
wolfing是什么意思 wolfing在线翻译 wolfing什么意思 wolfing的意思 wolfing的翻译 wolfing的解释 wolfing的发音 wolfing的同义词 wolfing的反义词
wolfingwolfing 双语例句1. He is wolfing down the food.&&&&他狼吞虎咽地吃着。2. The wolf is not fundamentally a characteristic or a certain numbe it is a wolfing.&&&&狼基本上不是一种特性或许多特性,狼就是狼。3. Think about what you should eat and plan at least a little instead of just wolfing down something unhealthy while thinking about everything else except what you are eating.&&&&考虑什么是你应该吃的,或是至少计划下是不是除去了不健康的那些,考虑下你除了你吃的还有什么。4. wolfing的解释4. The hungry boy was wolfing down his dinner.&&&&那个饥饿的男孩正狼吞虎咽似地吃饭。5. 5. Just as they meet, she's wolfing down a piece of cake, with chocolate smeared on her face. How innocent!&&&&在刚见面的时候,她正在狼吞虎咽一块蛋糕,嘴上沾满了巧克力,多么天真!6. 6. The town`s big shots were... wolfing down the buffet.&&&&镇上的重要人物…正在狼吞虎咽地吃着自助餐。7. The chocolate cookies were gone in less then a minute and I found myself'wolfing down'half the cake.&&&&巧克力饼干都不见了,在不到一分钟时间,我发现自己'wolfing了'一半的蛋糕。8. The crowds wolfing down fiery pasta all'amatriciana or cacio e pepe (pecorino cheese and black pepper) include as few tourists as you're likely to find in Rome's historic center, even though they're steps away from one of the most overrun marvels, the Piazza Navona.&&&&很多人在那里狼吞虎咽地吃著热腾腾的意大利辣酱细长面(pasta all'amatriciana ,里面有烟熏的猪胸肉,pancetta),和一叫做 cacio e pepe 的意面(里面有佩可里诺羊奶乾酪和黑胡椒),但其中游客非常少,虽然这里离游人最多的建筑奇迹纳沃纳广场仅几步之遥。9. How unsightly! The bride is wolfing down her meal.&&&&多么难看!新娘在狼吞虎咽!10. I was back in the changing room wolfing tea and sandwiches.&&&&我回到更衣室,狼吞虎咽地喝茶、吃三明治。11. My brother was wolfing biscuits while he watched tv.&&&&&&我的兄弟一边看电视一边狼吞虎咽地吃着饼干。12. Slowly savoring one or two squares of a high-quality dark chocolate bar will satisfy a craving more than wolfing down M & M's in front of the TV.&&&&&&慢慢品味一条高级黑色巧克力上的一到两个小块,与M&M坐在电视机前狼吞虎咽地吃相比,更能使人满足。13. Harry, who could see a huge Dudley tantrum coming on, began wolfing down his bacon as fast as possible in case Dudley turned the table over.&&&&&&哈利看得出达力就要大发雷霆了,于是趁达力还没有把餐桌掀翻,连忙狼吞虎咽,把他的一份熏咸肉一扫而光。wolfing是什么意思,wolfing在线翻译,wolfing什么意思,wolfing的意思,wolfing的翻译,wolfing的解释,wolfing的发音,wolfing的同义词,wolfing的反义词,wolfing的例句,wolfing的相关词组,wolfing意思是什么,wolfing怎么翻译,单词wolfing是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 captaining是什么意思_captaining在线翻译_captaining什么意思_captaining的意思_captaining的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
captaining是什么意思 captaining在线翻译 captaining什么意思 captaining的意思 captaining的翻译 captaining的解释 captaining的发音 captaining的同义词
captaining原级:第三人称单数:第三人称复数:过去分词:过去式:captaining 基本解释当首领(captain的现在分词形式);captaining 双语例句1. captaining是什么意思1. I want to blossom into a world class player - something I'm not yet - and hopefully captaining Liverpool will help me achieve that ambition.&&&&我要成长为一个世界级的球员,希望成为利物浦的队长能够帮助我实现理想。2. So I can see him captaining this club in the future.&&&&因此我认为他很有希望成为球队未来的队长。3. captaining3. We think it's great for Manchester United to have one of our players captaining their country.&&&&我们认为自己的球员担任国家队队长对于曼联是个好事情。4. I enjoyed captaining the side when John has been away and try to influence them as much as I can.&&&&当约翰不在的时候,我很高兴成为队长,而且我会尽自己所能影响全队。5. captaining5. You cannot get any higher than captaining your country.&&&&没有什么比国家队队长更高的目标可以去争取了。6. 6. To have a boy like that playing and captaining Scotland is magnificent.&&&&能有这样的球员在苏格兰效力并担任队长太好了,他的工作是非凡的。7. Who is captaining the side today?&&&&今天这队的队长是谁?8. 8. The first half of the captaining and nine years past, but i now go seems to have made it clear that the end of this term.&&&&上大学都已经快一年了,但是总感觉是那么的空虚,好象一无所获,这半年多的时间好象白呆了也许是自己的原因吧!9. I used to watch Barnes with the captains armband and dream that one day it would be me captaining the team I love.&&&&我常常看巴恩斯带着队长袖标,梦想着有一天我能成为我深爱球队的队长。10. The Reds striker, who is on loan at Sampdoria, grabbed the third goal in a3-1 victory over Sweden in Reggio Emilia while captaining the side.&&&&现在租借到桑普的曼联射手在3-1战胜瑞典的比赛中打进第3球,他还是场上队长。11. Last weekend, David, 38, was given the honour of captaining Paris St Germain during their final home game of the season against Brest and paid an emotional farewell as he brought the curtain down on a career spanning more than 20 years.&&&&&&上周,38岁的大卫在本赛季最后一场对布雷斯特的主场比赛中,被授予巴黎圣日耳曼荣誉队长称号,用动情的告别结束了自己超过20年的职业足球生涯。12. Pepe Reina has spoken of the'privilege'of captaining Liverpool, but insists team success is more important than individual accolades.&&&&&&佩佩·雷纳谈到利物浦队长的“特权”,但是坚持团队的成功比个人的荣誉更重要。13. captaining13. The United defender will face a difficult test containing the likes of Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas as he lines up alongside Chelsea's Frank Lampard, who is captaining the side.&&&&&&曼联后卫将面临哈维、伊涅斯塔和法布雷加斯带来的严峻挑战。他的搭档则将是队长兰帕德。14. Johnson was a good student and a great athlete, captaining the baseball and soccer teams.&&&&&&约翰逊是一个好学生,也是一名非常出色的运动员,他曾担任棒球队和足球队队长。15. 15. Steven Gerrard looks forward to captaining his country at the World Cup.&&&&&&史蒂芬·杰拉德期待着率领他的国家参加世界杯。16. Rafa Benitez believes captaining England next week will bring the best out of Steven Gerrard.&&&&&&拉法-贝尼特斯相信下周率领英格兰将会带出一个状态正佳的杰拉德。17. captaining的反义词17. To this day, one of my proudest achievements is captaining my country.&&&&&&直到这一天,我最骄傲的成就是成为英格兰队的队长。18. 18. With Victoria's support he changed his mind, recalling his love for the game and for captaining the English side.&&&&&&在维多利亚的支持下,他改变了想法,重新燃起了对足球的激情,并担任了英格兰足球队队长。19. Being part of every girl's team available, and captaining some select games, meant that I set aside a lot &&&&&&我是所有女子队的一分子,并带领着一些精英队伍,这意味着我腾出了大量时间给这些事情。20. Wayne Rooney will lead United's attack against Everton, his former club, fresh from captaining England in their friendly match against Brazil in Doha, Qatar, last weekend.&&&&&&鲁尼将会带领曼联出战老东家埃弗顿,在多哈他还在国家队当了队长。captaining 单语例句1. It was an amazing feeling to walk out there captaining the team on rememberance weekend.2. He is also captaining the 2010 Thai Davis Cup team after officially retiring from the ATP World tour earlier this year.3. On Saturday, he ended up captaining his country to an all important opening win against Turkey.911查询·英语单词captaining是什么意思,captaining在线翻译,captaining什么意思,captaining的意思,captaining的翻译,captaining的解释,captaining的发音,captaining的同义词,captaining的反义词,captaining的例句,captaining的相关词组,captaining意思是什么,captaining怎么翻译,单词captaining是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 vilifying是什么意思_vilifying在线翻译_vilifying什么意思_vilifying的意思_vilifying的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
vilifying是什么意思 vilifying在线翻译 vilifying什么意思 vilifying的意思 vilifying的翻译 vilifying的解释 vilifying的发音 vilifying的同义词
vilifying['v?l??fa??] 原级:第三人称单数:过去分词:过去式:vilifying 基本解释中伤,诽谤( vilify的现在分词 );vilifying 双语例句1. 1. A: But he is vilifying you! You should fight back.&&&&可他是在诋毁你啊!你应该还击。2. However, the art image of petty bourgeoisie intellectuals is pushed into the condition of complete disintegration either by vilifying itself or by imitating the heroic status of workers, peasants and soldiers.&&&&然而,无论是自我丑化,还是模仿工农兵英雄形象,都将小资产阶级知识分子的艺术形象推向了彻底瓦解的境地。3. 3. He said that the press had been vilifying homosexuals for years.&&&&他说新闻界多年来一直在丑化同性恋者。4. Chinese movie star Chow Yun-Fat's role has been slashed in half by censors in China for vilifying and defacing the Chinese and insulting Singapore.&&&&中国影星周润发所饰演的角色因在影片中对中国人的辱骂和丑化以及对新加坡人的污蔑而被审查人员削减了近一半。5. Where will you be when they're vilifying?&&&&当我被诽谤围攻之时你会在哪?6. 6. As was later remarked, it was as if the American press were vilifying Richard Nixon and Aristotle.&&&&就像后来评论所指出的那样,这种情况就好像美国报刊在诽谤尼克松和亚里士多德。7. They have recognized the need to admit mistakes and change leadership without vilifying hardworking officials who swung at the pitch but missed.&&&&而且他们已经认识到需要承认错误,对领导层进行改革,那些付出了艰苦努力的高管不应该被非难。8. A: But he is vilifying you!&&&&可他是在诋毁你啊!9. However, if misconducted, it will have the effect of vilifying.&&&&但是,如果搭配不当,就会产生丑化的效果。10. Fifth, we must continue to create news and vilifying their leadership.&&&&第五,我们必须继续创造新闻和丑化他们的领导。11. vilifying的翻译11. But he is vilifying you!&&&&&&可他是在诋毁你啊!12. That is the only way to avoid the offense of vilifying the great Dharma and losing merits and virtues thereby.&&&&&&这是唯一的出路,以避免诽谤罪的伟大拉达尔马和失去功德圆满从而。13. Sure, the Cassandras are vilifying the Fed's actions.&&&&&&当然,Cassandras是丑化美联储的行动。vilifying 单语例句1. Rather than vilifying China as the principal economic threat to the US, the relationship should be recast as an opportunity.vilifying是什么意思,vilifying在线翻译,vilifying什么意思,vilifying的意思,vilifying的翻译,vilifying的解释,vilifying的发音,vilifying的同义词,vilifying的反义词,vilifying的例句,vilifying的相关词组,vilifying意思是什么,vilifying怎么翻译,单词vilifying是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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