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executive summary 要怎么写啊?请举个例子,好困扰啊,第一次写英文报告请举个例子说明清楚一点,谢谢了
这是我们写的一篇关于DELL的process improvement & lean thinking 的report。 这个是我们的Executive SummaryExecutive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to examine how process improvement and lean thinking ca...
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请教各位大神,我在写一篇英文文章,introduction里面有涉及到关于中国人口统计的数字,这肯定是要引用相关的中国人口发展报告的,那参考文献里我写成英文还是中文呢?中文如下李桂芝.2013年人口发展报告.中国发展报告.中国统计出版社 ,请各位大神指导~
Guizhi Li. Population Development Report in 2013..Development Report
in China.China Statistics Press. (In Chinese)
在公司工作的职场人一定免不了写报告吧?不管是工作总结报告,还是行业观察报告,在撰写英文报告时,我们除了要注意行文的说服力和逻辑性,还要注意表达与格式的问题,这样才能使报告更正式、更专业。1Reports Format&报告格式 Report formats vary from company to company. However, most long or formal reports have 11 elements. Not every report will contain all 11 parts. You may want to omit some part, depending on the kind of report and on your reader’ nonetheless, you should be aware of the purpose and function of each part.报告格式根据不同公司机构的要求而有所差异。但一般篇幅较长的正式报告大约包括11个要素。但是并不是所有报告都会囊括这些要素,需要撰写人根据目的、读者和功能有所选取。1Body of the Report&报告正文1. Introduction — The introduction describes the reason for the report. 介绍报告的目的、数据采集手段、数据来源、定义以及报告的文章脉络。好的介绍能够激起读者的兴趣,并提供有效的背景信息。&2. Body — Include in this section all the pertinent data you have gathered and analyzed.陈述报告的案例并证明自己的观点。介绍并分析调查结果。该部分还可以使用图表等来辅助论证。可以使用不同的标题。大标题表示报告的主要内容,副标题或小标题表示支持的观点和具体的内容。这些标题实质上与文章的大纲是差不多的,如何放置标题取决于机构的一贯操作。一般来说可以这么做(多数情况下只需总共使用三级标题即可):· First category — centered, in capitals 大标题居中,大写。· Second category — left margin, in capitals 二级标题居左,大写。· Third category — left margin, initial capitals, underscored 三级标题居左,首字母大写,下划线。· Fourth category — indented five spaces from left margin, initial capitals, underscored 四级标题缩进(5个字符),首字母大写,下划线。· Fifth category — left margin, initial capitals 五级标题居左首字母大写。一般情况下,可以这么布局:· Page numbers 页码 — 一般可放置在页面中间或右上方,距离边界4行左右的位置处。或者也可放在页面下方或右下方相似位置。· Major heading 大标题 — 居中大写。· Subheading 小标题 — 居左大写。· Margins 边距 — 左边距 1.5英寸; 右边距 1英寸; 上下边距 1.5英寸。· Body of report 报告正文— 两倍行距· Long quotes 长断引用— 一倍行距,可使用页面结尾的脚注、表格或文末参考来表示。3. Conclusion — Readers may skim through the body of the report to get to the conclusion section.简洁清楚地表述数据及相关材料的意义,调查中发现的规律、走向。最好一一罗列出来。注意:推断出的结论应符合逻辑,要建立在调查的结果之上。&4. Recommendations — Take your conclusions to the next step and answer such questions as: 在结论之上作进一步阐述· What should be done?· How do we achieve the desired outcome?· How can we persuade people to agree with our plan of action?这些阐述有助于人们在此基础上继续进行调查或得出相应的行为。一起来学习一个独立报告的实例吧MAEUMAN STORES, NOTTING HILL BRANCHREPORT ON POSSIBILITY OF OPENING A CRECHEINTRODUCTIONI was asked to investigate the opening of a crèche at the Notting Hill branch by Mrs Lillian Cheng. In order to do this the following steps were taken.1. I obtained a breakdown of figures showing the number of customers with young children.2. I discussed this issue with several customers who brought children to the store.3. The accommodation, staffing and insurance issues were considered.4. I investigated the experience of other shops that already have a crèche.FINDINGS1. 7.3% of Maruman customers have at least one child under the age of 3.2. The majority of customers interviewed said they would use a crèche if the cost was reasonable. Some of these customers also commented that other friends who are not presently customers might also consider using the shop if there was a crèche.3. There are strict laws and regulations concerning accommodations and staffing of a crèche. The site would have to be approved to run a crèche before we could start one.4. Staff appointed to run the crèche would have to be fully qualified.5. A suitable space would have to be found. This would require running water as well as toilets. The crèche would have to be close to the store entrance but due to noise levels it should be kept separate from the main store.6. The company would be required to ensure adequate insurance.7. Many rival stores in the neighbourhood are offering crèche facilities.CONCLUSIONSA crèche would be popular and well-used if we decided to go ahead with this.RECOMMENDATIONSI suggest that the company should give further consideration to offering a crèche and investigate the financial aspects that would be involved.&Sally TurnerCustomer Service ExecutiveLC/ST(归档号)20 April 201-(日期)分析:这篇report非常简洁清晰,没有多余的词句。最大的特点是使用了数字来表示自己搜集信息时采取的步骤调研的结果。但是可以看出这是一份比较初期的调查,没有针对特殊的问题和人群,所以收集的问题和数据是比较广泛的。在之后的调查中如果发现了具体的问题还可以具体分析,并且可以在报告中对调查的问题进行分类显示,这就需要更强的逻辑能力了。英文部分来源:Powerful Business Writing


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