
[摘要]无论你是面试已超一百万次,还是与招聘经理面对面的经历寥寥可数,面试过程总是充满压力。你不仅要全力展现最好的自己,还得试着揣测“观众”的心思,并且收集应聘职位、公司文化信息。What a Hiring Manager Is Actually Thinking During Your InterviewWhether you’ve interviewed over one million times or can count on one hand how many times you’ve been face-to-face with a hiring manager, the process is always stressful. Not only are you trying your hardest to present the very best version of yourself, you’re also attempting to read your audience and gather as much information as you can about the role, the company culture, and the organization itself. No pressure.无论你是面试已超一百万次,还是与招聘经理面对面的经历寥寥可数,面试过程总是充满压力。你不仅要全力展现最好的自己,还得试着揣测“观众”的心思,并且尽可能地收集应聘职位、公司文化和机构本身的信息。别有压力。Ask any manager what it’s like to make a hiring decision and she’ll most likely tell you that it’s no easy task for her, either. Making the right choice can be difficult–especially when she’s choosing from a group of well-qualified applicants. So how can you tip the scales in your favor? In addition to coming to each and every interview well-prepared, try putting yourself in the shoes of the person sitting across from you.询问任何可能决定招聘结果的经理,她很可能会告诉你:这事儿对她也不简单。做出正确选择可能很难——尤其是从一群高素质应聘者中挑选。那么,怎样使得形势对你有利呢?除了每次面试都精心准备外,你还要试着从招聘方的角度思考问题。We can get pretty close by addressing the five common thoughts almost every hiring manager probably has during your interview.我们可以通过研究面试时几乎每个招聘经理都会考虑的五个问题来了解他们的心理。1. Can I Manage This Person?1. 这人我能共事吗?A supervisor isn’t going to hire someone that he doesn’t believe he can work with. Managers come in all shapes and sizes–some are hands-off and expect their employees to do what they need to do with little or no supervision. Others like to receive daily updates, religiously review timecards, and schedule regular check-in meetings with their staff. If you like to get regular feedback and crave facetime with your supervisor, a laid-back person may not be the best fit for you. Conversely, if you’re an independent operator who relishes autonomy, a hands-on supervisor probably isn’t a great match for your work style.管理者不会招聘他认为无法共事的人。经理们各自的行事风格多种多样——有些是自由放任型,希望下属做好本职工作而几乎不去监督。另外一些喜欢收到每日汇报,认真查看考勤表,安排和员工的例会。如果你喜欢得到经常性反馈,渴望和上级会面,一个懒散的管理者大概不是你的最佳选择。反之,如果你是个热爱自主权的独立工作者,一个事必躬亲的上级很可能不是你工作风格的“良配”。So when your potential future boss begins thinking about your match as manager and employee during your interview, what can you do? To start, you can show that you are a great listener by making eye contact, taking notes, asking questions, and giving thoughtful answers. Mention that you pride yourself on taking accountability for your workplace contributions, appreciate constructive feedback, and are excited about continuing to grow your skill set. Demonstrating a willingness to own your work, listen, and learn will definitely score a few points in your favor.当你潜在的未来老板在面试时开始考虑你俩作为管理者和下属是否合得来时,你该怎么做呢?首先,可以通过眼神交流、做笔记、问问题和给出贴切回答来表现你是个很好的倾听者。你可以说自己以能为公司做出贡献而骄傲,你欣赏建设性的反馈,并对持续增长技能一事感到兴奋。展现乐于工作、倾听和学习的态度,绝对会为你加分。At some point during the meeting, you should also get an opportunity to pose a few questions. Try asking your potential supervisor how she would describe her management style. If her answer is in line with your preferences, say, “That sounds great! I find that I work really well with managers who are hands on and provide lots of detailed feedback,” or “That is very much in line with my work style. Having a certain degree of autonomy to get my work done helps me to maximize my productivity.”面试中的某个时候,你也有机会提问。试着问问你的潜在上级,她如何描述自己的管理风格。如果她的回答符合你的喜好,可以回应:“听起来好极了!我觉得自己和参与型的管理者共事非常愉快,他们会提供详尽的反馈”,或者“这和我的工作风格太相符啦。有适度的工作自主权能让我的效率达到最高”。If you discover that your future boss’ leadership style isn’t one that works for you, it may be time to evaluate whether or not this is the job for you.如果你发现未来老板的领导风格跟你不搭,或许该考虑下这份工作是否适合你了。2. Does This Person Truly Understand This Role?2.这人真正了解这份工作吗?Interviewers want to be sure that you not only know what you’d be getting yourself into, but that you’ve done your homework. Be sure that you’ve thoroughly reviewed the job deion before your interview, and make an effort to relate your existing experience back to the responsibilities you would have in the role you’re being considered for.面试官想要确认你不仅明白自己将从事什么工作,并且你已经为此做好功课了。确保你在面试前已彻底阅读职位说明,并努力将自己的现有经验同应聘岗位所需承担的责任联系起来。Most hiring managers typically start off with a couple of simple questions like,“Can you tell me about yourself?” and “Why are you interested in this position?” These are perfect opportunities to demonstrate your understanding of the role. Say something that indicates you get what the job entails and why your background is a solid match, “I have four years of production management experience and specialize in vendor relations. I know vendor management would be an important component of this role, which is why I am particularly excited about this opportunity,” or “I am passionate about social media and am specifically targeting opportunities that will allow me to grow my expertise in this area. I know one of my primary responsibilities in this role would be writing and scheduling tweets for the company’s Twitter account, and I have some great ideas for how I can help you to grow your followers.”大多数招聘经理通常以这些简单问题作为开场——“能介绍下你自己么?”或“你为什么对这个职位感兴趣?”这些都是展示你对职位理解程度的绝好机会。你的回答要能表明你了解岗位所需承担的责任,以及你的背景与之相配的原因——“我有四年生产管理的经验且专长是厂商关系。我知道厂商管理是这个岗位的重要责任,因此我对这次的应聘机会感到尤其兴奋。”或者“我对社交媒体充满热情,一直以能使我增长该领域专业知识的工作机会为目标。我了解到这一职位的主要责任就是公司推特账号的推文写作和安排,我有一些特别棒的点子能帮你们涨粉。”Another great way to show that you understand what you’re interviewing for is to ask questions about the role once you’ve demonstrated that you’ve done more than just read the job deion. Saying, “What kind of traffic goals do you have for Twitter, and what resources do you think will help you reach that goal?”一旦证明你所做的功课不止于读读岗位描述后,另一个显示你对面试职位了解程度的好方法是问些岗位相关的问题。比如,“你们有怎样的推特流量目标呢?您觉得哪些资源能帮助达成这个目标?”Whenever you can go beyond the job listing to show an impressive grasp of the role’s responsibilities, you should do so. It’s a waste of both your and the recruiter’s time to only rehash what’s involved in the position.不论何时,当你能展示职责清单以外对岗位责任的深刻理解时,你就该展示出来。只是重复谈论岗位职责是在浪费你和招聘官的时间。3. Is This Person Actually Excited About Working Here?3. 这人真为在这儿工作感到激动吗?Similar to having an in-depth understanding of the potential opportunity, it’s important to show that you are genuinely excited about the organization as a whole. Of course, not every interview is going to be with your dream company, but try your best to find something that is interesting to you.和深入理解潜在岗位类似,显示你真的为公司感到激动也很重要。当然,不是每次面试的都是理想的公司,但至少尽力找到你的兴趣点。Was the company recently named one of the best places to work in your area? Is the department you’d be working in creating innovative new products? Was the CEO recently mentioned in a well-respected publication? Spend some time researching and reading any recent, relevant articles that you can reference during the interview.这家公司最近被评为你所在领域内的最佳工作地之一了吗?你要工作的这个部门正在研发创新产品吗?这家的首席执行官最近出现在权威出版物里了吗?花些时间搜寻并阅读你可以在面试中提到的近期相关文章。Along with wondering if you’re truly excited about the opportunity, an interviewer will want to gauge whether you’re a good fit. During the meeting, take the opportunity to ask about the team, their work style, and the company culture. Not only will this show that you are genuinely engrossed in learning about the organization as a whole and not just focused on the position you’re applying for, but it will demonstrate that you, too, care about being the right person for the job.除了好奇你是否真为这次机会而兴奋,面试官还想衡量你是否合适。面试中,找个机会问问团队相关的问题,他们的工作方式和公司文化。这不仅显示你真的注重了解公司整体而不仅仅是你申请的岗位,还证明了你也在意自己是否是这份工作的合适人选。4. Will This Person Make Me Look Good?4. 这人会让我面上有光吗?To a certain degree, an employee’s performance is a reflection on her supervisor. Your potential future boss wants to be sure that if she takes a day off or can’t make it to a meeting, you’ll still be on top of your game. If you do superb work and present yourself well, she looks good too. If you’re goofing off while the boss is on vacation or don’t proofread that super important email, the person she reports to probably won’t be too happy with either of you.某种程度上,下属的表现也是上级工作的反映。你潜在的未来老板希望确认,即使她休了一天假或没能赶上一次会议,你还能表现出色。如果你工作完美,表现上佳,他也会面上有光。如果你在上级休假或没有核查一封极其重要的邮件时未能尽职,恐怕她的上级对你俩的印象都会大打折扣。What is the best way to assure your future manager that you are totally trustworthy? Find out what she values in a team member. Try asking, “What traits are most important to you in an employee?” or “What are your expectations of the person who steps into this role?” If her answers line up with your work style, be sure to tell her that. For example, if your interviewer says she values clear communication above all else, say, “I couldn’t agree more. I am always striving to keep my team and my manager looped in on my progress, workload, and availability. I’ve found that maintaining open lines of communication goes a long way toward optimizing productivity and teamwork.”向未来领导保证自己绝对靠谱的最好方式是什么?找到她在团队成员身上最看重的东西。试着询问:“您认为员工最重要的品质是什么?”或者“您对这个岗位的员工有怎样的期待?”如果她的回答符合你的工作风格,一定要告诉她。比如,要是面试官说她最为重视清晰的沟通,你可以说:“我完全同意。我一直努力让团队和上级清楚我的进度、工作量和时间安排。我发现保持开放的交流大大有助于提高工作效率,优化团队合作。”At the end of your interview, when your future supervisor asks if you have anything to add, try leading with, “I really appreciate all of the information you’ve shared with me about what it’s like to work here and your expectations for this role. I think that my experience and work style would be a great fit for this team. I want you to know that as an employee, you can expect me to be proactive, responsive, and deadline-oriented.”面试的最后,当你未来的上级问你还有什么要补充时,试着以这些为回答重点——“非常感谢您和我分享的工作体验和您对这个职位的期待。我想我的经验和工作风格会很适合你们的团队。我希望您了解,我会是一个积极主动、响应迅速、在规定期限前完成任务的员工。”This type of response shows that you’ve been paying attention and is a good indication of your professional demeanor.这类回答表示你一直在认真倾听,同时很好地展现了你的职业风范。5. When’s Lunch?5. 饭点到了没?Interviewing can be grueling for the people on the other side of the desk, too—especially if the hiring manager is meeting with multiple candidates back-to-back. This doesn’t happen during every interview, but sometimes an interviewer’s mind will wander. He might be hungry, he might be tired, or he might be distracted by a looming deadline, but regardless of the reason for the distraction, it does happen.坐你对面的人也会觉得面试极其累人——尤其当招聘经理接连面试多个候选人时。这种情况不会出现在每场面试中,但有时,招聘官也会走神。他也许饿了或是疲倦了,又或者因一个迫近的截止期限而分神。无论是怎样的原因,走神的确时有发生。Obviously you can’t control the external factors that may be affecting your interviewer’s state of mind, but you can work on becoming the most interesting and engaging interviewee you can be. Recruit a friend to help you practice some commonly asked interview questions and ask for feedback on your body language, eye contact, tone of voice, and the content of your answers. Are you looking down when you talk or speaking in a dull, monotone voice? If you don’t seem interested in your own answers, you can’t expect anyone else to be either.显然,你不能控制影响面试官思想状态的外在因素,但你可以尽可能地成为最有趣、最有魅力的面试者。找一个朋友帮你练习一些面试中最有可能问到的问题,得到他对你肢体语言、眼神交流、声调和回答内容的反馈。你说话时眼睛是向下看的吗?或者你讲话的声音无聊又单调?如果你自己都对自己的回答不感兴趣,也不用指望别人感兴趣了。Another key trick to remember? Keep your answers short and sweet. A lot of people tend to ramble when they’re nervous and that can make this meeting feel like it’s dragging on and on. Try crafting exceptional responses using this simple formula: answer + example + result. For example, in response to, “How do you manage your time?” say, “I manage my time by prioritizing my responsibilities. For example, if I’m working on two projects simultaneously, I will always tackle the one that is more complex or due sooner first. This has helped me to be very effective in my past roles. In fact, I regularly get compliments on my ability to juggle a large workload without missing deadlines.”另一个要谨记的妙招?回答始终简洁明了。许多人紧张时往往变得絮叨,这会有拖延面试的感觉。试着遵循这一简单公式组织独特的回答:答案+例子+结果。比如回答“你怎样安排时间?”,可以说:“我通过任务的优先排序来安排时间。举个例子,假如我同时负责两个项目,我总会先处理更复杂或者截止期限更近的那个。这一方法帮助我在过去的职位上高效地工作。实际上,我经常因为处理大量工作却从不超过截止日期受到赞扬。”Keep in mind that the goal here isn’t to simply tell your interviewer what you think she wants to hear. The goal is to proactively address questions she’s probably asking herself during your meeting. The purpose of an interview isn’t to land a job, it’s for you and your potential future employer to assess whether or not you’re a fit for each other. Coming well-prepared and playing an active role in your interview will serve this purpose while making you look like an all-star in the process.记住,简洁明了的目标并不是简单告诉面试官你认为她想听到的回答,而是主动回答在面试你时他可能会问他自己的问题。面试的目的不是谋得一份工作,而是让你和你的潜在雇主评估彼此是否合适。充分做好准备并在面试中表现积极将有助于达成这一目的,同时也会让你在整个过程中光芒闪耀。
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&What course did you like the most?&
&What was your favorite subject?&
When you answer this question, use a subject that helped you become a better person or a better worker. Although this question is asking for you opinion and there is no wrong answer, you should take advantage of this question by showing your strengths.
Short Answers
&I really enjoyed an English writing class I took. This class taught me to write more clearly and concisely.&
&My favorite subject was Physics. It really helped my logic abilities and I use this knowledge to solve problems in a variety of ways.&
&There was a speech class I took that I really enjoyed. It helped me to speak in groups better and I learned to speak professionally in front of an audience.&
&My favorite subject was applied science. I really enjoyed learning different ways of applying science into ordinary things.&
Long Answer
&I really enjoyed majoring in electrical engineering and it really helped me to prepare for my career, but the class I enjoyed the most is probably a couple of psychology classes I took. Although it didn't help me in any technical way, I learned a little bit about human behavior and learned how the brain works. I started to understand the reasons for my strengths and weakness instead of just knowing them. Also, it helped me to understand people who are different than me.&
This is a simple answer but a very good one. An engineer is mostly technical and they might lack skills in human interaction. So an engineer saying their favorite course was psychology demonstrates that this person has both technical skills and the ability to work with others better. It lists several good examples such as understanding both strengths and weakness along with understanding different people.
有任何问题,请给我们留言, 管理员邮箱: 联系电话:
  1. How would you describe yourself?  Sample excellent response:  My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  2. What specific goals, including those related to your occupation, have you established for your life?  Sample excellent response:  I want to be working for an excellent company like yours in a job in which I am managing information. I plan to contribute my leadership, interpersonal, and technical skills. My long-range career goal is to be the best information systems technician I can for the company I work for.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  3. How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?  Sample excellent response:  I have prepared myself to transition into the the work force through real-world experience involving travel abroad, internship, and entrepreneurial opportunities. While interning with a private organization in Ecuador, I developed a 15-page marketing plan composed in Spanish that recommended more effective ways the company could promote its services. I also traveled abroad on two other occasions in which I researched the indigenous culture of the Mayan Indians in Todos Santos, Guatemala, and participate din a total language immersion program in Costa Rica. As you can see from my academic, extracurricular, and experiential background, I have unconditionally committed myself to success as a marketing professional.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  4. Please describe the ideal job for you following graduation.  Sample excellent response (equates ideal job with job he's interviewing for):  My ideal job is one that incorporates both my education and practical work skills to be the best I can be. Namely combining my education in finance with my working knowledge of customer service operations, entrepreneurial abilities, computer skills, and administrative skills. I want to utilize my analytical expertise to help people meet their financial goals. This is exactly why I am convinced that I would be a very valuable member of the Merrill Lynch team.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  5. What influenced you to choose this career?  Sample excellent response:  My past experiences have shown me that I enjoy facing and overcoming the challenge of making a sale. Without a doubt, once I have practiced my presentation and prepared myself for objections, I feel very confident approaching people I don't know and convincing them that they need my product. Lastly, I like sales because my potential for success is limited only by how much of myself I dedicate toward my goal. If any profession is founded on self-determinism, it surely must be sales.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  6. At what point did you choose this career?  Sample excellent response:  I knew that I wanted to pursue information systems technology about my sophomore year in college. It was then that I realized that my that my hobby (computers) was taking up most of my time. My favorite courses were IT courses. I also realized that I was doing computer-oriented work-study that I enjoyed so much I would have done it for free.  7. What specific goals have you established for your career?  Sample excellent response:  My goals include becoming a Certified Financial Advisor so I can obtain a better working knowledge of financial research analysis, which would allow me contribute to my client base as a better financial consultant since I would have that extra insight into the companies they are seeking to invest in. Also this is the foundation block to advancing my career to portfolio manager or even branch office manager.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  8. What will it take to attain your goals, and what steps have you taken toward attaining them?  Sample excellent response:  I've already done some research on other workers at Merrill Lynch to see how they achieved similar goals. I know that Merrill Lynch encourages the pursuit and will reimburse for tuition of a graduate degree. I plan on pursuing a MBA to give me an even more extensive knowledge of business and financial analysis.  9. What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?  Sample excellent response:  I believe successful salespeople put forth that extra effort that turns potential clients into first-time customers. Salespeople who attend to the details by doing whatever it takes to win over a prospective customer distinguish themselves from the countless others who don't go to any extra effort. Second, I think that if you label success as an attainable goal, you will never consistently remain successful. You can only succeed if you learn all there is to learn about your product, your competitors, and personal selling. Since this learning process is continuous, it's an unattainable goal. With good reason, salespeople should not consider success an attainable ending point but an objective that will always linger slightly beyond their reach.  10. How do you determine or evaluate success? Give me an example of one of your successful accomplishments.  Sample excellent response:  Last semester I was hired by by university's Council for Student Activities. The group negotiates contracts of entertainers, sets up sound equipment, markets the entertainers to students, and generally decides what kind of programming should be done. When I got hired, I didn't know the first thing about how fill any of those responsibilities. I decided, however, that I wasn't going to fail. Four months later, I have become the Webmaster for the group. I also write our campus newsletter and created Game Night, a student competition of table games. That event yielded the biggest audience ever for a non-concert event.  11. Do you have the qualifications and personal characteristics necessary for success in your chosen career?  Sample excellent response:  I believe I have a combination of qualities to be successful in this career. First, I have a strong interest, backed by a solid, well-rounded, state-of-the-art education, especially in a career that is technically oriented. This basic ingredient, backed by love of learning, problem-solving skills, well-rounded interests, determination to succeed and excel, strong communication skills, and the ability to work hard, are the most important qualities that will help me succeed in this career. To succeed, you also need a natural curiosity about how systems work -- the kind of curiosity I demonstrated when I upgraded my two computers recently. Technology is constantly changing, so you must a fast learner just to keep up or you will be overwhelmed. All of these traits combine to create a solid team member in the ever-changing field of information systems. I am convinced that I possess these characteristics and am ready to be a successful team member for your firm.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  12. What has been your most rewarding accomplishment?  Sample excellent response:  A recent satisfying accomplishment I was sent to one of our branch banks that was notorious for not growing their loan base. The branch had logged $75,000 in new loans in an 18-month period prior to my arrival. Having a reputation as a &hired gun& when it came to loan production I was successful in the solicitation and booking of $700,000 in my first six months at the branch.  13. If you could do so, how would you plan your college career differently?  Sample excellent response:  I wouldn't change anything. All that I have done was a great learning experience that I will carry forward throughout the rest of my life.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  14. Are you more energized by working with data or by collaborating with other individuals?  Sample excellent response:  I like the validity of information and also like the energy that comes with working with people. The best thing about working in a group is combining the great minds from different perspectives and coming up with something extremely great, compared with when you're working alone. At the same time, information can generate vitality in the project you're working on. No matter how many heads you've got together, without information, you can't go very far. The perfect situation would be a combination of working with information and people, and I'm confident of my abilities in both areas.  [Submitted by &Stacey&]  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  15. How would you describe yourself in terms of your ability to work as a member of a team?  Sample excellent response:  I have had many opportunities in both athletics and academics to develop my skills as a team player. My tenure as a rower with my college's crew team serves as a good example. I learned a great deal about teamwork while rowing because all the rowers in the boat must act as one, which meant that we incessantly worked to keep each movement in the boat synchronized. On an individual basis, we still worked toward group goals through weightlifting and land-rowing. My experience as a marketing research team leader also helped me to learn the role of &team player.& I viewed my position as that of group leader and of group member. I ensured that everyone in the group had equal opportunity to contribute, maintained excellent communication among group members, and coordinated their energies toward reaching our team's goal.  16. What motivates you to put forth you greatest effort?  Sample excellent response:  You would think that because I am interested in sales, only financial compensation would motivate me to achieve. Although monetary rewards are important to me, I am driven to succeed internally. More than anything, I want to be respected by my friends and coworkers for being the best at what I do. Whether I am considered to be the best car detailer in my hometown or the best columnist for my college newspaper, I want to be recognized as the best.  17. Given the investment our company will make in hiring and training you, can you give us a reason to hire you?  Sample excellent response:  I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I realize that there are many other college students who have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job -- my attitude for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence, but putting every part of myself into achieving it. In college and at my previous jobs, I have consistently reached for becoming the very best I can become. I think my leadership awards from my college, and my management positions are the result of possessing the qualities you're looking for in an employee.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  18. Would you describe yourself as goal-driven?  Sample excellent response:  Yes, and I demonstrated my goal orientation as president of the local Jaycees, a community service organization. I am very proud of the fact that I set a goal of signing 50 new members by the end of the year, and I accomplished that.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  19. Describe what you've accomplished toward reaching a recent goal for yourself.  Sample excellent response:  My first few years in banking had me on the fast track to branch management. I realized at some point along the way that my true passion was in offering financial advice not limited to checking accounts and loans. It was at that point that I made the necessary arrangements to go back to school full-time to pursue my goal, which I am just about to achieve.  20. What short-term goals and objectives have you established for yourself?  Sample excellent response:  My short-term objectives are to graduate from the Professional Development Program before the standard two years and begin developing a clientele. As an intern, I prepared ahead of time by studying for the Series 7 and Series 64 exams that constitute a majority of a beginning financial consultant's time. I'd like to make make the company that hires me wonder what it ever did without me.  21. Can you describe your long-range goals and objectives?  Sample excellent response:  My primary objectives are to learn as much as possible about your company's product offering, organizational structure, and professional sales techniques so that I may become the most productive member of your sales team.  22. What do you expect to be doing in five years?  Sample excellent response:  Although it is hard to predict the future, I sincerely believe that I will become a very good financial consultant. I believe that my abilities will allow me to excel to the point that I can seek other opportunities as a portfolio manager (the next step) and possibly even higher. My ultimate goal continues to be -- and will always be -- to be the best at whatever level I am working at within Merrill Lynch's corporate structure.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  23. What do you see yourself doing in ten years?  Sample excellent response:  Ten years from now I see myself as a successful consultant for a world-class firm like yours. I want to have developed a wonderful bond with my employer I will have proven myself a highly competent systems analyst and will represent my company in helping others find solutions to their information-systems needs in a professional and timely manner.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  24. How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?  Sample excellent response:  I believe I am quite good at handling conflict. Working in retail and in the residence halls required that I make many unpopular decisions at times, whether it was terminating an associate or taking judicial action on a resident. Often the person in conflict with me would be upset and sometimes physically outraged. I would always make sure that I fully explained the situation, the policies behind my decision, and why those policies exist. Usually by the end of the conversation, the person could see the other side of the situation.  25. Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor or instructor? How did you resolve the conflict?  Sample excellent response:  Yes, I had an incident with my Spanish professor. I turned in an essay that she said was too good to be mine. I I told her that I had a native speaker review the essay, but he made very few corrections. However, I had broken the Golden Rule of Spanish Composition -- the essay must not even touch the hands of a native speaker. To prove to her that I was capable of producing an essay that exceeded her expectations of a non-native speaker, I offered to re-write another essay in her office. I earned an A-minus.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  26. Tell me about a major problem you recently handled. Were you successful in resolving it?  Sample excellent response:  While working at K-mart, I was one of three people to work in the electronics department. One day upon arriving at work, I was told the district manager was coming the next day to do a store inspection. The two other people who worked in electronics were both over 55. Neither could lift heavy objects, and one refused to work at all. As a result, the electronics department was usually left to me to keep stocked with product and kept in order. I had about five hours of work time to get the entire department in order. Those five hours passed around, and there was still a substantial amount of work to be done. I asked the store manager if I could stay and work after hours while the overnight stockers were there. He said that because of the employment budget, he could not let me. I was faced with bringing the entire store's rating down, so I suggested a creative staffing solution, allowing me to work the extra hours while temporarily reducing the hours of the other two members of the department. Because of this solution, in a matter of hours, the department was in tip-top shape -- and still under budget. And the results? The electronics department got a score of 95 out of 100.  27. Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?  Sample excellent response:  Yes. My past experience as an Administrative Coordinator required me to deal with many serious situations since I held emergency on-call duties as a supervisor. One example was when I was called by a Resident Assistant to deal with an attempted suicide on her residence hall floor. The situation required that I think clearly and quickly in this life-and-death situation. I had to weigh the many tasks that needed to be completed. I had to assign RAs to call 911, make sure that EMS could get into the locked building, while at the same time applying first aid, and ensuring that the rest of the residents on the floor were OK. I also had to make sure the privacy of the resident in need was respected. I basically prioritized and dealt with each task by its importance. I delegated responsibility to RAs for things that they were capable of handling because I could not physically be in many places at once. Once the resident was taken to the hospital, I was responsible for paperwork and follow up to make sure the staff members, residents, and the resident-in-need adjusted back to &normal& life. I know this is an extreme example not found in the financ however, it shows just how well I can deal with extreme pressure.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  28. What quality or attribute do you feel will most contribute to your career success?  Sample excellent response:  My greatest strength is my flexibility. I have learned that work conditions change from day to day and throughout the day, as well, no matter where I have worked in the past. I also have realized that certain projects require individual attention and others involve a teamwork approach. These are just a few examples of the changes that happen in the financial consulting field, as you are well aware. My flexibility to adapt to the different demands of the job has allowed me to surpass my supervisor's expectations.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  29. What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or on the job?  Sample excellent response (shows how he recognized his weakness and worked to improve):  My greatest weakness had been delegation. I would take it upon myself to do many small projects throughout my shift as a manager that could have been done by others in an attempt to improve my workers' efficiency. Once I realized that I was doing more work than the other assistant managers, and they were achieving better results, I reevaluated what I was doing. I quickly realized that if I assigned each person just one small project at the beginning of their shift, clearly state expectations for the project, and then follow up that everything would get done, and I could manage much more efficiently and actually accomplish much more.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  30. What were your reasons for selecting your college or university?  Sample excellent response (tells how education specifically will benefit the employer):  My college has always had a reputation as having an excellent accounting department, so I knew that if I enrolled there, I would achieve first-class preparation for my chosen career field. It is also a highly accredited school known for satisfying employers with the preparation of its graduates -- that's why companies like yours recruit at my school -- the school produces top graduates. The school offers an excellent liberal-arts background, which research shows equips graduates with numerous qualities, such as versatility and strong critical-thinking skills. Finally, having visited the campus before enrolling, I knew that the business school emphasized group projects. During my four years in the school, I participated in more than 35 group projects, which taught me invaluable teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  31. If you could change or improve anything about your college, what would it be?  Sample excellent response:  My major department had a wonderful internship program, and I was able to complete three valuable internships with my department's guidance. Some other departments in the business school don't have internship programs that are as strong as my department's. I'd like to see all the departments have strong internship programs so all my school's business grads would have the same opportunities that I had.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  32. How will the academic program and coursework you've taken benefit your career?  Sample excellent response (response is very specific to the job he is interviewing for):  As you will note on my resume, I've taken not only the required core classes for the finance field, I've also gone above and beyond by double majoring in accounting. I doubled majored since I knew that the financial consulting field requires much knowledge of portfolio analysis and understanding of the tax laws. I believe that my success in both areas of study have specifically prepared me for this area. But it's not just taking the classes in these two areas that allows me to offer Merrill Lynch clients more. I minored in Spanish to understand the growing hispanic clientele in the Central Florida area, which as you are well aware is a growing source of revenue for the industry. If you like, I can elaborate on other aspects of my education further.  33. Which college classes or subjects did you like best? Why?  Sample excellent response:  My favorite classes have been the ones pertaining to my major, which is marketing. These classes have laid the groundwork for my career in marketing. They have also taught me skills that I can bring to my employer, ranging from communication skills to interacting with others.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  34. Are you the type of student for whom conducting independent research has been a positive experience?  Sample excellent response:  Yes, I love it. I thoroughly enjoyed my senior research in college while many others in my class were miserable. I was never tired of learning more about my topic and found it exhilarating to be researching something that had not been studied before.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  35. Describe the type of professor that has created the most beneficial learning experience for you.  Sample excellent response:  My favorite professors were the ones who gave me hands-on learning experiences that I can apply to my career. Any person can make you memorize the quadratic equation, but someone who can show you how to use it, and why, were the professors I liked. I liked teachers who realized that sometimes there is more then one answer and everyone thinks differently.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  36. Do you think that your grades are a indication of your academic achievement?  Sample excellent response:  I have focused much of my energy on work and obtaining real-world experience. I commend my classmates who have earned high GPAs, but I also feel it's important to be well-rounded. In addition to work experience, I participated in sports and extracurricular activities in school. These activities taught me leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Sometimes my heavy load has not allowed me to keep up with some of my studies, but I have learned an enormous amount that I can apply in my future industry. As you will discover if you talk to my supervisors, my ability to work effectively is much more reflective of my future potential than is my GPA.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  37. What plans do you have for continued study? An advanced degree?  Sample excellent response:  I plan to continue my education for the rest of my life. In any technology-related field, keeping up to date through continuing education is of the utmost importance. Continuing education can include on-the-job training, courses sponsored by the employer, and courses taken in new technologies as they emerge. I plan to be not only a career employee but a career student so that I can be the best information systems analyst I can be. I will ensure, however, that any education I pursue not only doesn't interfere with my job or the company's policies, but will enhance my value as an employee.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  38. Before you can make a productive contribution to the company, what degree of training do you feel you will require?  Sample excellent response:  My background has been focused on preparing me for the financial consulting industry, so I can be productive right away. I already have obtained the educational credentials and skills to allow me to become an immediate asset to Merrill Lynch. After interning for a semester, I am well aware of the shared beliefs of the organization and its corporate values. I already have a very good working knowledge of the financial consulting business. I am confident of my ability to get up to speed quickly in any assignment with which I'm not familiar.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  39. Describe the characteristics of a successful manager.  Sample excellent response:  A successful manager should have the vision and capabilities to formulate strategies to reach his or her objectives and communicate these ideas to his or her team members. In addition to serving as a positive role model for co-workers, successful managers must also be capable of inspiring others to recognize, develop, and apply their talents to their utmost potential to reach a common goal. These are the traits I hope to demonstrate when I'm a manager.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  40. Why did you decide to seek a position in this field?  Sample excellent response:  I want to work in the marketing and PR industry because ever since I took my first marketing course in college, I have felt very passionate toward the industry and cannot imagine myself doing anything else.  41. Tell me what you know about our company.  Sample excellent response:  You're large and respected worldwide. You're both a clinical and teaching hospital. Over the last 60 to 70 years you've produced award-winning research. In reviewing your Web site, I've familiarized myself with many of your corporate goals and objectives.  [Submitted by &Judy&]  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  42. Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?  Sample excellent response:  I am convinced that there would be no better place to work than Accenture. You are the top consulting firm in the United States. You provide your employees with the tools they need to stay competitive and sharpen their skills while working in an open, team-based environment. I am also aware that you provide a mentor for all new employees, and I would embrace any opportunity to work with a mentor and eventually become one myself.  See also this page of our Job Interviewing Tutorial.  


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