欣喜若狂的英语翻译 欣喜若狂翻译官用英语怎么说说

本集介绍:Rob tells Li that John is over the moon about getting
本集介绍:Rob tells Li that John is over the moon about getting a new job - does this mean he's going to be an astronaut? Find out in this programme what being over the moon is really all about.
The English We Speak
Hey Diddle Diddle
Hello, I'm Li and welcome to The English We Speak.
And hello, I'm Rob. Now Li, I need to tell you something. You know John in the office? Well, he's got a new job.
That's great news. How is he feeling?
Well, obviously, he's over the moon.
What? John is over the moon? Is he going to be an astronaut?
No Li. Well, I don't think so. I just mean he's extremely pleased and happy.
Oh I see. I know in the nursery rhyme Hey Diddle Diddle, "the cow jumped over the moon", but I've never heard of a man jumping over the moon, so he must be very, very, very excited.
Umm, it's just a saying Li. He's not actually jumping over the moon. We say it to show that he's so excited that, in theory, he could jump as high as the moon.
And over it.
Li, do you know how high the moon really is?
No, but I know it's a long way away.
It certainly is. Let's hear some more examples of people being over the moon.
When Jane heard she had won the lottery, she was over the moon.
When he found out he'd passed his exam he was over the moon.
I can't hide it. I'm over the moon about getting a promotion.
So, being over the moon means being very excited.
Of course John is not only over the moon about getting a new job, he's also on cloud nine.
What? Now he's on cloud nine? Is he going to be an airline pilot then, or even a bird?
Nothing like that. It's just another way of saying he's very excited and happy about something. He's up on a very high cloud cloud nine.
Here's some more examples.
Julie got married last week and she's been on cloud nine ever since.
I've never seen Fred so happy. He's been on cloud nine since he passed his exams.
So now we know what to say about someone who's very excited and happy.
Yes, two good phrases. So, come on Rob, if John is not going to be a pilot or an astronaut, what is his new job? Something just as exciting maybe?
No, he's going to be an accountant.
Oh, boring. Are you sure? Who is that I can see jumping over the moon? Look.
Is it a cow? Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
No, no, no, no, no, it's John. He really is over the moon. And he really is a star.
Come on Li, let's get down to earth and say goodbye to everybody.
Bye. See you next week for more The English We Speak. Rob, I think he got stuck over there.[xīn xǐ ruò kuáng]
be mad with joy
高考英语书面表达中的常用连词与句式 ...
a washing machine
be mad with joy
send the parcel by mail ...
over the moon
年过50岁的华仔老来得子,实在是喜出望外,欣喜若狂(be over the moon),此前一直有传闻称,由于属于高龄产妇,出于安全考虑,朱丽倩选择剖腹生产(Caesarean)。
be wild with joy
解析 渔夫欣喜若狂(be wild with joy),他感谢了国王,然后离开了王宫。
an ecstasy of delight
ecstatic a. marked by a state of overwhelming emotion esp. great joy
be wild with joy
He was ecstatic
Beckham's England Recall
Magpies Flying High
go into raptures
[go, be thrown]
into ecstasies
Fly into raptures
go into raptures
He was beside himself with joy.
[xīn xǐ ruò kuáng]
[xīn xǐ ruò kuáng]
tread [walk] be as happy [joyful] go [be] be entranced [ delirious] with joy [delight]; be in an ecstasy of delight [joy]; be be
be bes go into raptures:
be wild with joy over ...;
因 ... 而欣喜若狂
People's joy knew no bounds when the news of victory arrived.
胜利捷报传来, 人人欣喜若狂。
She went mad with joy.
And then an ecstatic scream of and then , alas !
胜利捷报传来, 人人欣喜若狂。
People's joy knew no bounds when the news of victory arrived.
“欣喜若狂”是个多义词,它可以指欣喜若狂(汉语词语), 欣喜若狂(2014年拍摄电影)。
- 来自原声例句


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