you are s____only to find thatone that interests you

Readiness Quizzes
READINESS QUIZ (FOR SINGLE WOMEN): & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Do you go to a party and check out every man in the room and immediately size them up as to if they would be a good candidate for you? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you feel like you need to lie about your age on dating websites, because you look young and don’t want to discourage someone before they meet you? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you believe you have to go out of your way to show your best side so you can “catch” the right mate? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you wait to call or lie about your availability so you’ll be more attractive to a potential partner? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you fantasize night and day about a man who is in a relationship or lives out of town? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you want to have children, but keep picking partners who are aren’t interested in having children or who already have children and don’t want more? ___ Yes ___ No
Are you starting to wonder if there is anyone out there that fits what you are looking for? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you ever say, “yes”, or allow yourself to be intimate with someone when your heart and soul isn’t exactly jumping up and down with enthusiasm? ___ Yes ___ No
Are you disappointed on a regular basis because the events you go to don’t have available men that could be potential matches for you? ___ Yes ___ No
Are your dates more like interviews than two people having fun in the moment? ___ Yes ___ No
Are the majority of your friends single or the majority of people you “hang out” with single? ___ Yes ___ No&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
If you answered YES, to any of the questions above, there may be some changes that you could make that would improve your chances of finding a compatible partner. &Read the responses below to any of the questions that you answered yes to.& If any of these make sense to you, give us a call at (858) 692-1279. &We offer confidential,&Law of Attraction Group Sessions, Tele-Seminars and One to One Coaching Sessions.& Visit our website at: .
IF YOU ANSWERED YES, to any of the Readiness Quiz questions, see responses below. (Written by, Victoria Ross - Attraction Coach and Matchmaker)
Most of us have done this at one time or another.& The only problem is that when we are so focused on searching for a partner, we end up repelling any man within five feet of our radar.& In our experience the “Hunt Them Down” approach to looking for a partner, doesn’t work.& If you are taking this quiz as a part of a seminar, the facilitator will share with you the “Hunt Them Down” exercise to help you discover a more effective approach to dating.
A lot of my clients look young and feel young, but know that if they give their correct age on dating websites, that they might be disqualified from a youthful man’s search criteria.& The idea that one needs to lie in order to attract the right mate often is just a symptom of a larger belief that there is no one who would like them just the way they are.& My suggestion to clients is to do all they can to let people know who they really are. Someone who responds to who you really are is more likely to&be a long term match. Your right partner will be ecstatic&to learn&about your unique characteristics, because he will start seeing how your puzzle pieces fit together.&&If it’s hard to believe there is such a man – we can help.
It’s very natural to want to dress nice or focus on your attributes when you first meet someone special. &Unfortunately a lot of Dating Advice that’s out there suggests a manipulative approach to “catching” a man.& After viewing the behaviors of Singles for the past fifteen years, it has become very clear that the belief that one needs to act a certain way to “catch” a man is one of the many contributors to our high divorce rate.& Some women make a point to be who they think a high-quality man would want until they finally “catch” the man and marry them.& Then once they “catch” the man, they can relax and be themselves.& The problem is that since they were never their true selves in the beginning, the man fell in love with a lie.& Of course when they start to relax and be theirselve the man is going to be unhappy.& If they were truly theirselves&in the beginning, they wouldn’t have to “catch” a man.& They would meet someone who loves them as they are and would have a much better chance of a successful marriage.
Yes, a woman that is self-respecting and doesn’t sit around by the phone waiting for a man’s call is more attractive.& Unfortunately a lot of Dating Advice that’s out there suggests a manipulative approach to acting like a self-respecting woman, instead of learning how to become a self-respecting woman.& Yes, it takes more effort to look within and make changes in your life that would cause you to naturally act self-respecting, but by making that effort, you will naturally attract a high-caliber man.& Lying and playing games to “catch” a man may work, but a long-term loving relationship cannot be formed out of deception.& If catching a man is all you want, then that approach is fine.
Many of my clients have shared that the only people that they have chemistry with are in a relationship or live out of town.& This is very common in our society today and it seems like we have no control, that all the men we like “just happen to be unavailable” in some way or another.& If this has happened to you more than once: it might be a good idea to consider, that although there is hope that this man may eventually become available, there is a reason that we are picking this type of man.& Could it be safer to let your walls down with someone who isn’t really available? &I spent years expending energy on unavailable men, although I sincerely wanted to create a loving partnership with an available man.& Through the “Familiar Zone System™”, I became aware of why unavailable men were in my Familiar Zone and how I could change my Familiar Zone and my life.
Many of my clients, who still want children, have shared that the only people that they have chemistry with don’t want children or have children and don’t want more.& Sometimes its easier to fall in love with someone that we know couldn’t be our long term partner.& Since we know the relationship could never lead anywhere, we relax and let down our walls.& If this has happened to you, you obviously are capable of letting down your walls.& The next step is feeling safe enough to let down your walls with available men (those that could actually be long term partners).
It is common to wonder, “Does he exist?”& You exist!& You’re incredible.& You fit what your partner is looking for.& Before you met your current best friend, would you be able to imagine someone as incredible as he or she is?& If you couldn’t imagine him or her, would that mean that he or she didn’t exist?
We’ve all done this at some point or another, and I know for me, part of it stemmed from not believing that my heart and soul would be jumping up and down with enthusiasm over anyone.& Has your heart and soul ever jumped up and down with enthusiasm over some one or some concept? &Okay, that means it is possible – why stop short?
Being disappointed is natural, when we meet someone who we think might be a match and, then we find out that they aren’t. &Being disappointed on a regular basis, may mean that we are putting unnecessary expectations on ourselves or others.& Have you recalled feeling disappointed on a regular basis, because you didn’t meet a best friend?& No, most people are aware that meeting close friends are rare and special occasions and they feel blessed when it happens.& Sometimes when we are considering meeting a life partner, we lose objectivity.
Asking qualifying questions to determine if someone is right to date is smart, but sometimes our focus is so much on the end result that we forget to relax and enjoy the other person.
Single people act differently than couples.& One of the ways to attract your life partner is to be in the energy that you would be in when your partner is in your life.& Many couples “hang out” with couples, where many singles “hang out” with other singles.& If you usually “hang out” more with couples when you are in a relationship, start doing that now.& The more you act now like you would when you have a partner, the easier it is to magnetize a partner.
Featured Event &
Sunday, February 19, 6:00 p.m.
READINESS QUIZ (FOR SINGLE MEN): & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Do you go to a party and check out every woman in the room and immediately size them up as to if they are attractive enough to be with or whether they turn you on? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you feel like you need to lie about your age on dating websites, because you look young and don’t want to discourage someone before they meet you? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you ever do things that you wouldn’t normally do or that may not be in your best interest, because of an attractive woman? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you find yourself calling women that never seem to be available or they cancel dates at the last minute? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you fantasize night and day about a woman who is in a relationship or lives out of town? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you want to have children, but keep picking partners who are too old to have children, or who don’t currently desire to have children? ___ Yes ___ No
Are you starting to wonder if there is anyone out there that fits what you are looking for? ___ Yes ___ No
Do you ever say, “yes”, or allow yourself to be intimate with someone when your heart and soul isn’t exactly jumping up and down with enthusiasm? ___ Yes ___ No
Are you disappointed on a regular basis because the events you go to don’t have available women that could be potential matches for you? ___ Yes ___ No
Are your dates more like interviews than two people having fun in the moment? ___ Yes ___ No
Are the majority of your friends single or the majority of people you “hang out” with single? ___ Yes ___ No
If you answered YES, to any of the questions above, there may be some changes that you could make that would improve your chances of finding a compatible partner.& Read the responses below to any of the questions that you answered yes to.& If any of these make sense to you, give us a call at (858) 692-1279.& We offer confidential,&Law of Attraction Group Sessions, Tele-Seminars&and One to One Coaching Sessions. &Visit our website at: .
IF YOU ANSWERED YES, to any of the Readiness Quiz questions, see responses below. (Written by, Victoria Ross - Attraction Coach and Matchmaker)
Most of us have done this at one time or another.&&The only problem is that when we are so focused on searching for a partner, we end up repelling any woman within five feet of our radar. &In our experience the “Hunt Them Down” approach to looking for a partner, doesn’t work.& If you are taking this quiz as a part of a seminar, the facilitator will share with you the “Hunt Them Down” exercise to help you discover a more effective approach to dating.
A lot of my clients look young and feel young, but know that if they give their correct age on dating websites that they might be disqualified from a youthful woman’s search criteria.& The idea that one needs to lie in order to attract the right mate often is just a symptom of a larger belief that there is no one who would like them just the way they are.& My suggestion to clients is to do all they can to let people know who they really are.& Someone who responds to who you really are is more likely to&be a long term match.& Your right partner will be ecstatic the more she knows about your unique qualities.& If it’s hard to believe there is such a woman – we can help.
Some times it is easy to go weak in the knees for a beautiful woman, but when doing so causes you to do things that are not in your best interest, it’s time to take a look at how much you value you.& It may seem like you have to do these things to keep this woman’s interest, but if you feel you have to comprise your needs for a woman, you’ll never be truly happy - no matter what woman you are with.& We can show you how to actually become more attractive to women because you are making yourself a priority.
A lot of times the most attractive women are the ones that don’t sit around by the phone waiting for your call. &It could be because they are self-respecting or it could be because they are playing games.& A self-respecting man wouldn’t put up with a woman canceling dates at the last minute and would withdraw interest if a woman appears unavailable.& If you find yourself more interested in women who are not interested in you, manipulative or unavailable; you might have role models that allowed them selves to be mistreated or you may feel like there is something about you that wouldn’t attract the high-quality woman you are looking for. &In either case, we can help you attract women that would be extremely responsive to you and that would call you back because they wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to include you in their life.
Many of my clients have shared that the only people that they have chemistry with are in a relationship or live out of town.& This is very common in our society today and it seems like we have no control, that all the women we like “just happen to be unavailable” in some way or another.& If this has happened t it might be a good idea to consider, that although there is hope that this woman may eventually become available, there is a reason that you are picking this type of woman.& Could it be safer to let your walls down with someone who isn’t really available?& I spent years expending energy on unavailable men, although I sincerely wanted to create a loving partnership with an available man.& Through the “Familiar Zone System™”, I became aware of why unavailable men were in my Familiar Zone and how I could change my Familiar Zone and my life.
Many of my clients, who still want children, have shared that the only people that they have chemistry with have children or are past the child bearing years and don’t want to adopt. Sometimes its easier to fall in love with someone that we know couldn’t be our long term partner.& Since we know the relationship could never lead anywhere, we relax and let down our walls.& If this has happened to you, you obviously are capable of letting down your walls.& The next step is feeling safe enough to let down your walls with available women (those that could actually be long term partners).
It is common to wonder, “Does she exist?”& You exist!& You’re incredible.& You fit what your partner is looking for.& Before you met your current best friend, would you be able to imagine someone as incredible as he or she is?& If you couldn’t imagine him or her, would that mean that he or she didn’t exist?
We’ve all done this at some point or another, and I know for me, part of it stemmed from not believing that my heart and soul would be jumping up and down with enthusiasm over anyone.& Has your heart and soul ever jumped up and down with enthusiasm over some one or some concept?& Okay, that means it is possible – why stop short?
Being disappointed is natural, when we meet someone who we think might be a match and, then we find out that they aren’t.& Being disappointed on a regular basis, may mean that we are putting unnecessary expectations on ourselves or others. Have you recalled feeling disappointed on a regular basis, because you didn’t meet a best friend?& No, most people are aware that meeting close friends are rare and special occasions and they feel blessed when it happens. &Sometimes when we are considering meeting a life partner, we lose objectivity...
Asking qualifying questions to determine if someone is right to date is smart, but sometimes our focus is so much on the end result that we forget to relax and enjoy the other person.
Single people act differently than couples.& One of the ways to attract your life partner is to be in the energy that you would be in when your partner is in your life.& Many couples “hang out” with couples, where many singles “hang out” with other singles.& If you usually “hang out” more with couples when you are in a relationship, start doing that now. The more you act now like you would when you have a partner, the easier it is to magnetize a partner.
Featured Event &
Sunday, February 19, 6:00 p.m.新视野第3单元听力答案_百度文库
你可能喜欢& “People always say th...”习题详情
People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the &&&&&it is to do so, in theory it is that,&&&&&&&, in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的) &&&&of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work &&&&&.So spending money to help &&&&&learn English may&&&&&&up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you &&&&&,the more you are let down.The daughter of one of my friends &&&&&English in primary school, &&&&&her foreign teacher’s blindness &&&&&psychology. She did not want to go on &&&&&English until middle school, &&&&&a college student studying English slowly &&&&&her interest in the language.It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty &&&&&learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, &&&&&find that despite(尽管) their excellent &&&&&, many students have &&&&&command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children&&&&classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than &&&&&them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to &&&&&the language ability of their mother tongue.【小题1】A.easyB.difficultC.easierD.more difficult【小题2】A.but B.howeverC.thoughD.yet【小题3】A.opinionsB.regardsC.requestsD.expressions【小题4】A.directlyB.orallyC.properlyD.indirectly【小题5】A.peopleB.girlsC.childrenD.boys【小题6】A.begin B.startC.finishD.end【小题7】 B.getC.buyD.take【小题8】A.lovedB.likedC.dislikedD.learned【小题9】A.because ofB.becauseC.instead of D.instead【小题10】【小题11】 learnC.with learningD.for learning【小题12】A.while B.whereC.when【小题13】A.introducedB.practicedC.explained D.developed【小题14】
D.of【小题15】A.HeB.IC.She D.They【小题16】A.pronunciationB.phraseC.language
D.writing【小题17】A.fewB.less C.little D.fewer【小题18】A.writeB.doC.rememberD.memorize【小题19】A.haveB.letC.causeD.make【小题20】A.studyB.improveC.learnD.masterC&
习题“People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ____it is to do so, in theory it is that,__...”的分析与解答如下所示:
文章通过举例说明最好的方式是用几年的时间让孩子学习中文,而不是学习有一些困难的英语。一直从事英语教育,我发现尽管他们有优秀的发音,但是很多学生没有掌握英语的单词和词组。所以,我建议孩子背诵一些古典的中国散文,而不是让他们急迫的学习英语。否则,他们会流失最好的时间来提高他们学习母语的能力。 【小题1】考查形容词的比较级&。由上文暗示可预期:理论上说,一个人越早学语言,他(她)会越容易学好。“The +比较级,the+比较级”表示“越来越……”。C、D为可选项,而D意不符,故选C。【小题2】 考查连词。 考查转折连词的使用区别。but连接句子时其后不可用逗号;however前后可用逗号隔开;though常放于句末;yet与but相似,故选however。【小题3】 考查名词。根据上下文暗示可预期:练习语言的基本表达能力……,A、B、C都不符和句意,故选expressions表达。【小题4】考查副词。由上下文提示可预期:直接通过合适的阅读方法和努力,才能形成能力,而orally意为“口头”;properly意为“合适地”,因上文已出现proper reading ways,故有重复之嫌;indirectly意为“间接地”;故选directly(直接地)。【小题5】 考查名词。&由上下文可预期,谈论的对象即是children孩子。句意:所以花费金钱让孩子们学英语可能会以失望而告终。【小题6】考查动词。&由上下文可预期:先是花钱去学,而后是失望收场。A、B与句意不合,finish不与up with搭配,end up with意为“以……结束”。【小题7】考查动词。&根据句意可预期:付(花)钱多,失望大。take常用在结构:it takes sb& some time / money to do sth 花某人时间或钱做某事;B、C与句意不符。【小题8】考查动词。&由上下文暗示可预期:因为不喜欢才来了一位学英语的大学生,从而开发了她的兴趣;故选disliked不喜欢。其他不符。【小题9】考查短语。 因为外籍教师对心理学的盲点,才导致她厌学。because和because均表示“因为”,但前者为连词,后者为介词;instead of是介词;instead是副词。故用because of。【小题10】考查短语。 介词to 意为“对……而言(来说)。句意:由于她的外国老师不懂心理学。【小题11】考查固定短语。 go on doing指继续不停地做同一件事;go on to do指继续去做另一件事;go on with sth 指停顿后接着去做同一件事;D为干扰项,故选learning。【小题12】考查连词。 when表示“当时”,相当于and at that time;while表示“在……时候”;where表示“在……地方”;as表示“因为”、“在……时候”。【小题13】 考查动词。 introduced意为“介绍”;practised意为“练习”;explained意为“解释”,均不合句意,而developed(开发)正合语境。【小题14】考查介词。& have some difficulty / trouble (in)doing sth意为“做某事遇到困难”。【小题15】考查代词。&根据It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty &&&&&learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education,以及find that despite(尽管) their excellent &&&&&, many students have &&&&&command of English words and phrases.,故选B。【小题16】考查名词。 根据上下文可预期:发音好但词汇量不够——缺陷,故选pronunciation。【小题17】考查副词。&根据上文可知,表否定但无比较,可知选项为A、C;而few修饰可数名词,故选little修饰不可数名词。【小题18】考查动词。根据文意,文章显然为记散文,可知选项为C、D,相比之处,remember(追忆,记得)不如memorize(记住)恰当。【小题19】考查动词。&因在四个选项中只有cause后接不定式的复合结构时不定式要带to。【小题20】 考查动词。 get back意为“回来,返回”;let go意为“放开,错过”;bring in意为“引来,吸收”;go away意为“走开,离开”。
People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ____it is to do so, in theory it is th...
“People always say th...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ____it is to do so, in theory it is that,____, in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的) ____of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work ____.So spending money to help ____learn English may____up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you ____,the more you are let down.The daughter of one of my friends ____English in primary school, ____her foreign teacher’s blindness ____psychology. She did not want to go on ____English until middle school, ____a college student studying English slowly ____her interest in the language.It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty ____learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, ____find that despite(尽管) their excellent ____, many students have ____command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children____classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than ____them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to ____the language ability of their mother tongue.【小题1】A.easyB.difficultC.easierD.more difficult【小题2】A.but B.howeverC.thoughD.yet【小题3】A.opinionsB.regardsC.requestsD.expressions【小题4】A.directlyB.orallyC.properlyD.indirectly【小题5】A.peopleB.girlsC.childrenD.boys【小题6】A.begin B.startC.finishD.end【小题7】 B.getC.buyD.take【小题8】A.lovedB.likedC.dislikedD.learned【小题9】A.because ofB.becauseC.instead of D.instead【小题10】【小题11】 learnC.with learningD.for learning【小题12】A.while B.whereC.when【小题13】A.introducedB.practicedC.explained D.developed【小题14】
D.of【小题15】A.HeB.IC.She D.They【小题16】A.pronunciationB.phraseC.language
D.writing【小题17】A.fewB.less C.little D.fewer【小题18】A.writeB.doC.rememberD.memorize【小题19】A.haveB.letC.causeD.make【小题20】A.studyB.improveC.learnD.master”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“People always say that the earlier one learns a language, the ____it is to do so, in theory it is that,____, in my opinion, that refers to spoken language. Capability(能力) to practice some essential(基本的) ____of a language and read between the lines can only be trained through proper reading ways and hard work ____.So spending money to help ____learn English may____up with disappointment. It is likely that the more you ____,the more you are let down.The daughter of one of my friends ____English in primary school, ____her foreign teacher’s blindness ____psychology. She did not want to go on ____English until middle school, ____a college student studying English slowly ____her interest in the language.It is better to have the child learn Chinese than to have some difficulty ____learning English for several years. Having been engaged in English education, ____find that despite(尽管) their excellent ____, many students have ____command of English words and phrases. So I suggest that children____classical Chinese prose(散文),rather than ____them to learn English hurriedly. Otherwise, they may let go the best time to ____the language ability of their mother tongue.【小题1】A.easyB.difficultC.easierD.more difficult【小题2】A.but B.howeverC.thoughD.yet【小题3】A.opinionsB.regardsC.requestsD.expressions【小题4】A.directlyB.orallyC.properlyD.indirectly【小题5】A.peopleB.girlsC.childrenD.boys【小题6】A.begin B.startC.finishD.end【小题7】 B.getC.buyD.take【小题8】A.lovedB.likedC.dislikedD.learned【小题9】A.because ofB.becauseC.instead of D.instead【小题10】【小题11】 learnC.with learningD.for learning【小题12】A.while B.whereC.when【小题13】A.introducedB.practicedC.explained D.developed【小题14】
D.of【小题15】A.HeB.IC.She D.They【小题16】A.pronunciationB.phraseC.language
D.writing【小题17】A.fewB.less C.little D.fewer【小题18】A.writeB.doC.rememberD.memorize【小题19】A.haveB.letC.causeD.make【小题20】A.studyB.improveC.learnD.master”相似的习题。}


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