
才艺表演是什么意思 才艺表演在线翻译 才艺表演什么意思 才艺表演的意思 才艺表演的翻译 才艺表演的解释 才艺表演的发音
才艺表演 双语例句1. 我唱席琳迪翁的'我的心将继续'在才艺表演。&&&&I sang Céline Dion's'My Heart Will Go On'at a talent show.2. 接下来是大家准备的一些才艺表演,包括主席的华尔兹表演和副主席的吉他演奏。&&&&Then it is time for acqierement show such as waltz by the chairman and guitar performance by the vice-chairman.3. 上个星期的才艺表演了巨大的。&&&&Last week's talent show was a great success.4. 他要来参加下周的才艺表演。&&&&He will come to next week's.5. 才艺表演的近义词5. 你想让谁跟你一起表演家庭才艺节目。&&&&Who do you want to be with you in the family talent show?6. 上周的才艺表演取得了很大的成功。&&&&Last week`s talent show was a great success.7. 你真的该报名才艺表演,不是吗?&&&&You did sign up for the talent show, didn't you?8. 我相信在才艺表演中,我们表现地很称职。&&&&I believe we do the good job in talent show.9. 才艺表演是什么意思9. 一些评论家的文章非常喜爱布兰彻特,赞扬她杰出的表演和荣获多项才艺奖。&&&&Critics loved Blanchett, rewarding her outstanding performances with multiple acting awards.10. 才艺表演台前彩排定在1 月二十日从上午9 点到下午12 点。&&&&Stage dress rehearsal is scheduled on Jan 20 from 9 am to 12 Due11. 对我个人来说在才艺表演是一个高超的放松和有趣的可以减轻巨大。&&&&&&On my personal level the talent show is a superb means of relaxing and amusing and can hugely relieve our strains.12. 在我个人的层面上,才艺表演,是一个极好的手段,可以轻松而有趣极大地减轻我们的压力。&&&&&&On my personal level, the talent show is a superb means of relaxing and amusing and can hugely relieve our strains.13. 女子们以婚纱秀的形式参加并且唱歌和跳舞,甚至在才艺表演的时候,为她们有钱的追求者烹饪。&&&&&&Ladies took part in a wedding gown show and also sang, danced, even cooked for their moneyed suitors during a talent program.14. 活动以本校校长康罗赐珍博士致欢迎辞揭开序幕,紧接著学生的才艺表演,包括钢琴独奏、钢琴与小提琴合奏、中乐班的二胡协奏、普通话歌曲献唱、英文和普通话诗词朗诵和魔术表演。&&&&&&This function started with a welcome speech made by Principal, Dr. Hong Lo Chi Chun. After the welcome speech, there was students'performance which included piano solo, piano and violin duet, er wu concerto, singing, verse-speaking and magic performance.15. 在学校的才艺表演上有八个节目。&&&&&&There were eight acts in the school talent show.16. 雅丝,我们要和你参加才艺表演&&&&&&Yas, we want to do the talent show with you.17. 我永远忘不了高一的才艺表演,让我十分紧张的那次表演。。我想特别给才艺表演写一首歌,所以我在某天放学以后花了20分钟写了一首。&&&&&&I'll never forget walking past the guy I'd been crushing on for months, making eye contact with him, and then realize my flip flop had fallen off right in front of him.18. 2006年5月,因其在英语才艺表演活动中表现突出,获得二等奖。&&&&&&In May 2006, he won the 2nd prize in English acqierement perform match.19. 19. 之后他就在学校的才艺秀中表演。&&&&&&He next performed at a school talent show.20. 主持1:今天,是学校语言艺术节的开放日,您们来看我们的才艺表演,我们的心里是多么高兴啊。&&&&&&Today is the open day of our school Language and Art Festival, we are so happy that you can come here to appreciate our talent show.才艺表演是什么意思,才艺表演在线翻译,才艺表演什么意思,才艺表演的意思,才艺表演的翻译,才艺表演的解释,才艺表演的发音,才艺表演的同义词,才艺表演的反义词,才艺表演的例句,才艺表演的相关词组,才艺表演意思是什么,才艺表演怎么翻译,单词才艺表演是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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