
&ZSC400-22.4-1Z减速机ZSC型减速器是三级传动的渐开线圆柱齿轮减速机,主要用于矿山,冶金,水泥,建筑,化工,轻工,等各种机械设备的减速传动,适合受结构限制采用立式安装的工作场合,高速轴转速不超过1500r/min,工作环境为-40℃—+40℃,可正反转运行。 ZSC(A)320~1000。 ZSC(A)型为立式套装式渐开线圆柱齿轮减速机。&&& ZSC、ZSC(A)减速机型号:ZSC350、ZSC400、ZSC600、ZSC700、ZSC750 ,ZSC(A)320、ZSC(A)400、ZSC(A)500、ZSC(A)600、ZSC(A)650、ZSC(A)800圆柱齿轮减速机。其适用条件是:1、ZSC减速机,ZSC(A)齿轮减速机高速轴输入转速不大于1500转/分;2、齿轮传动圆周速度不得超过10米/秒;3、工作环境温度为-40度~ +45度;4、本减速器可正、反两向运转ZSC350齿轮减速器是在ZQ的基础上把渐开线圆柱齿轮换成单圆弧圆柱齿轮减速机该系列减速机型均适用于建材、起重、运输、冶金、化工和轻工等行业。 型号&中心距&中心高&地脚螺栓孔数&重量ZSC350&350&130&4&76ZSC400&400&150&4&165ZSC600&600&235&6&329ZSC750&750&335&6&452产品名称:& ZSC(ZSCA)系列减速器& 主要型号:320~800装配形式:4种(Ⅰ~Ⅳ)传动比代号传动比代号;ZSC350:I,II&       ZSC400:I,II,III,IV&       ZSC600:I,II,III,IV,V&       ZSC700:I,II,III,IV,V,VI& 传动比:ZSC350:35.1,17.2ZSC400:16.4,22.4,37.33,49.86&     & ZSC600:77.5,59.0,46.7,37.9,27.3&     & ZSC700:166.9,133.9,54.75,34.40,38.97,20.0减速机组成部分:⒈齿轮、轴及轴承组合:小齿轮与轴制成一体,称齿轮轴,这种结构用于齿轮直径与轴的直径相关不大的情况下,如果轴的直径为d,齿轮齿根圆的直径为df,则当df-d≤6~7mn时,应采用这种结构。而当df-d&6~7mn时,采用齿轮与轴分开为两个零件的结构,如低速轴与大齿轮。此时齿轮与轴的周向固定平键联接,轴上零件利用轴肩、轴套和轴承盖作轴向固定。两轴均采用了深沟球轴承。这种组合,用于承受径向载荷和不大的轴向载荷的情况。当轴向载荷较大时,应采用角接触球轴承、圆锥滚子轴承或深沟球轴承与推力轴承的组合结构。轴承是利用齿轮旋转时溅起的稀油,进行润滑。2.箱体是减速器的重要组成部件。它是传动零件的基座,应具有足够的强度和刚度。箱体通常用灰铸铁制造,对于重载或有冲击载荷的减速器也可以采用铸钢箱体。主要功能:A:为使用设备提供适当的速度;B:增加电机输出扭矩;C:改变电机的输出方向。保养维护:A:随时注意减速器的润滑油要达到一定的高度,并要根据不同的减速器,加不同型号的润滑油;B:注意减速器的运转声音是否正常来确定减速器齿轮的使用情况。该减速机为立式圆柱齿轮减速机,三级圆柱齿轮传动,输出轴做成套简型(空心式套轴),为方便直接套装在机构车轮组的轴上,从而适应了机械布置紧凑性要求。在减速机上有定位销轴孔,减速机安装和调整好后,与机架连接固定,故安装维修方便。&&& 该系列减速机适用于起重机的大、小车运行机构,以及龙门港口起重机的运行机构,也适用于其它与之相似安装型式的传动机构。厂址:山东省济宁市任城区李营工业园咨询电话:在线QQ:
$(".zhul_sy_rightBox").popupbox({geturl:ucenterDomain+"openjson/getpopupbox",format:"bigright",cssClass:"zhul_info_rightbox",waithtml:' '});
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你可能喜欢Chapter 1: Using User Programmable Features (UPFs) (UP)
Using User Programmable Features (UPFs)
Introduction to UPFs
Because the ANSYS program has an open architecture, you can write your own
routines or subroutines in C or FORTRAN and either link them to ANSYS
or use them
as external commands.
In fact, some of the ANSYS features you see today as
&standard& offerings originated as user programmable features (UPFs).
You can take
advantage of UPFs if you're licensed for any of the following products:
ANSYS/ED (Research Faculty/Student version)
Other versions of the ANSYS program don't support UPFs.
What Are UPFs?
User programmable features are ANSYS capabilities you can use to write your own
Using UPFs, you can tailor the ANSYS program to your organization's needs.
For instance, you may need to define a new material behavior, a special element, or a
modified failure criterion for composites.
You can even write your own design
optimization algorithm that calls the entire ANSYS program as a subroutine.
UPFs provide the following capabilities:
To read information into or fetch information from the ANSYS database, you can
create subroutines and either link them into the ANSYS program or use them in
the external command feature (see Appendix
for more information
about external commands).
If you link these subroutines into ANSYS, you are
lilmited to 10 database access commands.
Such commands, created through
either method, operate at all levels of ANSYS operation, including the begin,
preprocessor, general postprocessor, time-history postprocessor, and solution
For more information about accessing the ANSYS database, see Chapter
ANSYS provides a set of routines you can use to specify various types of loads,
including BF or BFE loads, pressures, convections, heat fluxes, and charge
These routines are described under section .
Another set of UPF routines enables you to define the following material
plasticity, creep, swelling law, viscoplasticity, hyperelasticity, and
layered element failure criteria.
To see inputs and outputs for these routines, see
Several sets of UPFs enable you to define new elements and to adjust the nodal
orientation matrix.
See section
for more information.
Another group of UPFs enables you to modify and monitor existing elements.
For details, see section .
You can customize UPF userop to create a custom design optimization routine.
For more information, see section .
You can call the ANSYS program as a subroutine in a program you've written.
To learn how, see section .
What You Should Know Before Using UPFs
Before you do anything with linked UPFs, contact your on-site ANSYS system support
person to get the permissions needed to access the appropriate ANSYS files.
The UPF subroutines are written in FORTRAN 77; some extensions are used.
contain comments intended to give you enough detail to develop your own versions of
the subroutines.
To use UPFs successfully, you need strong working knowledge of the following:
The ANSYS program.
The UPF subroutines themselves. Study the UPF subroutines before
customizing them, and make sure that you fully understand the subroutines, as
well as any applicable functions.
Unless you review them carefully, a few UPF
subroutines may seem like a maze with many logic paths to consider.
have to set special variables correctly in order to run your customized ANSYS
program without errors.
Even if you have in-depth knowledge of the ANSYS
input and your desired outputs, you still need to ensure that everything that
needs to be done in the UPF subroutines is done properly in your custom
Besides knowing how to write FORTRAN 77 subroutines, you
must be sure that the level of the FORTRAN 77 compiler is as least as high as
the level mentioned in your ANSYS installation manual.
You also need to know
what to do should the computer abort the program due to an arithmetic error, a
file read error, a memory access error, and so on.
The mathematics of the phenomenon you're planning to include.
UPFs aren't available in certain data center environments or on some hardware
configurations, such as machines using parallel processing for element
For additional information, consult your ANSYS installation manual
or your on-site ANSYS system support person
Carefully consider whether you wish to use UPFs, especially if you are linking
them into ANSYS (rather than into a shared library for use as external
When you add your own routines to ANSYS by either method,
you're creating a customized, site-dependent version of the program.
Inc. considers the use of UPFs a non-standard use of the program, one that the
ANSYS Quality Assurance verification testing program doesn't cover.
you're responsible for verifying that the results produced are accurate and that
your customizations don't adversely affect other, standard areas of the ANSYS
Although the flexibility that UPFs offer can be highly attractive, UPF usage is a
complicated process that can introduce errors.
Consider what you want your
customizations to accomplish.
You may be able to customize ANSYS more
easily and safely with macros than with UPFs.
For other guidelines for non-standard uses of the ANSYS program, see Chapter 6 of the .
Planning Your UPFs
UPFs can range from a simple element output routine for customized output to a
complex user optimization.
Before you start programming, ask yourself these
Does the capability you want already exist in the ANSYS program?
a capability may not be obvious at first, especially to a novice ANSYS user.
Does your proposed subroutine fit into the ANSYS program architecture and
For example, you can't program a user element that has more
than 32 degrees of freedom per node or more than 20 nodes per element.
Use your experience and judgment to answer these questions.
If you need help to do
so, consult your ANSYS Support Distributor.
If you can respond &no& to both questions,
then the user routine you're planning will be both useful and feasible.
Studying the ANSYS User Routines
Your ANSYS distribution medium contains the source codes for all user routines:
If you have a UNIX version of ANSYS, the source code for the UPF routines
resides in directory /ansys55/customize/user.
If you're running the ANSYS program under Windows NT or Windows 95, the
UPF source code resides in directory \ansys55\custom\user\intel.
Most of the user routines have at least simple functionality, so print out the routines of
interest before you start programming.
All source routines are concatenated onto file
user.f or user.for.
Delete the routines you don't want and make appropriate changes to
the others.
Programming in Languages Other than FORTRAN
If you access UPFs by compiling and linking a custom version of ANSYS, the preferred
method is to design and program your custom routine in FORTRAN 77.
Although you
can use languages other than FORTRAN 77, in each case FORTRAN 77 must provide
the interface to the rest of the ANSYS program.
If you do use a language other than
FORTRAN 77, such as the C programming language, your code may require a
FORTRAN shell.
You need to take care when calling FORTRAN subroutines from C subroutines.
must use the symbol associated with the FORTRAN subroutine when invoking the
subroutine from a C function.
This symbol typically differs slightly from the FORTRAN
subroutine name, and is extremely system dependent.
On many UNIX systems, you build this symbol name by taking the FORTRAN
subroutine name, converting it to lower case, and appending an underscore.
example, the symbol name for the FORTRAN subroutine HeapInquire would be
You would have to use the symbol heapinquire_ in the invoking C
function to avoid an unsatisfied external reference when the program is linked.
Keep in mind that the instance described above is just an example.
Compilers from
different vendors may construct the symbols differently.
Please consult the manuals for
your specific compiler for information on how to call FORTRAN subroutines from C
Developing UPFs:
a Suggested Strategy
When developing UPFs by compiling and linking a custom version of ANSYS, you can
avoid problems and reduce debugging time by following a gradual, orderly process.
Start with a trivial test.
Then, add a few changes at a time so that if something goes
wrong, the error that caused the problem should be isolated and relatively easy to
The example procedure below illustrates this type of gradual process.
The example
assumes that you're creating a new element for the ANSYS program.
You develop and
test it by performing these steps:
Get the applicable element subroutines for uel101 from the ANSYS distribution medium.
Add a small change (such as a misspelling in an output heading), then compile
and link the subroutines.
Using a production version of the ANSYS program, run several analysis
problems using
(and maybe other elements)
to form a base for comparison.
with USER101, run the same problem on your custom
version of ANSYS.
Compare the results from Steps 2 and 3.
If they show discrepancies other than
the misspelled output heading, resolve them before you go on to Step 5.
Choose the standard ANSYS element that most closely resembles your new
custom element, and run some problems on a production version of ANSYS
using that element.
Modify the element subroutines to match the element in chose in Step 5.
compile and link those subroutines into a custom version of ANSYS.
Again, compare the results from Steps 5 and 6.
If they don't match, resolve the
discrepancies before moving on to Step 8.
Modify your element subroutines to include the features you want.
compile and link the subroutines into a custom version of ANSYS.
Test the changes with a series of increasingly complex problems for which you
already know the answers.
Include Decks
In addition to the subroutines and functions described in this chapter, most of the
include decks (files with the extension .inc) used by ANSYS are on your ANSYS
distribution medium.
These include decks, also called commons, contain important but
relatively small amounts of data.
The ANSYS program also handles large amounts of
data using various access routines ( and PUT), as described elsewhere in this manual.
To insert include decks in a subroutine or function, use the INCLUDE (or an analogous)
Do not modify an include deck under any circumstances. The following
table lists some of the more commonly used ANSYS include files and the definitions
they contain:
Include File
Contains accelerations and angular velocities
Defines general ANSYS parameters.
You must include this common to retrieve the
Contains optimization variables
Defines parameters for element characteristics
Defines element characteristics (comments only)
Contains element-specific information
Defines pointers for the element data array
Defines the element degree-of-freedom pointers
Element type data
Used by all routines and functions in the ANSYS program
Defines output control information
Contains solution options and keys
Defines stack storage.
You must include this common in any routines that access
stack space.
Contains load step information
Defines storage of user-defined variables
Linking User Routines
After you make your changes to the user routines supplied on your ANSYS distribution
medium, you can either
Link your routines into shared libraries (as discussed starting in Appendix A).
Compile and link your custom routines into the ANSYS program itself.
discussed for UNIX systems in
and for Windows systems in .
may need super-user or root privileges to run the procedure that does the
Compiling and Linking UPFs on UNIX Systems
As mentioned previously, the source files for the user routines reside in subdirectory
If you modify any of these subroutines, run the procedure
/ansys55/customize/user/ANSCUSTOM to link these changes into the ANSYS
When you run a user-linked version of the ANSYS program, the output will include the
This ANSYS version was linked by Licensee
The ANSCUSTOM procedure compiles all FORTRAN files (files ending with .F) and all
C files (files ending with .c) in the current working directory.
The procedure then loads
all object files (files ending with .o) along with the default ANSYS objects and libraries in
/ansys55/customize/user/platform (where platform is a directory that uniquely
identifies the hardware platform version).
The new executable file created will be
named ansys.e55t and will reside in the current directory.
FORTRAN files are assumed to be FORTRAN 77 (some extensions are allowed), and
C files are assumed to be ANSI C.
Chapter 1 of the ANSYS Installation and Configuration Guide for UNIX lists the
compilers you'll need to use UPFs.
Compiling and Linking UPFs on Windows Systems
As mentioned previously, the source files for the user routines reside in subdirectory
If you modify any of these subroutines, perform the
following tasks to link your changes into the ANSYS program:
Create and go to a working directory for building ANSYS.
Copy the following files from \ansys55\custom\user\platform to your working
anscust.bat, makefile, and any user routines you plan to modify.
you're running Windows 95, also copy file fcomp.bat.
Run the procedure ANSCUST.
This procedure compiles all FORTRAN files (files
ending with .F) and all C files (files ending with .c) in the current working
The procedure then loads all object files (files ending with .obj), along
with the default ANSYS objects and libraries (in
\ansys55\custom\user\platform). The executable file created will be named
ansys.exe and will reside in the current working directory.
The executable will be
named ansys.exe and will reside in the current working directory.
Windows 95 Users Only:
Set the environment variable ANSYS55_DIR to the
root ANSYS directory, as shown below:
If you installed the program in a directory other than c:\ansys55, you'll also need
to modify the ANSYS55_DIR variable in the makefile.
Important-Be sure to answer &no& when the linking procedure asks, &Do you want to
overwrite it (current executable)?&
If your answer isn't &no,& all other ANSYS program
users will also get your changes.
Activating UPFs
The ANSYS program activates many UPFs through a specific user action.
This can be
through a command option or a user selection.
For example, to activate a user
element, all you need to do is select it as one of the element types in a model (using
either the
command or menu path Main
Menu&Preprocessor&Element Type&Add/Edit/Delete).
You then set the element
attribute pointer ( command or menu path
Main Menu&Preprocessor&-Meshing-&Attributes&Default Attribs), and define
elements using the solid modeling or direct generation method.
UPFs that are not activated by the means described above must be activated by either
of the following methods:
Issuing the
Choosing menu path Main Menu&Preprocessor&Loads&-Load Step
Opts-&Other&User Routines or Main Menu&Solution&-Load Step
Opts-&Other&User Routines.
To activate or deactivate the routines, issue the command USRCAL,Rnam1,...Rnam9, where Rnam1 and
Rnam9 are the names of specific routines.
You can specify up to nine routines with one
command, or you can issue multiple
Issue the command ,NONE to
deactivate all valid user subroutines.
To list the status of the routines, issue the
command ,STAT.
For a list of the user routines that the
command (or its equivalent menu paths) affects, see the USRCAL command description in the ANSYS Commands Reference.
If you don't activate the UPFs in this manner, standard ANSYS logic will be used by
For instance, when you apply a convection load, standard ANSYS logic is the
default even if you have a user convection routine linked in.
The user convection
routine must be activated by the
command or its menu equivalent.
Running Your Custom Executable
You can run your custom executable using a supplied procedure called ansys55cust in
UNIX (ansys55cust.exe in Windows).
This procedure/executable resides in the
ansys55\bin\platform directory.
When run, the procedure searches the current
working directory for the custom ANSYS executable (either ansys.e55t or ansys.exe,
depending on your platform).
If the custom ANSYS executable resides in a separate
directory, you can specify the path on the ansys55cust command line, as follows:
ansys55cust -custom /pathname/ansys.e55t
or, for Windows
ansys55cust -custom /pathname/ansys.exe
Verifying Your Routines
After compiling and linking your new user routine, test and verify it using whatever
procedures you think are adequate.
Remember, verifying that your customized version
of the ANSYS program works properly is your responsibility.
Make certain that your custom version of the ANSYS program performs correctly for the
combinations of elements, analysis types, materials, boundary conditions, etc. that you
plan to use.
Confirm that the logic you introduced is correct and doesn't produce any
unwanted side effects.
In testing your custom user routines, you also should verify that the changes you've
made don't affect standard, non-customized ANSYS features.
To do so, you can
compare the results of a set of problems from the ANSYS Verification Manual run on
the standard version and on the customized version.
Input for these problems is also
available on your ANSYS distribution medium.
Always remember:
your last step, a series of steps, or even your concept may be
Proceed in clear steps, and verify your work as often as possible.
intermediate versions of your modified source code on backup media.
Note-If you contact your site's ANSYS system support person or any ANSYS, Inc.
representative about the performance of a custom version of ANSYS, always tell him or
her explicitly that you're using a user programmable feature.
If you feel that an error
exists in an unrelated feature of the ANSYS program, demonstrate the suspected error
in an non-customized, production version of the program before you report the error to
an ANSYS. Inc. representative.
Debugging Commands
To debug errors in your user routines, you can use commands and other features not
documented in the .
Use these commands only for extremely small models with few solution iterations
(otherwise, they'll generate an excessive amount of output).
/TRACK and /DEBUG are described in detail below.
useful &undocumented& commands are OUTEQ and /NERR.
The command OUTEQ,on
can be used to output results from all equilibrium iterations.
The command /NERR,,,-1
causes errors to be reported as before, but the run continues anyway, normally
terminating with either a) system abort or b) incorrect answers.
Tracking the Path of Program Logic
command issues a message when
the program logic enters and leaves some of the higher level subroutines.
and TrackEnd (see Chapter 6) set up the /TRACK command.
Then, issue the command
using the format below
MonLevel is the level for timing monitoring.
PrintLevel is the level for enter/exit printout,
and SumLevel is the level at which the timing sum is output. Each of these arguments
can be any value between 0 and 9 (default is 0).
You can use the
command to identify
which section of code is causing the program to abort.
For example, to flag up to eight
levels of subroutines to determine when the program logic enters and leaves them, you
would issue the command ,,8.
Debugging Elements and Solutions
command generates debugging
at various points in the output.
You can specify one of three formats for /DEBUG:
solution debug format, element debug
format, and general debug format.
Solution Debug Format
Issue the command using this format:
For This Argument
Choose One of These Values
1 (provides basic solution control debugging)
1 (provides transient debugging using Newmark constants)
2 (provides transient debugging using velocities and accelerations)
1 (provides element matrix debugging and prints matrix + load vectors)
2 (provides element matrix debugging with load vectors only)
3 (provides element matrix debugging with matrix diagonals and load vectors)
1 (provides auto time stepping debugging)
1 (provides multifield debugging)
1 (provides arc-length debugging)
1 (provides basic Newton-Raphson debugging)
2 (provides Newton-Raphson debugging and prints out-of-balance forces or
incremental displacement or each DOF)
3 (provides Newton-Raphson debugging and prints applied loads and n-r
restoring force for each DOF)
1,2 (provides displacement vector debugging with displacement pointers)
2 (provides displacement vector debugging with incremental displacement)
3 (provides displacement vector debugging with contact database)
1 (provides temporary programmer debugging)
Element Debug Format
Issue the command using this format:
For This Argument
Choose One of These Values
1 (provides basic element pass debugging)
1 (provides element displacement and coordinate debugging)
1 (provides element matrix debugging and prints matrix + load vectors)
2 (provides element matrix debugging with load vectors only)
3 (provides element matrix debugging with matrix diagonals and load vectors)
1 (provides element load information debugging)
1 (provides element real constant debugging)
1 (provides element saved variable debugging)
1 (provides element material property debugging with linear material properties)
2 (provides element material property debugging with nonlinear properties)
1,2 (provides element nonlinear debugging with plasticity)
2 (provides element nonlinear debugging with large deformation)
3 (provides element nonlinear debugging with contact database)
1 (provides temporary programmer debugging)
General Debug Format
Issue the command using this format:
For This Argument
Choose One of These Values
1 (provides file header record information)
2 (provides input line (character))
3 (provides input line (decoded))
1 (provides wavefront reordering and element checking debugging)
2 (provides meshing debugging)
1 (provides nodal coordinate system transformation debugging)
2 (provides displacement updating debugging)
1 (provides pre-element debugging, element characteristics debugging, and
element field load debugging)
Other Useful Commands
Two other ANSYS commands,
and /UCMD, can help you implement UPFs.
command has an equivalent GUI path.)
Use the NSVR command to define the number of extra
variables that need to be saved for user programmable element options, such as user
command to make a user
routine into a custom command.
For more information, see section
later in this
Generating Output
You can generate output controlled by the /OUTPUT command by using the FORTRAN
write statement.
The output unit for this statement is usually called IOTT.
IOTT may be
defined with the function .
discussion on the function
in Chapter 6 for
more details.
Reading Large Data Files More Rapidly
When files containing ANSYS-related data are large, loading them into the ANSYS
program or writing them out to an external file can be a slow process.
For example,
consider an ANSYS problem file which contains nearly 462,000 lines, 150,000 of which
contain nodal data and 97,383 of them containing data for elements.
Because many of
the lines in this file are in command format, the ANSYS program spends a lot of time
reading it.
You can shorten the time ANSYS takes to read such files by including two commands in
your programs, UPFs, or macros:
The NBLOCK command converts nodal data into fixed
format data blocks (which ANSYS can read more quickly than commands).
The EBLOCK command places element data into a
fixed format block, one line per element.
These commands also compress
displacement constraint data to one line per constraint node.
EBLOCK Command Format
command requires that you
specify a valid format statement for five element attributes followed by the node
numbers for each element.
The command has the following format:
You must follow the
command with a
valid format statement defining five element attributes, followed by Nnodes.
are the node numbers associated with this element. Use commas to separate the node
numbers, (don't use blanks) and enclose the string of node numbers in parentheses.
The element attributes are:
The element number.
The material number.
The real constants associated with this element.
The element type number.
The system of coordinates this element uses.
command can indicate multiple
element lines in the file.
returns will either be 0 (if
the command executes successfully), or a negative element number if an error occurs.
NBLOCK Command Format
command has this format:
Ncoord is the number of coordinates defined for this node.
The default for Ncoord is 3
and the maximum value is 6.
The default coordinate values are the X, Y, and Z
coordinates, and the other values are THXY, THYZ, and THZX.
Normally, you specify one
for each line of nodal data.
The value NBLOCK returns will be either 0 (if the command
executes successfully) or a negative node number if an error occurs.
Routines for Creating New Elements
The next few pages describe the user routines and supporting subroutines you use to
create new elements.
Using these routines, you can create new element types, add
them to the ANSYS element library, and use them as &regular& elements.
create up to six independent element types (names USER100 - USER105).
demonstration purposes, example copies of the routines for MASS21, the structural mass element, and LINK8, the 3-D spar element, are included on the ANSYS
distribution medium as
and uel101 respectively.
Input and Output Abbreviations
The descriptions of the routines or functions within this chapter describe both the input
arguments and output arguments.
Argument information includes the argument's type,
size and intent.
Argument type is one of the following:
int - integer
dp - double precision
log - logical
chr - character
dcp - double precision complex
Argument size is one of the following:
sc - scalar variable
ar(n) - array variable of length n
func - functional return value
Argument intent is one of the following:
in - input argument
out - output argument
inout - both an input and an output argument
User Routines
through uec105 describe the element characteristics.
(on the distribution medium)
describes the input for these routines in detail. You can use subroutines uex100 through uex105 to override default logic. Routines uec100 through uec105 define parameters such as:
2-D or 3-D geometry
Degree-of-freedom set
Symmetric or unsymmetric matrix
Number of nodes
Number of body loads (for example, temperatures)
Number of surface loads (for example, pressures)
Number of real constants
Number of variables to be saved
Number of rows in element matrices
Linear or nonlinear element.
through uel105 calculate the element matrices (stiffness,
specific heat, etc.), the element load vector (force, heat flow, etc.), and any element
output quantities.
The element printout also is generated, and the variables to be saved
are calculated and stored in the results file.
Other user routines available for manipulating element information include the following:
through uep105 provide printed output of line
The general ANSYS postprocessor, POST1, calls the subroutines, or
you can call them using
allows access to the nodal
describes some of the
data handling.
Subroutine uec100 (Defining Characteristics of the usr100
subroutine uec100 (elcdn,ielc,kerr)
***** this subroutine defines the characteristics of user100.
#include &impcom.inc&
external erhandler
#include &echprm.inc&
integer ielc(*),i,kerr
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
ielc (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - element characteristics
see include deck elccmt for details
- error flag up to this point.
(do not initialize to zero)
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- name of element
ielc (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - element characteristics
see include deck elccmt for details
- error flag (set to 1 if error)
note to programmers:
the validity of keyopt values may be checked here
Subroutines uec101 through uec105
The input and output arguments for subroutines uec101, uec102, uec103, uec104, and
uec105 is identical to the uec100 subroutine listed above.
Subroutine uex100 (Overriding Element Characteristic
subroutine uex100 (ielc,kerr)
*** subroutine to override element characteristic defaults ***
*** hence, this routine is needed only in rare cases.
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
#include &impcom.inc&
#include &echprm.inc&
integer ielc(*),i,kerr
*** input and output are the same as for uec100, except that this
*** logic is called after the defaulting logic is finished.
*** this defaulting is done in ansys subroutine echdft(not a upf).
*** as indicated above, this routine is rarely needed, but if it is
*** desired to see the effect of echdft, you may print out the ielc array
*** leaving uec100 and print it out again entering this routine.
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
ielc (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - element characteristics
see include deck elccmt for details
- error flag up to this point.
(do not initialize to zero)
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
ielc (int,ar(IELCSZ),inout) - element characteristics
see include deck elccmt for details
- error flag (set to 1 if error)
*** standard defaults are taken.
the final results are given with
*** the debug accessed with /debug,,, ,,1
*** dummy logic to use all variables to keep analyzer happy
*** this should be removed by user element programmer
Subroutines uex101 through uex105
The source code for subroutines uex101, uex102, uex103, uex104, and uex105 is
identical to the code for subroutine uex100 listed above.
Subroutine uel100 (Computing Element Matrices, Load
Vectors, and Results)
subroutine uel100 (elem,ielc,elmdat,eomask,nodes,locsvr,kelreq,
x kelfil,nr,xyz,u,kelout,zs,zass,damp,gstif,zsc,zscnr,elvol,elmass,
x center,elener,edindx,lcerst)
c --- general lumped mass is demonstrated --------------------------------
c *** primary function:
1. compute element matrices, load vectors, and results
c *** secondary functions:
2. maintain element solution data
c *** user programmable functions may not be used in parallel processing ***
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
input arguments:
- element label (number)
(int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
(IELCSZ = array size, defined in echprm)
elmdat (int,ar(10),in)
- array of element data
eomask (int,sc,in)
- bit pattern for element output
(see outpcm)
- array of element node numbers
(nnod = 1 in this case)
locsvr (int,sc,in)
- location of the saved variables
on file .esav for this element
kelreq (int,ar(10),in)
- matrix and load vector form requests
(indices for kelreq are given with output
arguments below)
kelfil (int,ar(10),in)
- keys indicating incoming matrices and
load vectors (indices for kelfil are the
same as given for kelreq with output
arguments below)
- matrix and load vector size
- nodal coordinates (orig) and rotation angle
- element nodal solution values
output arguments:
kelout (int,ar(10),out)
- keys indicating created matrices and
load vectors (indices for kelout
are the same as for kelreq below,
as well as kelin and kelout later)
(dp,ar(nr,nr),inout)- stiffness/conductivity matrix (kelreq(1))
(dp,ar(nr,nr),inout)- mass matrix
(dp,ar(nr,nr),inout)- damping/specific heat matrix
(dp,ar(nr,nr),inout)- stress stiffness matrix
- applied f vector
- n-r restoring f vector
or imaginary f vector
- element volume
elmass (dp,sc,out)
- element mass
center (dp,ar(3),out)
- centroid location
elener (dp,ar(5),out)
- element energies
edindx (int,ar(20),out)
- element result data file indexes
lcerst (int,sc,inout)
- position on result file
Subroutines uel101 through uel105
The input and output arguments for subroutines uel101, uel102, uel103, uel104, and
uel105 is identical to subroutine uel100 listed above.
Subroutine uep100 (Printing Output for User Elements)
subroutine uep100 (iott,ielc,elem,nodes,mat,
kemn,emn, kems,ems, kens,ens, keel,eel,
keth,eth, kenl,enl, kepl,epl, kecr,ecr)
c *** primary function:
produce printed output for user elements
used typically only for line elements
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
this subroutine is provided for user information
c *** user programmable features may not be used in parallel processing ***
input arguments:
- output unit number
- element characteristics
- element number
- node numbers
- material number
- key to print temperatures
- element pseudo-node temperatures
- key to print misc.
non-summed data
- misc. non-summable data record
- key to print mmisc. summed data
- misc. summed data
- key to print nodal stresses
- nodal sresses at an element
- key to print nodal elastic strain
- element nodal elastic strains
- key to print thermal,initial, and
swelling strains
- nodal thermal strains at an element
- key set if any nonlinear materials present
- element nonlinear table
- key to print nodal plastic strains
- nodal plastic strains
- key to print nodal creep strains
- nodal creep strains
output arguments:
Subroutines uep101 through uep105
The source code for subroutines uep101, uep102, uep103, uep104, and uep105 is
identical to subroutine uep100 listed above.
Subroutine usertr (Adjusting the Nodal Orientation Matrix)
subroutine usertr (node,tr)
c *** primary function:
adjust nodal orientation matrix
secondary function: study nodal orientation matrix
accessed with ielc(notran) = -100
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- node number being acted upon
(dp,ar(32,32),inout) - nodal to global orientation matrix
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
(dp,ar(32,32),inout) - nodal to global orientation matrix
tr is a matrix that is already defined based on the degrees
of freedom selected.
it does not normally need to be changed.
it may be printed out here to study.
its functional size is
nr by nr, where nr is the number of degrees of freedom in the
Subroutine userac (Accessing Element Information)
This subroutine is provided for demonstration purposes.
subroutine userac (elem)
c *** primary function:
To demonstrate user access of element information.
c --- Given the element number, all information about the element is avaiable.
c --- Starting with elmdat, one can get the element type, real constant number,
c --- the material number, the element coordinate system number, as well as
c --- the node numbers.
Then, one can get more information about any or all
c --- of these things.
The below demonstrates getting the element type and
c --- real constants.
*** ansys(r) copyright(c) ,83,85,87,89,92,94-97
*** ansys, inc.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- element number
output arguments:
Supporting Subroutines for Element Creation
The subroutines described on the next few pages support the user routines used to
create new elements.
Subroutine nminfo (Returning Element Reference Names)
subroutine nminfo (ielc,rname)
c *** primary function:
set element reference names
c *** secondary functions: none
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
(int,ar(150),inout) - element characteristic vector
- 8 character reference name
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
(int,ar(150),inout) - element characteristic vector with
element name encoded
Subroutine svgidx (Fetching the Index for Saved Variables)
subroutine svgidx (locsvr,svindx)
c *** primary function:
get the index for saved variables
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- pointer to location of index
output arguments:
- the 10 word index of svr variables
1-starting loc of this eles svr sets
2-ending loc of this eles svr sets
3:10-starting loc for each set
3-structural svrs
4-thermal/electric/fluid svrs
5-magnetic svrs
6-nonlinear svrs
7-plasticity svrs
8-creep svrs
9-coupled svrs
10-user svrs
Subroutine svrget (Fetching Saved Variable Data for an
subroutine svrget (svindx,nset,nsvr,svr)
c *** primary function:
get svr data set for an element
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- index for svr for this element (see svgidx)
- the set number in this index
= 1 - structural svrs
= 2 - thermal/electric/fluid svrs
= 3 - magnetic svrs
= 4 - nonlinear svrs
= 5 - plasticity svrs
= 6 - creep svrs
= 7 - coupled svrs
= 8 - user svrs
- number of dp words expected in this set
output arguments:
- number of dp words in this set
- data in this set
Subroutine svrput (Writing an Element's Saved Variable
subroutine svrput (svindx,nset,leng,svr)
c *** primary function:
write out a svr data set for an element
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
(int,ar(10),inout)- the index for svr for this element
- the set number in this index (see svrget)
- number of dp words in this set
- data in this set
output arguments:
(int,ar(10),inout)- updated index
Subroutine svpidx (Writing the Saved Variable Element
Index to a File)
subroutine svpidx (locsvr,svindx)
c *** primary function:
write the svr element index onto file
c *** secondary functions: update the locsvr pointer to next element
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- pointer to start of svr for element
- index to svr for this element
output arguments:
- pointer to start of svr for next element
Subroutine mreuse (Determining Which Element Matrices
Can Be Reused)
subroutine mreuse (kelrqq,kelfil,elem,ielc,kmasrt,knlmg,kconve,
x kpheno,kprop,nprop,prop,propo,krvro,rvr,rvro,amodo,asymo, kelin)
c *** primary function:
determine which Matrices can be REUSEd and which must be recomputed
from iteration to iteration.
a few special elements have some supplementary logic
to adjust these results further.
No attempt as been made to
include all such logic in these routines.
Second note:
this logic is essentially the same as the old
sfrm logic.
Hopefully, further simplifications and enhancements
will be made in the future. (Especially in gap elements and in
multilayer elements)
the whole idea of kpheno, a holdover from the sfrm routines,
needs to be looked at and possibly eliminated.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- request keys (needed for this analysis)
- keys indicating matrices on the file
- element number
(int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - array of element type characteristics
- does the mass matrix have rotational DOF?
1 - yes(with nlgeom, sfrm1n)
- nonlinear magnetic curve exists in this
- key indicating existence of convections
in this element
2 or more - yes
must be input as 'i' if not used, as is
changed in this routine(for analyzer).
i = 0 must be used in calling routine
if kpheno = 1.
- key for type of phenomenon/level of check
0 - structural like old sfrm1n,1s,3n,3s,fl
1 - thermal
like old sfrm1c,1t,2t,3t
2 - electrical/magnetic like some of old
3 - general
like old sfrmoo
- key indicating which material properties
in the prop vector that need to be
checked (see below)
- number of properties
- current mat props
(dp,ar(nprop),inout)- previous material properties
= 0 - real constants are used by this element, and the old
values(rvro) or the element does not
use real constants.
Any change of real constants
causes all matrices to be reformed.
= 1 - real constants are used by this element and the old
values(rvro) have been saved.
However, any change
of real constants will cause the run to terminate,
because the results would be too unpredictable.
(e.g. gap elements)
= 2 - element is nonlinear, so do not bother to check
= 3 - real constants are used by this element, and the old
values(rvro) have been saved.
However, no checking is
done in this routine because of needed customized logic.
= 4 - real constants are used by this element, but the old
values(rvro) have not been saved because it was
decided not to use this much storage.
therefore, no check
can be made to determine if matrices should be reformed.
(e.g. 100 layer elements)
= 5 - real constants are used by this element, but the old
values(rvro) have not been saved because the real
constants have no effect on matrix formulation.
(e.g. acoustic elements)
- current real constants
- previous real constants
- previous value of mode
- previous value of isym
output arguments:
(dp,ar(nprop),inout)- current material properties
- current real constants
- current value of mode
- current value of isym
- keys indicating matrices to form
Subroutine subrd (Reading Element Load Data for a
Substructure Generation Run)
subroutine subrd (iel,key,nd,vect,ka)
c *** primary function:
read element load data from file for substructure
generation run
c *** secondary functions: none
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
- type of load data
= 1 temperature
= 2 fluences
= 3 heat generation rates
= 4 current densities
=10 pressures
=11 film coefficients
=12 bulk temperatures
=13 extra displacement shapes
=14 thermal strains(eptho in el42)
=15 thermal flux (as in el55)
=16 initial strains(epino in el01)
=17 magnetic virtual displacements
=18 calculated source field(hsn in el96)
=20 element load vector
=30 copy - do not scale(tempev in el42)
first load step only
- number of data items
output arguments:
- array of load data
- load activation key
= 0 no load for this data
= 1 load is active
Subroutine subwrt (Writing an Element Load Vector to a
File for a Substructure Generation Run)
subroutine subwrt (iel,nvect,key,nd,vect,ref)
c *** primary function:
write element load vect to file for substructure
generation run
c *** secondary functions: none
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
- number of load vectors
(current load step number)
- type of load vect
= 1 temperature
= 2 fluences
= 3 heat generation rates
= 4 current densities
=10 pressures
=11 film coefficients
=12 bulk temperatures
=13 extra displacement shapes
=14 thermal strains(eptho in el42)
=15 thermal flux (as in el55)
=16 initial strains(epino in el01)
=17 magnetic virtual displacements
=18 calculated source field(hsn in el96)
=20 element load vector
=30 copy - do not scale(tempev in el42)
- number of vect items
- array of load data
- reference value for zero load
output arguments: none
Subroutine rvrget (Fetching Real Constants for an Element)
subroutine rvrget (iel,ireal,ielc,nrvr,rvr)
c *** primary function:
get the real constants for an element
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- element number
- real constant set number
- elment type characteristics
output arguments:
- number of real variables
- element real constants
Subroutine propev (Evaluating a Group of Material
subroutine propev (iel,mtr,lp,tem,prop,n)
c *** primary function:
to evaluate a group of material properties
propev is used to pass two or more material property numbers
thru the lp array to determine which temperature dependent
material properties are to be evaluated.
thus, the 3 prope1 calls:
call prope1 (elem,mat, 1,tem,e(1))
call prope1 (elem,mat,10,tem,alpha)
call prope1 (elem,mat,13,tem,dens)
should be combined as:
integer lp(3)
data lp /1,10,13/
call propev (elem,mat,lp(1),tem,prop(1),3)
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
- material number(input quantity mat, mat comma
- keys for which specific value is requested
each group must be in ascending
(ex,ey,ez, etc)
if negative, a required property
if zero, leave prop term unchanged
= 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU
=14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C
=23, VISC=24
EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, TGXX=43, TGYY=44, TGZZ=45, SONC=46,
(see chapter 2 of the elements volume of the user's manual
for a detailed description))
- temperature at which to evaluate material
- number of properties to be evaluated.
(20 maximum)
If n = 1, use prope1 instead.
output arguments:
- values of material property
Subroutine prope1 (Evaluating One Material Property)
subroutine prope1 (iel,mtr,icon,tem,prop1)
c *** primary function:
to evaluate one material property
(if multiple material properties are to
be evaluated, use propev)
c *** secondary functions: to ensure that certain required props are present
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
- material number
- key for which specific value is requested
(negative if property is required)
= 3, NUXY= 4, NUYZ= 5, NUXZ= 6, GXY = 7, GYZ = 8
GXZ = 9, ALPX=10, ALPY=11, ALPZ=12, DENS=13, MU
=14, DAMP=15, KXX =16
KYY =17, KZZ =18, RSVX=19, RSVY=20, RSVZ=21, C
=23, VISC=24
EMIS=25, ENTH=26, LSST=27, PRXY=28, PRYZ=29, PRXZ=30, MURX=31, MURY=32
MURZ=33, PERX=34, PERY=35, PERZ=36, MGXX=37, MGYY=38, MGZZ=39, EGXX=40
EGYY=41, EGZZ=42, TGXX=43, TGYY=44, TGZZ=45, SONC=46,
- temperature at which to evaluate material
output arguments:
- value of material property
Subroutine pstevl (Evaluating EX, NUXY, GXY, ALPX, and
DENS at Element Temperature)
subroutine pstev1 (elem,matin,tem,prop)
c *** primary function:
to evaluate material properites for 1-d elements
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number (for anserr)
- material reference number
if negative, no required properties
- temperature for evaluation
output arguments:
- material properties: ex,nuxy,gxy,alpx,dens
Function gtplop (Retrieving the Start Point for Plastic Data)
function gtplop (mat,plopt)
c *** primary function:
get the plasticity option
c *** secondary function:
return the virtual starting address for the data
(see nlpropcheck for similar logic)
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- material reference number
output arguments:
- plasticity option:
- virtual starting position of the data
Function gtcrop (Retrieving the Start Position for Creep
function gtcrop (mat,cropt)
c *** primary function:
get the creep options
c *** secondary function:
return the virtual starting address for the data
(see nlpropcheck for similar logic)
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- material reference number
output arguments:
- creep option:
10000*(irrad+1) + 1000*(secondary+1) +
primary - primary creep (constant C6)
secondary - secondary creep (constant C12)
irrad - irradation induced (constant C66)
see creep table documentation
(TB command)
- virtual starting position of the data
Function gtswop (Retrieving the Start Position for Swelling
function gtswop (mat,swopt)
c *** primary function:
get the swelling option
c *** secondary function:
return the virtual starting address for the data
(see nlpropcheck for similar logic)
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- material reference number
output arguments:
- swelling option:
10000*(irrad+1) + 1000*(secondary+1) +
primary - primary swelling (constant C6)
secondary - secondary swelling (constant C12)
irrad - irradation induced (constant C66)
see swelling table documentation (TB command)
- virtual starting position of the data
Subroutine tbuser (Retrieving User Table Data)
subroutine tbuser (mat,numitm,tbprop)
c *** primary function:
return the tb data for the user table
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- material property number
- the number of data items requested
output arguments:
(dp,ar(numitm),out) - array of tb data
Subroutine plast1 (Updating an Element's Plastic History)
subroutine plast1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstart,tem,dtem,e,ktform,
x dens,flu,dflu,epel,eppl,statev,usvr,epeq,plwork,sigepl,sigrat,et)
c *** primary function:
to update the plastic history (for 1 component)
c *** secondary functions: to compute the material tangent matrix if requested
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- plasticity option
- element number (label)
- element integration point number
- material reference number
- virtual starting address of the data table
- temperature at the end of this substep
- temperature increment over this substep
- elastic modulus
- request key for tangent matrix formation
- material density
- fluence at the end of this substep
- fluence increment over this substep
- modified total strain (trial strain)
- plastic strain at previous substep
- state variables at previous substep
- user-defined state variables (for userpl)
- effective plastic strain at prev substep
- accumulated plastic work at prev substep
output arguments:
- elastic strain
- updated plastic strain
- updated state variables
- updated user-defined state variables
- updated effective plastic strain
- updated accumulated plastic work
- stress value on stress-strain curve
- ratio of trial stress to yield stress
- tangent modulus
internal variables:
- equivalent plastic strain increment
Subroutine creep1 (Updating an Element's Creep History)
subroutine creep1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstart,epel,e,epcrp,
x statev,usvr,tem,dtem,fluen,dflu,sig)
c *** primary function:
to update the creep history for 1-d elements
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- creep option
- element number (label)
- element integration point number
- material reference number
- virtual starting address of the data table
- elastic strain
- elastic modulus
- creep strain at previous substep
- state variables at previous substep
- user-defined state variables (for usercr)
- temperature at the end of this substep
- temperature increment over this substep
- fluence at the end of this substep
- fluence increment over this substep
- elastic strain adjusted for creep increment
- stress (not really used)
output arguments:
- updated creep strain
- updated state variables
- updated user-defined state variables
- stress (recomputed if requested)
Subroutine swell1 (Updating an Element's Swelling
subroutine swell1 (option,elem,intpt,mat,kstart,epswel,epel,e,
x fluen,dfluen,tem,dtem,usvr)
c *** primary function:
to update the swelling history for 1-d elements
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- swelling option
- element number (label)
- element integration point number
- material reference number
- virtual starting address of the data table
- swell strain at previous substep
- elastic strain
- elastic young'S MODULUS
- fluence at the end of this substep
- fluence increment over this substep
- temperature at the end of this substep
- temperature increment over this substep
- user-defined state variables (for usersw)
output arguments:
- elastic strain adjusted for swelling inc
- updated swelling strain
- updated user-defined state variables
function nlget (Retrieving Material Non-Linear Property
function nlget (mat,iprop,prop)
c *** primary function:
get a material non-linear property (TB) table.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- material number
- property number (tbpnum in tblecm)
use 73 for tb,user
use 74 for tb,nl
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- number of property values
(dp,ar(nlget),out) - vector of the property values
Subroutine usereo (Storing Data in the nmisc Record)
subroutine usereo (elem,iout,nbsvr,bsvr,nnrsvr,nrsvr,npsvr,psvr,
x ncsvr,csvr,nusvr,usvr,nnode,nodes,xyz,vol,leng,time,
x timinc,nutot,utot,maxdat,numdat,udbdat)
c *** primary function:
to call userou, which allows user to store
data in nmisc record
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- element number
- output unit number
- number of basic element variables
- basic element variables
- number of nonlinear element variables
- nonlinear element variables
- number of plasticity element variables
- plasticity element variables
- number of creep element variables
- creep element variables
- number of user-supplied element variables
- user-supplied element variables
- number of nodes
- node numbers
- nodal coordinates and rotations (virgin)
- element volume (or area if 2-d)
- element length (beams,spars,etc)
- current time
- current sub step time increment
- length of dof solution vector utot
- solution vector
- size of user output array (3 x nnode)
actually, = ielc(nmnmup)
output arguments:
variable (typ,siz,intent)
- number of user output items in array udbdat
- user output items to be placed at the end
of the nmisc record
Subroutine eldwrt (Writing Element Data to a File)
subroutine eldwrt (ielem,edtype,lcerst,edindx,nval,value)
c *** primary function:
output element data to result file.
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
- element data type (see elparm)
- pointer to results file position
(int,ar(25),inout)- index to results file data
- the total number of values
if edtype = EDEMS,
this should -always- be ielc(nmsmis),
unless there is a variable number, as
in the layered shell elements.
- output values (real)
Subroutine eldwrn (Writing Element Nonsummable
Miscellaneous Data to the Results File)
subroutine eldwrn (elem,ielc,lcerst,edindx,nudb,udbdat,nval,value,
c *** primary function:
output element nonsummable miscellaneous data
to result file
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- element number
(int,ar(IELCSZ),in) - element characteristic vector
defined in elccmt
- pointer to results file position
(int,ar(25),inout)- index to results file data
- size of what the user wants to add
- what the user wants to add
- the total number of values to
be output(does not include nudb)
this should -always- be ielc(NMNMIS),
unless there is a variable number, as
in the layered shell elements.
(dp,ar(ndval),in) - output values
- dimension of value - must be no less than
ielc(NMNMIS) + ielc(NMNMUP)
Subroutine trrot (Computing the Rotation Vector)
subroutine trrot (tr,rot)
c *** primary function:
get the rotation vector from a transformation matrix
c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information ***
input arguments:
- transformation matrix
output arguments:
- rotation vector
Subroutine rottr (Computing the Transformation Matrix)
subroutine rottr (rot,tr)
c primary function: compute transformation ma}


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