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情侣网名英文简单气质大全 骚不过Money`の贱不过BIAOZI
爱或毁 Extreme。の恨或厌 Extreme.
念旧- Tenderの失控- Tender
暮冬-  Gentle&の初晴-  Moment&
Amor & 心若相依、のAmor & 情若相惜、
新人笑  〔Fa1r〕&の旧人哭  〔Fa1r〕&
overdose k上瘾のoverdose k中毒
Iove= =不离のIove= =不弃
sandom& 繁花恋‖のsandom&旧梦颜‖
- 无欲无求/ &の- 莫失莫忘/ &
L 心有所属,のL 名花有主,
- 乱人心 Triste 。の- 伤人绪 Triste 。
旧爱 Uoutsiの新欢 Uoutsi
挂念 - hcs/u3の想念 - gm/v4
情劫 Sadnessの薄凉 Blacklnt
teamo - 童话咒のteamo - 童年心
三寸旧城- mello#の七寸往事- mello#
玛瑙黑& yesN-の琉璃白& yesN-
▲ 未成熟&の▲ 未成年&
念念念念 niの忆忆忆亿 ni
挚爱 /Sunsgne&の执念 /Sunsgne&
素颜 Amor‖&の容颜 Amor‖&
迷情のPox Doseの情迷のLas Vega
岛屿cucumber # の 海岸cucumber #
失魂人* Pugss の 控魂者* Monee
Toxicant&罂栗花 の Toxicant&彼岸花
Sunny&刺眼 の Rainy&伤情
旧人梦k Curtain& の 旧情人k Curtain&
双生花 Callous の 旧恋人 Callous
写意 nのZionye の 言情 nのDomlon
low-key ㄨ の 1 种 proud ㄨ
of the wings ♂ の side wings
A bride の ng Dian
In the Bowl, の have never met,
mighty men の edcollapse
笨蛋 && の 傻蛋 &&
m/m   撕心裂肺&のm/m   没心没肺&
暖人心 Facebesの艳阳天 Facebes
乱心 /9 Demon。の纷乱 /9 Demon。
人菲圣贤 iの生死悠关 i
xxxxxShit &のxxxxxFuck &
夜寐- sink&の深巷- depths&
_king (国王)の_Queen (女王)
Rolled awayのI\'m leaving
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Money talks! 职场英语步步升
Late last year, Kimmy Scotti finally took the plunge: She asked her boss for a raise and promotion at the New York marketing firm where she works. In the end, she scored a new title and a six-figure salary.去年年底,27岁的吉米?斯科蒂(Kimmy Scotti)终于毅然采取行动,向她所在的那家纽约市场营销公司的老板提出了加薪和升职要求。最终,她获得了一个新头衔和六位数的薪水。
But nailing the talk took months of preparation. Ms. Scotti made a spreadsheet of her duties and showed how she had actually been doing tasks of the higher-level role for months. The 27-year-old also outlined how she'd saved the company money by switching vendors and renegotiating contracts. She added to the firm's coffers by bringing in new clients.但是,敲定这次谈话花了斯科蒂六个月的准备时间。她制作了一份电子表格列出自己的工作职责,表明几个月来她实际上一直在处理更高级别职位的工作。她还概述了自己如何通过更换供应商和重新商议合同为公司节省了资金。此外,她还招揽了一些新客户,给公司增加了收入。
'You have to tie yourself back to the bottom line at your own company,' says Ms. Scotti.斯科蒂建议道,&你得把你自己和你所在公司的利润紧密联系起来。&
With the economy continuing its shaky recovery, 20-something workers may feel that it's finally time to ask for that raise or promotion they've been hoping for. And with some research and planning, they could end up with a new gig or higher pay.随着经济继续在摇摆不定地复苏,20多岁的员工可能会觉得提出自己一直期盼的加薪或升职要求的时机终于来到。如果提前进行了一些研究和计划,他们有可能最终会获得一个新职位或是加薪。
First, you'll want to figure out if it's reasonable to be asking for a raise or promotion at all. If you've been working at a company for only a few months, it's probably best to not ask if you haven't proven yourself yet, says Jim Hopkinson, author of 'Salary Tutor: Learn the SalaryNegotiation Secrets No One Ever Taught You.'首先,你要弄清楚提出加薪或升职要求是否合理。《薪酬谈判指南:那些从没有人教过你的薪酬谈判秘诀》(Salary Tutor: Learn the Salary Negotiation Secrets No One Ever Taught You)一书的作者吉姆?霍普金森(Jim Hopkinson)指出,如果你在一家公司只工作了几个月时间,在你还没有证明自己价值的情况下,也许最好还是不要开口提要求。
If there's something outside of worksay, high rent or a big student-loan burden that's drivingyou to ask for a raise, but you don't feel that your performance merits one, you should hold off. You want to have measurable accomplishments you can point to.如果工作以外的因素,比如说高房租或是沉重的助学贷款,迫使你要提出加薪要求,但是你又觉得你的工作表现配不上,那么你就应当推后提出要求。必须得有一些可衡量的业绩可说才行。
If you do think your recent work merits a raise or promotion, sleuth out what is appropriateto ask for in terms of pay and new duties. 'Don't just waltz in there without being prepared,'says Hallie Crawford, an Atlanta-based career coach.如果你确实认为你最近所做的工作理应让你加薪或是升职,那么你要考察一番要求什么样的工资和新职位比较合适。亚特兰大职业教练哈利?克劳福德(Hallie Crawford)说,&不要没做好准备就轻易去做这种事。&
If you feel it's appropriate, ask mentors or confidantes at work about the typical salary for others in your position and what the usual next step up the career ladder is, says Mr.Hopkinson.霍普金森说,如果你觉得时机合适,可以向职业导师或是工作中的密友询问其他人在你这种职位普遍拿多少工资以及职业阶梯晋升的下一步通常是什么。
If you're looking for an appropriate salary figure, utilize sites ,
to see the typical salary for positions across your industry, says Ms. Crawford.Glassdoor may have salary information that's specific to your company.克劳福德建议,如果你正在寻找适当的薪资数额,可以利用像、和 这样的网站来查找你所处行业各个职位的典型工资水平。Glassdoor或许还会提供你所在公司的薪资信息。
If you're seeking a new position, read internal job descriptions and colleagues' LinkedIn profiles to see what responsibilities people in the roles directly above you have. You'll want to show yourboss that you're already fulfilling some of these responsibilities or that your experience would help you do so in the future, says Ms. Crawford.她说,如果你在谋求一个新职位,可以看看内部的职位描述和同事的LinkedIn资料,以此查看你的直接上级都有哪些工作职责。你要向你的上司表明你已经在履行其中的部分职责,或者是你的经验有助于你在未来履行这些职责。
If the budget allows, bosses may be willing to promote you to a position that's not advertised as open, she adds, especially if you're already doing most of its tasks though larger companies likely have less flexibility to do this.她补充说道,如果预算允许,老板们也许会愿意提拔你升到一个尚未对外发布的职位,特别是如果你已经在处理其中的大部分工作的话,但是大型企业这样灵活操作的可能性会比较低。
Next, determine the best way to approach your manager. A performance review is a natural place to have this discussion, says Mr. Hopkinson. But if your review is months away or your company doesn't have one, approach your boss in person and ask to set a time to discuss your performance.其次,要确定找顶头上司谈话的最佳方式。霍普金森说,绩效评估是进行此类讨论的自然时机。但是,如果距下一次绩效评估还有几个月时间或者你们公司没有绩效评估,那么你可以私下找你的上司,要求定一个时间来讨论你的业绩。
When you sit down with your boss, 'be armed with 'Here are the reasons I deserve it.' They need to be tangible points,' says Ms. Crawford. Have metrics that attest to your work, like an amount you saved the company through cost-cutting measures or the number of clients you've brought in.克劳福德说,当你和老板坐下来谈时,要准备好你理当升职或加薪的理由,它们应该是实实在在的要点。要有能够证明你工作成绩的数字,比如你通过成本削减措施帮助公司节约了多少资金或者你招揽了多少客户。
Be direct about your merits and leave personal reasons out of it. 'It's a business transaction,'says Mr. Hopkinson. 'You're not going to get a raise because your rent went up or because you want to move out of your parents' house.'你要直接表明你的优点,并且要撇开私人原因。霍普金森说,这是一种商业交易,你不会因为你的房租涨了或是你想搬离父母的房子就能获得加薪。
If budgets at your employer are still tight, come up with a date, say, in six months, when you'llfollow up about your performance. And ask what you can do in the interim to stand out.如果公司的预算仍然比较紧,那么你可以提出一个日期,比如说六个月之后,来继续谈论你的业绩。此外,你还要问问你在这段过渡期中可以做些什么来使自己脱颍而出。
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