
起用是什么意思 起用在线翻译 起用什么意思 起用的意思 起用的翻译 起用的解释 起用的发音 起用的同义词 起用的反义词 起用的例句
起用 基本解释起用的解释起用[qǐ yòng]词典reinstate a retired or dismissed official:起用。起用 汉英大词典起用[qǐ yòng]reinstate a retired or dismissed official起用 网络解释1. come into operation:come across偶遇 | come into operation 起用 | contribute to 有助于2. ISVALID:起始时间 FROMDATE | 起用 ISVALID | 签订日期 CREATEDATE起用 双语例句1. 因此,如果君主者起用有野心的人,应该调度使得他们不断迁升切毫无贬降才会有益,这种办法不可能没有麻烦,因此最好不要用这种天性的人。&&&&Therefore it is good for princes, if they use ambitious men, to handle it, so as they be still progressiv which, because it cannot be without inconvenience, it is good not to use such natures at all.2. 2. 我梦想着北京可以重新起用面的-被快车快语的地道北京司机驾驶着。&&&&I dream of Beijing bringing back the mianbao taxis- together with their fast talking, fast driving street smart Beijingnese drivers.3. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D3. 另一方面他说开始起用建议的计划是有用的,并且内部网都支持这个提议,所以我们似乎还是做对了一些事情。&&&&And also on the plus side he said that starting up the suggestion scheme was useful, and went on to endorse the proposal for the intranet, so we seem to be getting some things right.4. 东汉中后期凉州武将与乡里杂居的羌胡结成了较为密切的关系,构成了日后凉州武将整合羌胡崛起凉州的社会基础。东汉朝廷一直有害怕凉州武将借羌乱而起的顾忌,后迫于形势,才起用凉州武将。&&&&In the late Eastern Han Dynasty Liangzhou generals mixed with Qianghu which forms a more close relationship, and constitutes a social foundation for the integration between Qianghu and Liangzhou generals, and for the Eastern Han Dynasty imperial court have been afraid of chaos, and decided to use Liangzhou ganerals.5. 在工程实践中,他们大胆起用年轻人。&&&&In engineering practice, the center boldly appoints young people to some key posts.6. 与该次成功有关的是重新起用的品牌,著名的 CV 鸭还留在商标上,但包装和酒态都是全新的。&&&&Linked to the show success is the revitalised branding, the well know CV duck remains on the label but it has a new coat and attitude.7. 7. MET92-31如果不能制止市内噪音的增长,人们只好从现在起用二十年时间在会议桌边大声疾呼,以使人们听见他们的呼声。&&&&10If city noises are not kept from infreasing, people will have toshout to be heard even a t the table 20 years from now.8. 8. 通过伦克和兰德的协助,他找到并修复起用了一架贝塔战机,却只发现变形战机实际上不怎样,而且大天使号已经移动到南大陆上空的固定轨道了。&&&&With an assist from Lunk and Rand, he had managed to commandeer and make serviceable an anni-disc-ravaged Beta, only to find that the VT was not much good outside the envelope and that the Ark Angel had removed herself to stationary orbit over the Southlands.9. 鼻内镜手术治疗咽囊炎12例、咽囊囊肿8例。术后第3天起用生理盐水冲洗鼻腔、鼻咽,每周鼻内镜下观察创面的变化。&&&&Twelve cases of pharyngeal bursitis and eight cases of nasopharyngeal cyst were treated by nasal endoscopy, and 0.9% sodium chloride solution was given for nasal irrigation twice daily.10. 10. 古人和今人都称道苻坚能从草野平民之中起用了王猛,在很短时间内全部斥去了原来的大臣而与王猛商讨军国大事。&&&&Ancient and modern people are commendable Kusano civilians from Fu Jian in the use of the Wang Meng, in a very short time all the blame to the original Secretary of State to discuss with Wang Meng Jun country event.11. 标志以统一的调子刺绣於脚跟位置,而且前脚的反光镶片,及脚跟的拱形镶片亦起用更多的黑色元素。&&&&&&Completed with tone-on-tone logo embroidery on the heel, and more black-on-black applications, via the reflective panel on the forefoot and arched panel on the heel.12. 当你有一天下决心瞧我不起用侮蔑的眼光衡量我的轻重,我将站在你那边打击我自己,证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。对自己的弱点我既那么内行,我将为你的利益捏造我种种无人觉察的过失,把自己中伤;使你抛弃了我反而得到光荣:而我也可以借此而大有收获;因为我全部情思那么倾向你,我为自己所招惹的一切侮辱既对你有利,对我就加倍有利。&&&&&&When thou shalt be disposed to set me light, And place my merit in the eye of scorn, Upon thy side, against my self I'll fight, And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn: With mine own weakness being best acquainted, Upon thy part I can set down a story Of faults concealed, wherein I am attainted: That thou in losing me, shalt win much glory: And I by this will be a gainer too, For bending all my loving thoughts on thee, The injuries that to my self I do, Doing thee vantage, double-vantage me.13. 我知道,契悟真心、从真心起用能够有所成就。&&&&&&I now know what can be achieved by finding and acting from our Pure Mind.14. 你起用时间是准备使用产品的时间。&&&&&&The use of your time is prepared to use products.15. 15. 是消费者买的起用得起的好产品。&&&&&&Consumers can afford to buy a good use of Product.16. 起用16. 我认为在决赛中我们应起用布朗。&&&&&&I think we should play Brown in the finals.17. 我认为下一场比赛中,我们应该起用伍德。。。&&&&&&I think we should put wood in the next match.18. 他也很快预期起用一位新的财政大臣。&&&&&&He`s also expected to appoint new treasury secretary soon.19. 350间客房的北京金融街洲际酒店将全面起用南塔并定位于上层市场。&&&&&&The 350-room InterContinental Financial Street Beijing will occupy the South Tower and will be positioned in the upper tier of the market.20. 王先生预测未来的同时,在不远处的机场一角,多项协议的签订工作正在进行。那里,该机场新修建的第二个私人飞机机库起用了。&&&&&&Just as Mr Wang was offering his predictions, deals were unfolding not far away in a corner of Hong Kong's airport where a new hangar, the airport's second, opened for private jets.起用是什么意思,起用在线翻译,起用什么意思,起用的意思,起用的翻译,起用的解释,起用的发音,起用的同义词,起用的反义词,起用的例句,起用的相关词组,起用意思是什么,起用怎么翻译,单词起用是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 parking orbit
物理学专业词汇16 ... parent nuclide 母核素 parking orbit 驻留轨道 partial polarization 部分偏振 ...
停泊轨道(parking orbit) 指探测器在进入地月转移轨道之前作短暂“停留”的环地轨道,通常为200~300 千米高 度的圆形轨道。
常用英语词汇第173页 ... parking meter 停车计时器 parking orbit 暂泊轨道 parking space 停车位 ...
集成电路引脚功能及电路常有英文缩写词汇编之P系列(9) ... ;positive-negative正 ;parking orbit暂停轨道 polarity极性 ...
- 引用次数:3
参考来源 -
Parking orbit
A parking orbit is a temporary orbit used during the launch of a satellite or other space probe.
A launch vehicle boosts into the parking orbit, then coasts for a while, then fires again to enter the final desired trajectory.
parking orbit
parking orbit
an orbit around the earth or moon in which a spacecraft can be placed temporarily in order to prepare for the next step in its programme 宇宙飞船暂泊轨道
But Welsh said that once comets areknocked out of their parking orbit in the outer reaches of a stellar system andfall toward a star, they heat up and evaporate.
The ways to deal with the threat include simply flying a spacecraft into an errant asteroid or either attaching one to it or parking one alongside it, like a gravity tractor, to pull it into another orbit.
- 来自原声例句


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