
请教consignment是什么意思? - 外贸英语 -
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例如下面这句话中consignment stock是什么意思?
So, instead of 90 days of B/L we would prefer 75 days after the consignment stock report.
福步币 32 块
阅读权限 40
来自 浙江宁波
consignment stock 交运的一批货
福步币 12 块
阅读权限 40
积分 12948
福步币 12 块
阅读权限 80
来自 Shanghai
consignment 此处应表示“寄售”
积分 12948
福步币 12 块
阅读权限 80
来自 Shanghai
So, instead of 90 days of B/L we would prefer 75 days after the consignment stock report.
’寄售‘ 对于卖方而言是一种风险较大的收款方式,即将货物预先运交买方仓库,然后按照约定的期限,向买方收取(或分段式地收取)货款,甚或是,货卖掉多少,收取多少。这种结算方式一般只用于以滞销货去开拓新市场的少量尝试。
该句的意思是说: 因此,与其定为提单日起90天付款,我们更倾向于在收到寄售库存报告后75天付款。
福步币 12 块
阅读权限 25
UID 2126618
阅读权限 25
5 楼很厉害
UID 2391481
阅读权限 25
UID 2389307
阅读权限 10
consignment就是他用了多少产品,他就会在本月给你一份consignment&&report,你会根据这份consignment report做invoice向他请款,在你收到consignment report 75天之后,他才会付款给你。
像电子行业,一些流水线使用的东西,可能会持续在使用,那样可能第二个月或者当月就使用了本产品。就会给你consignment report.
UID 2382279
阅读权限 25
consignee 是承运人的意思,consignment你就明白了吧
ever never
UID 2145820
阅读权限 40
回复 #10 aaronyuanze 的帖子
UID 2416606
阅读权限 40
I think the translation of five floor is very meaningful.
UID 2305296
阅读权限 25
我们的货物是在韩国生产并直接发货&&客户发邮件说‘to send the consignments from Korea as you mentioned that the products are from Korea’.&&这里的consignments 他是指什么呀
UID 2319097
积分 21535
福步币 13 块
阅读权限 80
当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
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seller是什么意思 seller在线翻译 seller什么意思 seller的意思 seller的翻译 seller的解释 seller的发音 seller的同义词 seller的反义词 seller的例句
seller英 ['sel?(r)] 美 ['s?l?] 第三人称复数:seller的反义词seller 基本解释名词卖者,卖方; 销售者,销售商; 销售物seller的近义词seller 同义词名词seller 反义词名词seller 相关例句名词1. This car is a good seller.&&&&这种车子很行销。seller 网络解释1. 1. 卖主:并且100%开放,您可以足不出户获得最全面最真实的市场信息-拥有一个公正开放的市场环境. 在IGS,所有卖主(Seller)的诚信度及经营能力将完全由买家(Buyer)决定,并且100%开放,您可以足不出户获得最全面最真实的市场信息2. 出售人:其操作是由不良资产持有人--商业银行(立法中经常被称为发起人、创始机构(Originator),或者出售人(seller)),为了避免资金回收须等到资产清偿期或者强制执行清债务人,并为了降低持有资产的风险,seller 双语例句1. Any delay because of the dally over payments, seller will take no responsibility.&&&&任何货款到帐的延误,卖方不负任何责任!2. CHINESE PEANUT, gross for net, 5% more or less at Seller's option at contract price&&&&例2。中国花生1000公吨,以毛作净,卖方可溢短装5%,增减部分按合同价计算3. Article 6 Where the plaintiff files an action only against the manufacturer of the infringing products and not against the seller, and the place of manufacturing of the infringing products is not the same one as the place of selling, the people's court of the place of manufacturing shall have the jurisdiction, where the manufacturer and the seller are sued as the joint defendants, the people's court of the place of selling shall have the jurisdiction.&&&&第六条 原告仅对侵权产品制造者提起诉讼,未起诉销售者,侵权产品制造地与销售地不一致的,制造地人民法院有管辖权;以制造者与销售者为共同被告起诉的,销售地人民法院有管辖权。4. Force Majeure excludes any event or circumstance that would otherwise have constituted Force Majeure under this definition but was caused by or resulted primarily from lack of funds by the claiming Party which prevented the claiming 25 Party from avoiding or overcoming the event or circumstance or which, if applicable to the operation of the Project and which results in the Project failing to produce any emissions reductions capable of being converted to CERs, was the result of the Seller or the operator of the Project failing to act as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator.&&&&但以下情形或事件虽在别处符合此不可抗力定义,但在此处不适用:声称遭遇不可抗力的一方因缺少资金使该方无法避免或解决以上事件或情形,或相应于项目运作而言,是由于卖方或项目运作人未能充当合理和审慎的经营者而导致项目无法产生任何可转换为 CER 的减排。5. The weight and moisture thus determined shall be binding for buyer and seller for settlement purposes.&&&&由此确定的重量和水分对双方均有约束力,并且作为结算的依据。6. However, balancing the status of the two parties, seller bears more risk and will loss more benefit. Therefore our law should pay more attentionto protect seller's right. In practice, there are usually some clauses in the installment contract to protect seller's right such as title reservation clause, benefit loss of period clause, contract rescinding clause and so on. On the other hand, the seller often aggrieves buyer's rights by taking the&&&&但相比较而言,出卖人牺牲的利益和承受的风险要大一些,法律应注重保护出卖人的权利,现在实践中大多在分期付款买卖合同中采用所有权保留、期限利益丧失、合同解除等条款予以实现,但出卖人借助合同,利用其优势地位侵害买受人权利的现象时有发生。7. 7. LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: In case of delayed delivery, except for force majure cases, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer for every week of delay a penalty amounting 0.5% of the total value of the goods late delivered.&&&&迟交和罚款:如延迟交货,除人力不可抗拒事故外,卖方应按每星期迟交货值的0.5%的违约金支付给买方,不足一星期按一星期计算。8. seller8. The Buyer shall pay to the Seller demurrage for all time lost in excess of allowed laytime at Discharging Port and the Seller shall pay to the Buyer despatch for the working time saved at Discharging Port against the allowed laytime.&&&&买方向卖方支付在卸港超过允许装卸货时间产生的滞期费;卖方向买方支付在卸货时间内节省的工作时间产生的速遣费。9. In order to assure the Buyer that the Seller's obligations under the Contract shall be performed and fulfilled, the Seller shall establish a Performance Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Contract Price, which shall be maintained from the Effective Date of the Contract to the date plus two (2) months from the last delivery date of the Equipment in the form of an absolute and unconditional bank guarantee to be issued by a first-class bank or any other type of guarantee acceptable to the Buyer and in favor of the Buyer and to be advised to the Buyer as specified in Article 30 hereof through a prime bank or to be directly mailed to the Buyer.&&&&为了向买方保证卖方将履行并完成合同规定的义务,卖方应开立履约保函,其金额为合同总价的10%,其有效期限应为从合同生效之日起至设备的最终交货日期之后两个月,其形式为由一级银行发出的绝对的、无条件的银行担保,或者是由买方认可并受益的任何其它形式的担保。对于后一种担保形式,根据此处第30条的规定,买方将得到一级大银行的通知或直接的邮件通知。10. And/or demurrage charges thus incurred shall be for the Seller`s account.&&&&在货物越过船弦并脱离吊钩以前一切费用和风险由卖方负担。11. 11. Audio-gd also makes other hi-fi gear, including a couple of headphone amps, so, after another head-fi'er blew up at me asking why I still had a link to an eBay seller in the Zero FAQ who'd had a couple of major customer issues, I decided to do one better, and asked the owner of Audio-gd if he could make something similar to the Zero, for about the price of a fully-upgraded model.&&&&&&他接受了一些对他设计的建议。Audio-gd同样制造其他HIFI器材,像很多耳放。在一个坛友指问我后,为什么我有个ebay卖家的链接在ZERO DAC 的问答贴里面,这个卖家有许多纠纷。我决定找个更好的,我问audio-gd的老板是否能做个类似ZERO DAC那样的产品。12. This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below.&&&&&&所以英译起止时间时,常用以下结构来限定准确的时间。用双介词英译含当天日期在内的起止时间。13. The reason of the regulation lies in, outside and information asymmetry the seller monopolizes power and stores in.&&&&&&微观规制的原因就在于卖方垄断权力的存在、外部性和信息不对称。14. Seller`s liability under the foregoing warranty is limited to replacement of goods or repair of defects or refund of the purchase price at Seller`s sole option.&&&&&&卖方的责任,根据前述保修仅限于更换货物或修理的缺陷或退还购买价格在卖方的唯一选择。15. 15. The circumstances pointed to criminal fraud by the seller, but the man had little recourse to get his money back.&&&&&&的情况指出,刑事欺诈的卖方,但该男子毫无办法,让他的钱回来。16. 16. It's the kind of abstraction that only exists when a seller wants a buyer to pay more.&&&&&&这是一种抽象的概念,只存在于当卖家想让买家多付钱的时候。17. 17. Loco invoice is one in which the price charged includes only the cost of goods at the warehouse of the seller.&&&&&&现场交货价发票要求支付的价格仅仅包含卖方仓库为止的货物成本。18. seller18. The Seller can assist in claiming compensation with the Buyer.&&&&&&无论是否保价,运输及装、卸过程中的风险由买方承担,卖方协助索赔。19. However, the contract is governed by the law of the State where the buyer has his palce of business at the time of conclusion of the contract, if-a negotiations were conducted, and the contract concluded by and in the presence of the parties, in that S orb the contract provides expressly that the seller must perform his obligation to deliver the goods in that S or&&&&&&可见,公约不是以最密切联系原则作为确定此时合同准据法的基本原则,而是首先确立了卖方营业地法原则,这主要是考虑到卖方在买卖关系中的特征性履行,仍体现了最密切联系原则作为意思自治原则的补充的精神。20. After all, he has turned Acer, the personal computer seller based here, into a finely tuned organization that`s obliterating some of the computing industry`s longest-standing traditions and leading Taiwan`s charge up the technology food chain.&&&&&&毕竟,是他将宏基这个台湾本土的个人电脑零售商变成了一家运作井井有条的机构,它将打破业内由来以久的传统定式,带领台湾企业力争技术食物链的上游。seller 词典解释1. 卖者;销售者;销售商&&&&A seller of a type of thing is a person or company that sells that type of thing.&&&&e.g. ...a flower seller.&&&&&&&&&&&卖花人&&&&e.g. ...Kraft, the largest seller of cheese in the United States.&&&&&&&&&&&卡夫公司,美国最大的奶酪销售商2. (交易的)卖方&&&&In a business deal, the seller is the person who is selling something to someone else.&&&&e.g. In theory, the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out...&&&&&&&&&&&理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。&&&&e.g. Housing became a seller's market, and prices zoomed up.&&&&&&&&&&&房地产市场成了卖方市场,价格一路飙升。3. (畅销或滞销的)商品&&&&If you describe a product as, for example, a big seller, you mean that large numbers of it are being sold.911查询·英语单词大全&&&&e.g. The gift shop's biggest seller is a photo of Nixon meeting Presley.&&&&&&&&&&&这家礼品店最畅销的商品是尼克松会见猫王普雷斯利的照片。seller 单语例句1. Buyer's credit are loans given to the buyer or banks in its residential country, while seller's credit and forfaiting are loans given to the exporter.2. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.3. China may prohibit foreign insurers from buying into more than one domestic insurance company, in an effort to avoid competition between the buyer and the seller.4. Since your company is a buyer of equipment, you will enjoy the benefits of seller's credit and forfaiting.5. CISA insists it wants to turn the iron ore industry from a seller's market to a buyer's market.6. The Beijing News quoted Zhang as saying he learned from the seller's son by telephone that the fighter jet was retired by the Czech military.7. The Internet makes it easy for anyone looking to purchase cannabis seeds to go to a seller's site online.8. But auctioneers say chandelier bidding is necessary to keep the reserve secret and protect the seller.9. The refrigerator seller had asked the manufacturer to sent a technician to check on the problem.10. Some media have reported that the seller in the chip deal was to be the technology supplier Beijing Huajiang Technology.seller的近义词seller 英英释义sellernoun1. someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money&&&&Synonym: seller是什么意思,seller在线翻译,seller什么意思,seller的意思,seller的翻译,seller的解释,seller的发音,seller的同义词,seller的反义词,seller的例句,seller的相关词组,seller意思是什么,seller怎么翻译,单词seller是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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