在...有天赋 擅长...(6)be expert (at sth/doing sth) 专长,擅长于,精通(10)be hopeless (at sth/doing sth)(13)be terrfied (at sth/doing sth) 被... 惊吓 在...方面欠缺,差eg : She charged him of murder (before the jury).16 【常见搭配】: 一、动词+(before+名词) (1)A come (before B) (2)complain (before sb) (3)go (before sb) (4)put/set A (before B) (5)stand (before sb/sth) 二、(before +名词) (1)(before day) (2)(before long) (3)(before one's eyes) (4)(before time) (5)(before the wind) (6)(before the world) 9、behind 【原始含义】 be + hide “在…之后” 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)空间上,在…后面 at the back of sb/sth eg: A dog is running (behind us). A dog is running (after us). (2)是产生…的原因 responsible for stating or developing sth eg: There must be someone (behind it). What’s (behind that happy smile)? (3)时间上,在之后 sth is in the past eg: New York is 12 hours (behind Beijing) (in time). (4)能力上,在之后 making less progress than sb./sth eg: He’s (behind the rest of others) (in reading). (5)支持,赞成 giving approval of sth eg : My mother is always (behind me) (whatever decision I make). [adv] 在后面,在远处 eg: She rode (along the street) (with her dog) (running behind). 作介词时: 一、动词+(behind+名词) (1)fall/ lag (behind sb/sth) 落在…后面17A 在 B 之上,比 B 更重要 在某人面前控诉 出现在某人面前 把 A 看的比 B 重要 站立在…前面 破晓之前 不久以后 当着某人的面 提前 顺风 在众人面前 (2)go (behind sth) They will go behind the decision. 二、(behind +名词) (1)(behind bars) (2)(behind sb’s back) (3)(behind the schedule/time) (4)(behind the times) 作副词时: (1)sb stay/ remain behind 某人(在他人走后)逗留,留下 (2)sb wait behind 10、beside 【原始含义】 be+side “在…边上” 【引申含义】prep. (1)在...旁边 next to…; by the side of… eg: a town (beside the sea) She sat (beside the teacher). (2)与...相比 compared with eg: My work is so poor (beside yours). 【常见搭配】 (beside+名词) (1)(beside oneself) (2)(beside the point) 11、besides 【原始含义】 高兴的不得了 某人(在别人走后)留下 (3)leave sth/sb behind 忘带,留下某物;超越某人进一步斟酌…在狱中 在背后 晚点、推迟 过时、落伍离题,不中肯;与…无关beside+s“除…外,还有…”in addition to sb/sth [prep] eg: There were two other students (in the classroom) (besides Tom). 【常见搭配】 besides+名词/动名词 eg: We have a lot (in common) (besides music). (Besides working) (as a doctor), he also writes a lot of stories. 12、between 【原始含义】18 be-two-in“在两者之间” 【引申含义】 prep. (1) 空间、时间、顺序、等级上,在两者之间 in the middle of two things in terms of space, time, order, class etc. eg: (Between two strange buildings) stands a tree. His age is (between sixty and seventy). (2)表示两者之间的某种关系 to show a connection or relationship eg: He has to decide (between life and death). There is a great difference (between the two articles). You should learn between lines(字里行间). (3)合用、共享 shared by two or more people or things eg: This is a secret (between you and me). (仅在我们俩之间). We drank a bottle of wine (between us). 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(between+名词) (1)draw a clear dividing line ( between sth) (2)make a difference (between sb/sth) (3)read (between lines) (4)stand (between sth/sb) 二、名词+(between+名词) (1)balance (between A and B) A 和 B 的均衡 We should always consider the balance (between cost and benefit). (2)connection (between sth/sb) 的联系 13、beyond 【原始含义】 be+yond “(在彼处)“在…之外” 【引申含义】:prep. (1) 在…较远的一边 on the further side of sth eg: The village is beyond the mountain. (2) 时间上晚于… later than a particular time eg: It won’t go on (beyond midnight).19明显区分… 区别对待… 读出字里行间的言外之意 阻碍…某人或某物之间 (3) 超出某人的能力范围,非…所及 far too advanced for sb eg: The bag is (beyond my reach). (4) 表示…是不可能的 to say that sth is impossible eg: The bicycle is (beyond repair). 【常见搭配】 一、(beyond+名词) (1)(beyond one’s ability/strength/power) (2)(beyond belief) (3)(beyond comparison) (4)(beyond cure) (5)(beyond control) (6)(beyond doubt/suspicion) (8)(beyond one’s endurance) (9)(beyond expression) (10)(beyond imagination) (11)(beyond measure) (12)(beyond praise) (13)(beyond price) (14)(beyond one’s reach) (15)(beyond reason) (16)(beyond recognition) (17)(beyond repair) (18)(beyond the seas) (19)(beyond understanding) (20)(beyond words) She is very beautiful. She is elegant. Her beauty is beyond words. (21)(beyond sb) 二、动词+(beyond+名词) (1)go (beyond sth) (3)see (beyond sth) 14、by 【原始含义】 “在旁边”20超越某人的能力难以置信 无法比喻 无可救药 无法控制 不容置疑 无法忍受 无法表达 超出想象 无法估量 赞美不完,称赞不绝 极其珍贵,无价的 在某人够不着的地方 不合理 难以认出 无法修复 到海外 难以理解 无法形容(7)(beyond one’s wildest dreams) 做梦也想不到为某人所不能理解超出..., 超过... 预料...;预见... 【引申含义】 prep. (1)在…旁边 at the side of eg: We prefer a table (by the window). (2)不迟于,在…之前 before eg: We have studied several prepositions (by now). I shall have finished the work (by the time you return). (3)表示方式 in which way sth is done eg: I go to school (by bus). (4)通过…;根据… according to sth eg: He can tell the direction (by the stars). Don’t judge a person (by his looks). (5)按…计算 the degree or amount of sth eg: Eggs are usually sold (by dozen). The temperature has risen (by 5 degrees). (6)由于… as a result of … eg: They met (by chance). I did it (by mistake). (7)被… used eg: He was shocked (by what he had seen). (8) 表示触及或抓住人物的部分 used to show the part of sb that another person catches eg: I seized her (by the hair). (9) 表示逐步推进; the rate sth happens eg: He is making progress (day by day). (10) 以…的名义 in the name of eg: I swear (by Almighty God) (that I will never betray my country). adv. (1) 经过 past eg: Time goes by quickly. He hurried by (without speaking to me). (2) 短暂拜访 eg: Please drop by (when it is convenient) (for you). 【常见搭配】 作介词时: 一、by+名词 (1) (by accident/chance) (2) (by coincidence) (3) (by all means) (4) (by means)(of sb/sth) 偶然地 巧合地 想尽一切办法、一定要 借助于…21 (5) (by no means) (6) (by appearance) (7) (by comparison) (8) (by contrast) (9) (by definition) (10)(by hand) (11)(by heart) (12)(by mistake) (13)(by nature) (14)(by turns) (15)(by the way) 二.动词+(by+名词) (1)come (by sth) (2)go (by sth) (4)live (by sth) (5)pass (by sth) (6)profit (by sth) (8)take sb (by sth) (9)tell (by sth)绝不,一点儿也不 从外表 相比之下 对比之下 根据定义,实质上 人工地 靠记忆,背诵 错误地 天性上,本质上 轮流地 顺便说一下(尤指通过努力)获得…; 偶然得到… 顺便走访… 以...为生计;遵守,遵循… 经过…;不考虑,回避… 从…中获益 抓住某人的某个部位 根据…判断,推断(3)judge sb/sth (by sth)通过…判断,断定某物或某人(7)swear (by sb/sth) 极其信赖某人;对某物发誓三、be+过去分词+(by+名词) (1)be characterized (by sth) (2)be disgusted (by sth) (3)be distracted (by sb/sth) (4)be replaced (by sb/sth) 四、 名词+by+名词 (1)bit by bit (2)day by day (3)inch by inch (4)little by little (5)one by one (6)side by side (7)step by step (8)year by year 作副词时:22以…为特征 对…厌恶 精力被…分散 被…取代一点一点地,逐渐地 一天一天地,逐日 一点一点地 逐渐 一个接一个 并肩 按部就班地 年年,逐年 名词+动词+by (1)sb drop by (2)sb get by (3)sb stand by (4)sb stop by 15、despite 【原始含义】 “尽管、不顾” = in spite of eg: The old professor kept on working (despite his poor health). 【常见搭配】 prep. (1)despite sth/doing sth 尽管某事,尽管做了某事 eg : He failed (in the exam) (despite all the efforts). (Despite applying for hundreds of jobs), he is still out of work. (2)despite the fact that+句子 (3)despite oneself 尽管不愿意 eg. He had to laugh despite himself. 16、down 【原始含义】 “向下” 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)表示自上而下,向下,往下 from top to bottom eg: In order to catch the bus they run (down the hill). Tears run down her face quietly. (2)沿着河、沿着路 along eg: He walked down the road. We sailed down the river. [adv] (1) 向下,朝下 to or at a lower place eg: He looked down (at her). (2) (数量、力量等)减弱,降低 to show that the amount or strength of sth is lower eg: He finally settle down (in Florida). (3) 向南方,在南方 to or in the south of a country eg: They flew down (to Texas). (4) (写)在纸上;(列)在表格上 on paper, on a list Eg: Have you got me down (for the trip)? 尽管事实是… eg. She kept learning French despite the fact that she found it difficult 某人顺便访问 某人勉强接受;设法勉强生存 某人袖手旁观 (顺便)过访,串门23 【常见搭配】 作副词时: 一、动词+(名词)+down (1)blow sth down (2)break sth down (3)burn sth down (4)close sth down (5)cut sth down (6)hold sth down (7)keep sth/sb down (8)knock sb/sth down (9)mark sth down (10)narrow sth down (11)note sth down (12)pass sth down (13)settle sb down (14)let sb down (15)turn sth down (16)write sth down 二、名词+动词+down (1)sth break down (2)sb calm down (3)sth come down (4)sth cool down (5)sth/sb fall down (6)sth go down (7)sb kneel down (8)sb look down (9)sb look down (on sb/sth) (10)sth pour down (11)sb/sth slow down 17、during 【原始含义】“在…期间” all through a period of time eg: Not a word did they say (during the meal). I haven’t had any meat (during the last several years). I saw Linda (during the meeting). 18、except 【原始含义】 ex-cept“拿出来”,take out, 除…以外 eg: Everyone was here except Tom. 某物坏了 某人冷静下来 某物掉下来,下跌 某物冷却 某物坍塌;某人失败 某物落下,沉下 某人跪下 某人向下看 某人瞧不起... (雨水等)倾泻 ...减速 拒绝... 记下... 刮倒,吹倒... 摧毁;克服.... 烧毁... 关闭... 砍伐...;缩减... 阻止,控制.... 控制;压迫... 撞击,撞倒... 记录,写下... 缩小... 记录,写下... 传递... 使...平静/安静下来 让某人失望24 【注 意】besides 表示“加”,except 表示“减” 【常见搭配】 (1)except for sth (2)except (that+句子) (3)nothing (except sth) 19、for 【原始含义】 “特定的某一方面” 因为 为了 过多久 【引申含义】prep (1)表示某一特定目的 meant to be given to... eg: I bought a gift for you. He planned to write some stories for children. You have won honor for our country. Many people come here for the beautiful scenery every year. The government provides water and food for the poverty-stricken areas. (2)表示某一特定方向(车、船等);往,向,朝着... eg: She has left (for London). The bus is for Shanghai. Passengers (for Tianjin) change at Beijing. (3)表示某物特定的价值、数量 the price of... eg: I paid 5 dollars (for that book). He rent the house (to me) (for 3000 yuan per month). (4)在某一特定方面,当做,作为 eg: I will keep it (for a souvenir). Most of the museums have been used (for offices). Don’t take others’ kindness (for granted). A take B for granted. (5)表示特定的原因:因为,由于... Because of ... eg: Bejing is famous (for its long history). I was grateful (to you) (for what you had done). He was criticized (for the careless attitude). Forgive me (for keeping you waiting) (for a long time). (6)表示在某一特定方面或出于某种特定原因的赞成、支持 eg: I vote (for Mr. Li). Our manager is (for cutting down production cost). (7)表示特定时间或距离 certain length of time or distance eg: We have learned English (for six years). I haven’t seen you (for ages).25除……之外 ; 除去… 除了… 只有…towards...asin support of ... That afternoon we walked (for miles) (along the river). (8)在某一特定方面的影响,对于... in regard to .... eg: She has a good taste (for music). He has a natural gift (for drawing). Dickens shows great sympathy (for the poor) (in his novels). It’s good (for you) (to do exercise regularly). (9)就...而言,考虑到... considering eg: She is small (for her age). His maturity seems unsuitable (for a boy of sixteen). It’s quite fine weather (for spring). 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(for+名词) (1)answer (for sth) (2)appeal (for sb) (3)argue (for sth) (4)ask (for sth) (6)compete (for sth) (7)account (for sth) (8)allow (for sth) (9)call (for sb/sth) (10)care ( for sb/sth) (11)dig (for sth) (12)enter ( for sth) (13)go (for sb/sth) (14)head (for some place) 朝某地前进 (15)leave (for some place) 出发前往某地 (16)hope (for sth) (17)long (for sth) (18)look (for sth/sb) (19)hunt (for sth) (20)search (for sb/sth) (21)pay (for sth) (22)prepare (for sth) (23)send (for sb) (24)sign (for sth) (25)stand (for sth/sb) (26)strive/struggle(for sth) (27)study (for sth) (28)vote (for sb)26为...负责 出庭为...辩护 为...争辩 请求要… 为...竞争 解释,说明... 考虑到... 去接某人;需要某物 喜欢,想要... 寻求… 报名参加... 进攻某人;喜欢,想要某物(5)charge (for sth/doing sth) 为...要价,收费期待,希望.... 渴望... 寻找... 追寻,猎取 搜寻... 为...付款,为...付出代价 为...准备 派人去请... 签收... 代表,象征....;容忍 为...而奋斗 攻读... 为...投票 (29)wait (for sb/sth) (30)have an ear/eye( for sth)对...有鉴赏力 (31)pave the way (for sth) 二、be+ 形容词+(for+ 名词) (1)be ambitious (for sth) (2)be anxious (for sb/sth) 对....适合的 (4)be celebrated/famous/noted (for sth) 因...而著名的 (5)be competent/qualified (for sth/doing sth) 对...能够胜任的 (6)be desperate (for sth) (8)be good (for sb/sth) (9)be intended (for sth) (10)be prepared/ready (for sth) (11)be responsible (for sth) (12)be sorry (for sb/sth) (13)be sufficient (for sb/sth) (14)be praised (for sth) (15)be blamed/criticized (for sth) (16)be convenient (for sb) (17)be possible (for sb) (18)be grateful (for sth) 三、名词+(for+名词) (1)affection (for sb/sth) (2)appeal (for sth) (3)appetite (for sth) (4)candidate (for sth) (6)cause (for sth) 四、for+名词 (1)(for the moment/present) (2)(for my part) (3)(for pleasure/fun) (4)(for sale) (5)(for example / instance)27等待... 为...铺平道路,扫除障碍对...雄心壮志的 对...焦虑的,急切的(3)be appropriate/suitable/fit (for sb/sth)急需要...的 对...有益 为...而计划的,设计的 对...准备好的 对...负责 对...感到惋惜的 对...是足够的 因...而受表扬 因...而受责备 对...是方便的 对...是可能的 对...感激(7)be eager/hungry/thirsty (for sth)渴望...的对...的喜爱 对...的呼吁 对...的欲望 ...的候选人 ...的原因(5)capacity/capability (for sth/doing sth) 做...的能力暂时,现在 就我而言 为了消遣 出售 例如 (6)(for the sake) (of sth)为了...起见;为了…的利益(7)(for fear) (of sth) / (for fear) (that+句子) 以免,唯恐 Please take the umbrella (for fear) (of rain). (8)For one thing,... For another, ... 一方面,... 另一方面,....(用来举例) 20、 from 【原始含义】 “从...离开” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)地点或时间上从...起始 to show where or when sth starts eg: What is the distance from Beijing to Shanghai? He showed great interest in music from an early age. (2)区别于... distinguish between two people or things eg: You should learn to tell right from wrong. They could not distinguish one from the other, (3)免遭,免受... to show that sth is prevented eg: He saved the child from drowning. Trees protect the city from sandstorms. (4)使不做某事,使离开 keep sth away eg: Her mother discourages her from living outside. (5)由...原料制成 eg: The coat is made from nylon. Flour is made from wheat. (6)原因,根据 the reason for making a judgment eg: He is suffering from a stomachache. 【常见搭配】 一、名词+(from+名词) (1)absence (from sth) (2)difference (from sth) (3)independence (from sb/sth) (5)recovery (from sth) 二、动词+(from+名词) (1)arise (from sth) (2)benefit (from sth) 由...产生,引起 获益于...28从...中的缺席 与...的不同 从...中的独立 从...中的康复 (3)come (from sth) (4)date (from some time) (5)die (from sth)出身于...; 由...引起 始于...时候 死于... 阻止...做某事(6)keep/stop/prevent sb/sth (from sth/doing sth) (7)discourage sb (from sth/doing sth) 使...气馁,劝阻...不做某事 (8)divide A (from B) (9)escape (from sth) (10)graduate (from sth) (11)grow (from sth) (12)hear (from sb) (13)infer (from sth) (14)judge (from sth) (16)keep away (from sb/sth) (17)range (from A) (to B) (18)result (from sth) (19)recover (from sth) (20)release sb (from sth) (21)separate A (from B) (22)shelter (from sth) (23)suffer (from sth) 三、be+ 形容词+(from+名词) (1)be absent (from sth) (2)be different (from sth) (3)be far (from sth) (4)be remote (from sth) (5)be safe (from sth) (6)be free (from sth) (7)be tired (from sth) 四、其他短语 (1)from place to place (2)from beginning to end (3)from time to time (4)from the bottom of one’s heart (5)from now on (6)from bad to worse 21、 in29把 A 和 B 隔开 逃脱,逃离... 毕业于... 由...发展而来 收到...来信 从...推断 根据~~来判断 远离... 范围为 A~B 归因于... 从..中恢复 将某人从...中释放 把 A 和 B 分离开 躲避... 受...折磨(15)protect/preserve A (from B)保护 A 免受 B 的伤害缺席... 不同于... 远非... 距离...遥远 安全,未遭受... 不受...的影响 因……而疲劳处处 从开始到结束 不时地,偶尔地 从心底 从现在起 越来越糟 【原始含义】 “在...范围之中” 【引申含义】 prep (1)在...范围之中(时间、地点) eg: We sat down in the shade of the trees. Rome was not built in a day. (2)在...情绪之中 eg:I am in doubt about it. They are in great enthusiasm about the project. (3)在...状态之中 eg:You have put yourself in danger. Their economy was in chaos. Please put all the books in order. (4)穿着... eg: The police were all in plain clothes. I was in a jacket that day. (5)用...语言 eg: The letters were written in Chinese. What’s this in English? 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(in+名词) (1) add (in sth) (2) believe (in sb/sth) (3) break (in sb/sth) (4) bring (in sth) (5) call (in sb/sth) (6) delight (in sth/doing sth) (7) end (in sth) (8) engage (in sth) (9) fill (in sth) (10) get (in sth) (11) give (in sth) (12) grow (in sth) (13) hand (in sth) (14) instruct sb (in sth/doing sth) 将时间/金钱/精力投资于某事 (16) lie (in sth) (17) lose oneself (in sth/doing sth)埋头于... (18) major/specialize (in sth) 主修...; 专攻...30添加,加入... 相信,信任... 插话,打断... 赚进,获得... 召来...; 收回... 喜欢做... 以...结尾 参加,从事... 填写...; 填满... 买进,收进... 上交.... 在...方面增长 提交... 教授,传授某人..(15) invest time/money/energy (in sth) 在于... (19) participate/take part (in sth/doing sth) 参加... (20) persist (in sth/doing sth) (22) put (in sth) (23) put sb/sth (in the shade) (24) put oneself (in sb’s shoes) (25) result (in sth) (26) send (in sth) (27) succeed (in sth/doing sth) (28) take (in sb) (29) take (in sth) 二、be+形容词+(in+名词) (1) be interested (in sth/doing sth) (2) be located (in some place) (3) be included (in sth) (4) be rooted (in sth) (5)be absorbed (in sth/doing sth) (6)be abundant (in sth) (7)be dressed (in some color) 三、in +名词 (1) (in accord)(with sth) (2) (in addition)(to sth) (3) (in advance)(of sth) (4) (in agreement)( with sb/sth) 同意某人,同意某人的观点. (5) (in total) (6) (in answer)(to sth) (7) (in an attempt)(to do sth) (8) (in balance) (9) (in case)(of sth)/in case (that+句子) 以防,唯恐... (10) (in chaos) (11) (in charge)(of sb/sth) (12) (in combination)( with sb/sth) (13) (in comfort) (14) (in company) (with sb) (15) (in comparison)(with sth) (16) (in compensation)( for sth) (17) (in conclusion/summary) (18) (in condition/shape) (19) (in confidence)31坚持做... 加进...,补充进... 使...相形见绌 设身处地为...想 导致... 提交,呈送... 成功做... 收留...住宿 把...改小;理解...(21) play a part/role (in sth/doing sth) 在...中起作用对...感兴趣 坐落于..., 位于... 包含在...中 植根于 专心投入于... 在...方面丰富 穿着某色的衣服 与...一致,和谐 除...以外 在...之前加起来,总共 作为...的回答 试图做... 处于均衡状态 在混乱状态 对...负责 结合,联合... 安逸,舒服 和某人一同 与...比较起来 作为对...的补偿 最后,总而言之 状况好 私下地,私密地 (20) (in conflict) (with sb/sth) (21) (in connection) (with sth) (22) (in consequence) (of sth) (23) (in consideration) (of sth) (24) (in control) (of sth) (25) (in the corner) (of sth) (26) (in course) (of sth) (27) (in curiosity) (28) ( in the dark) (29) (in one’s day) (30) (in debt) (31) (in defence) (of sth) (32) (in delight) (33) (in demand) (34) (in depth) (35) (in the depth) (of sth) (36) (in despair) (37) (in detail) (38) (in difficulty) (39) (in disorder) (40) (in the distance) (41) (in essence) (42) (in any event) (43) (in exchange)(for sth) (44) (in the face)(of sth) (45) (in fact) (46) (in fashion)与...矛盾,冲突 与...有关 因为,由于... 考虑到... 掌握着,控制... 在...的角落里 在...过程中 好奇地 无知,不知 成功,兴盛 负债 防御,保卫... 高兴,满意 非常需要,受欢迎 深入地,彻底地 在...最深处 在绝望中 详细地 有困难,有麻烦 乱七八糟 在远处 本质上,实质上 不管怎样,无论如何 交换... 面临... 事实上 流行,时髦 以...的形式,状态 在...前面 将来 通常 在某种意义上 纪念... 马上,很快... 情绪好/坏(47) (in favor/support) (of sb/sth)支持... (48) (in the form) (of sth) (49) (in front) (of sth) (50) (in the future) (51) (in general) (52) (in a manner) (53) (in memory) (of sb/sth) (54) (in a minute/moment) (55) (in a good/bad mood) (56) (in operation) (57) (in the first place) (58) (in point) (of sth) (59) (in possession) (of sth) (60) (in power)32工作中,运转着;起作用,生效 第一,首先 就...而言,关于... 占有,拥有 执政,掌权 (61) (in principle) (62) (in public) (63) (in large quantities) (64) (in rags) (65) (in some respects) (66) (in respect) (of sth) (67) (in response) (to sth) (68) (in return) (for sth) (69) (in ruins) (70) (in the long/short run) (71) (in a rush) (72) (in search) (of sb/sth) (73) (in a sense) (74) (in short) (75) (in high/low spirits) (76) (in spite) (of sth) (77) (in store) (78) (in trouble) (79) (in turn) 22、inside 【基本含义】prep. “在...里面(静态)” 大量原则上,理论上 公开地,当众 穿着破旧衣服 在某些方面 就...而言 作为对...的反应 作为对...的交换 毁坏,衰败 长远看;短期看 匆忙 寻找,搜寻... 在某种意义上 简言之 情绪高/低 虽然,尽管... 贮藏,准备; 必将发生 陷入困境 依次eg: I looked into the box, only to find nothing inside it. It was the first time he had been inside a theatre. 【常见搭配】 inside out: 彻底底,完全地 eg: He turned his drawer inside out for his car key. 23、into 【基本含义】 “进入...的里面(动态)” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)进入,到...里面 eg: It was raining, so they went into the house. A look of joy came into his eyes. (2)表示“变成,成为” eg: The book has been translated into many languages. All the buildings have been turned into hospitals. (3)表示“进入某种状态” eg: I burst into tears.33 Many companies went into bankruptcy. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+sb/sth+(into+名词) (1) argue sb (into doing sth)劝说某人做某事 (2) break (into sth) (3) bring sth (into focus) (4) bring sth (into force) (5) burst (into sth) (6) change/turn (into sth) 变成... (7) drive sb (into a corner) (8) evolve (into sth) (9) expand (into sth) (10) fall (into sth) (11) get (into sth) (12) go (into sth) (13) grow (into sb/sth) (14) look (into sth) (15) pour (into sth) (16) run (into sb/sth) (17) take sb/sth (into account) (18) temp sb (into sth/doing sth) (19) throw oneself (into sth/doing sth) 二、名词+(into+名词) (1) insight (into sb/sth) (2) investigation/research (into sth) 24、 like 【基本含义】“像” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)跟...一样 of the same kind as... eg: He was like a son to me. He is lively, more like his mother. (2)典型...的,一向是...的 typical of ... eg: It’s just like you to have no idea of the value of money. It’s like him to want to do something different. 【常见搭配】 (1) look (like sth) (2) feel (like sth/doing sth) 25、of34突然开始...; 打断...; 闯入... 使...引起注意 使法律、法规等生效,执行 突然(大哭/大笑/唱歌等) 将某人逼得走投无路.. 进化成,发展成... 扩大成,发展成... 陷入...状态 养成...; 陷入某种状态 参加,投身于...; 审查... 渐渐成为,变成... 调查,研究... 涌进... 碰到,遇到... 对...加以考虑 诱使...做某事 热情地投入...对...的洞察力 对...的调查/研究像是...的样子 想要... 【基本含义】 “某东西的实质” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)属于 belong to eg: I am a student of New Oriental School. I’m an old friend of her mother. (2)由...制成的 eg: The desk is made of wood. The clothes is made of cotton. (3)表示人或物的性质 eg: They two are of the same height. English is of great importance. (4)表示后者修饰前者;A of B: B 修饰 A eg: The 2008 Olympic Games was held in the City of Beijing. In rushed a giant of French officer. (5)表示前者修饰后者的;A of B: A 修饰 B(此时 A 为数量词) eg: Millions of people are celebrating the festival. Four of us found a job after graduation. (6)表示关系,联系 in connection with eg: What you say of him is not fair. I’m proud of you. 【常见搭配】 一、 动词+(of+名词) (1) accuse sb (of sth/doing sth) (2) approve (of sb/sth) (3) ask sth (of sb) (4) assure sb (of sth) (5) become (of sb/sth) (6) boast (of sb/sth) (7) catch sight (of sb/sth) (8) catch/grab/seize/take the hold (of sth) 抓住,得到... (9) consist (of sth) (10) cure sb (of sth) (11) die (of sth) (12) expect sth (of sb) (13) get rid (of sb/sth) (15) hear (of sb/sth) (16) inform sb (of sth) 摆脱掉... 听说过... 通知/告知某人某事35指控某人某事 喜欢,赞同... 要求某人某事 保证某人某事 发生于... 自夸,吹嘘... 一眼看见,瞥见...由...组成 治愈某人某疾病 死于(某种疾病) 指望,期望某人某事(14) have a high/low opinion (of sb/sth)对...评价高/低 (17) inquire (of sb) (18) leg go (of sb/sth) (19) make (of sb/sth) (20) make a fool (of sb) (21) make fun (of sb/sth) (22) make use (of sth) (23) remind sb (of sth) (24) rob sb (of sth) (26) suspect sb (of sth) (27)take account (of sth) (28) take care (of sb/sth) (29)tell (of sb/sth) (30) write (of sb/sth) 二、a/an+名词+of (1) an army of workmen/officials/ants 大批工人/官员/成群蚂蚁 (2) a bunch of roses/letters 一束玫瑰/一堆信 (3) a herd of deer/sheep/job seekers 一群鹿/羊/求职者 (4) a mass of snow/color/tourists 大堆雪/大片颜色/大量游客 (5) a (large/considerable) number of +可数名词 许多... (6) a piece of advice/news/painting 一个忠告/一则新闻/一幅绘画向...问询,打听 放开,松开... 理解... 愚弄... 取笑... 利用... 使某人想起某事 剥夺了某人某物 怀疑某人某事 考虑... 照看...;处理... 讲述... 写述...(25) speak highly/badly (of sb/sth) 对...评价高/低(7) a sequence of dance movements/historical plays 连续的舞蹈动作/一系列历史剧 (8) a series of victories/books 一连串胜利/一系列书籍 (9) a spot of lunch 少量午餐 (10) a string of beads/onions/curses 一串珠子/洋葱/诅咒 (11) a variety of sth=varieties of sth 多种多样的... a variety of reasons/cloth 多种原因/多种布料 三、be+形容词+(of+名词) (1) be ashamed (of sb/sth)36为...感到羞愧 (2) be aware (of sth) (3) be capable (of sth/doing sth) (4) be careful (of sb/sth) (5) be certain (of sth) (7) be composed (of sb/sth) (8) be confident (of sb/sth) (9) be conscious (of sth) (10) be critical (of sb/sth) (11) be fearful/frightened (of sth) (12) be full (of sth) (13) be glad (of sb/sth) (14) be guilty (of sth) (15) be hopeful (of sth) (16) be impatient (of sb/sth) (17) be independent (of sb) (18) be innocent (of sth) (19) be short (of sth) (20) be tired (of sb/sth) 四、其他搭配 (1) ahead of time/schedule (2) regardless of sth (3) scores of sth (4) kind of/sort of +adj ...是重要的/有意义的/有用的 26、off 【基本含义】 “离开”(表示结果,与原来不一定有联系) 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)从某物体上分离出来(动态) eg: Cut small piece off the bread. Tom fell off the wall. (2)表示离某物、某地有一定的距离(静态) 对...害怕 能够干...觉察到,意识到... 当心,警惕... 对...有把握/确信 由...构成 对...有信心 意识到... 对...挑剔 装满...的 对...高兴 犯了...罪 对...抱有希望 不能忍受... 不依赖于... 未犯...罪的,清白的 缺乏... 对...厌恶(6) be characteristic/distinctive (of sb)是...的特征/特色提前 不管,不顾... 很多... 有点...(5) be +of +抽象名词(importance/significance/use)eg:The old man lives on an island off the coast. The house stands off the main street. [adv] (1)表示离开的动作 eg: He ran off to the station.37 I went to the airport to see Caroline off. (2)表示时空距离 eg: The town is five miles off. We are still some way off our destination. (3)表示“关,停”,离开了原来的状态 eg: Please turn off the window before you leave the room. Turn off the radio! It’s too noisy. (4)表示缺席,不工作,离开工作位置 eg: I want to take the afternoon off. The manager gave the staff one day off. 【常见搭配】 作介词时: (off +名词) (1) (off balance) (2) (off the point) (3) (off target) (4) (off the track) (5) (off the trail) (6) (off work) 作副词时: 一、动词+(off+名词) (1) call (off sth) (2) cut (off sth) (3) drive (off sb/sth) (4) fall (off sth) (5) get (off sth) (6) hold (off sth) (7) kill (off sth) (8) laugh (off sth) (9) let (off sth) (10) pay(off sth) (11) put (off sth) (12) put (off sb) (13) sell (off sth) (14) send (off sth) (15) set (off sth) (16) shake (off sth) (17) show (off sb/sth) (18) shut (off sth) (19) sleep (off sth) 取消... 切断... 击败,击退... 从...上摔下 脱下...;下车/船等 推迟...; 抵挡住... 杀死 ,除掉... 对...一笑了之 点燃,发射...; 释放... 还清... 推迟,延期... 使...反感; 使...分心 廉价出售... 发出... 激起,引发... 摆脱...; 抖掉... 炫耀,显示... 停止,切断...的供应 以睡眠消除(疲劳)等38不平衡 离题 未达到目标 脱轨,离题 失去踪迹 不上班 (20) switch/turn (off sth) (21) take (off sth) (22) walk (off sth) (23) wipe (off sth) 二、名词+动词+off (1) sb/sth cool off (2) sb/sth doze off (3) sth dry off (4) sb/sth ease off (5) sth fall off (6) sb/sth get off (7) sb kick off (8) sth pay off (9) sb push off (10) sb/sth set off (11) sth take off 27、 on 【基本含义】 “吸附” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)在...上面 eg: Put the book on the desk.关闭(电器、电源等) 脱下(衣帽);拆除... 以散步消除... 擦去,抹去... ...冷静下来/...冷却下 ...打盹儿 ...脱水,变干燥 ...放松;...减轻,缓和 ...减少;...质量下降 ..出发,动身 ...去世 ...成功,起作用 ...出发,离开 ...开始,出发 ...起飞;...飞黄腾达The portrait on the wall is very impressive. (2)抽象意义上的“在...上面” eg: On this issue, some countries are under dispute. My mind is still on my thesis. (3)在某个特定的时间上 eg: The accident happened on the cold winter morning. Americans eat turkey on Christmas Day. (4) 在...时,常与动名词或表示动作的词连用 eg: On hearing the news, she jumped up with joy. He decided to go with us on second thoughts. (5) “根据,按照” according to eg: Everything is done on your advice. He was arrested on a charge of murder. (6) 某人或某一事物所处状态 eg: I am on a tour to Japan. The influence of China is rapidly on the rise. (7) 关于,涉及... about... eg: a lecture on English literature39 Opinions are divided on this issue. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(on+名词) (1) act (on sth) (2) advise (on sth) (3) agree (on sth) (4) attend (on/upon sb) (5) avenge oneself (on sb) (6) base A (on B) (7) call (on sb) (8) carry (on sth) (9) come (on/upon sb/sth) (10) comment (on sb/sth) (11) compromise (on sth) 评论... 在...上妥协 照料... 为自己向...复仇 把 A 建立在 B 的基础上 呼吁.. 进行(交谈、谈论等) 遇见某人;找到某物 依据,采纳... 就...提出建议 就...达成一致(12) concentrate/focus (on sth) 集中在...; 专心于... (13) count/reckon/rely (on/upon sb/sth) 指望...; 依赖... (14) feed (on sth) (15) get (on sth) (16) go (on doing sth) (17) insist (on sth/doing sth) (19) lecture (on sth/sb) (20) live (on sth) (21) prey (on sth) (22) pride oneself (on sth) (23) put (on sth) (24) reflect (on/upon sth) (25) remark (on/upon sth) (26) report (on/upon sth) (27) run (on sth) (28) settle (on sth) (29) start (on sth) (30) switch/turn (on sth) (31) take action (on sth) (32) take (on sth) (33) take revenge (on sb) (34) throw light (on sth) (35) touch (on sth) (36) try (on sth) (37) vote (on sth) 向...复仇 阐明... 触及,谈到... 试穿… 就...投票表决40以...为 穿上... 继续做... 坚持要干... 在...方面做演讲;训斥... 以...为食;靠...为生 捕食… 以...自豪 穿上...; 增加... 仔细考虑... 评论... 对...进行报 涉及,谈到... 选定,决定... 开始进行,着手处置.. 接通(电源、电器等) 对...采取行动 呈现...(18) lay emphasis/stress (on sth) 强调.. (38) work (on sth) 二、名词+(on+名词) (1) attack (on sb/sth) (2) comment (on sth) (3) compliment (on sb/sth) (4) congratulations (on sth) (5) impact (on sb/sth) (6) impression (on sb) (7) information (on sth) (8) policy (on sth) (9) raid (on sth) 三、on+名词 (1) (on sb’s advice) (2) (on the agenda) (3) (on board) (4) (on campus) (5) (on the contrary) (6) (on the decline/decrease) (7) (on the increase/rise) (8) (on a diet) (9) (on display/show) (10) (on earth) (11) (on fire) (12) (on guard) (13) (on one’s knees) (14) (on one’s feet) (15) (on one’s own) (16) (on purpose) (17) (on strike) (18) (on the surface) (19) (on second thoughts) (20) (on top) (of the world) (21) (on tour) (22) (on vacation) (23) (on the way) (24) (on behalf) (of sb/sth) 28、opposite 【基本含义】 “op-po” 对立,在对面 代表...致力于...对...的抨击 对...的评论 对...的赞美 对...的祝贺 对...的影响 给...留下的印象 关于...的情报/消 在...上的方 对...的突袭 按某人的建议 在议程表 上船,登机,上火车 在校园 相反 在减少 在增长 在节食 展览,陈列 究竟 着火 值班,警戒 跪着 站着 单独,独自 故意地 罢工 表面上 再考虑后 幸福至极 在巡回(演出/比赛)中 在度假 在路上(25) (on the brink/edge)(of sth) 濒临...的边缘41 【引申含义】 [prep] (1)在...对面,相对的 eg: The bus stopped just opposite the post office. The book store lies opposite our neighborhood. (2)opposite 有时亦作 opposite to eg: He sat down opposite to her. [adj] (1)对面的 eg: The garden was on the opposite side of the street. (2)相反的 eg: It will produce opposite effect. She went away in the opposite direction. 【常见搭配】 quite the opposite “恰恰相反” eg: Quite the opposite, she didn’t live up to her parents’ expectation. 29、out 【基本含义】 “出” out 一般只有和 of 搭配时才能当介词(out of),单独使用时一般是副词: 【引申含义】 (1)从...出发,从...出来 from inside eg: He ran out of the house. He could not get this out of his mind. (3)out of 表示没有,缺少 lacking sth eg: We are out of petrol. I’ve been out of touch with them for a great many years. (4)用...制作的 be made from... eg: Flour is made out of wheat. It seems that the table is made out of ivory. (5)因为,由于 because of eg: I came out of interest. Out of curiosity, I asked him about the exam. 【常见搭配】 作介词时: 一、动词+out of +名词 (1) argue sb (out of sth/doing sth)劝说某人不做某事... (2) come (out of sth) (3) draw (out of sth) (4) get (out of sth)42从...中离开 拔出,取出... 避免,逃避... (5) go (out of sth) (6) keep (out of sth) (7) look (out of sth) (8) run (out of sth) (9) sell (out of sth) (10) slip (out of sth) (11) throw (out of sb) 二、out of +名词 (1) (out of breath) (2) (out of danger) (3) (out of fashion/date ) (4) (out of shape) (5) (out of order) (6) (out of place) (7) (out of one’s mind) (8) (out of reach) (9) (out of use) (10) (out of work) (11) (out of the question) (12) (out of control) (13) (out of temper) 作副词时: 一、 动词+(out+名词) (1) bring (out sth) (2) burn (out sth) (3) clear (out sth) (4) cut (out sth) (5) dig (out sth) (6) find (out sth) (7) make (out sth) (8) pack (out sth) (9) pick (out sth) (10) point (out sth) (11) pour (out sth) (12) put (out sth) (13) leak (out sth) (14) leave (out sth) (15) set (out sth) (16) sort (out sth) (17) spell (out sth)43消失,减弱... 与...隔开 从...向外看 用完,耗尽... 卖完... 溜出... 开除,解雇... 上气不接下气 脱险 落伍,过时 变形,身体不好 顺序乱了 不和谐 发疯 不可企及,无法得到 不再使用 失业 不可能 失控 发脾气生产,出版... 烧毁... 把...腾空,清除 删去,略去... 挖出...; 搜索... 查明...; 寻找... 辨认出... 挤满... 挑选... 指出... 倒出... 扑灭...;分发.. 泄露... 省去...; 漏掉... 安排... 清理,分类... 拼出... (18) spread (out sth) (19) think (out sth) (20) figure (out sth) (21) try (out sth) (22) weigh (out sth) (23) work (out sth) (24) wear (out sth) (25) give (out sth) (26) turn out to be sth/ that 从句 二、名词+动词+out (1) sth come out (2) sb drop out (3) sth dry out (4) sth get out (5) sth give out (6) sb/sth go out (7) sb/sth hold out (8) sb set out (9) look out (10) sb/sth stand out/stick out 30、outside 【基本含义】 out+side“在外边” 【引申含义】 (1)外部的 eg: Outside the window lies a bridge. He left his car outside the gate. (2)除了 “except” ...突出伸展... 仔细考虑,想出... 算出,想出... 试验... 称出,量出... 算出... 穿破,磨损... 散发,分发... 结果是,原来是... ...出现,显示 ...辍学 ...晾干 ...泄露 ...用完,耗尽 ...出去; ...公布 ...维持,坚持 ...动身,启程 当心,留神eg: No one knows it outside the members of my own family. No one was against the idea outside a few people. 【常见搭配】 stand outside 超出...的范围 eg: The question stands outside the scope of the development plan. I can’t speak about this question as it stands outside my field of interest. 31、over 【原始含义】 “盖在...上面” 【引申含义】 prep. (1)在...上面 ?有接触的 ? 无接触的 ? eg: I put a cloth over the table.44 Through the veil over her face, I saw the gentle light of her eyes. ? eg: I saw a bridge over the river. The red flags are fluttering over the main building. (2)对...的控制,在...之上 eg: The king reigns over a great empire. He has no control of his emotions. (3)涵盖,遍及... eg: Shakespeare is famous all over the world. It’s raining over the north of China. (4)跨越具体某物或抽象的障碍、困难等 to overcome eg: He heard a strange sound from over the wall. He got over most difficulties in learning English (5)在...问题上,与 on 用法相似,over 更具反复性 eg: Don’t quarrel over your money again. It’s no use crying over split milk. They had a good laugh over their mistake. (6)数量上高于,超过... eg: She is over sixty. The population of China is over 1.3 billion. (7)over+一段时间,表示覆盖、包含整个时间段 eg: Great changes have taken place in my hometown over the past five years. You have made great progress over the last few weeks. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+(over +名词) (1) turn (over sth) (2) go (over sth) (3) get (over sth) (4) take (over sth) (5) think (over sth) (6) look (over sth) (7) watch (over sth) (8) run (over sth) (9) do (over sth) (10) carry (over sth) (11) check (over sb/sth) (12) dominate (over sb/sth) (13) hold (over sth) (14) lead (over sb/sth) (15) look (over sth ) (16) rule (over sb/sth) 仔细考虑... 审阅,检查,研究 ... 克服 ... 接管,接替 ... 仔细考虑 ... 翻阅,检查... 看守,照看 ... 在…上驶过;浏览... 清理...重新装饰... 使...继续,延续下去 检查... 在...中处于支配地位 延缓, 推迟... 领先于... 检查,察看 统治,管理...45 (17) step (over sth) (18) win (over sb) (20) have power (over sb/sth) 二、名词+(over+名词) (1) authority (over sb) (2) control (over sb/sth) (3) advantage (over sb/sth) (4) controversy (over sb/sth) (5) outlook (over sth) (6) influence (over sb/sth) (7) victory (over sb/sth) 32、past 【原始含义】 “超过” 【引申含义】 prep (1)经过 up to then beyond eg: I drove past your house yesterday.迈过,跨过... 说服... 比...有优势 控制,支配... 对...的支配权 对...的控制 比...的优势 对...的争论 ...的景色 对...的约束力,控制力 胜过...(19) have/gain/get an advantage (over sb/sth)(2)时间或年龄上超过 further than a particular point or stage eg: It is a quarter past nine. (3)无法..., 超出了...范围 beyond sth eg: It’s past understanding that he goes out without saying a word. 【常见搭配】 一、动词+past+名词 (1) walk ( past sth) (2) see ( past sth) (3) look (past sth) 二、其它搭配 (1) in the past (2) past compare (3) past dispute (4) past caring 33、regarding 【原始含义】 “有意识地相关”in connection with sth eg: He wants to talk with me regarding his future. 不在乎 在过去 无与伦比,举世无双 无可争辩 走过, 经过 ... 看穿... 忽略...,不予追究...46 【常见搭配】 (1) information (regarding sth) (2) problems ( regarding sth) (3) regulations (regarding sth) 34、since 【原始含义】 “自从”“强调时间先后”from a time in the past until a later time, or until now eg: He has not written to his parents since last Christmas. I have been in Beijing since 2010. I have been here since then. 35、through 【原始含义】 “穿过,穿越” 【引申含义】 prep (1)通过、穿过 from one end or side of sth /sb to the other eg: He walked through the door. (2)贯穿一段时间 from the beginning to the end eg: It keeps raining through April. (3)经历,经受(困难,考验) past a barrier, test eg: He has gone through the whole event. (4)通过某种途径 by means of eg: The American people won their freedom through struggle. (5)由于..., 因...关系 adv (1) 从一端到另一端,通过 from one side to the other Eg: The flood was too deep to drive throuth. (2) 自始至终 from beginning to the end Eg: Don’t tell me how the story ends---I haven’t read it all the way through yet. (3) 接通 connected by telephone Eg: I tried to call you, but couldn’t get through. 【常见搭配】 作介词时: 一.动词+(through+名词) (1) break (through sth) (2) come (through sth) (3) cut (through sth) 突围,突破... 从...中脱险 穿过,穿透...; 冲破,克服...47关于...的信息 关于...的问题 关于...的规定 关于...的指示(4) instructions ( regarding sth)as a result ofeg: The accident happened through his carelessness. (4) drag (through sth) (5) drive ( through sth) (6) drop ( through sth) (7) get ( through sth/sb)缓慢穿越,慢慢通过(某障碍) 驱车穿越... 没能完成...通过..., 完成...;电话联系上某人,使某人理解 (8) go ( through sth) (9) put ( through sth) (10) live ( through sth) (11) look ( through sth) (12) see ( through sth) (13) pull sb through (15) carry (through sth) (16) check (through sth) (18) look ( through sth) (22) run ( through sth) (20) smile ( through sth) (22) think ( through sth) (23) walk sb thr}


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