
merged是什么意思 merged在线翻译 merged什么意思 merged的意思 merged的翻译 merged的解释 merged的发音 merged的同义词 merged的反义词 merged的例句
merged英 ['m?:d?d] 美 ['m?:d?d] 原级:第三人称单数:现在分词:911查询·英语单词大全merged 基本解释融入;混合( merge的过去式和过去分词 );相融;渐渐消失在某物中;merged是什么意思merged 网络解释1. 融合,合并:Mentored 辅导 | Merged 融合,合并 | Met deadlines 到达截止日期2. 合并的:mergecommand 归并命令 并合指令 | merged 合并的 | mergedtransistorlogic 集成注入逻辑3. 已合并:424 'Merge' => '合并', | 425 'merged' => '已合并', | 426 'closed successful' => '成功关闭',4. 合并, 并入, 结合:mechanized 机械化 | merged 合并, 并入, 结合, | moderated 适度地,缓和merged 双语例句1. This is a story with light humor, imbued with symbols, have merged the illusion and reality ingeniously to together.&&&&故事的风格轻松幽默,富于象征意味,把幻想和现实巧妙地融合到了一起,故事中形形色色的动物角色,就是生活真实人物的卡通版,令观众赶到既熟悉亲切又夸张有趣。2. Ancient Egyptian sun god wit he merged with the god Amen as Amen-Ra to become the king of the gods&&&&a。现成的,(常指廉价的,质量不高的)用旧的,千篇一律的n。现成的衣服,旧东西,二手货 reachn。延伸,范围,河段v。到达,伸出,延伸3. Now if and have already merged, there is nothing we can do about it.&&&&所以,如果现在粤音已和相混,那也没办法。4. You cannot edit text while it`s merged to a point.&&&&您不能编辑文本,而它合并到一个点。5. Now that you've merged your scripts, you can go ahead and minify or obfuscate them.&&&&现在,您已经合并您的脚本,您可以继续缩小或混淆他们。6. If it has been merged, then there will be no output.&&&&如果它已经被合并过,就不会有任何的输出。7. However, through analysis, their number will be reduced as they are dropped, combined and merged.&&&&但是,通过分析,他们的人数将会减少,因为它们都将被丢弃,组合和合并。8. 8. All this merged into a piece of magic peerless blend of ancient and modern, East and West style three-dimensional picture.&&&&这一切,汇成了一幅精妙绝伦的交融着古代与现代、东方与西方风格的立体图画。9. 9. Even though the concept of environmental rights merged as part of the human right innovated since 70`s in 20 century, several international environmental conferences instead are taking place like celebration activities in festivals.&&&&环境权的理念,虽然从二十世纪七十年代提倡为新的人权至今,已经历了四十年的光景,但随著时代的脚步,科技文明的发展,突飞猛进,人类对环境权的认知与实践似乎瞠乎其后甚远。过去,环境受到公害污染的深痛教训,似乎远远抛在脑后。10. The front grille was merged with the hood and given a bolder look.&&&&前格栅合并与引擎盖,并且获得更大胆的外观。11. The countless soul you gathered have merged into one....inside akujiki&&&&&&那些数不清的你吸收魂,全部都融入了恶食之中12. Merged with real estate sales including land supply, housing and commodities merged merged transaction in two parts.&&&&&&合并了房地产销售包括土地供应,住房和合并,合并后的商品交易两部分。13. However, some real estate enterprises will face the grim situation merged.&&&&&&然而,一些房地产企业将面临的严峻形势合并。14. 14. It can occur in isolation, but also could be merged or allergic asthma dermatitis with affected children.&&&&&&它可以单独发生,也可以合并气喘病或过敏性皮肤炎一起影响孩童。15. I have already worked for one organization that merged with another, but I also know I can weather the storm.&&&&&&我曾为一家与别的企业合并的机构工作过,但我知道我能安然度过风暴。16. 16. The instability originated in the upper R_B-like convection zone develops to larger region with the increase of Grashof number, and the number of non-axi-symmetric circulations decreases. When Grashof number exceeds another critical value, cooling air may invade the cavity and flow toward the shroud, the circulations decrease to one pair occupying the whole cavity in radial, thus these two zones are merged into one. The core structures in the cavity rotate against the disks, while the structures keep no change at the case of periodic oscillatory flow. With the Grashof number rises, the flow undergoes stable, periodic, periodic with cool air invading, quasi-periodic and ultimately to chaos.&&&&&&离心浮升力是造成非等温轴向通流旋转盘腔内流动不稳定的主要因素,而哥氏力的存在加剧了流动不稳定性,导致流场失稳提前发生,而且在哥氏力的作用下流线发生偏转,盘腔内r-θ面出现了旋向相反的对涡,流动结构更加复杂化;随离心浮升力的继续增加,r-θ面的对涡减少,当其超过某一临界值后部分冷流体侵入盘腔,对涡减少至一对,而且沿径向充满整个盘腔;此后随离心浮升力的增加对涡的数量不再变化;r-θ面的对涡相对于盘面周向移动,但是形状基本保持不变。17. Its merged application in reinforced concrete beam, has proved validity of this method and practical value.&&&&&&其在钢筋混凝土梁归并中的应用,证明了该方法的有效性和实用价值。18. Based on the statistics made by Ministry of Education, overall there has been 91 small elementary schools closed or reducing the number of classes, and 40 small elementary schools have been merged with other schools.&&&&&&教育部统计,近六年来全国共裁并131所百人以下小校,其中废校、废班就有91所,高达七成,这些小校学生被迫离家到更远的地方就读。19. 19. Parity can not be merged if the number should not be merged, then the Shang and Zhou digital hexagrams can there be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even more of Gua Yao, and there must be reasons and justifications for its existence, namely, Zhan Shi necessities, such as: 156, 789, 987, 651, 567, 891, 198, 765, 167, 895, 598, 761 and 111, 111, 555, 555, 777, 777, 999, 999, 115, 577, 117, 755, 175, 151, 171, 515, etc., etc., are different hexagrams, indicating a different good or bad fortune.&&&&&&其二,商周数字卦中出现一、五、六、七、八、九这六个数字并不意味着占筮时不使用或不出现二、三、四这三个数字;如前所述,这三个数字仍然是要出现和使用的,只是因为这三个数字与一都是积横画而为之,画数字卦时上下重叠容易互相掺和发生混乱,故占筮后画数字卦时将二、三、四分别归并到六、一两数之中。20. Mean-Shift thought was applied to cluster the audio as the primary clustering. Then it used the fast nearest neighbor algorithm to revise the result of the first time, and merged the class that only contained single sample to the second correction.&&&&&&在此基础上,采用Mean-Shift算法对音频信号进行初步聚类,然后利用快速近邻法对其聚类结果进行一次修正,最后合并仅含有单个样本类别的类进行二次修正。merged 单语例句1. The Economic Observer reported earlier that the two leading Chinese cargo carriers would be merged by the end of September.2. Wang has perfectly merged his painting skills and calligraphic technique in his works to give audience much room for imagination.3. The foreign shareholder in the partnership changed when AMC was bought by Chrysler in 1987 and again in 1998 when Chrysler merged with Daimler.4. As a result, more than 100 primary schools annually were closed or merged with others during the period.5. The commission found the merged entity would only have a small market share and would continue to face numerous strong competitors after the proposed transaction.6. Some people in the industry expect struggling domestic makers to be merged to better compete with Nokia and Motorola which are regaining their strength.7. In 2002, the Shenyang government merged Tiexi district into another administrative unit called " Tiexi new district ".8. It was refused on the ground of similarity to a few trademarks owned by an affiliated company and one trademark owned by the merged company.9. Widespread speculation that an American would head a merged department of political affairs and disarmament had complicated Ban's earlier proposal.10. Zhang told China Business Weekly the preferential tax breaks will likely disappear a short time after the tax systems are merged.merged 英英释义adj1. formed or united into a whole&&&&Synonym: merged是什么意思,merged在线翻译,merged什么意思,merged的意思,merged的翻译,merged的解释,merged的发音,merged的同义词,merged的反义词,merged的例句,merged的相关词组,merged意思是什么,merged怎么翻译,单词merged是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 synonymous with是什么意思_synonymous with在线翻译_synonymous with什么意思_synonymous with的意思_synonymous with的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
synonymous with是什么意思
synonymous with是什么意思 synonymous with在线翻译 synonymous with什么意思 synonymous with的意思 synonymous with的翻译 synonymous with的解释
synonymous withsynonymous with 双语例句1. At the present time, the terms `safety base film, ` `acetate base film` and `polyester base film` are synonymous with `Safety film.&&&&现在,醋酸片基和聚酯片基胶片符合安全片标准。2. 2. In the real world, big cities are synonymous with excitement and interesting dealings.&&&&在真实生活中,大城市总是激动和各种新奇把式的代名词。3. 3. Poverty looks
still more so to children:theyhave not much idea of industrious, working, they think of the word only as connected with ragged clothes, scanty food, fireless grates, rude manners, poverty for me was synonymous with degradation.&&&&在成年人看来,贫困显得冷酷无情,对孩子们来说则尤其如此。至于勤劳刻苦、令人钦敬的贫困,孩子们不甚了了。在他们心目中,这个字眼始终与衣衫褴褛、食品匮乏、壁炉无火、行为粗鲁以及低贱的恶习联系在一起。对我来说,贫困就是堕落的别名。4. 4. Love, the strongest and deepest element in all life, the harbinger of hope, of joy, love, the defier of all laws, love, the freest, the most powerful moul how can such an all-compelling force be synonymous with that poor little State and Church-begotten weed, marriage?&&&&爱,所有生活中最强烈最深刻的成份,希望的、欢喜的、着迷的先驱;爱,所有的法律、所有的传统的挑战者;爱,人类命运的最自由的、最有力量的模具,如此一个全能的力量怎么能与那可怜的政府和教堂所滋生的野草---婚姻能相提并论呢?5. Christ is Greek, meaning Shougao Zhe, Hebrew for Messiah turn, synonymous with Christ.&&&&基督是希腊文,意为受膏者,希伯来文翻为弥赛亚,与基督同义。6. synonymous with6. So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at least one instance relied on cheap materials.&&&&所以这艘名字等同富裕代名词的船,至少在一处是使用次等材料建成的。7. Because in their eyes, the soldiers are the clank of iron硬汉子is synonymous with firmness and determination.&&&&因为在他们眼中,军人都是铁铮铮的硬汉子,是刚强和坚毅的代名词。8. And as long as it is a high quality item your name will become synonymous with quality in your field.&&&&只要这样东西是高品质的,那么你的名字同样也意味着高品质。9. 9. What made that spill synonymous with environmental devastation was that the oil that reached the coast then slurped over 1, 200 miles of pristine shoreline.&&&&那次原油泄漏之所以成为环境破坏的同义词,是因为原油到达海岸之后吞噬了1200英里长的原生态沿岸。10. Synonymous with non-suppurative otitis media a lot.&&&&非化脓性中耳炎的同义词很多。11. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D11. His high-tech architecture was seen as upholding the vision of Vitra as an enterprise synonymous with technical excellence.&&&&&&这座充满了高科技的建筑使得维特拉公司的招牌与其领先的技术一起在业内并驾齐驱。12. This term is synonymous with the term moderated settlement conference when lawyers are the neutrals.&&&&&&这个词与律师作为中立身份参与的和解会议是同义的。13. It is famous for its distinctive check pattern has become one of its most important trademarks and has been synonymous with quality, endurance, classicism and functionality.&&&&&&它以其独特的检查模式已经成为其最重要的商标,并已等同于质量,耐力,古典风格和功能。14. The Big Five - legends of the wilderness which have become synonymous with Africa.&&&&&&非洲五兽——野外的传奇,它们已成为非洲的同义词。15. On it were many of the familiar species that have since become synonymous in the public's mind with endangerment: the black-footed ferret, the Florida panther, the whooping crane, the bald eagle, and of course, the California condor.&&&&&&名单上有许多熟悉的物种,他们从那时起就成为公众脑海中危险的同义词:黑脚雪貂、佛罗里达黑豹、美洲鹤、秃鹰,当然还有加州秃鹰。16. 7 Control is not synonymous with managing and does not constitute everything involved in the management of a company.&&&&&&控制不是管理的同义词,也不涉及公司管理的每一件事。17. None of this happened in Bangkok or Costa Rica, places that have become synonymous with sex tourism and underage sex.&&&&&&这一切场景不是发生在和性旅游,嫖童妓同名的曼谷或者哥斯达黎加。18. 911查询·英语单词大全18. Especially Ginza, despite its disaster-ridden history and propensity for shape-changing, Ginza has become synonymous with conspicuous consumption and excessive shopping.&&&&&&特别是银座(银座,尽管它disaster-ridden)的历史和倾向于种形状经常改变的代名词,银座已成为炫耀性消费和过度购物。19. synonymous with是什么意思19. Just as Cadillac used to be synonymous with luxury and BMW with sportiness, Toyota was a byword for quality and reliability.&&&&&&正如凯迪拉克曾经是豪华的代名词,宝马是运动风格的代名词,丰田曾是高质量和可靠性的代名词。20. synonymous with20. Hong Kong has become synonymous with action cinema, but Wong Kar-Wai is one of few exceptions.&&&&&&香港已成为动作电影的代名词,但王家卫是少数例外之一。synonymous with 单语例句1. For them, the Volkswagen brand was synonymous with quality and advanced technology.2. The fraud turned a revered money man into an overnight global disgrace whose name became synonymous with the current economic meltdown.3. Over the years, the Valentino label has become synonymous with elegance.4. It is synonymous with the Medici dynasty, which ruled over Florence for over three centuries and created its art legacy.5. An explosion in property prices has also transformed areas formerly synonymous with fun such as Pigalle and Bastille.6. And he conceded that whatever he does from now on, his name for many will always be synonymous with the Beijing Olympics.7. And " Google " is synonymous with search, the habitual choice.8. And synonymous with Dali is Erhai Lake, one of the largest highland lakes in China.9. The United States was once the most enthusiastic of all globalization advocates, seeing it as synonymous with Americanization.10. With the appearance of more motor vehicles, bicycles become synonymous with poverty and low social status in the eyes of some.synonymous with是什么意思,synonymous with在线翻译,synonymous with什么意思,synonymous with的意思,synonymous with的翻译,synonymous with的解释,synonymous with的发音,synonymous with的同义词,synonymous with的反义词,synonymous with的例句,synonymous with的相关词组,synonymous with意思是什么,synonymous with怎么翻译,单词synonymous with是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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