wiawisdom of bear woodd 是一篇记叙文吗

Wisdom of Bear Wood
qwhydssxh@九月 11, 2015
vt. 放弃,遗弃,沉溺
n. 积聚, 累积, 积聚物
adj. 附加的, 固定的
n. 附件, 附著, 附属物, 依恋, 忠诚,依赖
adj. 有倒钩的, 有刺的,讽刺的
n. 电线,铁丝网,电报
vt. 给…装电线,用电报发,用导线连接
vi. 发电报
n. 双眼望远镜
adj. 极快乐的,有福的
n. 边,边缘,(河)边
v. 满,使...盈
n.小虫, 臭虫
v.装置窃听器, 打扰
vt.& vi. 雕刻,切割
vt. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易位
vi. (棋)移动王车易位
v. 摇晃 地悬挂着
adj. 明确地, 确切地
adv. 肯定地
adj. 不易看透的, 密集的, 浓厚的, 愚钝的
n. 福佑, 天赐的福
n. (国际象棋中的)象
n. 安乐,安逸,悠闲
vt. 使...安乐,使...安心
v. 减轻,放松
n. 回声,回音,回波,反响,共鸣
vt. 发回声,回响, 重复, 仿效
vi. 回响, 回荡
n.[计算机] DOS命令 :禁止(或允许)批处理命令行显示屏幕上
关闭对话框bearwood college
拜尔沃得学院(Bearwood College)位于英格兰伯克郡,是一所私立学院,招收男女走读和寄宿学生。拜尔沃得学院成立于1827年,自1921起位于现校址。
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感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!【图文】Unit 6 wisdom of bear wood 熊树林的智慧_百度文库
Unit 6 wisdom of bear wood 熊树林的智慧
Reflection to Wisdom of Bear Wood
Before my middle school, I lived in the old area of my village. At that time, most of the young villagers have moved out , leaving the olds there. I was then live in a three-floor house, which was surrounded by many old southern tradictional houses. It was somehow a castle, a lonely castle. I was told not to go too far but was allowed to play in the old area. Being young and curious, however, I was fond of the beauty of my village and spent most of my spare time on exploring. I liked to step on the thick and uneven, but had already polished flagstones road, look at the water running beneth through their gaps. I liked to see the gardens which were kept by the olds over the parapet. I liked to loose my dog to play under the huge banyan tree, which was near to the beekepper’s house. I liked to hear the rustle when I walking on the sandland which was covered with the fallen leaves. It was a land of my own. It seems that I was farmiliar with all the things there. However,there was a place that I never know. It was my neighbour’s backyard. Unlike most of the old building there, it was walled with a tall red mud wall. Being short, I couldn’t see the yard of her house. And her house seems espesically dark inside. Everytime I pass her door, I could see nothing but an old large mirror, reflecting to the view outside the door. Once I talked with my friends about this mysterious house. My friends said that the owner of this house must be a witch. And my neighbour did looks like a witch. She was old and skinny, always in chi-pao style black clothes. My grandfather told me that her husband, who was also his goodfriend,was a Maoshan master. But her husband passed away at his mid age, leaving their adopted daughter to live with her. Thinking she may got the same ability as her husband, I regard her more mysterious and didn’t dare to get close to her. I was told to respect her, but I seldom contact with her. However,things were going to changed in a day. One summer holiday evening, I was on my way home. Something on that red mud wall caught my eyes when I passed it as usual. A flower! It was an adult plam-size flower. Like a green hand with needle fingers,holding a white flower.Green and white, white with yellow. There were also the three-cornered stem in a shape of waves. Some little leaves bursted out, like the paillettes on the emerald bracelect. Being my first time to see such strange a flower, I wonder what their smell was. So I tiptoed and reached my hands for one. “May be you need a chair. ” A voice suddenly came to me. I drew back my hands as if getting an electric shock, and found her sitting on the stone watching and smiling at me. She smiled like a chrysanthemum, this mede me felt better. “No thanks.” I replied, “I just want to know whether it smells good or not. Anyway, my mom must be waiting for me, I have to go.” “Wait, girl! ” She stopped me, “Could you please take these to your mother for me? Give them to her, and she will know. ” As she was saying, she walked towards me, gave me some flowers, just like the one on the top of the mud wall. “My mother?” I was surprised. “Yes. And she will know.” She replied, still in a smile. “OK” Then I went home. “Becareful(on your way home).” She added. I didn’t reply. I had a delicious soup cooked with the flower that night. As a gift in return for my neighbour, my mother sent me to bring somg Zongzi to her. She was happy to see me again and invited me to share with her. Being guilty for my rudeness the day before, I agreed and stayed. “My mom asked me to say thanks to you.” I said. “Oh girl, you are welcome. Do you like them?” She saked. “Eh.” I replied, “But they don’t have a strong smell, I thought they have.” I said. “Night-Blooming cereus dosen’t have a strong smell, they are not so splendid like peony, but they are really a kind of good medicine. Espically for children like you. They can even help you keep caugh and cold away!” She said in a rasing tone! “Really?”I was having a caugh that time and I was surprised to found that she knew I had. “I have some herbs in my backyard. Though looks normal, but you can not look down upon their power. People used to fight the diseases with them, but now they just like to go to drugstore for instant medicine. ” “You do have?” I was surprised and curious about what she said. It seems that she had noticed my subtlechanges on expression, and said“Now, if you don’t mind coming and see?” “Great!”I burst out a word without any thought, even interrupted her. She was happy that I was curious about her yard too. As I entered her yard, I was astonished. There were longan, loquat, papaya trees for frutis, and also common androgrraphis herbs(穿心莲), fleeceflower root(何首乌), sanqi (田七),peppermint(薄荷), aloe(芦荟), common rue herb(臭草) and a lot of things I couldn’t named. She also had some plants like telosma cardata(夜来香), arborvitae(扁柏), jasmine and sweet olive. Here and there were full filled with green, but all in a tidy and clean. During the holiday, I was the frequent caller of her and her yard. We planted, we chatted. About the plants, about her life. But things didn’t last for long, as the plant’s flowering phase passed, I have to return to my school. But everytime she got something from her yard, she would always share with me. I could always found some surprising presents in my home. Then I went through my middle school. But as my age increace, the time we stayed together decrease. And my family was planning to move out of the old area. I could remember the last time I saw her before I move. It was a stormy night. It rained liked pouring. Thundering and lightening, the wind was howling crazily, reaching his claws to tear the night. As I rushed downstairs, I found her in my living room,talking with my parents. Next to her was her pillow and quilts that she brought with herself. “Grandma!”I was surprised. “Oh girl. Come here.I have’ t see you for quite a long time, How is it going?” ? When I came back to my room that night, I somehow felt sad. She still smiled like the chrysanthemum, however, no longer golden but white . Both of us are growing, but she was growing old. She was old and frail, lonely and helpless. I suddenly found out that my family was the only one she could turn to. I know I was about to move, what if she needs help then? I was sad. Finally I moved with mixed feelings. Then I gradually came to senior 3. I had fewer chance to come home. Sometimes once a month, or even longer. The day I came home, I found my mother was cooking the soup with dried night-blooming cereus. “Why dried? You bought them from the market?” “No, your grandma(my neighbour) gave them to you before her?” “Oh, how’s she going? ”I stird the boiling soup casually and asked. “Listen,” my mother suddenly became serious, “She had passed away.” As she drop her words, all I could hear was the soup bubbling. After a short silence, I asked “when?” “A month ago.” “In pain?” “ In a peace. She asked her daughter to sent these dried flowers to me. She said you like them. It seems that she had made them a long time ago.” “But she’s gone” I sighed and mumured. Turned back, walked to my room, closed my door, sat on my bed, cried. As tears runing down my face, all the things flash back, back to the time I stayed with her. Her voice and words crowded in my mind,telling me that she was old, and she was at her time. I remember when I was young ,once I told her that she could live foerver with the help of the herbs, but she told me man just like all the livingthings in the world, some for accidents, some for age, but they will surely died, including both of us, that’s the thing we call destiny. She knew herself,she knew I was innocent. Now I know how sad of her on hearing “death”, how hard it was for her to overcome the threat of so-called destiny. I regret I have said so. My guilt and remorse suddenly pierced my heart. I knew she was lonely, I did know. But why I ignore or pushed them away with all kinds of excuse? If only time could go back! I am guilty, but grateful for her. She gave me a lesson of life, she taught me to treasure. She was the night-blooming cereus, flat outside but rich inside. In the 6 month’s flowering phase, she devoted herself to those who in need of her. In another 6 months, she keeps on growing, all in a silence, but with a strong heart. Her herbs have helped not only me but many people, she was so kind a person. She has gone,like a leaf falls to the earth. So quiet. She passed away as nature,and live in my memory as nature. She told me there are no eternal things, but now I find she was the eternal, at least for me, for my lifelong time. 三亿文库包含各类专业文献、专业论文、幼儿教育、小学教育、外语学习资料、文学作品欣赏、50reflection to wisdom of bear wood等内容。 
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