You are going to be the nextvice president职位.everybody

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Debate regarding Education
The reason that I want to see McCain become our next president is for many reasons. One being that he is not a socialist like Senator Obama. Obama plans on doing a little something called redistributing the wealth, something an infamous man did about fifty years ago, his name was Joseph Stalin leader of Communist Russia better known as the U.S.S.R. McCain wants to continue the war, which we have not won yet. Obama wants to pull our troops over a period of of eight months. He wants to keep drilling for oil, which is something we need. McCain does not want to raise taxes like Obama does. Obama wants to invest billions of tax dollars to finding an alternative to oil, not just because we are running out, but because of global warming, which has been disproven. Another reason is experience, something that Senator Obama does not have. Obama has been a senator for less than a decade, McCain has been in politics since 1982. Now personnaly I don't like McCain but I see him as the lesser of two evils.
8 years ago Side: McCain
What a load of crap.Obama is not a socialist. He is a capitalist who thinks we need a little bit of socialism. And he's right. Pure capitalism redistributes wealth from everyone and puts it in the hands of the richest 1%. Pure capitalism means the poor can't afford basic things like housing and health care. Pure capitalism is bad for the economy because most people can't afford to buy anything beyond basics like food and clothes.I'm not saying socialism is the answer. Capitalism is good because it's the best way we know of to provide goods and services. I think the right answer lies in the middle road between capitalism and socialism. This is also what Obama believes.Also, Stalin was a communist. Communism is where the government forcefully prevents anyone from getting rich. Communism and socialism are not the same things.As for the war -- as long as we have troops in Iraq, the Iraqi government will use them as a crutch to avoid taking responsibility for the security of their country. The mid-east is a very unstable region, and will probably be so for the next hundred years. We have to pull out eventually, the only question is how much money and how many American lives do we waste first?It is absolutely critical that we find an alternative to oil, and Obama's energy plan will do just that. Also, global warming is happening and it is man made. This has been confirmed by the IPCC, which is the number one authority on the issue. They are further backed up by almost the entire scientific community. As for experience, Obama will have many advisors. He has said he will work closely with his vice president, Joe Biden, who has ten years more experience than McCain. Also, if experience is so important to you, then doesn't it bother you that Sarah Palin would be one 73 year old heartbeat away from becoming president if McCain is elected?I'm sorry, but you are just plain wrong on every point.
8 years ago Side: Obama
E and you've gotten a source to validate your point.Big ups. Have to give you dap on that.
8 years ago Side: Obama
seriously??? ok first of all global warming has not been disproven you just dont know how it really works. and second of all expierience means nothing. you could be doing something for years but that doesnt mean your ganna be the best at it.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Global warming is a title. It is just what we are calling what the world is undergoing at the time. History repeats itself it has been too hot before and there have been more then one ice ages there might be one again! Of course not in our lifetime. Experience does stand for something! Why do you think places hire people with more experience?? It might not be the key but you cant say it doesn't stand for nothing.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Disputed Banned
8 years ago Side: McCain
"global warming CAUSED BY HUMANS has been disproved."No it hasn't. "experience"Obama/Biden & McCain/Palin"he hasn't seen what things like wealth redistribution and high government spending does to this country"What exactly are you saying they do? Increase the standard of living and improve the economy? Most economists favor a certain amount of wealth redistribution. And it seems to me that a clean environment is good for average Americans. Or do you enjoy sucking smog?
8 years ago Side: Obama
I agree Obama is to much of a communist. All he wants to do is help all the lazy * people that want to live of walfare and crap.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Lazy people don't get welfare. The only people who get welfare are people who are too old to work or are disabled or something like that. There's also temporary welfare like unemployment -- but people are only allowed to get that for a short time while they find a new job.If we didn't have any welfare at all, then you would literally have people dying in the street. Is that what you want?
8 years ago Side: Obama
To me this is a great point, I don't really like McCain either but I completely agree with this
8 years ago Side: McCain
Your right. We are suppose to be free. Thats why people come here, and if they dont have chances then I dont know why we should still that famous sloggen
8 years ago Side: McCain
Stalin didn't practice socialism, though he may have claimed to do so. He practiced communism- the result of twisting the original ideals of Karl Marx to benefit the government rather than the people and society as a whole as its original intentions were.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Disputed Banned
Communism was FORCED Socialism. it was a worker's revolution that led to Abolition of property, inheritance, and classes.actually, Karl Marx wrote the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO which was the belief that Socialism can only truly be achieved through a COMMUNIST revolution.Obama may not be a communist, but his beliefs are WAY more socialist than Capitalist. hell, not capitalist at all.
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: Obama
I'm voting McCain. Because I personally can't stand some of the things that Obama stands for. I was raised in a Christian home, and along with that came certain standards. Not only is Obama for gay marriage, he was the ONLY person in the senate that voted yes for partial birth abortion. If you don't know what it is look it up, because it's very gruesome and most definitely murder. I can agree with some things that Obama is for.Not only that but half of the votes going to Obama are simply for his race. People need to look past the color of his skin and look at what he truly stands for.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Not everyone is a Christian, a president has to take all religions into consideration. Why shouldn't a gay couple have the same opporunities as a heterosexual couple? If they are American citizens, they should get the same benefits and not be denied their rights because of personal opinions of their political leader. After all, impartiality is a part of doing what is fair for everyone.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I never said everyone was a christian I said that I was a christian if you would read it right. and I believe its wrong. and killing an innocent child is fair for everyone?
8 years ago Side: McCain
I voted for John McCain this morning because he wants to help America and he knows how to help America. Senator McCain wants to help everyone in America, Obama only wants to help the the lower class. He wants to tacks hard working middle class Americans and give it to the people who don't work and don't pay taxes. Thats not how things should work in the U.S. This is America, the great land of opportunity. In America you can make money doing whatever you want, through hard work. Obama might as well say "oh, you don't have to work hard, i will just tax the people that do work hard and the government will take care of you, and i will get credit for it, not the people that worked hard to earn that money." Thats not the American dream.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I think McCain is the man I will have to go with. Reason being is because i see Obama doing more of what president bush did. Obama says he is going to do all kinds of good things for America, for instance pulling all the troops out of Iraq. This can not happen with in his time of presidency unless elected again. It takes a total of six years for proper military evacuation. Another thing is he said in one or two of his speeches that with in the next ten to twelve years he will have our taxes cut lower than ever before. Well if I’m not mistaken you can only be elected president for a total time of eight years. So how can he promise that in ten to twelve year our taxes will be lower than ever? I just see Obama saying things people want to hear so he can then move in and do things his way and be completely opposite of what he has promise America. McCain has rallied through this campaign with man struggles and still stands strong. He has severed our country a lot longer than Obama in congress and other thing, even in the military, and I really haven’t heard Obama doing anything than maybe feeding the hungry children or maybe charity things so, I don’t see how he really know what America needs. Just like Bush, Obama is putting a lot on his plate and I don’t see how it’s going to happen especially if he promises things ten to twelve years for now when he won't have any such control.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I voted for him this morning so I will vote for him now =)In my eyes his economic plan will work out. Obama wants to tax the rich only but what will happen when the rich run out of money? He then he will have to tax the poor but we would have to be higher than taxes are now. I also feel the boarders should stay closed my grandparents had to wait to come over and so should other people.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Ok but think of it this way, when you said your grandparents had to wait so should everyone else, you're being mad selfish. Look at it this way when any type of activist fight for sumthin they're doing it for all who follow them or the people to come not just for themselves. SELFISHNESS is not the way to go.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I don't care for politics or McCain much, BUT Obama is choosing to try and make things "equal" and really thats not fair. There are people who work very hard for their money and other people who are just lazy and many people who live off welfare, not because they can't get a job but because they are too lazy. If I worked hard to earn a lot of money, I would not want to be taxed so that I can pay for people who won't go out and work themselves. Personally I've had a new perspective on the election and believe that McCain really would be better for president. He's been involved in politics for many many years and Obama is new to all this. All Obama is talks about is raising taxes and more money for this and that. McCain does not want to try and take other peoples money and hand it out to everyone else. There is a lot going on for who ever is president next but I think McCain would be more prepared for this presidency.
8 years ago Side: McCain
McCain is right in saying you can't just throw money at the problem, on the line of education he is right again for stating that some of the worst schools academically get more money and they're still not improving, and Obama has been making many huge promises. In past cases when America was promised big goals (like Obama has done), we never get what we were told. Also, not to be hurtful, but the KKK is not completely gone. If Obama was elected then we'd have the VP take over. Nobody wants Obama to be assassinated, but it's something that would most likely happen. As much as race shouldn't be a problem, it still is. I personally wouldn't vote for either, but I see McCain as the better between the two choices.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I favor Mc cain because he has a better view on things most people are only voting for obama because of his race they really aren't listening to what he speaks about or whats happening. I think obama is just talking about change so that people could vote for him, because thats what people want we want change, but personally I think hes just speaking I dont think he will make change.
8 years ago Side: McCain
If I was voting for a president I would lean towards McCain. He shouldn't force people to do something they don't want to do. If you are lazy, you should be treated and get what lazy people get. If you work hard, you should get what you deserve for working hard and not give it to people who want to be lazy. This country is based on freedom and he wants to take away more of our freedom. I've noticed he has started targeting people who doesn't like his ideas and make them look bad. And by the way, when people say McCain is retarded because of his hands, its because he was in the Vietnamese War and was a prisioner. He has more respect for America then Obama. Obama didnt have a chance to be in any kind of war, but he could have supported our Military. I want to live in a free country.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Obama wants to spend more money and that is not what we need in this economic crisis. Obama wants to find alternative ways for fuel, when we have all the oil we need here in the U.S.. Both parties are basically talking about the same thing, but they are pushing the ideas in a different area. though some people may disagree with that, but if you take the time and listen to both candidates, this is true.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I would want McCain to win because I have heard his plans and I think that he has a better plan than Obama. Any ways most people are just voting for Obama because he will make history. That should not be the reason why and I feel like if Obama wins it would be out of sympathy votes due to his grandma dieing. I strongly believe that McCain knows what he is doing and i would rather have someone become the next president knowing what he his getting himself in to and knows what he is doing.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I am not to fond of either candidate. Being a liberal republican there are things I like about both men but I will have to go with McCain this year. I don't think it's fair that Obama wants to give so much to the poor. Are they not poor for a reason? maybe maybe not. If Obama decides to hand the rich peoples money to the poor then the only change we're are going to see here is more poor. Why would you want to get up and get a job and education when you have things being handed to you by the government? I'm all for charity and helping the less fortunate but not in the same sense that Obama has.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I believe that McCain should be president because he is better fit to run a country, he has the experiance necesarry. He has showed love for this country by devoting his life to it, in the military in his youth and politics in his old age. He has the country best interest at heart.An not to sound racial but blacks and hispanics are not very good at running countries and we can tell by just looking at south america and africa.I think obama should take his so called change to africa or south america theyre where its needed america is doing just fine the way it is sure it has its problems but we are better of with a white president.
8 years ago Side: McCain
The presidential election we are witnessing right now is almost surreal. Usually through out the election process the better of the two candidates becomes clear, and the results are generally alright. However, watching this election I am quite puzzled on who the "winner" should be. At times I strongly agree with Barak Obama, and others with John McCain. On the last day of elections I have decided that I would like to see John McCain become president. He isn’t perfect in any sense, but to me I believe he is the lesser of two evils. Senator Obama speaks very eloquently, and generally says what people want to hear, but honestly I don’t believe him. I think he is a people-pleaser, and says what people need to hear and behind closed doors takes care of his own agenda. If I was eligible to vote, my ballot would go towards the McCain/Palin campaign.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I personally do not like McCain either but if ever able to vote i would vote for him. Not only is he wiser (older) i believe in his ideas as well as his dream of the american future. Obama believes that the harder you work the more you give back (taxes) while the people who dont even work are able to still get money? not with that.
8 years ago Side: McCain
My opinion is that McCain should be the next President of the United States. The reason for choosing McCain over Obama is because Obama wants to increase taxes on people that make more money. My father is one of those people. He works hard at night and day. My father gets less sleep and barely any time off work during the week days. If Obama becomes Presidents, then my father's life will be harder on him since I now have a half-brother in our family. Above all, my father has a lot of stress from work and it will increase with the tax increase. I care for my father, so that is why I chose to support McCain.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I would like to start off with I am so glad that I can't vote this year, and its because I really don't like either of the presidential candidates, but since I have to choose one I will choose McCain because he is the better of two evils. I know some of his plans and some of Obamas plans but I haven't really followed either of them. I like McCain keeping our troops in Iraq.
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: McCain
If I were voting I would vote for McCain. I think they both have very good arguments, and they want to do great things for the country. But Obama is probably going to be majorally voted for because of his race, not because of his views on the education system.
8 years ago Side: McCain
The Race doesn't matter. You say that they both have good arguments but you know and then add the race issue just tell us that you are voting for that issue too. You should really look at the issues they want to improve not the race which is what you are doing.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I chose McCain on this. People say they don’t want another George Bush, think about everything he had to go through. No one thought we would have 9-11, but we did. That caused him to make decisions in a quick manner. They might not have been the best decisions but he did the best he could. We will never have another George Bush no matter who is elected. I appose Obama because he has been to flag burning ceremonies. Why would you elect a person who has burned the countries flag? Isn't the president supposed to love and support our country not tare it down?
8 years ago Side: McCain
I personally think McCain should be our next president because he wants to continue the war, a war we are trying to win. And Obama wants to end as quickly as possible. I don’t like the fact that obama wants to tax out the rich people. The have work their way up there, and he cannot just come and take it just like that to help out the poor people. If they are really poor as there is said to be than they should go out and look for a job.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I really dont keep up with politics, so i really dont care who becomes president, but i know who ever becomes president will affect not only me but everybody in America. But one thing i disagree with is that Obama is for "Gay Marriage" and "Abortion". Personally as a Christian Gay Marriage is wrong PERIOD, because god put us on this earth for a "MAN and WOMAN" Marriage NOT for a "MAN to MAN" or "WOMAN to WOMAN" Marriage, and Abortion is the same as KILLING because you are taking away a "LIFE". How would you feel like if somebody wanted to take your life because they cant deal with you? THIS IS JUST MY OPINION SO DO NOT REPLY....
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: McCain
So tell me if you were on welfare and you needed money and the fact isn't you dont want a job, but that no one will hire you then would you take that handout especially if you have a family.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I'm really favoring Barack Obama, and it's not just because he's an African-American, like some others would favor him by. Which is all good, don't get me wrong, but I also side the view points he proposes, most notably, education.Whenever I watched the Presidential Debates between Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain, it really sounds like Obama actually stresses on the faults on the education time period we young Americans are going through. College is a lot of money, people, we'd have to have someone who wants to get the problem of paying off school loans, etc. so that it would be a whole lot easier on families. Other countries around the world are well advanced and well educated, and farther down the road of the main subjects of Math and Science. Mr. Obama wants to change that situation.He wants this country to change like no one else has done before.He wants us to change for the good, the positive, and the righteousness of all Americans and their needs, particularly the middle class. McCain, in my eyes doesn't seem to really hit it home on the subject of education, as well as some other issues that are puzzling us all.This is why I'm supporting Mr. Barack Obama to becoming the next President of the United States of America.
8 years ago Side: Obama
If McCain hasn’t noticed money has to do a lot with education. Money pays for the books we read, the computer we use and the desk we sit in. We should get the money we need for a better education. Our generation is going to one day lead America and we can’t do that if we don’t have the proper education. I would vote for Obama because he wants to help with college expenses. So we can get the education to get far in the future.
8 years ago Side: Obama
We need a president who can inspire Americans across all divides, whether republican or democrat, black, brown, or white, woman or man. We need a president who can ask all Americans to make the sacrifices necessary to change the course of this country. We do not need one who asks us to go nike shopping while we send our soldiers off to make those sacrifices for us. We need a president who understands that the government is n it is about we the people. We need a president who requires us to think, inspires us to dream, and challenges us to take action. Do not underestimate the power of hope, of words that inspire. We can choose to continue down a path that will leave a legacy for our children of insurmountable debt, perpetual wars, and environmental collapse, or we can create change. Only one candidate seems to get that it is not about him or her, it is about us. “We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” For these reasons, the choice for the next president of our United States of America is clear.
8 years ago Side: Obama
G that's what I'm talking about.Obama/Biden '08.
8 years ago Side: Obama
TWO-WORDS...BARACK OBAMA!! This man has prior experience in politics and is currently a Senator for the state of Illinois, he has speaches that can't be drowned out by constant bashing of his campaign by the Republicans & people who are still saticfied with the fact that other (recent)presidents still have yet to fill the starving stomaches of America's people. I like the way Obama presents himself, his facts, and his overall plans for "ACTION" in this election. One interesting fact: 23% of the people "voting" in Texas did not vote for this man because they feel he is of the "MUSLIM" race. How crazy i that?? If a Muslim could take SOME of these children and make a better way for them, get out of Iraq, and build Economic success... hey... his skin could be as blue as a "SMURF" but if he was leading this nation "AS REQUESTED" then he could be my president any day. God created us equal. Remember that.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama should become president because he wants to help students go to collage. He doesn't want college to be optional but required. I agree with him about college expenses and he wants to help those students to be able to afford college. McCain want to keep it the same and make it a competion. He doesn't want students to get that help. Obama seems better fit to be president.
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: McCain
Well excuse me but I think if you wanted your kids to go to college and you couldn't afford it then you would want the help, and I'm sure that you wouldn't want your kids to work low income jobs just because you couldn't afford college for them. So yeah it does make a difference if a child goes to college!
8 years ago Side: Obama
I'm with Ashley on this. I probably wont be able to afford college so I understand what your trying to say.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Honestly I believe that Barack Obama should be president because it is time for change, and i really don't want another George Bush in there.
8 years ago Side: Obama
CHANGE!!!! What kind of change. If your going to give an opinion give a reason as to why you have that opinion, don't just give an open ended statement.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Where is your opinion if you truley think McCain is so great.
8 years ago Side: Obama
The counrty needs to be change really bad. We have to save this country. We have to make the economy stable. We have to get the troops out of Iraq. We can use the money which is being used there in a useful way as in education. That will help the counrty to survive. Which is only possible when Obama becomes the new President of the United States
8 years ago Side: McCain
Sam, in your stubborn vouching for McCain you get kind of rude. Chill out.
8 years ago Side: McCain
With as much respect as possible, we are not supposed to comment on the person making the debate. We are only supposed to comment on the debate. So please stop calling people "dorks" and "stubborn"
8 years ago Side: McCain
i honestly dont know enouh about either to make a confident decision, all i know is i dont want anything remotely like bush in office, considering both are going to do just as badly, i figure ill go with who ever is standing behind change because change is something i know for sure we need. I realize that this approach might be his whole propoganda angle to try and connect with me, but I just figure he will be the lesser of 2 evils.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Its great that someone will actually admit that they dont know everything. I've read a bunch of these posts and everyone claims they know evrything about Sen. Obama And McCain, and use their false knowledge to bash the other candidate. Im for Obama, his views are very similar to my own, and his plan for education is matched by none.Obama All The Way.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think Obama should be the next president because he has been through stuff to know what's important that we need to change. His whole ideal about making it possible for graduates to be able to go to college, changing tax making it equal, and about health care. He also knows the important things that need to be delt with first were McCain on the other hand says he beleieve everthing can be handle at the same time which it can't cause it takes time.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama should be the next president, because he wants to help students who aren't able to afford college. He sees that by going to college alot of people go into debt, because of loans. Mccain on the other hand, is going to keep things the same. Therefore, I think Obama should be the next president.
8 years ago Side: Obama
i thinck Obama should win the presidency because he is a strong man that really wants to help this country change in many ways, i also like Obama as president because i as a hispanic person see the fact that he says he is willing to help in this imigration situation and also giving the abortion option to the people, he is respecting everybodys options and choices.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama should be our next president. If Obama was a socialist he would be agreeing the the socialist party. I have heard the president of the party speak and he wants to leave everything to the government, basically the government owns means of production. He also said that it is incorrect to call Obama a socialist because he is not wanting what the socialist party wants. Obamas plan to raise taxes to the upper class is good because the upper class is can afford it, it would basically be pocket change and wouldn't affect them. Do this to the middle and lower class what happens? THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET POORER. Does this ring a bell?
8 years ago Side: Obama
no because if only the rich were paying taxes then they would be paying for EVERYONES taxes. Therefore they would lose money and everyone will be poor.Plus how is it fair that somebody that was smart and made something of themselves should have to pay for somebody who didn't make anything of themselves. Not saying that everyone that is poor didn't try but somebody that actually acheived their goals doesn't mean that they should have to pay for the people that didn't
8 years ago Side: McCain
okay after a while it WON'T be pocket change, plus their hard earned money will be going to other people who either are lazy or didn't get higher education in college. Obama just wants to use money to fix evvverything which is just going to worsen our economy
8 years ago Side: McCain
I strongly believe in that Obama should be the next president because to me, electing mccain is like having another george bush in office. I dont want the next 4-8 years to be like the last. Obama will bring us out of our downfall of our economy and stabilize us once again.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I feel Obama should be the next president because he has a lot to offer. He sounds like he is confident in what he is saying and i feel that he will stay srong to is word. Having a black president for the first time could really change things in a positive way. I feel it will lead younger kids to want to try harder and look up to hm as a role model. GO OBAMA!
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama simply made it clear that college should be cheaper. I agree, for the simple fact of its alot of smart students and not just smart students that get into these colleges but because of the cost they choose not to go. Either that or if they take student loans that stacks up bad credit just because the person wanted to go to college. Thats cruel to me. It makes America seem like they dont care about the education they jus want the money.
8 years ago Side: Obama
our next president should be obama in my opinion becouse we need some kind of change and step into a diffrent path that could understant we the young people, and obama seems to have a better understanding of our school needs and future .
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think Obama should be president, he seems really interconnected with people of all races. He also stands behind the students of america, He is trying to get teacher's higher pay, aswell as giving money in places where it is needed. He is trying to give students a better oppuurtunity of going to college. He is also helping the lower and middle class. To me personally, it seems as if Mccain is heading towards the way bush is, and honestly we need a change.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I'm a liberal and if i was able to vote i wouldn't just because our candidates running both aren't "in my view" in shape for being our next president, but if i were to vote I would think that Mr.Barack Obama would be a good enough president,I feel that both of these candidates have strong and weak points, Barack and McCain both have "some" good ideas for well being of the country, but McCain in my opinion is Gorge Bush all over again and, America is looking for a change new ideas a different way of planning things out with the well being of the people in mind. Barack is a representation of what America is the working class is what needs help right now and he does everything that keeps them in mind, McCain does keep people in mind but he really isn't thinking for everyone else but his "own kind"..
8 years ago Side: Obama
Looking at the last eight years of our country. Our country has been through so many problems that it has been some-what out of control and our president hasn't even shown his face to the public since the Iraq war started. I believe that we need someone that will face the problems that this country has as the leader of this country not just sitting behind a desk. Obama has really shown the people of the United States that he can lead. He might not have as much experience as McCain but he understands the issues that this country has and he tells you the way he can resolve them with confidence. If you watch an Obama, McCain debate when Obama talks he tells you straight on what the problem is and what he would do to fix it but when McCain talks he goes around and around the Issue. We dont need another President Bush.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Well even though my 18th birthday is in 5 days I cant vote anyways and I don't really like either of the candidates but if I had to choose I would probably choose obama because he has a lot of new ideas that haven't been done or talked about before and he seems to be creating a really big upset in this election with the whole "time for change" motto and i just think that he is right, I do believe it is time for change.
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Obama
In this election my favorite is Obama. He seems to have a better connection with the young voters, the hispanic voters and the African Amercian voters then McCain does. Also I like Obama's views on the college requirement and how he wants to make it affordable to everyone that wants to go because I want to go.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I'm not informed much on either candidates. From the debates that I have watched I would vote for Obama. He seems more for the people and ending the war. While McCain seems very hostile and angry.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think my vote would have to say me it only seems like he is the only one going for change. yea change is a risk but sometimes you need change to get something new.
8 years ago Side: Obama
This country is a very troubled place, we have a lot of problems that need to be fixed, alot of things that need to be changed. On a personal level i do not like either of them,but i feel that Obama is gonna change things for the better in favor of more of the middle and lower class people.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think Obama should win because i think he is the best candidate. I think raising taxes on rich people because it wont hurt them none. The poor are the ones who need help.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I strongly dissagree with this opinion. The idea that taking money away from "rich" people and giving it to "poor" people is absurd. If an individual is poor, or less fortuante that is NO ONE ELSES FAULT BUT THEIRS. Switch the situation around. If you were a hard working citizen and you earned a large amount of money would you want someone who sat at home, jobless getting a portion of your check just because they are lazy? Absolutely not.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Obama should be president especially for students he wants better teachers so students don't get poor teaching. Also if you don't have efficient funds to get into college Obama said he will help if you get there. McCain really doesn't talk about the issue but he agreed with Bush with the no child let behind program and that didn't work.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I have to agree with with Kyron on this. We really do need better teachers to get better education for our future. And if we dont have the funds he will help us out and i'm feeling that idea.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think obama should be the next president. He is a good candidate and has better ability to do something for our country.He has better policies related to health and education.He wants to help people mainly lower class and they really need help.So i think it is time for all of us to change and try to have something new. I think no one wants to have same president as President Bush again right.
8 years ago Side: Obama
To be perfectly honest I don't really have a favorite in this debate, but I believe if i had to pick i would pick Obama. He seems like he knows what hes talking about. I just want to be honest. Most of the election is based on the race of these two canidates. Its not right to elect someone based on the color of their skin. Its also about what they are trying to accomplish and what their goals are to make America better.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think that Obama should.realy because of his health care plan.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I believe Obama should be president, the reason being is he cares about the people in America and not just the financially safe people but the poor people as well if not more. He is looking to use the governments money to help the United States, while McCain wants the people to pay for everything that we require. Obama to me is the better choice for president than McCain.
8 years ago Side: Obama
unlike McCain obama thinks we need money for education. Think how students would be without books, games, computers and other things teachers use to help educate us. How would this country be if students couldn't afford to go to college we think were in a recession now it would be worse if we dont have the education to do half the jobs that are needed to make this economy work.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Barrack Obama should be the next president for sure.He has the skills and motivation for this country.Barrack Obama has a very good plan for education which far more better than McCain. Barrack Obama also have a good plan for college students, by giving them money for college. He also have some good political tactics as, he promised the citizens of the united states to bring Change in this country. He is all about change, and this country needs change, change in the economy, the education, and keeping peace in this country. As for John McCain he wants to be in Iraq for 100 more years, he doesn't think how the system works. We already have spend billions may be trillions of dollars in Iraq and who knows if McCain becomes the next president, then we will be in serious trouble.I hope th people choose the right choice for this country because this country do needs change.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think that Ombama should be the next President I feel like he's going to get more done and that he really cares about our schooling and that he knows that students that go to college get in debt or don't have money to pay back . Obama is also thinking about rising money on teacher and I think that thats a good thing because I feel that the teacher's should get paid more for giving us the education we need. He to me would be a good President.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I would vote for Obama because he cares more about education than McCain. He wants a better future for the coming generations and wants that college be required. He also wants to help the poor people.And one thing I like about him is that he went to visit some ghetto neighborhoods to see what is going on in there so he would do something about it when he become president.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I feel that Obama should be the next President. He's wanting to change and help our nation's economy get stronger and better and more money for education. I like the idea of making it easier for high school graduates to get into college. If Obama becomes president students won't go into dept because of college loans. I dont know about any of yall but I dont want to be in dept because of college loans and all that. On the flip side McCain doesnt want to change anything like that. So thats why i want Obama to be the president.
8 years ago Side: Obama
In my opinion Mr. Obama should be our next president of the United States, he has good plans for the economic problem but i really like his plan on education. It shows that Obama really wants us students to get a better and equal chance in education. With alot more students going to college and learning, alot more students will come out professionals and have better paying jobs.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Heres my two cents into this argument, to be honest i don't know both candidates very well. I figured i wasn't old enough to vote so i didn't get involved in this. But if i was old enough i would probably choose Obama, because America isn't heading to a very bright future. With McCain as president i don't feel much changes will be made. So its time to make history and make changes, i feel Obama should be president because he represents "change." And in these shady times, i feel we need a change.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Let's be honest with ourselves and each other for a minute. Does it really matter who we all think should be president, or whom we vote into office? Personally I don't think so. Both candidates have strong and weak view points on different issues we have, and both have answers that seem to work. NEWSFLASH!!! So did every other president we have had for the past whenever years. I hate to say this or to be the one to say it, but honestly I can't wait for this election to be over with. Constantly it is said we have a voice, unless you're eighteen sorry, but you don't. What I really want to know, is what are these two men saying that I haven't heard before? Are they or are they not giving me answer to my "problems" just like the early presidents? Truthfully I don't know who should be president, but if I was force to choose I would choose Obama, and on a honest note, the only reason would be because he is a democrat and I consider myself one as well so his view points are somewhat similar to mine.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama is the right guy to lead this country. I haven't been involved in the election, but unlike McCain, I think obama well actually carry out his plans for change . McCain, i think he wont do everything he said.
8 years ago Side: Obama
i think Obama would make the bette president just for the fact of how it want to connect with the people.Most of the time when you think of a president you think of someone who is up all high and mighty and jus makes decisions for us. And assumes whats the right thing for the people While Obama has been there and sees most thing from our point.I just dont see how someone could really understand poverty in the people unless you have been there and knows whats wrong with the system.Another reason i would vote for Obama is because hes all about the young people. Young people are the future so they are the ones who needs to be focused on and convinced about certain things
8 years ago Side: Obama
I feel like obama should be our next president. Not only because he is black but because he is trying to help people get a better education. Obama wants to give money to students and McCain doesn't want to. I just think people need a little Obama in their life.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I support Senator Obama for what he brings to the table. He is trying to make so much better for this country such as education systems and how it works, college money for students who can never afford that much. I mean we the student are the heart of America and Obama is giveing a better chance for us to grow onto a outstanding level of life. One thing i truely admire about his choices that, Obama wants the troops back from Iraq, there is no cause for our heroic troops to be somewhere without any war.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Obama is a good speaker and has good points of views. He really focus on how we do need money to get good education and to help the young, which is our future. I would vote for Obama because he really wants to help his country, all McCain talk about is how we do not need money, when we do, we are always round money.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I believe that Obama should be president because we are America and in the past years we have not been doing so well as a country. It's not going to hurt us that bad if we take risk and vote for Obama and see what he has to offer us. We Americans have trust McCain to be our senator for so long and look at America now, why not take a risk and change our country for good. Also i highly respect McCain because he has given a lot to his country but being President is alot of responsibility. I just want to end this with saying for the past years America has gone down and today we have to the chance to choose our leader. Let's make a change and vote for our leader, Obama!
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think that Obama should be the next president because he is is raising taxes for the rich instead of raising them for everyone and some that cant afford it and is making it hard to live life.Since Bush has been in office the price of living has went up. And as this happens people are losing money and paying more taxes. And if Mccain is president he will do and go for the same thing bush has.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I believe that our next preseident should be Obama because he fights for the poor and also fights to have a stronger school system. I'm only 17, but if i had the chance to vote this year my vote would go towards him. I believe he has what it tales tp make this us a stronger nation.
8 years ago Side: McCain
I believe that our next preseident should be Obama because he fights for the poor and also fights to have a stronger school system. I'm only 17, but if i had the chance to vote this year my vote would go towards him. I believe he has what it takes to make us a stronger nation.
8 years ago Side: McCain
Im personally not into polatics but i guess either way i would chose obama just because mcain seems like another goerge bush and well, things havent been going so well well. I mean we are in a war that doesnt consern us, and we have no reason for being in iraq. I also dislike the fact that they want to drill in alaska. its a nature reserve and it should stay that way. this planet is not ours its the animals they were hear first and we should respect that. Besides we the youth are the ones who will inherit this planet and all we're ganna get is a bunch of polution and more problems to fix, so why not fix it now?
8 years ago Side: Obama
Honestly i really dont care who wins i dont care for either canidate. If i were forced to vote i would vote Obama because his plans seem more effective. Neither canidate is going to help change the nation durastically, but they will make minor changes. We need a president like Regan who makes major changes to nations ways and beleifs on the nation. We need someone to come in and change the education plans and get the economic plans in check, since America is struggling. AMERICA NEEDS BETTER THAN BARRACK OBAMA AND JOHN MCCAIN, BETTER PLANS, AND WE NEED SOMEONE ELSE TO STEP UP WITH ALTERNATIVES TO HELP THE NATION.
8 years ago Side: Obama
I think Obama should be the next president because he seems to be the most prepared of the two. McCain doesn't seem as ready as Obama is to help the United States get out of the situation we are in. Obama wants to help students get a higher education.
8 years ago Side: Obama
mcCain is also willing to help out our education. mcCain has much more experience than obama.
8 years ago Side: McCain
i support obama not only because he is black but he makes since with the education like with college mcain is gon make it harder for us to get into college and obama is trying to help.. so thats a little bit of why im for obama.
8 years ago Side: Obama
Martin luther king said that i have a dream some day people would be judged by charecter and not the color of there skin keep it in mind :)
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Obama
yes I do agree with bethany in agreeing with kenneth because he is really smart and knows wat he is talking about because he is good looking
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Obama
What new and good ideas?
8 years ago Side: McCain
8 years ago Side: Obama
8 years ago Side: Twelve hours to go
8 years ago Side: Obama
It does matter! If everyone thought it didn’t matter then this country would be going south real fast. Also what are these right ideas Obama has? Going to flag burning ceremonies, is that one? He has not only gone to one but a few. Why would you vote for a person like that?
8 years ago Side: McCain
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