
发音相同单词归类,发音相同的单词,a e相同发音的单词,和face发音相同的单词,与字母发音相同的单词,英语发音相同单词,和bike发音相同的单词,和nose发音相同的单词,cat发音相同的单词,box发音相同的单词
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辨音题主要考察以下几点内容: 1.a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母的发音
[日期:] & 来源:河北专接本考试网-2012河北专接本考试报名/成绩查询& 作者:河北专接本考试网-2012河北专接本考试报名/成绩查询 & 阅读:71次[字体:
: 2.以-ed结尾的单词的词尾正确读音; 3.以-s,-es结尾的单词的词尾正确读音; 4.常见字母组合的读音; 5.不符合读音规则的常用词的读音。具体如下:一、 a,e,i,o,u五个元音字母的发音。注意元音字母在重读开音节、闭音节中的读音,非重读音节中的读音及特例情况:开音节有两种:一种是在重读音节中元音字母之后没有辅音字母,叫绝对开音节。如:go no me paper 另一种是在元音字母之后有一个辅音字母(r除外),而后面又跟上一个不发音的元音字母e,叫相对开音节。如:home name face 在重读开音节中,元音字母一律读它的字母音,即长音。以一个或几个辅音字母结尾(r除外),而中间只有一个元音字母的音节叫闭音节。在重读闭音节中,元音字母一律读它的短音。但是: 1.字母a在/w/后常发短音[?]如wash,what,want;在water一词中,a发长音/ [?:];在danger strange change中发/ei/;在class can&t father after中发/a:/。 2. ever even eve 这三个单词中e的发音分别为:/e/ /i:/ /i:/。 3.字母i 发/i:/ eg. policeman machine 4.字母o 发/u/ eg. woman /i/ women o在m,n,v,th前发 /&L / eg. come son love does mother 5.字母u 发/i/ busy 不发音 build (built) 二、以-ed结尾的单词的词尾正确读音: 清辅音后读作/ t / (eg.looked hoped) 浊、元音后读作/ d / (eg.cleaned answered) t,d之后加ed, ed读/ id /(eg.started decided) 三、以-s,-es结尾的单词的词尾正确读音 清辅音后读作/s/ (eg.maps cakes) 浊、元音后读作/z / (eg.bananas dogs) 在/s/、/z/、/d???/、/&/音之后读/ iz / (eg.classes bridges washes houses) 四、常见字母组合的读音;(字母组合包括:元音字母组合和辅音字母合)。字母组合多种多样,考查辨音能力力度更大。考生一定要掌握好各种字母组合的读音,特别是有些单词的读音变化。如oo字母组合有时读长音,有时读短音。我们要注意总结[-ook,全发短,好脚站木头(foot、good、stood、wood)也都全发短]。这样,在做这类语音题时就易如反掌,又快又准了。还有一些单词发音特殊,很有麻痹性,如&pretty&中的&e&不发[e]而发[i]。这类词在考试中出现频率较高,应特别注意。五、不符合读音规则的常用词的读音。 1.词性变化引起读音变化 (1)同形而不同词性的单词读音变化 excuse n./s/ v./z/ separate v./ei/ adj./i/ breath n. /& / v./ e/ record n./e/ v./i/ absent adj./ ? / v./ ? / abstract adj./ ? / v./ ? / bow n./ ?u / v./au / (2)有些词加后缀时引起读音的变化 nation /ei/---national/ ? / know/ ? u/----knowledge /?/ south /sau&/----/southern / ?? s&Le?n/ 2.词形变化引起读音变化(1) 可数名词变复数的读音变化 mouth /&/ - --mouths / ez/ house /s/---houses /ziz/ wuman / ?? wum ? n/---wumen / ??wimin/ (2) 词过去式中的读音变化 will----would /wud/ shall---should /&ud/ can---could /kud/ eat---ate /et,eit/ mean---meant /;ment hear---heard /h ?:d/ (3) 词在否定缩写中的读音变化 cannot---can`t /ka:nt/ shall not---shan`t /&a:nt/ will not---won`t /w?unt/ do not---don`t /d?unt/ 3.复合词的读音变化 break/ei/---breakfast/e/ head/e/---forehead/rid/ hand / d /---handsome/()/ room /u:/----classroom /u/ news /z/----newspaper /s/ 4.同源词的读音变化 know / ?u/---knowledge /?/ nature/ei/---natural / ?/ nation /ei/----national / ?/ breath /&/---breathe / e/ bath /ba:&/---bathe /bee/ cloth /kl?&/---clothes /kl?uez/ worth /&/---worthy / ei/ real /ri ?l/---reality /ri ?? ?l?ti/ political / ?/&politics /?/ say /sei/---said /sed/ 专题训练:(从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项) 1, music A . trust B produce C July D bury 2, foot A . pool B cook C foolish D food 3, worth A . clothes B clothing C than D throw 4, warn A war B farther C upward D beggar 5, resist A praise B presently C . measure D grasp 6, tour A cure B sure C journey D hour 7, progress A crossing B occur C possible D ocean 8, quiet A piano B affair C pioneer D daily 9, smooth A worth B wealthy C southern D south 10, trousers A season B pleasure C practise D Russian 11,restaurant A. wrestling B. reunite C. repeat D. remain 12.heard A. disappear B. pearl C. wear D. spear 13.regard A. parrot B. guitar C. vinegar D . war 14. actor A. support B. tortoise C. fortune D. information 15 mere A. prepare B. anywhere C. atmosphere D. firefighter 16.promise A. shock B. provide C. remove D. moment 17. polite A. disease B. engineer C. guide D. deliver 18. spread A. breathe B. sweater C. weakness D. treat 19. church A. technical B. headache C. chemistry D. march 20. wasted A. fixed B. watched C. needed D. changed keys: 1-5. BBDAD 6-10. BDCCA 11-15.ABBDC 16-20.ACBDC 读音规则简单总结如下: 1、元音字母a及字母组合在重读音节中的读音: 分类说明读音例词 a开音节[ei]grade, hate, face, table 闭音节[ ]glad, pan, thank, land a前边是[w]音时[ ]want, wash, what, watch, was a后边是n, s, f, th时[a:]dance, fast, glass, after, father 例外[e]any, anything, many 其它have[ ], water[ :], change[ei], grandson[ ] ai / al [ei]rain, play, fail, away, may 例外 said[e], says[e], Friday[i] al [ :]chalk, walk, talk [a:]always, almost, already, alse 例外 half[a:], shall[ ], 或[ ] ar [a:]card, hard, party, dark, hardly 前边是[w]音时[ :]warm, quarter ari [ ]hair, pair, repair 2、元音字母e及字母组合在重读音节中的读音。 分类说明读音例词 e开音节[i:]eve, these, she, be 闭音节[e]well, fresh, help, rest 例外 English [i] ea [e]dead, ready, bread, head [i:]east, weak, please, beat, each 例外[ei]great, break 例外[i ]idea, real, really, theatre ee [i:]sleep, agree, deep, meet er在词中[ :]her, centainly, term ear [ :]learn, early, heard, earth [i ]ear, hear, near, dear [ ]wear, pear 例外[a:] 3、元音字母i(y)及字母组合在重读音节中的读音规则 分类说明读音例词 i(y)开音节[ai]smile, wife, cry, try, by, my 例外[i]give, live 闭音节[i]film, think, ill, finish 例外[ai]climb, ninth 在ild, ind中[ai]behind, kind, child, mind 例外[i]wind ie [ai]lie, tie, die [i:]field, piece 例外[e]friend ir [ :]bird, first, dirty, shirt 4、元音字母o及字母组合在重读音节中的读音 分类说明读音例词 o开音节[ u]joke, rose, hope, smoke, close 例外[u:]do, more, lose, who, shoe, whose, chose [u]woman 闭音节[ ]clock, shop, lost, hospital, doctor 例外[ u]most, cold, post, hold, old o在m, n, v, th之前[L]come, son, love, brother, some, other 例外[ u]both oa [ u]boat, coat, road, goal oi / oy [ i]boy, enjoy, toilet, noise, join ou [au]mouth, shout, ground, loud [u:]group, through, you [L]touch, young, trough, enough, country pu在ght之前[ :]bought, brought, thought, fought 例外 could[kud], would[wud], should[&ud] ow [au]down, how, town, brown [ u]grow, window, know, show 例外 knowledge[ ] or [ :]born, north, sport, horse [ :]word, world, worse, work 例外 foreigh[ ], forget[ ] oo多数情况下[u:]room, zoo, noon, cool oo在t, d, k之前[u]foot, good, book 例外[u:]boot, food, shoot 5、元音字母u及字母组合在重读音节中的读音 分类说明读音例词 u开音节[ju:]use, music, pupil, student u在l, r, j之后[u:]true, ruler, blue, June 例外 busy[i] 闭音节[L]cut, just, jump, but, truck 例外[u]put, full, push, sugar, pull ur [ :]turn, nurse, hurt, return 6、辅音字母及字母组合的发音 分类说明读音例词 cc在e, i, y之前[s]nice, city, bicycle, decide, centre 除了在e, i, y之前[k]cry, coat, crownd 例外 delicious[&] ch [t&]chair, teach, change, rich [k]school, christmas, headache 例外 machine[&] ck [k]clock, ticket, pick, cock g在e之前[d ]large, change, German, vegetable [g]guess, group, glad, egg 例外 together[ge] gh [f]laugh, enough, cough 不发音fight, thought, through h [h]head, hand, hole, hit 不发音hour, honest th在虚词和代词中[ ]with, without, these, them, then, than, that 在名, 动, 形, 数词中[q]teeth, thank, thin, three, fouth, south 例外[ ]father, mother, brother, northern, southern wh在o之前[h]who, whose, whole, whom [w]where, white, while, what


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