
vt. 靠近;接受;答应;以…结束
closely with
没有休息时间,太忙了 No rest periods are too busy 紧依着 Closely with 今天早晨我起床晚了,未能赶上早班车 This morning, I woke up late and was unable to catch an early shuttle ..
When you work closely with them, like I do, you see this.
We are a graphic designer and developer and processing combined closely with the production staff team, we are working together to create beautiful and effective brand creative design.
Ask the hiring manager what the goals are for the position, and ask who the new hire will work most closely with so you know who'll have the biggest say in whether or not you get hired.
The Office of National Drug Control Policy said it works closely with anti-doping agencies in the United States and other countries.
VOA: special.
The other thing that I want to do today is try to tie this discussion on vaccines a little bit more closely with what we talked about last week, in terms of what happens inside your body when you receive a vaccine or when you're exposed to an antigen, and how the immune system actually responds to that.
Yeah, I actually work with, I work very closely with two of the professors here.
We will be working very closely with FSA and customers alike to get to the bottom of it.
Nada and Foo also worked closely with Tudou during its merger talks with Youku, Foo says.
And for better or worse, she has worked closely with current Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!closely normal
This adenoma is a well- differentiated neoplasm because it closely resemble normal tissue.
The microscopic appearance of a leiomyoma indicates that the cells do not vary greatly in size and shape and closely resemble normal smooth muscle cells.
They found that improvement was fastest when the patterns of activity closely resembled those produced during normal walking.
We are absolutely determined to work closely with Network Rail to restore their trust and our normal high levels of service.
By using cuttings and closely regulating how much light the plants get, indoor gardeners crush a normal five-month growing cycle into ten weeks.
- 来自原声例句
每日一句: I'm in good shape. 我的身体状况很好. 彩信订阅 爱词霸英语 | 爱词霸汉语 | 手机爱词霸 | English 登录 | 注册
首页 词典 翻译 句库 汉语 会话 娱乐 沙龙 资料 牛津词霸 免费英语 更多 close [英] [kləuz]
[美] [klos]
您要找的是不是: Close基本释义词组习语同反义词行业释义英英释义更多资料 vt. & vi. 1. (使)关, 关闭2. 终止adj. 其他读音:[kləus] 1. 接近的2. 关系亲密的3. 中间无空隙的, 浓缩的, 挤紧的4. 势均力敌的5. 严加戒备的;守卫严密的6. 闷热的;不通风的7. (对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶8. 吝啬;小气9. 闭塞音的(发音时舌抬起靠近上腭)10. 几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事)11. 酷似的;几乎相等的12. 实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的13. (通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些adv. 其他读音:[kləus] 1. 中间无空隙地, 位置接近地n. 其他读音:[kləus] 1. 终结, 结束, 末尾vt. 1. 合上;合拢2. 停业;关闭;歇业;倒闭3. 收盘4. (使)缩小,接近;变小;变窄5. 把…牢牢抱住(或抓住、握住)及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.(使)关, 关闭 The door won't close.这门关不上.2.终止 At eleven the meeting closed.会议于11点结束.This factory is closing soon.这家工厂很快就要关闭.形容词 adj. 其他读音:[kləus] 1.接近的 2.关系亲密的 3.中间无空隙的, 浓缩的, 挤紧的 4.势均力敌的 5.严加戒备的;守卫严密的 6.闷热的;不通风的 7.(对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶 8.吝啬;小气 9.闭塞音的(发音时舌抬起靠近上腭) 10.几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事) 11.酷似的;几乎相等的 12.实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的 13.(通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些 副词 adv. 其他读音:[kləus] 1.中间无空隙地, 位置接近地 名词 n. 其他读音:[kləus] 1.终结, 结束, 末尾 及物动词 vt.1.合上;合拢 2.停业;关闭;歇业;倒闭 3.收盘 4.(使)缩小,接近;变小;变窄 5.把…牢牢抱住(或抓住、握住) 展开词典例句常用词组 close in 1. 好象都纠结在一起 The problems closed in.问题纠结在一起 2. 围攻:向目标移动以封锁 The police closed in on the sniper.警察围攻狙击者 3. 笼罩:围绕使不能使用 The airport was closed in by fog.机场为雾所笼罩 close out 1. 降价清出:降价处理(一系列商品) 2. 清算:结束,如通过售卖 Close out a business.清算一公司 close by 1. 靠近;附近 Her father lives quite close by.她爸爸住得很近. close on(或 close to) 1. (数量)几乎;几近 He spent close to 30 years in jail.他在牢里过了近30年. close to the bone He spent close to 30 years in jail.他在牢里过了近30年. close to one's heart He spent close to 30 years in jail.他在牢里过了近30年. close up 1. 靠近 Close up she was no less pretty.靠近了看,她也很漂亮. come close 1. 几乎要,差一点做 He came close to calling the Prime Minister a liar.他差一点就开口骂首相是个骗子. run someone close 1. 几乎赶上(某人的标准,水平) The Germans ran Argentina close in the 1986 World Cup final.1986年世界杯决赛中德国队差点追平阿根廷队. too close for comfort 1. 近得危险;近得不适 An issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了. close the door on (或 to) An issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了. close one's eyes to An issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了. close one's mind to An issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了. close ranks An issue being discussed with a sufferer may be too close for comfort to the counsellor's personal experience.与受害者讨论问题对顾问的个人体验来说可能近得太不适了. close something down (或 close down) 1. (尤指永久)(使)停止营业(或运作),关闭 The government promised to close down the nuclear plants within twenty years.政府许诺20年内关闭核电站. close something out 1. (北美)停止,结束 Steve tried to close out the conversation.史蒂夫试图结束交谈. close up 1. (人脸)板起 He didn't like her laughter and his face closed up angrily.他不喜欢她的笑声,因而生气地板起脸来. close something up (或 close up) 1. 使停止;使停歇;闲置 The solicitor advised me to close the house up for the time being.律师建议我暂时闲置房子. 2. (开口)变小;堵塞 She felt her throat close up.她感到喉咙堵住了. close with 1. (尤指为与敌军交战)靠近,逼近 习惯用语 close to home 1. 受家庭影响地:以影响某人的感情或兴趣 Her comment hit close to home.她的看法受家庭影响 close to the wind【航海】 1. 接近风向地:接近风向的角度 Sailing close to the wind.接近风向地航行 展开词组习语同义词暂无词性
beginfarstartbeginningopencommenceoutset 电力 名词 n.
1. 关闭2. ?down环境 名词 n.
1. 封闭型细胞状云2. 〔cloud〕 cells 中间有云, 四周少云或无云, 边缘不规则的球形细胞状云体.会计 1. 关闭,结清,闭市,收盘体育 1. 比分接近2. 比赛非公开的物理 名词 n.
1. 密耦〔合〕近似2. ?coupling approximation计算机 1. To call a subroutine to terminate the reading from or writing to a file by a program.2. 关(闭);关闭指令;接通,闭合;【修】紧(密,集),闭合[型][CLS]3. 关闭4. ,挂断贸易 1. n.结束派生词closelyclosenessclosishclosablecloser语源Middle English: from Old French clos (as noun and adjective), from Latin clausum 'enclosure' and clausus 'closed', past participle of claudereMiddle English: from Old French clos-, stem of clore, from Latin claudere 'to shut'相关搜索句库 韦氏词典 Dictionary 查词历史closeclorene close down 创建者:词友编辑:Delphinewong 更多贡献者 编辑 添加 有奖指正 网络释义以下结果来自互联网1. 关闭 from [frOm, frEm, frm] prep. 从,来自,根据...close [klEuz, klEus] v. 关闭 ['EupEn] vt. 打开,开放202.97.254.69 - 相关搜索 2. 关,闭;结束 preclusive 排除的; 除外的; 阻止的; 预防的;...close关,闭;结束...closely紧密地;严密地,密切地 - 相关搜索 3. 方法 方法详细信息...close()方法...语言版本 : ActionScript 3.0 - 相关搜索 4. 关闭,停止 CLK clock 时钟信号...close 关闭,停止...CLS 控制室监听
closely printed
Summer sun from the transmission down branches to packed closely layer upon layer, printed on the full size of the copper sparkling spot.
Although this is a novel of over 500 closely printed pages the style is terse -- so terse that at times it produces an effect as of short, sharp hammer strokes.
- 来自原声例句


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