
&&高考阅读理解 基础
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M ◆ 星 期 一
1. D. 主旨大意题.这篇广告用大量的篇幅介绍在巴黎旅游的路线以及食宿情况,其目的是吸引游客去巴黎旅游.
2. C. 细节反馈题。此题可以从 “Included in the price of &129 per person” 中得到答案在所列的倒数第三项 “Visit to the Chateau of Versailles (admission not included) 说明参观凡尔赛城堡的入场费不含在内.”
3. B词义理解题 &&quarter 此处指 “地区”, 相当于 “district”
4. C. 细节反馈题& 广告的第三自然段 “You then leave Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles,…” 说明 “the Palace of Versailles is not in the center of Paris”
5.& C. 细节反馈题。只要抓住三项赛事的时间Aug 26,27和第一自然段的小括号(Sat, Sun)这类关键的就好答了,它们为本题提供了充分的根据。 6. D. 数字。第一个赛事中的三个数字相加。 7. D. 词义理解题。在完第一个广告之后;我们不难发现自行车赛程分热身训练阶段和正式比赛阶段。而无论哪个阶段都用leg一词,这样A、B、C皆不符合要求。 8. C. 细节反馈题。文中所提到的三项赛事中,只有巴西队和北京国安队在周六下午举行足球赛。 &
◆ 星 期 二
1. A. 句意理解题. 从最后一段中大天使的回答中可以得知她封住洞口是因为她不喜欢吝啬的富人发现金子.
2. D. 词义理解题.& 从上下文中可知两个天使又到了一个穷人家里住宿.
3. B. 细节反馈题.& 从倒数第二段中,小天使的话中可知她生气是因为富人吝啬,大天使却照顾他们的房子,而穷人热心,大天使却没有看好他们的唯一的奶牛. 4. B. 概括归纳题. 文中 “Sometimes things are not what they seem” 重复了三次, 同时从故事里可以看出大天使的所做都是有含义的.
5. C. 细节反馈题。这只能通过妈妈的谈话中得到答案。Mum told me“Dagmer is fine,no fever.”说明妈妈拖地的真正目的不是别的,正是要探视病人。
6. D. 推理。通过第二自然段可以推测出这位护士一定认为mum 是清洁工,所以没有拦妈妈。
7. B. 推理。正是由于医院有着严格的探视制度,妈妈才扮成清洁工。
8. C. 人物评价题。从文中得知妈妈成功地在非探视时间探视了病人。说明妈妈很聪明。
&◆ 星 期 三
1. B. 词义理解题. 从第一段中可知本文要告诉你如何挑选计算机,可以猜出题目中的 “select” 是选择的意思.
2. &B词义理解题. 从下文 “…things: teaching, playing games, or helping with a business, so…” 可以看出计算机是万能的.
3. B概括归纳题.& 文中用 “first, second…”标出, 注意最后一段也是应注意的事项. 4. A综合推理题& 首先,第一步的内容放在前面, 为了突出其重要性. 第二, 计算机用处广, 种类繁多, 选择要有目的性. 5. C. 综合判断题。从第一段中,“...had an interest in ... he called 'Lexico'.”后来这个游戏的名字几次变更,最后改为Scrabble。 6. D. 句意理解题。从第一自然段中第三句“…in word games and so, to fill his time, he planned a game which he called 'Lexico'.”可知。 7. B. 细节反馈题。根据第四自然段的内容:Jack Strauss让商店储备'Scrabble'并使大众注意,可以得出答案。 8. C. 推理判断题。从首段的最后一句及第二段的首句,可以推出此游戏进入市场是1939年以前。 ◆ 星 期 四
1. A. 句意理解题。文中第三段第一句“People in Sweden pay taxes on everything, so aren't surprised to find that owning a dog means yet more taxes.”可以看出答案。 2. C. 细节反馈题。从第三自然段第二句话“…money that is spent by the government on dog hospital sand sometimes medical treatment for a dog that falls ill.便可以得到正确答案的信息。 3. B. 细节反馈题。文中“In Sweden dog owners must pay for any damage their dog does”一句,提示答案。 4.D. 总结归纳题。 因为瑞典人每年要为自己的狗交500克朗的税;养狗人还需为狗付医疗费,为狗上保险,政府为狗还修了专门的医院,从这一切可以推断出该题答案。
5. A. 推理判断题。从第一段可知:如果有一群孩子说马上去工作。你会感到惊讶和不安。当你知道他们是戏剧学校的学生,他们说的"去工作"是到剧院去训练,你才不会感到不安。
&6.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. 细节反馈题。第二段告诉我们:在stage schools孩子们接受全日制的戏剧训练和学习文
7. C. 词义理解题。从第四段得知,professional work指的是接受舞台演出方面的训练。换言之,他们在大部分时间要接受普通教育。
8. D. 句意理解题。由最后一句可知D为正确答案。
◆&&&&& 星 期 五
1. B. 句意理解题. 从 “In the 19th century Americans from the eastern states moved &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&out west to settle in the rich new lands along the Pacific Coast.” 可以看出美洲人的目的是太平洋西岸定居,
2. &C& 推理判断题. 由于沙漠温度高,缺水可以推出不适合人居住.故排除A. 由于沙漠水少, 可以推出只有仙人掌等少数植物可以存活.故排除B. 由第二段可知沙漠虽危险,但景色美丽. 通过文章可知人们对沙漠的情况,温度,动物,植物有所了解了.
3.& A细节反馈题. 从第四段中可知穿过沙漠有两种途径,乘船或步行, 但只有步行才能看见以前美洲人在岩石上留下的图画.
4.& B. 综合推理题. 因为Death Valley 在夏天可达130-165华氏度, 每年降雨不到两英寸, 又曾经有许多旅行者因恶劣的条件死亡. 5. D. 细节反馈题. 从第三段中可知Shuttleworth是第二个进入太空的人,第一个是&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Californian businessman Dennis Tito.
6. B. 句意理解题. 从第二段中可知Shuttleworth 去太空是为了实现自己的梦想. 7. C. 词义理解题. 从倒数第二段最后一句话中可以看出是Bursch and two co-workers已经到空间站工作五个半月了.8. C. 细节反馈题. 从第四段第一句话可以看出Shuttleworth 不喜欢别人称他为旅行者.文章来源莲山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?高二英语阅读理解练习题
学习啦【高二英语】 编辑:淑航
  [1]The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs, but in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions. Some people are compulsive (难以自制的) shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games
  [2]Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity. Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more everyday, but it's more than a common hobby for some of them. They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it. They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don't need. Even though they don't have enough money, they buy everything they want.
  [3]The question is: why do they have this addiction? There isn't a specific answer. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems. Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something. They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.
  [4]Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can ___________. Some of them can be psychological. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit. However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot. It can also cause financial problems. They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don't have. They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt and get sent to prison. (294)
  76. List three activities that might develop into addictions based on the text.
  (Please answer within 8 words)
  77. What's the main idea of Paragraph 3? (Please answer within 8 words)
  78. Fill in the blank in paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 6words)
  79. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
  Accordingly, these shopaholics should turn to a certain organization for help so that they can stop compulsive shopping.
  80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.
  76. shopping, drinking, playing computer games, working, watching TV, taking drugs.
  第一段中最全面的概括了能使人成瘾的事情。&alcohol or drugs&, &compulsive shoppers&, &their work&, &watching TV or playing computer games&.考生要注意语言的表达,题目要求 &list three activities&, 所以注意用名词或动名词来回答。
  77. The reason why some people/ shopaholics have shopping addiction
  The possible reasons for shopaholism/ shopping addition
  第三段第一句The question is: why do they have this addiction?提出了问题,下文都是对此做出的解答。所以变换一下表达方式就可以得出准确的答案。
  78. cause/ bring about/ result in many problems
  79. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.
  Accordingly:根据情况来说,同原文中的&If this is the case&------如果这是事实的话,意思接近。 turn to&for help:求助&。找到这两个关键地方就能准确找出答案。
  80. 他们购物成瘾,而且通常买的都是用不着的东西。(他们购物上瘾,常买些不需要的东西。)
  be hooked on意为:成迷,上瘾,是关键短语。&that they don't need&是things 的定语从句。
  Teamwork is just as important in science as it is on the playing field or in the gym. Scientific investigations (调查) are almost always carried out by teams of people working together. Ideas are shared, experiences are designed, data are analyzed, and results are evaluated and shared with other investigators. Group work is necessary, and is usually more productive than working alone.
  Several times throughout the year you may be asked to work with one or more of your classmates. Whatever the task your group is assigned, a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience.
  What comes first is to keep an open mind, because everyone's ideas deserve consideration and each group member can make his or her own contribution. Secondly, it makes a job easier to divide the group task among all group members. Choose a role on the team that is best suited to your particular strengths. Thirdly, always work together, take turns, and encourage each other by listening, clarifying, and trusting one another. Mutual support and trust often make a great difference.
  Activities like investigations are most effective when done by small groups. Here are some more suggestions for effective team performance during these activities: Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her, and everyone knows exactly when, take turns doing various tasks during similar and be aware of where other group members are and what they are doing so be responsible for your own learning, though it is by no means unwise to compare your observations with those of other group members.
  When there is research to be done, divide the topic into several areas, and this can explore the issue in a very detailed way. You are encouraged to keep records of the sources used each person, which helps you trace back to the origin of the problems that may happen unexpectedly. A format for exchanging information (e.g. photocopies of notes, oral discussion, etc.) is also important, for a well-chosen method not only strengthens what you present but also makes yourself easily understood. When the time comes to make a decision and take a position on an issue, allow for the contributions of each member of the group. Most important of all, it is always wise to make decisions by compromise and agreement.
  After you've completed a task with your team, make an evaluation of the team's effectiveness - the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. (428)
  Working Together
  Effective performance needs highly cooperated (71) ________.
  General rules
  Keep an open mind to everyone&s (72) ________.
  Divide the group task among group members.
  (73) ________ and trust each other.
  (74) ________
  Understand and agree to the (75) ________ task of one&s own.
  Take turns doing various tasks.
  Show concern for others to ensure safety.
  Take (76) _________ for one&s own learning.
  Compare your own observations with those of others.
  an issue
  Break the (77) ________ into several areas.
  Keep records of the sources just in (78) ________.
  (79) ________ your information with others via proper format.
  Make all decisions by compromise and agreement.
  (80) ________
  Analyze the strengths and weaknesses.
  Find out the opportunities and challenges.
  71. teamwork 72. ideas / opinions / views / thoughts 73. Support / Encourage / Back 74. Suggestions 75. given / assigned 76. responsibility77. topic / subject / issue 78. case 79. Exchange / Share 80. Evaluate
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