高山阀门zzvalve valve 的 table e'是什么意思

valve是什么意思_法语valve中文翻译_法语词典_词典网法&语 法中词典
&&& && && 法语valve的中文意思 valve法
标:[valv] 法语读音:词条分享中文意思n.f.(贝壳的)瓣[植](裂果的)裂瓣;活瓣 [机]阀,阀门,活门;(轮胎上的)气门嘴[医](外科用的)拉钩[电]整流器;整流管专业辞典解释1. n.f.【机械】阀,阀门,活门;(轮胎上的)气嘴:~d'aspiration进气活门;吸引阀~triple à action rapide速动三通活门,速动三通阀2.n.f【生物学】活瓣3.n.f.【植物学】(裂果的)裂瓣;活瓣n.f.【电】整流器;整流管valvef.阀;阀[门];气门嘴;瓣;裂瓣;心脏尖瓣valve (à soléno?de, électromagnétique)电磁阀[门]valve aculéiforme针形阀[门]valve anti retour止回阀[门]valve aortique主动脉瓣valve auto obsturatrice自封闭活门valve coudée单弯阀[门]valve d'admission进气阀[门]valve d'inversion换向阀[门]valve de croix十字阀[门]valve de distribution分配阀[门]valve de glissement électromagnétiquevalvéa.[植]具活瓣的,活瓣状的专业辞典解释adj.m【植物学】具活瓣的,活瓣状的 / 电磁润滑valve de remplissage充水阀[门]valve de soufflage吹风阀[门]valve de trop plein放泄活门valve mobile活瓣valve redresseuse整流管valve tubulée à poids锤式阴道窥视valve à action rapide速动阀[门]valve à balle flottante浮球阀[门]valve à boulet球阀[门]valve à coude膝盖阀[门]valve à flotteur浮阀[门]valve à papillon蝶阀[门]valve égalisatrice平衡阀[门]valve électropneumatique电力气动阀[门]关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复如:valve法语,可方便查询:其他词条 voltzitef.肝锌矿
1使成玻璃;玻璃化 2给(地板)上清漆vitrificationf.玻璃固
音标:[vide?grafi]n.f 电视录像制作vidéographief.图像通信[术、法]vidéographie
音标:[visεr]内容;肠;内脏viscères内脏,脏[腑、器]viscères parenchymateux实质性
音标:[v?lε]m.百叶窗专业辞典n.m.【机械】活门阀,节流门,节气门:~du carburateur汽化器节气门1
音标:[vine]vt. 增加(葡萄酒或葡萄汁中)酒精含量
快速导航更多词条 音标:[?p??sja]oponce专业辞典n.m.【植物学】仙人掌opuntia仙人掌属opuntiam.仙人掌
音标:[? onis]动词变位提示:jaunisse是jaunir的变位形式f. [医]黄疸(病);萎黄病专业辞典n.f
calcilitef.石灰岩类;水硬度valve 阀门专业词汇(A)_阀门_中国百科网
valve 阀门专业词汇(A)
absorber valve 吸收电子管
AC electromagnet for valve 阀用交流电磁铁
acceleration valve 加速阀
accelerator pump outlet valve ball 加速器泵出油阀钢球
accelerator valve 加速器阀
accumulator blowdown valve 蓄热器排污阀
acid-proof valve 耐酸阀
acid-resistant stoneware valve 耐酸陶瓷阀门
acorn valve 橡实形电子管
actuated valve 控制阀
adjusting valve 调整阀
adjustment of valve clearance 调整阀隙
admission valve 进气阀; 进汽阀; 进入阀
ageing of valve 电子管的老化
air admission valve 进空气阀; 真空破坏阀
air back valve 空气止回阀
air bleed valve 空气量孔阀
air control valve 空气调节阀
air cylinder valve bonnet 气筒阀帽罩
air cylinder valve gland 气筒阀压盖
air cylinder valve stem 气筒阀杆
air cylinder valve 气筒阀
air escape valve 放气阀
air evacuation valve 排气阀
air evaporation valve 抽气阀
air inlet clack valve 进气瓣阀; 进气活门
air inlet dish valve 进气圆盘阀
air inlet valve lever 进气阀杆
air inlet valve 空气进口阀
air line valve 送气管阀门
air lock valve 气闸阀
air operated reversing valve 气动换向阀
air outlet valve 出气阀; 排气阀
air pressure valve 气压阀
air pump valve 气泵阀
air reducing valve 空气减压阀
air release valve 放气阀
air relief valve 放气阀
air starting valve 空气起动阀
air supply valve 供气阀
air valve camshaft 空气阀凸轮轴
air valve 空气阀; 气阀; 气门
air vent valve 排气孔阀; 喷气孔阀; 调压阀; 通气阀; 通气孔阀
air-compressor valve 空气压缩机阀门
air-cooling valve 气冷阀
air-operated valve grinder 气动阀门研磨机
alarm check valve (ACV) 报警单向阀
alarm valve 报警阀; 警报阀; 警报阀; 警告阀; 警告阀; 告警阀
alfalfa valve 灌溉水阀; 灌水栓
Allan valve 阿兰滑阀; 阿伦滑阀; 蒸汽机滑阀
altitude valve (航空的汽化器的可调整阀) 高度阀
altitude valve 高度节流阀; 高空空气活门
ambu E valve 安布E式呼气阀
ammonia valve 氨阀
amplifier valve 放大器电子管
anal valves 肛瓣
and valve gear 阀及阀动装置
and valve gear 阀及阀动装置
aneroid valve 膜盒阀
angle back-pressure valve 背压角阀
angle check valve 直角型单向阀
angle of valve seat 阀座角
angle stop valve 角形断流阀
angle valve 角阀
angular radiator valve 角形散热器阀
annular plate valve 环形阀
annular ring valve 环形阀
annular valve 环形阀; 环状阀
anterior semilunar valve 前半月瓣
antiflood valve 防洪阀
anti-flood valve 防洪闸
antiflooding valve 满水保护阀
anti-g valve 防超重活门
anti-G-valve 抗重力阀
anti-suffocation valve 防窒息活门
antisurge valve 防喘振活门
antivoid valve 真空安全阀
aorta valve dilator 主动脉瓣扩张器
aorta valve knife 主动脉瓣刀
aortic valve 主动脉瓣
application control valve 作用控制阀
application valve body 控制阀体
application valve bracket 控制阀托架
application valve conver 控制阀盖
application valve cover gasket 操纵阀盖垫密片
application valve pin 操纵阀销
application valve spring 控制阀簧
application valve 控制阀
Arnott valve 阿诺特式阀门
artificial mitral valve 人工二尖瓣
artificial valve replacement 人工瓣膜置换
artificial valve 人工瓣膜
ash valve 排灰阀
aspirating valve 吸出阀
atmospheric relief valve 大气安全阀
atmospheric valve 放空阀
atmos-valve 大气阀
atresis of aortic valve 主动脉瓣闭锁
atrio-ventricular valve 房室瓣
auger with valve (钻浅井用) 带阀螺旋钻具
auger with valve 带阀土钻
auricular ball valve thrombus 心房球瓣样血栓
automanual transfer valve 半自动输送阀
automatic air valve 自动气阀
automatic ball valve 自动球阀
automatic blowdown valve 自动排污阀
automatic brake valve 自动制动阀
automatic by pass valve 自动旁通阀
automatic check valve 自动止回阀
automatic control valve body 自动控制阀体
automatic control valve 自动控制阀
automatic drain valve 自动放泄阀
automatic exhaust steam valve 自动排气阀
automatic expansion valve 自动膨胀阀; 自动膨胀滑阀
automatic fuel drain valve 自动放油阀
automatic fuel spray valve 自动喷油阀
automatic intercepting valve 自动遮断阀
automatic jet control valve 自动喷射调整阀
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阀门数据表中lockup valve和transfer valve,请问是什么意思
lockup valve应该是带锁阀门,tansfer valve不指具体什么阀门,仅代表输送阀门。
签到天数: 122 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.4]海川常住居民I
lockup valve应该是保位阀,tansfer valve阀位传送。这些应该都是阀门的附件吧。
lockup valve应该是保位阀,这是可以确认的
签到天数: 141 天连续签到: 1 天[LV.4]海川常住居民I
最近在看日本的的阀门数据表时,里面有两个&&lockup valve和transfer valve,请问是什么意思? 有什么作用,
会打表的师傅问个问题,求解答。谢谢![每周一图]催化焦化重整油品调和版(2017年4月第三图)4月11日 猜设备,赢财富要不要学习抽烟喝酒【奇葩安全隐患第二季】087来了一个驴打滚
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Discuz! X3valve共有64个译词
译词阀门 (31545)气门 (21554)气阀 (14056)流阀 (10652)循环 (10036)阀组 (9698)
开关 (8619)排气门 (4756)进气阀 (4194)瓣膜 (3973)阀控制 (3888)阀件 (2597)闸阀 (2047)球阀 (1858)阀位 (1600)分配阀 (1185)阀开度 (1093)阀瓣 (995)液压阀 (847)尖瓣 (838)挡板 (791)闸门 (711)吸气阀 (676)浮阀 (602)活门 (583)旋阀 (582)流量阀 (483)高压阀 (481)阀片 (479)板阀 (470)平衡阀 (417)呼气阀 (328)旋塞 (296)启动阀 (282)瓣叶 (279)真空管 (212)闸板 (160)冲击阀 (135)心瓣膜 (127)栓塞 (122)阀门本体 (110)电子管 (81)瓣口 (74)换瓣 (71)活瓣 (66)阀心 (66)机械瓣 (65)瓣膜病 (64)灌装阀 (50)静脉瓣 (49)壳面 (42)蝴蝶阀 (32)进汽阀 (30)氧气阀 (29)调节门 (5)果瓣 (4)贝壳 (4)明度 (4)裂片 (2)呼气活门 (2)面罩呼气活门 (2)单向活门 (2)闭锁器 (1)凡尔罩 (1)
阀门 更多 【专利 H 类 (2480) 】【专利 C 类 (1963) 】【专利 E 类 (853) 】【专利 D 类 (329) 】【人文社科 (9) 】【自然科学 (8) 】报错变形: &&【复】1一个阀门开启计算器22g响应于计算器22f的输出计算每一引出控制阀14、15和16的开启程度。&A valve opening calculator 22g calculates an opening degree of each of the extraction control valves 14, 15 and 16 in response to the output of the calculator 22f.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US4651533气门 更多 【专利 A 类 (62) 】【专利 C 类 (23) 】【专利 E 类 (12) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1气门构件26的这种运动还使室16和17交替地连接至排气管29。&This movement of the valve member 26 also alternately connects the chambers 16 and 17 to the exhaust ducting 29.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US气阀 更多 【专利 C 类 (335) 】【专利 G 类 (310) 】【专利 E 类 (87) 】【专利 D 类 (60) 】【自然科学 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】113.如权利要求12所述的系统,进一步包括由所述电子控制单元控制的节气阀,且其中所述电子控制单元包含通过打开节气阀以便允许空气至所述发动机而重起动所述发动机的附加指令。&13. The system of claim 12, further comprising a throttle valve controlled by the electronic control unit, and where the electronic control unit includes additional instructions to restart the engine by opening the throttle valve so as to admit air to the engine.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US流阀 更多 【专利 A 类 (487) 】【专利 G 类 (463) 】【专利 C 类 (285) 】【专利 D 类 (26) 】报错变形: &&【复】1弹簧室16、控制阀9的出口和溢流阀12的出口连接至回流管路13。&The spring chamber 16, the outlet of the pilot valve 9 and the outlet of the spill valve 12 are connected to the return line 13.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US循环 更多 【专利 C 类 (441) 】【专利 D 类 (256) 】【专利 G 类 (254) 】【专利 E 类 (212) 】【自然科学 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1对于完整的发动机制动循环(排出制动情况),具有液压地致动的压缩制动控制模块40的压缩释放制动系统12保持排气门18以预先的设定离开排气门阀座。&The compression-release brake system 12 with the hydraulically activated compression brake control module 40 holds the exhaust valve 18 off the exhaust valve seat at a predetermined setting for the complete engine brake cycle (weeper brake event).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀组 更多 【专利 G 类 (398) 】【专利 C 类 (120) 】【专利 H 类 (108) 】【专利 D 类 (19) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在所说明的实施例中,通道62、64、66为弯曲的或L形,以将垂直安置的水管组件30连接到水平安置的阀组件100。&In the illustrated embodiment, channels 62, 64, 66, are bent or L-shaped to couple the vertically disposed waterway assembly 30 to the horizontally disposed valve assembly 100.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US开关 更多 【专利 G 类 (545) 】【专利 E 类 (479) 】【专利 C 类 (291) 】【专利 D 类 (123) 】【自然科学 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1第二开关阀SW2包括阀体和安装在其中的阀槽。&The second switching valve SW2 includes a valve body and a valve spool installed therein.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US排气门 更多 【专利 C 类 (2) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1所述的HLAs51和52用于调整,即它们分别消除进气门9和摇臂53之间的间隙以及排气门10和摇臂54之间的间隙。&The HLAs 51 and 52 are used for adjustment, that is, they respectively eliminate the gap between the intake valve 9 and the swing arm 53 and the gap between the exhaust valve 10 and the swing arm 54.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1163344A&&&英文专利号:US5762042进气阀 更多 【专利 H 类 (52) 】【专利 G 类 (47) 】【专利 E 类 (10) 】报错变形: &&【复】1进气阀52和排气阀54分别在预定时间与曲轴40的转动同步地由凸轮机构(未示出)打开和关闭。&The intake valve 52 and exhaust valve 54 are each opened and closed at a predetermined timing synchronous with the rotation of the crankshaft 40 by a cam mechanism (not shown).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1274801A&&&英文专利号:US6467458瓣膜 更多 【专利 C 类 (10) 】【专利 B 类 (2) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】【人文社科 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1用于将小叶结构314附着至图61-71中显示的窗口框架318的连合部各种构造也可用作将图1-3瓣膜10的小叶结构14附着至框架12的窗口框架部分30的可选方式。&The commissure various configurations for attaching the leaflet structure 314 to the window frames 318 shown in FIGS. 61-71 can also be used as alternative ways to attach the leaflet structure 14 of the valve 10 of FIGS. 1-3 to the window frame portions 30 of frame 12.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀控制 更多 【专利 E 类 (170) 】【专利 C 类 (168) 】【专利 A 类 (144) 】【专利 D 类 (48) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1也在液体冷却系统60并且因此在发动机50中提供冷却剂阀控制管路7。&A coolant valve control line 7 is also provided in the liquid cooling system 60 and therefore the engine 50.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀件 更多 【专利 G 类 (58) 】【专利 C 类 (16) 】【专利 H 类 (15) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1这样,阀件28正常情况下总是保持在如图1所示的完全打开的位置上,直到在输出口10处的压力乘以活塞24的表面积产生一个足够大的力能克服弹簧40的力和输入压力作用在活塞杆部26b的环形表面30上所产生的力为止。&Thus, the valve member 28 will normally be maintained in its fully open position illustrated in FIG. 1 until the pressure at the outlet 10, when multiplied by the surface area of the piston 24, produces a sufficient force to overcome the force of the spring 40 and the force produced by the inlet pressure against annular surface 30 of the piston stem section 26b.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1091212A&&&英文专利号:US5339860闸阀 更多 【专利 G 类 (59) 】【专利 E 类 (37) 】【专利 A 类 (31) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1接着,关闭闸阀26,使排气装置35工作,使处理容器1内成为真空。&Then, the gate valve 26 is closed, and the exhaust device 35 is operated to evacuate the processing chamber 1 to a vacuum level.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US球阀 更多 【专利 C 类 (101) 】【专利 G 类 (59) 】【专利 D 类 (19) 】【专利 H 类 (12) 】报错变形: &&【复】1由图3同样也可以见到一个连接于阀块30上的球阀70,该球阀一边与控制阀32的第一控制接头56以及附带地通过一个单向阀72与第一压力调节阀52的出口相连接,而另一边则与探测器管路74连接。&FIG. 3 likewise shows a ball valve 70 connected to the fittings block 30, which ball valve 70 is connected on the one hand to the first control port 56 of the switching valve 32 and additionally via a non-return valve 72 to the outlet of the first pressure control valve 52, and on the other hand to a detector line 74.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀位 更多 【专利 E 类 (59) 】【专利 H 类 (48) 】【专利 C 类 (23) 】【专利 D 类 (4) 】报错变形: &&【复】1一个与位置信号输出端相连接的滑阀位置输入端;&a spool valve position input coupled to the po&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1453457A&&&英文专利号:US6622675分配阀 更多 【专利 E 类 (16) 】【专利 C 类 (13) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】【专利 H 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1当由发动机16驱动汽车时在汽车加速或巡航期间,选择根据途径b将空气供应到发动机,卸载增压器10,同时打开空气分配阀36和第一节流阀30,再关闭第二节流阀38(或者自动关闭止回阀38)直到在空气储存罐34内的空气压力降至低于预定值,此时关闭空气分配阀36,并打开第二节流阀38(或者自动打开止回阀38)。&At times when the engine 16 is driving the vehicle during acceleration or cruising of the vehicle and the air supply to the engine is selected according to route b), the supercharger 10 is unloaded at the same time the air dispensing valve 36 and the first throttle valve 30 are opened while the second throttle valve 38 is closed (or the non-return valve 38 automatically closes) until the air pressure in the air storage tank 34 falls below a predetermined value at which point the air dispensing valve 36 is closed and the second throttle valve 38 is opened (or the non-return valve 38 automatically opens).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀开度 更多 【专利 C 类 (18) 】【专利 E 类 (6) 】【专利 A 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1图2中,内燃机1的电子控制单元(以下称为ECU)13由微型计算机等运算装置构成,对其分别输入从气流传感器4输出的吸入空气流量信号、从进气歧管压传感器6输出的进气歧管压信号、从节流阀开度传感器3输出的节流阀开度信号、从曲柄角传感器11输出的与板110的棱边的设置间隔同步的脉冲信号、和从爆震传感器12输出的内燃机1的振动波形信号。&Referring to FIG. 2, an electronic control unit (hereinafter, abbreviated as ECU) 13 of the internal combustion engine 1 is formed of an arithmetic device, such as a micro computer, and an intake air flow signal outputted from the air flow sensor 4, an intake manifold pressure signal outputted from the intake manifold pressure senor 6, a throttle valve opening signal outputted from the throttle opening sensor 3, a pulse signal in synchronization with installment intervals of the edges of the plate 110 outputted from the crank angle sensor 11, and a vibrational waveform signal of the internal combustion engine 1 outputted from the knock sensor 12 are individually inputted therein.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀瓣 更多 【专利 D 类 (14) 】【专利 E 类 (5) 】【专利 H 类 (5) 】【专利 C 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1因此合成力首先作用在阀瓣端头或左侧端壁46上,合成力与阀轴线是平行的。&Consequently, a resultant force acts primarily against the poppet nose or the left-hand side of the end wall 46 that is parallel to the valve axis.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1131248A&&&英文专利号:US5462081液压阀 更多 【专利 H 类 (44) 】【专利 G 类 (19) 】【专利 C 类 (8) 】报错变形: &&【复】1此外,由DE 10 A1公知由电磁体和阀门部分组合的电磁液压阀门,在这种电磁液压阀门的情况下,电磁体的线圈承载件以在包封中的完全包围的形式容纳线圈。&Furthermore, DE 10
A1 discloses an electromagnetic hydraulic valve which is comprised of an electromagnet and a valve part and in which a coil carrier of the electromagnet accommodates a coil in a completely enclosed fashion in an injection-molded encapsulation.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US尖瓣 更多 【专利 B 类 (2) 】报错变形: &&【复】1如图3中所示,图7绘出了在加强的心脏跳动期间在收缩期二尖瓣平面48相对于左心室尖26、二尖瓣前叶20和后叶21、二尖瓣环18、主动脉瓣28、左心房壁16和左心房腔14的运动。 第一磁性锚56(带正电)和第二磁性锚60(带负电)相互吸引,因此利用磁力使这两个锚相互吸引得更近。&FIG. 7 depicts, as in FIG. 3, the movements in systole of the mitral valve plane 48 in relation to the LV apex 26, the MV anterior 20 and posterior 21 leaflets, the MV annulus 18, the aortic valve 28, the LA wall 16 and the LA cavity 14 during an augmented heart beat. The first magnetic anchor 56 (positive charged) and the second magnetic anchor 60 (negative charged) attract each other and thus by means of magnetic power the two anchors are attracted closer to each other.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US挡板 更多 【专利 H 类 (37) 】【专利 G 类 (27) 】【专利 C 类 (16) 】【专利 D 类 (9) 】报错变形: &&【复】1当锅炉6的输出压力达到它的较低限值时(线26上的压力信号指示出该低限值),在经线28提供的要求的锅炉输出水平信号控制下,控制系统24投入运行,根据后者信号值控制系统24工作,逐渐地使挡板阀14节流,同时相应增加供给第二级过热器段16的热能。&When the output pressure from boiler 6 reaches its lower limit value, which is indicated by the pressure signal on line 26, control system 24 is placed into operation under control of the desired boiler output level signal supplied via line 28. On the basis of the value of the latter signal, control system 24 operates to progressively throttle division valves 14 while correspondingly increasing the supply of heat energy to secondary superheater section 16.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1043188A&&&英文专利号:US4870823闸门 更多 【专利 G 类 (57) 】【专利 A 类 (35) 】【专利 E 类 (19) 】【专利 D 类 (7) 】报错变形: &&【复】1此时,将外闸门阀14闭阀,将内闸门阀8开阀,从主缸5向贮存器9供给制动液,确保制动踏板1的行程。&At this time, the gate-out valve 14 is closed and the gate-in valve 8 is opened, then the brake fluid is supplied from the master cylinder 5 into the reservoir 9, thereby securing the stroke of the brake pedal 1.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US吸气阀 更多 【专利 C 类 (5) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】【专利 G 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在控制阀44的关闭状态,打开吸气阀(图未示)时,来自涡轮增压器3的压缩机24的空气通过吸气通路10从吸气歧管32供给到主室1A。&With a control valve 44 closed, the air is supplied into the main combustion chamber 1A from the compressor 24 of the turbocharger 3 through the intake passage 10 and the intake manifold 32 upon the opening of the intake valve (not shown).&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1199133A&&&英文专利号:US6079373浮阀 更多 【专利 F 类 (67) 】【专利 H 类 (12) 】【专利 G 类 (7) 】报错变形: &&【复】1导向浮阀塔板的结构性能和工业应用&Oriented Float-valve Plate,Its Structure,Performance,and Industrial Application&来源:学术文献活门 更多 【专利 E 类 (30) 】【专利 C 类 (20) 】【专利 D 类 (11) 】【专利 G 类 (10) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在第二分离器的处理过程中,由于排出口153和进料入口132经由开启的旋转活门154相互连通,细化和粒化的树脂材料和部分裙部聚丙烯材料存留在筛板151上,并和来自排出口153的材料一起返送回进料入口132,然后主体的压碾树脂材料被磨碎以通过筛板151并从排放口152排出。&During processing by the second separator, the polished and granulated resin material and a part of PP from the skirt remains on the screen 151, which are returned to the inlet port 132 together with the materials discharged from the outlet port 153, because the outlet port 153 and the inlet port 132 being communicated together through the opened plug valve 154, and then the crushed resin material of the main body is pulverized to pass the screen 151 and is discharged through the discharge port 152.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1160627A&&&英文专利号:US5961054旋阀 更多 【自然科学 (8) 】【专利 C 类 (6) 】【专利 E 类 (4) 】【专利 A 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1自旋阀传感器130具有后面要描述的AP钉扎结构,其磁矩被钉扎层132的磁自旋钉扎住。&The spin valve sensor 130 has an AP pinned structure, to be described hereinafter, that has its magnetic moments pinned by the magnetic spins of the pinning layer 132.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1268735A&&&英文专利号:US6282068流量阀 更多 【专利 B 类 (50) 】【专利 G 类 (33) 】【专利 C 类 (27) 】【专利 D 类 (6) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1凹部305C容纳位于壁310A、310B的内部表面之间的流量阀衬里132H(图示于图2中)的一部分。&The recessed portion 305C receives a portion of the slit valve liner 132H (shown in FIG. 2) between an interior surface of the walls 310A, 310B.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US高压阀 更多 【专利 H 类 (5) 】【专利 A 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1接着,将针24移动至清洗口27而对针24的外表面进行清洗,然后,将针24插嵌至进样口25中,并将高压阀21切换为注入状态。&Thereafter, the needle 24 is moved to the cleaning port 27 to have its outer surface cleaned. Afterward, the needle 24 is inserted into the injection port 25, and the high pressure valve 21 is switched to the injection status.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀片 更多 【专利 E 类 (12) 】【专利 G 类 (10) 】【专利 C 类 (5) 】报错变形: &&【复】1每个保持架36c界定了排出阀阀片35a中的开口。&Each retainer 36c defines the opening of one of discharge valve flaps 35a.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1178292A&&&英文专利号:US6231315板阀 更多 【专利 G 类 (30) 】【专利 H 类 (28) 】【专利 C 类 (9) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1分类公司或协会设定严格的要求,即第一阀被允许在盲板阀已经关闭以后立即打开。&Classification companies, or societies, set strict requirements to that the first valve is allowed to be opened immediately after that a blind flange valve has closed.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US平衡阀 更多 【专利 G 类 (18) 】【专利 D 类 (13) 】【专利 C 类 (4) 】【专利 H 类 (4) 】【自然科学 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在平衡阀2自位置A或者B切换到停止位置C时,固定节流孔16向经由先导通路5或者先导通路6向泄油装置流出的工作油流动施加阻力。&When the counterbalance valve 2 changes over from the position A or B to the stop position C, the fixed orifice 16 applies resistance to a flow of working oil that is discharged to a drain through the pilot passage 5 or the pilot passage 6.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US呼气阀报错变形: &&【复】1再次参照图5,当冲击器元件50的前板53位于阀盖27上时,离开呼气阀的阀瓣或阀膜32的距离通常约0.1-2厘米,优选小于约1.5厘米,更优选到膜32的最近距离小于约1厘米。&Referring again to FIG. 5, when the front plate 53 of impactor element 50 is positioned on valve cover 27, it generally is at a distance of about 0.1 to 2 cm from exhalation valve's flap or diaphragm 32, preferably less than about 1.5 cm, and more preferably less than about 1 cm from the closest distance to the diaphragm 32.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1462198A&&&英文专利号:US6460539旋塞 更多 【专利 G 类 (7) 】【专利 H 类 (4) 】【专利 E 类 (4) 】【专利 D 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1因此可以准确地使半球旋塞阀30a、30b在平台和油轮14连接处38与半球旋塞阀27a、27b连接。&Thus it is possible to precisely connect the hemispherical plug valves 30a, 30b to the hemispherical plug valves 27a, 27b at the level of the access platform 38 of the oil tanker 14.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1349476A&&&英文专利号:US6343620启动阀 更多 【专利 E 类 (23) 】【专利 H 类 (9) 】【专利 C 类 (7) 】【专利 D 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1然而加压工作流体没有到达制动器30,因为第一和第二启动阀58,60通常是关闭的。&The pressurized working fluid, however, does not reach the brake 30 because the first and second activation valves 58, 60 are normally closed.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US瓣叶报错变形: &&【复】1瓣膜400包括瓣膜框架402和联接到瓣膜框架402的瓣叶404。&The valve 400 includes the valve frame 402 and valve leaflet 404 coupled to the valve frame 402.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US真空管 更多 【专利 G 类 (15) 】【专利 C 类 (12) 】【专利 E 类 (11) 】【专利 D 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1随后,X射线管1的真空管207从金属制筒构件106的开口106C,插入到金属制筒构件106的内部,并浸渍于高压绝缘油110中。&Then, the valve 207 of the X-ray tube 1 is inserted, through the opening 106C of the metallic cylinder member 106, inside the metallic cylinder member 106 and is immersed in the high-voltage insulating oil 110.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US闸板 更多 【专利 A 类 (5) 】【专利 H 类 (3) 】【专利 D 类 (2) 】【专利 G 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1因此,在图1至图3中,阀座12和闸板10设置在漏斗形下密封阀壳体14中,该下密封阀壳体的出口将物流供给至加料布料装置。&Accordingly, in FIGS. 1-3, the valve seat 12 and the shutter 10 are arranged in a funnel shaped lower sealing valve housing 14 the outlet of which feeds material to a charge material distribution device.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US冲击阀报错变形: &&【复】115.如权利要求14所述的控制系统,其特征是上述选择装置包括一个连接到PID和速度控制模块的高信号选择器,把要求反冲击阀门最大开度的那个模块的输出作为控制信号输出。&15. A control system according to claim 14 wherein the selector means comprises a high signal selector coupled to the PID and rate control modules for outputting, as the control signal, the output of the module which demands the largest anti-surge valve opening.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1212051A&&&英文专利号:US5798941心瓣膜报错变形: &&【复】1方法:60例左心瓣膜疾病患者均接受经胸壁二维超声心动图(TTE)、经食管超声心动图(TEE)检查,获取二维图像,然后进行四维(4D)重建,结果与手术观察作对照。&Methods:60 patients with left-side cardiac valve disease were examined with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)> transesophageal echocardiography(TEE) and four-dimensional reconstruction(4D).&来源:学术文献栓塞 更多 【专利 C 类 (3) 】【专利 B 类 (1) 】【专利 E 类 (1) 】【专利 G 类 (1) 】报错变形: &&【复】1栓塞400基本防止流体在出口390离开控制阀孔290。&The plug 400 substantially prevents fluid from exiting the control valve bore 290 at vent 390.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀门本体报错变形: &&【复】1尽管图1没有清楚显示,但是阀针9成型为使得通道15和喷嘴7之间延伸地区域比孔5的直径小,以允许流体在阀针9和阀门本体3的内表面之间流动。&Although not show clearly in FIG. 1, the valve needle 9 is shaped such that the region that extends between the gallery 15 and the nozzle 7 is of smaller diameter than the bore 5 to permit fluid to flow between the valve needle 9 and the inner surface of the valve body 3.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US电子管 更多 【专利 G 类 (7) 】【专利 A 类 (3) 】报错变形: &&【复】1在(1)中得到的基材/硬涂层构成的层叠薄膜上,棒涂上述配制的低折射率层形成用组合物,通过干燥除去溶剂之后,使用紫外线照射装置(Fusion UV Systems Japan(株),光源H电子管(valve)),以辐射剂量约200mJ/cm2进行紫外线照射,使涂膜固化,得到具有膜厚10nm的低折射率层。&The low refractive index layer-forming composition prepared above was coated with a bar on the laminate film of the substrate/the hard coat layer obtained in (1), the solvent was removed by drying, and thereafter the coated film was cured through irradiation with ultraviolet rays at an exposure dose of 200 mJ/cm2 by using a UV irradiator (Fusion UV Systems Japan K.K., light source H valve), and thereby a low refractory index layer was formed in a film thickness of about 100 nm.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US瓣口报错变形: &&【复】1方法:采用Acuson Sequoia 512彩色超声仪,3V2c探头,频率范围2.5~4.0MHz,记录21例COPD患者和39例健康志愿者自然呼吸时心脏各瓣口血流速度,同步记录心电图和呼吸曲线。&Methods Pulsed-wave Doppler spectra across all four cardiac valves were recorded by Acuson Sequoia 512 in 21 COPD patients and 39 normal control subjects, transducer 3V2c, frequency range 2.5 ~ 4.0MHz.&来源:学术文献换瓣报错变形: &&【复】1这项制品包括管状小段500,是由小肠组织制成,或由合成材料制成,它具有相适合的整体尺寸与充分薄而可挠的管壁使之在心脏替换瓣中起到瓣叶的功能。&This item comprises a tubular segment 500, made of tissue from the small intestine, or synthetic material having suitable overall dimensions and walls sufficiently thin and flexible to allow them to function as leaflets in a heart replacement valve.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1209048A&&&英文专利号:US5480424活瓣报错变形: &&【复】1图1为止回阀的分解图,其包括阀体1和盘(活瓣)组件2。&FIG. 1 is an exploded view of a check valve comprising a valve body 1 and a disc (flapper) assembly 2.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US阀心报错变形: &&【复】1杆66在阀心按压件65的上表面侧与阀心按压件65抵接。&The stem 66 will come into contact with an upper surface of the valve element holding member 65.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US机械瓣报错变形: &&【复】1机械瓣中,除在CO中为2.0L/m和HR为100bpm的条件下,笼球瓣的Eltot比斜碟瓣和双小叶瓣的Eltot高。&for the mechanical valve,the SE has a higher ELtot than Bjork-Shiley Monostrut (BS)and St Jude Medical (SJ)do except at 2. 0 L/m of CO and 100 bpm of HR.&来源:学术文献瓣膜病报错变形: &&【复】1自1986年9月至1993年7月,为风湿性心脏瓣膜病人施行主动脉瓣、二尖瓣双瓣替换术80例,手术死亡率3.75%(3/80)。&From 1986 to 1993,80 patients with rheumatic heart disease underwent double(aortic and mitral) valve replacement with an operative mortality of 3.75%(3/80).&来源:学术文献灌装阀报错变形: &&【复】1[20]图5是类似于图3和4的视图,示出在气体灌装配置中的所述灌装阀;&FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIGS. 3 and 4, showing the filling valve in a gas f&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US静脉瓣报错变形: &&【复】1方法对下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的26例患者(37条肢体)施以股静脉瓣膜外修复成形术。&Methods External valvuloplasty of the femoral vein valve was performed in 26 patients(37 legs) with deep venous valve insufficiency of the legs.&来源:学术文献壳面报错变形: &&【复】1根据本发明,该任务以如下方式得以解决,即,在控制活塞的外壳面上构造第一控制腔,通过该第一控制腔,两个直接相邻布置的工作接口能够根据阀壳体内部控制活塞的位置而选择性地与输入接口连接或者断开。&According to the invention the object is achieved in that a first control chamber, via which two of the working connections, which are arranged directly adjacent to one another, can be selectively connected to or separated from the inlet connection according to the position of the control piston inside the valve housing, is formed on the external lateral surface of the control piston.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US蝴蝶阀 更多 【专利 H 类 (5) 】【专利 C 类 (5) 】报错变形: &&【复】1DN1400蝴蝶阀电液控制系统设计&The Design of Electro-hydraulic Control System for DN1400 Butterfly's valve&来源:学术文献进汽阀报错变形: &&【复】1进汽阀门38在其壳体52内有三个蒸汽进口54和三个蒸汽出口56。&In its housing 52, the steam-inlet valve 38 has three steam inlets 54 and three steam outlets 56.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1297509A&&&英文专利号:US6336330氧气阀报错变形: &&【复】1连接部1可以通过直接后置的氧气阀2为控制氧气输送打开或者中断。&The connection 1 can be opened or closed using an oxygen valve 2, positioned immediately downstream from the connection, to control the supply of oxygen.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US调节门报错变形: &&【复】1300MW机组锅炉灰渣泵出口调节门磨损分析&Abrasive Wear Analysis of Ash Pump Outlet Regulating valves of 300 MW Boilers&来源:学术文献果瓣报错变形: &&【复】1如果瓣膜是适合卷曲到输送设备的可充气球囊上并通过球囊充气而膨胀到其功能性尺寸的球囊可膨胀瓣膜,那么支架12可由合适的延性材料制作,例如不锈钢。&If the valve is a balloon-expandable valve that is adapted to be crimped onto an inflatable balloon of a delivery apparatus and expanded to its functional size by inflation of the balloon, the stent 12 can be made of a suitable ductile material, such as stainless steel.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US贝壳报错变形: &&【复】1莺歌海盆地上新统双壳类贝壳的锶含量及其意义&Content of Strontium in Bivalve Shells from the Pliocene Series of Yinggehai Basin and its Geochemical Significance&来源:学术文献明度报错变形: &&【复】1如果第二传感器没有探测到透明度的显著变化,则停止酸的加入,并通过阀门22从氧化剂桶21加入氯化钠氧化剂。&If the second sensor does not detect a significant increase in transparency, acid addition stops and addition of sodium chlorate oxidizer from its tank 21 occurs through another valve 22.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1376262A&&&英文专利号:US6551521裂片报错变形: &&【复】16.如权利要求5所述的破裂系统,其中,所述破裂初始元件包括剪切塞、弹簧阀或者破裂片。&6. A fracturing system according to claim 5, wherein the fracture initiating element comprises a shear plug, a spring-loaded valve or a rupture disc.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CNA&&&英文专利号:US呼气活门报错变形: &&【复】1加压供氧面罩呼气活门板的动态特性数值模拟&Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Characteristic of Exhalation valve Plate in Pressure Oxygen Mask.&来源:学术文献面罩呼气活门报错变形: &&【复】1加压供氧面罩呼气活门板的动态特性数值模拟&Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Characteristic of Exhalation valve Plate in Pressure Oxygen Mask.&来源:学术文献单向活门报错变形: &&【复】1某特殊结构增压单向活门充气振动的建模与仿真&Modeling and Simulation of Special Structure Check valve Charge Vibration&来源:学术文献闭锁器报错变形: &&【复】1为了在正确的时刻关闭另外一个通道1A1,要适当地确定闭锁器63的尺寸,闭锁器63是旋转阀6的一部分,旋转阀6上有一个设定的共同输送部分。&In order to close off the other passage 1A1 at the correct moment, it is appropriate to dimension the barrier 63 formed by the rotary valve 6 to provide the selected overlap.&来源:专利文献&&&中文专利号:CN1122414A&&&英文专利号:US5655891凡尔罩报错变形: &&【复】1抽油泵一体式凡尔罩设计与应用&Integral valve Design and Application for Oil Well Pumps&来源:学术文献


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