
  市场价格(market value)
  地区行政机构对美国房屋的定价,是基于美国房产房屋的&公平市场价格(fair market value)&基础之上。公平市场价格的意思,是指在没有利益关系的买卖双方都对资产在当前经济和市场中的评估价值有所了解,且自愿的进行资产交换时产生的价格。这一价格是被最广泛接受的美国房产资产评估标准。因此,判断公平市场价格的最佳方式为同类房屋在最近期的真实成交价格。不过同一个美国房产房屋并不是每年都会产生交易,有些屋主住上5年10年才再次出售,在此期间评估人员是无法取得准确的公平市场美国房产价格的。这种情况下,评估员也会使用其他定价方法,例如根据周围相似住宅的交易价格进行估算。
  评估比例(assessment ratio)
  在美国一些地区,美国房产房屋的评估价值(assessed value)等同于房屋的市场价值。但也有很多地区,会将房屋的市场价值乘以一个叫做评估比例(assessment ratio)的系数,再得出实际上使用的评估价值。这个评估比例由地方立法机构通过,每年都会有所变动。即便在同一地区,依据房屋的类型和功能差异,也会有不同的标准。举例来说,如果一栋房屋的被当地评估部门确定的市场价格是100万元,当地此一年公布的评估比例为5%,将两个数字相乘,就可以得出这栋美国房产房屋的评估价格为5万元。
  税率(tax rate)
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property是什么意思 property在线翻译 property什么意思 property的意思 property的翻译 property的解释 property的发音 property的同义词
property英 ['pr?p?ti] 美 ['prɑ:p?rti] 第三人称复数:property的翻译property 基本解释名词特性,属性; 财产,地产; [戏]道具; 所有权property 相关例句形容词1. 1. This car is my property.&&&&这车是我的财产。名词1. With the city developing rapidly, property in the center is becoming more expensive.&&&&这个城市发展迅速,市中心的房地产愈来愈贵。2. There is no property in the seashore.&&&&海岸非任何人私有。3. This small house is my only property.&&&&这所小房子是我的唯一财产。4. 4. He has a small property.&&&&他有一小块房地产。property 情景对话失物招领处A:Excuse me, could you help me?&&&&&&对不起,能不能帮我一个忙?B:Yes. What seems to be the problem?&&&&&&好的。有什么问题吗?A:Well, I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport.&&&&&&我想知道是否有人交来一本护照。B:I'm afraid not. Have you lost your passport?&&&&&&恐怕没有。你遗失了护照?A:I think so. I can't find it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.&&&&&&我想是的。我在饭店的房间里都找不到。我记得昨天最后用护照的地方是在这百货公司。B:Where exactly did you use your passport in the store?&&&&&&你在百货公司什么确切的地方用过护照呢?A:In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my traveler's checks.&&&&&&在女装销售部。我用信用卡买衣服的时候必须给他们看护照。B:Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if they've found a passport.Sorry-your passport's not been turned in there, either.&&&&&&这样的话,我打电话给该部门,看看他们有没有捡到护照。对不起---你的护照也没被交到那边。A:Then what shall I do?&&&&&&那我该怎么办呢?B:You can fill in this lost property report, and I'll keep my eye out for it. Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesn't show up.&&&&&&你来填这张遗失报告表,我会替你留意的。像这样的东西,最后总是会出现的。但我建议你跟你们的大使馆联系并把你的情形告诉他们。万一你的护照找不到的话,他们会给你补发新护照的。A:You're right. Do you have a pen?&&&&&&你说得对。你有没有笔?propertyB:Here you are.&&&&&&请用。property在线翻译A:Oh, I seem to lose something every time I travel.&&&&&&唉!我好象每次旅行都会丢些东西。税收A:my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?&&&&&&我公司马上就要营业了,能介绍一下营业税的知识吗?B:I will try my best. Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china .&&&&&&尽我所能吧!一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。property什么意思A:what do you mean by the taxable services?&&&&&&什么是应税业务?B:they are the definite items stipulated by the law, such as the transportation, construction, finance , insurance and the like .they do not include the processing, repairs, and replacement services, for they are subject to the value added tax.&&&&&&税法有明确的规定。比如交通运输、建筑安装、金融保险等。不包括加工、修理、修配业务,因为它们要缴增值税。A:it is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset?&&&&&&不动产好理解,无形资产指什么?B:it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.&&&&&&指各种专有权,如专利权、专有技术版权、商标等。A:what about the tax base?&&&&&&计税收入如何确定?B:in most case, it is the total consideration received, including additional fees and charges.&&&&&&大多数情况下指全部价款包括价外费用。A:does that include the turnover received in advance?&&&&&&预收的价款也计算在内吗?B:yes, it does in the case of transfer of the intangible assets or immovable property .&&&&&&对于无形资产和不动产是这样。A:and what about the donation?&&&&&&无偿赠送呐?B:the donation is taxable in the case of transfer of the immovable property. But the turnover will be assessed by the tax authority.&&&&&&不动产的无偿赠送要视同销售,不过计税额要经过核定。A:what can we do if we receive turnover in the form of foreign currency?&&&&&&收款是外币怎么办?B:you can transfer the foreign currency into Reminbi at exchange rate based upon either the date or the first day of the month, that the Taxable item happened .&&&&&&按收入当日或当月一日的汇率换算。A:how about the tax rate?&&&&&&营业税税率是多少?B:in general, the rate is from 3% to 5%, but the entertainment is from 5% to 20%.&&&&&&一般是3%到达5%,娱乐业是5%到20%。property的意思A:what you have said is very helpful, thank you.&&&&&&您说的对我太有帮助了,谢谢!property 网络解释1. 1. 特性:关 于ListView 本 文 只 是 描 述 了 它 如 何 填 充 大 量 结 果 集 的 方 法, 它 还 有 很 多 特 性(property) 和 方 法(method), 利 用 它 们 可 以 达 到 更 完 美 的 显 示 效 果, 有 兴 趣 的 读 者 可 以 进 一 步 研 究.property 双语例句1. The notice of real estate registration system is a sort of creditor`s right with intense character of property right, and the system of China features its administrative property.&&&&内容摘要:不动产预告登记是一种带有浓厚物权色彩的债权,我国不动产登记制度同时又有类似行政的特色。2. The regulatory agency shall inspect how the trustee handles the public trust affairs and the status of the property.&&&&第六十七条公益事业管理机构应当检查受托人处理公益信托事务的情况及财产状况。3. 3. Article 67 The regulatory agency shall inspect how the trustee handles the public trust affairs and the status of the property.&&&&第六十七条公益事业管理机构应当检查受托人处理公益信托事务的情况及财产状况。4. Due to the mismatch of mechanical property between brazing filler metal and base metal, the welding residual stress was generated inevitably during the brazing process, which has great influence on the creep deformation and life.&&&&结果表明,由于钎料和母材力学性能参数的不匹配,钎焊过程中在接头处产生了较大的残余应力,对钎焊接头的蠕变变形产生较大影响。5. Household possessions and interior design can be damaged as follows: Mud and silt get possessions and valuables dirty Paint and wall coverings peel off Floor tiles are lifted Panels wrap Carpets stain and rot Furnishings such as textiles and furniture stain Books, pho tographs, paintings become extremely fragile Property value decreases after being wet.&&&&家用物品及室内设计可损坏如下:泥淤脏得及贵重物品及墙壁油漆剥落地板缎裹解除板、地毯染色等纺织品、家具陈设腐烂污点书籍、傅文谅照片、绘画变得极为脆弱财产价值下跌后天雨。6. This property can be exploited to increase the solubility of some proteins.&&&&它尤其可以非常有效地破坏非共价键结合的蛋白质。7. 7. Business establishments, warehouses and housing layout plans of property rights or the right to use to prove&&&&营业场所、仓库平面布局图及房屋产权或使用权证明8. 8. Pitch:(1) That property of sound, which is determined by the frequency of the sound waves.&&&&片孔距:1。由声波频率决定的声音的性质; 2。9. The addition of SiO2 can suppress the grain growth of TiO2 crystal, increase the hydroxyl content of TiO2 film, decrease the contact angle for water of TiO2 films and enhance the hydrophilic property of TiO2 films.&&&&在 TiO2薄膜中添加 SiO2,可以抑制薄膜中 TiO2晶粒的长大,同时薄膜表面的羟基含量增加,水在复合薄膜表面的润湿角下降,亲水能力增强。10. The study on microstructure characteristics of the five pores on the surface of ostracoda at Nenjiang Formation of Songliao Basin in Cretaceous shows that during the depositional period of Nenjiang Formation in Cretaceous, Songliao Basin should be a continental depositional system and palaeolacustrine enviroment and furthermore its water body property should be fresh saltish.&&&&本文对松辽盆地白垩纪嫩江组介形类化石壳体表面毛细管孔的显微构造特征研究表明,白垩纪嫩江组沉积时期,松辽古湖盆应为一陆相沉积体系,其水体性质应为淡水—少盐水的古湖泊环境。11. The existing problems and solutions are presented, based on which the ways how to improve the property of WCp/steel-based compound roller s are discussed.&&&&&&综述了轧辊材料的发展状况以及轧辊的失效形式,重点阐述了WCP/钢基复合材料及其复合轧辊的制备工艺,指出了制备WCP/钢基复合材料工艺中存在的问题和解决办法,并在此基础上探讨了提高WCP/钢基复合轧辊质量的措施和途径。12. The interface and reaction product between WCp and the matrix have been studied by using the modern analysis and measure methods. The property of thermal fatigue resistance of the composites has been tested, and behaviors of friction and wear under room tempreture have been tested.&&&&&&利用现代分析和测试技术研究了WC与基体之间的界面及反应产物,检验了复合材料的抗热疲劳性能,考察了常温下复合材料的磨擦磨损行为,并从理论上作了分析。13. Self Descriotion: Specialize on the legal services in corporate and securities, and f legal services in capital market, property rights regime and reform, definition and trading of property rights, industry convergence and reform of state management system, legal services on capital operations projects, like joint-stock system reform, issuing and listing of securities (including A shares, B shares, H shares, rationed shares, newly issued shares, convertible loan shares, debenture and fund), specialized legal services in law-based administration of government departments, foreign investments, corporate acquisitions and reorganizations and insolvency liquidation, legal services in overall planning of large projects and design of significant procedure, and negotiations on projects of overseas financing and investments, etc.&&&&&&或评价:本人擅长公司与证券、金融投资领域的法律服务项目;资本市场、产权制度与产权改革、产权界定与交易、产业整合、国有资产管理体制改革等领域的法律服务项目;企业股份制改造、证券发行上市(A股、B股、H股、配股、增发新股、可转债、公司债、基金)、金融等资本运作项目;政府机关依法行政、外商投资、企业并购重组、破产清算等领域的专项法律业务;大型项目的整体方案策划与重大流程设计、对外投融资项目谈判等法律服务。14. Compared with that in the first half of this year, Nanjing挂牌价the property market are by no means inferior, but the properties for sale, has begun to specify实际成交价clasp, buckle dark, VIP, and many other features let customers continue to lower.&&&&&&相比,在今年上半年,南京挂牌价楼市绝不是低人一等的,但物业销售,已开始指定实际成交价扣,暗扣,贵宾房,以及许多其他功能,让客户继续降低。15. 15. Its job is to manage world economy and trade order, the target is to build up an integrity, have something to do with goods, serve, trading of the investment and intelligent property right's etc. has vitality and laster long multilateral system more.&&&&&&其职责是管理世界经济和贸易秩序,目标是建立一个完整的、与货物、服务、贸易有关的投资及知识产权等更具活力和更持久的多边体系。16. Violent flood made us lose our life and property and environment.&&&&&&迅猛的洪水,使人类的生命财产和生存环境遭受巨大的损失。17. To use β-naphthalene sulfonic acidformaldehyde condensation product sodium salt and quaternary ammonium salt as raw materials, by the method of ion exchange resin, six kinds of naphthalene sulfonic acidformaldehyde condensation products, corresponded to quaternary cationics with same types of difference structures, have been prepared, Their influences on flowing property of net cement mortar and compression strength have been studied.&&&&&&萘磺酸甲醛缩合物盐是目前重要的、最常用的水泥混凝土高效减水剂。自 6 0年代初由日本科学家发明以来,国际上对其合成方法和应用性能进行了多方面的研究。然而,到目前为止,对萘磺酸甲醛缩合物高效减水剂的研究仅限于其钠盐、钙盐等金属盐,其季铵盐尚未见文献报道。18. As the downtown market turnover sharp downturn in the property market may be sold to downtown housing backlog increased, the closure on May 31, town Whangpoo River, Jingan and Luwan District backlog of the three commercial housing area has more than 100, 000 square meters.&&&&&&由于市中心的楼盘成交量的急剧下滑,使市中心楼市的可售房源积压量大增,截止5月31日,市中心的黄浦、静安、卢湾这三个区积压的商品房总面积已经超过10万平方米。19. 19. The current property market, the reduction in the proportion of the investment - and speculative increase in the proportion of passengers (Gubei area of the high investment-to 7-8% rental return, and switching to the town house market is proof), but only if purchased, and no one to offer, the speculative market will collapse.&&&&&&目前的楼市中,投资客比重减少,而投机客的比重增加(古北地区的投资客放弃7-8%的高额租金回报,而转投市中心豪宅市场就是明证),但是如果只能买入,而没有人接盘,这个投机市场马上崩盘。20. In addition, there are rumors that the property market in Shanghai will be heavily taxed.&&&&&&此外,还有传闻说,房地产市场将在上海重税。property 词典解释1. 财产;资产;所有物&&&&Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them.&&&&e.g. Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him...&&&&&&&&&&&理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。&&&&e.g. Security forces searched thousands of homes, confiscating weapons and stolen property.&&&&&&&&&&&安全部队搜查了数千所住宅,没收了武器和赃物。2. 房地产&&&&A property is a building and the land belonging to it.&&&&e.g. Cecil inherited a family property near Stamford...&&&&&&&&&&&塞西尔继承了斯坦福德附近的一处家族房产。&&&&e.g. This vehicle has been parked on private property.&&&&&&&&&&&这辆车停在了私人地产上。3. 特性;性质;性能;属性&&&&The properties of a substance or object are the ways in which it behaves in particular conditions.&&&&e.g. A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.&&&&&&&&&&&无线电信号具有电、磁双重属性。property 单语例句1. " The CBRC has always supported trust companies developing property business in accordance with the law, " the commission said.2. The act is also aimed at supervising and urging developers to increase the speed of property development.3. A judge in charge of the case said Yu faced charges of illegal business operation, selling fake medicines and intellectual property infringement.4. No organization worth its salt likes to see its business partner gain intellectual property, and later pose a big threat as a competitor.5. The government's frequent campaigns against intellectual property infringement helped create a sound business environment and greatly boosted the development of the country's software industry.6. They met local government officials and business representatives to discuss ways to promote bilateral trade, foster local economic growth and protect the intellectual property rights of software.7. Its business includes the transaction of property rights, equity and intellectual property rights of cultural projects or companies.8. A businesswoman surnamed Gao was sentenced recently to two years'imprisonment in Shanghai for buying stolen property.9. But then it will fall behind demand and the government will be manipulated by the property developers.10. Chinese buyers also prefer to buy property in areas close to or with good access to university 英英释义noun1. any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie&&&&e.g. before every scene he ran down his checklist of props&&&&Synonym: 2. a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class&&&&e.g. a study of the physical properties of atomic particles3. a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished&&&&e.g. self-confidence is not an endearing property&&&&Synonym: 4. any area set aside for a particular purpose&&&&e.g. who owns this place?&&&&&&&&&&&the president was concerned about the property across from the White House&&&&Synonym: 5. something owned&&&&any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone&&&&e.g. that hat is my property&&&&&&&&&&&he is a man of property&&&&Synonym: property是什么意思,property在线翻译,property什么意思,property的意思,property的翻译,property的解释,property的发音,property的同义词,property的反义词,property的例句,property的相关词组,property意思是什么,property怎么翻译,单词property是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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